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Rev 3 → Rev 4

/tags/start/sbd_adsu.v File deleted
/trunk/sbd_adsu.v File deleted
/trunk/sbd_sqrt_fp.v File deleted
0,0 → 1,101
- state machine for sbd_sqrt_fp32
Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
module sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach ( CLK,VAL_IN,INIT,LSR,ENR,ENL,EN_D,DLEFT,VAL_OUT );
parameter termval = 25;
input CLK;
input VAL_IN;
output wire INIT;
output wire LSR;
output wire ENR;
output wire ENL;
output wire EN_D;
output wire DLEFT;
output wire VAL_OUT;
wire begPulse;
reg terminate;
reg [6:0] currentState;
wire [6:0] nextState;
reg [5:0] countValue;
reg val_state_reg;
wire active;
currentState = 0;
countValue = 0;
val_state_reg = 0;
assign INIT = currentState[6];
assign LSR = currentState[5];
assign ENR = currentState[4];
assign ENL = currentState[3];
assign EN_D = currentState[2];
assign DLEFT = currentState[1];
assign nextState[6] = begPulse & ~terminate;
assign nextState[5] = currentState[4]; // 31 or 25
assign nextState[4] = currentState[6] | (currentState[5] & ~terminate);
assign nextState[3] = currentState[6] | (currentState[5] & ~terminate);
assign nextState[2] = currentState[4] | (currentState[5] & ~terminate);
assign nextState[1] = currentState[5] & ~terminate;
assign nextState[0] = currentState[6] | (currentState[5] & ~terminate);
always @ (posedge CLK)
if(begPulse) countValue <= 0;
else if(currentState[0]) countValue <= countValue + 1;
always @ (posedge CLK)
currentState <= nextState;
always @ (countValue, begPulse)
if((countValue == termval) && ~begPulse) terminate = 1;
else terminate = 0;
//assign terminate = (countValue[4] & countValue[3] & ~countValue[2] & ~countValue[1] & countValue[0]) & ~begPulse;
//------------------- val in and out states ---------------------
always @ (posedge CLK)
val_state_reg <= active & ~VAL_OUT;
assign begPulse = VAL_IN & ~val_state_reg;
assign active = begPulse | val_state_reg;
assign VAL_OUT = terminate & active;
0,0 → 1,45
Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
module sbd_adsu(A,B,ADD,C_IN,C_OUT,S);
parameter bitlength=8;
input [bitlength-1:0] A;
input [bitlength-1:0] B;
input ADD;
input C_IN;
output wire C_OUT;
output wire [bitlength-1:0] S;
wire [bitlength-1:0] Bx;
wire [bitlength:0] tmp;
assign Bx = B ^ {bitlength{~ADD}};
assign tmp = A + Bx + C_IN;
assign S = tmp[bitlength-1:0];
assign C_OUT = tmp[bitlength];
0,0 → 1,256
- square root function for single or double precisons ieee 754
floating-point numbers
This core is capable of handling single or double precision floating-
poing numbers. For single precision, set the bitlength parameter to 32;
for double precision, set the bitlength parameter to 64. The algorithm
used is iterative and will take 52 clock cycles for single precision and
110 clock cycles for double precision. The sign bit is simply passed
through from input to output, so if given negative input, this core
will produce a negative output corresponding to -1 * sqrt(|input|).
Ports: - all signals are active high
input [bitlength-1:0] D_IN; // single or double precison input
input VAL_IN; // Assert VAL_IN to signal a valid
input value. The module will only
accept input when RDY_IN is asserted.
If RDY_IN is low, then VAL_IN should
remain asserted until RDY_IN goes
high. VAL_IN and RDY_IN must both be
asserted for one clock cycle for
computation to begin.
output wire RDY_IN; // module is ready to accept input
input CLK; // clock
output reg [bitlength-1:0] D_OUT; // single or double precision output
output reg VAL_OUT; // VAL_OUT is asserted when the output
is valid. VAL_OUT will remain asserted
and D_OUT will persist until VAL_OUT and
RDY_OUT have both been asserted for one
clock cycle.
input RDY_OUT; // when asserted, downstream logic is
ready to accept output of module
This core was designed using synchronous resets, for use in FPGAs. The
synchronous resets could easily be made asynchronous for use in ASICs by
editing the always @ (posedge CLK) blocks in this and all dependant files.
