/* **************************************************************************** This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Open Hardware Description License, v. 1.0. If a copy of the OHDL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at Description: Cappuccino decode to execute module. - Decode to execute stage signal passing. - Branches are resolved (in decode stage). - Hazards that can not be resolved by bypassing are detected and bubbles are inserted on such conditions. Generate valid signal when stage is done. Copyright (C) 2012 Julius Baxter Copyright (C) 2013 Stefan Kristiansson ***************************************************************************** */ `include "mor1kx-defines.v" module mor1kx_decode_execute_cappuccino #( parameter OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH = 32, parameter OPTION_RESET_PC = {{(OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-13){1'b0}}, `OR1K_RESET_VECTOR,8'd0}, parameter OPTION_RF_ADDR_WIDTH = 5, parameter FEATURE_SYSCALL = "ENABLED", parameter FEATURE_TRAP = "ENABLED", parameter FEATURE_DELAY_SLOT = "ENABLED", parameter FEATURE_MULTIPLIER = "THREESTAGE", parameter FEATURE_INBUILT_CHECKERS = "ENABLED" ) ( input clk, input rst, // pipeline control signal in input padv_i, input [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] pc_decode_i, // input from register file input [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] decode_rfb_i, input [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] execute_rfb_i, // Branch prediction signals input predicted_flag_i, output reg execute_predicted_flag_o, // The target pc that should be used in case of branch misprediction output reg [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] execute_mispredict_target_o, input pipeline_flush_i, // ALU related inputs from decode input [`OR1K_ALU_OPC_WIDTH-1:0] decode_opc_alu_i, input [`OR1K_ALU_OPC_WIDTH-1:0] decode_opc_alu_secondary_i, input [`OR1K_IMM_WIDTH-1:0] decode_imm16_i, input [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] decode_immediate_i, input decode_immediate_sel_i, // ALU related outputs to execute output reg [`OR1K_ALU_OPC_WIDTH-1:0] execute_opc_alu_o, output reg [`OR1K_ALU_OPC_WIDTH-1:0] execute_opc_alu_secondary_o, output reg [`OR1K_IMM_WIDTH-1:0] execute_imm16_o, output reg [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] execute_immediate_o, output reg execute_immediate_sel_o, // Adder control logic from decode input decode_adder_do_sub_i, input decode_adder_do_carry_i, // Adder control logic to execute output reg execute_adder_do_sub_o, output reg execute_adder_do_carry_o, // Upper 10 bits of immediate for jumps and branches input [9:0] decode_immjbr_upper_i, output reg [9:0] execute_immjbr_upper_o, // GPR numbers output reg [OPTION_RF_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] execute_rfd_adr_o, input [OPTION_RF_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] decode_rfd_adr_i, input [OPTION_RF_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] decode_rfa_adr_i, input [OPTION_RF_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] decode_rfb_adr_i, input [OPTION_RF_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] ctrl_rfd_adr_i, input ctrl_op_lsu_load_i, input ctrl_op_mfspr_i, input ctrl_op_mul_i, // Control signal inputs from decode stage input decode_rf_wb_i, input decode_op_alu_i, input decode_op_setflag_i, input decode_op_jbr_i, input decode_op_jr_i, input decode_op_jal_i, input decode_op_bf_i, input decode_op_bnf_i, input decode_op_brcond_i, input decode_op_branch_i, input decode_op_lsu_load_i, input decode_op_lsu_store_i, input decode_op_lsu_atomic_i, input [1:0] decode_lsu_length_i, input decode_lsu_zext_i, input decode_op_mfspr_i, input decode_op_mtspr_i, input decode_op_rfe_i, input decode_op_add_i, input decode_op_mul_i, input decode_op_mul_signed_i, input decode_op_mul_unsigned_i, input decode_op_div_i, input decode_op_div_signed_i, input decode_op_div_unsigned_i, input decode_op_shift_i, input decode_op_ffl1_i, input decode_op_movhi_i, input [`OR1K_OPCODE_WIDTH-1:0] decode_opc_insn_i, // Control signal outputs to execute stage output reg execute_rf_wb_o, output reg execute_op_alu_o, output reg execute_op_setflag_o, output reg execute_op_jbr_o, output reg execute_op_jr_o, output reg execute_op_jal_o, output reg execute_op_brcond_o, output reg execute_op_branch_o, output