`timescale 1ns/1ps /********************************************************************** ** File: comb_spec1.v ** ** Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Alireza Monemi ** ** This file is part of ProNoC ** ** ProNoC ( stands for Prototype Network-on-chip) is free software: ** you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ** Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, ** either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** ProNoC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ** ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ** or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General ** Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License along with ProNoC. If not, see . ** ** ** Description: ** VC allocator combined with speculative switch allo- ** cator where free VC availability is checked at the end ** of switch allocation (comb-spec1). ** ***********************************************************************/ module comb_spec1_allocator #( parameter V = 4,// Virtual chanel num per port parameter P = 5, parameter DEBUG_EN = 1, parameter SWA_ARBITER_TYPE = "WRRA", parameter MIN_PCK_SIZE=2, //minimum packet size in flits. The minimum value is 1. parameter SELF_LOOP_EN = "NO" )( dest_port_all, masked_ovc_request_all, ovc_is_assigned_all, ivc_request_all, assigned_ovc_not_full_all, ovc_allocated_all, granted_ovc_num_all, ivc_num_getting_ovc_grant, ivc_num_getting_sw_grant, spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all, nonspec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all, granted_dest_port_all, nonspec_granted_dest_port_all, any_ivc_sw_request_granted_all, vc_weight_is_consumed_all, iport_weight_is_consumed_all, pck_is_single_flit_all, granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck, clk,reset ); localparam PV = V * P, VV = V * V, PVV = PV * V, P_1 = (SELF_LOOP_EN=="NO")? P-1 : P, VP_1 = V * P_1, PP_1 = P_1 * P, PVP_1 = PV * P_1; input [PVP_1-1 : 0] dest_port_all; input [PVV-1 : 0] masked_ovc_request_all; input [PV-1 : 0] ovc_is_assigned_all; input [PV-1 : 0] ivc_request_all; input [PV-1 : 0] assigned_ovc_not_full_all; input [PV-1 : 0] vc_weight_is_consumed_all; input [P-1 : 0] iport_weight_is_consumed_all; output [PV-1 : 0] ovc_allocated_all; output [PVV-1 : 0] granted_ovc_num_all; output [PV-1 : 0] ivc_num_getting_ovc_grant; output [PV-1 : 0] ivc_num_getting_sw_grant; output [PV-1 : 0] nonspec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all; output [PV-1 : 0] spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all; output [PP_1-1 : 0] granted_dest_port_all; output [PP_1-1 : 0] nonspec_granted_dest_port_all; output [P-1 : 0] any_ivc_sw_request_granted_all; input [PV-1 : 0] pck_is_single_flit_all; output [P-1 : 0] granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck; input clk,reset; //internal wires switch allocator wire [PV-1 : 0] spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all; wire [PP_1-1 : 0] spec_granted_dest_port_all; wire [P-1 : 0] spec_any_ivc_grant_valid; wire [P-1 : 0] valid_speculation; //speculative switch allocator spec_sw_alloc #( .V(V), .P(P), .DEBUG_EN(DEBUG_EN), .SWA_ARBITER_TYPE(SWA_ARBITER_TYPE), .MIN_PCK_SIZE(MIN_PCK_SIZE) ) speculative_sw_allocator ( .ivc_granted_all(ivc_num_getting_sw_grant), .ivc_request_all(ivc_request_all), .ovc_is_assigned_all(ovc_is_assigned_all), .assigned_ovc_not_full_all(assigned_ovc_not_full_all), .dest_port_all(dest_port_all), .granted_dest_port_all(granted_dest_port_all), .nonspec_granted_dest_port_all(nonspec_granted_dest_port_all), .valid_speculation(valid_speculation), .spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all(spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all), .nonspec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all(nonspec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all), .spec_granted_dest_port_all(spec_granted_dest_port_all), .spec_any_ivc_grant_valid(spec_any_ivc_grant_valid), .any_ivc_sw_request_granted_all(any_ivc_sw_request_granted_all), .vc_weight_is_consumed_all(vc_weight_is_consumed_all), .iport_weight_is_consumed_all(iport_weight_is_consumed_all), .pck_is_single_flit_all(pck_is_single_flit_all), .granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck(granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck), .clk(clk), .reset(reset) ); wire [V-1 : 0] masked_non_assigned_request [PV-1 : 0] ; wire [VV-1 : 0] masked_candidate_ovc_per_port [P-1 : 0] ; wire [V-1 : 0] spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_per_port[P-1 : 0] ; wire [V-1 : 0] spec_first_arbiter_ovc_request [P-1 : 0] ; wire [V-1 : 0] spec_first_arbiter_ovc_granted [P-1 : 0] ; wire [P_1-1 : 0] spec_granted_dest_port_per_port [P-1 : 0]; wire [VP_1-1 : 0] cand_ovc_granted [P-1 : 0]; wire [P_1-1 : 0] ovc_allocated_all_gen [PV-1 : 0]; wire [V-1 : 0] granted_ovc_local_num_per_port [P-1 : 0]; wire [V-1 : 0] ivc_local_num_getting_ovc_grant [P-1 : 0]; genvar i,j; generate // IVC loop for(i=0;i< PV;i=i+1) begin :total_vc_loop //seprate input/output assign masked_non_assigned_request [i] = masked_ovc_request_all [(i+1)*V-1 : i*V ]; end//for for(i=0;i< P;i=i+1) begin :port_loop3 for(j=0;j< V;j=j+1) begin :vc_loop //merge masked_candidate_ovc in each port assign masked_candidate_ovc_per_port[i][(j+1)*V-1 : j*V] = masked_non_assigned_request [i*V+j]; end//for j assign spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_per_port[i] =spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all[(i+1)*V-1 : i*V]; assign spec_granted_dest_port_per_port[i] =spec_granted_dest_port_all[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1]; // multiplex candidate OVC of first level switch allocatore winner one_hot_mux #( .IN_WIDTH (VV), .SEL_WIDTH (V) ) multiplexer2 ( .mux_in (masked_candidate_ovc_per_port [i]), .mux_out (spec_first_arbiter_ovc_request [i]), .sel (spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_per_port [i]) ); //first level arbiter to candidate only one OVC arbiter #( .ARBITER_WIDTH (V) ) second_arbiter ( .clk (clk), .reset (reset), .request (spec_first_arbiter_ovc_request[i]), .grant (spec_first_arbiter_ovc_granted[i]), .any_grant (valid_speculation[i]) ); //demultiplexer one_hot_demux #( .IN_WIDTH (V), .SEL_WIDTH (P_1) )demux1 ( .demux_sel (spec_granted_dest_port_per_port [i]),//selectore .demux_in (spec_first_arbiter_ovc_granted[i]),//repeated .demux_out (cand_ovc_granted[i]) ); assign granted_ovc_local_num_per_port[i]=(spec_any_ivc_grant_valid[i])? spec_first_arbiter_ovc_granted[i] : {V{1'b0}}; assign ivc_local_num_getting_ovc_grant[i]= (spec_any_ivc_grant_valid[i] & valid_speculation[i])?spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_per_port [i] : {V{1'b0}}; assign ivc_num_getting_ovc_grant[(i+1)*V-1 : i*V] = ivc_local_num_getting_ovc_grant[i]; for(j=0;jj) begin: hh assign ovc_allocated_all_gen[i][j] = cand_ovc_granted[j][i-V]; end end//j assign ovc_allocated_all [i] = |ovc_allocated_all_gen[i]; //synthesis translate_off //synopsys translate_off if(DEBUG_EN)begin :dbg check_single_bit_assertation #( .IN_WIDTH(P_1) ) check_ovc_allocated ( .in(ovc_allocated_all_gen[i]), .result(result[i]) ); always @(posedge clk ) begin if(~result[i]) $display("%t,Error: An OVC is assigned to more than one IVC %m",$time); end end //DEBUG_EN //synopsys translate_on //synthesis translate_on end//i endgenerate endmodule /****************************** * * speculative switch allocator * ******************************/ module spec_sw_alloc #( parameter V = 4, parameter P = 5, parameter DEBUG_EN = 1, parameter SWA_ARBITER_TYPE="RRA", parameter MIN_PCK_SIZE=2 //minimum packet size in flits. The minimum value is 1. )( ivc_granted_all, ivc_request_all, ovc_is_assigned_all, assigned_ovc_not_full_all, dest_port_all, nonspec_granted_dest_port_all, granted_dest_port_all, valid_speculation, spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all, nonspec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all, spec_granted_dest_port_all, spec_any_ivc_grant_valid, any_ivc_sw_request_granted_all, vc_weight_is_consumed_all, iport_weight_is_consumed_all, pck_is_single_flit_all, granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck, clk, reset ); localparam P_1 = P-1,//assumed that no port request for itself! PV = V * P, VP_1 = V * P_1, PVP_1 = P * VP_1, PP_1 = P_1 * P; output [PV-1 : 0] ivc_granted_all; input [PV-1 : 0] ivc_request_all; input [PV-1 : 0] ovc_is_assigned_all; input [PV-1 : 0] assigned_ovc_not_full_all; input [PVP_1-1 : 0] dest_port_all; output [PP_1-1 : 0] granted_dest_port_all; output [PP_1-1 : 0] nonspec_granted_dest_port_all; input [P-1 : 0] valid_speculation; output [PV-1 : 0] spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all; output [PV-1 : 0] nonspec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all; output [PP_1-1 : 0] spec_granted_dest_port_all; output [P-1 : 0] spec_any_ivc_grant_valid; output [P-1 : 0] any_ivc_sw_request_granted_all; input [PV-1 : 0] vc_weight_is_consumed_all; input [P-1 : 0] iport_weight_is_consumed_all; input [PV-1 : 0] pck_is_single_flit_all; output [P-1 : 0] granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck; input clk, reset; //internal wire wire [PV-1 : 0] spec_ivc_granted_all,nonspec_ivc_granted_all; wire [PV-1 : 0] spec_ivc_request_all,nonspec_ivc_request_all; wire [PV-1 : 0] spec_assigned_ovc_not_full_all,nonspec_assigned_ovc_not_full_all; wire [PVP_1-1 : 0] spec_dest_port_all,nonspec_dest_port_all; wire [PP_1-1 : 0] spec_granted_dest_port_all,spec_granted_dest_port_all_accepted; wire [P-1 : 0] nonspec_inport_granted_all,nonspec_outport_granted_all; wire [PP_1-1 : 0] spec_granted_dest_port_all_pre; wire [P_1-1 : 0] nonspec_portsel_granted [P-1 : 0]; wire [PP_1-1 : 0] spec_request_acceptable; wire [P_1-1 : 0] spec_request_accepted [P-1 : 0]; wire [P-1 : 0] any_spec_request_accepted; wire [PV-1 : 0] spec_ivc_granted_all_accepted; wire [P-1 : 0] spec_any_ivc_grant,nonspec_any_ivc_grant; sw_alloc_sub#( .V(V), .P(P), .SWA_ARBITER_TYPE(SWA_ARBITER_TYPE), .MIN_PCK_SIZE(MIN_PCK_SIZE) ) speculative_alloc ( .ivc_granted_all(spec_ivc_granted_all), .ivc_request_all(spec_ivc_request_all), .assigned_ovc_not_full_all(spec_assigned_ovc_not_full_all), .dest_port_all(spec_dest_port_all), .granted_dest_port_all(spec_granted_dest_port_all_pre), .first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all(spec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all), .first_arbiter_granted_port_all( ), .any_ivc_grant (spec_any_ivc_grant), .vc_weight_is_consumed_all(vc_weight_is_consumed_all), .iport_weight_is_consumed_all(iport_weight_is_consumed_all), .pck_is_single_flit_all(pck_is_single_flit_all), .granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck(granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck), .inport_granted_all ( ), .outport_granted_all( ), .clk (clk), .reset (reset) ); sw_alloc_sub#( .V(V), .P(P), .SWA_ARBITER_TYPE(SWA_ARBITER_TYPE), .MIN_PCK_SIZE(MIN_PCK_SIZE) ) nonspeculative_alloc ( .ivc_granted_all (nonspec_ivc_granted_all), .ivc_request_all (nonspec_ivc_request_all), .assigned_ovc_not_full_all (nonspec_assigned_ovc_not_full_all), .dest_port_all (nonspec_dest_port_all), .granted_dest_port_all (nonspec_granted_dest_port_all), .inport_granted_all (nonspec_inport_granted_all), .outport_granted_all (nonspec_outport_granted_all), .first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all (nonspec_first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all), .first_arbiter_granted_port_all ( ), .any_ivc_grant (nonspec_any_ivc_grant), .vc_weight_is_consumed_all (vc_weight_is_consumed_all), .iport_weight_is_consumed_all(iport_weight_is_consumed_all), .pck_is_single_flit_all( ), .granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck( ), .clk (clk), .reset (reset) ); assign nonspec_ivc_request_all = ivc_request_all & ovc_is_assigned_all; assign spec_ivc_request_all = ivc_request_all & ~ovc_is_assigned_all; assign spec_assigned_ovc_not_full_all = {PV{1'b1}}; assign nonspec_assigned_ovc_not_full_all = assigned_ovc_not_full_all; assign spec_dest_port_all = dest_port_all; assign nonspec_dest_port_all = dest_port_all; genvar i,j; generate for(i=0;ij)begin: hh assign nonspec_portsel_granted[i][j] = nonspec_outport_granted_all [j]; end //if(i==j) wires are left disconnected end//j // an speculative grant is acceptable if the non-speculative request is not granted for both inport request and outport grant assign spec_request_acceptable[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1] = (nonspec_inport_granted_all[i])? {P_1{1'b0}} : ~nonspec_portsel_granted[i]; assign spec_request_accepted [i]= spec_request_acceptable[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1] & spec_granted_dest_port_all_pre[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1]; assign any_spec_request_accepted [i] = |spec_request_accepted [i]; assign spec_ivc_granted_all_accepted[(i+1)*V-1 : i*V] = (any_spec_request_accepted [i] & valid_speculation[i])? spec_ivc_granted_all[(i+1)*V-1 : i*V]: {V{1'b0}}; assign spec_granted_dest_port_all_accepted[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1]=(valid_speculation[i])? spec_request_accepted [i]: {P_1{1'b0}}; //synthesis translate_off //synopsys translate_off if(DEBUG_EN)begin :dbg wire [P_1-1 : 0] nonspec_check [P-1:0]; wire [P_1-1 : 0] spec_check [P-1:0]; assign nonspec_check[i] = nonspec_granted_dest_port_all[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1]; assign spec_check[i]= spec_granted_dest_port_all_accepted[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1]; always @(posedge clk) begin if(nonspec_granted_dest_port_all[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1] >0 && spec_granted_dest_port_all_accepted[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1]>0 ) $display("%t: Error: Both speculative and nonspeculative is granted for one port",$time); if(nonspec_ivc_granted_all [(i+1)*V-1 : i*V] >0 && spec_ivc_granted_all_accepted[(i+1)*V-1 : i*V]>0 ) $display("%t: Error: Both speculative and nonspeculative is granted for one port",$time); end end //DEBUG //synopsys translate_on //synthesis translate_on end//i endgenerate assign spec_any_ivc_grant_valid = any_spec_request_accepted & valid_speculation & spec_any_ivc_grant; assign any_ivc_sw_request_granted_all = nonspec_any_ivc_grant | spec_any_ivc_grant_valid; assign granted_dest_port_all = nonspec_granted_dest_port_all | spec_granted_dest_port_all_accepted; assign ivc_granted_all = nonspec_ivc_granted_all | spec_ivc_granted_all_accepted; assign spec_granted_dest_port_all = spec_granted_dest_port_all_accepted; endmodule /********************************** * * canonical switch allocator * **********************************/ module sw_alloc_sub#( parameter V = 4, parameter P = 5, parameter SWA_ARBITER_TYPE="RRA", parameter MIN_PCK_SIZE=2 //minimum packet size in flits. The minimum value is 1. )( ivc_granted_all, ivc_request_all, assigned_ovc_not_full_all, dest_port_all, granted_dest_port_all, inport_granted_all, outport_granted_all, first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all, first_arbiter_granted_port_all, vc_weight_is_consumed_all, iport_weight_is_consumed_all, any_ivc_grant, pck_is_single_flit_all, granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck, clk, reset ); localparam P_1 = P-1,//assumed that no port request for itself! PV = V * P, VP_1 = V * P_1, PVP_1 = P * VP_1, PP_1 = P_1 * P, PP = P * P; output [PV-1 : 0] ivc_granted_all; input [PV-1 : 0] ivc_request_all; input [PV-1 : 0] assigned_ovc_not_full_all; input [PVP_1-1 : 0] dest_port_all; output [PP_1-1 : 0] granted_dest_port_all; output [P-1 : 0] inport_granted_all; output [P-1 : 0] outport_granted_all; output [PV-1 : 0] first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all; output [PP_1-1 : 0] first_arbiter_granted_port_all; output [P-1 : 0] any_ivc_grant; input [PV-1 : 0 ] vc_weight_is_consumed_all; input [P-1:0] iport_weight_is_consumed_all; input [PV-1 : 0] pck_is_single_flit_all; output [P-1 : 0] granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck; input clk; input reset; //separte input per port wire [V-1 : 0] ivc_granted [P-1 : 0]; wire [V-1 : 0] ivc_request [P-1 : 0]; wire [V-1 : 0] ivc_not_full [P-1 : 0]; wire [VP_1-1 : 0] dest_port_ivc [P-1 : 0]; wire [P_1-1 : 0] granted_dest_port [P-1 : 0]; // internal wires wire [V-1 : 0] ivc_masked [P-1 : 0];//output of mask and wire [V-1 : 0] first_arbiter_grant [P-1 : 0];//output of first arbiter wire [P_1-1 : 0] dest_port [P-1 : 0];//output of multiplexer wire [P_1-1 : 0] second_arbiter_request [P-1 : 0]; wire [P_1-1 : 0] second_arbiter_grant [P-1 : 0]; wire [P_1-1 : 0] second_arbiter_weight_consumed [P-1 : 0]; wire [V-1 : 0] vc_weight_is_consumed [P-1 : 0]; wire [P-1 : 0] winner_weight_consumed; wire [P_1-1 : 0] single_flit_granted_dst [P-1 : 0]; wire [PP-1 : 0] single_flit_granted_dst_all; wire [V-1 : 0] pck_is_single_flit [P-1 : 0]; wire [P-1 : 0] single_flit_pck_local_grant; genvar i,j; generate for(i=0;i< P;i=i+1) begin :port_loop //assign in/out to the port based wires //output assign ivc_granted_all [(i+1)*V-1 : i*V] = ivc_granted [i]; assign granted_dest_port_all [(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1] = granted_dest_port[i]; assign first_arbiter_granted_ivc_all[(i+1)*V-1 : i*V]= first_arbiter_grant[i]; //input assign ivc_request[i] = ivc_request_all [(i+1)*V-1 : i*V]; assign ivc_not_full[i] = assigned_ovc_not_full_all[(i+1)*V-1 : i*V]; assign dest_port_ivc[i] = dest_port_all [(i+1)*VP_1-1 : i*VP_1]; assign vc_weight_is_consumed[i] = vc_weight_is_consumed_all [(i+1)*V-1 : i*V]; //mask assign ivc_masked[i] = ivc_request[i] & ivc_not_full[i]; //first level arbiter swa_input_port_arbiter #( .ARBITER_WIDTH(V), .EXT_P_EN(0), .ARBITER_TYPE(SWA_ARBITER_TYPE) ) input_arbiter ( .ext_pr_en_i(1'b1),// not used here anyway .request(ivc_masked [i]), .grant(first_arbiter_grant[i]), .any_grant( ), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .vc_weight_is_consumed(vc_weight_is_consumed[i]), .winner_weight_consumed(winner_weight_consumed[i]) ); //destination port multiplexer one_hot_mux #( .IN_WIDTH(VP_1), .SEL_WIDTH(V) ) multiplexer ( .mux_in (dest_port_ivc [i]), .mux_out(dest_port [i]), .sel(first_arbiter_grant[i]) ); assign first_arbiter_granted_port_all[(i+1)*P_1-1 : i*P_1] = dest_port [i]; if(MIN_PCK_SIZE == 1) begin :single_flit_supported assign pck_is_single_flit[i] = pck_is_single_flit_all [(i+1)*V-1 : i*V]; //single_flit req multiplexer one_hot_mux #( .IN_WIDTH (V), .SEL_WIDTH (V) ) multiplexer2 ( .mux_in (pck_is_single_flit [i]), .mux_out (single_flit_pck_local_grant[i]), .sel (first_arbiter_grant[i]) ); assign single_flit_granted_dst[i] = (single_flit_pck_local_grant[i])? granted_dest_port[i] : {P_1{1'b0}}; add_sw_loc_one_hot #( .P(P), .SW_LOC(i) ) add_sw_loc ( .destport_in(single_flit_granted_dst[i]), .destport_out(single_flit_granted_dst_all[(i+1)*P-1 : i*P]) ); end else begin : single_flit_notsupported assign single_flit_pck_local_grant[i] = 1'b0; assign single_flit_granted_dst[i] = {P_1{1'b0}}; assign single_flit_granted_dst_all[(i+1)*P-1 : i*P]={P{1'b0}}; end //second arbiter input/output generate for(j=0;jj)begin: hh assign second_arbiter_request[i][j] = dest_port [j][i-1]; //assign second_arbiter_weight_consumed[i][j] =winner_weight_consumed[j]; assign second_arbiter_weight_consumed[i][j] =iport_weight_is_consumed_all[j]; assign granted_dest_port[j][i-1] = second_arbiter_grant [i][j]; end //if(i==j) wires are left disconnected end //second level arbiter swa_output_port_arbiter #( .ARBITER_WIDTH(P_1), .ARBITER_TYPE(SWA_ARBITER_TYPE) // RRA, WRRA ) output_arbiter ( .weight_consumed(second_arbiter_weight_consumed[i]), // only used for WRRA .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .request(second_arbiter_request [i]), .grant(second_arbiter_grant [i]), .any_grant(outport_granted_all [i]) ); //any ivc assign any_ivc_grant[i] = | granted_dest_port[i]; assign ivc_granted[i] = (any_ivc_grant[i]) ? first_arbiter_grant[i] : {V{1'b0}}; assign inport_granted_all[i] =any_ivc_grant[i]; end//for endgenerate custom_or #( .IN_NUM(P), .OUT_WIDTH(P) ) or_dst ( .or_in(single_flit_granted_dst_all), .or_out(granted_dst_is_from_a_single_flit_pck) ); endmodule

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