
Subversion Repositories light8080

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 72 to Rev 73
    Reverse comparison

Rev 72 → Rev 73

0,0 → 1,17
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0,0 → 1,17
python src/ -f ../../test/cpu_test/bin/tb51_cpu.hex -o ../../vhdl/obj_code_pkg.vhdl
0,0 → 1,236
import sys
import getopt
default_template = (
"-- @obj_pkg_name@ -- Object code in VHDL constant table for "\
"BRAM initialization.",
"-- Generated automatically with script ''.",
"library ieee;",
"use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;",
"use ieee.numeric_std.all;",
"use work.l80pkg.all;",
"package @obj_pkg_name@ is",
"constant @constant@ : obj_code_t(0 to @obj_size@) := (",
" @obj_bytes@",
" );",
"end package @obj_pkg_name@;",
class command_line_params():
def __init__(self):
self.template_file = None
self.package_name = None
self.constant_name = "object_code"
self.indent = 2
self.proj_name = None
def usage():
"""Print usage instructions"""
print ""
print "usage:"
print "python [arguments]\n"
print "Builds VHDL ROM constant from template and Intel HEX object file.\n"
print "ALL of the following arguments should be given, in any order:"
print "{f|file} <filename> Object code file name"
print "{c|constant} <name> Name of target VHDL constant"
print "{p|package} <name> Name of target VHDL package"
print "{n|name} <name> Name of project (used only in comment)"
print "{o|output} <filename> Target VHDL file name"
print ""
print "Additionally, any of these arguments can be given:"
print "{v|vhdl} <filename> VHDL template"
print " (defaults to templates/obj_code_kg_template.vhdl)"
print "{i|indent} <number> Indentation in VHDL tables (decimal)"
print " (defaults to 4)"
def help():
"""Print help message a bit longer than usage message."""
print "\nPurpose:\n"
print "Reads the code and data binary files and 'slices' them in byte"
print "columns."
print "The data columns are converted to VHDL strings and then inserted"
print "into the vhdl template, in place of tags @code0@ .. @code3@ and "
print "@data0@ .. @data3@. Column 0 is LSB and column3 is MSB.\n"
print "Tags like @data31@ and @data20@ etc. can be used to initialize"
print "memories in 16-bit buses, also split in byte columns.\n"
print "Template tags are replaced as follows:"
print "@obj_pkg_name@ : Name of package in target vhdl file"
print "@const_name@ : Name of constant (VHDL table)"
print "@obj_size@ : Total size of code table in bytes"
def parse_hex_line(line):
"""Parse code line in HEX object file."""
line = line.strip()
slen = int(line[1:3],16)
sloc = int(line[3:7],16)
stype = line[7:9]
sdata = line[9:len(line)-2]
schk = int(line[len(line)-2:],16)
csum = slen + int(sloc / 256) + (sloc % 256) + int(stype,16)
bytes = [0, ] * slen
for i in range(slen):
sbyte = int(sdata[i*2:i*2+2],16)
bytes[i] = sbyte;
csum = csum + sbyte
csum = ~csum
csum = csum + 1
csum = csum % 256
if csum != schk:
return (None, None)
return (sloc, bytes)
def read_ihex_file(ihex_filename):
xcode = [0, ] * 65536
bottom = 100000
top = -1
(xcode, top, bottom)
fin = open(ihex_filename, "r")
ihex_lines = fin.readlines()
total_bytes = 0
for line in ihex_lines:
(address, bytes) = parse_hex_line(line)
if address == None:
print "Checksum error!"