Resource Utilization:
(synthesized with XST for Virtex4 - no architectural dependancies exist in this core
- this is merely an example)
Single Precision:
Slices: 155
Flip Flops: 204
4-Input LUTs: 269
Double Precision:
Slices: 324
Flip Flops: 417
4-Input LUTs: 566
Both numerical accuracy and performance of the single and double precision versions of
this core have been verified in a Xilinx XC4VLX25-10 at 100MHz. Without optimizations,
the single precision core should operate at up to at least 190MHz, and the double precision
core should operate at up to at least 134MHz in this platform. Higher performance should
be possible with a little effort.
This module uses the following files:
Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
module sbd_sqrt_fp ( D_IN, VAL_IN, RDY_IN, CLK, D_OUT, VAL_OUT, RDY_OUT );
parameter bitlength = 32;
input [bitlength-1:0] D_IN;
input VAL_IN;
output wire RDY_IN;
input CLK;
output reg [bitlength-1:0] D_OUT;
output reg VAL_OUT;
input RDY_OUT;
reg [bitlength-1:0] raw_data_reg;
reg beg_in_reg;
reg d_rdy_reg;
wire mant_out;
reg mant_out_reg;
wire [bitlength-1:0] sqrt_final;
if(bitlength == 32)
//------------------ Single Precision --------------------------------------
wire [7:0] exp_off, exp_adj, exp_final;
wire non_zero_exp = ~(!raw_data_reg[30:23]);
wire [23:0] mant_final;
wire [22:0] mant_final_imp = mant_final[22:0];
reg [23:0] mant_adj; // mantissa with explicit leading bit - adjusted
// for even/odd exponent
//------------ Exponent Calculation & Mantissa Preparation --------------
sbd_adsu exp_offset_adsu (
defparam exp_offset_adsu.bitlength = 8;
sbd_adsu exp_adjust_adsu (
.B({ exp_off[7], exp_off[7:1] }),
defparam exp_adjust_adsu.bitlength = 8;
assign exp_final = exp_adj & {8{non_zero_exp}};
always @ (raw_data_reg, non_zero_exp)
if(raw_data_reg[23]) mant_adj = { 1'b0, non_zero_exp, raw_data_reg[22:1] };
else mant_adj = { non_zero_exp, raw_data_reg[22:0] };
//------------- Mantissa Calculation --------------------------------------
sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant mant_iterations (
defparam mant_iterations.mantlength = 24;
assign sqrt_final = { raw_data_reg[bitlength-1], exp_final, mant_final_imp };
else if(bitlength == 64)
//------------------ Doule Precision ---------------------------------------
wire [10:0] exp_off, exp_adj, exp_final;
wire non_zero_exp = ~(!raw_data_reg[62:52]);
wire [52:0] mant_final;
wire [51:0] mant_final_imp = mant_final[51:0];
reg [52:0] mant_adj; // mantissa with explicit leading bit - adjusted
// for even/odd exponent
//------------ Exponent Calculation & Mantissa Preparation --------------
sbd_adsu exp_offset_adsu (
defparam exp_offset_adsu.bitlength = 11;
sbd_adsu exp_adjust_adsu (
.B({ exp_off[10], exp_off[10:1] }),
defparam exp_adjust_adsu.bitlength = 11;
assign exp_final = exp_adj & {11{non_zero_exp}};
always @ (raw_data_reg, non_zero_exp)
if(raw_data_reg[52]) mant_adj = { 1'b0, non_zero_exp, raw_data_reg[51:1] };
else mant_adj = { non_zero_exp, raw_data_reg[51:0] };
//------------- Mantissa Calculation --------------------------------------
sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant mant_iterations (
defparam mant_iterations.mantlength = 53;
assign sqrt_final = { raw_data_reg[bitlength-1], exp_final, mant_final_imp };
assign RDY_IN = ~d_rdy_reg;
wire beg_in = VAL_IN & RDY_IN;
D_OUT <= 0;
VAL_OUT <= 0;
raw_data_reg <= 0;
beg_in_reg <= 0;
d_rdy_reg <= 0;
mant_out_reg <= 0;
always @ (posedge CLK)
// input buffer
if(beg_in) raw_data_reg <= D_IN;
// val delay
beg_in_reg <= beg_in;
// RDY state
if(mant_out) d_rdy_reg <= 0;
else if(beg_in) d_rdy_reg <= 1;
// output registers
if(mant_out_reg) D_OUT <= sqrt_final;
if(VAL_OUT && RDY_OUT) VAL_OUT <= 0;
else if(mant_out_reg) VAL_OUT <= 1;
//delay output latch
mant_out_reg <= mant_out;
0,0 → 1,94
