
Subversion Repositories 10_100m_ethernet-fifo_convertor

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 4 to Rev 5
    Reverse comparison

Rev 4 → Rev 5

1,4 → 1,4
module CRC_Module(Clk, Reset, Data, Enable, Initialize, Crc, CrcError);
module CRC_Module(Clk, Reset, Data, Enable, Initialize, Crc, CrcError);
input Clk;
input Reset;
1,3 → 1,7
//author :gurenliang
//note: if there are some errors, you are welcome to contact me. It would be the best appreciation to me.
module tri_state(d_in, d_out, out_en, ioport);
input d_out, out_en; //init_clk should be 10KHz
output d_in;
1,17 → 1,34
//author :gurenliang
//note: if there are some errors, you are welcome to contact me. It would be the best appreciation to me.
////Next task: make the feedback to PC showing need data.
//version 0.3, changed the changes made by version 0.2 back
//version 0.2, set empty when ff_data_buf_index's less significant bits is 3'b111 or 3'b000
`include "common.v"
`define eth_buf_len 1416 //1416=8*(8+6+6+2+3+148+4)
`define nibble_cnt_step 9'h001
`define MAC_ADD 48'h0100_0000_0000 //mac address: 0x00-00-00-00-00-01
module RxModule(phy_rxd, phy_rxen, phy_rxclk, phy_rxer,
ff_clk, ff_data, ff_en, frameid, empty, start);
ff_clk, ff_data, ff_en,
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
empty, start);
input phy_rxen, phy_rxclk, phy_rxer; //MII interface
input [3:0] phy_rxd;
input ff_clk; //270.8333KHz
output ff_data, ff_en;
output[23:0] frameid;
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
output[23:0] frameid;
output empty, start; //to tell TxModule that buf in RxModule needs data
reg ff_data;
reg ff_en;
24,7 → 41,9
reg[8:0] nibble_cnt=9'h00;
reg[23:0] frameidt[0:1];
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
reg[23:0] frameidt[0:1];
reg start=1'b0;
reg start_intra=1'b0;
42,7 → 61,11
else if ((nibble_cnt == 9'd354 ) & ((eth_buf[111:64] ^ `MAC_ADD)==48'h0)) begin
//one frame has been transfered over, the destinate address is right and then been put into the buffer
frameidt[toggle[3]] <= eth_buf[199:176];
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
frameidt[toggle[3]] <= eth_buf[199:176];
ff_data_buf[toggle ] <= eth_buf[347:200];
ff_data_buf[toggle+4'h1] <= eth_buf[495:348];
ff_data_buf[toggle+4'h2] <= eth_buf[643:496];
58,11 → 81,14
nibble_cnt <= 9'h000;
assign empty = ((ff_data_buf_index[2:0]==3'b111)|(ff_data_buf_index[2:0]==3'b000));
assign empty = ((ff_data_buf_index[2:0]==3'b011)|(ff_data_buf_index[2:0]==3'b100));
//every four 148bit, generate an empty signal to the TxModule
assign toggle = {~ff_data_buf_index[3],3'h0}; //indicate which half buffer is available
assign frameid = frameidt[ff_data_buf_index[3]];//
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
assign frameid = frameidt[ff_data_buf_index[3]];//
always@(negedge ff_clk) //flow the data out of the buffer
if(start_intra==1'b0) begin //wait the first frame to come
ff_state <= transfer;
1,4 → 1,17
//author :gurenliang
//note: if there are some errors, you are welcome to contact me. It would be the best appreciation to me.
//Next step, add ff_data control to show the IP is busy
//version 0.3, declared a new variable data_av, and use it to start sending frame.
