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HiCoVec Processor Instruction Set & Coding
This document originates from Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gundolf Kiefer, teaching at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg.
It is the fundament of the HiCoVec processor. While being vital during the development of the processor, it
now serves the purpose of providing detailed information about the instruction set and coding for people trying
to write applications.
- Each intruction word consists of exactly 32 bit. This makes instruction decoding and execution pretty simple.
- With a few exceptions, the first 12 bit define a scalar operation and the following 20 bit a vector operation. (VLIW/EPIC-Principle)
- "000" encodes the NOP-command, thereby allowing the other unit (scalar/vector) to use the remaining bits.
Harware components:
- instruction register (32 Bit)
- memory interface
- scalar unit
- vector unit
Scalar unit
- accumulator machine
- load/store architecture
- addressing modes: absolute, register indirect, register indirect with displacement
- address calculation using ALU (ADD-operation)
Hardware components:
- register: A, X, Y (each 32 bit)
- flags: Carry, Zero
- instruction counter
- control unit
- some multiplexers
ALU commands:
01 oooo dd ss tt -------------------- respectivly
01 oooo dd ss 00 000-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn <Op> d, s, t
d: destination register: 00 = none, 01 = A, 10 = X, 11 = Y
s: 1. source register: 00 = 0 , 01 = A, 10 = X, 11 = Y
t: 2. source register: 00 = n , 01 = A, 10 = X, 11 = Y
o: operation
0000: ADD 0001: ADC
0010: SUB 0011: SBC
0100: INC
0110: DEC
1000: AND 1001: OR
1010: XOR 1011: MUL (optional)
1100: LSL (insert 0) 1101: ROL (insert carry)
1110: LSR (insert 0) 1111: ROR (insert carry)
load/store commands:
10 00-- dd ss tt -------------------- respectivly
10 00-- dd ss 00 000-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn LD d, s + t
10 10-- -- ss tt -------------------- respectivly
10 10-- -- ss 00 000-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ST s + t, A
Legwork for vector unit (here just scalar part, for full details look below):
10 01-- -- ss tt -------------------- VLD ..., s + t ; t != 00
10 1100 -- ss tt -------------------- VST s + t, ... ; t != 00
10 1110 -- ss -- -------------------- MOV r(...), s ; t != 00
10 1111 dd -- -- -------------------- MOV d, v(...) ; t != 00
10 1101 -- ss -- -------------------- MOVA r, s
Jump commands:
00 0--- -- -- -- -------------------- NOP
00 1000 00 ss tt -------------------- JMP s+t
00 1000 dd ss tt -------------------- JAL A/X/Y, s+t ; Jump-And-Link (useful for subprograms)
00 101- -- -- -- -------------------- HALT
00 1100 00 ss tt -------------------- JNC s+t
00 1101 00 ss tt -------------------- JC s+t
00 1110 00 ss tt -------------------- JNZ s+t
00 1111 00 ss tt -------------------- JZ s+t
11 0000 -- ee ff -------------------- set/clear flags
ee: select flag (Z, C) CLC, CLZ, SEC, SEZ
ff: new value
11 0000 -- 01 -0 -------------------- CLC (clear carry)
Vector unit
- N registers, each K * 32 bit wide
- N, K are configurable
- Direct access is only possible for R0 to R15. The other registers can be used as temporary storage using
the VMOV command.
- Wordlength of an operation can be specified (following Intel naming convention)
- QW = Quadword (64 bit)
- DW = Doubleword (32 bit)
- W = Word (16 bit)
- B = Byte (8 bit)
- N, K can choosed freely. Instruction decoding is independant of selected values with the following
* K has to be dividable by 2 (otherweise the 64 bit mode would be silly)
* N can not exceed 16 in instruction words (the rest is adressable via VMOV command)
* VSHUF wordlength is K * 32 / 4
Hardware components:
- N register, each K * 32 bit wide (N, K configurable)
- K 32 bit ALUs
- vector control unit
- shuffle unit
- select unit (used to select data for transfer to scalar unit)
- vector ALU control unit
- some multiplexers
VALU commands:
------------ 01 ww oooo rrrr vvvv wwww <Op> (.B/.W/.DW/.QW) r, v, w
w: wordlength: 00 = 8 Bit, 01 = 16 Bit, 10 = 32 Bit, 11 = 64 Bit
r: destination vectorregister (R0...R7)
v: 1. source vectorregister (R0...R7)
w: 2. source vektorregister (R0...R7)
o: Operation
0000: VADD
0010: VSUB
1000: VAND
1001: VOR
1010: VXOR
1011: VMUL (optional)
1100: VLSL
1110: VLSR
Transfer commands (in cooperation with scalar unit):
10 01-- -- ss tt 10 -- 0010 rrrr ---- ---- VLD r, s + t ; t != 00
10 1100 -- ss tt 10 -- 0011 --- vvvv ---- VST s + t, v ; t != 00
10 1101 -- ss -- 10 -- 0110 rrrr ---- ---- MOVA r, s ;
10 1110 -- ss tt 10 -- 0100 rrrr ---- ---- MOV r(t), s ; t != 00
10 1111 dd -- tt 10 -- 0101 ---- vvvv ---- MOV d, v(t) ; t != 00
Shuffle command: (BITORDER REVERSED !!!)
000-nnnnnnnn 11 ww ssss rrrr vvvv wwww VSHUF r,v,w,wwssssnnnnnnnn
VSHUF allows fast, parallel transfer of data inside of or between vector registers.
w defines a wordlength W <= 32*K/4. r[i], v[i] and w[i] are i-th partial words of or vector
register r, v and w. n[i] defines the i-th bit group of n und s[i] the i-th bit von n.
For i <= 3:
r[i] <- v[n[i]], if s[i] = 0
r[i] <- w[n[i]], if s[i] = 1
r[i] <- v[n[i % 4] + i/4], if s[i % 4] = 0
r[i] <- w[n[i % 4] + i/4], if s[i % 4] = 1
Command: VSHUF R2, 16, R3:2, R3:3, R5:1, R5:2
Coding: nnnnnnnn = 10 11 01 10, ssss = 0011, vvvv = 3, wwww = 5
Effect: R2(31:0) <- R3(63:32), R2(63:32) <- R5(47:16)
------------ 00 0- ---- ---- ---- ---- VNOP
------------ 00 1- 1000 rrrr vvvv ---- VMOL r,v
------------ 00 1- 1100 rrrr vvvv ---- VMOR r,v
------------ 00 1- 0001 rrrr vvvv ---- VMOV r, v
000-nnnnnnnn 00 1- 0010 rrrr ---- ---- VMOV r, R<n>
000-nnnnnnnn 00 1- 0011 ---- vvvv ---- VMOV R<n>, v
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