
Educational 16-bit MIPS Processor

Issue List
X's usage may cause RTL vs Netlist issues #1
Open RonD opened this issue over 10 years ago
RonD commented over 10 years ago

in file alu.v, first line in case is: "`ALU_NC: r = 16'bx"

ALU_NC is mapped to 3'bxxx, which a synthesizer will treat as "don't care". this might me mapped for example to 3'b000, which is the same opcode asALU_ADD. such a mapping will cause ADD commands not to work...

all X's should be unreachable in normal operation.

Doyya commented over 10 years ago

Hi RonD, thanks for reading the code and finding the bug. I agree with the first part that the ALU_NC will be treated as "don't care", but I didn't found a condition which will cause the ADD instructions not to work. Could you please make it more clear? Please notice this point in ID_stage, that ALU_NCs are generated only in NOP instructions, in which condition RF write and MEM write are all disabled. Thanks again for your effort of refining the code.

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