Rev |
Log message |
Author |
Age |
Path |
49 |
Removed check if vma->vm_ops is null in mmap.
That condition is not met in the newest kernels. |
wzab |
1910d 15h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
48 |
Corrected call to access_ok for kernels 5.x |
wzab |
1950d 09h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
47 |
Correction for kernel 4.13 introduced by Lukasz Podkalicki. |
wzab |
1950d 09h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
46 |
Corrected error related to the fact that the number of 64-bit words
in the last packet is stored in big-endian format.
Corrected error telated to the fact that the length of the packet reported
to the user space is in bytes not in 64-bit words. |
wzab |
2457d 03h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
45 |
Corrected erroneous assignment of "dbg" signal. |
wzab |
2941d 03h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
44 |
Changed design for Kintex 7 based boards (AFCK, KC705) so that
they use the VEXTPROJ environment for VCS friendly project management
(described in ) |
wzab |
2941d 03h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
43 |
Removed latch on "dbg" signal |
wzab |
2941d 03h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
42 |
KC705 design upgraded to Vivado 2016.4
Corrrected indentation in a few files in AFCK design |
wzab |
2941d 07h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
41 |
The AFCK project upgraded to Vivado 2016.4 |
wzab |
2941d 08h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
40 |
The "jumbo frame version" renamed from "experimental" to "stable". |
wzab |
2941d 13h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
39 |
Added receiver2t4 - program allowing to receive data from 4 links simultaneously |
wzab |
3510d 02h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
38 |
In synthesis scripts added waiting, until bitsream is generated... |
wzab |
3541d 11h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
37 |
Added new design for AFCK board, which uses 8 10 Gbps links.
Additionally added I2C control of the AFCK Si57x based clock.
The I2C controller is driven via VIO blocks controlled by JTAG
interface from Vivado Tcl console.
Tcl scripts are in the fpga/src/AFCK/i2c_tools directory.
To configure clock to 156.25MHz, and to route it to links,
change directory to fpga/src/AFCK/i2c_tools and do
"source start_10g_links.tcl".
After the clock is reprogrammed, reconfigure the FPGA again
(it seems, that there is a problem with reseting links after
clock is reconfigured). |
wzab |
3543d 02h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
36 |
Added signals needed to ensure, that Si570/1 chip generates the clock.
Added signals driving the rate select lines in the SFP+ modules high.
Added two XDC files - the first one for FM-S14 in the FMC1
connector, the second one for FM-S14 in the FMC2 connector. |
wzab |
3559d 04h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
35 |
Changed comment in definition of the descriptor record
Updated IP cores in project for KC705 (to Vivado 2014.4) |
wzab |
3662d 04h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
34 |
The "old stable" version moved to separate directory. |
wzab |
3676d 09h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
33 |
Added script for automatic compilation of FADE for AFCK, using Vivado 2014.4 |
wzab |
3678d 14h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
32 |
Added the 4-channel FADE test implementation for the AFCK board. |
wzab |
3678d 18h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
31 |
Added receiver2t_cmd to the Makefile |
wzab |
3683d 08h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |
30 |
Corrected error which slows down handling of user commands (the thread
executing the user command used wait_event_timeout instead of
Added demo program which tests time of execution of the user's
command. |
wzab |
3683d 08h |
/fade_ether_protocol/trunk/ |