
Subversion Repositories wbuart32

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 8 to Rev 9
    Reverse comparison

Rev 8 → Rev 9

19,9 → 19,13
// Now for the setup register. The register is 32 bits, so that this
// UART may be set up over a 32-bit bus.
// i_setup[30] True if we are using hardware flow control. This bit
// is ignored within this module, as any receive hardware flow
// control will need to be implemented elsewhere.
// i_setup[29:28] Indicates the number of data bits per word. This will
// either be 2'b00 for an 8-bit word, 2'b01 for a 7-bit word, 2'b10
// for a six bit word, or 2'b11 for a five bit word.
// either be 2'b00 for an 8-bit word, 2'b01 for a 7-bit word, 2'b10
// for a six bit word, or 2'b11 for a five bit word.
// i_setup[27] Indicates whether or not to use one or two stop bits.
// Set this to one to expect two stop bits, zero for one.
74,7 → 78,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
90,7 → 94,7
// ..7 Bits arrive
// 8 Stop bit (x1)
// 9 Stop bit (x2)
/// c break condition
// c break condition
// d Waiting for the channel to go high
// e Waiting for the reset to complete
// f Idle state
113,10 → 117,10
module rxuart(i_clk, i_reset, i_setup, i_uart_rx, o_wr, o_data, o_break,
o_parity_err, o_frame_err, o_ck_uart);
parameter INITIAL_SETUP = 30'd868;
parameter [30:0] INITIAL_SETUP = 31'd868;
// 8 data bits, no parity, (at least 1) stop bit
input i_clk, i_reset;
input [29:0] i_setup;
input [30:0] i_setup;
input i_uart_rx;
output reg o_wr;
output reg [7:0] o_data;
132,6 → 136,7
reg [3:0] state;
assign clocks_per_baud = { 4'h0, r_setup[23:0] };
// assign hw_flow_control = !r_setup[30];
assign data_bits = r_setup[29:28];
assign dblstop = r_setup[27];
assign use_parity = r_setup[26];
214,10 → 219,10
// Allow our controlling processor to change our setup at any time
// outside of receiving/processing a character.
initial r_setup = INITIAL_SETUP;
initial r_setup = INITIAL_SETUP[29:0];
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (state >= `RXU_RESET_IDLE)
r_setup <= i_setup;
r_setup <= i_setup[29:0];
// Our monster state machine. YIKES!
21,9 → 21,16
// Now for the setup register. The register is 32 bits, so that this
// UART may be set up over a 32-bit bus.
// i_setup[30] Set this to zero to use hardware flow control, and to
// one to ignore hardware flow control. Only works if the hardware
// flow control has been properly wired.
// If you don't want hardware flow control, fix the i_rts bit to
// 1'b1, and let the synthesys tools optimize out the logic.
// i_setup[29:28] Indicates the number of data bits per word. This will
// either be 2'b00 for an 8-bit word, 2'b01 for a 7-bit word, 2'b10
// for a six bit word, or 2'b11 for a five bit word.
// either be 2'b00 for an 8-bit word, 2'b01 for a 7-bit word, 2'b10
// for a six bit word, or 2'b11 for a five bit word.
// i_setup[27] Indicates whether or not to use one or two stop bits.
// Set this to one to expect two stop bits, zero for one.
62,7 → 69,7
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
75,7 → 82,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
104,29 → 111,39
`define TXU_IDLE 4'hf
module txuart(i_clk, i_reset, i_setup, i_break, i_wr, i_data,o_uart_tx, o_busy);
parameter INITIAL_SETUP = 30'd868;
module txuart(i_clk, i_reset, i_setup, i_break, i_wr, i_data,
i_rts, o_uart_tx, o_busy);
parameter [30:0] INITIAL_SETUP = 31'd868;
input i_clk, i_reset;
input [29:0] i_setup;
input [30:0] i_setup;
input i_break;
input i_wr;
input [7:0] i_data;
// Hardware flow control Ready-To-Send bit. Set this to one to use
// the core without flow control. (A more appropriate name would be
// the Ready-To-Receive bit ...)
