#!/usr/bin/perl -w #this file contains NoC topology related sub-functions use constant::boolean; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; sub get_topology_info { my ($self) =@_; my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); my $T1=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $T2=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); my $T3=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T3'); my $V = $self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','V'); my $Fpay = $self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','Fpay'); return get_topology_info_sub($topology, $T1, $T2, $T3,$V, $Fpay); } sub get_topology_info_from_parameters { my ($ref) =@_; my %noc_info; my %param= %$ref if(defined $ref ); my $topology=$param{'TOPOLOGY'}; my $T1 =$param{'T1'}; my $T2 =$param{'T2'}; my $T3 =$param{'T3'}; my $V =$param{'V'}; my $Fpay=$param{'Fpay'}; return get_topology_info_sub($topology, $T1, $T2, $T3,$V, $Fpay); } sub get_topology_info_sub { my ($topology, $T1, $T2, $T3,$V, $Fpay)=@_; my $NE; # number of end points my $NR; # number of routers my $RAw; # routers address width my $EAw; # Endpoints address width my $Fw = 2+$V+$Fpay; if($topology eq '"TREE"') { my $K = $T1; my $L = $T2; $NE = powi( $K,$L ); $NR = sum_powi ( $K,$L ); my $Kw=log2($K); my $LKw=$L*$Kw; my $Lw=log2($L); $RAw=$LKw + $Lw; $EAw = $LKw; }elsif($topology eq '"FATTREE"') { my $K = $T1; my $L = $T2; $NE = powi( $K,$L ); $NR = $L * powi( $K , $L - 1 ); my $Kw=log2($K); my $LKw=$L*$Kw; my $Lw=log2($L); $RAw=$LKw + $Lw; $EAw = $LKw; }elsif ($topology eq '"RING"' || $topology eq '"LINE"'){ my $NX=$T1; my $NY=1; my $NL=$T3; $NE = $NX*$NY*$NL; $NR = $NX*$NY; my $Xw=log2($NX); my $Yw=log2($NY); my $Lw=log2($NL); $RAw = $Xw; $EAw = ($NL==1) ? $RAw : $RAw + $Lw; }elsif ($topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"' ) { my $NX=$T1; my $NY=$T2; my $NL=$T3; $NE = $NX*$NY*$NL; $NR = $NX*$NY; my $Xw=log2($NX); my $Yw=log2($NY); my $Lw=log2($NL); $RAw = $Xw + $Yw; $EAw = ($NL==1) ? $RAw : $RAw + $Lw; }elsif ($topology eq '"FMESH"'){ my $NX=$T1; my $NY=$T2; my $NL=$T3; $NE = $NX*$NY*$NL + 2*($NX + $NY); $NR = $NX*$NY; my $Xw=log2($NX); my $Yw=log2($NY); my $Lw=log2($NL); $RAw = $Xw + $Yw; $EAw = $RAw + log2(4+$NL); }elsif ($topology eq '"STAR"' ) { $NE= $T1; $NR= 1; $RAw=log2($NR); $EAw=log2($NE); }else{ #custom $NE= $T1; $NR= $T2; $RAw=log2($NR); $EAw=log2($NE); } return ($NE, $NR, $RAw, $EAw, $Fw); } sub fattree_addrencode { my ( $pos, $k, $l)=@_; my $pow; my $ tmp; my $addrencode=0; my $kw=log2($k); $pow=1; for (my $i = 0; $i <$l; $i=$i+1 ) { $tmp=int($pos/$pow); $tmp=$tmp % $k; $tmp=$tmp << ($i)*$kw; $addrencode=$addrencode | $tmp; $pow=$pow * $k; } return $addrencode; } sub fattree_addrdecode{ my ($addrencode, $k, $l)=@_; my $kw=0; my $mask=0; my $pow; my $tmp; my $pos=0; while((0x1 << $kw) < $k){ $kw++; $mask<<=1; $mask|=0x1; } $pow=1; for (my $i = 0; $i <$l; $i=$i+1 ) { $tmp = $addrencode & $mask; #printf("tmp1=%u\n",tmp); $tmp=($tmp*$pow); $pos= $pos + $tmp; $pow=$pow * $k; $addrencode>>=$kw; } return $pos; } sub get_connected_router_id_to_endp{ my ($self,$endp_id)=@_; my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); my $T1=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $T2=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); my $T3=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T3'); if($topology eq '"FATTREE"' || $topology eq '"TREE"') { return int($endp_id/$T1); }elsif ($topology eq '"RING"' || $topology eq '"LINE"' || $topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"'){ return int($endp_id/$T3); }elsif ($topology eq '"STAR"' ) { return 0;#there is only one routerin star topology }elsif ($topology eq '"FMESH"'){ my $tmp = $T1*$T2*$T3; return int($endp_id/$T3) if($endp_id<$tmp); return $endp_id-$tmp if($endp_id<$tmp+$T1); return ($endp_id-$tmp-$T1)+ $T1*($T2-1) if($endp_id<$tmp+2*$T1); return ($endp_id-$tmp-2*$T1)*$T1 if($endp_id<$tmp+2*$T1+$T2); return ($endp_id-$tmp-2*$T1-$T2+1)*$T1-1; }else{#custom my @er_addr = $self->object_get_attribute('noc_connection','er_addr'); return $er_addr[$endp_id]; } } sub fmesh_addrencode{ my($id,$T1,$T2,$T3)=@_; my ($y, $x, $l,$p, $diff,$mul); $mul = $T1*$T2*$T3; my $LOCAL = 0; my $EAST = 1; my $NORTH = 2; my $WEST = 3; my $SOUTH = 4; if($id < $mul) { $y = (($id/$T3) / $T1 ); $x = (($id/$T3) % $T1 ); $l = ( $id %$T3); $p = ($l==0)? $LOCAL : 4+$l; }else{ $diff = $id - $mul ; if( $diff < $T1){ #top mesh edge $y = 0; $x = $diff; $p = $NORTH; } elsif ( $diff < 2* $T1) { #bottom mesh edge $y = $T2-1; $x = $diff-$T1; $p = $SOUTH; } elsif ( $diff < (2* $T1)+$T2 ) { #left mesh edge $y = $diff - (2* $T1); $x = 0; $p = $WEST; } else { #right mesh edge $y = $diff - (2* $T1) -$T2; $x = $T1-1; $p = $EAST; } } my $NXw=log2($T1); my $NYw=log2($T2); my $addrencode=0; $addrencode = ($p << ($NXw+$NYw)| ($y << $NXw) | $x); return $addrencode; } sub fmesh_endp_addr_decoder { my ($code, $T1, $T2, $T3)=@_; my ($x, $y, $p) =mesh_tori_addr_sep ($code, $T1, $T2, $T3); my $LOCAL = 0; my $EAST = 1; my $NORTH = 2; my $WEST = 3; my $SOUTH = 4; return (($y*$T1)+$x)*$T3 if($p== $LOCAL); return (($y*$T1)+$x)*$T3+($p-$SOUTH) if($p > $SOUTH); return (($T1*$T2*$T3) + $x) if($p== $NORTH); return (($T1*$T2*$T3) + $T1 + $x) if($p== $SOUTH); return (($T1*$T2*$T3) + 2*$T1 + $y) if($p== $WEST ); return (($T1*$T2*$T3) + 2*$T1 + $T2 + $y) if($p== $EAST ); return 0; #should not reach here } sub get_router_num { my ($self,$x, $y)=@_; my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); my $T1=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $T2=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); if($topology eq '"FATTREE"') { return fattree_addrdecode($x, $T1, $T2); }elsif ($topology eq '"RING"' || $topology eq '"LINE"' || $topology eq '"FMESH"' || $topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"'){ return ($y*$T1)+$x; }else{#custom #It is not used for custom & STAR topology } } sub router_addr_encoder{ my ($self, $id)=@_; my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); my $T1=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $T2=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); my $T3=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T3'); if($topology eq '"FATTREE"' || $topology eq '"TREE"') { return fattree_addrencode($id, $T1, $T2); }elsif ($topology eq '"RING"' || $topology eq '"LINE"' || $topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"FESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"'){ return mesh_tori_addrencode($id,$T1, $T2,1); }else { #custom & STAR return $id; } } sub endp_addr_encoder{ my ($self, $id)=@_; my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); my $T1=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $T2=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); my $T3=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T3'); if($topology eq '"FATTREE"' || $topology eq '"TREE"') { return fattree_addrencode($id, $T1, $T2); }elsif ($topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"'){ return mesh_tori_addrencode($id,$T1, $T2,$T3); }elsif ($topology eq '"RING"' || $topology eq '"LINE"'){ return ring_line_addrencode($id,$T1, $T3); }elsif ($topology eq '"FMESH"' ){ return fmesh_addrencode($id,$T1, $T2,$T3); }else{#CUSTOM & STAR return $id; } } sub endp_addr_decoder { my ($self,$code)=@_; my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); my $T1=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $T2=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); my $T3=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T3'); if($topology eq '"FATTREE"' || $topology eq '"TREE"') { return fattree_addrdecode($code, $T1, $T2); } elsif ($topology eq '"RING"' || $topology eq '"LINE"' || $topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"'){ my ($x, $y, $l) = mesh_tori_addr_sep($code,$T1, $T2,$T3); #print "my ($x, $y, $l) = mesh_tori_addr_sep($code,$T1, $T2,$T3);\n"; return (($y*$T1)+$x)*$T3+$l; }elsif ($topology eq '"FMESH"' ){ return fmesh_endp_addr_decoder($code,$T1, $T2,$T3); }else{#custom & STAR return $code; } } sub mask_gen{ my $k=shift; my $kw=0; my $mask=0; while((0x1 << $kw) < $k){ $kw++; $mask<<=1; $mask|=0x1; } return $mask; } sub mesh_tori_addr_sep { my ($code,$NX, $NY,$NL)=@_; my ($x, $y, $l); my $NXw=log2($NX); my $NYw=log2($NY); $x = $code & mask_gen($NX); $code>>=$NXw; $y = $code & mask_gen($NY); $code>>=$NYw; $l = $code; return ($x, $y, $l); } sub mesh_tori_addrencode{ my ($id,$T1, $T2,$T3)=@_; my ($x,$y,$l)=mesh_tori_addrencod_sep($id,$T1,$T2,$T3); return mesh_tori_addr_join($x,$y,$l,$T1, $T2,$T3); } sub ring_line_addrencode { my ($id,$T1, $T3)=@_; my ($x,$y,$l)=mesh_tori_addrencod_sep($id,$T1,0,$T3); return ring_line_addr_join($x,$y,$l,$T1, $T3); } sub mesh_tori_addrencod_sep{ my ($id,$T1,$T2,$T3)=@_; my ($x,$y,$l); $l=$id % $T3; # id%NL my $R= int($id / $T3); $x= $R % $T1;# (id/NL)%NX $y=int($R / $T1);# (id/NL)/NX return ($x,$y,$l); } sub mesh_tori_addr_join { my ($x, $y, $l,$T1, $T2,$T3)=@_; my $NXw=log2($T1); my $NYw=log2($T2); my $addrencode=0; $addrencode =($T3==1)? ($y << $NXw | $x) : ($l << ($NXw+$NYw)| ($y << $NXw) | $x); return $addrencode; } sub ring_line_addr_join { my ($x, $y, $l,$T1, $T3)=@_; my $NXw=log2($T1); my $addrencode=0; $addrencode =($T3==1)? $x : ($l << $NXw) | $x; return $addrencode; } sub mcast_partial_width { my ($p,$NE)=@_; my $m=0; $p=remove_not_hex($p); my @arr=split (//, $p); foreach my $i (@arr) { my $n=hex($i); $m++ if($n & 0x1); $m++ if($n & 0x2); $m++ if($n & 0x4); $m++ if($n & 0x8); } return $m; } sub get_noc_verilator_top_modules_info { my ($self) =@_; my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); my $T1=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $T2=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); my $T3=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T3'); my $cast = $self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','MCAST_ENDP_LIST'); my $CAST_TYPE= $self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','CAST_TYPE'); my $DAw_OFFSETw = ($topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"' || $topology eq '"FMESH"')? $T1 : 0; my %tops; my %nr_p; # number of routers have $p port num my $router_p; #number of routers with different port number in topology my ($ne, $nr, $RAw, $EAw)=get_topology_info($self); my $MCAST_PRTLw= mcast_partial_width($cast,$ne); my $MCASTw = ($CAST_TYPE eq '"MULTICAST_FULL"') ? $ne : ($CAST_TYPE eq '"MULTICAST_PARTIAL"' && $EAw >= $MCAST_PRTLw) ? $EAw +1 : ($CAST_TYPE eq '"MULTICAST_PARTIAL"' && $EAw < $MCAST_PRTLw) ? $MCAST_PRTLw +1 : $EAw +1; #broadcast my $DAw = ($CAST_TYPE eq '"UNICAST"') ? $EAw: $MCASTw + $DAw_OFFSETw; my $custom_include=""; if($topology eq '"FATTREE"') { my $K = $T1; my $L = $T2; my $p2 = 2*$K; $router_p=2; my $NRL= $ne/$K; #number of router in each layer $nr_p{1}=$NRL; $nr_p{2}=$nr-$NRL; $nr_p{p1}=$K; $nr_p{p2}=2*$K; %tops = ( #"Vrouter1" => "router_top_v_p${K}.v", #"Vrouter2" => "router_top_v_p${p2}.v", "Vrouter1" => "--top-module router_top_v -GP=${K} ", "Vrouter2" => "--top-module router_top_v -GP=${p2} ", # "Vnoc" => " --top-module noc_connection ", ); }elsif ($topology eq '"TREE"'){ my $K = $T1; my $L = $T2; my $p2 = $K+1; $router_p=2;# number of router with different port number $nr_p{1}=1; $nr_p{2}=$nr-1; $nr_p{p1}=$K; $nr_p{p2}=$K+1; %tops = ( #"Vrouter1" => "router_top_v_p${K}.v", #"Vrouter2" => "router_top_v_p${p2}.v", "Vrouter1" => "--top-module router_top_v -GP=${K} ", "Vrouter2" => "--top-module router_top_v -GP=${p2} ", # "Vnoc" => " --top-module noc_connection ", ); }elsif ($topology eq '"RING"' || $topology eq '"LINE"'){ $router_p=1; $nr_p{1}=$nr; my $ports= 3+$T3-1; $nr_p{p1}=$ports; %tops = ( #"Vrouter1" => "router_top_v_p${ports}.v", "Vrouter1" => "--top-module router_top_v -GP=${ports} ", # "Vnoc" => " --top-module noc_connection ", ); }elsif ($topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"' || $topology eq '"FMESH"') { $router_p=1; $nr_p{1}=$nr; my $ports= 5+$T3-1; $nr_p{p1}=$ports; %tops = ( #"Vrouter1" => "router_top_v_p${ports}.v", "Vrouter1" => "--top-module router_top_v -GP=${ports} ", # "Vnoc" => " --top-module noc_connection", ); }elsif ($topology eq '"STAR"') { $router_p=1;# number of router with different port number my $ports= $T1; $nr_p{p1}=$ports; $nr_p{1}=1; %tops = ( #"Vrouter1" => "router_top_v_p${ports}.v", "Vrouter1" => "--top-module router_top_v -GP=${ports} ", # "Vnoc" => " --top-module noc_connection", ); }else {#custom my $dir =get_project_dir()."