total_bytes = total_bytes + len(bytes)
for i in range(len(bytes)):
xcode[address + i] = bytes[i]
if address < bottom:
bottom = address
if (address + len(bytes)) > top:
top = (address + len(bytes))
print "Read %d bytes from file '%s'" % (total_bytes, ihex_filename)
print "Code range %04xh to %04xh" % (bottom, top)
return (xcode, total_bytes, bottom, top)
def build_vhdl_code(template_filename, xcode, rom_size, params):
if not template_filename:
lines = default_template
fin = open(template_filename, "r")
lines = fin.readlines()
vhdl_code = ""
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.rfind("@obj_bytes@") >= 0:
obj_str = " "
for i in range(rom_size):
if i != (rom_size-1):
sbyte = "X\"%02x\", " % xcode[i]
sbyte = "X\"%02x\" " % xcode[i]
obj_str = obj_str + sbyte
if (i % 8) == 7:
obj_str = obj_str + "\n "
line = line.replace("@obj_bytes@",obj_str)
if line.rfind("@obj_size@") >= 0:
line = line.replace("@obj_size@","%d" % (rom_size-1))
if line.rfind("@constant@") >= 0:
line = line.replace("@constant@", params.constant_name)
if line.rfind("@obj_pkg_name@") >= 0:
line = line.replace("@obj_pkg_name@","obj_code_pkg")
vhdl_code = vhdl_code + line + "\n"
return vhdl_code
def main(argv):
opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv, "hf:n:p:c:o:i:v:",
["help", "file=", "name=", "package=", "constant=",
"output=", "indent=", "vhdl=", ])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print ""
print err
# Give default values to command line parameters
params = command_line_params()
# Parse coommand line parameters
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
if opt in ("-v", "--vhdl"):
params.template_file = arg
elif opt in ("-o", "--output"):
target_filename = arg
elif opt in ("-c", "--constant"):
params.constant_name = arg
elif opt in ("-f", "--file"):
hex_filename = arg
elif opt in ("-p", "--package"):
params.package_name = arg
elif opt in ("-n", "--name"):
params.proj_name = arg
elif opt in ("-i", "--indent"):
params.indent = int(arg)
if not target_filename:
print "Missing target file name."
(xcode, total_bytes, bottom, top) = read_ihex_file(hex_filename);
vhdl_code = build_vhdl_code(params.template_file, xcode, top, params);
fout = None
fout = open(target_filename, "w")
print "VHDL code table written to %s" % target_filename
print "Trouble opening %s for output" % target_filename
if fout: fout.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER">Default</pydev_property>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python 2.7</pydev_property>
<pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_SOURCE_PATH">
0,0 → 1,45
-- obj_code_pkg.vhdl -- Application object code in vhdl constant string format.
-- This is where the application code lives.
-- FIXME should only be used from top level entity
-- FIXME name of package should be application-related
-- FIXME convert to vhdl template
-- Copyright (C) 2011 Jose A. Ruiz
-- This source file may be used and distributed without
-- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not
-- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains
-- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
-- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
-- later version.
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-- details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-- Public License along with this source; if not, download it
-- from
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package @obj_pkg_name@ is
constant object_code :
array(0 to @obj_size@) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (
end package @obj_pkg_name@;
0,0 → 1,172
# -- inserts object code in HEX format into an VHDL template.
# This program reads an Intel HEX file with 8-bit object code and inserts it
# into a VHDL template, in the form of a VHDL std_logic_vector array
# initializer. This is meant to initialize FPGA ROM/RAM blocks with object code.
# When the program finds a template line which begins with "--@rom_data", it
# replaces the whole line with the VHDL table.
# When it finds the text @PROGNAME@ in a line, it replaces that text with the
# file name (without path or extension) of the hex file.
# Otherwise, it just copies the template to stdout verbatim.
# See usage details below, and examples in the BAT file in the asm directory.
$usage = "Use: <hexfile> <template file> <start addr> <table size>";
# read command line arguments; HEX file name...
$file = shift(@ARGV);
if($file eq ''){die $usage};
# ...VHDL template file name...
$template = shift(@ARGV);
if($template eq ''){die $usage};
# ...object code start address...
$start_addr = shift(@ARGV);
if($start_addr eq ''){die $usage};
$start_addr = hex $start_addr;
# ...and VHDL table size
$table_size = shift(@ARGV);
if($table_size eq ''){die $usage};
$table_size = hex $table_size;
# read HEX file...
open(INFO, $file) or die "file $file not found";
@lines = <INFO>;
# ...and VHDL template
open(INFO, $template) or die "file $template not found";
@vhdl_lines = <INFO>;
$min_address = 65536;
$max_address = 0;
$bytes_read = 0;