input i_rts;
// And the UART input line itself
output reg o_uart_tx;
// A line to tell others when we are ready to accept data. If
// (i_wr)&&(!o_busy) is ever true, then the core has accepted a byte
// for transmission.
output wire o_busy;
wire [27:0] clocks_per_baud, break_condition;
wire [1:0] data_bits;
wire use_parity, parity_even, dblstop, fixd_parity,
reg [29:0] r_setup;
fixdp_value, hw_flow_control;
reg [30:0] r_setup;
assign clocks_per_baud = { 4'h0, r_setup[23:0] };
assign break_condition = { r_setup[23:0], 4'h0 };
assign data_bits = r_setup[29:28];
assign dblstop = r_setup[27];
assign use_parity = r_setup[26];
assign fixd_parity = r_setup[25];
assign parity_even = r_setup[24];
assign fixdp_value = r_setup[24];
assign hw_flow_control = !r_setup[30];
assign data_bits = r_setup[29:28];
assign dblstop = r_setup[27];
assign use_parity = r_setup[26];
assign fixd_parity = r_setup[25];
assign parity_even = r_setup[24];
assign fixdp_value = r_setup[24];
reg [27:0] baud_counter;
reg [3:0] state;
133,6 → 150,29
reg [7:0] lcl_data;
reg calc_parity, r_busy, zero_baud_counter;
// First step ... handle any hardware flow control, if so enabled.
// Clock in the flow control data, two clocks to avoid metastability
// Default to using hardware flow control (uart_setup[30]==0 to use it).
// Set this high order bit off if you do not wish to use it.
reg q_rts, qq_rts, ck_rts;
// While we might wish to give initial values to q_rts and ck_rts,
// 1) it's not required since the transmitter starts in a long wait
// state, and 2) doing so will prevent the synthesizer from optimizing
// this pin in the case it is hard set to 1'b1 external to this
// peripheral.
// initial q_rts = 1'b0;
// initial qq_rts = 1'b0;
// initial ck_rts = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
q_rts <= i_rts;
always @(posedge i_clk)
qq_rts <= q_rts;
always @(posedge i_clk)
ck_rts <= (qq_rts)&&(hw_flow_control);
initial o_uart_tx = 1'b1;
initial r_busy = 1'b1;
initial state = `TXU_IDLE;
168,7 → 208,7
2'b11: state <= `TXU_BIT_THREE;
end else begin // Stay in idle
r_busy <= 0;
r_busy <= !ck_rts;
end else begin
// One clock tick in each of these states ...
215,7 → 255,7
// broken out up top, and indicate what 1) our baud rate is, 2) our
// number of stop bits, 3) what type of parity we are using, and 4)
// the size of our data word.
initial r_setup = INITIAL_SETUP;
initial r_setup = INITIAL_SETUP[30:0];
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (state == `TXU_IDLE)
r_setup <= i_setup;
11,7 → 11,7
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
24,7 → 24,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
35,16 → 35,16
module ufifo(i_clk, i_rst, i_wr, i_data, i_rd, o_data,
o_empty_n, o_half_full, o_status, o_err);
parameter BW=8, LGFLEN=4;
module ufifo(i_clk, i_rst, i_wr, i_data, o_empty_n, i_rd, o_data, o_status, o_err);
parameter BW=8; // Byte/data width
parameter [3:0] LGFLEN=4;
parameter [0:0] RXFIFO=0;
input i_clk, i_rst;
input i_wr;
input [(BW-1):0] i_data;
output wire o_empty_n; // True if something is in FIFO
input i_rd;
output wire [(BW-1):0] o_data;
output reg o_empty_n;
output wire o_half_full;
output wire [15:0] o_status;
output wire o_err;
103,7 → 103,7
// 5 1 2 fifo[2]
// 6 0 3 fifo[3]
// 7 0 3 fifo[3]
reg will_underflow, r_unfl;
reg will_underflow;
initial will_underflow = 1'b1;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
115,7 → 115,13
will_underflow <= (r_last == r_first);
initial r_unfl = 1'b0;
// Don't report FIFO underflow errors. These'll be caught elsewhere
// in the system, and the logic below makes it hard to reset them.
