/******************************************************************************* * * Copyright 2012-2013, Sinclair R.F., Inc. * * SSBCC.9x8 -- Small Stack Based Computer Compiler, 9-bit opcode, 8-bit data. * * The repository for this open-source project is at * https://github.com/sinclairrf/SSBCC * ******************************************************************************/ //@SSBCC@ user_header //@SSBCC@ module // configuration file determined parameters //@SSBCC@ localparam /******************************************************************************* * * Declare the signals used throughout the system. * ******************************************************************************/ // listed in useful display order reg [C_PC_WIDTH-1:0] s_PC; // program counter reg [8:0] s_opcode; // current opcode reg [C_RETURN_PTR_WIDTH-1:0] s_R_stack_ptr; // pointer into return stack memory reg [C_RETURN_WIDTH-1:0] s_R; // top of return stack reg [7:0] s_T; // top of the data stack reg [7:0] s_N; // next-to-top on the data stack reg [C_DATA_PTR_WIDTH-1:0] s_Np_stack_ptr; // pointer into data stack memory //@SSBCC@ functions //@SSBCC@ verilator_tracing //@SSBCC@ signals /******************************************************************************* * * Instantiate the ALU operations. These are listed in the order in which they * first occur in the opcodes. * ******************************************************************************/ // opcode = 000000_xxx // shifter operations (including "nop" as no shift) // 6-input LUT formulation -- 3-bit opcode, 3 bits of T centered at current bit reg [7:0] s_math_rotate; always @ (s_T,s_opcode) case (s_opcode[0+:3]) 3'b000 : s_math_rotate = s_T; // nop 3'b001 : s_math_rotate = { s_T[0+:7], 1'b0 }; // <<0 3'b010 : s_math_rotate = { s_T[0+:7], 1'b1 }; // <<1 3'b011 : s_math_rotate = { s_T[0+:7], s_T[7] }; // <> 3'b101 : s_math_rotate = { 1'b1, s_T[1+:7] }; // 1>> 3'b110 : s_math_rotate = { s_T[7], s_T[1+:7] }; // msb>> 3'b111 : s_math_rotate = { s_T[0], s_T[1+:7] }; // lsb>> default : s_math_rotate = s_T; endcase // opcode = 000001_0xx // T pre-multiplexer for pushing repeated values onto the data stack reg [7:0] s_T_stack; always @ (*) case (s_opcode[0+:2]) 2'b00 : s_T_stack = s_T; // dup 2'b01 : s_T_stack = s_R[0+:8]; // r@ 2'b10 : s_T_stack = s_N; // over default : s_T_stack = s_T; endcase // opcode = 000011_x00 (adder) and 001xxx_x.. (incrementers) reg [7:0] s_T_adder; always @ (*) if (s_opcode[6] == 1'b0) case (s_opcode[2]) 1'b0: s_T_adder = s_N + s_T; 1'b1: s_T_adder = s_N - s_T; endcase else case (s_opcode[2]) 1'b0: s_T_adder = s_T + 8'h01; 1'b1: s_T_adder = s_T - 8'h01; default: s_T_adder = s_T + 8'h01; endcase // opcode = 000100_0xx // ^ 0 ==> "=", 1 ==> "<>" // ^ 0 ==> all zero, 1 ==> all ones wire s_T_compare = s_opcode[0] ^ &(s_T == {(8){s_opcode[1]}}); // opcode = 001010_xxx // add,sub,and,or,xor,TBD,drop,nip reg [7:0] s_T_logic; always @ (*) case (s_opcode[0+:3]) 3'b000 : s_T_logic = s_N & s_T; // and 3'b001 : s_T_logic = s_N | s_T; // or 3'b010 : s_T_logic = s_N ^ s_T; // xor 3'b011 : s_T_logic = s_T; // nip 3'b100 : s_T_logic = s_N; // drop 3'b101 : s_T_logic = s_N; // drop 3'b110 : s_T_logic = s_N; // drop 3'b111 : s_T_logic = s_N; // drop default : s_T_logic = s_N; // drop endcase // increment PC reg [C_PC_WIDTH-1:0] s_PC_plus1 = {(C_PC_WIDTH){1'b0}}; always @ (*) s_PC_plus1 = s_PC + { {(C_PC_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1 }; // Reduced-warning-message method to extract the jump address from the top of // the stack and the current opcode. wire [C_PC_WIDTH-1:0] s_PC_jump; generate if (C_PC_WIDTH <= 8) begin : gen_pc_jump_narrow assign s_PC_jump = s_T[0+:C_PC_WIDTH]; end else begin : gen_pc_jump_wide assign s_PC_jump = { s_opcode[0+:C_PC_WIDTH-8], s_T }; end endgenerate /******************************************************************************* * * Instantiate the input port data selection. * * Note: This creates and computes an 8-bit wire called "s_T_inport". * ******************************************************************************/ reg [7:0] s_T_inport = 8'h00; reg s_inport = 1'b0; //@SSBCC@ inports /******************************************************************************* * * Instantiate the memory banks. * ******************************************************************************/ reg s_mem_wr = 1'b0; //@SSBCC@ s_memory /******************************************************************************* * * Define the states for the bus muxes and then compute these states from the * 6 msb of the