# make up a 'ram image' table of 64K bytes where the object code will be put.
@data_array = ();
for($i=0;$i<65536;$i++){ $data_array[$i] = 0; };
# read input HEX file into ram image table
$line_no = 0;
foreach $line (@lines){
if(length($line)>=11 and substr($line, 0, 1) eq ':'){
$total_length = length($line);
$len = substr($line, 1,2);
$addr = substr($line, 3,4);
$type = substr($line, 7,2);
$csum = substr($line, $total_length-3,2);
$data = substr($line, 9,$total_length-11);
# Process data records and utterly ignore all others.
# Note that the checksum field is ignored too; we rely on the correctness
# of the hex file.
if($type eq '00'){
$len = hex $len;
$first_addr = hex $addr;
$last_addr = $first_addr + $len - 1;
if($first_addr < $min_address){
$min_address = $first_addr;
if($last_addr > $max_address){
$max_address = $last_addr;
$chksum = 0;
$data_byte = substr($line, 9+$i*2, 2);
$data_byte = hex $data_byte;
$chksum += $data_byte;
$data_array[$first_addr+$i] = $data_byte;
die "Wrong format in line $line_no\n";
# Make sure all the object code we read from the hex file will fit in the VHDL
# memory; this is a typo-catcher.
if($min_address < $start_addr or $max_address < $start_addr){
die "Hex data out of bounds";
$upper_bound = $start_addr + $table_size;
if($min_address > $upper_bound or
$max_address > $upper_bound){
die "Hex data out of bounds: ".$upper_bound;
# debug output
#printf "Data address span [%04x : %04x]\n", $min_address, $max_address;
#$bytes_defaulted = ($max_address-$min_address+1)-$bytes_read;
#if($bytes_defaulted > 0){
# printf "(%d bytes defaulted to 0)\n", $bytes_defaulted;
#### Now process the template inserting the ROM bytes where necessary
# display only the template filename, cut away any path that may be present
if($template =~ /^.*[\\\/](.*\..*)/){ $template = $1; }
# put a reminder in the 1st lines of the VHDL output
$comm = "--------------------";
print $comm.$comm.$comm.$comm."\n";
print "-- Generated from template $template by\n";
# Extract program name from the hex file name, stripping path and extension
if($file =~ /^.*[\\\/](.*)\..*/){
$file = $1;
elsif($file =~ /^(.*)\..*/){
$file = $1;
# Output template file contents to stdout, line by line, inserting the object
# code when we find the 'data tag' "@rom_data".
foreach $vhdl (@vhdl_lines){
if($vhdl =~ /^\s*--\@rom_data/){
# if we find the ROM data tag in a comment line, replace line
# with VHDL table.
print_rom_code($start_addr, $table_size, @data_array);
# otherwise, output template line
$vhdl =~ s/\@PROGNAME\@/$file/;
printf $vhdl;
# Prints a chunk of bytes as a VHDL table of std_logic_vectors, formatted as
# 8 bytes per column.
# print_rom_code ($obj_code_table, $obj_code_start, $obj_code_size)
# $obj_code_start : address of the 1st byte that we want to put in the VHDL RAM.
# $obj_code_size : number of bytes to put in the VHDL memory.
# @obj_code_table : image of the CPU 64K memory map with the object code in it.
sub print_rom_code {
my($obj_code_start, $obj_code_size, @obj_code_table) = @_;
$col = 0;
$q = $obj_code_table[$obj_code_start+$i];
print $q
printf "X\"%02x\"", $q;
printf ",";
if($col eq 8){
print "\n";
$col = 0;
0,0 → 1,320
-- Light8080 simulation test bench.
-- This test bench was built from a generic template. The details on what tests
-- are performed by this test bench can be found in the assembly source for the
-- 8080 program, in file asm\exer.asm.
-- This test bench provides a simulated CPU system to test programs. This test
-- bench does not do any assertions or checks, all assertions are left to the
-- software.
-- The simulated environment has 64KB of RAM covering the whole address map.
-- The simulated RAM is initialized with the contents of constant 'obj_code'.
-- This constant's contents are generated from some .HEX object code file using
-- a helper script. See the perl script 'util\' and BAT files in the
-- asm directory.