// We'll still report FIFO overflow, however.
// reg r_unfl;
// initial r_unfl = 1'b0;
initial r_last = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
122,7 → 128,7
r_last <= 0;
r_next <= { {(LGFLEN-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1 };
r_unfl <= 1'b0;
// r_unfl <= 1'b0;
end else if (i_rd)
if ((i_wr)||(!will_underflow)) // (r_first != r_last)
133,8 → 139,8
// Need to be prepared for a possible two
// reads in quick succession
// o_data <= fifo[r_last+1];
end else
r_unfl <= 1'b1;
// else r_unfl <= 1'b1;
reg [7:0] fifo_here, fifo_next, r_data;
161,32 → 167,89
// wire [(LGFLEN-1):0] current_fill;
// assign current_fill = (r_first-r_last);
reg r_empty_n;
initial r_empty_n = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
o_empty_n <= 1'b0;
r_empty_n <= 1'b0;
else case({i_wr, i_rd})
2'b00: o_empty_n <= (r_first != r_last);
2'b11: o_empty_n <= (r_first != r_last);
2'b10: o_empty_n <= 1'b1;
2'b01: o_empty_n <= (r_first != w_last_plus_one);
2'b00: r_empty_n <= (r_first != r_last);
2'b11: r_empty_n <= (r_first != r_last);
2'b10: r_empty_n <= 1'b1;
2'b01: r_empty_n <= (r_first != w_last_plus_one);
wire w_full_n;
assign w_full_n = will_overflow;
// If this is a receive FIFO, the FIFO count that matters is the number
// of values yet to be read. If instead this is a transmit FIFO, then
// the FIFO count that matters is the number of empty positions that
// can still be filled before the FIFO is full.
// Adjust for these differences here.
reg [(LGFLEN-1):0] r_fill;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_fill <= 0;
else if ((i_rd)&&(!i_wr))
r_fill <= r_first - r_next;
else if ((!i_rd)&&(i_wr))
r_fill <= r_first - r_last + 1'b1;
r_fill <= r_first - r_last;
assign o_half_full = r_fill[(LGFLEN-1)];
generate if (RXFIFO!=0) begin
// Calculate the number of elements in our FIFO
// Although used for receive, this is actually the more generic
// answer--should you wish to use the FIFO in another context.
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_fill <= 0;
else case({i_wr, i_rd})
2'b01: r_fill <= r_first - r_next;
2'b10: r_fill <= r_first - r_last + 1'b1;
default: r_fill <= r_first - r_last;
end else begin
// Calculate the number of elements that are empty and can be
// filled within our FIFO
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_fill <= { (LGFLEN){1'b1} };
else case({i_wr, i_rd})
2'b01: r_fill <= r_last - r_first;
2'b10: r_fill <= r_last - w_first_plus_two;
default: r_fill <= r_last - w_first_plus_one;
end endgenerate
assign o_err = (r_ovfl) || (r_unfl);
// We don't report underflow errors. These
assign o_err = (r_ovfl); // || (r_unfl);
wire [3:0] lglen;
assign lglen = LGFLEN;
assign o_status = { lglen, {(16-2-4-LGFLEN){1'b0}}, r_fill, o_half_full, o_empty_n };
wire [9:0] w_fill;
assign w_fill[(LGFLEN-1):0] = r_fill;
generate if (LGFLEN != 10)
assign w_fill[9:(LGFLEN-1)] = 0;
wire w_half_full;
assign w_half_full = r_fill[(LGFLEN-1)];
assign o_status = {
// Our status includes a 4'bit nibble telling anyone reading
// this the size of our FIFO. The size is then given by
// 2^(this value). Hence a 4'h4 in this position means that the
// FIFO has 2^4 or 16 values within it.
