
Subversion Repositories 68hc08

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 5 to Rev 6
    Reverse comparison

Rev 5 → Rev 6

1,2429 → 1,2430
-- 68HC08 microcontroller implementation
-- Ulrich Riedel
-- v1.0 2005.11.24 first version
-- divider.vhd parallel division
-- based on non-restoring division, uncorrected remainder
-- Controlled add/subtract "cas" cell (NOT CSA)
-- "T" is sub_add signal in div_ser.vhdl
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity cas is -- Controlled Add/Subtract cell
port (
divisor : in std_logic;
T : in std_logic;
remainder_in : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
remainder_out : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end entity cas;
architecture behavior of cas is
signal tt : std_logic;
tt <= (T xor divisor) after 1 ns;
remainder_out <= (tt xor remainder_in xor cin) after 1 ns;
cout <= ((tt and remainder_in) or (tt and cin) or (remainder_in and cin)) after 1 ns;
end architecture behavior; -- cas
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity divcas9 is -- 17 bit dividend, 9 bit divisor
port (
dividend : in std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);
divisor : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
quotient : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
remainder : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0)
end entity divcas9;
architecture behavior of divcas9 is
component cas port(
divisor : in std_logic;
T : in std_logic;
remainder_in : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
remainder_out : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic
end component;
signal T : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal c8G, c8F, c8E, c8D, c8C, c8B, c8A, c89, c88 : std_logic;
signal c7F, c7E, c7D, c7C, c7B, c7A, c79, c78, c77 : std_logic;
signal c6E, c6D, c6C, c6B, c6A, c69, c68, c67, c66 : std_logic;
signal c5D, c5C, c5B, c5A, c59, c58, c57, c56, c55 : std_logic;
signal c4C, c4B, c4A, c49, c48, c47, c46, c45, c44 : std_logic;
signal c3B, c3A, c39, c38, c37, c36, c35, c34, c33 : std_logic;
signal c2A, c29, c28, c27, c26, c25, c24, c23, c22 : std_logic;
signal c19, c18, c17, c16, c15, c14, c13, c12, c11 : std_logic;
signal c08, c07, c06, c05, c04, c03, c02, c01, c00 : std_logic;
signal r8G, r8F, r8E, r8D, r8C, r8B, r8A, r89, r88 : std_logic;
signal r7F, r7E, r7D, r7C, r7B, r7A, r79, r78, r77 : std_logic;
signal r6E, r6D, r6C, r6B, r6A, r69, r68, r67, r66 : std_logic;
signal r5D, r5C, r5B, r5A, r59, r58, r57, r56, r55 : std_logic;
signal r4C, r4B, r4A, r49, r48, r47, r46, r45, r44 : std_logic;
signal r3B, r3A, r39, r38, r37, r36, r35, r34, r33 : std_logic;
signal r2A, r29, r28, r27, r26, r25, r24, r23, r22 : std_logic;
signal r19, r18, r17, r16, r15, r14, r13, r12, r11 : std_logic;
signal r08, r07, r06, r05, r04, r03, r02, r01, r00 : std_logic;
-- dividend(16) assumed zero and unused
T(8) <= '1';
cas8G: cas port map(divisor(8), T(8), dividend(16), c8F, r8G, c8G);
cas8F: cas port map(divisor(7), T(8), dividend(15), c8E, r8F, c8F);
cas8E: cas port map(divisor(6), T(8), dividend(14), c8D, r8E, c8E);
cas8D: cas port map(divisor(5), T(8), dividend(13), c8C, r8D, c8D);
cas8C: cas port map(divisor(4), T(8), dividend(12), c8B, r8C, c8C);
cas8B: cas port map(divisor(3), T(8), dividend(11), c8A, r8B, c8B);
cas8A: cas port map(divisor(2), T(8), dividend(10), c89, r8A, c8A);
cas89: cas port map(divisor(1), T(8), dividend(9) , c88, r89, c89);
cas88: cas port map(divisor(0), T(8), dividend(8) , T(8), r88, c88);
T(7) <= not r8G;
cas7F: cas port map(divisor(8), T(7), r8F , c7E, r7F, c7F);
cas7E: cas port map(divisor(7), T(7), r8E , c7D, r7E, c7E);
cas7D: cas port map(divisor(6), T(7), r8D , c7C, r7D, c7D);
cas7C: cas port map(divisor(5), T(7), r8C , c7B, r7C, c7C);
cas7B: cas port map(divisor(4), T(7), r8B , c7A, r7B, c7B);
cas7A: cas port map(divisor(3), T(7), r8A , c79, r7A, c7A);
cas79: cas port map(divisor(2), T(7), r89 , c78, r79, c79);
cas78: cas port map(divisor(1), T(7), r88 , c77, r78, c78);
cas77: cas port map(divisor(0), T(7), dividend(7), T(7), r77, c77);
T(6) <= not r7F;
cas6E: cas port map(divisor(8), T(6), r7E , c6D, r6E, c6E);
cas6D: cas port map(divisor(7), T(6), r7D , c6C, r6D, c6D);
cas6C: cas port map(divisor(6), T(6), r7C , c6B, r6C, c6C);
cas6B: cas port map(divisor(5), T(6), r7B , c6A, r6B, c6B);
cas6A: cas port map(divisor(4), T(6), r7A , c69, r6A, c6A);
cas69: cas port map(divisor(3), T(6), r79 , c68, r69, c69);
cas68: cas port map(divisor(2), T(6), r78 , c67, r68, c68);
cas67: cas port map(divisor(1), T(6), r77 , c66, r67, c67);
cas66: cas port map(divisor(0), T(6), dividend(6), T(6), r66, c66);
T(5) <= not r6E;
cas5D: cas port map(divisor(8), T(5), r6D , c5C, r5D, c5D);
cas5C: cas port map(divisor(7), T(5), r6C , c5B, r5C, c5C);
cas5B: cas port map(divisor(6), T(5), r6B , c5A, r5B, c5B);
cas5A: cas port map(divisor(5), T(5), r6A , c59, r5A, c5A);
cas59: cas port map(divisor(4), T(5), r69 , c58, r59, c59);
cas58: cas port map(divisor(3), T(5), r68 , c57, r58, c58);
cas57: cas port map(divisor(2), T(5), r67 , c56, r57, c57);
cas56: cas port map(divisor(1), T(5), r66 , c55, r56, c56);
cas55: cas port map(divisor(0), T(5), dividend(5), T(5), r55, c55);
T(4) <= not r5D;
cas4C: cas port map(divisor(8), T(4), r5C , c4B, r4C, c4C);
cas4B: cas port map(divisor(7), T(4), r5B , c4A, r4B, c4B);
cas4A: cas port map(divisor(6), T(4), r5A , c49, r4A, c4A);
cas49: cas port map(divisor(5), T(4), r59 , c48, r49, c49);
cas48: cas port map(divisor(4), T(4), r58 , c47, r48, c48);
cas47: cas port map(divisor(3), T(4), r57 , c46, r47, c47);
cas46: cas port map(divisor(2), T(4), r56 , c45, r46, c46);
cas45: cas port map(divisor(1), T(4), r55 , c44, r45, c45);
cas44: cas port map(divisor(0), T(4), dividend(4), T(4), r44, c44);
T(3) <= not r4C;
cas3B: cas port map(divisor(8), T(3), r4B , c3A, r3B, c3B);
cas3A: cas port map(divisor(7), T(3), r4A , c39, r3A, c3A);
cas39: cas port map(divisor(6), T(3), r49 , c38, r39, c39);
cas38: cas port map(divisor(5), T(3), r48 , c37, r38, c38);
cas37: cas port map(divisor(4), T(3), r47 , c36, r37, c37);
cas36: cas port map(divisor(3), T(3), r46 , c35, r36, c36);
cas35: cas port map(divisor(2), T(3), r45 , c34, r35, c35);
cas34: cas port map(divisor(1), T(3), r44 , c33, r34, c34);
cas33: cas port map(divisor(0), T(3), dividend(3), T(3), r33, c33);
T(2) <= not r3B;
cas2A: cas port map(divisor(8), T(2), r3A , c29, r2A, c2A);
cas29: cas port map(divisor(7), T(2), r39 , c28, r29, c29);
cas28: cas port map(divisor(6), T(2), r38 , c27, r28, c28);
cas27: cas port map(divisor(5), T(2), r37 , c26, r27, c27);
cas26: cas port map(divisor(4), T(2), r36 , c25, r26, c26);
cas25: cas port map(divisor(3), T(2), r35 , c24, r25, c25);
cas24: cas port map(divisor(2), T(2), r34 , c23, r24, c24);
cas23: cas port map(divisor(1), T(2), r33 , c22, r23, c23);
cas22: cas port map(divisor(0), T(2), dividend(2), T(2), r22, c22);
T(1) <= not r2A;
cas19: cas port map(divisor(8), T(1), r29 , c18, r19, c19);
cas18: cas port map(divisor(7), T(1), r28 , c17, r18, c18);
cas17: cas port map(divisor(6), T(1), r27 , c16, r17, c17);
cas16: cas port map(divisor(5), T(1), r26 , c15, r16, c16);
cas15: cas port map(divisor(4), T(1), r25 , c14, r15, c15);
cas14: cas port map(divisor(3), T(1), r24 , c13, r14, c14);
cas13: cas port map(divisor(2), T(1), r23 , c12, r13, c13);
cas12: cas port map(divisor(1), T(1), r22 , c11, r12, c12);
cas11: cas port map(divisor(0), T(1), dividend(1), T(1), r11, c11);
T(0) <= not r19;
cas08: cas port map(divisor(8), T(0), r18 , c07, r08, c08);
cas07: cas port map(divisor(7), T(0), r17 , c06, r07, c07);
cas06: cas port map(divisor(6), T(0), r16 , c05, r06, c06);
cas05: cas port map(divisor(5), T(0), r15 , c04, r05, c05);
cas04: cas port map(divisor(4), T(0), r14 , c03, r04, c04);
cas03: cas port map(divisor(3), T(0), r13 , c02, r03, c03);
cas02: cas port map(divisor(2), T(0), r12 , c01, r02, c02);
cas01: cas port map(divisor(1), T(0), r11 , c00, r01, c01);
cas00: cas port map(divisor(0), T(0), dividend(0), T(0), r00, c00);
quotient(8) <= T(7);
quotient(7) <= T(6);
quotient(6) <= T(5);
quotient(5) <= T(4);
quotient(4) <= T(3);
quotient(3) <= T(2);
quotient(2) <= T(1);
quotient(1) <= T(0);
quotient(0) <= not r08;
remainder(8) <= r08;
remainder(7) <= r07;
remainder(6) <= r06;
remainder(5) <= r05;
remainder(4) <= r04;
remainder(3) <= r03;
remainder(2) <= r02;
remainder(1) <= r01;
remainder(0) <= r00;
end architecture behavior; -- divcas9
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fadd is -- full adder stage, interface
port(a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
s : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end entity fadd;
architecture behavior of fadd is -- full adder stage, body
begin -- circuits of fadd
s <= a xor b xor cin after 1 ns;
cout <= (a and b) or (a and cin) or (b and cin) after 1 ns;
end architecture behavior; -- fadd
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity add8 is -- simple 8 bit ripple carry adder
port(a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cin : in std_logic;
sum : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cout : out std_logic);
end entity add8;
architecture behavior of add8 is
signal c : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); -- internal carry signals
component fadd -- duplicates entity port
port(a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
s : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end component fadd ;
a0: fadd port map(a(0), b(0), cin, sum(0), c(0));
stage: for I in 1 to 6 generate
as: fadd port map(a(I), b(I), c(I-1) , sum(I), c(I));
end generate stage;
a31: fadd port map(a(7), b(7), c(6) , sum(7), cout);
end architecture behavior; -- add8
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity add8c is -- one stage of carry save adder for multiplier
b : in std_logic; -- a multiplier bit
a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- multiplicand
sum_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- sums from previous stage
cin : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- carrys from previous stage
sum_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- sums to next stage
cout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- carrys to next stage
end add8c;
architecture behavior of add8c is
signal zero : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
signal aa : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
component fadd
port(a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
s : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end component fadd;
aa <= a when b = '1' else zero after 1 ns;
stage: for I in 0 to 7 generate
sta: fadd port map(aa(I), sum_in(I), cin(I) , sum_out(I), cout(I));
end generate stage;
end architecture behavior; -- add8csa
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mul8 is -- 8 x 8 = 16 bit unsigned product multiplier
port(a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- multiplicand
b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- multiplier
prod : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); -- product
end mul8;
architecture behavior of mul8 is
signal zero : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
signal nc1 : std_logic;
type arr8 is array(0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal s : arr8; -- partial sums
signal c : arr8; -- partial carries
signal ss : arr8; -- shifted sums
component add8c is
port(b : in std_logic;
a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sum_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cin : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sum_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component add8c;
component add8
port(a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cin : in std_logic;
sum : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cout : out std_logic);
end component add8;
st0: add8c port map(b(0), a, zero , zero, s(0), c(0)); -- CSA stage
ss(0) <= '0' & s(0)(7 downto 1) after 1 ns;
prod(0) <= s(0)(0) after 1 ns;
stage: for I in 1 to 7 generate
st: add8c port map(b(I), a, ss(I-1) , c(I-1), s(I), c(I)); -- CSA stage
ss(I) <= '0' & s(I)(7 downto 1) after 1 ns;
prod(I) <= s(I)(0) after 1 ns;
end generate stage;
add: add8 port map(ss(7), c(7), '0' , prod(15 downto 8), nc1); -- adder
end architecture behavior; -- mul8
-- begin of 68HC08
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
irq : in std_logic;
addr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
wr : out std_logic;
datain : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
state : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
dataout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
END X68UR08;
component mul8 port(
a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
prod : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
end component mul8;
component divcas9 port (
dividend : in std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);
divisor : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
quotient : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
remainder : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0)
end component divcas9;
constant CPUread : std_logic := '1';
constant CPUwrite : std_logic := '0';
constant addrPC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
constant addrSP : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";
constant addrHX : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";
constant addrTM : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";
constant addrX2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";
constant addrS2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "101";
constant addrX1 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110";
constant addrS1 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "111";
constant outA : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
constant outH : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0001";
constant outX : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0010";
constant outSPL : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0011";
constant outSPH : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0100";
constant outPCL : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0101";
constant outPCH : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110";
constant outTL : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0111";
constant outTH : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1000";
constant outHelp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1001";
constant outCode : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1010";
type masker is array (0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mask0 : masker;
signal mask1 : masker;
signal regA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal regHX : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal regSP : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal regPC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal flagV : std_logic;
signal flagH : std_logic;
signal flagI : std_logic;
signal flagN : std_logic;
signal flagZ : std_logic;
signal flagC : std_logic;
signal help : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal temp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal mainFSM : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal addrMux : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal dataMux : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal opcode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal escape9E : std_logic;
signal prod : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal dividend : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);
signal divisor : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal quotient : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal remainder: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal irq_d : std_logic;
signal irqRequest : std_logic;
signal trace : std_logic;
signal trace_i : std_logic;
signal traceOpCode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
mul: mul8 port map(
a => regA,
b => regHX(7 downto 0),
prod => prod
dividend <= "0" & regHX(15 downto 8) & regA;
divisor <= "0" & regHX(7 downto 0);
div: divcas9 port map(
dividend => dividend,
divisor => divisor,
quotient => quotient,
remainder => remainder
addr <= regPC when addrMux = addrPC else
regSP when addrMux = addrSP else
regHX when addrMux = addrHX else
temp when addrMux = addrTM else
(regHX + temp) when addrMux = addrX2 else
(regSP + temp) when addrMux = addrS2 else
(regHX + (x"00" & temp(7 downto 0))) when addrMux = addrX1 else
(regSP + (x"00" & temp(7 downto 0)));
dataout <= regA when dataMux = outA else
regHX(15 downto 8) when dataMux = outH else
regHX( 7 downto 0) when dataMux = outX else
regSP( 7 downto 0) when dataMux = outSPL else
regSP(15 downto 8) when dataMux = outSPH else
regPC( 7 downto 0) when dataMux = outPCL else
regPC(15 downto 8) when dataMux = outPCH else
temp ( 7 downto 0) when dataMux = outTL else
temp (15 downto 8) when dataMux = outTH else
help when dataMux = outHelp else
state <= mainFSM;
process(clk, rst)
variable tres : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable lres : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
if rst = '0' then
trace <= '0';
trace_i <= '0';
escape9E <= '0';
mask0(0) <= "11111110";
mask0(1) <= "11111101";
mask0(2) <= "11111011";
mask0(3) <= "11110111";
mask0(4) <= "11101111";
mask0(5) <= "11011111";
mask0(6) <= "10111111";
mask0(7) <= "01111111";
mask1(0) <= "00000001";
mask1(1) <= "00000010";
mask1(2) <= "00000100";
mask1(3) <= "00001000";
mask1(4) <= "00010000";
mask1(5) <= "00100000";
mask1(6) <= "01000000";
mask1(7) <= "10000000";
wr <= CPUread;
flagV <= '0';
flagH <= '0';
flagI <= '1'; -- irq disabled
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '0';
flagC <= '0';
regA <= x"00";
regHX <= x"0000"; -- clear H register for 6805 compatible mode
regSP <= x"00FF";
regPC <= x"FFFE";
temp <= x"FFFE";
help <= x"00";
dataMux <= outA;
addrMux <= addrTM;
irq_d <= '1';
irqRequest <= '0';
mainFSM <= "0000";
if rising_edge(clk) then
irq_d <= irq;
if (irq <= '0') and (irq_d = '1') and (flagI = '0') then -- irq falling edge ?
