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Rev 2 → Rev 3

0,0 → 1,341
-- Title : hdbn_tb
-- Project : hdbn
-- File : hdbn_tb.vhd
-- Author : Allan Herriman <>
-- Organization : Opencores
-- Created : 9 Aug 1999
-- Platform : ?
-- Simulators : Should work in any VHDL '93 or '00 compliant simulator.
-- (Strict '87 compliant simulators will not work, as some
-- '93 features have been used.)
-- Tested with several versions of Modelsim and Simili.
-- Most recently tested with Modelsim PE 5.6d and Simili 2.1b10
-- on Windows 2000
-- Synthesizers : N/A (this is a testbench)
-- Targets : N/A (this is a testbench)
-- Dependency : entities hdbne and hdbnd
-- Description : testbench for entities hdbne and hdbnd.
-- This is an "assertion based" test. If it runs to
-- completion (about 16ms) without errors, it has passed.
-- Reference : ITU-T G.703
-- Copyright (c) notice
-- CVS Revision History
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
entity hdbn_tb is
generic (
HalfWidthOutputs : boolean := FALSE; -- set TRUE to use 2x clock on encoder
InjectError : boolean := FALSE; -- set TRUE to test decoder error detection
SwapPandN : boolean := FALSE; -- set TRUE to swap P,N signals between enc and dec
EncoderType : integer range 2 to 3 := 3; -- 3: HDB3 2: HDB2/B3ZS
PulseActiveState : std_logic := '1'; -- active state of P and N signals
LogSpiceFile : boolean := FALSE; -- set TRUE to log encoder output in Spice PWL format
LogFileName : string := "hdbn.txt";
StartupTransient : time := 15 us -- disables assertions for this long
end hdbn_tb; -- End entity hdbn_tb
architecture tb of hdbn_tb is
signal Reset : std_logic := '1';
signal Clk : std_logic := '0';
signal TxClk : std_logic := '0';
signal TxClkEnable : std_logic;
signal Data : std_logic; -- encoder input (stimulus)
signal DataOut : std_logic; -- decoder output
signal CodeError : std_logic;
signal P : std_logic;
signal N : std_logic;
signal PwithErrors : std_logic;
signal NwithErrors : std_logic;
signal InjectedError : std_logic := '0';
signal DataDelayed : std_logic; -- Matches delay of encoder
signal DataDelayedSomeMore : std_logic; -- Matches delay of encoder and decoder
signal Violation : std_logic;
signal SimulationFinished : boolean := FALSE;
-- Instantiation of entity 'hdbne' - hdbn encoder under test
eUT : entity work.hdbne
generic map (
EncoderType => EncoderType,
PulseActiveState => PulseActiveState
port map (
Reset_i => Reset,
Clk_i => TxClk,
ClkEnable_i => TxClkEnable,
Data_i => Data,
OutputGate_i => TxClkEnable,
P_o => P,
N_o => N
-- Instantiation of entity 'hdbnd' - hdbn decoder under test
dUT : entity work.hdbnd
generic map (
EncoderType => EncoderType,
PulseActiveState => PulseActiveState
port map (
Reset_i => Reset,
Clk_i => Clk,
ClkEnable_i => '1',
P_i => PwithErrors,
N_i => NwithErrors,
Data_o => DataOut,
CodeError_o => CodeError
-- make two clocks, 4.096MHz and 2.048MHz.
-- Use HalfWidthOutputs to select which one is used for encoder
-- Note: care must be taken to balance delta delays, otherwise races between
-- the clocks may cause unpredictable results.
MakeClk: process
variable Clkv : std_logic := '0';
variable Clk2xv : std_logic := '0';
wait for 122 ns;
if SimulationFinished then
wait until not SimulationFinished;
end if;
Clk2xv := not Clk2xv;
if Clk2xv = '1' then
Clkv := not Clkv;
end if;
-- assign to signals, all in the same delta cycle
Clk <= Clkv;
if HalfWidthOutputs then
-- run Encoder twice as fast, with every 2nd clock enabled
TxClk <= Clk2xv;
TxClkEnable <= not Clkv;
-- run Encoder at normal speed, with all clocks enabled
TxClk <= Clkv;
TxClkEnable <= '1';
end if;
end process MakeClk;
-- Make async, active high Reset signal
Reset <= '1', '0' after 50 ns;
-- PROCESS : StimulusGen, makes pseudo random bit sequence for testing.
-- See ITU-T O.151 for details of this LFSR (this is the "official" PRBS to
-- use for 2.048Mbps testing).