// The FIFO fill--for a receive FIFO the number of elements
// left to be read, and for a transmit FIFO the number of
// empty elements within the FIFO that can yet be filled.
// A '1' here means a half FIFO length can be read (receive
// FIFO) or written to (not a receive FIFO).
// receive FIFO), or be written to (if it isn't).
// A '1' here means the FIFO can be read from (if it is a
// receive FIFO), or be written to (if it isn't).
assign o_empty_n = r_empty_n;
50,12 → 50,12
// it to CLKRATE / BAUDRATE, to give me 8N1 performance. 4MB is useful
// to me, so 100MHz / 4M = 25 could be the setup. You can also use
// 200MHz / 4MB = 50 ... it all depends upon your clock.
`define UART_SETUP 30'd25
reg [29:0] uart_setup;
`define UART_SETUP 31'd25
reg [30:0] uart_setup;
initial uart_setup = `UART_SETUP;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_wb_stb)&&(i_wb_addr == `UART_SETUP_ADDR))
uart_setup[29:0] <= i_wb_data[29:0];
uart_setup[30:0] <= i_wb_data[30:0];
// First the UART receiver
83,7 → 83,7
r_rx_data[ 9] <= (rx_perr) && (!i_wb_data[ 9]);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if(((i_wb_stb)&&(~i_wb_we)&&(i_wb_addr == `UART_RX_ADDR))
if(((i_wb_stb)&&(!i_wb_we)&&(i_wb_addr == `UART_RX_ADDR))
r_rx_data[8] <= !rx_stb;
assign o_cts = !r_rx_data[8];
90,9 → 90,19
assign rx_data = { 20'h00, r_rx_data };
assign rx_int = !r_rx_data[8];
// Transmit hardware flow control, the rts line
wire rts;
// Set this rts value to one if you aren't ever going to use H/W flow
// control, otherwise set it to the value coming in from the external
// i_rts pin.
assign rts = i_rts;
// Then the UART transmitter
// Now onto the transmitter itself
wire tx_busy;
reg [7:0] r_tx_data;
reg r_tx_stb, r_tx_break;
99,19 → 109,19
wire [31:0] tx_data;
txuart #(UART_SETUP) tx(i_clk, 1'b0, uart_setup,
r_tx_break, r_tx_stb, r_tx_data,
o_tx, tx_busy);
rts, o_tx, tx_busy);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_wb_stb)&&(i_wb_addr == 5'h0f))
r_tx_stb <= (!r_tx_break)&&(!i_wb_data[8]);
r_tx_stb <= (!r_tx_break)&&(!i_wb_data[8]);
r_tx_data <= i_wb_data[7:0];
r_tx_break<= i_wb_data[9];
end else if (~tx_busy)
end else if (!tx_busy)
r_tx_stb <= 1'b0;
r_tx_data <= 8'h0;
assign tx_data = { 20'h00,
assign tx_data = { 16'h00, rts, 3'h0,
ck_uart, o_tx, r_tx_break, tx_busy,
r_tx_data };
assign tx_int = ~tx_busy;
118,7 → 128,7
always @(posedge i_clk)
`UART_SETUP_ADDR: o_wb_data <= { 2'b00, uart_setup };
`UART_SETUP_ADDR: o_wb_data <= { 1'b0, uart_setup };
`UART_RX_ADDR : o_wb_data <= rx_data;
`UART_TX_ADDR : o_wb_data <= tx_data;
27,7 → 27,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
45,15 → 45,21
module wbuart(i_clk, i_rst,
i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we, i_wb_addr, i_wb_data,
o_wb_stall, o_wb_ack, o_wb_data,
o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall, o_wb_data,
i_uart_rx, o_uart_tx,
i_uart_rx, o_uart_tx, i_rts, o_cts,
// i_uart_rts, o_uart_cts, i_uart_dtr, o_uart_dts
o_uart_rx_int, o_uart_tx_int,
o_uart_rxfifo_int, o_uart_txfifo_int);
parameter INITIAL_SETUP = 30'd25, // 4MB 8N1, when using 100MHz clock
parameter [30:0] INITIAL_SETUP = 31'd25; // 4MB 8N1, when using 100MHz clock
parameter [3:0] LGFLEN = 4;
parameter [0:0] HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL_PRESENT = 1'b1;
// Perform a simple/quick bounds check on the log FIFO length, to make
// sure its within the bounds we can support with our current
// interface.
