################################################################################ # # Copyright 2012, Sinclair R.F., Inc. # # Utilities required by ssbcc # ################################################################################ import math import os import re ################################################################################ # # Classes # ################################################################################ class SSBCCException(Exception): """ Exception class for ssbcc. """ def __init__(self,message): self.message = message; def __str__(self): return self.message; ################################################################################ # # Methods # ################################################################################ def CeilLog2(v): """ Return the smallest integer that has a power of 2 greater than or equal to the argument. """ tmp = int(math.log(v,2)); while 2**tmp < v: tmp = tmp + 1; return tmp; def CeilPow2(v): """ Return the smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to the argument. """ return 2**CeilLog2(v); def ExtractBits(v,bits): """ Extract the bits specified by bits from v. bits must have a Verilog-type format. I.e., [7:0], [0+:8], etc. """ if type(v) != int: raise SSBCCException('%s must be an int' % v); if re.match(r'[[]\d+:\d+]$',bits): cmd = re.findall(r'[[](\d+):(\d+)]$',bits)[0]; b0 = int(cmd[1]); bL = int(cmd[0]) - b0 + 1; elif re.match(r'[[]\d+\+:\d+]$',bits): cmd = re.findall(r'[[](\d+)\+:(\d+)]$',bits)[0]; b0 = int(cmd[0]); bL = int(cmd[1]); else: raise SSBCCException('Unrecognized bit slice format: %s' % bits); if not 1 <= bL <= 8: raise SSBCCException('Malformed range "%s" doesn\'t provide 1 to 8 bits' % bits) v /= 2**b0; v %= 2**bL; return v; def IntValue(v): """ Convert a Verilog format integer into an integer value. """ save_v = v; if re.match(r'([1-9]\d*)?\'[bodh]',v): length = 0; while v[0] != '\'': length *= 10; length += ord(v[0]) - ord('0'); v = v[1:]; v=v[1:]; if v[0] == 'b': base = 2; elif v[0] == 'o': base = 8; elif v[0] == 'd': base = 10; elif v[0] == 'h': base = 16; else: raise Exception('Program bug -- unrecognized base: "%c"' % v[0]); v = v[1:]; else: length = 0; base = 10; ov = 0; for vv in [v[i] for i in range(len(v)) if v[i] != '_']: ov *= base; try: dv = int(vv,base); except: raise SSBCCException('Malformed parameter value: "%s"' % save_v); ov += dv; if length > 0 and ov >= 2**length: raise SSBCCException('Parameter length and value don\'t match: "%s"' % save_v); return ov; def IsIntExpr(value): """ Test the string to see if it is a well-formatted integer or multiplication of two integers. Allow underscores as per Verilog. """ if re.match(r'(0|-?[1-9][0-9_]*)$',value): return True; elif re.match(r'(-?[1-9][0-9_]*\(\*[1-9][0-9_]*\)+)$',value): return True; else: return False; def IsPosInt(v): """ Indicate whether or not the argument is a positive integer. """ return re.match(r'[1-9][0-9_]*$',v); def IsPowerOf2(v): """ Indicate whether or not the argument is a power of 2. """ return v == 2**int(math.log(v,2)+0.5); def LoadFile(filename,config): """ Load the file into a list with the line contents and line numbers.\n filename is either the name of the file or a file object.\n Note: The file object is closed in either case. """ if type(filename) == str: for path in config.includepaths: fullfilename = os.path.join(path,filename); if os.path.isfile(fullfilename): try: fp = file(fullfilename); except: raise SSBCCException('Error opening "%s"' % filename); break; else: raise SSBCCException('.INCLUDE file "%s" not found' % filename); elif type(filename) == file: fp = filename; else: raise Exception('Unexpected argument type: %s' % type(filename)) v = list(); ixLine = 0; for tmpLine in fp: ixLine += 1; while tmpLine and tmpLine[-1] in ('\n','\r',): tmpLine = tmpLine[0:-1]; v.append((tmpLine,ixLine,)); fp.close(); return v; def ParseIntExpr(value): """ Convert a string containing well-formatted integer or multiplication of two integers. Allow underscores as per Verilog. Note: If this routine is called, then the value should have already been verified to be a well-formatted integer string. """ if type(value) == int: return value; if not IsIntExpr(value): raise Exception('Program Bug -- shouldn\'t call with a badly formatted integer expression'); return eval(re.sub('_','',value)); ################################################################################ # # Unit test. # ################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": def Test_ExtractBits(v,bits,vExpect): vGot = ExtractBits(v,bits); if vGot != vExpect: raise Exception('ExtractBits failed: 0x%04X %s ==> 0x%02X instead of 0x%02X' % (v,bits,ExtractBits(v,bits),vExpect,)); for v in (256,257,510,): Test_ExtractBits(v,'[0+:8]',v%256); Test_ExtractBits(v,'[7:0]',v%256); Test_ExtractBits(v,'[4+:6]',(v/16)%64); Test_ExtractBits(v,'[9:4]',(v/16)%64); print 'Unit test passed';