################################################################################ # # Copyright 2013-2014, Sinclair R.F., Inc. # ################################################################################ import re; from ssbccPeripheral import SSBCCperipheral from ssbccUtil import SSBCCException; class big_inport(SSBCCperipheral): """ Shift two or more writes to a single OUTPORT to construct a wide output signal.\n Usage: PERIPHERAL big_inport \\ outlatch=O_name \\ inport=I_name \\ insignal=i_name \\ width=\n Where: outlatch=O_name specifies the symbol used to latch the incoming value inport=I_name specifies the symbol used to read from the output port insignal=i_name specifies the name of the signal input to the module width= specifies the width of the I/O register\n Example: Create a 23-bit input signal to receive an external (synchronous) counter.\n PORTCOMMENT 23-bit counter PERIPHERAL big_inport \\ outlatch=O_LATCH_COUNTER \\ inport=I_COUNTER \\ insignal=i_counter \\ width=23\n Reading the counter requires issuing a command to latch the current value and then 3 reads to the I/O port as follows:\n ; Latch the external counter. .outstrobe(O_LATCH_COUNTER) ; Read the 3-byte value of the count ; ( - u_LSB u u_MSB ) .inport(I_COUNTER) .inport(I_COUNTER) .inport(I_COUNTER) """ def __init__(self,peripheralFile,config,param_list,loc): # Get the parameters. allowables = ( ( 'outlatch', r'O_\w+$', None, ), ( 'inport', r'I_\w+$', None, ), ( 'insignal', r'i_\w+$', None, ), ( 'width', r'(9|[1-9]\d*)$', int, ), ); names = [a[0] for a in allowables]; for param_tuple in param_list: param = param_tuple[0]; if param not in names: raise SSBCCException('Unrecognized parameter "%s" at %s' % (param,loc,)); param_test = allowables[names.index(param)]; self.AddAttr(config,param,param_tuple[1],param_test[1],loc,param_test[2]); # Ensure the required parameters are provided (all parameters are required). for paramname in names: if not hasattr(self,paramname): raise SSBCCException('Required parameter "%s" is missing at %s' % (paramname,loc,)); # There are no optional parameters. # Add the I/O port, internal signals, and the INPORT and OUTPORT symbols for this peripheral. config.AddIO(self.insignal,self.width,'input',loc); config.AddSignal('s__%s__inport' % self.insignal, self.width, loc); self.ix_latch = config.NOutports(); config.AddOutport((self.outlatch,True, # empty list ),loc); self.ix_inport = config.NInports(); config.AddInport((self.inport, ('s__%s__inport' % self.insignal, self.width, 'data', ), ),loc); def GenVerilog(self,fp,config): body = """// // PERIPHERAL big_inport: @INSIGNAL@ // always @ (posedge i_clk) if (i_rst) @NAME@ <= @WIDTH@'d0; else if (s_outport && (s_T == @IX_LATCH@)) @NAME@ <= @INSIGNAL@; else if (s_inport && (s_T == @IX_INPORT@)) @NAME@ <= { 8'd0, @NAME@[@WIDTH-1:8@] }; else @NAME@ <= @NAME@; """ for subpair in ( ( r'@IX_LATCH@', "8'd%d" % self.ix_latch, ), ( r'@IX_INPORT@', "8'd%d" % self.ix_inport, ), ( r'@WIDTH@', str(self.width), ), ( r'@WIDTH-1:8@', '%d:8' % (self.width-1) if self.width > 9 else '8' ), ( r'@NAME@', 's__@INSIGNAL@__inport', ), ( r'@INSIGNAL@', self.insignal, ), ): body = re.sub(subpair[0],subpair[1],body); body = self.GenVerilogFinal(config,body); fp.write(body);