localparam [3:0] LCLLGFLEN = (LGFLEN > 4'ha)? 4'ha
: ((LGFLEN < 4'h2) ? 4'h2 : LGFLEN);
input i_clk, i_rst;
// Wishbone inputs
60,12 → 66,24
input i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we;
input [1:0] i_wb_addr;
input [31:0] i_wb_data;
output reg o_wb_ack;
output wire o_wb_stall;
output reg o_wb_ack;
output reg [31:0] o_wb_data;
input i_uart_rx;
output wire o_uart_tx;
// RTS is used for hardware flow control. According to Wikipedia, it
// should probably be renamed RTR for "ready to receive". It tell us
// whether or not the receiving hardware is ready to accept another
// byte. If low, the transmitter will pause.
// If you don't wish to use hardware flow control, just set i_rts to
// 1'b1 and let the optimizer simply remove this logic.
input i_rts;
// CTS is the "Clear-to-send" signal. We set it anytime our FIFO
// isn't full. Feel free to ignore this output if you do not wish to
// use flow control.
output reg o_cts;
output wire o_uart_rx_int, o_uart_tx_int,
o_uart_rxfifo_int, o_uart_txfifo_int;
75,7 → 93,7
// The UART setup parameters: bits per byte, stop bits, parity, and
// baud rate are all captured within this uart_setup register.
reg [29:0] uart_setup;
reg [30:0] uart_setup;
initial uart_setup = INITIAL_SETUP;
always @(posedge i_clk)
// Under wishbone rules, a write takes place any time i_wb_stb
82,11 → 100,18
// is high. If that's the case, and if the write was to the
// setup address, then set us up for the new parameters.
if ((i_wb_stb)&&(i_wb_addr == `UART_SETUP)&&(i_wb_we))
uart_setup[29:0] <= i_wb_data[29:0];
uart_setup <= {
i_wb_data[29:0] };
// First the UART receiver
// First, the UART receiver
// First the wires/registers this receiver depends upon
wire rx_stb, rx_break, rx_perr, rx_ferr, ck_uart;
126,18 → 151,32
// four status-type values: 1) is it non-empty, 2) is the FIFO over half
// full, 3) a 16-bit status register, containing info regarding how full
// the FIFO truly is, and 4) an error indicator.
ufifo #(.LGFLEN(LGFLEN))
rxfifo(i_clk, (i_rst)||(rx_break)||(rx_uart_reset),
rx_stb, rx_uart_data,
rxf_wb_read, rxf_wb_data,
(rx_empty_n), (o_uart_rxfifo_int),
rxf_status, rx_fifo_err);
assign o_uart_rxfifo_int = rxf_status[1];
// We produce four interrupts. One of the receive interrupts indicates
// whether or not the receive FIFO is non-empty. This should wake up
// the CPU.
assign o_uart_rx_int = !rx_empty_n;
assign o_uart_rx_int = rxf_status[0];
// The clear to send line, which may be ignored, but which we set here
// to be true any time the FIFO has fewer than N-2 items in it.