//version 0.3, delete the usage of pre_buf, and rename the pre to preaddlt
//version 0.3, add the option of frameID mode, by include common.v and judge the macro-varible frameIDfromRx
//This module is used to receive data from the demodulate module and send the data to the Ethernet PHY chip
`include "common.v"
`define tx_data_buf_len 649 //3*8+156.25*4
`define tx_data_len 656 //make the length of tx_data_buf be conformed to IEEE802.3
7,11 → 20,21
`define ff_cnt_step 11'h1
module TxModule(reset, phy_txd, phy_txen, phy_txclk, phy_txer,
ff_clk, ff_en, ff_data, frameid, empty, start,
ff_clk, ff_en, ff_data,
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
empty, start,
test1, test2, test3, test4);
input phy_txclk, reset;
input ff_clk, ff_en, ff_data; //ff_clk should be 207.83333KHz
input[23:0] frameid; //get the frameid information from RxModule
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
input[23:0] frameid; //get the frameid information from RxModule
input empty, start; //decide whether should give out the "need-data" ethernet package
output [3:0] phy_txd; //MII
output phy_txen, phy_txer;
19,17 → 42,16
output test1, test2, test3, test4;
reg test1;//, test2, test3, test4;
`ifdef frameIDcount
reg[23:0] frameid=24'h00_00_00;
reg[3:0] phy_txd;
reg phy_txen;
reg[175:0] pre;
reg[175:0] preaddlt;
//reg[175:0] pre_buf=176'h0008_5952_264C_5247_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_D555_5555_5555_5555;
reg[159:0] pre_buf=159'h0100_0000_0000_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_D555_5555_5555_5555;
//already stored MAC preamble, destination address and source address from right to left respectively.
//reg[223:0] temp_buf=224'h0186_15ac_0000_0000_0000_be86_15ac_88fe_467d_2300_0100_0406_0008_0100;
//reg[223:0] temp_buf=224'h0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_467d_2300_0100_0a30_0008_0100;
reg[`tx_data_buf_len-1:0] tx_data_buf[0:1]; //two buffer helps to step over different frame seamlessly
reg pre_toggle, toggle=1'b0; //helps to decide when to give PC a MAC frame
reg[`tx_data_len-1:0] tx_data; //used as FIFO
65,7 → 87,10
//tx_data_buf[toggle] <= {144'h0,temp_buf};
ff_cnt <= 0;
toggle <= ~toggle;
//tosend <= 1'b1;
//every time a frame being sent, frameID increases one
`ifdef frameIDcount
frameid <= frameid + 24'h00_00_01;
else begin
tx_data_buf[toggle] <= {ff_data, tx_data_buf[toggle][`tx_data_buf_len-1:1]};
72,14 → 97,6
ff_cnt <= ff_cnt + `ff_cnt_step;
//else if(ff_cnt != 0) begin
// tx_data_buf[toggle] <= {(tx_data_buf[toggle][`MAXLEN-1:8]>>(`DATALEN-ff_cnt)),2'b00 ,ff_cnt[8:3]};
//tx_data_buf[toggle] <= {144'h0,temp_buf};
// ff_cnt <= 0;
// toggle <= ~toggle;
//tosend <= 1'b1;
//else tosend <=1'b0;
assign phy_txer = 1'b0;
89,11 → 106,14
if (reset)
state <= s_idle;
else begin
if(pre_toggle ^ toggle) data_av<=1'b1;
case (state)
s_idle: begin //wait to be trigged
test1 <= ~test1;
if(pre_toggle ^ toggle) //once be trigged, prepare the data to send
if(data_av) begin //once be trigged, prepare the data to send
state <= s_pre;
data_av <= 1'b0;
else state <= s_idle;
147,13 → 167,15
case (state)
s_idle: begin
tx_data <= {7'h0,tx_data_buf[~toggle]};
if(empty) pre <= {16'h0008,pre_buf}; //decide whether should ask PC for new packages
else pre <= {16'h0000, pre_buf};
//already stored MAC preamble, dest address and source address from right to left.