- mantissa calculation for sbd_sqrt_fp
Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
module sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant (MANT_IN,CLK,VAL_IN,MANT_OUT,VAL_OUT);
parameter mantlength = 24;
input [mantlength-1:0] MANT_IN;
input CLK;
input VAL_IN;
output wire [mantlength-1:0] MANT_OUT;
output VAL_OUT;
wire init, lsr, enr, enl, en_d, dleft;
wire [1:0] shiftLeft1SerialOut;
wire [(2*mantlength)-1:0] biPOUT, adsuOutput, shiftLeft2ParallelOut;
sbd_shifter_left2 shiftLeft1 (
defparam shiftLeft1.bitlength = mantlength;
sbd_adsu adsu_inst (
defparam adsu_inst.bitlength = 2*mantlength;
sbd_shifter_left2 shiftLeft2 (
defparam shiftLeft2.bitlength = 2*mantlength;
sbd_shifter_left3_right2 shiftBI (
.PIN({ {2*mantlength-1{1'b0}}, 1'b1 }),
defparam shiftBI.bitlength = 2*mantlength;
assign MANT_OUT = biPOUT[mantlength-1:0];
sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach state_mach (
defparam state_mach.termval = mantlength + 1;
0,0 → 1,56
- shift register - shifts left - towards MSB - 2 bits
Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
module sbd_shifter_left2 (SIN,PIN,LOAD,RST,SHIFT,CLK,SOUT,POUT);
parameter bitlength = 24;
input [1:0] SIN;
input [bitlength-1:0] PIN;
input LOAD;
input RST;
input SHIFT;
input CLK;
output wire [1:0] SOUT;
output wire [bitlength-1:0] POUT;
reg [bitlength-1:0] writeData, readData;
assign POUT = readData;
assign SOUT = readData[bitlength-1:bitlength-2];
always @ (posedge CLK)
if(RST) readData <= 0;
else if(SHIFT | LOAD) readData <= writeData;
always @ (readData, SIN, PIN, LOAD)
if(LOAD) writeData = PIN;
else writeData = { readData[bitlength-3:0], SIN };
0,0 → 1,59
- shift register - shifts left - towards MSB - 3 bits or shifts right -
towards LSB - 2 bits
Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
module sbd_shifter_left3_right2 (SINLSB,SINMSB,PIN,LOAD,LR,RST,SHIFT,CLK,POUT);
parameter bitlength = 48;
input [2:0] SINLSB;
input [1:0] SINMSB;
input [bitlength-1:0] PIN;
input LOAD;
input LR;
input RST;
input SHIFT;
input CLK;
output wire [bitlength-1:0] POUT;
reg [bitlength-1:0] writeData, readData;
wire [1:0] sel = { LOAD, LR };
assign POUT = readData;
always @ ( posedge CLK)
if(RST) readData <= 0;
else if(SHIFT | LOAD) readData <= writeData;
always @ (sel, readData, SINLSB, SINMSB, PIN)
2'b00: writeData = { readData[bitlength-4:0], SINLSB };
2'b01: writeData = { SINMSB, readData[bitlength-1:2] };
2'b1z: writeData = PIN;
sbd_sqrt_fp/trunk Property changes : Added: svn:mergeinfo ## -0,0 +0,0 ## Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/web_uploads =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/web_uploads (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/web_uploads (revision 4)
sbd_sqrt_fp/web_uploads Property changes : Added: svn:mergeinfo ## -0,0 +0,0 ## Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/branches =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/branches (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/branches (revision 4)
sbd_sqrt_fp/branches Property changes : Added: svn:mergeinfo ## -0,0 +0,0 ## Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach.v =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach.v (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +/**************************************************************************** +sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach + +- state machine for sbd_sqrt_fp32 + +Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown + +This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Lesser General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +****************************************************************************/ + + +module sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach ( CLK,VAL_IN,INIT,LSR,ENR,ENL,EN_D,DLEFT,VAL_OUT ); + +parameter