
Subversion Repositories an-fpga-implementation-of-low-latency-noc-based-mpsoc

[/] [an-fpga-implementation-of-low-latency-noc-based-mpsoc/] [trunk/] [mpsoc/] [perl_gui/] [lib/] [perl/] [] - Diff between revs 43 and 48

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Rev 43 Rev 48
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings;
use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use FindBin;
use Gtk2 '-init';
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use Gtk2::SourceView2;
use Consts;
use Data::Dumper;
use constant::boolean;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
use Consts;
    my $module = (Consts::GTK_VERSION==2) ? 'Gtk2' : 'Gtk3';
    my $file = $module;
    $file =~ s[::][/]g;
    $file .= '.pm';
    require $file;
require "";
require "";
my $NAME = 'Otec';
exit main() unless caller;
my $NAME = 'ProNoC';
my      $path = "";
our $FONT_SIZE='default';
our $ICON_SIZE='default';
exit gtk_gui_run(\&software_main_stand_alone) unless caller;
sub software_main_stand_alone(){
        $path = "../../";
        my $project_dir   = get_project_dir(); #mpsoc dir addr
        my $paths_file= "$project_dir/mpsoc/perl_gui/lib/Paths";
        if (-f  $paths_file){#} && defined $ENV{PRONOC_WORK} ) {
                my $paths= do $paths_file;
                my %p=%{$paths};
                $FONT_SIZE= $p{'GUI_SETTING'}{'FONT_SIZE'} if (defined $p{'GUI_SETTING'}{'FONT_SIZE'});
                $ICON_SIZE= $p{'GUI_SETTING'}{'ICON_SIZE'} if (defined $p{'GUI_SETTING'}{'ICON_SIZE'});
        my ($app,$table,$tview,$window) = software_main("../../../../../back/tmp",undef,) ;
        $window->signal_connect (destroy => sub { gui_quite();});
sub software_main {
sub software_main {
        my ($sw,$file) = @_;
        my ($sw,$file,$pages_ref,$label_ref) = @_;
        my $app = __PACKAGE__->new();
        my $app = __PACKAGE__->new();
        my ($table,$tview,$window)=$app->build_gui($sw);
        my ($table,$tview,$widget)=$app->build_gui($sw,$pages_ref,$label_ref);
        my $main_c=(defined $file)? "$sw/$file" : "$sw/main.c";
        my $main_c=(defined $file)? "$sw/$file" : "$sw/main.c";
        my @tmp;
        $app->load_source($main_c) if (-f $main_c );
        $app->load_source($main_c) if (-f $main_c );
        return ($app,$table,$tview,$widget);
        return ($app,$table,$tview,$window);
sub build_gui {
sub build_gui {
        my ($self,$sw) = @_;
        my ($app,$sw,$pages_ref,$label_ref) = @_;
        my $window = def_popwin_size (75,75,'Source Editor','percent');
        my $table= def_table(2,10,FALSE);
        my $table= def_table(2,10,FALSE);
        my $vbox = def_vbox(FALSE, 0);
        my $scwin_text = add_widget_to_scrolled_win($vbox);
        my ($scwin_info,$tview)= create_txview();
        my ($tree_view,$tree_store) =$app->build_tree_view($sw);
        my $scwin_dirs = add_widget_to_scrolled_win($tree_view);
        my $hpaned = Gtk2::HPaned -> new;
        my $hpaned = gen_hpaned($scwin_dirs,0.15,$scwin_text);
        my $vpaned = Gtk2::VPaned -> new;
        my $vpaned = gen_vpaned($hpaned,0.6,$scwin_info);
        $table->attach_defaults ($vpaned,0, 10, 0,1);
        $table->attach_defaults ($vpaned,0, 10, 0,1);
        #my $make = def_image_button('icons/run.png','Compile');
        #$table->attach ($make,9, 10, 1,2,'shrink','shrink',0,0);
        #$make -> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
        my $window = def_popwin_size (84,84,'Source Editor','percent');
        my @menue_item=("$sw/",$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs);
        if (defined $pages_ref){