irqRequest <= '1';
end if;
case mainFSM is
when "0000" => --############# reset fetch PCH from FFFE
regPC(15 downto 8) <= datain;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "0001";
when "0001" => --############# reset fetch PCL from FFFF
regPC(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when "0010" => --##################### fetch opcode, instruction cycle 1
trace <= trace_i;
if trace = '1' then
opcode <= x"83"; -- special SWI trace
traceOpCode <= datain;
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
elsif irqRequest = '1' then
opcode <= x"83"; -- special SWI interrupt
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
opcode <= datain;
case datain is
when x"82" => -- RTT return trace special propietary instruction
trace_i <= '1'; -- arm trace for next instruction
regSP <= regSP + 1;
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"9E" => -- escape byte for SP address
escape9E <= '1';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"00" | x"02" | x"04" | x"06" | x"08" | x"0A" | x"0C" | x"0E" | -- BRSET n,opr8a,rel
x"01" | x"03" | x"05" | x"07" | x"09" | x"0B" | x"0D" | x"0F" | -- BRCLR n,opr8a,rel
x"10" | x"12" | x"14" | x"16" | x"18" | x"1A" | x"1C" | x"1E" | -- BSET n,opr8a
x"11" | x"13" | x"15" | x"17" | x"19" | x"1B" | x"1D" | x"1F" | -- BCLR n,opr8a
x"30" | x"31" | x"33" | x"34" | -- NEG opr8a, CBEQ opr8a,rel, COM opr8a, LSR opr8a
x"35" | x"36" | x"37" | x"38" | -- STHX opr8a, ROR opr8a, ASR opr8a, LSL opr8a
x"39" | x"3A" | x"3B" | x"3C" | -- ROL opr8a, DEC opr8a, DBNZ opr8a,rel, INC opr8a
x"3D" | x"3F" | x"4E" | x"55" | -- TST opr8a, CLR opr8a, MOV opr8a,opr8a, LDHX opr
x"5E" | x"6E" | x"75" | -- MOV opr8a,X+, MOV #opr8i,opr8a, CPHX opr
x"B0" | x"B1" | x"B2" | x"B3" | -- SUB opr8a, CMP opr8a, SBC opr8a, CPX opr8a
x"B4" | x"B5" | x"B6" | x"B7" | -- AND opr8a, BIT opr8a, LDA opr8a, STA opr8a
x"B8" | x"B9" | x"BA" | x"BB" | -- EOR opr8a, ADC opr8a, ORA opr8a, ADD opr8a
x"BC" | x"BE" | x"BF" => -- JMP opr8a, LDX opr8a, STX opr8a
temp <= x"0000";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"20" | x"21" | x"22" | x"23" | x"24" | x"25" | x"26" | x"27" |
x"28" | x"29" | x"2A" | x"2B" | x"2C" | x"2D" | x"2E" | x"2F" | -- branches
x"41" | x"45" | x"51" | x"65" | -- CBEQA #opr8i,rel, LDHX #opr, CBEQX #opr8i,rel, CPHX #opr
x"90" | x"91" | x"92" | x"93" | -- branches
x"C0" | x"C1" | x"C2" | x"C3" | -- SUB opr16a, CMP opr16a, SBC opr16a, CPX opr16a
x"C4" | x"C5" | x"C6" | x"C7" | -- AND opr16a, BIT opr16a, LDA opr16a, STA opr16a
x"C8" | x"C9" | x"CA" | x"CB" | -- EOR opr16a, ADC opr16a, ORA opr16a, ADD opr16a
x"CC" | x"CE" | x"CF" | -- JMP opr16a, LDX opr16a, STX opr16a
x"D0" | x"D1" | x"D2" | x"D3" | -- SUB oprx16,X, CMP oprx16,X, SBC oprx16,X, CPX oprx16,X
x"D4" | x"D5" | x"D6" | x"D7" | -- AND oprx16,X, BIT oprx16,X, LDA oprx16,X, STA oprx16,X
x"D8" | x"D9" | x"DA" | x"DB" | -- EOR oprx16,X, ADC oprx16,X, ORA oprx16,X, ADD oprx16,X
x"DC" | x"DE" | x"DF" => -- JMP oprx16,X, LDX oprx16,X, STX oprx16,X
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"70" | x"71" | x"73" | x"74" | x"76" | x"77" | -- NEG ,X, CBEQ ,X+,rel, COM ,X, LSR ,X, ROR ,X, ASR ,X
x"78" | x"79" | x"7A" | x"7B" | x"7C" | x"7D" | -- LSL ,X, ROL ,X, DEC ,X, DBNZ ,X,rel, INC ,X, TXT ,X
x"7E" => -- MOV ,X,opr8a
addrMux <= addrHX;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"A0" | x"A1" | x"A2" | x"A3" | -- SUB #opr8i, CMP #opr8i, SBC #opr8i, CPX #opr8i
x"A4" | x"A5" | x"A6" | x"A7" | -- AND #opr8i, BIT #opr8i, LDA #opr8i, AIS
x"A8" | x"A9" | x"AA" | x"AB" | -- EOR #opr8i, ADC #opr8i, ORA #opr8i, ADD #opr8i
x"AE" | x"AF" => -- LDX #opr8i, AIX
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"E0" | x"E1" | x"E2" | x"E3" | -- SUB oprx8,X, CMP oprx8,X, SBC oprx8,X, CPX oprx8,X
x"E4" | x"E5" | x"E6" | x"E7" | -- AND oprx8,X, BIT oprx8,X, LDA oprx8,X, STA oprx8,X
x"E8" | x"E9" | x"EA" | x"EB" | -- EOR oprx8,X, ADC oprx8,X, ORA oprx8,X, ADD oprx8,X
x"EC" | x"EE" | x"EF" => -- JMP oprx8,X, LDX oprx8,X, STX oprx8,X
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"F0" | x"F1" | x"F2" | x"F3" | -- SUB ,X, CMP ,X, SBC ,X, CPX ,X
x"F4" | x"F5" | x"F6" | -- AND ,X, BIT ,X, LDA ,X
x"F8" | x"F9" | x"FA" | x"FB" | -- EOR ,X, ADC ,X, ORA ,X, ADD ,X
x"FE" => -- LDX ,X
addrMux <= addrHX;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"FC" => -- JMP ,X
regPC <= regHX;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"F7" => -- STA ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regA(7);
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outA;
addrMux <= addrHX;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"FF" => -- STX ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outX;
addrMux <= addrHX;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"40" => -- NEGA
regA <= x"00" - regA;
tres := x"00" - regA;
flagV <= tres(7) and regA(7);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagC <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"42" => -- MUL
flagH <= '0';
flagC <= '0';
regA <= prod(7 downto 0);
regHX(7 downto 0) <= prod(15 downto 8);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"43" => -- COMA
regA <= regA xor x"FF";
tres := regA xor x"FF";
flagV <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"44" => -- LSRA
regA <= "0" & regA(7 downto 1);
tres := "0" & regA(7 downto 1);
flagV <= regA(0);
flagN <= '0';
flagC <= regA(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"46" => -- RORA
regA <= flagC & regA(7 downto 1);
tres := flagC & regA(7 downto 1);
flagN <= flagC;
flagC <= regA(0);
flagV <= flagC xor regA(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"47" => -- ASRA
regA <= regA(7) & regA(7 downto 1);
tres := regA(7) & regA(7 downto 1);
flagN <= regA(7);
flagC <= regA(0);
flagV <= regA(7) xor regA(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"48" => -- LSLA
regA <= regA(6 downto 0) & "0";
tres := regA(6 downto 0) & "0";
flagN <= regA(6);
flagC <= regA(7);
flagV <= regA(7) xor regA(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"49" => -- ROLA
regA <= regA(6 downto 0) & flagC;
tres := regA(6 downto 0) & flagC;
flagN <= regA(6);
flagC <= regA(7);
flagV <= regA(7) xor regA(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4A" => -- DECA
regA <= regA - 1;
tres := regA - 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if regA = x"80" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4B" => -- DBNZA rel
regA <= regA - 1;
tres := regA - 1;
if tres = x"00" then
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
end if;
when x"4C" => -- INCA
regA <= regA + 1;
tres := regA + 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if regA = x"7F" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4D" => -- TSTA
flagN <= regA(7);
flagV <= '0';
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4F" => -- CLRA
regA <= x"00";
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '1';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"50" => -- NEGX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= x"00" - regHX(7 downto 0);
tres := x"00" - regHX(7 downto 0);
flagV <= tres(7) and regHX(7);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagC <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"52" => -- DIV
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"53" => -- COMX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7 downto 0) xor x"FF";
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) xor x"FF";
flagV <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"54" => -- LSRX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= "0" & regHX(7 downto 0)(7 downto 1);
tres := "0" & regHX(7 downto 0)(7 downto 1);
flagV <= regHX(0);
flagN <= '0';
flagC <= regHX(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"56" => -- RORX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= flagC & regHX(7 downto 1);
tres := flagC & regHX(7 downto 1);
flagN <= flagC;
flagC <= regHX(0);
flagV <= flagC xor regHX(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"57" => -- ASRX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7) & regHX(7 downto 1);
tres := regHX(7) & regHX(7 downto 1);
flagN <= regHX(7);
flagC <= regHX(0);
flagV <= regHX(7) xor regHX(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"58" => -- LSLX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(6 downto 0) & "0";
tres := regHX(6 downto 0) & "0";
flagN <= regHX(6);
flagC <= regHX(7);
flagV <= regHX(7) xor regHX(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"59" => -- ROLX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(6 downto 0) & flagC;
tres := regHX(6 downto 0) & flagC;
flagN <= regHX(6);
flagC <= regHX(7);
flagV <= regHX(7) xor regHX(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5A" => -- DECX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7 downto 0) - 1;
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) - 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"80" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5B" => -- DBNZX rel
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7 downto 0) - 1;
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) - 1;
if tres = x"00" then
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
end if;
when x"5C" => -- INCX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7 downto 0) + 1;
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) + 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"7F" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5D" => -- TSTX
flagN <= regHX(7);
flagV <= '0';
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5F" => -- CLRX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= x"00";
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '1';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"60" | x"61" | x"63" | x"64" | x"66" | -- NEG oprx8,X, CBEQ oprx8,X+,rel, COM oprx8,X, LSR oprx8,X, ROR oprx8,X
x"67" | x"68" | x"69" | x"6A" | x"6B" | -- ASR oprx8,X, LSL oprx8,X, ROL oprx8,X, DEC oprx8,X, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel
x"6C" | x"6D" | x"6F" => -- INC oprx8,X, TST oprx8,X, CLR oprx8,X
if escape9E = '1' then
if datain /= x"61" then
escape9E <= '0';
end if;
temp <= regSP;
temp <= regHX;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"62" => -- NSA
escape9E <= '0';
regA <= regA(3 downto 0) & regA(7 downto 4);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"72" => -- DAA
if flagC = '0' then
if flagH = '0' then
if (regA(7 downto 4) < 10) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 10) then
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagN <= regA(7);
elsif (regA(7 downto 4) < 9) and (regA(3 downto 0) > 9) then
regA <= regA + x"06";
tres := regA + x"06";
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
elsif (regA(7 downto 4) > 9) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 10) then
regA <= regA + x"60";
tres := regA + x"60";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
elsif (regA(7 downto 4) > 8) and (regA(3 downto 0) > 9) then
regA <= regA + x"66";
tres := regA + x"66";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if (regA(7 downto 4) < 10) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 4) then
regA <= regA + x"06";
tres := regA + x"06";
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
elsif (regA(7 downto 4) > 9) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 4) then
regA <= regA + x"66";
tres := regA + x"66";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
if flagH = '0' then
if (regA(7 downto 3) < 3) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 10) then
regA <= regA + x"60";
tres := regA + x"60";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
elsif (regA(7 downto 3) < 3) and (regA(3 downto 0) > 9) then
regA <= regA + x"66";
tres := regA + x"66";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if (regA(7 downto 3) < 4) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 4) then
regA <= regA + x"66";
tres := regA + x"66";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"7F" => -- CLR ,X
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '1';
addrMux <= addrHX;
dataMux <= outHelp;
wr <= CPUwrite;
help <= x"00";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"80" | x"81" => -- RTI, RTS
regSP <= regSP + 1;
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regPC <= regPC + 1;
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"84" => -- TAP
flagN <= regA(7);
flagH <= regA(4);
flagI <= regA(3);
flagN <= regA(2);
flagZ <= regA(1);
flagC <= regA(0);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"85" => -- TPA
regA(7) <= flagN;
regA(6) <= '1';
regA(5) <= '1';
regA(4) <= flagH;
regA(3) <= flagI;
regA(2) <= flagN;
regA(1) <= flagZ;
regA(0) <= flagC;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"86" | x"88" | x"8A" => -- PULA, PULX, PULH
addrMux <= addrSP;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"87" => -- PSHA
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outA;
addrMux <= addrSP;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"89" => -- PSHX
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outX;
addrMux <= addrSP;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"8B" => -- PSHH
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outH;
addrMux <= addrSP;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"8C" => -- CLRH
regHX(15 downto 8) <= x"00";
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '1';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"8E" => -- STOP currently unsupported
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"8F" => -- WAIT currently unsupported
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"94" => -- TXS
regSP <= regHX - 1;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"95" => -- TSX
regHX <= regSP + 1;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"97" => -- TAX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regA;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"98" | x"99" => -- CLC, SEC
flagC <= datain(0);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"9A" | x"9B" => -- CLI, SEI ATTENTION!!!
