
Subversion Repositories openarty

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 43 to Rev 44
    Reverse comparison

Rev 43 → Rev 44

38,4 → 38,4
`define DATESTAMP 32'h20161027
`define DATESTAMP 32'h20161102
102,7 → 102,7
// `define QSPI_READ_ONLY
module eqspiflash(i_clk_200mhz, i_rst,
module eqspiflash(i_clk_82mhz, i_rst,
// Incoming wishbone connection(s)
// The two strobe lines allow the data to live on a
// separate part of the master bus from the control
120,7 → 120,7
// Debug the interface
input i_clk_200mhz, i_rst;
input i_clk_82mhz, i_rst;
// Wishbone bus inputs
input i_wb_cyc, i_wb_data_stb, i_wb_ctrl_stb, i_wb_we;
input [21:0] i_wb_addr; // 24 bits of addr space
142,7 → 142,7
output wire [31:0] o_dbg;
initial o_cmd_accepted = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk_200mhz)
always @(posedge i_clk_82mhz)
// lleqspi
154,7 → 154,7
reg [1:0] spi_len;
wire [31:0] spi_out;
wire spi_valid, spi_busy, spi_stopped;
lleqspi lowlvl(i_clk_200mhz, spi_wr, spi_hold, spi_word, spi_len,
lleqspi lowlvl(i_clk_82mhz, spi_wr, spi_hold, spi_word, spi_len,
spi_spd, spi_dir, spi_recycle, spi_out, spi_valid, spi_busy,
o_qspi_sck, o_qspi_cs_n, o_qspi_mod, o_qspi_dat, i_qspi_dat);
assign spi_stopped = (o_qspi_cs_n)&&(~spi_busy)&&(~spi_wr);
181,7 → 181,7
// Live parameters
w_xip, w_quad, w_idloaded, w_leave_xip;
reg bus_wip;
qspibus preproc(i_clk_200mhz, i_rst,
qspibus preproc(i_clk_82mhz, i_rst,
i_wb_cyc, i_wb_data_stb, i_wb_ctrl_stb,
i_wb_we, i_wb_addr, i_wb_data,
bus_wb_ack, bus_wb_stall, bus_wb_data,
211,7 → 211,7
wire [31:0] rd_spi_word;
wire [1:0] rd_spi_len;
readqspi rdproc(i_clk_200mhz, bus_readreq, bus_piperd,
readqspi rdproc(i_clk_82mhz, bus_readreq, bus_piperd,
bus_addr, rd_bus_ack,
rd_qspi_req, rd_qspi_grant,
241,7 → 241,7
wire w_ew_wip;
writeqspi ewproc(i_clk_200mhz, bus_wreq,bus_ereq,
writeqspi ewproc(i_clk_82mhz, bus_wreq,bus_ereq,
bus_pipewr, bus_endwr,
bus_addr, bus_data,
ew_bus_ack, ew_qspi_req, ew_qspi_grant,
268,7 → 268,7
wire [31:0] ct_spi_word;
wire [1:0] ct_spi_len;
ctrlspi ctproc(i_clk_200mhz,
ctrlspi ctproc(i_clk_82mhz,
bus_ctreq, bus_wr, bus_addr[3:0], bus_data, bus_sector,
ct_qspi_req, ct_grant,
ct_spi_wr, ct_spi_hold, ct_spi_word, ct_spi_len,
299,7 → 299,7
wire w_id_wip;
idotpqspi idotp(i_clk_200mhz, bus_idreq,
idotpqspi idotp(i_clk_82mhz, bus_idreq,
bus_wr, bus_pipewr, bus_addr[4:0], bus_data, id_bus_ack,
id_qspi_req, id_qspi_grant,
id_spi_wr, id_spi_hold, id_spi_word, id_spi_len,
311,7 → 311,7
reg owned;
reg [1:0] owner;
initial owned = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk_200mhz) // 7 inputs (spi_stopped is the CE)
always @(posedge i_clk_82mhz) // 7 inputs (spi_stopped is the CE)
if ((~owned)&&(spi_stopped))
338,7 → 338,7
assign ct_grant = (owned)&&(owner == 2'b11);
// Module controller
always @(posedge i_clk_200mhz)
always @(posedge i_clk_82mhz)
2'b00: begin
spi_wr <= (owned)&&(rd_spi_wr);
382,7 → 382,7
initial bus_wip = 1'b0;
initial last_wip = 1'b0;
initial o_interrupt = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk_200mhz)
always @(posedge i_clk_82mhz)
bus_wip <= w_ew_wip || w_id_wip;
last_wip <= bus_wip;
391,7 → 391,7
// Now, let's return values onto the wb bus
always @(posedge i_clk_200mhz)
always @(posedge i_clk_82mhz)
// Ack our internal bus controller. This means the command was
// accepted, and the bus can go on to looking for the next
451,7 → 451,7
reg pending, lcl_wrreq, lcl_ctreq, lcl_ack, ack, wp_err, wp;
reg lcl_reg;
reg [14:0] esector;
reg [12:0] esector;
reg [21:0] next_addr;
505,6 → 505,8
if (~o_wb_stall)
begin // Bus command accepted!
