; Copyright 2013, Sinclair R.F., Inc. ; ; Test bench for big_output peripheral. .main ; Write a 26-bit value. 0x01 .outport(O_VB) 0x02 .outport(O_VB) 0x03 .outport(O_VB) 0x04 .outport(O_VB) .outstrobe(O_WR_26BIT) ; Write an 18-bit value. 0x10 0x20 0x03 ${3-1} :loop swap .outport(O_VB) .jumpc(loop,1-) drop .outstrobe(O_WR_18BIT) ; Write a couple of 9-bit values. 0x00 .outport(O_MIN) 0x5A .outport(O_MIN) .outstrobe(O_WR_9BIT) 0x01 .outport(O_MIN) 0xA5 .outport(O_MIN) .outstrobe(O_WR_9BIT) ; Wait a few clock cycles. ${3-1} :wait .jumpc(wait,1-) drop ; Send the termination signal and then enter an infinite loop. 1 .outport(O_DONE) :infinite .jump(infinite)