Subversion Repositories uart16750
[/] [uart16750/] [trunk/] [bench/] [vhdl/] [uart_transactor.vhd] - Rev 19
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-- UART transactor -- -- Author: Sebastian Witt -- Date: 03.02.2008 -- Version: 1.0 -- -- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License along with this library; if not, write to the -- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, -- Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use std.textio.all; use work.uart_package.all; use work.txt_util.all; entity uart_transactor is generic ( stim_file : string := "sim/uart_stim.dat"; -- Stimulus input file log_file : string := "sim/uart_log.txt" -- Log file ); end uart_transactor; architecture tb of uart_transactor is file stimulus : TEXT open read_mode is stim_file; -- Open stimulus file for read file log : TEXT open write_mode is log_file; -- Open log file for write -- The DUT component uart_16750 is port ( CLK : in std_logic; -- Clock RST : in std_logic; -- Reset BAUDCE : in std_logic; -- Baudrate generator clock enable CS : in std_logic; -- Chip select WR : in std_logic; -- Write to UART RD : in std_logic; -- Read from UART A : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Register select DIN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Data bus input DOUT : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Data bus output DDIS : out std_logic; -- Driver disable INT : out std_logic; -- Interrupt output OUT1N : out std_logic; -- Output 1 OUT2N : out std_logic; -- Output 2 RCLK : in std_logic; -- Receiver clock (16x baudrate) BAUDOUTN : out std_logic; -- Baudrate generator output (16x baudrate) RTSN : out std_logic; -- RTS output DTRN : out std_logic; -- DTR output CTSN : in std_logic; -- CTS input DSRN : in std_logic; -- DSR input DCDN : in std_logic; -- DCD input RIN : in std_logic; -- RI input SIN : in std_logic; -- Receiver input SOUT : out std_logic -- Transmitter output ); end component; component slib_clock_div is generic ( RATIO : integer := 18 -- Clock divider ratio ); port ( CLK : in std_logic; -- Clock RST : in std_logic; -- Reset CE : in std_logic; -- Clock enable input Q : out std_logic -- New clock enable output ); end component; -- DUT signals signal clk, rst : std_logic; signal uart_if : uart_interface; signal dout : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal ddis, int : std_logic; signal baudce, rclk, baudoutn : std_logic; signal out1n, out2n, rtsn, dtrn, ctsn, dsrn, dcdn, rin, sin, sout : std_logic; constant cycle : time := 30 ns; begin -- Main clock CLOCK: process begin clk <= '0'; wait for cycle/2; clk <= '1'; wait for cycle/2; end process; -- Baudrate generator clock enable BGCE: slib_clock_div generic map (RATIO => 18) port map (clk, rst, '1', baudce); rclk <= baudoutn; -- Pull-up --uart_if.data <= (others => 'H'); -- UART interface bus tri-state buffer LPCBUF: process (ddis, dout) begin if (ddis = '0') then uart_if.data <= dout; else uart_if.data <= (others => 'Z'); end if; end process; DUT: uart_16750 port map ( CLK => CLK, RST => RST, BAUDCE => BAUDCE, CS => uart_if.cs, WR => uart_if.wr, RD => uart_if.rd, A => uart_if.a, DIN => uart_if.data, DOUT => dout, DDIS => ddis, INT => int, OUT1N => out1n, OUT2N => out2n, RCLK => rclk, BAUDOUTN=> baudoutn, RTSN => rtsn, DTRN => dtrn, CTSN => ctsn, DSRN => dsrn, DCDN => dcdn, RIN => rin, SIN => sin, SOUT => sout ); -- Main transaction process TRANPROC: process variable s : string(1 to 100); variable address : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); variable data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); variable data2 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin -- Default values rst <= '1'; ctsn <= '1'; dsrn <= '1'; dcdn <= '1'; rin <= '1'; sin <= '1'; uart_if.a <= (others => '0'); uart_if.data <= (others => 'Z'); uart_if.cs <= '0'; uart_if.rd <= '0'; uart_if.wr <= '0'; wait until falling_edge(clk); -- Get commands from stimulus file while not endfile(stimulus) loop str_read(stimulus, s); -- Read line into string if (s(1 to 4) = "#SET") then -- Set values -- Format: RSTN CTSN DSRN DCDN RIN rst <= to_std_logic(s(6)); --CTSN <= to_std_logic(s(8)); --DSRN <= to_std_logic(s(10)); --DCDN <= to_std_logic(s(12)); --RIN <= to_std_logic(s(14)); elsif (s(1 to 5) = "#WAIT") then -- Wait n cycles wait for integer'value(s(7 to 12))*cycle; elsif (s(1 to 3) = "#RD") then -- Read from UART and compare address := to_std_logic_vector(s(5 to 7)); data := to_std_logic_vector(s(9 to 16)); uart_read (uart_if, address, data2, log); if (not compare(data, data2)) then print (log, time'image(now) & ": " & "Failed: Expected 0x" & hstr(data) & " got 0x" & hstr(data2)); end if; elsif (s(1 to 3) = "#WR") then -- Write to LPC address := to_std_logic_vector(s(5 to 7)); data := to_std_logic_vector(s(9 to 16)); uart_write (uart_if, address, data, log); elsif (s(1 to 4) = "#LOG") then -- Write message to log print (log, time'image(now) & ": " & s(6 to 80)); elsif (s(1 to 4) = "#CUO") then -- Check UART outputs INT OUT1N OUT2N RTSN DTRN data2(4 downto 0) := to_std_logic_vector(s(6 to 10)); data(4 downto 0) := INT & OUT1N & OUT2N & RTSN & DTRN; if (not compare(data(3 downto 0), data2(3 downto 0))) then print (log, time'image(now) & ": " & "UART outputs failed: Expected " & str(data2(4 downto 0)) & " got " & str(data(4 downto 0))); else print (log, time'image(now) & ": " & "UART outputs: " & str(data(4 downto 0))); end if; else print ("Unknown command: " & s); end if; end loop; wait; end process; end tb;
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