flagI <= datain(0);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"9C" => -- RSP
regSP <= x"00FF";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"9D" => -- NOP
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"9F" => -- TXA
regA <= regHX(7 downto 0);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AD" | x"BD" | x"ED" => -- BSR rel, JSR opr8a, JSR oprx8,X
temp <= regPC + 2;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"CD" | x"DD" => -- JSR opr16a, JSR oprx16,X
temp <= regPC + 3;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"FD" => -- JSR ,X
temp <= regPC + 1;
wr <= CPUwrite;
addrMux <= addrSP;
dataMux <= outTL;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- datain
end if; -- trace = '1'
when "0011" => --##################### instruction cycle 2
case opcode is
when x"00" | x"02" | x"04" | x"06" | x"08" | x"0A" | x"0C" | x"0E" | -- BRSET n,opr8a,rel
x"01" | x"03" | x"05" | x"07" | x"09" | x"0B" | x"0D" | x"0F" | -- BRCLR n,opr8a,rel
x"10" | x"12" | x"14" | x"16" | x"18" | x"1A" | x"1C" | x"1E" | -- BSET n,opr8a
x"11" | x"13" | x"15" | x"17" | x"19" | x"1B" | x"1D" | x"1F" | -- BCLR n,opr8a
x"30" | x"31" | x"33" | x"34" | x"36" | -- NEG opr8a, CBEQ opr8a,rel, COM opr8a, LSR opr8a, ROR opr8a
x"37" | x"38" | x"39" | x"3A" | x"3B" | x"3C" | -- ASR opr8a, LSL opr8a, ROL opr8a, DEC opr8a, DBNZ opr8a,rel, INC opr8a
x"3D" | x"4E" | x"55" | x"5E" | x"75" => -- TST opr8a, MOV opr8a,opr8a, LDHX opr, MOV opr8a,X+, CPHX opr
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"C0" | x"C1" | x"C2" | x"C3" | -- SUB opr16a, CMP opr16a, SBC opr16a, CPX opr16a
x"C4" | x"C5" | x"C6" | x"C7" | -- AND opr16a, BIT opr16a, LDA opr16a, STA opr16a
x"C8" | x"C9" | x"CA" | x"CB" | -- EOR opr16a, ADC opr16a, ORA opr16a, ADD opr16a
x"CC" | x"CE" | x"CF" | -- JMP opr16a, LDX opr16a, STX opr16a
x"D0" | x"D1" | x"D2" | x"D3" | -- SUB oprx16,X, CMP oprx16,X, SBC oprx16,X, CPX oprx16,X
x"D4" | x"D5" | x"D6" | x"D7" | -- AND oprx16,X, BIT oprx16,X, LDA oprx16,X, STA oprx16,X
x"D8" | x"D9" | x"DA" | x"DB" | -- EOR oprx16,X, ADC oprx16,X, ORA oprx16,X, ADD oprx16,X
x"DC" | x"DE" | x"DF" => -- JMP oprx16,X, LDX oprx16,X, STX oprx16,X
temp(15 downto 8) <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"52" => -- DIV
if quotient(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then -- divide by zero
flagC <= '1';
if regHX(15 downto 8) < regHX(7 downto 0) then
flagC <= '0';
regA <= quotient(7 downto 0);
if remainder(8) = '1' then
lres := ("0000000" & remainder) + (x"00" & regHX(7 downto 0));
lres := "0000000" & remainder;
end if;
regHX(15 downto 8) <= lres(7 downto 0);
flagC <= '1';
end if;
end if;
mainFsm <= "0010";
when x"B7" => -- STA opr8a
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outA;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"BF" => -- STX opr8a
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outX;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"B0" | x"B1" | x"B2" | x"B3" | -- SUB opr8a, CMP opr8a, SBC opr8a, CPX opr8a
x"B4" | x"B5" | x"B6" | -- AND opr8a, BIT opr8a, LDA opr8a
x"B8" | x"B9" | x"BA" | x"BB" | -- EOR opr8a, ADC opr8a, ORA opr8a, ADD opr8a
x"BE" => -- LDX opr8a
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"20" | x"4B" | x"5B" => -- BRA, DBNZA rel, DBNZX rel
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"21" => -- BRN
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"22" | x"23" => -- BHI, BLS
if (flagC or flagZ) = opcode(0) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"24" | x"25" => -- BCC, BCS
if (flagC = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"26" | x"27" => -- BNE, BEQ
if (flagZ = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"28" | x"29" => -- BHCC, BHCS
if (flagH = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"2A" | x"2B" => -- BPL, BMI
if (flagN = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"2C" | x"2D" => -- BMC, BMS
if (flagI = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"2E" | x"2F" => -- BIL, BIH
if (irq = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"35" => -- STHX opr8a
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outH;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(15);
if regHX = x"0000" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"3F" | x"6F" => -- CLR opr8a, CLR oprx8,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
case opcode is
when x"3F" =>
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
when x"6F" =>
temp <= temp + (x"00" & datain);
when others =>
temp <= x"0000";
end case;
addrMux <= addrTM;
dataMux <= outHelp;
flagZ <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
help <= x"00";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"41" => -- CBEQA #opr8i,rel
if datain = regA then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
end if;
when x"45" => -- LDHX #opr
regHX(15 downto 8) <= datain;
flagN <= datain(7);
flagV <= '0';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"51" => -- CBEQA #opr8i,rel
if datain = regHX(7 downto 0) then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
end if;
when x"60" | x"61" | x"63" | x"64" | x"66" | -- NEG oprx8,X, CBEQ oprx8,X+,rel, COM oprx8,X, LSR oprx8,X, ROR oprx8,X
x"67" | x"68" | x"69" | x"6A" | x"6B" | -- ASR oprx8,X, LSL oprx8,X, ROL oprx8,X, DEC oprx8,X, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel
x"6C" | x"6D" => -- INC oprx8,X, TST oprx8,X
temp <= temp + (x"00" & datain);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
addrMux <= addrTM;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"65" | x"6E" => -- CPHX #opr, MOV #opr8i,opr8a
escape9E <= '0';
help <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"7F" => -- CLR ,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
flagV <= datain(7);
flagH <= datain(4);
flagI <= datain(3); ------- PLEASE RESTORE AT LATER TIME
flagN <= datain(2);
flagZ <= datain(1);
flagC <= datain(0);
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"81" => -- RTS
regPC(15 downto 8) <= datain;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"83" => -- SWI
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outPCL;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"86" => -- PULA
regA <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"87" | x"89" | x"8B" => -- PSHA, PSHX, PSHH
wr <= CPUread;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"88" => -- PULX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"8A" => -- PULH
regHX(15 downto 8) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"90" | x"91" => -- BGE, BLT
if ((flagN xor flagV) = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"92" | x"93" => -- BGT, BLE
if ((flagZ or (flagN xor flagV)) = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AD" | x"BD" | x"ED" => -- BSR rel, JSR opr8a, JSR oprx8,X
regPC <= regPC + 1;
wr <= CPUwrite;
help <= datain;
addrMux <= addrSP;
dataMux <= outPCL;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"BC" => -- JMP opr8a
regPC <= (x"00" & datain);
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"CD" | x"DD" => -- JSR opr16a, JSR oprx16,X
temp(15 downto 8) <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "0100" => --##################### instruction cycle 3
case opcode is
when x"00" | x"02" | x"04" | x"06" | x"08" | x"0A" | x"0C" | x"0E" | -- BRSET n,opr8a,rel
x"01" | x"03" | x"05" | x"07" | x"09" | x"0B" | x"0D" | x"0F" => -- BRCLR n,opr8a,rel
if (datain and mask1(conv_integer(opcode(3 downto 1)))) /= x"00" then
flagC <= '1';
flagC <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"10" | x"12" | x"14" | x"16" | x"18" | x"1A" | x"1C" | x"1E" | -- BSET n,opr8a
x"11" | x"13" | x"15" | x"17" | x"19" | x"1B" | x"1D" | x"1F" => -- BCLR n,opr8a
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
if opcode(0) = '0' then
help <= datain or mask1(conv_integer(opcode(3 downto 1)));
help <= datain and mask0(conv_integer(opcode(3 downto 1)));
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"C0" | x"C1" | x"C2" | x"C3" | -- SUB opr16a, CMP opr16a, SBC opr16a, CPX opr16a
x"C4" | x"C5" | x"C6" | -- AND opr16a, BIT opr16a, LDA opr16a
x"C8" | x"C9" | x"CA" | x"CB" | -- EOR opr16a, ADC opr16a, ORA opr16a, ADD opr16a
x"CE" | -- LDX opr16a
x"D0" | x"D1" | x"D2" | x"D3" | -- SUB oprx16,X, CMP oprx16,X, SBC oprx16,X, CPX oprx16,X
x"D4" | x"D5" | x"D6" | -- AND oprx16,X, BIT oprx16,X, LDA oprx16,X
x"D8" | x"D9" | x"DA" | x"DB" | -- EOR oprx16,X, ADC oprx16,X, ORA oprx16,X, ADD oprx16,X
x"DE" | -- LDX oprx16,X
x"E0" | x"E1" | x"E2" | x"E3" | -- SUB oprx8,X, CMP oprx8,X, SBC oprx8,X, CPX oprx8,X
x"E4" | x"E5" | x"E6" | -- AND oprx8,X, BIT oprx8,X, LDA oprx8,X
x"E8" | x"E9" | x"EA" | x"EB" | -- EOR oprx8,X, ADC oprx8,X, ORA oprx8,X, ADD oprx8,X
x"EE" => -- LDX oprx8,X
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
case opcode(7 downto 4) is
when x"C" =>
addrMux <= addrTM;
when x"D" =>
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX2;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS2;
end if;
when x"E" =>
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX1;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS1;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"CC" => -- JMP opr16a
regPC <= temp(15 downto 8) & datain;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"DC" => -- JMP oprx16,X
regPC <= (temp(15 downto 8) & datain) + regHX;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"EC" => -- JMP oprx8,X
regPC <= (x"00" & datain) + regHX;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"C7" => -- STA opr16a
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regA(7);
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outA;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"D7" => -- STA oprx16,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regA(7);
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outA;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX2;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS2;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"E7" => -- STA oprx8,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regA(7);
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outA;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX1;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS1;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"CF" => -- STX opr16a
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outX;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"DF" => -- STX oprx16,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outX;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX2;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS2;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"EF" => -- STX oprx8,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outX;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX1;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS1;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"30" | x"60" | x"70" => -- NEG opr8a, NEG oprx8,X, NEG ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= x"00" - datain;
tres := x"00" - datain;
flagV <= tres(7) and datain(7);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagC <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"31" => -- CBEQ opr8a,rel
help <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"33" | x"63" | x"73" => -- COM opr8a, COM oprx8,X, COM ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain xor x"FF";
tres := datain xor x"FF";
flagV <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"34" | x"64" | x"74" => -- LSR opr8a, LSR oprx8,X, LSR ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= "0" & datain(7 downto 1);
tres := "0" & datain(7 downto 1);
flagV <= datain(0);
flagN <= '0';
flagC <= datain(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"35" => -- STHX opr8a
dataMux <= outX;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"36" | x"66" | x"76" => -- ROR opr8a, ROR oprx8,X, ROR ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= flagC & datain(7 downto 1);
tres := flagC & datain(7 downto 1);
flagN <= flagC;
flagC <= datain(0);
flagV <= flagC xor datain(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"37" | x"67" | x"77" => -- ASR opr8a, ASR oprx8,X, ASR ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain(7) & datain(7 downto 1);
tres := datain(7) & datain(7 downto 1);
flagN <= datain(7);
flagC <= datain(0);
flagV <= datain(7) xor datain(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"38" | x"68" | x"78" => -- LSL opr8a, LSL oprx8,X, LSL ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain(6 downto 0) & "0";
tres := datain(6 downto 0) & "0";
flagN <= datain(6);
flagC <= datain(7);
flagV <= datain(7) xor datain(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"39" | x"69" | x"79" => -- ROL opr8a, ROL oprx8,X, ROL ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain(6 downto 0) & flagC;
tres := datain(6 downto 0) & flagC;
flagN <= datain(6);
flagC <= datain(7);
flagV <= datain(7) xor datain(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"3A" | x"6A" | x"7A" => -- DEC opr8a, DEC oprx8,X, DEC ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain - 1;
tres := datain - 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if datain = x"80" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"3B" | x"6B" | x"7B" => -- DBNZ opr8a,rel, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel, DBNZ ,X,rel
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain - 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"3C" | x"6C" | x"7C" => -- INC opr8a, INC oprx8,X, INC ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain + 1;
tres := datain + 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if datain = x"7F" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"3D" | x"6D" | x"7D" => -- TST opr8a, TST oprx8,X, TST ,X
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"3F" | x"6F" => -- CLR opr8a, CLR oprx8,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"41" => -- CBEQA #opr8i,rel
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"45" => -- LDHX #opr
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if regHX(15 downto 8) = x"00" and datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4E" => -- MOV opr8a,opr8a
help <= datain;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"55" => -- LDHX opr
regHX(15 downto 8) <= datain;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"5E" => -- MOV opr8a,X+
help <= datain;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outHelp;
addrMux <= addrHX;
wr <= CPUwrite;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"61" => -- CBEQ oprx8,X+,rel
if escape9E = '0' then
regHX <= regHX + 1;
escape9E <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
if datain = regA then
mainFSM <= "0101";
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
end if;
when x"65" => -- CPHX #opr
lres := regHX - (help & datain);
flagN <= lres(15);
if lres = x"0000" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regHX(15) and (not help(7)) and (not lres(15))) or
((not regHX(15)) and help(7) and lres(15));
flagC <= ((not regHX(15)) and help(7)) or
(help(7) and lres(15)) or
(lres(15) and (not help(7)));
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"6E" => -- MOV #opr8i,opr8a
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= help(7);
if help = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"71" => -- CBEQ ,X+,rel
addrMux <= addrPC;
regHX <= regHX + 1;
