
Subversion Repositories fpu100

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 16 to Rev 17
    Reverse comparison

Rev 16 → Rev 17

2,7 → 2,7
-- Project: <Floating Point Unit Core>
-- Description: pre-normalization entity for the addition/subtraction unit
-- Description: post-normalization entity for the addition/subtraction unit
-- 100101011010011100100
50,119 → 50,187
library work;
use work.fpupack.all;
entity pre_norm_addsub is
entity post_norm_addsub is
clk_i : in std_logic;
opa_i : in std_logic_vector(FP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
opb_i : in std_logic_vector(FP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
fracta_28_o : out std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0); -- carry(1) & hidden(1) & fraction(23) & guard(1) & round(1) & sticky(1)
fractb_28_o : out std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0);
exp_o : out std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH-1 downto 0)
opa_i : in std_logic_vector(FP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
opb_i : in std_logic_vector(FP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
fract_28_i : in std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0); -- carry(1) & hidden(1) & fraction(23) & guard(1) & round(1) & sticky(1)
exp_i : in std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
sign_i : in std_logic;
fpu_op_i : in std_logic;
rmode_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
output_o : out std_logic_vector(FP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
ine_o : out std_logic
end pre_norm_addsub;
end post_norm_addsub;
architecture rtl of pre_norm_addsub is
architecture rtl of post_norm_addsub is
signal s_exp_o : std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_fracta_28_o, s_fractb_28_o : std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0);
signal s_expa, s_expb : std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_fracta, s_fractb : std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_opa_i, s_opb_i : std_logic_vector(FP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_fract_28_i : std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0);
signal s_exp_i : std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_sign_i : std_logic;
signal s_fpu_op_i : std_logic;
signal s_rmode_i : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal s_output_o : std_logic_vector(FP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_ine_o : std_logic;
signal s_overflow : std_logic;
signal s_fracta_28, s_fractb_28, s_fract_sm_28, s_fract_shr_28 : std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0);
signal s_exp_diff : std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_rzeros : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal s_shr1, s_shr2, s_shl, s_shr1e : std_logic;
signal s_expa_eq_expb : std_logic;
signal s_expa_lt_expb : std_logic;
signal s_fracta_1 : std_logic;
signal s_fractb_1 : std_logic;
signal s_op_dn,s_opa_dn, s_opb_dn : std_logic;
signal s_mux_diff : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal s_mux_exp : std_logic;
signal s_sticky : std_logic;
signal s_expr1_9, s_expr2_9, s_expl_9 : std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH downto 0);
signal s_exp_shr1, s_exp_shr2, s_exp_shl : std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_fract_shr1, s_fract_shr2, s_fract_shl : std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0);
signal s_zeros : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal shl_pos: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal s_fract_1, s_fract_2 : std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0);
signal s_exp_1, s_exp_2 : std_logic_vector(EXP_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal s_fract_rnd : std_logic_vector(FRAC_WIDTH+4 downto 0);
signal s_roundup : std_logic;
signal s_sticky : std_logic;
signal s_zero_fract : std_logic;
signal s_lost : std_logic;
signal s_infa, s_infb : std_logic;
signal s_nan_in, s_nan_op, s_nan_a, s_nan_b, s_nan_sign : std_logic;
-- Input Register
-- if rising_edge(clk_i) then
s_expa <= opa_i(30 downto 23);
s_expb <= opb_i(30 downto 23);
s_fracta <= opa_i(22 downto 0);
s_fractb <= opb_i(22 downto 0);
s_opa_i <= opa_i;
s_opb_i <= opb_i;
s_fract_28_i <= fract_28_i;
s_exp_i <= exp_i;
s_sign_i <= sign_i;
s_fpu_op_i <= fpu_op_i;
s_rmode_i <= rmode_i;
-- end if;
--end process;
--end process;
-- Output Register
-- if rising_edge(clk_i) then
output_o <= s_output_o;
ine_o <= s_ine_o;
-- end if;
--end process;
-- Output Register
-- check if shifting is needed
s_shr1 <= s_fract_28_i(27);
s_shl <= '1' when s_fract_28_i(27 downto 26)="00" and s_exp_i /= "00000000" else '0';
s_shr1e <= '1' when s_fract_28_i(26)='1' and or_reduce(s_exp_i)='0' else '0'; --if exp is zero, and hidden bit=1, then exp=exp+1 ( no need to check s_fract_28_i(27)! )
-- stage 1a: right-shift (when necessary)
s_expr1_9 <= "0"&s_exp_i + "000000001";
s_fract_shr1 <= shr(s_fract_28_i, "1");
s_exp_shr1 <= s_expr1_9(7 downto 0);
-- stage 1b: left-shift (when necessary)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
exp_o <= s_exp_o;