StimulusGen: process (Reset, Clk)
variable shiftreg : Std_logic_vector(14 downto 0) := (others => '0');
if Reset = '1' then
shiftreg := (others => '0');
Data <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk) then
shiftreg := shiftreg(13 downto 0) & (not (shiftreg(14) xor shiftreg(13)));
if HalfWidthOutputs then
Data <= shiftreg(1); -- compensate for earlier sampling in hdbne when run from Clk2x
Data <= shiftreg(0);
end if;
DataDelayed <= shiftreg(3 + EncoderType); -- for violation visualisation
DataDelayedSomeMore <= shiftreg(5 + 2 * EncoderType); -- for decoder testing
if shiftreg = (shiftreg'range => '0') then
report "hdbn simulation finished";
SimulationFinished <= TRUE after 10 us;
end if;
end if;
end process StimulusGen;
-- optionally inject errors, to test decoder error detection
-- and optionally crossover P&N on the line
InjectErrors : if InjectError generate
InjectedError <= '0',
'1' after StartupTransient + 1 us,
'0' after StartupTransient + 1.500 us;
end generate InjectErrors;
-- normal connection, P->P, N->N
NoSwapLines : if not SwapPandN generate
PwithErrors <= P xor InjectedError;
NwithErrors <= N;
end generate NoSwapLines;
-- check that it still works with P and N crossed over
SwapLines : if SwapPandN generate
PwithErrors <= N xor InjectedError;
NwithErrors <= P;
end generate SwapLines;
-- PROCESS : Checker
-- DESCRIPTION: Checks aspects of the hdb2/hdb3 encoder against the spec,
-- and checks the decoder against the encoder
Checker: process (Clk)
variable RunningSum : integer := 0;
variable ZeroCount : integer := 0;
if rising_edge(Clk) then
-- Encoder P and N outputs should never be active at the same time
assert (not ((P = PulseActiveState) and (N = PulseActiveState)))
report "Simultaneous P and N Pulse Error on HDBNE output"
severity error;
-- There should be no DC component on the line
if P = PulseActiveState then
RunningSum := RunningSum + 1;
elsif N = PulseActiveState then
RunningSum := RunningSum - 1;
end if;
assert RunningSum < 2 and RunningSum > -2
report "Running Sum Error on HDBNE output"
severity error;
-- There shouldn't be too many zeros in a row at encoder output
if P = PulseActiveState or N = PulseActiveState then
ZeroCount := 0;
ZeroCount := ZeroCount + 1;
end if;
assert (ZeroCount <= EncoderType) or (now < StartupTransient)
report "Long String Of Zeros on HDBNE output"
severity error;
-- The decoder output should match the encoder input
assert ((DataDelayedSomeMore xor DataOut) = '0') or (now < StartupTransient)
report "Decoder Bit Error on HDBND output"
severity error;
-- The decoder shouldn't detect any errors
assert (CodeError = '0') or (now < StartupTransient)
report "Decoder Code Error on HDBND output"
severity error;
end if;
end process Checker;
Violation <= DataDelayed xor (P or N); -- for visualisation only
-- (only useful if HalfWidthOutputs is FALSE)
-- Log values to a file in PSpice "PWL" format, for testing of E1 LIU, etc.
-- Note: this process isn't an essential part of the test bench.
-- Example spice usage:
-- .PARAM PH = 2.37V ; G.703 2.048Mbps pulse height
-- .PARAM PW = 244ns ; G.703 2.048Mbps pulse width
-- Vdrive 1 0 PWL
-- + FILE hdbn.txt
GenLogger : if LogSpiceFile generate
Logger : process (Clk)
FILE log_file : text open write_mode IS LogFileName;
VARIABLE l : line;
variable LineNumber : integer := 0;
variable value : integer;
variable FirstTime : boolean := TRUE;
if rising_edge(Clk) then
if FirstTime then
-- output (0, 0) as the first line in the file
write(l, '(' & integer'image(LineNumber) & ", 0)");
writeline(log_file, l);
FirstTime := FALSE;
end if;
if P = PulseActiveState then
value := 1;
elsif N = PulseActiveState then
value := -1;
value := 0;
end if;
if value = 0 then
-- don't bother to print it (as the voltage is already 0), but do update the time!