if datain = regA then
mainFSM <= "0101";
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
end if;
when x"75" => -- CPHX opr
help <= datain;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"7E" => -- MOV ,X,opr8a
help <= datain;
temp <= x"0000";
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
regA <= datain;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"81" => -- RTS
regPC(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outPCH;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"AD" | x"BD" | x"ED" => -- BSR rel, JSR opr8a, JSR oprx8,X
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outPCH;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"FD" => -- JSR ,X
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outTH;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"CD" | x"DD" => -- JSR opr16a, JSR oprx16,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
addrMux <= addrSP;
dataMux <= outPCL;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "0101" => --##################### instruction cycle 4
case opcode is
when x"00" | x"02" | x"04" | x"06" | x"08" | x"0A" | x"0C" | x"0E" | -- BRSET n,opr8a,rel
x"01" | x"03" | x"05" | x"07" | x"09" | x"0B" | x"0D" | x"0F" => -- BRCLR n,opr8a,rel
if (opcode(0) xor flagC) = '1' then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"10" | x"12" | x"14" | x"16" | x"18" | x"1A" | x"1C" | x"1E" | -- BSET n,opr8a
x"11" | x"13" | x"15" | x"17" | x"19" | x"1B" | x"1D" | x"1F" | -- BCLR n,opr8a
x"30" | x"33" | x"34" | x"35" | x"36" | -- NEG opr8a, COM opr8a, LSR opr8a, STHX opr8a, ROR opr8a
x"37" | x"38" | x"39" | x"3A" | x"3C" | -- ASR opr8a, LSL opr8a, ROL opr8a, DEC opr8a, INC opr8a
x"60" | x"63" | x"64" | x"66" | x"67" | -- NEG oprx8,X, COM oprx8,X, LSR oprx8,X, ROR oprx8,X, ASR oprx8,X
x"68" | x"69" | x"6A" | x"6C" | x"6E" | -- LSL oprx8,X, ROL oprx8,X, DEC oprx8,X, INC oprx8,X, MOV #opr8i,opr8a
x"70" | x"73" | x"74" | x"76" | x"77" | x"78" | x"79" | -- NEG ,X, COM ,X, LSR ,X, ROR ,X, ASR ,X, LSL ,X, ROL ,X
x"7A" | x"7C" | -- DEC ,X, INC ,X
x"B7" | x"BF" | x"C7" | x"CF" | -- STA opr8a, STX opr8a, STA opr16a, STX opr16a
x"D7" | x"DF" | x"E7" | x"EF" | -- STA oprx16,X, STX oprx16,X, STA oprx8,X, STX oprx8,X
x"F7" | x"FF" => -- STA ,X, STX ,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"31" => -- CBEQ opr8a,rel
if regA = help then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"3B" | x"6B" | x"7B" => -- DBNZ opr8a,rel, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel, DBNZ ,X,rel
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"4E" => -- MOV opr8a,opr8a
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
wr <= CPUwrite;
addrMux <= addrTM;
dataMux <= outHelp;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"55" => -- LDHX opr
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(15);
if (datain = x"00") and (regHX(15 downto 8) = x"00") then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5E" => -- MOV opr8a,X+
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
regHX <= regHX + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"61" | x"71" => -- CBEQ oprx8,X+,rel, CBEQ ,X+,rel
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"75" => -- CPHX opr
lres := regHX - (help & datain);
flagN <= lres(15);
if lres = x"0000" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regHX(15) and (not help(7)) and (not lres(15))) or
((not regHX(15)) and help(7) and lres(15));
flagC <= ((not regHX(15)) and help(7)) or
(help(7) and lres(15)) or
(lres(15) and (not help(7)));
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"7E" => -- MOV ,X,opr8a
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= help(7);
if help = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outX;
help(7) <= flagV;
help(6) <= '1';
help(5) <= '1';
help(4) <= flagH;
help(3) <= flagI;
help(2) <= flagN;
help(1) <= flagZ;
help(0) <= flagC;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"A0" | x"B0" | x"C0" | x"D0" | x"E0" | x"F0" => -- SUB #opr8i, SUB opr8a, SUB opr16a, SUB oprx16,X, SUB oprx8,X, SUB ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA - datain;
tres := regA - datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regA(7) and (not datain(7)) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and datain(7) and tres(7));
flagC <= ((not regA(7)) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and tres(7)) or
(tres(7) and (not regA(7)));
if opcode = x"A0" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A1" | x"B1" | x"C1" | x"D1" | x"E1" | x"F1" => -- CMP #opr8i, CMP opr8a, CMP opr16a, CMP oprx16,X, CMP oprx8,X, CMP ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
tres := regA - datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regA(7) and (not datain(7)) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and datain(7) and tres(7));
flagC <= ((not regA(7)) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and tres(7)) or
(tres(7) and (not regA(7)));
if opcode = x"A1" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A2" | x"B2" | x"C2" | x"D2" | x"E2" | x"F2" => -- SBC #opr8i, SBC opr8a, SBC opr16a, SBC oprx16,X, SBC oprx8,X, SBC ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA - datain - ("0000000" & flagC);
tres := regA - datain - ("0000000" & flagC);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regA(7) and (not datain(7)) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and datain(7) and tres(7));
flagC <= ((not regA(7)) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and tres(7)) or
(tres(7) and (not regA(7)));
if opcode = x"A2" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A3" | x"B3" | x"C3" | x"D3" | x"E3" | x"F3" => -- CPX #opr8i, CPX opr8a, CPX opr16a, CPX oprx16,X, CPX oprx8,X, CPX ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) - datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regHX(7) and (not datain(7)) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regHX(7)) and datain(7) and tres(7));
flagC <= ((not regHX(7)) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and tres(7)) or
(tres(7) and (not regHX(7)));
if opcode = x"A3" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A4" | x"B4" | x"C4" | x"D4" | x"E4" | x"F4" => -- AND #opr8i, AND opr8a, AND opr16a, AND oprx16,X, AND oprx8,X, AND ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA and datain;
tres := regA and datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"A4" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A5" | x"B5" | x"C5" | x"D5" | x"E5" | x"F5" => -- BIT #opr8i, BIT opr8a, BIT opr16a, BIT oprx16,X, BIT oprx8,X, BIT ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
tres := regA and datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"A5" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A6" | x"B6" | x"C6" | x"D6" | x"E6" | x"F6" => -- LDA #opr8i, LDA opr8a, LDA opr16a, LDA oprx16,X, LDA oprx8,X, LDA ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= datain;
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"A6" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A7" => -- AIS
if datain(7) = '0' then
regSP <= regSP + (x"00" & datain);
regSP <= regSP + (x"FF" & datain);
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A8" | x"B8" | x"C8" | x"D8" | x"E8" | x"F8" => -- EOR #opr8i, EOR opr8a, EOR opr16a, EOR oprx16,X, EOR oprx8,X, EOR ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA xor datain;
tres := regA xor datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"A8" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A9" | x"B9" | x"C9" | x"D9" | x"E9" | x"F9" => -- ADC #opr8i, ADC opr8a, ADC opr16a, ADC oprx16,X, ADC oprx8,X, ADC ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA + datain + ("0000000" & flagC);
tres := regA + datain + ("0000000" & flagC);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagH <= (regA(3) and datain(3)) or
(datain(3) and (not tres(3))) or
((not tres(3)) and regA(3));
flagV <= (regA(7) and datain(7) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and (not datain(7)) and tres(7));
flagC <= (regA(7) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and (not tres(7))) or
((not tres(7)) and regA(7));
if opcode = x"A9" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AA" | x"BA" | x"CA" | x"DA" | x"EA" | x"FA" => -- ORA #opr8i, ORA opr8a, ORA opr16a, ORA oprx16,X, ORA oprx8,X, ORA ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA or datain;
tres := regA or datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"AA" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AB" | x"BB" | x"CB" | x"DB" | x"EB" | x"FB" => -- ADD #opr8i, ADD opr8a, ADD opr16a, ADD oprx16,X, ADD oprx8,X, ADD ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA + datain;
tres := regA + datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagH <= (regA(3) and datain(3)) or
(datain(3) and (not tres(3))) or
((not tres(3)) and regA(3));
flagV <= (regA(7) and datain(7) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and (not datain(7)) and tres(7));
flagC <= (regA(7) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and (not tres(7))) or
((not tres(7)) and regA(7));
if opcode = x"AB" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AE" | x"BE" | x"CE" | x"DE" | x"EE" | x"FE" => -- LDX #opr8i, LDX opr8a, LDX opr16a, LDX oprx16,X, LDX oprx8,X, LDX ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"AE" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AF" => -- AIX
if datain(7) = '0' then
regHX <= regHX + (x"00" & datain);
regHX <= regHX + (x"FF" & datain);
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AD" => -- BSR rel
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
if help(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & help);
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & help);
end if;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"BD" => -- JSR opr8a
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
regPC <= x"00" & help;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"CD" | x"DD" => -- JSR opr16a, JSR oprx16,X
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outPCH;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"ED" => -- JSR oprx8,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
regPC <= (x"00" & help) + regHX;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"FD" => -- JSR ,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
regPC <= regHX;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "0110" => --##################### instruction cycle 5
case opcode is
when x"3B" | x"6B" | x"7B" => -- DBNZ opr8a,rel, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel, DBNZ ,X,rel
if help = x"00" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4E" | x"7E" => -- MOV opr8a,opr8a, MOV ,X,opr8a
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
regPC(15 downto 8) <= datain;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0111";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outA;
mainFSM <= "0111";
when x"CD" => -- JSR opr16a
wr <= CPUread;
addrMUX <= addrPC;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
regPC <= temp;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"DD" => -- JSR oprx16,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMUX <= addrPC;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
regPC <= temp + regHX;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "0111" => --##################### instruction cycle 6
case opcode is
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
regPC(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outHelp;
flagI <= '1';
if trace = '0' then
if irqRequest = '0' then
temp <= x"FFFC"; -- SWI vector
irqRequest <= '0';
temp <= x"FFFA"; -- IRQ vector
end if;
mainFSM <= "1000";
temp <= x"FFF8"; -- trace vector
mainFSM <= "1011";
end if;
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "1000" => --##################### instruction cycle 7
case opcode is
when x"83" => -- SWI
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "1001";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case;
when "1001" => --##################### instruction cycle 8
case opcode is
when x"83" => -- SWI
regPC(15 downto 8) <= datain;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "1010";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case;
when "1010" => --##################### instruction cycle 9
case opcode is
when x"83" => -- SWI
regPC(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case;
when "1011" => --##################### instruction cycle 6a, trace
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outCode;
trace <= '0';
trace_i <= '0';
mainFSM <= "1000";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- mainFSM
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behavior;
-- 68HC08 microcontroller implementation
-- Ulrich Riedel
-- v1.0 2005.11.24 first version
-- divider.vhd parallel division
-- based on non-restoring division, uncorrected remainder
-- Controlled add/subtract "cas" cell (NOT CSA)
-- "T" is sub_add signal in div_ser.vhdl
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity cas is -- Controlled Add/Subtract cell
port (
divisor : in std_logic;
T : in std_logic;
remainder_in : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
remainder_out : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end entity cas;
architecture behavior of cas is
signal tt : std_logic;
tt <= (T xor divisor) after 1 ns;
remainder_out <= (tt xor remainder_in xor cin) after 1 ns;
cout <= ((tt and remainder_in) or (tt and cin) or (remainder_in and cin)) after 1 ns;
end architecture behavior; -- cas
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity divcas9 is -- 17 bit dividend, 9 bit divisor
port (
dividend : in std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);
divisor : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
quotient : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
remainder : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0)
end entity divcas9;
architecture behavior of divcas9 is
component cas port(
divisor : in std_logic;
T : in std_logic;
remainder_in : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
remainder_out : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic
end component;
signal T : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal c8G, c8F, c8E, c8D, c8C, c8B, c8A, c89, c88 : std_logic;
signal c7F, c7E, c7D, c7C, c7B, c7A, c79, c78, c77 : std_logic;
signal c6E, c6D, c6C, c6B, c6A, c69, c68, c67, c66 : std_logic;
signal c5D, c5C, c5B, c5A, c59, c58, c57, c56, c55 : std_logic;
signal c4C, c4B, c4A, c49, c48, c47, c46, c45, c44 : std_logic;
signal c3B, c3A, c39, c38, c37, c36, c35, c34, c33 : std_logic;
signal c2A, c29, c28, c27, c26, c25, c24, c23, c22 : std_logic;
signal c19, c18, c17, c16, c15, c14, c13, c12, c11 : std_logic;
signal c08, c07, c06, c05, c04, c03, c02, c01, c00 : std_logic;
signal r8G, r8F, r8E, r8D, r8C, r8B, r8A, r89, r88 : std_logic;
signal r7F, r7E, r7D, r7C, r7B, r7A, r79, r78, r77 : std_logic;
signal r6E, r6D, r6C, r6B, r6A, r69, r68, r67, r66 : std_logic;
signal r5D, r5C, r5B, r5A, r59, r58, r57, r56, r55 : std_logic;
signal r4C, r4B, r4A, r49, r48, r47, r46, r45, r44 : std_logic;
signal r3B, r3A, r39, r38, r37, r36, r35, r34, r33 : std_logic;
signal r2A, r29, r28, r27, r26, r25, r24, r23, r22 : std_logic;
signal r19, r18, r17, r16, r15, r14, r13, r12, r11 : std_logic;
signal r08, r07, r06, r05, r04, r03, r02, r01, r00 : std_logic;