if (i_data_stb)
next_addr <= i_addr + 22'h1;
if ((i_data_stb)||(i_ctrl_stb))
pending <= 1'b1;
511,7 → 513,6
o_addr <= i_addr;
o_data <= i_data;
o_wr <= i_we;
next_addr <= i_addr + 22'h1;
if ((i_data_stb)&&(~i_we))
560,9 → 561,9
lcl_wrreq <= 1'b0;
if ((i_data_stb)&&(~o_wb_stall))
o_piperd <= ((~i_we)&&(~o_wb_stall)&&(pipeable)&&(i_addr == next_addr));
else if ((i_ack)||(((i_ctrl_stb)||(i_data_stb))&&(~o_wb_stall)))
if ((i_data_stb)&&((~o_wb_stall)||(i_ack)))
o_piperd <= ((~i_we)&&(pipeable)&&(i_addr == next_addr));
else if ((i_ack)&&(~i_data_stb))
o_piperd <= 1'b0;
if ((i_data_stb)&&(~o_wb_stall))
pipeable <= (~i_we);
582,7 → 583,7
wire new_req;
assign new_req = (pending)&&(~last_pending);
initial esector = 15'h00;
initial esector = 13'h00;
initial o_wrreq = 1'b0;
initial o_erreq = 1'b0;
initial wp_err = 1'b0;
612,9 → 613,9
if (set_sector)
esector[13:0] <= { o_data[23:14], 4'h0 };
esector[11:0] <= { o_data[21:14], 4'h0 };
wp <= (o_data[30])&&(new_req)||(wp)&&(~new_req);
esector[14] <= o_data[28]; // Subsector
esector[12] <= o_data[28]; // Subsector
if (o_data[28])
esector[3:0] <= o_data[13:10];
678,10 → 679,10
assign o_wb_data[31:0] = { i_wip, ~wp, i_quad, esector[14],
assign o_wb_data[31:0] = { i_wip, ~wp, i_quad, esector[12],
i_idloaded, wp_err, i_xip, i_spi_stopped,
esector[13:0], 10'h00 };
assign o_sector = { esector[13:0], 8'h00 }; // 22 bits
2'b00, esector[11:0], 10'h00 };
assign o_sector = { 2'b00, esector[11:0], 8'h00 }; // 22 bits
assign o_other = (r_other)||(o_idreq);
697,6 → 698,7
`define RD_XIP 4'h7
`define RD_GO_TO_IDLE 4'h8
`define RD_GO_TO_XIP 4'h9
`define RD_IDLE_QUAD_PORT 4'ha
module readqspi(i_clk, i_readreq, i_piperd, i_other_req, i_addr, o_bus_ack,
o_qspi_req, i_grant,
745,11 → 747,16
`RD_IDLE: begin
r_requested <= 1'b0;
o_qspi_req <= 1'b0;
o_spi_word <= { ((i_quad)? 8'h6B: 8'h0b), i_addr, 2'b00 };
// 0x0b is a fast read, uses all SPI protocol
// 0x6b is a Quad output fast read, uses SPI cmd,
// SPI address, QSPI data
// 0xeb is a Quad I/O fast read, using SPI cmd,
// QSPI address and data
o_spi_word <= { ((i_quad)? 8'hEB: 8'h0b), i_addr, 2'b00 };
o_spi_wr <= 1'b0;
o_spi_dir <= 1'b0;
o_spi_spd <= 1'b0;
o_spi_len <= 2'b11;
o_spi_len <= (i_quad)? 2'b00 : 2'b11;
r_xip <= (i_xip)&&(i_quad);
