Mandatory page coloring
by Unknown on Sep 21, 2004 |
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Has the requiring of some bits of page coloring (either for all
aliasing virtual addresses or all addresses) been considered?
Universal page coloring could make a skewed associative L1 cache more
powerful, allow fewer bits in TLBs, allow initializing (part of)
the cache tag comparison earlier, and allow larger data caches without
higher associativity or snooping on misses (this last is avoided by
coloring only aliases and need not apply to Icaches [only {rare}
invalidations would need to snoop in a virtually-indexed Icache], but
coloring would allow avoiding a few tag bits in such cases).
Universal page coloring also allows software to act against conflict
misses in a physically indexed lower-level cache (and tends to avoid
conflicts in the common case of sequential virtual page activity).
(With added complexity, one could have modes for page coloring such
that a non-colored mode would have a smaller physical address space
and might have to snoop on misses. One could also detect non-coloring
in hardware and set a bit that indicates snooping is required [though
a page-coloring system would not be able to benefit from a larger
physical address space].)
Paul A. Clayton
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