-- dividend(16) assumed zero and unused
T(8) <= '1';
cas8G: cas port map(divisor(8), T(8), dividend(16), c8F, r8G, c8G);
cas8F: cas port map(divisor(7), T(8), dividend(15), c8E, r8F, c8F);
cas8E: cas port map(divisor(6), T(8), dividend(14), c8D, r8E, c8E);
cas8D: cas port map(divisor(5), T(8), dividend(13), c8C, r8D, c8D);
cas8C: cas port map(divisor(4), T(8), dividend(12), c8B, r8C, c8C);
cas8B: cas port map(divisor(3), T(8), dividend(11), c8A, r8B, c8B);
cas8A: cas port map(divisor(2), T(8), dividend(10), c89, r8A, c8A);
cas89: cas port map(divisor(1), T(8), dividend(9) , c88, r89, c89);
cas88: cas port map(divisor(0), T(8), dividend(8) , T(8), r88, c88);
T(7) <= not r8G;
cas7F: cas port map(divisor(8), T(7), r8F , c7E, r7F, c7F);
cas7E: cas port map(divisor(7), T(7), r8E , c7D, r7E, c7E);
cas7D: cas port map(divisor(6), T(7), r8D , c7C, r7D, c7D);
cas7C: cas port map(divisor(5), T(7), r8C , c7B, r7C, c7C);
cas7B: cas port map(divisor(4), T(7), r8B , c7A, r7B, c7B);
cas7A: cas port map(divisor(3), T(7), r8A , c79, r7A, c7A);
cas79: cas port map(divisor(2), T(7), r89 , c78, r79, c79);
cas78: cas port map(divisor(1), T(7), r88 , c77, r78, c78);
cas77: cas port map(divisor(0), T(7), dividend(7), T(7), r77, c77);
T(6) <= not r7F;
cas6E: cas port map(divisor(8), T(6), r7E , c6D, r6E, c6E);
cas6D: cas port map(divisor(7), T(6), r7D , c6C, r6D, c6D);
cas6C: cas port map(divisor(6), T(6), r7C , c6B, r6C, c6C);
cas6B: cas port map(divisor(5), T(6), r7B , c6A, r6B, c6B);
cas6A: cas port map(divisor(4), T(6), r7A , c69, r6A, c6A);
cas69: cas port map(divisor(3), T(6), r79 , c68, r69, c69);
cas68: cas port map(divisor(2), T(6), r78 , c67, r68, c68);
cas67: cas port map(divisor(1), T(6), r77 , c66, r67, c67);
cas66: cas port map(divisor(0), T(6), dividend(6), T(6), r66, c66);
T(5) <= not r6E;
cas5D: cas port map(divisor(8), T(5), r6D , c5C, r5D, c5D);
cas5C: cas port map(divisor(7), T(5), r6C , c5B, r5C, c5C);
cas5B: cas port map(divisor(6), T(5), r6B , c5A, r5B, c5B);
cas5A: cas port map(divisor(5), T(5), r6A , c59, r5A, c5A);
cas59: cas port map(divisor(4), T(5), r69 , c58, r59, c59);
cas58: cas port map(divisor(3), T(5), r68 , c57, r58, c58);
cas57: cas port map(divisor(2), T(5), r67 , c56, r57, c57);
cas56: cas port map(divisor(1), T(5), r66 , c55, r56, c56);
cas55: cas port map(divisor(0), T(5), dividend(5), T(5), r55, c55);
T(4) <= not r5D;
cas4C: cas port map(divisor(8), T(4), r5C , c4B, r4C, c4C);
cas4B: cas port map(divisor(7), T(4), r5B , c4A, r4B, c4B);
cas4A: cas port map(divisor(6), T(4), r5A , c49, r4A, c4A);
cas49: cas port map(divisor(5), T(4), r59 , c48, r49, c49);
cas48: cas port map(divisor(4), T(4), r58 , c47, r48, c48);
cas47: cas port map(divisor(3), T(4), r57 , c46, r47, c47);
cas46: cas port map(divisor(2), T(4), r56 , c45, r46, c46);
cas45: cas port map(divisor(1), T(4), r55 , c44, r45, c45);
cas44: cas port map(divisor(0), T(4), dividend(4), T(4), r44, c44);
T(3) <= not r4C;
cas3B: cas port map(divisor(8), T(3), r4B , c3A, r3B, c3B);
cas3A: cas port map(divisor(7), T(3), r4A , c39, r3A, c3A);
cas39: cas port map(divisor(6), T(3), r49 , c38, r39, c39);
cas38: cas port map(divisor(5), T(3), r48 , c37, r38, c38);
cas37: cas port map(divisor(4), T(3), r47 , c36, r37, c37);
cas36: cas port map(divisor(3), T(3), r46 , c35, r36, c36);
cas35: cas port map(divisor(2), T(3), r45 , c34, r35, c35);
cas34: cas port map(divisor(1), T(3), r44 , c33, r34, c34);
cas33: cas port map(divisor(0), T(3), dividend(3), T(3), r33, c33);
T(2) <= not r3B;
cas2A: cas port map(divisor(8), T(2), r3A , c29, r2A, c2A);
cas29: cas port map(divisor(7), T(2), r39 , c28, r29, c29);
cas28: cas port map(divisor(6), T(2), r38 , c27, r28, c28);
cas27: cas port map(divisor(5), T(2), r37 , c26, r27, c27);
cas26: cas port map(divisor(4), T(2), r36 , c25, r26, c26);
cas25: cas port map(divisor(3), T(2), r35 , c24, r25, c25);
cas24: cas port map(divisor(2), T(2), r34 , c23, r24, c24);
cas23: cas port map(divisor(1), T(2), r33 , c22, r23, c23);
cas22: cas port map(divisor(0), T(2), dividend(2), T(2), r22, c22);
T(1) <= not r2A;
cas19: cas port map(divisor(8), T(1), r29 , c18, r19, c19);
cas18: cas port map(divisor(7), T(1), r28 , c17, r18, c18);
cas17: cas port map(divisor(6), T(1), r27 , c16, r17, c17);
cas16: cas port map(divisor(5), T(1), r26 , c15, r16, c16);
cas15: cas port map(divisor(4), T(1), r25 , c14, r15, c15);
cas14: cas port map(divisor(3), T(1), r24 , c13, r14, c14);
cas13: cas port map(divisor(2), T(1), r23 , c12, r13, c13);
cas12: cas port map(divisor(1), T(1), r22 , c11, r12, c12);
cas11: cas port map(divisor(0), T(1), dividend(1), T(1), r11, c11);
T(0) <= not r19;
cas08: cas port map(divisor(8), T(0), r18 , c07, r08, c08);
cas07: cas port map(divisor(7), T(0), r17 , c06, r07, c07);
cas06: cas port map(divisor(6), T(0), r16 , c05, r06, c06);
cas05: cas port map(divisor(5), T(0), r15 , c04, r05, c05);
cas04: cas port map(divisor(4), T(0), r14 , c03, r04, c04);
cas03: cas port map(divisor(3), T(0), r13 , c02, r03, c03);
cas02: cas port map(divisor(2), T(0), r12 , c01, r02, c02);
cas01: cas port map(divisor(1), T(0), r11 , c00, r01, c01);
cas00: cas port map(divisor(0), T(0), dividend(0), T(0), r00, c00);
quotient(8) <= T(7);
quotient(7) <= T(6);
quotient(6) <= T(5);
quotient(5) <= T(4);
quotient(4) <= T(3);
quotient(3) <= T(2);
quotient(2) <= T(1);
quotient(1) <= T(0);
quotient(0) <= not r08;
remainder(8) <= r08;
remainder(7) <= r07;
remainder(6) <= r06;
remainder(5) <= r05;
remainder(4) <= r04;
remainder(3) <= r03;
remainder(2) <= r02;
remainder(1) <= r01;
remainder(0) <= r00;
end architecture behavior; -- divcas9
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fadd is -- full adder stage, interface
port(a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
s : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end entity fadd;
architecture behavior of fadd is -- full adder stage, body
begin -- circuits of fadd
s <= a xor b xor cin after 1 ns;
cout <= (a and b) or (a and cin) or (b and cin) after 1 ns;
end architecture behavior; -- fadd
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity add8 is -- simple 8 bit ripple carry adder
port(a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cin : in std_logic;
sum : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cout : out std_logic);
end entity add8;
architecture behavior of add8 is
signal c : std_logic_vector(0 to 6); -- internal carry signals
component fadd -- duplicates entity port
port(a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
s : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end component fadd ;
a0: fadd port map(a(0), b(0), cin, sum(0), c(0));
stage: for I in 1 to 6 generate
as: fadd port map(a(I), b(I), c(I-1) , sum(I), c(I));
end generate stage;
a31: fadd port map(a(7), b(7), c(6) , sum(7), cout);
end architecture behavior; -- add8
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity add8c is -- one stage of carry save adder for multiplier
b : in std_logic; -- a multiplier bit
a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- multiplicand
sum_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- sums from previous stage
cin : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- carrys from previous stage
sum_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- sums to next stage
cout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- carrys to next stage
end add8c;
architecture behavior of add8c is
signal zero : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
signal aa : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
component fadd
port(a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic;
cin : in std_logic;
s : out std_logic;
cout : out std_logic);
end component fadd;
aa <= a when b = '1' else zero after 1 ns;
stage: for I in 0 to 7 generate
sta: fadd port map(aa(I), sum_in(I), cin(I) , sum_out(I), cout(I));
end generate stage;
end architecture behavior; -- add8csa
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mul8 is -- 8 x 8 = 16 bit unsigned product multiplier
port(a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- multiplicand
b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- multiplier
prod : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); -- product
end mul8;
architecture behavior of mul8 is
signal zero : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
signal nc1 : std_logic;
type arr8 is array(0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal s : arr8; -- partial sums
signal c : arr8; -- partial carries
signal ss : arr8; -- shifted sums
component add8c is
port(b : in std_logic;
a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sum_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cin : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sum_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component add8c;
component add8
port(a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cin : in std_logic;
sum : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
cout : out std_logic);
end component add8;
st0: add8c port map(b(0), a, zero , zero, s(0), c(0)); -- CSA stage
ss(0) <= '0' & s(0)(7 downto 1) after 1 ns;
prod(0) <= s(0)(0) after 1 ns;
stage: for I in 1 to 7 generate
st: add8c port map(b(I), a, ss(I-1) , c(I-1), s(I), c(I)); -- CSA stage
ss(I) <= '0' & s(I)(7 downto 1) after 1 ns;
prod(I) <= s(I)(0) after 1 ns;
end generate stage;
add: add8 port map(ss(7), c(7), '0' , prod(15 downto 8), nc1); -- adder
end architecture behavior; -- mul8
-- begin of 68HC08
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE ieee.numeric_std.all;
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
irq : in std_logic;
addr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
wr : out std_logic;
datain : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
state : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
dataout : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
END X68UR08;
component mul8 port(
a : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
prod : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
end component mul8;
component divcas9 port (
dividend : in std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);
divisor : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
quotient : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
remainder : out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0)
end component divcas9;
constant CPUread : std_logic := '1';
constant CPUwrite : std_logic := '0';
constant addrPC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
constant addrSP : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";
constant addrHX : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";
constant addrTM : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";
constant addrX2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";
constant addrS2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "101";
constant addrX1 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110";
constant addrS1 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "111";
constant outA : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
constant outH : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0001";
constant outX : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0010";
constant outSPL : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0011";
constant outSPH : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0100";
constant outPCL : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0101";
constant outPCH : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110";
constant outTL : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0111";
constant outTH : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1000";
constant outHelp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1001";
constant outCode : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1010";
type masker is array (0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mask0 : masker;
signal mask1 : masker;
signal regA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal regHX : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal regSP : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal regPC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal flagV : std_logic;
signal flagH : std_logic;
signal flagI : std_logic;
signal flagN : std_logic;
signal flagZ : std_logic;
signal flagC : std_logic;
signal help : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal temp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal mainFSM : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal addrMux : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal dataMux : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal opcode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal escape9E : std_logic;
signal prod : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal dividend : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0);
signal divisor : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal quotient : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal remainder: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal irq_d : std_logic;
signal irqRequest : std_logic;
signal trace : std_logic;
signal trace_i : std_logic;
signal traceOpCode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
mul: mul8 port map(
a => regA,
b => regHX(7 downto 0),
prod => prod
dividend <= "0" & regHX(15 downto 8) & regA;
divisor <= "0" & regHX(7 downto 0);
div: divcas9 port map(
dividend => dividend,
divisor => divisor,
quotient => quotient,
remainder => remainder
addr <= regPC when addrMux = addrPC else
regSP when addrMux = addrSP else
regHX when addrMux = addrHX else
temp when addrMux = addrTM else
(regHX + temp) when addrMux = addrX2 else
(regSP + temp) when addrMux = addrS2 else
(regHX + (x"00" & temp(7 downto 0))) when addrMux = addrX1 else
(regSP + (x"00" & temp(7 downto 0)));
dataout <= regA when dataMux = outA else
regHX(15 downto 8) when dataMux = outH else
regHX( 7 downto 0) when dataMux = outX else
regSP( 7 downto 0) when dataMux = outSPL else
regSP(15 downto 8) when dataMux = outSPH else
regPC( 7 downto 0) when dataMux = outPCL else
regPC(15 downto 8) when dataMux = outPCH else
temp ( 7 downto 0) when dataMux = outTL else
temp (15 downto 8) when dataMux = outTH else
help when dataMux = outHelp else
state <= mainFSM;
process(clk, rst)
variable tres : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable lres : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
if rst = '0' then
trace <= '0';
trace_i <= '0';
escape9E <= '0';
mask0(0) <= "11111110";
mask0(1) <= "11111101";
mask0(2) <= "11111011";
mask0(3) <= "11110111";
mask0(4) <= "11101111";
mask0(5) <= "11011111";
mask0(6) <= "10111111";
mask0(7) <= "01111111";
mask1(0) <= "00000001";
mask1(1) <= "00000010";
mask1(2) <= "00000100";
mask1(3) <= "00001000";
mask1(4) <= "00010000";
mask1(5) <= "00100000";
mask1(6) <= "01000000";
mask1(7) <= "10000000";
wr <= CPUread;
flagV <= '0';
flagH <= '0';
flagI <= '1'; -- irq disabled
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '0';
flagC <= '0';
regA <= x"00";
regHX <= x"0000"; -- clear H register for 6805 compatible mode
regSP <= x"00FF";
regPC <= x"FFFE";
temp <= x"FFFE";
help <= x"00";
dataMux <= outA;
addrMux <= addrTM;
irq_d <= '1';
irqRequest <= '0';
mainFSM <= "0000";
if rising_edge(clk) then
irq_d <= irq;
if (irq = '0') and (irq_d = '1') and (flagI = '0') then -- irq falling edge ?