LineNumber := LineNumber + 2;
-- ramp the voltage from 0 to the peak value
write(l, '(' & integer'image(LineNumber) & ".49, 0)");
writeline(log_file, l);
write(l, '(' & integer'image(LineNumber) & ".5, " & integer'image(value) & ')');
writeline(log_file, l);
LineNumber := LineNumber + 1;
-- ramp the voltage from the peak value back to 0
write(l, '(' & integer'image(LineNumber) & ".49, " & integer'image(value) & ')');
writeline(log_file, l);
write(l, '(' & integer'image(LineNumber) & ".5, 0)");
writeline(log_file, l);
LineNumber := LineNumber + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process Logger;
end generate GenLogger;
end architecture tb;
-- End of hdbn_tb.vhd
0,0 → 1,262
-- Title : hdbnd
-- Project : hdbn
-- File : hdbnd.vhd
-- Author : Allan Herriman <>
-- Organization : Opencores
-- Created : 9 Aug 1999
-- Platform : ?
-- Simulators : Any VHDL '87, '93 or '00 compliant simulator will work.
-- Tested with several versions of Modelsim and Simili.
-- Synthesizers : Any VHDL compliant synthesiser will work (tested with
-- Synplify Pro and Leonardo).
-- Targets : Anything (contains no target dependent features except
-- combinatorial logic and D flip flops with async
-- reset or set).
-- Dependency : None. Complementary encoder is hdb3e.
-- Description : HDB3 or HDB2 (B3ZS) decoder.
-- Note: this module does not include clock recovery.
-- A separate CDR (Clock and Data Recovery) circuit must be
-- used.
-- HDB3 is typically used to encode data at 2.048, 8.448 and 34.368Mb/s
-- B3ZS is typically used to encode data at 44.736Mb/s
-- These encodings are polarity insensitive, so the P and N inputs may be
-- used interchangeably (swapped).
-- Reference : ITU-T G.703
-- Copyright (c) notice
-- CVS Revision History
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity hdbnd is
generic (
EncoderType : integer range 2 to 3 := 3; -- 3: HDB3 2: HDB2/B3ZS
PulseActiveState : std_logic := '1' -- active state of P and N inputs
port (
Reset_i : in std_logic := '0'; -- active high async reset
Clk_i : in std_logic; -- rising edge clock
ClkEnable_i : in std_logic := '1'; -- active high clock enable
P_i : in std_logic; -- +ve pulse input
N_i : in std_logic; -- -ve pulse input
Data_o : out std_logic; -- active high data output
CodeError_o : out std_logic -- active high error indicator
end hdbnd; -- End entity hdbnd
architecture rtl of hdbnd is
signal PinRaw : std_logic; -- registered P input
signal NinRaw : std_logic; -- registered N input
signal Pin : std_logic; -- registered P input (with polarity corrected)
signal Nin : std_logic; -- registered N input (with polarity corrected)
signal Violation : std_logic; -- pulse violation detected
signal LastPulsePolarity : std_logic; -- last pulse sense 1=P, 0=N
signal LastViolationPolarity : std_logic; -- last violation sense "
-- shift register bits (to align data with violations, so we can delete them)
signal Q1 : std_logic;
signal Q2 : std_logic;
signal Q3 : std_logic;
-- signals used for calculating CodeError
signal ViolationError : std_logic; -- indicates bad violation
signal ZeroCount : integer range 0 to 3; -- counts 0s in input
signal TooManyZeros : std_logic; -- indicates 4 consecutive zeros detected
signal PulseError : std_logic; -- indicates simultaneous P and N pulse
-- PROCESS : RegisterInput
-- DESCRIPTION: DFF to register P and N inputs (reduces fan-in, etc)
-- Most applications of this core will be taking inputs from
-- off-chip, so these FF will be in the I/O blocks.
-- Metastability issues: None.
-- Either (1) the external CDR provides adequate
-- timing margin (which ensures no metastability issues)
-- or (2) it doesn't provide adequate timing margin (which could happen
-- if the input cable is unplugged) and any metastable states are irrelevant,
-- as the downstream decoding logic is free of lockup states,
-- and will recover within a few clocks once the
-- CDR is providing normal input again.
RegisterInput: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
PinRaw <= '0';
NinRaw <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
PinRaw <= to_X01(P_i);
NinRaw <= to_X01(N_i);
end if;
end if;
end process RegisterInput;
-- Restore active low pulse inputs to active high for internal use.
Pin <= PinRaw xor (not PulseActiveState);
Nin <= NinRaw xor (not PulseActiveState);
-- PROCESS : DecodeViolation
-- DESCRIPTION: Work out whether there has been a pulse violation, and
-- remember the sense of the last input pulse.
DecodeViolation: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
variable tmp : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
if Reset_i = '1' then
LastPulsePolarity <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
tmp := Pin & Nin;
case tmp is
when "00" => LastPulsePolarity <= LastPulsePolarity; --hold
when "10" => LastPulsePolarity <= '1'; -- set
when "01" => LastPulsePolarity <= '0'; -- reset
when others => LastPulsePolarity <= '0'; -- don't care
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process DecodeViolation;
Violation <= (Pin and LastPulsePolarity) or (Nin and (not LastPulsePolarity));
-- PROCESS : DelayData
-- DESCRIPTION: Delay the data input so that it lines up with the violation
-- signal, so we can remove the B bit (in process DecodeData).
