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[/] [qaz_libs/] [trunk/] [axi4_lib/] [sim/] [src/] [BP065-BU-01000-r0p1-00rel0/] [axi4_checker.sv] - Rev 31
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//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
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//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
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//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
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A = 32, // address bus width
N = 8, // data bus width in bytes
I = 1, // ID width
RecommendOn = 1'b1,
RecMaxWaitOn = 1'b1,
axi4_if axi4_in
localparam AWUSER_MAX = 0;
localparam WUSER_MAX = 0;
localparam BUSER_MAX = 0;
localparam ARUSER_MAX = 0;
localparam RUSER_MAX = 0;
// INDEX: - Global Signals
// =====
wire ACLK = axi4_in.aclk; // AXI Clock
wire ARESETn = axi4_in.aresetn; // AXI Reset
// INDEX: - Write Address Channel
// =====
wire [(I-1):0] AWID = axi4_in.awid;
wire [(A-1):0] AWADDR = axi4_in.awaddr;
wire [7:0] AWLEN = axi4_in.awlen;
wire [2:0] AWSIZE = axi4_in.awsize;
wire [1:0] AWBURST = axi4_in.awburst;
wire [3:0] AWCACHE = axi4_in.awcache;
wire [2:0] AWPROT = axi4_in.awprot;
wire [3:0] AWQOS = axi4_in.awqos;
wire [3:0] AWREGION = axi4_in.awregion;
wire AWLOCK = axi4_in.awlock;
wire [AWUSER_MAX:0] AWUSER = 0;
wire AWVALID = axi4_in.awvalid;
wire AWREADY = axi4_in.awready;
// INDEX: - Write Data Channel
// =====
wire [(8*N)-1:0] WDATA = axi4_in.wdata;
wire [N-1:0] WSTRB = axi4_in.wstrb;
wire [WUSER_MAX:0] WUSER = 0;
wire WLAST = axi4_in.wlast;
wire WVALID = axi4_in.wvalid;
wire WREADY = axi4_in.wready;
// INDEX: - Write Response Channel
// =====
wire [(I-1):0] BID = axi4_in.bid;
wire [1:0] BRESP = axi4_in.bresp;
wire [BUSER_MAX:0] BUSER = 0;
wire BVALID = axi4_in.bvalid;
wire BREADY = axi4_in.bready;
// INDEX: - Read Address Channel
// =====
wire [(I-1):0] ARID = axi4_in.arid;
wire [(A-1):0] ARADDR = axi4_in.araddr;
wire [7:0] ARLEN = axi4_in.arlen;
wire [2:0] ARSIZE = axi4_in.arsize;
wire [1:0] ARBURST = axi4_in.arburst;
wire [3:0] ARCACHE = axi4_in.arcache;
wire [3:0] ARQOS = axi4_in.arqos;
wire [3:0] ARREGION = axi4_in.arregion;
wire [2:0] ARPROT = axi4_in.arprot;
wire ARLOCK = axi4_in.arlock;
wire [ARUSER_MAX:0] ARUSER = 0;
wire ARVALID = axi4_in.arvalid;
wire ARREADY = axi4_in.arready;
// INDEX: - Read Data Channel
// =====
wire [(I-1):0] RID = axi4_in.rid;
wire [(8*N)-1:0] RDATA = axi4_in.rdata;
wire [1:0] RRESP = axi4_in.rresp;
wire [RUSER_MAX:0] RUSER = 0;
wire RLAST = axi4_in.rlast;
wire RVALID = axi4_in.rvalid;
wire RREADY = axi4_in.rready;
// INDEX: - Low Power Interface
// =====
wire CACTIVE = 1;
wire CSYSREQ = 0;
wire CSYSACK = 0;
// Set DATA_WIDTH to the data-bus width required
.DATA_WIDTH(8*N), // = 64; // data bus width, default = 64-bit
// Select the number of channel ID bits required
.WID_WIDTH(I), // = 4; // (A|W|R|B)ID width
.RID_WIDTH(I), // = 4; // (A|W|R|B)ID width
// Select the size of the USER buses, default = 32-bit
.AWUSER_WIDTH(0), // = 32; // width of the user AW sideband field
.WUSER_WIDTH(0), // = 32; // width of the user W sideband field
.BUSER_WIDTH(0), // = 32; // width of the user B sideband field
.ARUSER_WIDTH(0), // = 32; // width of the user AR sideband field
.RUSER_WIDTH(0), // = 32; // width of the user R sideband field
// Size of CAMs for storing outstanding read bursts, this should match or
// exceed the number of outstanding read addresses accepted into the slave
// interface
// Size of CAMs for storing outstanding write bursts, this should match or
// exceed the number of outstanding write bursts into the slave interface
// Maximum number of cycles between VALID -> READY high before a warning is
// generated
// Recommended Rules Enable
// enable/disable reporting of all AXI4_REC*_* rules
.RecommendOn(RecommendOn), // = 1'b1;
// enable/disable reporting of just AXI4_REC*_MAX_WAIT rules
.RecMaxWaitOn(RecMaxWaitOn), // = 1'b1;
// Set the protocol - used to disable some AXI4 checks for ACE
// Set ADDR_WIDTH to the address-bus width required
.ADDR_WIDTH(A), // = 32; // address bus width, default = 32-bit
// Set EXMON_WIDTH to the exclusive access monitor width required
.EXMON_WIDTH(EXMON_WIDTH) // = 4; // exclusive access width, default = 4-bit