fracta_28_o <= s_fracta_28_o;
fractb_28_o <= s_fractb_28_o;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- count the leading zero's of fraction, needed for left-shift
s_zeros <= count_l_zeros(s_fract_28_i(26 downto 0));
end if;
end process;
end process;
s_expa_eq_expb <= '1' when s_expa = s_expb else '0';
s_expa_lt_expb <= '1' when s_expa > s_expb else '0';
s_expl_9 <= ("0"&s_exp_i) - ("000"&s_zeros);
shl_pos <= "000000" when s_exp_i="00000001" else s_zeros;
s_fract_shl <= shl(s_fract_28_i, shl_pos);
s_exp_shl <= "00000000" when s_exp_i="00000001" else s_exp_i - ("00"&shl_pos);
-- '1' if fraction is not zero
s_fracta_1 <= or_reduce(s_fracta);
s_fractb_1 <= or_reduce(s_fractb);
-- opa or Opb is denormalized
s_op_dn <= s_opa_dn or s_opb_dn;
s_opa_dn <= not or_reduce(s_expa);
s_opb_dn <= not or_reduce(s_expb);
-- output the larger exponent
s_mux_exp <= s_expa_lt_expb;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
case s_mux_exp is
when '0' => s_exp_o <= s_expb;
when '1' => s_exp_o <= s_expa;
when others => s_exp_o <= "11111111";
end case;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if s_shr1='1' then
s_fract_1 <= s_fract_shr1;
elsif s_shl='1' then
s_fract_1 <= s_fract_shl;
s_fract_1 <= s_fract_28_i;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- convert to an easy to handle floating-point format
s_fracta_28 <= "01" & s_fracta & "000" when s_opa_dn='0' else "00" & s_fracta & "000";
s_fractb_28 <= "01" & s_fractb & "000" when s_opb_dn='0' else "00" & s_fractb & "000";
s_mux_diff <= s_expa_lt_expb & (s_opa_dn xor s_opb_dn);
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- calculate howmany postions the fraction will be shifted
case s_mux_diff is
when "00"=> s_exp_diff <= s_expb - s_expa;
when "01"=> s_exp_diff <= s_expb - (s_expa+"00000001");
when "10"=> s_exp_diff <= s_expa - s_expb;
when "11"=> s_exp_diff <= s_expa - (s_expb+"00000001");
when others => s_exp_diff <= "11110000";
end case;
if s_shr1='1' or s_shr1e='1' then
s_exp_1 <= s_exp_shr1;
elsif s_shl='1' then
s_exp_1 <= s_exp_shl;
s_exp_1 <= s_exp_i;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- round
s_fract_sm_28 <= s_fracta_28 when s_expa_lt_expb='0' else s_fractb_28;
s_sticky <='1' when s_fract_1(0)='1' or (s_fract_28_i(0) and s_fract_28_i(27))='1' else '0'; --check last bit, before and after right-shift
-- shift-right the fraction if necessary
s_fract_shr_28 <= shr(s_fract_sm_28, s_exp_diff);
s_roundup <= s_fract_1(2) and ((s_fract_1(1) or s_sticky)or s_fract_1(3)) when s_rmode_i="00" else -- round to nearset even
(s_fract_1(2) or s_fract_1(1) or s_sticky) and (not s_sign_i) when s_rmode_i="10" else -- round up
(s_fract_1(2) or s_fract_1(1) or s_sticky) and (s_sign_i) when s_rmode_i="11" else -- round down
'0'; -- round to zero(truncate = no rounding)
-- count the zeros from right to check if result is inexact
s_rzeros <= count_r_zeros(s_fract_sm_28);
s_sticky <= '1' when s_exp_diff > s_rzeros and or_reduce(s_fract_sm_28)='1' else '0';
s_fract_rnd <= s_fract_1 + "0000000000000000000000001000" when s_roundup='1' else s_fract_1;
s_fracta_28_o <= s_fracta_28 when s_expa_lt_expb='1' else s_fract_shr_28(27 downto 1) & (s_sticky or s_fract_shr_28(0));
s_fractb_28_o <= s_fractb_28 when s_expa_lt_expb='0' else s_fract_shr_28(27 downto 1) & (s_sticky or s_fract_shr_28(0));
-- stage 2: right-shift after rounding (when necessary)
s_shr2 <= s_fract_rnd(27);
s_expr2_9 <= ("0"&s_exp_1) + "000000001";
s_fract_shr2 <= shr(s_fract_rnd, "1");
s_exp_shr2 <= s_expr2_9(7 downto 0);
s_fract_2 <= s_fract_shr2 when s_shr2='1' else s_fract_rnd;
s_exp_2 <= s_exp_shr2 when s_shr2='1' else s_exp_1;
s_infa <= '1' when s_opa_i(30 downto 23)="11111111" else '0';
s_infb <= '1' when s_opb_i(30 downto 23)="11111111" else '0';
s_nan_a <= '1' when (s_infa='1' and or_reduce (s_opa_i(22 downto 0))='1') else '0';
s_nan_b <= '1' when (s_infb='1' and or_reduce (s_opb_i(22 downto 0))='1') else '0';
s_nan_in <= '1' when s_nan_a='1' or s_nan_b='1' else '0';
s_nan_op <= '1' when (s_infa and s_infb)='1' and (s_opa_i(31) xor (s_fpu_op_i xor s_opb_i(31)) )='1' else '0'; -- inf-inf=Nan
s_nan_sign <= s_sign_i when (s_nan_a and s_nan_b)='1' else
s_opa_i(31) when s_nan_a='1' else
-- check if result is inexact;
s_lost <= or_reduce(s_fract_28_i(2 downto 0)) or or_reduce(s_fract_1(2 downto 0)) or or_reduce(s_fract_2(2 downto 0));
s_ine_o <= '1' when (s_lost or s_overflow)='1' and (s_infa or s_infb)='0' else '0';
s_overflow <='1' when (s_expr1_9(8) or s_expr2_9(8))='1' and (s_infa or s_infb)='0' else '0';
s_zero_fract <= '1' when s_zeros=27 and s_fract_28_i(27)='0' else '0'; -- '1' if fraction result is zero
process(s_sign_i, s_exp_2, s_fract_2, s_nan_in, s_nan_op, s_nan_sign, s_infa, s_infb, s_overflow, s_zero_fract)
if (s_nan_in or s_nan_op)='1' then
s_output_o <= s_nan_sign & QNAN;
elsif (s_infa or s_infb)='1' or s_overflow='1' then
s_output_o <= s_sign_i & INF;
elsif s_zero_fract='1' then
s_output_o <= s_sign_i & ZERO_VECTOR;
s_output_o <= s_sign_i & s_exp_2 & s_fract_2(25 downto 3);
end if;
end process;
end rtl;

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