irqRequest <= '1';
end if;
case mainFSM is
when "0000" => --############# reset fetch PCH from FFFE
regPC(15 downto 8) <= datain;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "0001";
when "0001" => --############# reset fetch PCL from FFFF
regPC(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when "0010" => --##################### fetch opcode, instruction cycle 1
trace <= trace_i;
if trace = '1' then
opcode <= x"83"; -- special SWI trace
traceOpCode <= datain;
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
elsif irqRequest = '1' then
opcode <= x"83"; -- special SWI interrupt
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
opcode <= datain;
case datain is
when x"82" => -- RTT return trace special propietary instruction
trace_i <= '1'; -- arm trace for next instruction
regSP <= regSP + 1;
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"9E" => -- escape byte for SP address
escape9E <= '1';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"00" | x"02" | x"04" | x"06" | x"08" | x"0A" | x"0C" | x"0E" | -- BRSET n,opr8a,rel
x"01" | x"03" | x"05" | x"07" | x"09" | x"0B" | x"0D" | x"0F" | -- BRCLR n,opr8a,rel
x"10" | x"12" | x"14" | x"16" | x"18" | x"1A" | x"1C" | x"1E" | -- BSET n,opr8a
x"11" | x"13" | x"15" | x"17" | x"19" | x"1B" | x"1D" | x"1F" | -- BCLR n,opr8a
x"30" | x"31" | x"33" | x"34" | -- NEG opr8a, CBEQ opr8a,rel, COM opr8a, LSR opr8a
x"35" | x"36" | x"37" | x"38" | -- STHX opr8a, ROR opr8a, ASR opr8a, LSL opr8a
x"39" | x"3A" | x"3B" | x"3C" | -- ROL opr8a, DEC opr8a, DBNZ opr8a,rel, INC opr8a
x"3D" | x"3F" | x"4E" | x"55" | -- TST opr8a, CLR opr8a, MOV opr8a,opr8a, LDHX opr
x"5E" | x"6E" | x"75" | -- MOV opr8a,X+, MOV #opr8i,opr8a, CPHX opr
x"B0" | x"B1" | x"B2" | x"B3" | -- SUB opr8a, CMP opr8a, SBC opr8a, CPX opr8a
x"B4" | x"B5" | x"B6" | x"B7" | -- AND opr8a, BIT opr8a, LDA opr8a, STA opr8a
x"B8" | x"B9" | x"BA" | x"BB" | -- EOR opr8a, ADC opr8a, ORA opr8a, ADD opr8a
x"BC" | x"BE" | x"BF" => -- JMP opr8a, LDX opr8a, STX opr8a
temp <= x"0000";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"20" | x"21" | x"22" | x"23" | x"24" | x"25" | x"26" | x"27" |
x"28" | x"29" | x"2A" | x"2B" | x"2C" | x"2D" | x"2E" | x"2F" | -- branches
x"41" | x"45" | x"51" | x"65" | -- CBEQA #opr8i,rel, LDHX #opr, CBEQX #opr8i,rel, CPHX #opr
x"90" | x"91" | x"92" | x"93" | -- branches
x"C0" | x"C1" | x"C2" | x"C3" | -- SUB opr16a, CMP opr16a, SBC opr16a, CPX opr16a
x"C4" | x"C5" | x"C6" | x"C7" | -- AND opr16a, BIT opr16a, LDA opr16a, STA opr16a
x"C8" | x"C9" | x"CA" | x"CB" | -- EOR opr16a, ADC opr16a, ORA opr16a, ADD opr16a
x"CC" | x"CE" | x"CF" | -- JMP opr16a, LDX opr16a, STX opr16a
x"D0" | x"D1" | x"D2" | x"D3" | -- SUB oprx16,X, CMP oprx16,X, SBC oprx16,X, CPX oprx16,X
x"D4" | x"D5" | x"D6" | x"D7" | -- AND oprx16,X, BIT oprx16,X, LDA oprx16,X, STA oprx16,X
x"D8" | x"D9" | x"DA" | x"DB" | -- EOR oprx16,X, ADC oprx16,X, ORA oprx16,X, ADD oprx16,X
x"DC" | x"DE" | x"DF" => -- JMP oprx16,X, LDX oprx16,X, STX oprx16,X
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"70" | x"71" | x"73" | x"74" | x"76" | x"77" | -- NEG ,X, CBEQ ,X+,rel, COM ,X, LSR ,X, ROR ,X, ASR ,X
x"78" | x"79" | x"7A" | x"7B" | x"7C" | x"7D" | -- LSL ,X, ROL ,X, DEC ,X, DBNZ ,X,rel, INC ,X, TXT ,X
x"7E" => -- MOV ,X+,opr8a
addrMux <= addrHX;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"A0" | x"A1" | x"A2" | x"A3" | -- SUB #opr8i, CMP #opr8i, SBC #opr8i, CPX #opr8i
x"A4" | x"A5" | x"A6" | x"A7" | -- AND #opr8i, BIT #opr8i, LDA #opr8i, AIS
x"A8" | x"A9" | x"AA" | x"AB" | -- EOR #opr8i, ADC #opr8i, ORA #opr8i, ADD #opr8i
x"AE" | x"AF" => -- LDX #opr8i, AIX
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"E0" | x"E1" | x"E2" | x"E3" | -- SUB oprx8,X, CMP oprx8,X, SBC oprx8,X, CPX oprx8,X
x"E4" | x"E5" | x"E6" | x"E7" | -- AND oprx8,X, BIT oprx8,X, LDA oprx8,X, STA oprx8,X
x"E8" | x"E9" | x"EA" | x"EB" | -- EOR oprx8,X, ADC oprx8,X, ORA oprx8,X, ADD oprx8,X
x"EC" | x"EE" | x"EF" => -- JMP oprx8,X, LDX oprx8,X, STX oprx8,X
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"F0" | x"F1" | x"F2" | x"F3" | -- SUB ,X, CMP ,X, SBC ,X, CPX ,X
x"F4" | x"F5" | x"F6" | -- AND ,X, BIT ,X, LDA ,X
x"F8" | x"F9" | x"FA" | x"FB" | -- EOR ,X, ADC ,X, ORA ,X, ADD ,X
x"FE" => -- LDX ,X
addrMux <= addrHX;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"FC" => -- JMP ,X
regPC <= regHX;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"F7" => -- STA ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regA(7);
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outA;
addrMux <= addrHX;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"FF" => -- STX ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outX;
addrMux <= addrHX;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"40" => -- NEGA
regA <= x"00" - regA;
tres := x"00" - regA;
flagV <= tres(7) and regA(7);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagC <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"42" => -- MUL
flagH <= '0';
flagC <= '0';
regA <= prod(7 downto 0);
regHX(7 downto 0) <= prod(15 downto 8);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"43" => -- COMA
regA <= regA xor x"FF";
tres := regA xor x"FF";
flagV <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"44" => -- LSRA
regA <= "0" & regA(7 downto 1);
tres := "0" & regA(7 downto 1);
flagV <= regA(0);
flagN <= '0';
flagC <= regA(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"46" => -- RORA
regA <= flagC & regA(7 downto 1);
tres := flagC & regA(7 downto 1);
flagN <= flagC;
flagC <= regA(0);
flagV <= flagC xor regA(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"47" => -- ASRA
regA <= regA(7) & regA(7 downto 1);
tres := regA(7) & regA(7 downto 1);
flagN <= regA(7);
flagC <= regA(0);
flagV <= regA(7) xor regA(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"48" => -- LSLA
regA <= regA(6 downto 0) & "0";
tres := regA(6 downto 0) & "0";
flagN <= regA(6);
flagC <= regA(7);
flagV <= regA(7) xor regA(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"49" => -- ROLA
regA <= regA(6 downto 0) & flagC;
tres := regA(6 downto 0) & flagC;
flagN <= regA(6);
flagC <= regA(7);
flagV <= regA(7) xor regA(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4A" => -- DECA
regA <= regA - 1;
tres := regA - 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if regA = x"80" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4B" => -- DBNZA rel
regA <= regA - 1;
tres := regA - 1;
if tres = x"00" then
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
end if;
when x"4C" => -- INCA
regA <= regA + 1;
tres := regA + 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if regA = x"7F" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4D" => -- TSTA
flagN <= regA(7);
flagV <= '0';
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4F" => -- CLRA
regA <= x"00";
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '1';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"50" => -- NEGX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= x"00" - regHX(7 downto 0);
tres := x"00" - regHX(7 downto 0);
flagV <= tres(7) and regHX(7);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagC <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"52" => -- DIV
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"53" => -- COMX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7 downto 0) xor x"FF";
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) xor x"FF";
flagV <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"54" => -- LSRX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= "0" & regHX(7 downto 0)(7 downto 1);
tres := "0" & regHX(7 downto 0)(7 downto 1);
flagV <= regHX(0);
flagN <= '0';
flagC <= regHX(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"56" => -- RORX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= flagC & regHX(7 downto 1);
tres := flagC & regHX(7 downto 1);
flagN <= flagC;
flagC <= regHX(0);
flagV <= flagC xor regHX(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"57" => -- ASRX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7) & regHX(7 downto 1);
tres := regHX(7) & regHX(7 downto 1);
flagN <= regHX(7);
flagC <= regHX(0);
flagV <= regHX(7) xor regHX(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"58" => -- LSLX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(6 downto 0) & "0";
tres := regHX(6 downto 0) & "0";
flagN <= regHX(6);
flagC <= regHX(7);
flagV <= regHX(7) xor regHX(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"59" => -- ROLX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(6 downto 0) & flagC;
tres := regHX(6 downto 0) & flagC;
flagN <= regHX(6);
flagC <= regHX(7);
flagV <= regHX(7) xor regHX(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5A" => -- DECX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7 downto 0) - 1;
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) - 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"80" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5B" => -- DBNZX rel
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7 downto 0) - 1;
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) - 1;
if tres = x"00" then
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
end if;
when x"5C" => -- INCX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regHX(7 downto 0) + 1;
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) + 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"7F" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5D" => -- TSTX
flagN <= regHX(7);
flagV <= '0';
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5F" => -- CLRX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= x"00";
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '1';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"60" | x"61" | x"63" | x"64" | x"66" | -- NEG oprx8,X, CBEQ oprx8,X+,rel, COM oprx8,X, LSR oprx8,X, ROR oprx8,X
x"67" | x"68" | x"69" | x"6A" | x"6B" | -- ASR oprx8,X, LSL oprx8,X, ROL oprx8,X, DEC oprx8,X, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel
x"6C" | x"6D" | x"6F" => -- INC oprx8,X, TST oprx8,X, CLR oprx8,X
if escape9E = '1' then
if datain /= x"61" then
escape9E <= '0';
end if;
temp <= regSP;
temp <= regHX;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"62" => -- NSA
escape9E <= '0';
regA <= regA(3 downto 0) & regA(7 downto 4);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"72" => -- DAA
if flagC = '0' then
if flagH = '0' then
if (regA(7 downto 4) < 10) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 10) then
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagN <= regA(7);
elsif (regA(7 downto 4) < 9) and (regA(3 downto 0) > 9) then
regA <= regA + x"06";
tres := regA + x"06";
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
elsif (regA(7 downto 4) > 9) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 10) then
regA <= regA + x"60";
tres := regA + x"60";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
elsif (regA(7 downto 4) > 8) and (regA(3 downto 0) > 9) then
regA <= regA + x"66";
tres := regA + x"66";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if (regA(7 downto 4) < 10) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 4) then
regA <= regA + x"06";
tres := regA + x"06";
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
elsif (regA(7 downto 4) > 9) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 4) then
regA <= regA + x"66";
tres := regA + x"66";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
if flagH = '0' then
if (regA(7 downto 3) < 3) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 10) then
regA <= regA + x"60";
tres := regA + x"60";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
elsif (regA(7 downto 3) < 3) and (regA(3 downto 0) > 9) then
regA <= regA + x"66";
tres := regA + x"66";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if (regA(7 downto 3) < 4) and (regA(3 downto 0) < 4) then
regA <= regA + x"66";
tres := regA + x"66";
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"7F" => -- CLR ,X
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '1';
addrMux <= addrHX;
dataMux <= outHelp;
wr <= CPUwrite;
help <= x"00";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"80" | x"81" => -- RTI, RTS
regSP <= regSP + 1;
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regPC <= regPC + 1;
addrMux <= addrSP;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"84" => -- TAP
flagN <= regA(7);
flagH <= regA(4);
flagI <= regA(3);
flagN <= regA(2);
flagZ <= regA(1);
flagC <= regA(0);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"85" => -- TPA
regA(7) <= flagN;
regA(6) <= '1';
regA(5) <= '1';
regA(4) <= flagH;
regA(3) <= flagI;
regA(2) <= flagN;
regA(1) <= flagZ;
regA(0) <= flagC;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"86" | x"88" | x"8A" => -- PULA, PULX, PULH
addrMux <= addrSP;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"87" => -- PSHA
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outA;
addrMux <= addrSP;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"89" => -- PSHX
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outX;
addrMux <= addrSP;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"8B" => -- PSHH
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outH;
addrMux <= addrSP;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"8C" => -- CLRH
regHX(15 downto 8) <= x"00";
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
flagZ <= '1';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"8E" => -- STOP currently unsupported
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"8F" => -- WAIT currently unsupported
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"94" => -- TXS
regSP <= regHX - 1;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"95" => -- TSX
regHX <= regSP + 1;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"97" => -- TAX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= regA;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"98" | x"99" => -- CLC, SEC
flagC <= datain(0);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"9A" | x"9B" => -- CLI, SEI ATTENTION!!!