DelayData: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
Q1 <= '0';
Q2 <= '0';
Q3 <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
Q1 <= (Pin or Nin) and (not Violation); -- delete V bit
Q2 <= Q1;
if EncoderType = 3 then
-- HDB3, delay by 3 clocks
Q3 <= Q2;
-- HDB2, delay by 2 clocks
Q3 <= Q1; -- skip Q2
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process DelayData;
-- PROCESS : DecodeData
-- DESCRIPTION: remove B bits from data, and register output
DecodeData: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
Data_o <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
Data_o <= Q3 and (not Violation); -- delete B bit
end if;
end if;
end process DecodeData;
-- PROCESS : CountZeros
-- DESCRIPTION: count number of contiguous zeros in input (mod 3 or 4)
CountZeros: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
ZeroCount <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
if (Pin or Nin) = '1' then
ZeroCount <= 0; -- have seen a 1, reset count
elsif ZeroCount >= EncoderType then
ZeroCount <= EncoderType; -- hold
ZeroCount <= ZeroCount + 1; -- increment
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process CountZeros;
-- PROCESS : DecodeViolationError
-- DESCRIPTION: Remember the polarity of this violation, so that we can work
-- out whether the next violation is an error.
DecodeViolationError: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
LastViolationPolarity <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
if Violation = '1' then
LastViolationPolarity <= LastPulsePolarity;
LastViolationPolarity <= LastViolationPolarity; -- latch
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process DecodeViolationError;
-- The follow logic checks for various error conditions.
ViolationError <= Violation and (not (Pin xor LastViolationPolarity));
PulseError <= Pin and Nin;
TooManyZeros <= (not (Pin or Nin)) when (ZeroCount = EncoderType) else '0';
-- PROCESS : RegisterCodeError
-- DESCRIPTION: combine all error signals and register the output
RegisterCodeError: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
CodeError_o <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
CodeError_o <= ViolationError or PulseError or TooManyZeros;
end if;
end if;
end process RegisterCodeError;
end rtl; -- End architecture rtl;
-- End of hdbnd.vhd
0,0 → 1,273
-- Title : hdbne
-- Project : hdbn
-- File : hdbne.vhd
-- Author : Allan Herriman <>
-- Organization : Opencores
-- Created : 9 Aug 1999
-- Platform : ?
-- Simulators : Any VHDL '87, '93 or '00 compliant simulator will work.
-- Tested with several versions of Modelsim and Simili.
-- Synthesizers : Any VHDL compliant synthesiser will work (tested with
-- Synplify Pro and Leonardo).
-- Targets : Anything (contains no target dependent features except
-- combinatorial logic and D flip flops with async
-- reset or set).
-- Dependency : None. Complementary decoder is hdb3d.
-- Description : HDB3 or HDB2 (B3ZS) encoder.
-- P and N outputs are full width by default.
-- Half width pulses can be created by using a double rate clock and
-- strobing ClkEnable and OutputEnable appropriately (high every second clock).
-- HDB3 is typically used to encode data at 2.048, 8.448 and 34.368Mb/s
-- B3ZS is typically used to encode data at 44.736Mb/s
-- The outputs will require pulse shaping if used to drive the line.
-- These encodings are polarity insensitive, so the P and N outputs may be
-- used interchangeably (swapped).