// Why N-1? Because at N-1 we are totally full, but already so full
// that if the transmit end starts sending we won't have a location to
// receive it. (Transmit might've started on the next character by the
// time we set this--need to set it to one character before necessary
// thus.)
wire [(LCLLGFLEN-1):0] check_cutoff;
assign check_cutoff = -3;
always @(posedge i_clk)
||(rxf_status[(LCLLGFLEN+1):2] > check_cutoff);
// If the bus requests that we read from the receive FIFO, we need to
// tell this to the receive FIFO. Note that because we are using a
// clock here, the output from the receive FIFO will necessarily be
204,10 → 243,14
rx_break, rx_ferr, r_rx_perr, !rx_empty_n,
// Then the UART transmitter
wire tx_empty_n, txf_half_full, txf_err;
wire tx_empty_n, txf_err;
wire [7:0] tx_data;
wire [15:0] txf_status;
reg r_tx_break, txf_wb_write, tx_uart_reset;
238,18 → 281,20
// break. We read from the FIFO any time the UART transmitter is idle.
// and ... we just set the values (above) for controlling writing into
// this.
ufifo #(.LGFLEN(LGFLEN))
ufifo #(.LGFLEN(LGFLEN), .RXFIFO(0))
txfifo(i_clk, (r_tx_break)||(tx_uart_reset),
txf_wb_write, txf_wb_data,
(~tx_busy)&&(tx_empty_n), tx_data,
tx_empty_n, txf_half_full, txf_status, txf_err);
(!tx_busy)&&(tx_empty_n), tx_data,
txf_status, txf_err);
// Let's create two transmit based interrupts from the FIFO for the CPU.
// The first will be true any time the FIFO is empty.
assign o_uart_tx_int = !tx_empty_n;
// The first will be true any time the FIFO has at least one open
// position within it.
assign o_uart_tx_int = txf_status[0];
// The second will be true any time the FIFO is less than half
// full, allowing us a change to always keep it (near) fully
// charged.
assign o_uart_txfifo_int = !txf_half_full;
assign o_uart_txfifo_int = txf_status[1];
// Break logic
281,6 → 326,8
tx_uart_reset <= 1'b0;
wire rts;
assign rts = (!HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL_PRESENT)||(i_rts);
// Finally, the UART transmitter module itself. Note that we haven't
// connected the reset wire. Transmitting is as simple as setting
// the stb value (here set to tx_empty_n) and the data. When these
292,7 → 339,7
// starting to transmit a new byte.)
txuart #(INITIAL_SETUP) tx(i_clk, 1'b0, uart_setup,
r_tx_break, (tx_empty_n), tx_data,
o_uart_tx, tx_busy);
i_rts, o_uart_tx, tx_busy);
// Now that we are done with the chain, pick some wires for the user
// to read on any read of the transmit port.
302,15 → 349,15
// the receive FIFO, here only writing to the transmit port advances the
// transmit FIFO--hence the read values are free for ... whatever.)
// We choose here to provide information about the transmit FIFO
// (txf_err, txf_half_full, tx_empty_n), information about the current
// (txf_err, txf_half_full, txf_full_n), information about the current
// voltage on the line (o_uart_tx)--and even the voltage on the receive
// line (ck_uart), as well as our current setting of the break and
// whether or not we are actively transmitting.
wire [31:0] wb_tx_data;
assign wb_tx_data = { 16'h00,
1'h0, txf_half_full, tx_empty_n, txf_err,
ck_uart, o_uart_tx, r_tx_break, tx_busy,
i_rts, txf_status[1:0], txf_err,
ck_uart, o_uart_tx, r_tx_break, (tx_busy|txf_status[0]),
// Each of the FIFO's returns a 16 bit status value. This value tells
// us both how big the FIFO is, as well as how much of the FIFO is in
339,7 → 386,7
// interconnect, etc. For this reason, we can just simplify our logic.
always @(posedge i_clk)
`UART_SETUP: o_wb_data <= { 2'b00, uart_setup };
`UART_SETUP: o_wb_data <= { 1'b0, uart_setup };
`UART_FIFO: o_wb_data <= wb_fifo_data;
`UART_RXREG: o_wb_data <= wb_rx_data;
`UART_TXREG: o_wb_data <= wb_tx_data;

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