flagI <= datain(0);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"9C" => -- RSP
regSP <= x"00FF";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"9D" => -- NOP
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"9F" => -- TXA
regA <= regHX(7 downto 0);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AD" | x"BD" | x"ED" => -- BSR rel, JSR opr8a, JSR oprx8,X
temp <= regPC + 2;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"CD" | x"DD" => -- JSR opr16a, JSR oprx16,X
temp <= regPC + 3;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0011";
when x"FD" => -- JSR ,X
temp <= regPC + 1;
wr <= CPUwrite;
addrMux <= addrSP;
dataMux <= outTL;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- datain
end if; -- trace = '1'
when "0011" => --##################### instruction cycle 2
case opcode is
when x"00" | x"02" | x"04" | x"06" | x"08" | x"0A" | x"0C" | x"0E" | -- BRSET n,opr8a,rel
x"01" | x"03" | x"05" | x"07" | x"09" | x"0B" | x"0D" | x"0F" | -- BRCLR n,opr8a,rel
x"10" | x"12" | x"14" | x"16" | x"18" | x"1A" | x"1C" | x"1E" | -- BSET n,opr8a
x"11" | x"13" | x"15" | x"17" | x"19" | x"1B" | x"1D" | x"1F" | -- BCLR n,opr8a
x"30" | x"31" | x"33" | x"34" | x"36" | -- NEG opr8a, CBEQ opr8a,rel, COM opr8a, LSR opr8a, ROR opr8a
x"37" | x"38" | x"39" | x"3A" | x"3B" | x"3C" | -- ASR opr8a, LSL opr8a, ROL opr8a, DEC opr8a, DBNZ opr8a,rel, INC opr8a
x"3D" | x"4E" | x"55" | x"5E" | x"75" => -- TST opr8a, MOV opr8a,opr8a, LDHX opr, MOV opr8a,X+, CPHX opr
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"C0" | x"C1" | x"C2" | x"C3" | -- SUB opr16a, CMP opr16a, SBC opr16a, CPX opr16a
x"C4" | x"C5" | x"C6" | x"C7" | -- AND opr16a, BIT opr16a, LDA opr16a, STA opr16a
x"C8" | x"C9" | x"CA" | x"CB" | -- EOR opr16a, ADC opr16a, ORA opr16a, ADD opr16a
x"CC" | x"CE" | x"CF" | -- JMP opr16a, LDX opr16a, STX opr16a
x"D0" | x"D1" | x"D2" | x"D3" | -- SUB oprx16,X, CMP oprx16,X, SBC oprx16,X, CPX oprx16,X
x"D4" | x"D5" | x"D6" | x"D7" | -- AND oprx16,X, BIT oprx16,X, LDA oprx16,X, STA oprx16,X
x"D8" | x"D9" | x"DA" | x"DB" | -- EOR oprx16,X, ADC oprx16,X, ORA oprx16,X, ADD oprx16,X
x"DC" | x"DE" | x"DF" => -- JMP oprx16,X, LDX oprx16,X, STX oprx16,X
temp(15 downto 8) <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"52" => -- DIV
if quotient(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then -- divide by zero
flagC <= '1';
if regHX(15 downto 8) < regHX(7 downto 0) then
flagC <= '0';
regA <= quotient(7 downto 0);
if remainder(8) = '1' then
lres := ("0000000" & remainder) + (x"00" & regHX(7 downto 0));
lres := "0000000" & remainder;
end if;
regHX(15 downto 8) <= lres(7 downto 0);
flagC <= '1';
end if;
end if;
mainFsm <= "0010";
when x"B7" => -- STA opr8a
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outA;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"BF" => -- STX opr8a
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outX;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"B0" | x"B1" | x"B2" | x"B3" | -- SUB opr8a, CMP opr8a, SBC opr8a, CPX opr8a
x"B4" | x"B5" | x"B6" | -- AND opr8a, BIT opr8a, LDA opr8a
x"B8" | x"B9" | x"BA" | x"BB" | -- EOR opr8a, ADC opr8a, ORA opr8a, ADD opr8a
x"BE" => -- LDX opr8a
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"20" | x"4B" | x"5B" => -- BRA, DBNZA rel, DBNZX rel
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"21" => -- BRN
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"22" | x"23" => -- BHI, BLS
if (flagC or flagZ) = opcode(0) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"24" | x"25" => -- BCC, BCS
if (flagC = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"26" | x"27" => -- BNE, BEQ
if (flagZ = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"28" | x"29" => -- BHCC, BHCS
if (flagH = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"2A" | x"2B" => -- BPL, BMI
if (flagN = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"2C" | x"2D" => -- BMC, BMS
if (flagI = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"2E" | x"2F" => -- BIL, BIH
if (irq = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"35" => -- STHX opr8a
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outH;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(15);
if regHX = x"0000" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"3F" | x"6F" => -- CLR opr8a, CLR oprx8,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
case opcode is
when x"3F" =>
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
when x"6F" =>
temp <= temp + (x"00" & datain);
when others =>
temp <= x"0000";
end case;
addrMux <= addrTM;
dataMux <= outHelp;
flagZ <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= '0';
help <= x"00";
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"41" => -- CBEQA #opr8i,rel
if datain = regA then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
end if;
when x"45" => -- LDHX #opr
regHX(15 downto 8) <= datain;
flagN <= datain(7);
flagV <= '0';
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"51" => -- CBEQA #opr8i,rel
if datain = regHX(7 downto 0) then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
end if;
when x"60" | x"61" | x"63" | x"64" | x"66" | -- NEG oprx8,X, CBEQ oprx8,X+,rel, COM oprx8,X, LSR oprx8,X, ROR oprx8,X
x"67" | x"68" | x"69" | x"6A" | x"6B" | -- ASR oprx8,X, LSL oprx8,X, ROL oprx8,X, DEC oprx8,X, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel
x"6C" | x"6D" => -- INC oprx8,X, TST oprx8,X
temp <= temp + (x"00" & datain);
regPC <= regPC + 1;
addrMux <= addrTM;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"65" | x"6E" => -- CPHX #opr, MOV #opr8i,opr8a
escape9E <= '0';
help <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"7F" => -- CLR ,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
flagV <= datain(7);
flagH <= datain(4);
flagI <= datain(3); ------- PLEASE RESTORE AT LATER TIME
flagN <= datain(2);
flagZ <= datain(1);
flagC <= datain(0);
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"81" => -- RTS
regPC(15 downto 8) <= datain;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"83" => -- SWI
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outPCL;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"86" => -- PULA
regA <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"87" | x"89" | x"8B" => -- PSHA, PSHX, PSHH
wr <= CPUread;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"88" => -- PULX
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"8A" => -- PULH
regHX(15 downto 8) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"90" | x"91" => -- BGE, BLT
if ((flagN xor flagV) = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"92" | x"93" => -- BGT, BLE
if ((flagZ or (flagN xor flagV)) = opcode(0)) then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AD" | x"BD" | x"ED" => -- BSR rel, JSR opr8a, JSR oprx8,X
regPC <= regPC + 1;
wr <= CPUwrite;
help <= datain;
addrMux <= addrSP;
dataMux <= outPCL;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when x"BC" => -- JMP opr8a
regPC <= (x"00" & datain);
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"CD" | x"DD" => -- JSR opr16a, JSR oprx16,X
temp(15 downto 8) <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0100";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "0100" => --##################### instruction cycle 3
case opcode is
when x"00" | x"02" | x"04" | x"06" | x"08" | x"0A" | x"0C" | x"0E" | -- BRSET n,opr8a,rel
x"01" | x"03" | x"05" | x"07" | x"09" | x"0B" | x"0D" | x"0F" => -- BRCLR n,opr8a,rel
if (datain and mask1(conv_integer(opcode(3 downto 1)))) /= x"00" then
flagC <= '1';
flagC <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"10" | x"12" | x"14" | x"16" | x"18" | x"1A" | x"1C" | x"1E" | -- BSET n,opr8a
x"11" | x"13" | x"15" | x"17" | x"19" | x"1B" | x"1D" | x"1F" => -- BCLR n,opr8a
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
if opcode(0) = '0' then
help <= datain or mask1(conv_integer(opcode(3 downto 1)));
help <= datain and mask0(conv_integer(opcode(3 downto 1)));
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"C0" | x"C1" | x"C2" | x"C3" | -- SUB opr16a, CMP opr16a, SBC opr16a, CPX opr16a
x"C4" | x"C5" | x"C6" | -- AND opr16a, BIT opr16a, LDA opr16a
x"C8" | x"C9" | x"CA" | x"CB" | -- EOR opr16a, ADC opr16a, ORA opr16a, ADD opr16a
x"CE" | -- LDX opr16a
x"D0" | x"D1" | x"D2" | x"D3" | -- SUB oprx16,X, CMP oprx16,X, SBC oprx16,X, CPX oprx16,X
x"D4" | x"D5" | x"D6" | -- AND oprx16,X, BIT oprx16,X, LDA oprx16,X
x"D8" | x"D9" | x"DA" | x"DB" | -- EOR oprx16,X, ADC oprx16,X, ORA oprx16,X, ADD oprx16,X
x"DE" | -- LDX oprx16,X
x"E0" | x"E1" | x"E2" | x"E3" | -- SUB oprx8,X, CMP oprx8,X, SBC oprx8,X, CPX oprx8,X
x"E4" | x"E5" | x"E6" | -- AND oprx8,X, BIT oprx8,X, LDA oprx8,X
x"E8" | x"E9" | x"EA" | x"EB" | -- EOR oprx8,X, ADC oprx8,X, ORA oprx8,X, ADD oprx8,X
x"EE" => -- LDX oprx8,X
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
case opcode(7 downto 4) is
when x"C" =>
addrMux <= addrTM;
when x"D" =>
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX2;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS2;
end if;
when x"E" =>
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX1;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS1;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"CC" => -- JMP opr16a
regPC <= temp(15 downto 8) & datain;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"DC" => -- JMP oprx16,X
regPC <= (temp(15 downto 8) & datain) + regHX;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"EC" => -- JMP oprx8,X
regPC <= (x"00" & datain) + regHX;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"C7" => -- STA opr16a
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regA(7);
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outA;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"D7" => -- STA oprx16,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regA(7);
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outA;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX2;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS2;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"E7" => -- STA oprx8,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regA(7);
if regA = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outA;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX1;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS1;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"CF" => -- STX opr16a
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outX;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"DF" => -- STX oprx16,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outX;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX2;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS2;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"EF" => -- STX oprx8,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(7);
if regHX(7 downto 0) = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outX;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if escape9E = '0' then
addrMux <= addrX1;
escape9E <= '0';
addrMux <= addrS1;
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"30" | x"60" | x"70" => -- NEG opr8a, NEG oprx8,X, NEG ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= x"00" - datain;
tres := x"00" - datain;
flagV <= tres(7) and datain(7);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagC <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"31" => -- CBEQ opr8a,rel
help <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"33" | x"63" | x"73" => -- COM opr8a, COM oprx8,X, COM ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain xor x"FF";
tres := datain xor x"FF";
flagV <= '0';
flagC <= '1';
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"34" | x"64" | x"74" => -- LSR opr8a, LSR oprx8,X, LSR ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= "0" & datain(7 downto 1);
tres := "0" & datain(7 downto 1);
flagV <= datain(0);
flagN <= '0';
flagC <= datain(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"35" => -- STHX opr8a
dataMux <= outX;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"36" | x"66" | x"76" => -- ROR opr8a, ROR oprx8,X, ROR ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= flagC & datain(7 downto 1);
tres := flagC & datain(7 downto 1);
flagN <= flagC;
flagC <= datain(0);
flagV <= flagC xor datain(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"37" | x"67" | x"77" => -- ASR opr8a, ASR oprx8,X, ASR ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain(7) & datain(7 downto 1);
tres := datain(7) & datain(7 downto 1);
flagN <= datain(7);
flagC <= datain(0);
flagV <= datain(7) xor datain(0);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"38" | x"68" | x"78" => -- LSL opr8a, LSL oprx8,X, LSL ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain(6 downto 0) & "0";
tres := datain(6 downto 0) & "0";
flagN <= datain(6);
flagC <= datain(7);
flagV <= datain(7) xor datain(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"39" | x"69" | x"79" => -- ROL opr8a, ROL oprx8,X, ROL ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain(6 downto 0) & flagC;
tres := datain(6 downto 0) & flagC;
flagN <= datain(6);
flagC <= datain(7);
flagV <= datain(7) xor datain(6);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"3A" | x"6A" | x"7A" => -- DEC opr8a, DEC oprx8,X, DEC ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain - 1;
tres := datain - 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if datain = x"80" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"3B" | x"6B" | x"7B" => -- DBNZ opr8a,rel, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel, DBNZ ,X,rel
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain - 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"3C" | x"6C" | x"7C" => -- INC opr8a, INC oprx8,X, INC ,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
help <= datain + 1;
tres := datain + 1;
flagN <= tres(7);
if datain = x"7F" then
flagV <= '1';
flagV <= '0';
end if;
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"3D" | x"6D" | x"7D" => -- TST opr8a, TST oprx8,X, TST ,X
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"3F" | x"6F" => -- CLR opr8a, CLR oprx8,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"41" => -- CBEQA #opr8i,rel
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"45" => -- LDHX #opr
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
if regHX(15 downto 8) = x"00" and datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4E" => -- MOV opr8a,opr8a
