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[/] [spi_master_slave/] [trunk/] [syn/] [spi_master_atlys_top.vhd] - Rev 5
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Engineer: Jonny Doin -- -- Create Date: 01:21:32 06/30/2011 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: spi_master_atlys_top -- Project Name: spi_master_slave -- Target Devices: Spartan-6 LX45 -- Tool versions: ISE 13.1 -- Description: -- This is a test project for the Atlys board, to test the spi_master and grp_debounce cores. -- It uses the board's 100MHz clock input, and clocks all sequential logic at this clock. -- -- See the "spi_master_atlys.ucf" file for pin assignments. -- The test circuit uses the VHDCI connector on the Atlys to implement a 16-pin debug port to be used -- with a Tektronix MSO2014. The 16 debug pins are brought to 2 8x2 headers that form a umbilical -- digital pod port. -- ------------------------------ REVISION HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 2011/07/02 v0.01.0010 [JD] implemented a wire-through from switches to LEDs, just to test the toolchain. It worked! -- 2011/07/03 v0.01.0020 [JD] added clock input, and a simple LED blinker for each LED. -- 2011/07/03 v0.01.0030 [JD] added clear input, and instantiated a SPI_MASTER from my OpenCores project. -- 2011/07/04 v0.01.0040 [JD] changed all clocks to clock enables, and use the 100MHz board gclk_i to clock all registers. -- this change made the design go up to 288MHz, after synthesis. -- 2011/07/07 v0.03.0050 [JD] implemented a 16pin umbilical port for the MSO2014 in the Atlys VmodBB board, and moved all -- external monitoring pins to the VHDCI ports. -- 2011/07/10 v1.10.0075 [JD] verified spi_master_slave at 50MHz, 25MHz, 16.666MHz, 12.5MHz, 10MHz, 8.333MHz, 7.1428MHz, -- 6.25MHz, 1MHz and 500kHz -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity spi_master_atlys_top is Port ( gclk_i : in std_logic := 'X'; -- board clock input 100MHz clear_i : in std_logic := '0'; -- btn used as clear signal --- SPI interface --- spi_ssel_o : out std_logic; -- spi port SSEL spi_sck_o : out std_logic; -- spi port SCK spi_mosi_o : out std_logic; -- spi port MOSI --- input slide switches --- sw_i : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- 8 input slide switches --- input buttons --- btn_i : in std_logic_vector (5 downto 0); -- 6 input push buttons --- output LEDs ---- led_o : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- output leds --- debug outputs --- dbg_o : out std_logic_vector (9 downto 0); -- 10 generic debug pins --- spi debug pins --- spi_di_req_o : out std_logic; -- spi data request spi_wren_o : out std_logic; -- spi write enable spi_wren_ack_o : out std_logic -- spi write enable ack ); end spi_master_atlys_top; architecture behavioral of spi_master_atlys_top is --============================================================================================= -- Constants --============================================================================================= -- clock divider count values from gclk_i (100MHz board clock) -- these constants shall not be zero constant FSM_CE_DIV : integer := 1; constant SPI_2X_CLK_DIV : integer := 1; -- 50MHz SPI clock constant SAMP_CE_DIV : integer := 1; -- spi port generics constant N : integer := 8; -- 8 bits -- button definitions constant btRESET : integer := 0; -- these are constants to use as btn_i(x) constant btUP : integer := 1; constant btLEFT : integer := 2; constant btDOWN : integer := 3; constant btRIGHT : integer := 4; constant btCENTER : integer := 5; --============================================================================================= -- Type definitions --============================================================================================= type fsm_state_type is (st_reset, st_wait_spi_idle, st_wait_new_switch, st_send_spi_data, st_wait_spi_ack, st_wait_spi_finish ); --============================================================================================= -- Signals for state machine control --============================================================================================= signal state_reg : fsm_state_type := st_reset; signal state_next : fsm_state_type := st_reset; --============================================================================================= -- Signals for internal operation --============================================================================================= -- clock signals signal core_clk : std_logic := '0'; -- core clock, direct copy of board clock signal spi_2x_clk : std_logic := '0'; -- spi_2x clock, 50% clock divided-down from board clock -- clock enable signals signal samp_ce : std_logic := '1'; -- clock enable for sample inputs signal fsm_ce : std_logic := '1'; -- clock enable for fsm logic -- switch debouncer signals signal sw_data : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- debounced switch data signal sw_reg : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- registered switch data signal sw_next : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- combinatorial switch data