termval = 25; + +input CLK; +input VAL_IN; +output wire INIT; +output wire LSR; +output wire ENR; +output wire ENL; +output wire EN_D; +output wire DLEFT; +output wire VAL_OUT; + +wire begPulse; +reg terminate; +reg [6:0] currentState; +wire [6:0] nextState; +reg [5:0] countValue; + +reg val_state_reg; +wire active; + +initial +begin + currentState = 0; + countValue = 0; + val_state_reg = 0; +end + +assign INIT = currentState[6]; +assign LSR = currentState[5]; +assign ENR = currentState[4]; +assign ENL = currentState[3]; +assign EN_D = currentState[2]; +assign DLEFT = currentState[1]; + +assign nextState[6] = begPulse & ~terminate; +assign nextState[5] = currentState[4]; // 31 or 25 +assign nextState[4] = currentState[6] | (currentState[5] & ~terminate); +assign nextState[3] = currentState[6] | (currentState[5] & ~terminate); +assign nextState[2] = currentState[4] | (currentState[5] & ~terminate); +assign nextState[1] = currentState[5] & ~terminate; +assign nextState[0] = currentState[6] | (currentState[5] & ~terminate); + +always @ (posedge CLK) +begin:sqrtcount + if(begPulse) countValue <= 0; + else if(currentState[0]) countValue <= countValue + 1; +end + +always @ (posedge CLK) +begin:stateReg + currentState <= nextState; +end + +always @ (countValue, begPulse) +begin:termassign + if((countValue == termval) && ~begPulse) terminate = 1; + else terminate = 0; +end + +//assign terminate = (countValue[4] & countValue[3] & ~countValue[2] & ~countValue[1] & countValue[0]) & ~begPulse; + +//------------------- val in and out states --------------------- + +always @ (posedge CLK) +begin:val_state_register + val_state_reg <= active & ~VAL_OUT; +end + +assign begPulse = VAL_IN & ~val_state_reg; +assign active = begPulse | val_state_reg; +assign VAL_OUT = terminate & active; + +endmodule Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_adsu.v =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_adsu.v (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_adsu.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/**************************************************************************** +sbd_adsu + +- ADSU + +Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown + +This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Lesser General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +****************************************************************************/ + +module sbd_adsu(A,B,ADD,C_IN,C_OUT,S); + +parameter bitlength=8; + + input [bitlength-1:0] A; + input [bitlength-1:0] B; + input ADD; + input C_IN; + output wire C_OUT; + output wire [bitlength-1:0] S; + + wire [bitlength-1:0] Bx; + wire [bitlength:0] tmp; + + assign Bx = B ^ {bitlength{~ADD}}; + assign tmp = A + Bx + C_IN; + + assign S = tmp[bitlength-1:0]; + assign C_OUT = tmp[bitlength]; + +endmodule Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp.v =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp.v (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +/**************************************************************************** +sbd_sqrt_fp + +- square root function for single or double precisons ieee 754 + floating-point numbers + +This core is capable of handling single or double precision floating- +poing numbers. For single precision, set the bitlength parameter to 32; +for double precision, set the bitlength parameter to 64. The algorithm +used is iterative and will take 52 clock cycles for single precision and +110 clock cycles for double precision. The sign bit is simply passed +through from input to output, so if given negative input, this core +will produce a negative output corresponding to -1 * sqrt(|input|). + +Ports: - all signals are active high + +input [bitlength-1:0] D_IN; // single or double precison input +input VAL_IN; // Assert VAL_IN to signal a