                #first page is software editor
                my $notebook = gen_notebook();
                my $label1=def_image_label($path."icons/binary.png","Software Editor",1);
                $notebook->append_page ($table,$label1);
                my @pages=@{$pages_ref};
                my @labels=@{$label_ref};
                my $i=0;
                foreach my $page (@pages){
                        my $label=$labels[$i];
                        $notebook->append_page ($page,$label);
                $window -> add ( $notebook);
        }else {
        $window -> add ( $table);
        $window -> add ( $table);
        my $scwin_dirs = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow -> new;
        $scwin_dirs -> set_policy ('automatic', 'automatic');
        $hpaned -> pack1 ($scwin_dirs, TRUE, TRUE);
        $hpaned ->set_position ($width*.15);
        my $scwin_text = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow -> new;
        $scwin_text -> set_policy ('automatic', 'automatic');
        $hpaned -> pack2 ($scwin_text, TRUE, TRUE);
        my ($scwin_info,$tview)= create_text();
        my $hbox = def_table(FALSE, 0);
        my $source_view_notebook = gen_notebook();
        $vbox->pack_start($hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        $vbox->pack_start($source_view_notebook, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
        $vpaned-> pack1 ($hpaned, TRUE, TRUE);
        $vpaned ->set_position ($hight*.5);
        $vpaned-> pack2 ($scwin_info, TRUE, TRUE);
my ($tree_view,$tree_store) =$self->build_tree_view($sw);
        $window->signal_connect ('delete_event'=> sub {
                return 0;
$scwin_dirs -> add($tree_view);
#print "$sw/\n";
        return ($table,$tview,$window);
        #my $window = Gtk2::Window->new();
sub ask_to_save_changes{
        #$window->set_size_request(480, 360);
        my $app=shift;
        my $save = $app->ask_to_save();
        my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(FALSE, 0);
sub update_modified {
        my $self=shift;
        if($self->modified() ==2 ){
        elsif($self->modified() ==FALSE ){
                #if ($buffer->get_modified()){
        $vbox->pack_start($self->build_menu("$sw/",$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
sub new_source_view{
        $vbox->pack_start($self->build_search_box, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        my ($app,$filename)=@_;
        my $scroll = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new();
    my $self = __PACKAGE__->new();
        $scroll->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');
    my ($name,$p,$suffix) = fileparse("$filename",qr"\..[^.]*$");
        my $label = gen_label_in_left ("${name}${suffix}");
        $vbox->pack_start($scroll, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
        my $buffer = $self->create_buffer();
        my $hbox = def_table(FALSE, 0);
        my $sourceview = Gtk2::SourceView2::View->new_with_buffer($buffer);
        my $vbox = def_vbox(FALSE, 0);
        my $ref =$app->menue();
        my ($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs) =@{$ref};
    $hbox->attach($self->build_menu($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app), 0, 1, 0,1,'shrink','shrink',2,2);
        $hbox->attach_defaults($self->build_search_box, 1,2,0,1);
    $vbox->pack_start($hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        my $buffer = $self->create_SourceView_buffer();
        my $sourceview = gen_SourceView_with_buffer($buffer);
        $sourceview->signal_connect('key-press-event' => sub { handle_key( @_,$self ) } );