/mpsoc/rtl/src_topolgy"; my $file="$dir/param.obj"; my %param; if(-f $file){ my ($pp,$r,$err) = regen_object($file ); if ($r){ print "**Error: cannot open $file file: $err\n"; return; } %param=%{$pp}; }else { print "**Error: cannot find $file \n"; return; } my $topology_name=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','CUSTOM_TOPOLOGY_NAME'); my $ref=$param{$topology_name}{'ROUTER_Ps'}; print $ref; my %router_ps= %{$ref}; my $i=1; #%tops = ("Vnoc" => " --top-module noc_connection"); #should sort neumeric. The router with smaller port number should comes first foreach my $p (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %router_ps){ $nr_p{$i}=$router_ps{$p}; $nr_p{"p$i"}=$p; #$tops{"Vrouter$i"}= "router_top_v_p${p}.v", $tops{"Vrouter$i"}= "--top-module router_top_v -GP=${p} ", $i++; } $router_p=$i-1; ${topology_name} =~ s/\"+//g; $custom_include="#define IS_${topology_name}_noc\n"; }#else my $includ_h="\n"; for (my $p=1; $p<=$router_p ; $p++){ $includ_h=$includ_h."#include \"Vrouter$p.h\" \n"; } my $rns_num = $router_p+1; $includ_h.="int router_NRs[$rns_num];\n"; my $max_p=0; for (my $p=1; $p<=$router_p ; $p++){ my $pnum= $nr_p{"p$p"}; $includ_h=$includ_h."#define NR${p} $nr_p{$p}\n"; $includ_h=$includ_h."#define NR${p}_PNUM $pnum\n"; $includ_h=$includ_h."Vrouter${p} *router${p}[ $nr_p{$p} ]; // Instantiation of router with $pnum port number\n"; $max_p = $pnum if($max_p < $pnum); } $includ_h.="#define MAX_P $max_p //The maximum number of ports available in a router in this topology\n"; $includ_h.="#define DAw $DAw //The traffic generator's destination address width\n"; my $st1=''; my $st2=''; my $st3=''; my $st4=''; my $st5=''; my $st6=''; my $st7=''; my $st8=''; my $i=1; my $j=0; my $accum=0; for (my $p=1; $p<=$router_p ; $p++){ $includ_h=$includ_h." "; #if ROUTER_P_NUM >$j #endif $st2=$st2." router_NRs[$p] =$nr_p{$p}; for(i=0;ireset= reset; router${i}[i]->clk= clk ; } "; $st4=$st4." for(i=0;ieval(); "; $st5=$st5." for(i=0;ifinal(); "; $st6=$st6." if (ieval(); return;} i-= NR${i}; "; $st7.=" if (icurrent_r_id, router${i}[i]->router_event, sizeof(router${i}[i]->router_event[0]) ); return; } i-= NR${i}; "; $st8=$st8." if (ireset= reset; router${i}[i]->clk= clk ; return; } i-= NR${i}; "; $i++; $j++; $accum=$accum+$nr_p{$p}; } $includ_h=$includ_h." void Vrouter_new(){ int i=0; $st2 } $custom_include void inline connect_routers_reset_clk(){ int i; $st3 } void inline routers_eval(){ int i=0; $st4 } void inline routers_final(){ int i; $st5 } void inline single_router_eval(int i){ $st6 } #define SMART_NUM ((SMART_MAX==0)? 1 : SMART_MAX) extern void update_router_st ( unsigned int, unsigned int, void * , size_t ); void single_router_st_update(int i){ $st7 } void inline single_router_reset_clk(int i){ $st8 } "; #$includ_h.=" void connect_all_nodes(){\n"; #my $dot_file=get_dot_file_text($self,'topology'); #print "$dot_file\n"; #my @lines =split ("\n",$dot_file); #foreach my $l (@lines) { # if ( $l =~ m{#*\"\s*R(\d+)\"\s*:\s*\"[pP](\d+)\"\s*->\s*\"R(\d+)\"\s*:\s*\"[pP](\d+)\"} ) { # my ($R1, $P1, $R2,$P2) = ($1, $2,$3,$4); # $includ_h.=connect_sim_nodes ($self,$topology,$R1, $P1, $R2, $P2); # # # } # if ( $l =~ m{#*\"\s*R(\d+)\"\s*:\s*\"[pP](\d+)\"\s*->\s*\"[Tt](\d+)\"} ) { # my ($R1, $P1, $T) = ($1, $2,$3); # $includ_h.=connect_sim_nodes($self,$topology,$R1, $P1, $T); # # # } # if ( $l =~ m{#*\s*\"[Tt](\d+)\"\s*->\s*\"R(\d+)\"\s*:\s*\"[pP](\d+)\"} ) { # my ($T, $R1, $P1) = ($1, $2,$3); # $includ_h.=connect_sim_nodes($self,$topology,$R1, $P1, $T); # } #} #$includ_h.