valid + input value. The module will only + accept input when RDY_IN is asserted. + If RDY_IN is low, then VAL_IN should + remain asserted until RDY_IN goes + high. VAL_IN and RDY_IN must both be + asserted for one clock cycle for + computation to begin. +output wire RDY_IN; // module is ready to accept input +input CLK; // clock +output reg [bitlength-1:0] D_OUT; // single or double precision output +output reg VAL_OUT; // VAL_OUT is asserted when the output + is valid. VAL_OUT will remain asserted + and D_OUT will persist until VAL_OUT and + RDY_OUT have both been asserted for one + clock cycle. +input RDY_OUT; // when asserted, downstream logic is + ready to accept output of module + +This core was designed using synchronous resets, for use in FPGAs. The +synchronous resets could easily be made asynchronous for use in ASICs by +editing the always @ (posedge CLK) blocks in this and all dependant files. + +Resource Utilization: +(synthesized with XST for Virtex4 - no architectural dependancies exist in this core +- this is merely an example) + +Single Precision: + Slices: 155 + Flip Flops: 204 + 4-Input LUTs: 269 + +Double Precision: + Slices: 324 + Flip Flops: 417 + 4-Input LUTs: 566 + +Both numerical accuracy and performance of the single and double precision versions of +this core have been verified in a Xilinx XC4VLX25-10 at 100MHz. Without optimizations, +the single precision core should operate at up to at least 190MHz, and the double precision +core should operate at up to at least 134MHz in this platform. Higher performance should +be possible with a little effort. + +This module uses the following files: + +sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant.v +sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach.v +sbd_shifter_left2.v +sbd_shifter_left3_right2.v +sbd_adsu.v + +Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown + +This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Lesser General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +****************************************************************************/ + +module sbd_sqrt_fp ( D_IN, VAL_IN, RDY_IN, CLK, D_OUT, VAL_OUT, RDY_OUT ); + +parameter bitlength = 32; + +input [bitlength-1:0] D_IN; +input VAL_IN; +output wire RDY_IN; +input CLK; +output reg [bitlength-1:0] D_OUT; +output reg VAL_OUT; +input RDY_OUT; + +reg [bitlength-1:0] raw_data_reg; +reg beg_in_reg; +reg d_rdy_reg; +wire mant_out; +reg mant_out_reg; + +wire [bitlength-1:0] sqrt_final; + +generate +if(bitlength == 32) +begin:single + +//------------------ Single Precision -------------------------------------- + + wire [7:0] exp_off, exp_adj, exp_final; + wire non_zero_exp = ~(!raw_data_reg[30:23]); + + wire [23:0] mant_final; + wire [22:0] mant_final_imp = mant_final[22:0]; + reg [23:0] mant_adj; // mantissa with explicit leading bit - adjusted + // for even/odd exponent + + //------------ Exponent Calculation & Mantissa Preparation -------------- + + sbd_adsu exp_offset_adsu ( + .A(raw_data_reg[30:23]), + .B(8'h7F), + .ADD(1'b0), + .C_IN(1'b1), + .S(exp_off)); + defparam exp_offset_adsu.bitlength = 8; + + sbd_adsu exp_adjust_adsu ( + .A(8'h7F), + .B({ exp_off[7], exp_off[7:1] }), + .ADD(1'b1), + .C_IN(1'b0), + .S(exp_adj)); + defparam exp_adjust_adsu.bitlength = 8; + + assign exp_final = exp_adj & {8{non_zero_exp}}; + + always @ (raw_data_reg, non_zero_exp) + begin:mant_adj_mux + if(raw_data_reg[23]) mant_adj = { 1'b0, non_zero_exp, raw_data_reg[22:1] }; + else mant_adj = { non_zero_exp, raw_data_reg[22:0] }; + end + + //------------- Mantissa Calculation -------------------------------------- + + + sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant mant_iterations ( + .MANT_IN(mant_adj), + .CLK(CLK), + .VAL_IN(beg_in_reg), + .MANT_OUT(mant_final), + .VAL_OUT(mant_out)); + defparam