Name: viterbi_decoder_axi4s
Created: Jan 16, 2012
Updated: Apr 16, 2015
SVN Updated: Feb 17, 2014
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A fully configurable VHDL Viterbi decoder compliant with the AXI4-Stream interface.
Most standards using convolutional codes like Wifi or GSM are easy to implement by configuring some generic parameters.
The decoder supports a high throughput even on low-cost devices.
See the User Guide for more information about the core.
- Design-time configuration of encoder polynomials (different number of states and different code rates).
- Support for recursive and non-recursive convolutional codes.
- Windowing technique for reduced latency and memory requirements (with acquisition).
- Design-time configuration of quantization, maximum window size, RAM usage (distributed RAM vs. Block RAM).
- Run-time configuration of block length.
- Run-time configuration of window length and acquisition length.
- Block-to-block on-the-fly configuration.
- Comprehensive documentation available.
- Configurable for most standards that apply convolutional codes (GSM, UMTS, CDMA, CDMA2000, WiMAX, WiFi, DAB, ...).
- Pipelined design for high payload throughputs (about 1 bit per clock cycle).
- AXI4-Stream interface for simple integration.
- Up to 250 MHz on Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA (Speedgrade 1).
- Commercial support and licenses available.

Comparison for Viterbi communications performance in various standards.
Frame length is set to 400, while the LLR input bit length is 4 and no windowing is used.
Creonic GmbH - Germany
Tel: +49 631 3435988-0