r_leave_xip <= 1'b0; // Not in it, so can't leave it
r_quad <= i_quad;
762,15 → 769,30
o_spi_wr <= 1'b1; // Write the address
o_qspi_req <= 1'b1;
if (accepted)
rd_state <= (r_quad) ? `RD_IDLE_QUAD_PORT : `RD_SLOW_DUMMY;
o_spi_word[31:8] <= o_spi_word[23:0];
end end
o_spi_wr <= 1'b1; // Write the command
o_qspi_req <= 1'b1;
o_spi_spd <= 1'b1;
o_spi_dir <= 1'b0;
o_spi_len <= 2'b10;
// We haven't saved our address any where but in the
// SPI word we just sent. Hence, let's just
// grab it from there.
if (accepted)
rd_state <= `RD_SLOW_DUMMY;
o_spi_wr <= 1'b1; // Write 8 dummy clocks
o_qspi_req <= 1'b1;
o_spi_wr <= 1'b1; // Write 8 dummy clocks--this is the same for
o_qspi_req <= 1'b1; // both Quad I/O, Quad O, and fast-read commands
o_spi_dir <= 1'b0;
o_spi_spd <= 1'b0;
o_spi_word[31:24] <= (r_xip) ? 8'h00 : 8'hff;
o_spi_len <= 2'b00; // 8 clocks = 8-bits
o_spi_spd <= r_quad;
o_spi_word[31:0] <= (r_xip) ? 32'h00 : 32'hffffffff;
o_spi_len <= (r_quad)? 2'b11:2'b00; // 8 clocks
if (accepted)
rd_state <= (r_quad)?`RD_QUAD_READ_DATA
789,13 → 811,13
rd_state <= `RD_GO_TO_IDLE;
o_qspi_req <= 1'b1;
o_spi_dir <= 1'b1;
o_spi_spd <= 1'b1;
o_spi_len <= 2'b11;
o_qspi_req <= 1'b1; // Insist that we keep the port
o_spi_dir <= 1'b1; // Read
o_spi_spd <= 1'b1; // Read at Quad rates
o_spi_len <= 2'b11; // Read 4-bytes
o_spi_recycle <= (r_leave_xip)? 1'b1: 1'b0;
invalid_ack_pipe[0] <= (!r_requested);
r_requested <= (r_requested)||(accepted);
r_requested <= (r_requested)||(accepted); // Make sure at least one request goes through
o_data_ack <= (!invalid_ack_pipe[3])&&(i_spi_valid)&&(r_requested)&&(~r_leave_xip);
o_bus_ack <= (r_requested)&&(accepted)&&(i_piperd)&&(~r_leave_xip);
o_spi_wr <= (~r_requested)||(i_piperd);
810,7 → 832,7
o_qspi_req <= 1'b1;
o_spi_wr <= 1'b1;
o_spi_dir <= 1'b0; // Write the address
o_spi_spd <= 1'b0;
o_spi_spd <= 1'b1; // High speed
o_spi_word[31:0] <= { i_addr, 2'b00, 8'h00 };
o_spi_len <= 2'b10; // 24 bits, High speed, 6 clocks
if (accepted)
833,7 → 855,7
o_spi_word <= { i_addr, 2'b00, 8'h00 };
o_spi_wr <= 1'b0;
o_spi_dir <= 1'b0; // Write to SPI
o_spi_spd <= 1'b0;
o_spi_spd <= 1'b1; // High speed
o_spi_len <= 2'b11;
r_leave_xip <= i_other_req;
r_xip <= (~i_other_req);

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