mant_iterations.mantlength = 24; + + assign sqrt_final = { raw_data_reg[bitlength-1], exp_final, mant_final_imp }; + +end +else if(bitlength == 64) +begin:double + +//------------------ Doule Precision --------------------------------------- + + wire [10:0] exp_off, exp_adj, exp_final; + wire non_zero_exp = ~(!raw_data_reg[62:52]); + + wire [52:0] mant_final; + wire [51:0] mant_final_imp = mant_final[51:0]; + reg [52:0] mant_adj; // mantissa with explicit leading bit - adjusted + // for even/odd exponent + + //------------ Exponent Calculation & Mantissa Preparation -------------- + + sbd_adsu exp_offset_adsu ( + .A(raw_data_reg[62:52]), + .B(11'h3FF), + .ADD(1'b0), + .C_IN(1'b1), + .S(exp_off)); + defparam exp_offset_adsu.bitlength = 11; + + sbd_adsu exp_adjust_adsu ( + .A(11'h3FF), + .B({ exp_off[10], exp_off[10:1] }), + .ADD(1'b1), + .C_IN(1'b0), + .S(exp_adj)); + defparam exp_adjust_adsu.bitlength = 11; + + assign exp_final = exp_adj & {11{non_zero_exp}}; + + always @ (raw_data_reg, non_zero_exp) + begin:mant_adj_mux + if(raw_data_reg[52]) mant_adj = { 1'b0, non_zero_exp, raw_data_reg[51:1] }; + else mant_adj = { non_zero_exp, raw_data_reg[51:0] }; + end + + //------------- Mantissa Calculation -------------------------------------- + + + sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant mant_iterations ( + .MANT_IN(mant_adj), + .CLK(CLK), + .VAL_IN(beg_in_reg), + .MANT_OUT(mant_final), + .VAL_OUT(mant_out)); + defparam mant_iterations.mantlength = 53; + + assign sqrt_final = { raw_data_reg[bitlength-1], exp_final, mant_final_imp }; + +end +endgenerate + + +assign RDY_IN = ~d_rdy_reg; +wire beg_in = VAL_IN & RDY_IN; + +initial +begin:simzero + + D_OUT <= 0; + VAL_OUT <= 0; + raw_data_reg <= 0; + beg_in_reg <= 0; + d_rdy_reg <= 0; + mant_out_reg <= 0; + +end + +always @ (posedge CLK) +begin:reg_input + // input buffer + if(beg_in) raw_data_reg <= D_IN; + + // val delay + beg_in_reg <= beg_in; + + // RDY state + if(mant_out) d_rdy_reg <= 0; + else if(beg_in) d_rdy_reg <= 1; + + // output registers + if(mant_out_reg) D_OUT <= sqrt_final; + if(VAL_OUT && RDY_OUT) VAL_OUT <= 0; + else if(mant_out_reg) VAL_OUT <= 1; + + //delay output latch + mant_out_reg <= mant_out; + +end + + +endmodule Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant.v =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant.v (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/**************************************************************************** +sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant + +- mantissa calculation for sbd_sqrt_fp + +Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown + +This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Lesser General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +****************************************************************************/ + +module sbd_sqrt_fp_calc_mant (MANT_IN,CLK,VAL_IN,MANT_OUT,VAL_OUT); + +parameter mantlength = 24; + +input [mantlength-1:0] MANT_IN; +input CLK; +input VAL_IN; +output wire [mantlength-1:0] MANT_OUT; +output VAL_OUT; + +wire init, lsr, enr, enl, en_d, dleft; + +wire [1:0] shiftLeft1SerialOut; +wire [(2*mantlength)-1:0] biPOUT, adsuOutput, shiftLeft2ParallelOut; + +sbd_shifter_left2 shiftLeft1 ( + .SIN(2'b00), + .PIN(MANT_IN), + .LOAD(init), + .RST(1'b0), + .SHIFT(enl), + .CLK(CLK), + .SOUT(shiftLeft1SerialOut)); + defparam shiftLeft1.bitlength = mantlength; + +sbd_adsu adsu_inst ( + .A(shiftLeft2ParallelOut), + .B(biPOUT), + .ADD(shiftLeft2ParallelOut[47]), + .C_IN(~shiftLeft2ParallelOut[47]), + .S(adsuOutput)); + defparam adsu_inst.bitlength = 2*mantlength; + +sbd_shifter_left2 shiftLeft2 ( + .SIN(shiftLeft1SerialOut), + .PIN(adsuOutput), + .LOAD(lsr), + .RST(init), + .SHIFT(enr), + .CLK(CLK), + .POUT(shiftLeft2ParallelOut)); + defparam shiftLeft2.bitlength = 2*mantlength; + +sbd_shifter_left3_right2 shiftBI ( + .SINLSB({~shiftLeft2ParallelOut[(2*mantlength)-1],shiftLeft2ParallelOut[(2*mantlength)-1],1'b1}), + .SINMSB(2'b00), + .PIN({ {2*mantlength-1{1'b0}}, 1'b1 }), + .LOAD(init), + .LR(~dleft), + .RST(1'b0), + .SHIFT(en_d), + .CLK(CLK), + .POUT(biPOUT)); + defparam shiftBI.bitlength = 2*mantlength; + +assign MANT_OUT = biPOUT[mantlength-1:0]; + +sbd_sqrt_fp_state_mach state_mach ( + .CLK(CLK), + .VAL_IN(VAL_IN), + .INIT(init), + .LSR(lsr), + .ENR(enr), + .ENL(enl), + .EN_D(en_d), + .DLEFT(dleft), + .VAL_OUT(VAL_OUT)); + defparam state_mach.termval = mantlength + 1; + +endmodule Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_shifter_left2.v =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_shifter_left2.v (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_shifter_left2.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/**************************************************************************** +sbd_shifter_left2 +- shift register - shifts left - towards MSB - 2 bits + +Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown + +This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Lesser General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +****************************************************************************/ + + + +module sbd_shifter_left2 (SIN,PIN,LOAD,RST,SHIFT,CLK,SOUT,POUT); + +parameter bitlength = 24; + +input [1:0] SIN; +input [bitlength-1:0] PIN; +input LOAD; +input RST; +input SHIFT; +input CLK; +output wire [1:0] SOUT; +output wire [bitlength-1:0] POUT; + +reg [bitlength-1:0] writeData, readData; + +assign POUT = readData; +assign SOUT = readData[bitlength-1:bitlength-2]; + +always @ (posedge CLK) +begin:shiftreg + if(RST) readData <= 0; + else if(SHIFT | LOAD) readData <= writeData; +end + +always @ (readData, SIN, PIN, LOAD) +begin:shiftmux + if(LOAD) writeData = PIN; + else writeData = { readData[bitlength-3:0], SIN }; +end + +endmodule Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_shifter_left3_right2.v =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_shifter_left3_right2.v (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/tags/start/sbd_shifter_left3_right2.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +/**************************************************************************** +sbd_shifter_left3_right2 +- shift register - shifts left - towards MSB - 3 bits or shifts right - + towards LSB - 2 bits + +Copyright (C) 2005 Samuel Brown + +This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Lesser General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public +License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +****************************************************************************/ + +module sbd_shifter_left3_right2 (SINLSB,SINMSB,PIN,LOAD,LR,RST,SHIFT,CLK,POUT); + +parameter bitlength = 48; + +input [2:0] SINLSB; +input [1:0] SINMSB; +input [bitlength-1:0] PIN; +input LOAD; +input LR; +input RST; +input SHIFT; +input CLK; +output wire [bitlength-1:0] POUT; + +reg [bitlength-1:0] writeData, readData; +wire [1:0] sel = { LOAD, LR }; + +assign POUT = readData; + +always @ ( posedge CLK) +begin:shiftreg + if(RST) readData <= 0; + else if(SHIFT | LOAD) readData <= writeData; +end + +always @ (sel, readData, SINLSB, SINMSB, PIN) +begin:loadmux + casez(sel) + 2'b00: writeData = { readData[bitlength-4:0], SINLSB }; + 2'b01: writeData = { SINMSB, readData[bitlength-1:2] }; + 2'b1z: writeData = PIN; + endcase +end + +endmodule Index: sbd_sqrt_fp/tags =================================================================== --- sbd_sqrt_fp/tags (nonexistent) +++ sbd_sqrt_fp/tags (revision 4)
sbd_sqrt_fp/tags Property changes : Added: svn:mergeinfo ## -0,0 +0,0 ##

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