-- Reference : ITU-T G.703
-- Copyright (c) notice
-- CVS Revision History
-- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity hdbne is
generic (
EncoderType : integer range 2 to 3 := 3; -- 3: HDB3 2: HDB2/B3ZS
PulseActiveState : std_logic := '1' -- active state of P and N outputs
port (
Reset_i : in std_logic := '0'; -- active high async reset
Clk_i : in std_logic; -- rising edge clock
ClkEnable_i : in std_logic := '1'; -- active high clock enable
Data_i : in std_logic; -- active high data input
OutputGate_i : in std_logic := '1'; -- '0' forces P and N to not PulseActiveState (synchronously, but ignoring ClkEnable)
P_o : out std_logic; -- encoded +ve pulse output
N_o : out std_logic -- encoded -ve pulse output
end hdbne; -- End entity hdbne
architecture rtl of hdbne is
signal Q1 : std_logic; -- Q1 through Q5 form a shift
signal Q2 : std_logic; -- register for aligning
signal Q3 : std_logic; -- the data so we can insert
signal Q4 : std_logic; -- the violations
signal Q5 : std_logic;
signal AMI : std_logic; -- sense of pulse (P or N)
signal ViolationType : std_logic; -- sense of violation
signal ZeroCount : integer range 0 to 3; -- counts 0s in input
signal ZeroString : std_logic; -- goes to '1' when 3 or 4 0s seen
signal ZeroStringDelayed : std_logic; -- above delayed by 1 clock
-- PROCESS : RegisterInput
-- DESCRIPTION: DFF (Q1) to register input data (reduces fan-in, etc)
RegisterInput: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
Q1 <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
Q1 <= to_X01(Data_i);
end if;
end if;
end process RegisterInput;
-- PROCESS : CountZeros
-- DESCRIPTION: count number of contiguous zeros in input (mod 4 or mod 3)
CountZeros: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
ZeroCount <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
if Q1 = '1' then
ZeroCount <= 0; -- have seen a 1, reset count
elsif ZeroCount >= EncoderType then
ZeroCount <= 0; -- increment modulo 3 or 4
ZeroCount <= ZeroCount + 1; -- increment
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process CountZeros;
-- PROCESS : DecodeCount (combinatorial)
-- DESCRIPTION: decode ZeroCount to indicate when string of 3 or 4 zeros is present
-- Note: this process is not clocked
DecodeCount: process (Q1, ZeroCount)
if ZeroCount = EncoderType and Q1 = '0' then
ZeroString <= '1';
ZeroString <= '0';
end if;
end process DecodeCount;
-- PROCESS : RegisterZeroString
-- DESCRIPTION: DFF to register the ZeroString signal
RegisterZeroString: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
ZeroStringDelayed <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
ZeroStringDelayed <= ZeroString;
end if;
end if;
end process RegisterZeroString;
-- PROCESS : DelayData
-- DESCRIPTION: insert 1 if needed for violation, and delay data by 2 or 3 clocks
-- to line up with ZeroString detection.
DelayData: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
Q2 <= '0';
Q3 <= '0';
Q4 <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
Q2 <= Q1 or ZeroString; -- insert Violation bit
Q3 <= Q2;
if EncoderType = 3 then
-- HDB3, delay by 3 clocks
Q4 <= Q3;
-- HDB2, delay by 2 clocks
Q4 <= Q2; -- skip Q3
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process DelayData;
-- PROCESS : InsertBBit
-- DESCRIPTION: Delay Q4 by one clock, and insert B bit if needed.
InsertBBit: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
Q5 <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
Q5 <= Q4 or (ZeroString and (not ViolationType));
end if;
end if;
end process InsertBBit;
-- PROCESS : ToggleViolationType
-- DESCRIPTION: Toggle ViolationType whenever Q5 is 1
ToggleViolationType: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
ViolationType <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
ViolationType <= ViolationType xor Q5;
end if;
end if;
end process ToggleViolationType;
-- PROCESS : AMIFlipFlop
-- DESCRIPTION: toggle AMI to alternate P and N pulses. Force a violation (no
-- toggle) occasionally.
AMIFlipFlop: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
AMI <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' then
AMI <= AMI xor (Q5 and (ViolationType nand (ZeroString or ZeroStringDelayed)));
end if;
end if;
end process AMIFlipFlop;
-- PROCESS : MakePandNPulses
-- DESCRIPTION: Gate Q5 with AMI to produce the P and N outputs
-- Note that OutputEnable overrides ClkEnable, to allow creation of
-- half width pulses.
-- The flip flops P and N will drive the outputs to the LIU, and these
-- flip flops should be in the IOBs in an FPGA. Clk to output delay
-- should be matched for P and N to avoid pulse shape distortion at the LIU
-- output.
MakePandNPulses: process (Reset_i, Clk_i)
if Reset_i = '1' then
P_o <= not PulseActiveState;
N_o <= not PulseActiveState;
elsif rising_edge(Clk_i) then
if ClkEnable_i = '1' or OutputGate_i /= '1' then
if OutputGate_i /= '1' then
-- force output to '0'
P_o <= not PulseActiveState;
N_o <= not PulseActiveState;
-- normal operation
if Q5 = '1' then
if AMI = '1' then
-- output '1' on P
P_o <= PulseActiveState;
N_o <= not PulseActiveState;
-- output '1' on N
P_o <= not PulseActiveState;
N_o <= PulseActiveState;
end if;
-- output '0'
P_o <= not PulseActiveState;
N_o <= not PulseActiveState;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process MakePandNPulses;
end rtl; -- End architecture rtl;
-- End of hdbne.vhd
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