-- This simulated system provides some means to trigger hardware irq from
-- software, including the specification of the instructions fed to the CPU as
-- interrupt vectors during inta cycles. This is only meant to test interrupt
-- response of the CPU.
-- We will simulate 8 possible irq sources. The software can trigger any one of
-- them by writing at ports 0x010 to 0x011. Port 0x010 holds the irq source to
-- be triggered (0 to 7) and port 0x011 holds the number of clock cycles that
-- will elapse from the end of the instruction that writes to the register to
-- the assertion of intr. Port 0x012 holds the number of cycles intr will remain
-- high. Intr will be asserted for 1 cycle at least, so writing a 0 here is the
-- same as writing 1.
-- When the interrupt is acknowledged and inta is asserted, the test bench reads
-- the value at register 0x010 as the irq source, and feeds an instruction to
-- the CPU starting from the RAM address 0040h+source*4.
-- That is, address range 0040h-005fh is reserved for the simulated 'interrupt
-- vectors', a total of 4 bytes for each of the 8 sources. This allows the
-- software to easily test different interrupt vectors without any hand
-- assembly. All of this is strictly simulation-only stuff.
-- Upon completion, the software must write a value to register 0x020. Writing
-- a 0x055 means 'success', writing a 0x0aa means 'failure'. The write operation
-- will stop the simulation. Success and failure conditions are defined by the
-- software.
-- If a time period defined as constant MAX_SIM_LENGTH passes before anything
-- is written to io address 0x020, the test bench assumes the software ran away
-- and quits with an error message.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
entity light8080_@PROGNAME@ is
end entity light8080_@PROGNAME@;
architecture behavior of light8080_@PROGNAME@ is
-- Simulation parameters
-- T: simulated clock period
constant T : time := 100 ns;
-- MAX_SIM_LENGTH: maximum simulation time
constant MAX_SIM_LENGTH : time := T*7000; -- enough for the tb0
signal data_i : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
signal vma_o : std_logic;
signal rd_o : std_logic;
signal wr_o : std_logic;
signal io_o : std_logic;
signal data_o : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_mem : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal addr_o : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal fetch_o : std_logic;
signal inta_o : std_logic;
signal inte_o : std_logic;
signal intr_i : std_logic := '0';
signal halt_o : std_logic;
signal reset : std_logic := '0';
signal clk : std_logic := '1';
signal done : std_logic := '0';
type t_obj_code is array(integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal obj_code : t_obj_code(0 to 6143) := (
signal irq_vector_byte: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal irq_source : integer range 0 to 7;
signal cycles_to_intr : integer range -10 to 255;
signal intr_width : integer range 0 to 255;
signal int_vector_index : integer range 0 to 3;
signal addr_vector_table: integer range 0 to 65535;
signal con_line_buf : string(1 to 80);
signal con_line_ix : integer;
type t_ram is array(0 to 65536-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Using shared variables for big memory arrays speeds up simulation a lot;
-- see Modelsim 6.3 User Manual, section on 'Modelling Memory'.
-- WARNING: I have only tested this construct with Modelsim SE 6.3.
shared variable ram : t_ram := ( others => X"00");
procedure load_object_code(
signal obj : in t_obj_code;
memory : inout t_ram) is
variable i : integer;
-- (Assume the array is defined with ascending indices)
for i in obj'left to obj'right loop
memory(i) := obj(i);
end loop;
end procedure load_object_code;
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
cpu: entity work.light8080
port map (
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
vma => vma_o,
rd => rd_o,
wr => wr_o,
io => io_o,
fetch => fetch_o,
addr_out => addr_o,
data_in => data_i,
data_out => data_o,
intr => intr_i,
inte => inte_o,
inta => inta_o,
halt => halt_o
-- clock: run clock until test is done
process(done, clk)
if done = '0' then
clk <= not clk after T/2;
end if;
end process clock;
-- Drive reset and done
-- Load object code on memory -- note this comsumes no simulated time
load_object_code(obj_code, ram);
-- Assert reset for at least one full clk period
reset <= '1';
wait until clk = '1';
wait for T/2;
reset <= '0';
-- Remember to 'cut away' the preceding 3 clk semiperiods from
-- the wait statement...