opcode. * ******************************************************************************/ localparam C_BUS_PC_NORMAL = 2'b00; localparam C_BUS_PC_JUMP = 2'b01; localparam C_BUS_PC_RETURN = 2'b11; reg [1:0] s_bus_pc; localparam C_BUS_R_T = 1'b0; // no-op and push T onto return stack localparam C_BUS_R_PC = 1'b1; // push PC onto return stack reg s_bus_r; localparam C_RETURN_NOP = 2'b00; // don't change return stack pointer localparam C_RETURN_INC = 2'b01; // add element to return stack localparam C_RETURN_DEC = 2'b10; // remove element from return stack reg [1:0] s_return; localparam C_BUS_T_MATH_ROTATE = 4'b0000; // nop and rotate operations localparam C_BUS_T_OPCODE = 4'b0001; localparam C_BUS_T_N = 4'b0010; localparam C_BUS_T_PRE = 4'b0011; localparam C_BUS_T_ADDER = 4'b0100; localparam C_BUS_T_COMPARE = 4'b0101; localparam C_BUS_T_INPORT = 4'b0110; localparam C_BUS_T_LOGIC = 4'b0111; localparam C_BUS_T_MEM = 4'b1010; reg [3:0] s_bus_t; localparam C_BUS_N_N = 2'b00; // don't change N localparam C_BUS_N_STACK = 2'b01; // replace N with third-on-stack localparam C_BUS_N_T = 2'b10; // replace N with T localparam C_BUS_N_MEM = 2'b11; // from memory reg [1:0] s_bus_n; localparam C_STACK_NOP = 2'b00; // don't change internal data stack pointer localparam C_STACK_INC = 2'b01; // add element to internal data stack localparam C_STACK_DEC = 2'b10; // remove element from internal data stack reg [1:0] s_stack; reg s_outport = 1'b0; always @ (*) begin // default operation is nop/math_rotate s_bus_pc = C_BUS_PC_NORMAL; s_bus_r = C_BUS_R_T; s_return = C_RETURN_NOP; s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_MATH_ROTATE; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_N; s_stack = C_STACK_NOP; s_inport = 1'b0; s_outport = 1'b0; s_mem_wr = 1'b0; if (s_opcode[8] == 1'b1) begin // push s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_OPCODE; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_T; s_stack = C_STACK_INC; end else if (s_opcode[7] == 1'b1) begin // jump, jumpc, call, callc if (!s_opcode[5] || (|s_N)) begin // always or conditional s_bus_pc = C_BUS_PC_JUMP; if (s_opcode[6]) // call or callc s_return = C_RETURN_INC; end s_bus_r = C_BUS_R_PC; s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_N; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_STACK; s_stack = C_STACK_DEC; end else case (s_opcode[3+:4]) 4'b0000: // nop, math_rotate ; 4'b0001: begin // dup, r@, over s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_PRE; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_T; s_stack = C_STACK_INC; end 4'b0010: begin // swap s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_N; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_T; end 4'b0011: begin // dual-operand adder: add,sub s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_ADDER; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_STACK; s_stack = C_STACK_DEC; end 4'b0100: begin // 0=, -1=, 0<>, -1<> s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_COMPARE; end 4'b0101: begin // return s_bus_pc = C_BUS_PC_RETURN; s_return = C_RETURN_DEC; end 4'b0110: begin // inport s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_INPORT; s_inport = 1'b1; end 4'b0111: begin // outport s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_N; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_STACK; s_stack = C_STACK_DEC; s_outport = 1'b1; end 4'b1000: begin // >r s_return = C_RETURN_INC; s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_N; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_STACK; s_stack = C_STACK_DEC; end 4'b1001: begin // r> (pop the return stack and push it onto the data stack) s_return = C_RETURN_DEC; s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_PRE; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_T; s_stack = C_STACK_INC; end 4'b1010: begin // &, or, ^, nip, and drop s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_LOGIC; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_STACK; s_stack = C_STACK_DEC; end 4'b1011: begin // 8-bit increment/decrement s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_ADDER; end 4'b1100: begin // store s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_N; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_STACK; s_stack = C_STACK_DEC; s_mem_wr = 1'b1; end 4'b1101: begin // fetch s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_MEM; end 4'b1110: begin // store+/store- s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_ADDER; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_STACK; s_stack = C_STACK_DEC; s_mem_wr = 1'b1; end 4'b1111: begin // fetch+/fetch- s_bus_t = C_BUS_T_ADDER; s_bus_n = C_BUS_N_MEM; s_stack = C_STACK_INC; end default: // nop ; endcase end /******************************************************************************* * * Operate the MUXes * ******************************************************************************/ // non-clocked PC required for shadow register in SRAM blocks reg [C_PC_WIDTH-1:0] s_PC_next; always @ (*) case (s_bus_pc) C_BUS_PC_NORMAL: s_PC_next = s_PC_plus1; C_BUS_PC_JUMP: s_PC_next = s_PC_jump; C_BUS_PC_RETURN: s_PC_next = s_R[0+:C_PC_WIDTH]; default: s_PC_next = s_PC_plus1; endcase // Return stack candidate reg [C_RETURN_WIDTH-1:0] s_R_pre; generate if (C_PC_WIDTH < 8) begin : gen_r_narrow always @ (*) case (s_bus_r) C_BUS_R_T: s_R_pre = s_T; C_BUS_R_PC: s_R_pre = { {(8-C_PC_WIDTH){1'b0}}, s_PC_plus1 }; default: s_R_pre = s_T; endcase end else if (C_PC_WIDTH == 8) begin : gen_r_same always @ (*) case (s_bus_r) C_BUS_R_T: s_R_pre = s_T; C_BUS_R_PC: s_R_pre = s_PC_plus1; default: s_R_pre = s_T; endcase end else begin : gen_r_wide always @ (*) case (s_bus_r) C_BUS_R_T: s_R_pre = { {(C_PC_WIDTH-8){1'b0}}, s_T }; C_BUS_R_PC: s_R_pre = s_PC_plus1; default: s_R_pre = { {(C_PC_WIDTH-8){1'b0}}, s_T }; endcase end endgenerate /******************************************************************************* * * run the state machines for the processor components. * ******************************************************************************/ /* * Operate the program counter. */ initial s_PC = {(C_PC_WIDTH){1'b0}}; always @ (posedge i_clk) if (i_rst) s_PC <= {(C_PC_WIDTH){1'b0}}; else s_PC <= s_PC_next; /* * Operate the return stack. */ reg [C_RETURN_PTR_WIDTH-1:0] s_R_stack_ptr_next; // reference data stack pointer initial s_R_stack_ptr = {(C_RETURN_PTR_WIDTH){1'b1}}; always @ (posedge i_clk) if (i_rst) s_R_stack_ptr <= {(C_RETURN_PTR_WIDTH){1'b1}}; else s_R_stack_ptr <= s_R_stack_ptr_next; // reference data stack pointer initial s_R_stack_ptr_next = {(C_RETURN_PTR_WIDTH){1'b1}}; always @ (*) case (s_return) C_RETURN_INC: s_R_stack_ptr_next = s_R_stack_ptr + { {(C_RETURN_PTR_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1 }; C_RETURN_DEC: s_R_stack_ptr_next = s_R_stack_ptr - { {(C_RETURN_PTR_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1 }; default: s_R_stack_ptr_next = s_R_stack_ptr; endcase /* * Operate the top of the data stack. */ reg [7:0] s_T_pre = 8'd0; always @ (*) case (s_bus_t) C_BUS_T_MATH_ROTATE: s_T_pre = s_math_rotate; C_BUS_T_OPCODE: s_T_pre = s_opcode[0+:8]; // push 8-bit value C_BUS_T_N: s_T_pre = s_N; C_BUS_T_PRE: s_T_pre = s_T_stack; C_BUS_T_ADDER: s_T_pre = s_T_adder; C_BUS_T_COMPARE: s_T_pre = {(8){s_T_compare}}; C_BUS_T_INPORT: s_T_pre = s_T_inport; C_BUS_T_LOGIC: s_T_pre = s_T_logic; C_BUS_T_MEM: s_T_pre = s_memory; default: s_T_pre = s_T; endcase initial s_T = 8'h00; always @ (posedge i_clk) if (i_rst) s_T <= 8'h00; else s_T <= s_T_pre; /* * Operate the next-to-top of the data stack. */ // reference data stack pointer reg [C_DATA_PTR_WIDTH-1:0] s_Np_stack_ptr_next; always @ (*) case (s_stack) C_STACK_INC: s_Np_stack_ptr_next = s_Np_stack_ptr + { {(C_DATA_PTR_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1 }; C_STACK_DEC: s_Np_stack_ptr_next = s_Np_stack_ptr - { {(C_DATA_PTR_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1 }; default: s_Np_stack_ptr_next = s_Np_stack_ptr; endcase initial s_Np_stack_ptr = { {(C_DATA_PTR_WIDTH-2){1'b1}}, 2'b01 }; always @ (posedge i_clk) if (i_rst) s_Np_stack_ptr <= { {(C_DATA_PTR_WIDTH-2){1'b1}}, 2'b01 }; else s_Np_stack_ptr <= s_Np_stack_ptr_next; reg [7:0] s_Np; initial s_N = 8'h00; always @ (posedge i_clk) if (i_rst) s_N <= 8'h00; else case (s_bus_n) C_BUS_N_N: s_N <= s_N; C_BUS_N_STACK: s_N <= s_Np; C_BUS_N_T: s_N <= s_T; C_BUS_N_MEM: s_N <= s_memory; default: s_N <= s_N; endcase /******************************************************************************* * * Instantiate the output signals. * ******************************************************************************/ //@SSBCC@ outports /******************************************************************************* * * Instantiate the instruction memory and the PC access of that memory. * ******************************************************************************/ //@SSBCC@ memories /******************************************************************************* * * Instantiate the peripherals (if any). * ******************************************************************************/ //@SSBCC@ peripherals endmodule