signal new_switch : std_logic := '0'; -- detector for new switch data -- pushbutton debouncer signals signal btn_data : std_logic_vector (5 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- debounced state of pushbuttons signal btn_reg : std_logic_vector (5 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- registered button data signal btn_next : std_logic_vector (5 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- combinatorial button data signal new_button : std_logic := '0'; -- detector for new button data -- spi port signals signal spi_ssel : std_logic; signal spi_sck : std_logic; signal spi_mosi : std_logic; signal spi_di_req : std_logic; signal spi_ssel_reg : std_logic; signal spi_wr_ack : std_logic; signal spi_rst_reg : std_logic := '1'; signal spi_rst_next : std_logic := '1'; signal spi_di_reg : std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal spi_di_next : std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal spi_wren_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal spi_wren_next : std_logic := '0'; -- other signals signal clear : std_logic := '0'; -- output signals signal leds_reg : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- registered led outputs signal dbg : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- we have 10 debug pins available begin --============================================================================================= -- Component instantiation for the SPI port --============================================================================================= -- spi_port is the spi output port Inst_spi_port: entity work.spi_master(rtl) generic map (N => N, CPOL => '0', CPHA => '0', PREFETCH => 3, SPI_2X_CLK_DIV => SPI_2X_CLK_DIV) port map( sclk_i => core_clk, -- system clock is used for serial and parallel ports pclk_i => core_clk, rst_i => spi_rst_reg, spi_ssel_o => spi_ssel, spi_sck_o => spi_sck, spi_mosi_o => spi_mosi, di_req_o => spi_di_req, di_i => spi_di_reg, wren_i => spi_wren_reg, wren_o => spi_wren_o, wren_ack_o => spi_wr_ack, -- monitor wren ack from inside spi port core_ce_o => dbg(8), -- monitor the internal core clock enable lines core_n_ce_o => dbg(9) ); spi_di_req_o <= spi_di_req; -- monitor data request spi_wren_ack_o <= spi_wr_ack; -- debounce for the input switches, with new data strobe output Inst_sw_debouncer: entity work.grp_debouncer(rtl) generic map (N => 8, CNT_VAL => 10000) -- debounce 8 inputs with 100 us settling time port map( clk_i => core_clk, -- system clock data_i => sw_i, -- noisy input data data_o => sw_data, -- registered stable output data strb_o => dbg(0) -- monitor the debounced data strobe ); -- debounce for the input pushbuttons, with new data strobe output Inst_btn_debouncer: entity work.grp_debouncer(rtl) generic map (N => 6, CNT_VAL => 50000) -- debounce 6 inputs with 500 us settling time port map( clk_i => core_clk, -- system clock data_i => btn_i, -- noisy input data data_o => btn_data, -- registered stable output data strb_o => dbg(3) -- monitor the debounced data strobe ); dbg1_proc: dbg(1) <= new_switch; -- monitor new_switch signal dbg2_proc: dbg(2) <= sw_i(0); -- monitor raw input (rightmost switch) dbg4_proc: dbg(4) <= new_button; -- monitor new_button signal dbg5_proc: dbg(5) <= btn_i(5); -- monitor raw input (center btn) --============================================================================================= -- CONSTANTS CONSTRAINTS CHECKING --============================================================================================= -- clock dividers shall not be zero assert FSM_CE_DIV > 0 report "Constant 'FSM_CE_DIV' should not be zero" severity FAILURE; -- minimum prefetch lookahead check assert SPI_2X_CLK_DIV > 0 report "Constant 'SPI_2X_CLK_DIV' should not be zero" severity FAILURE; -- maximum prefetch lookahead check assert SAMP_CE_DIV > 0 report "Constant 'SAMP_CE_DIV' should not be zero" severity FAILURE; --============================================================================================= -- CLOCK GENERATION --============================================================================================= -- The clock generation block derives 3 internal clocks, divided down from the 100MHz input clock -- core clock, -- spi 2x base clock, -- fsm clock, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- generate the core clock from the 100MHz board input clock core_clock_gen_proc: core_clk <= gclk_i; -- generate the sampling clock enable from the 100MHz board input clock samp_ce_gen_proc: process (gclk_i) is variable clk_cnt : integer range SAMP_CE_DIV-1 downto 0 := 0; begin if gclk_i'event and gclk_i = '1' then if clk_cnt = SAMP_CE_DIV-1 then samp_ce <= '1'; clk_cnt := 0; else samp_ce <= '0'; clk_cnt := clk_cnt + 1; end if; end if; end process samp_ce_gen_proc; -- generate the fsm clock enable from the 100MHz board input clock fsm_ce_gen_proc: process (gclk_i) is variable clk_cnt : integer range FSM_CE_DIV-1 downto 0 := 0; begin if gclk_i'event and gclk_i = '1' then if clk_cnt = FSM_CE_DIV-1 then fsm_ce <= '1'; clk_cnt := 0; else fsm_ce <= '0'; clk_cnt := clk_cnt + 