wait for (MAX_SIM_LENGTH - T*1.5);
-- Maximum sim time elapsed, assume the program ran away and
-- stop the clk process asserting 'done' (which will stop the simulation)
done <= '1';
assert (done = '1')
report "Test timed out."
severity failure;
end process main_test;
-- Synchronous RAM covering the whole address map
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
data_mem <= ram(conv_integer(addr_o));
if wr_o = '1' then
ram(conv_integer(addr_o)) := data_o;
end if;
end if;
end process synchronous_ram;
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if reset='1' then
cycles_to_intr <= -10; -- meaning no interrupt pending
if io_o='1' and wr_o='1' and addr_o(7 downto 0)=X"11" then
cycles_to_intr <= conv_integer(data_o) + 1;
if cycles_to_intr >= 0 then
cycles_to_intr <= cycles_to_intr - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process irq_trigger_register;
variable intr_pulse_countdown : integer;
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if reset='1' then
intr_width <= 1;
intr_pulse_countdown := 0;
intr_i <= '0';
if io_o='1' and wr_o='1' and addr_o(7 downto 0)=X"12" then
intr_width <= conv_integer(data_o) + 1;
end if;
if cycles_to_intr = 0 then
intr_i <= '1';
intr_pulse_countdown := intr_width;
elsif intr_pulse_countdown <= 1 then
intr_i <= '0';
intr_pulse_countdown := intr_pulse_countdown - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process irq_pulse_width_register;
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if reset='1' then
irq_source <= 0;
if io_o='1' and wr_o='1' and addr_o(7 downto 0)=X"10" then
irq_source <= conv_integer(data_o(2 downto 0));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process irq_source_register;
-- 'interrupt vector' logic.
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if vma_o = '1' and rd_o='1' then
if inta_o = '1' then
int_vector_index <= int_vector_index + 1;
int_vector_index <= 0;
end if;
end if;
-- this is the address of the byte we'll feed to the CPU
addr_vector_table <= 64+irq_source*4+int_vector_index;
end if;
end process irq_vector_table;
irq_vector_byte <= ram(addr_vector_table);
data_i <= data_mem when inta_o='0' else irq_vector_byte;
variable outcome : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if io_o='1' and wr_o='1' and addr_o(7 downto 0)=X"20" then
assert (data_o /= X"55") report "Software reports SUCCESS" severity failure;
assert (data_o /= X"aa") report "Software reports FAILURE" severity failure;
assert ((data_o = X"aa") or (data_o = X"55"))
report "Software reports unexpected outcome value."
severity failure;
end if;
end if;
end process test_outcome_register;
variable outcome : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if io_o='1' and wr_o='1' and addr_o(7 downto 0)=X"21" then
-- append char to output string
if con_line_ix < con_line_buf'high then
con_line_buf(con_line_ix) <= character'val(conv_integer(data_o));
con_line_ix <= con_line_ix + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process dummy_uart_output_reg;
0,0 → 1,41
This directory contains support tools meant for software development on the
light8080 SoC.
ihex2vlog: Object code to Verilog constant conversion.
Reads an Intel HEX file and generates memory Verilog module or Xilinx
RAMB16/RAMB4 verilog initialization vectors.
Run 'ihex2vlog' with no arguments to get usage instructions.
Supplied as C source and Windows precompiled binary.
c80: Small C compiler modified to support the light8080 SoC.
This is a port of the classic Small C compiler, with some new features and
including support files for the light8080 SoC.
Supplied as C source and precompiled Windows binary.
obj2hdl: Object code to VHDL
Reads an Intel HEX file and produces an VHDL package used to initialize
the SoC internal memory.
Invoke without arguments to get some usage help.
Supplied as portable Python source plus helper DOS BATCH script.
hexconv: Insertion of HEX object code into VHDL template.
Reads an Intel HEX file and inserts the object code into an VHDL test
bench template whose name is given as parameter.
Invoke without arguments to get some usage help.
This program was used in the early versions of the project to build the
VHDL test benches from a common template. It is no longer used. The old
template is included in the hexconv directory; it may be useful as an usage
Supplied as portable Perl script.

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