help <= datain;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"55" => -- LDHX opr
regHX(15 downto 8) <= datain;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"5E" => -- MOV opr8a,X+
help <= datain;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
dataMux <= outHelp;
addrMux <= addrHX;
wr <= CPUwrite;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"61" => -- CBEQ oprx8,X+,rel
if escape9E = '0' then
regHX <= regHX + 1;
escape9E <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
if datain = regA then
mainFSM <= "0101";
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
end if;
when x"65" => -- CPHX #opr
lres := regHX - (help & datain);
flagN <= lres(15);
if lres = x"0000" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regHX(15) and (not help(7)) and (not lres(15))) or
((not regHX(15)) and help(7) and lres(15));
flagC <= ((not regHX(15)) and help(7)) or
(help(7) and lres(15)) or
(lres(15) and (not help(7)));
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"6E" => -- MOV #opr8i,opr8a
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= help(7);
if help = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"71" => -- CBEQ ,X+,rel
addrMux <= addrPC;
regHX <= regHX + 1;
if datain = regA then
mainFSM <= "0101";
regPC <= regPC + 2;
mainFSM <= "0010";
end if;
when x"75" => -- CPHX opr
help <= datain;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"7E" => -- MOV ,X+,opr8a
help <= datain;
temp <= x"0000";
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
regA <= datain;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"81" => -- RTS
regPC(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outPCH;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"AD" | x"BD" | x"ED" => -- BSR rel, JSR opr8a, JSR oprx8,X
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outPCH;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"FD" => -- JSR ,X
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outTH;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when x"CD" | x"DD" => -- JSR opr16a, JSR oprx16,X
wr <= CPUwrite;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
addrMux <= addrSP;
dataMux <= outPCL;
mainFSM <= "0101";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "0101" => --##################### instruction cycle 4
case opcode is
when x"00" | x"02" | x"04" | x"06" | x"08" | x"0A" | x"0C" | x"0E" | -- BRSET n,opr8a,rel
x"01" | x"03" | x"05" | x"07" | x"09" | x"0B" | x"0D" | x"0F" => -- BRCLR n,opr8a,rel
if (opcode(0) xor flagC) = '1' then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"10" | x"12" | x"14" | x"16" | x"18" | x"1A" | x"1C" | x"1E" | -- BSET n,opr8a
x"11" | x"13" | x"15" | x"17" | x"19" | x"1B" | x"1D" | x"1F" | -- BCLR n,opr8a
x"30" | x"33" | x"34" | x"35" | x"36" | -- NEG opr8a, COM opr8a, LSR opr8a, STHX opr8a, ROR opr8a
x"37" | x"38" | x"39" | x"3A" | x"3C" | -- ASR opr8a, LSL opr8a, ROL opr8a, DEC opr8a, INC opr8a
x"60" | x"63" | x"64" | x"66" | x"67" | -- NEG oprx8,X, COM oprx8,X, LSR oprx8,X, ROR oprx8,X, ASR oprx8,X
x"68" | x"69" | x"6A" | x"6C" | x"6E" | -- LSL oprx8,X, ROL oprx8,X, DEC oprx8,X, INC oprx8,X, MOV #opr8i,opr8a
x"70" | x"73" | x"74" | x"76" | x"77" | x"78" | x"79" | -- NEG ,X, COM ,X, LSR ,X, ROR ,X, ASR ,X, LSL ,X, ROL ,X
x"7A" | x"7C" | -- DEC ,X, INC ,X
x"B7" | x"BF" | x"C7" | x"CF" | -- STA opr8a, STX opr8a, STA opr16a, STX opr16a
x"D7" | x"DF" | x"E7" | x"EF" | -- STA oprx16,X, STX oprx16,X, STA oprx8,X, STX oprx8,X
x"F7" | x"FF" => -- STA ,X, STX ,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"31" => -- CBEQ opr8a,rel
if regA = help then
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"3B" | x"6B" | x"7B" => -- DBNZ opr8a,rel, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel, DBNZ ,X,rel
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"4E" => -- MOV opr8a,opr8a
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
wr <= CPUwrite;
addrMux <= addrTM;
dataMux <= outHelp;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"55" => -- LDHX opr
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= regHX(15);
if (datain = x"00") and (regHX(15 downto 8) = x"00") then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"5E" => -- MOV opr8a,X+
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
regHX <= regHX + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"61" | x"71" => -- CBEQ oprx8,X+,rel, CBEQ ,X+,rel
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"75" => -- CPHX opr
lres := regHX - (help & datain);
flagN <= lres(15);
if lres = x"0000" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regHX(15) and (not help(7)) and (not lres(15))) or
((not regHX(15)) and help(7) and lres(15));
flagC <= ((not regHX(15)) and help(7)) or
(help(7) and lres(15)) or
(lres(15) and (not help(7)));
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"7E" => -- MOV ,X+,opr8a
flagV <= '0';
flagN <= help(7);
if help = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
temp(7 downto 0) <= datain;
wr <= CPUwrite;
dataMux <= outHelp;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
regHX <= regHX + 1;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outX;
help(7) <= flagV;
help(6) <= '1';
help(5) <= '1';
help(4) <= flagH;
help(3) <= flagI;
help(2) <= flagN;
help(1) <= flagZ;
help(0) <= flagC;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"A0" | x"B0" | x"C0" | x"D0" | x"E0" | x"F0" => -- SUB #opr8i, SUB opr8a, SUB opr16a, SUB oprx16,X, SUB oprx8,X, SUB ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA - datain;
tres := regA - datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regA(7) and (not datain(7)) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and datain(7) and tres(7));
flagC <= ((not regA(7)) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and tres(7)) or
(tres(7) and (not regA(7)));
if opcode = x"A0" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A1" | x"B1" | x"C1" | x"D1" | x"E1" | x"F1" => -- CMP #opr8i, CMP opr8a, CMP opr16a, CMP oprx16,X, CMP oprx8,X, CMP ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
tres := regA - datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regA(7) and (not datain(7)) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and datain(7) and tres(7));
flagC <= ((not regA(7)) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and tres(7)) or
(tres(7) and (not regA(7)));
if opcode = x"A1" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A2" | x"B2" | x"C2" | x"D2" | x"E2" | x"F2" => -- SBC #opr8i, SBC opr8a, SBC opr16a, SBC oprx16,X, SBC oprx8,X, SBC ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA - datain - ("0000000" & flagC);
tres := regA - datain - ("0000000" & flagC);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regA(7) and (not datain(7)) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and datain(7) and tres(7));
flagC <= ((not regA(7)) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and tres(7)) or
(tres(7) and (not regA(7)));
if opcode = x"A2" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A3" | x"B3" | x"C3" | x"D3" | x"E3" | x"F3" => -- CPX #opr8i, CPX opr8a, CPX opr16a, CPX oprx16,X, CPX oprx8,X, CPX ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
tres := regHX(7 downto 0) - datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= (regHX(7) and (not datain(7)) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regHX(7)) and datain(7) and tres(7));
flagC <= ((not regHX(7)) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and tres(7)) or
(tres(7) and (not regHX(7)));
if opcode = x"A3" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A4" | x"B4" | x"C4" | x"D4" | x"E4" | x"F4" => -- AND #opr8i, AND opr8a, AND opr16a, AND oprx16,X, AND oprx8,X, AND ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA and datain;
tres := regA and datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"A4" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A5" | x"B5" | x"C5" | x"D5" | x"E5" | x"F5" => -- BIT #opr8i, BIT opr8a, BIT opr16a, BIT oprx16,X, BIT oprx8,X, BIT ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
tres := regA and datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"A5" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A6" | x"B6" | x"C6" | x"D6" | x"E6" | x"F6" => -- LDA #opr8i, LDA opr8a, LDA opr16a, LDA oprx16,X, LDA oprx8,X, LDA ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= datain;
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"A6" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A7" => -- AIS
if datain(7) = '0' then
regSP <= regSP + (x"00" & datain);
regSP <= regSP + (x"FF" & datain);
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A8" | x"B8" | x"C8" | x"D8" | x"E8" | x"F8" => -- EOR #opr8i, EOR opr8a, EOR opr16a, EOR oprx16,X, EOR oprx8,X, EOR ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA xor datain;
tres := regA xor datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"A8" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"A9" | x"B9" | x"C9" | x"D9" | x"E9" | x"F9" => -- ADC #opr8i, ADC opr8a, ADC opr16a, ADC oprx16,X, ADC oprx8,X, ADC ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA + datain + ("0000000" & flagC);
tres := regA + datain + ("0000000" & flagC);
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagH <= (regA(3) and datain(3)) or
(datain(3) and (not tres(3))) or
((not tres(3)) and regA(3));
flagV <= (regA(7) and datain(7) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and (not datain(7)) and tres(7));
flagC <= (regA(7) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and (not tres(7))) or
((not tres(7)) and regA(7));
if opcode = x"A9" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AA" | x"BA" | x"CA" | x"DA" | x"EA" | x"FA" => -- ORA #opr8i, ORA opr8a, ORA opr16a, ORA oprx16,X, ORA oprx8,X, ORA ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA or datain;
tres := regA or datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"AA" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AB" | x"BB" | x"CB" | x"DB" | x"EB" | x"FB" => -- ADD #opr8i, ADD opr8a, ADD opr16a, ADD oprx16,X, ADD oprx8,X, ADD ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regA <= regA + datain;
tres := regA + datain;
flagN <= tres(7);
if tres = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagH <= (regA(3) and datain(3)) or
(datain(3) and (not tres(3))) or
((not tres(3)) and regA(3));
flagV <= (regA(7) and datain(7) and (not tres(7))) or
((not regA(7)) and (not datain(7)) and tres(7));
flagC <= (regA(7) and datain(7)) or
(datain(7) and (not tres(7))) or
((not tres(7)) and regA(7));
if opcode = x"AB" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AE" | x"BE" | x"CE" | x"DE" | x"EE" | x"FE" => -- LDX #opr8i, LDX opr8a, LDX opr16a, LDX oprx16,X, LDX oprx8,X, LDX ,X
addrMux <= addrPC;
regHX(7 downto 0) <= datain;
flagN <= datain(7);
if datain = x"00" then
flagZ <= '1';
flagZ <= '0';
end if;
flagV <= '0';
if opcode = x"AE" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AF" => -- AIX
if datain(7) = '0' then
regHX <= regHX + (x"00" & datain);
regHX <= regHX + (x"FF" & datain);
end if;
regPC <= regPC + 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"AD" => -- BSR rel
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
if help(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & help);
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & help);
end if;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"BD" => -- JSR opr8a
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
regPC <= x"00" & help;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"CD" | x"DD" => -- JSR opr16a, JSR oprx16,X
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outPCH;
mainFSM <= "0110";
when x"ED" => -- JSR oprx8,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
regPC <= (x"00" & help) + regHX;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"FD" => -- JSR ,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
regPC <= regHX;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "0110" => --##################### instruction cycle 5
case opcode is
when x"3B" | x"6B" | x"7B" => -- DBNZ opr8a,rel, DBNZ oprx8,X,rel, DBNZ ,X,rel
if help = x"00" then
regPC <= regPC + 1;
if datain(7) = '0' then
regPC <= regPC + (x"00" & datain) + x"0001";
regPC <= regPC + (x"FF" & datain) + x"0001";
end if;
end if;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"4E" | x"7E" => -- MOV opr8a,opr8a, MOV ,X+,opr8a
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
regPC(15 downto 8) <= datain;
regSP <= regSP + 1;
mainFSM <= "0111";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outA;
mainFSM <= "0111";
when x"CD" => -- JSR opr16a
wr <= CPUread;
addrMUX <= addrPC;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
regPC <= temp;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"DD" => -- JSR oprx16,X
wr <= CPUread;
addrMUX <= addrPC;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
regPC <= temp + regHX;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "0111" => --##################### instruction cycle 6
case opcode is
when x"80" | x"82" => -- RTI, RTT
regPC(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when x"83" => -- SWI
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outHelp;
flagI <= '1';
if trace = '0' then
if irqRequest = '0' then
temp <= x"FFFC"; -- SWI vector
irqRequest <= '0';
temp <= x"FFFA"; -- IRQ vector
end if;
mainFSM <= "1000";
temp <= x"FFF8"; -- trace vector
mainFSM <= "1011";
end if;
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- opcode
when "1000" => --##################### instruction cycle 7
case opcode is
when x"83" => -- SWI
wr <= CPUread;
addrMux <= addrTM;
regSP <= regSP - 1;
mainFSM <= "1001";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case;
when "1001" => --##################### instruction cycle 8
case opcode is
when x"83" => -- SWI
regPC(15 downto 8) <= datain;
temp <= temp + 1;
mainFSM <= "1010";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case;
when "1010" => --##################### instruction cycle 9
case opcode is
when x"83" => -- SWI
regPC(7 downto 0) <= datain;
addrMux <= addrPC;
mainFSM <= "0010";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case;
when "1011" => --##################### instruction cycle 6a, trace
regSP <= regSP - 1;
dataMux <= outCode;
trace <= '0';
trace_i <= '0';
mainFSM <= "1000";
when others =>
mainFSM <= "0000";
end case; -- mainFSM
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behavior;

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