//decide whether should ask PC for new frame
if(empty) preaddlt <= {16'h0008, `MAC_ADD, `PC_MAC_ADD, `Preamble};
else preaddlt <= {16'h0000, `MAC_ADD, `PC_MAC_ADD, `Preamble};
{pre[171:0], phy_txd} <= pre;
{preaddlt[171:0], phy_txd} <= preaddlt;
{pre[171:0], phy_txd} <= pre;
{preaddlt[171:0], phy_txd} <= preaddlt;
{tx_data[`tx_data_len-5:0],phy_txd} <= tx_data;
s_crc: begin
1,4 → 1,13
//author :gurenliang
//note: if there are some errors, you are welcome to contact me. It would be the best appreciation to me.
//version 0.3 correct some minor errors
//version 0.3 add the option of frameID mode, by include common.v and judge the macro-varible frameIDfromRx
//The top layer module provided full functions
`include "common.v"
module EthernetModule(reset, clk_10K,
ff_clk, ff_en_source, ff_en_sink, ff_data_source, ff_data_sink, //ff_clk should be a 270.33KHz clock
phy_rxd, phy_rxen, phy_rxclk, phy_rxer,
24,31 → 33,37
//wire ff_en, ff_data,
wire out_en;
wire txclk_in, rxclk_in, rxen_in, txclk_in_t;
wire[23:0] frameid; //share the frameid between TxModule and RxModule
wire rxen_in, txclk_in;
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
wire[23:0] frameid; //share the frameid between TxModule and RxModule
wire empty, start;
InitModule initModule_inst(.init_clk(clk_10K), .reset(reset), .phy_reset(phy_reset), .out_en(out_en));
tri_state tri_state_inst1(.d_in(txclk_in_t), .d_out(1'b0), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_txclk));
tri_state tri_state_inst2(.d_in(), .d_out(1'b0), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_col));
tri_state tri_state_inst3(.d_in(rxen_in), .d_out(1'b0), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_rxen));
tri_state tri_state_inst4(.d_in(), .d_out(1'b0), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_linksts));
tri_state tri_state_inst5(.d_in(), .d_out(1'b1), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_crs));
//make the two 25MHz clk as global clocks
clkctrl clkctrl_txclk (.inclk (txclk_in_t), .outclk (txclk_in));
clkctrl clkctrl_rxclk (.inclk (phy_rxclk), .outclk (rxclk_in));
tri_state tri_state_inst1(.d_in(txclk_in ), .d_out(1'b0), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_txclk));
tri_state tri_state_inst2(.d_in( ), .d_out(1'b0), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_col));
tri_state tri_state_inst3(.d_in(rxen_in ), .d_out(1'b0), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_rxen));
tri_state tri_state_inst4(.d_in( ), .d_out(1'b0), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_linksts));
tri_state tri_state_inst5(.d_in( ), .d_out(1'b1), .out_en(out_en), .ioport(phy_crs));
TxModule TxModule_inst(.reset(out_en),
.phy_txd(phy_txd), .phy_txen(phy_txen), .phy_txclk(txclk_in), .phy_txer(phy_txer),
.ff_clk(ff_clk), .ff_en(ff_en_sink), .ff_data(ff_data_sink),
.frameid(frameid), .empty(empty), .start(start),
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
.empty(empty), .start(start),
.test1(test1), .test2(test2), .test3(test3), .test4(test4));
RxModule RxModule_inst(.phy_rxd(phy_rxd), .phy_rxen(rxen_in), .phy_rxclk(rxclk_in), .phy_rxer(phy_rxer),
RxModule RxModule_inst(.phy_rxd(phy_rxd), .phy_rxen(rxen_in), .phy_rxclk(phy_rxclk), .phy_rxer(phy_rxer),
.ff_clk(ff_clk), .ff_data(ff_data_source), .ff_en(ff_en_source),
.frameid(frameid), .empty(empty), .start(start));
`ifdef frameIDfromRx
.empty(empty), .start(start));
//assign test1 = ff_en;
//assign test2 = ff_data;
1,3 → 1,7
//author :gurenliang
//note: if there are some errors, you are welcome to contact me. It would be the best appreciation to me.
//This module incharge of the generation of the reset signal for PHY chip
//and hold low for at least 10ms.
module InitModule(init_clk, reset, phy_reset, out_en);
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