reg execute_op_lsu_load_o, output reg execute_op_lsu_store_o, output reg execute_op_lsu_atomic_o, output reg [1:0] execute_lsu_length_o, output reg execute_lsu_zext_o, output reg execute_op_mfspr_o, output reg execute_op_mtspr_o, output reg execute_op_rfe_o, output reg execute_op_add_o, output reg execute_op_mul_o, output reg execute_op_mul_signed_o, output reg execute_op_mul_unsigned_o, output reg execute_op_div_o, output reg execute_op_div_signed_o, output reg execute_op_div_unsigned_o, output reg execute_op_shift_o, output reg execute_op_ffl1_o, output reg execute_op_movhi_o, output reg [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] execute_jal_result_o, output reg [`OR1K_OPCODE_WIDTH-1:0] execute_opc_insn_o, // branch detection output decode_branch_o, output [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] decode_branch_target_o, // exceptions in input decode_except_ibus_err_i, input decode_except_itlb_miss_i, input decode_except_ipagefault_i, input decode_except_illegal_i, input decode_except_syscall_i, input decode_except_trap_i, // exception output - output reg execute_except_ibus_err_o, output reg execute_except_itlb_miss_o, output reg execute_except_ipagefault_o, output reg execute_except_illegal_o, output reg execute_except_ibus_align_o, output reg execute_except_syscall_o, output reg execute_except_trap_o, output reg [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] pc_execute_o, // output is valid, signal output reg decode_valid_o, output decode_bubble_o, output reg execute_bubble_o ); wire ctrl_to_decode_interlock; wire branch_to_imm; wire [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] branch_to_imm_target; wire branch_to_reg; wire decode_except_ibus_align; wire [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] next_pc_after_branch_insn; wire [OPTION_OPERAND_WIDTH-1:0] decode_mispredict_target; // Op control signals to execute stage always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) begin execute_op_alu_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_add_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_signed_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_unsigned_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_signed_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_unsigned_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_shift_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_ffl1_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_movhi_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mfspr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mtspr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_load_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_store_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_atomic_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_setflag_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jbr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jal_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_brcond_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_branch_o <= 0; end else if (pipeline_flush_i) begin execute_op_alu_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_add_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_signed_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_unsigned_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_signed_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_unsigned_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_shift_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_ffl1_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_movhi_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_load_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_store_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_atomic_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_setflag_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jbr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jal_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_brcond_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_branch_o <= 1'b0; end else if (padv_i) begin execute_op_alu_o <= decode_op_alu_i; execute_op_add_o <= decode_op_add_i; execute_op_mul_o <= decode_op_mul_i; execute_op_mul_signed_o <= decode_op_mul_signed_i; execute_op_mul_unsigned_o <= decode_op_mul_unsigned_i; execute_op_div_o <= decode_op_div_i; execute_op_div_signed_o <= decode_op_div_signed_i; execute_op_div_unsigned_o <= decode_op_div_unsigned_i; execute_op_shift_o <= decode_op_shift_i; execute_op_ffl1_o <= decode_op_ffl1_i; execute_op_movhi_o <= decode_op_movhi_i; execute_op_mfspr_o <= decode_op_mfspr_i; execute_op_mtspr_o <= decode_op_mtspr_i; execute_op_lsu_load_o <= decode_op_lsu_load_i; execute_op_lsu_store_o <= decode_op_lsu_store_i; execute_op_lsu_atomic_o <= decode_op_lsu_atomic_i; execute_op_setflag_o <= decode_op_setflag_i; execute_op_jbr_o <= decode_op_jbr_i; execute_op_jr_o <= decode_op_jr_i; execute_op_jal_o <= decode_op_jal_i; execute_op_brcond_o <= decode_op_brcond_i; execute_op_branch_o <= decode_op_branch_i; if (decode_bubble_o) begin execute_op_alu_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_add_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_signed_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mul_unsigned_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_signed_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_div_unsigned_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_shift_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_ffl1_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_movhi_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mtspr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_mfspr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_load_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_store_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_lsu_atomic_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_setflag_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jbr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jr_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_jal_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_brcond_o <= 1'b0; execute_op_branch_o <= 1'b0; end end // rfe is a special case, instead of pushing the pipeline full // of nops on a decode_bubble_o, we push it full of rfes. // The reason for this is that we need the rfe to reach control // stage so it will cause the branch. // It will clear itself by the pipeline_flush_i that the rfe // will generate. always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_op_rfe_o <= 0; else if (pipeline_flush_i) execute_op_rfe_o <= 0; else if (padv_i) execute_op_rfe_o <= decode_op_rfe_i; always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) begin execute_rf_wb_o <= 0; end else if (pipeline_flush_i) begin execute_rf_wb_o <= 0; end else if (padv_i) begin execute_rf_wb_o <= decode_rf_wb_i; if (decode_bubble_o) execute_rf_wb_o <= 0; end always @(posedge clk) if (padv_i) execute_rfd_adr_o <= decode_rfd_adr_i; always @(posedge clk) if (padv_i) begin execute_lsu_length_o <= decode_lsu_length_i; execute_lsu_zext_o <= decode_lsu_zext_i; end always @(posedge clk) if (padv_i) begin execute_imm16_o <= decode_imm16_i; execute_immediate_o <= decode_immediate_i; execute_immediate_sel_o <= decode_immediate_sel_i; end always @(posedge clk) if (padv_i ) execute_immjbr_upper_o <= decode_immjbr_upper_i; always @(posedge clk) if (padv_i) begin execute_opc_alu_o <= decode_opc_alu_i; execute_opc_alu_secondary_o <= decode_opc_alu_secondary_i; end always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) begin execute_opc_insn_o <= `OR1K_OPCODE_NOP; end else if (pipeline_flush_i) begin execute_opc_insn_o <= `OR1K_OPCODE_NOP; end else if (padv_i) begin execute_opc_insn_o <= decode_opc_insn_i; if (decode_bubble_o) execute_opc_insn_o <= `OR1K_OPCODE_NOP; end always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) begin execute_adder_do_sub_o <= 1'b0; execute_adder_do_carry_o <= 1'b0; end else if (pipeline_flush_i) begin execute_adder_do_sub_o <= 1'b0; execute_adder_do_carry_o <= 1'b0; end else if (padv_i) begin execute_adder_do_sub_o <= decode_adder_do_sub_i; execute_adder_do_carry_o <= decode_adder_do_carry_i; if (decode_bubble_o) begin execute_adder_do_sub_o <= 1'b0; execute_adder_do_carry_o <= 1'b0; end end // Decode for system call exception always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_except_syscall_o <= 0; else if (padv_i && FEATURE_SYSCALL=="ENABLED") execute_except_syscall_o <= decode_except_syscall_i; // Decode for system call exception always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_except_trap_o <= 0; else if (padv_i && FEATURE_TRAP=="ENABLED") execute_except_trap_o <= decode_except_trap_i; // Decode