="\n}\n"; return ($nr,$ne,$router_p,\%tops,$includ_h); } sub connect_sim_nodes{ my ($self,$topology,$R1, $P1, $R2, $P2)=@_; if(defined $P2){ #R2R if($topology eq '"FATTREE"' || $topology eq '"TREE"'){ }else{ return connect_r2r(1,$R1, $P1,1, $R2, $P2); } }else { my $T=$R2; if($topology eq '"FATTREE"' || $topology eq '"TREE"'){ }else{ return connect_r2t(1,$R1, $P1, $T); } } } sub connect_r2r{ my ($vrouter1_num,$r1,$p1,$vrouter2_num,$r2,$p2)=@_; return " memcpy(&router${vrouter1_num}[$r1]->chan_in[$p1], router${vrouter2_num}[$r2]->chan_out[$p2] , sizeof( router${vrouter1_num}[$r1]->chan_in[$p1] ) ); memcpy(&router${vrouter2_num}[$r2]->chan_in[$p2], router${vrouter1_num}[$r1]->chan_out[$p1] , sizeof( router${vrouter1_num}[$r1]->chan_in[$p1] ) ); "; } sub connect_r2t{ my ($vrouter1_num,$r1, $p1, $T)=@_; return " memcpy(&router${vrouter1_num}[$r1]->chan_in[$p1], traffic[$T]->chan_out , sizeof( traffic[$T]->chan_in ) ); memcpy(&traffic[$T]->chan_in, router${vrouter1_num}[$r1]->chan_out[$p1] , sizeof( traffic[$T]->chan_in ) ); "; } sub gen_tiles_physical_addrsses_header_file{ my ($self,$file)=@_; my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); my $txt = "#ifndef PHY_ADDR_H #define PHY_ADDR_H\n\n"; #add phy addresses my ($NE, $NR, $RAw, $EAw,$Fw)=get_topology_info($self); for (my $id=0; $id<$NE; $id++){ my $phy= endp_addr_encoder($self,$id); my $hex = sprintf("0x%x", $phy); $txt=$txt."\t#define PHY_ADDR_ENDP_$id $hex\n"; } $txt=$txt."#endif\n"; save_file($file,$txt); } sub get_endpoints_mah_distance { my ($self,$endp1,$endp2)=@_; my $router1=get_connected_router_id_to_endp($self,$endp1); my $router2=get_connected_router_id_to_endp($self,$endp2); my $topology=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','TOPOLOGY'); if($topology eq '"FATTREE"' || $topology eq '"TREE"') { return fattree_mah_distance($self, $router1,$router2); }elsif ($topology eq '"RING"' || $topology eq '"LINE"' || $topology eq '"MESH"' || $topology eq '"TORUS"' || $topology eq '"FMESH"' ){ return mesh_tori_mah_distance($self, $router1,$router2); }elsif ($topology eq '"STAR"'){ return 1; }else { #custom return undef; } } sub mesh_tori_mah_distance { my ($self, $router1,$router2)=@_; my $T1=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $T2=$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); my ($x1,$y1,$l1) = mesh_tori_addrencod_sep ($router1,$T1,$T2,1); my ($x2,$y2,$l2) = mesh_tori_addrencod_sep ($router2,$T1,$T2,1); my $x_diff = ($x1 > $x2) ? ($x1 - $x2) : ($x2 - $x1); my $y_diff = ($y1 > $y2) ? ($y1 - $y2) : ($y2 - $y1); my $mah_distance = $x_diff + $y_diff; return $mah_distance; } sub fattree_mah_distance { my ($self, $router1,$router2)=@_; my $k =$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T1'); my $l =$self->object_get_attribute('noc_param','T2'); my $pow; my $tmp1; my $tmp2; my $distance=0; $pow=1; for (my $i = 0; $i <$l; $i=$i+1 ) { $tmp1=int($router1/$pow); $tmp2=int($router2/$pow); $tmp1=$tmp1 % $k; $tmp2=$tmp2 % $k; $pow=$pow * $k; $distance= ($i+1)*2-1 if($tmp1!=$tmp2); # distance obtained based on the highest level index which differ } return $distance; } 1

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