1; end if; end if; end process fsm_ce_gen_proc; -- generate the spi base clock from the 100MHz board input clock -- spi_2x_clk_div_proc: spi_2x_clk <= gclk_i; -- generate 50MHz SPI SCK spi_2x_clk_div_proc: process (gclk_i) is variable clk_cnt : integer range SPI_2X_CLK_DIV-1 downto 0:= 0; begin if gclk_i'event and gclk_i = '1' then if clk_cnt = SPI_2X_CLK_DIV-1 then spi_2x_clk <= not spi_2x_clk; clk_cnt := 0; else clk_cnt := clk_cnt + 1; end if; end if; end process spi_2x_clk_div_proc; --============================================================================================= -- INPUTS LOGIC --============================================================================================= -- registered inputs samp_inputs_proc: process (core_clk) is begin if core_clk'event and core_clk = '1' then if samp_ce = '1' then -- clear <= btn_data(btRESET); -- sample reset input leds_reg <= sw_data; -- update LEDs with debounced switches end if; end if; end process samp_inputs_proc; --============================================================================================= -- FSM REGISTER PROCESSES --============================================================================================= -- fsm state and data registers: synchronous to the spi base reference clock fsm_reg_proc : process (core_clk) is begin -- FFD registers clocked on rising edge and cleared on sync 'clear' if core_clk'event and core_clk = '1' then if clear = '1' then -- sync reset state_reg <= st_reset; -- only provide local reset for the state register else if fsm_ce = '1' then state_reg <= state_next; -- state register end if; end if; end if; -- FFD registers clocked on rising edge, with no reset if core_clk'event and core_clk = '1' then if fsm_ce = '1' then spi_wren_reg <= spi_wren_next; spi_di_reg <= spi_di_next; spi_rst_reg <= spi_rst_next; spi_ssel_reg <= spi_ssel; sw_reg <= sw_next; btn_reg <= btn_next; end if; end if; end process fsm_reg_proc; --============================================================================================= -- FSM COMBINATORIAL NEXT-STATE LOGIC PROCESSES --============================================================================================= -- edge detector for new switch data new_switch_proc: new_switch <= '1' when sw_data /= sw_reg else '0'; -- '1' for difference -- edge detector for new button data new_button_proc: new_button <= '1' when btn_data /= btn_reg else '0'; -- '1' for difference -- fsm state and combinatorial logic -- the sequencer will wait for a new switch combination, and send the switch data to the spi port fsm_combi_proc: process ( state_reg, spi_wren_reg, spi_di_reg, spi_di_req, spi_wr_ack, spi_ssel_reg, spi_rst_reg, sw_data, sw_reg, new_switch, btn_data, btn_reg, new_button) is begin spi_di_next <= spi_di_reg; spi_rst_next <= spi_rst_reg; spi_wren_next <= spi_wren_reg; sw_next <= sw_reg; btn_next <= btn_reg; state_next <= state_reg; case state_reg is when st_reset => spi_rst_next <= '1'; -- place spi interface on reset spi_di_next <= (others => '0'); -- clear spi data port spi_wren_next <= '0'; -- deassert write enable state_next <= st_wait_spi_idle; when st_wait_spi_idle => if spi_ssel_reg = '1' then spi_rst_next <= '0'; -- remove reset when interface is idle state_next <= st_wait_new_switch; end if; when st_wait_new_switch => if new_switch = '1' then -- wait for new stable switch data sw_next <= sw_data; -- load new switch data (end the mismatch condition) state_next <= st_send_spi_data; elsif new_button = '1' then btn_next <= btn_data; -- load new button data (end the mismatch condition) if btn_data /= (5 downto 0 => '0') then state_next <= st_send_spi_data; end if; end if; when st_send_spi_data => spi_di_next <= sw_reg; -- load switch register to the spi port spi_wren_next <= '1'; -- write data on next clock state_next <= st_wait_spi_ack; when st_wait_spi_ack => -- the actual write happens on this state spi_di_next <= sw_reg; -- load switch register to the spi port if spi_wr_ack = '1' then -- wait acknowledge spi_wren_next <= '0'; -- remove write strobe on next clock state_next <= st_wait_spi_finish; end if; when st_wait_spi_finish => if spi_ssel_reg = '1' then state_next <= st_wait_new_switch; end if; when others => state_next <= st_reset; -- state st_reset is safe state end case; end process fsm_combi_proc; --============================================================================================= -- OUTPUT LOGIC PROCESSES --============================================================================================= -- connect the spi output wires spi_ssel_o_proc: spi_ssel_o <= spi_ssel; spi_sck_o_proc: spi_sck_o <= spi_sck; spi_mosi_o_proc: spi_mosi_o <= spi_mosi; -- connect leds_reg signal to LED outputs leds_out_proc: led_o <= leds_reg; --============================================================================================= -- DEBUG LOGIC PROCESSES --============================================================================================= -- connect the debug vector outputs dbg_o_proc: dbg_o <= dbg; end behavioral;
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