Illegal instruction always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_except_illegal_o <= 0; else if (padv_i) execute_except_illegal_o <= decode_except_illegal_i; always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_except_ibus_err_o <= 1'b0; else if (padv_i) execute_except_ibus_err_o <= decode_except_ibus_err_i; always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_except_itlb_miss_o <= 1'b0; else if (padv_i) execute_except_itlb_miss_o <= decode_except_itlb_miss_i; always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_except_ipagefault_o <= 1'b0; else if (padv_i) execute_except_ipagefault_o <= decode_except_ipagefault_i; always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_except_ibus_align_o <= 1'b0; else if (padv_i) execute_except_ibus_align_o <= decode_except_ibus_align; always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) decode_valid_o <= 0; else decode_valid_o <= padv_i; always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (padv_i) pc_execute_o <= pc_decode_i; // Branch detection assign ctrl_to_decode_interlock = (ctrl_op_lsu_load_i | ctrl_op_mfspr_i | ctrl_op_mul_i & FEATURE_MULTIPLIER=="PIPELINED") & ((decode_rfa_adr_i == ctrl_rfd_adr_i) || (decode_rfb_adr_i == ctrl_rfd_adr_i)); assign branch_to_imm = (decode_op_jbr_i & // l.j/l.jal (!(|decode_opc_insn_i[2:1]) | // and flag is right (decode_opc_insn_i[2] == predicted_flag_i))); assign branch_to_imm_target = pc_decode_i + {{4{decode_immjbr_upper_i[9]}}, decode_immjbr_upper_i, decode_imm16_i,2'b00}; assign branch_to_reg = decode_op_jr_i & !(ctrl_to_decode_interlock | execute_rf_wb_o & (decode_rfb_adr_i == execute_rfd_adr_o)); assign decode_branch_o = (branch_to_imm | branch_to_reg) & !pipeline_flush_i; assign decode_branch_target_o = branch_to_imm ? branch_to_imm_target : // If a bubble have been pushed out to get // the instruction that will write the // branch target to control stage, then we // need to use the register result from // execute stage instead of decode stage. execute_bubble_o | execute_op_jr_o ? execute_rfb_i : decode_rfb_i; assign decode_except_ibus_align = decode_branch_o & (|decode_branch_target_o[1:0]); assign next_pc_after_branch_insn = FEATURE_DELAY_SLOT == "ENABLED" ? pc_decode_i + 8 : pc_decode_i + 4; assign decode_mispredict_target = decode_op_bf_i & !predicted_flag_i | decode_op_bnf_i & predicted_flag_i ? branch_to_imm_target : next_pc_after_branch_insn; // Forward branch prediction signals to execute stage always @(posedge clk) if (padv_i & decode_op_brcond_i) execute_mispredict_target_o <= decode_mispredict_target; always @(posedge clk) if (padv_i & decode_op_brcond_i) execute_predicted_flag_o <= predicted_flag_i; // Calculate the link register result // TODO: investigate if the ALU adder can be used for this without // introducing critical paths always @(posedge clk) if (padv_i) execute_jal_result_o <= next_pc_after_branch_insn; // Detect the situation where there is an instruction in execute stage // that will produce it's result in control stage (i.e. load and mfspr), // and an instruction currently in decode stage needing it's result as // input in execute stage. // Also detect the situation where there is a jump to register in decode // stage and an instruction in execute stage that will write to that // register. // // A bubble is also inserted when an rfe instruction is in decode stage, // the main purpose of this is to stall fetch while the rfe is propagating // up to ctrl stage. assign decode_bubble_o = ( // load/mfspr/mul (execute_op_lsu_load_o | execute_op_mfspr_o | execute_op_mul_o & FEATURE_MULTIPLIER=="PIPELINED") & (decode_rfa_adr_i == execute_rfd_adr_o || decode_rfb_adr_i == execute_rfd_adr_o) | // mul FEATURE_MULTIPLIER=="PIPELINED" & (decode_op_mul_i & (ctrl_to_decode_interlock | execute_rf_wb_o & (decode_rfa_adr_i == execute_rfd_adr_o || decode_rfb_adr_i == execute_rfd_adr_o))) | // jr decode_op_jr_i & (ctrl_to_decode_interlock | execute_rf_wb_o & (decode_rfb_adr_i == execute_rfd_adr_o)) | // atomic store execute_op_lsu_store_o & execute_op_lsu_atomic_o | // rfe decode_op_rfe_i ) & padv_i; always @(posedge clk `OR_ASYNC_RST) if (rst) execute_bubble_o <= 0; else if (pipeline_flush_i) execute_bubble_o <= 0; else if (padv_i) execute_bubble_o <= decode_bubble_o; endmodule // mor1kx_decode_execute_cappuccino

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