#       $sourceview->set_draw_spaces(['tab', 'newline']);
    #   $sourceview->set_draw_spaces(['tab', 'newline']);
        # Fix Gtk2::TextView's annoying paste behaviour when pasting with the mouse
        # Fix TextView's annoying paste behaviour when pasting with the mouse
        # (middle button click). By default gtk will scroll the text view to the
        # (middle button click). By default gtk will scroll the text view to the
        # original place where the cursor is.
        # original place where the cursor is.
        $sourceview->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub {
        $sourceview->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub {
                my ($view, $event) = @_;
                my ($view, $event) = @_;
                # We're only interested on middle mouse clicks (mouse-paste)
                # We're only interested on middle mouse clicks (mouse-paste)
                return FALSE unless $event->button == 2;
                return FALSE unless $event->button == 2;
                # Remember the position of the paste
                # Remember the position of the paste
                my (@coords) = $sourceview->window_to_buffer_coords('text', $event->x, $event->y);
                my (@coords) = $sourceview->window_to_buffer_coords('text', $event->x, $event->y);
                my ($iter) = $sourceview->get_iter_at_position(@coords);
                my ($iter) = $sourceview->get_iter_at_position(@coords);
                $self->{paste_mark} = $buffer->create_mark('paste', $iter, FALSE);
                $self->{paste_mark} = $buffer->create_mark('paste', $iter, FALSE);
                return FALSE;
                return FALSE;
        # If a paste is done through the middle click then place the cursor at the end
        # If a paste is done through the middle click then place the cursor at the end
        # of the pasted text.
        # of the pasted text.
        $buffer->signal_connect('paste-done' => sub {
        $buffer->signal_connect('paste-done' => sub {
                my $mark = delete $self->{paste_mark} or return;
                my $mark = delete $self->{paste_mark} or return;
                my $iter = $buffer->get_iter_at_mark($mark);
                my $iter = $buffer->get_iter_at_mark($mark);
                        0.0, 0.5
                        0.0, 0.5
        $buffer->signal_connect('insert-text' => sub {
        $buffer->signal_connect('delete-range' => sub {
        my $scroll = add_widget_to_scrolled_win($sourceview);
        $vbox->pack_start($scroll, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
        $window->signal_connect(delete_event => sub {
        my $notebook = $app->source_view_notebook();
                return TRUE;
        my $close = def_button('x');
        my $box = def_hbox(FALSE,0);
        $box->pack_start($label, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
        $box->pack_start($close, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
        $notebook->append_page ($vbox,$box);
        my $n= $notebook->get_n_pages();
        #save $sourceview ref in $app
        my %srcviews;
        my $ref2 = $app->sourceview();
        if(defined $ref2){
                %srcviews =%{$ref2};
        $close->signal_connect("clicked" => sub {
                #check if the file has been modified or not
                        my $r=create_dialog ("Save changes to documnet ${name}${suffix}?","If you do'nt save, changes will be permanently lost.",$path."icons/help.png","Save","Close without saving","Cancel");
                        return if ($r eq "Cancel");
                        if ($r eq "Save"){
                $self = undef;
                my $ref =$app->open_list_ref();
                my @new =remove_scolar_from_array($ref,$filename);
        my $save = $app->ask_to_save();
        return ($table,$tview,$window);
    $save->signal_connect("clicked" => sub {
                #check if the file has been modified or not
                return if(!defined $self);
                        my $r=create_dialog ("Save changes to documnet ${name}${suffix}?"," ",$path."icons/help.png","Save","Continue without saving");
                        return if ($r eq "Continue without saving");
                        if ($r eq "Save"){
        return $self;
sub build_tree_view{
sub build_tree_view{
        my ($self,$sw)=@_;
        my ($app,$sw)=@_;
        # Directory name, full path
        # Directory name, full path
my $tree_store = Gtk2::TreeStore->new('Glib::String', 'Glib::String');
        my ($tree_store,$tree_view) =file_edit_tree();
my $tree_view = Gtk2::TreeView->new($tree_store);
my $column = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes('', Gtk2::CellRendererText->new(), text => "0");
#       $tree_view->signal_connect (button_release_event => sub{
        $tree_view->signal_connect (row_activated  => sub{
$tree_view->signal_connect (button_release_event => sub{
        my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
        my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
        my $selection = $tree_view->get_selection();
                my $selection = $tree_view->get_selection();
        my $iter = $selection->get_selected();
        my $iter = $selection->get_selected();
        if(defined $iter){
        if(defined $iter){
                my $path = $tree_model->get($iter, 1) ;
                        my $path = $tree_model->get($iter, 1) ;
                $path= substr $path, 0, -1;
                $path= substr $path, 0, -1;
                #print "open $path\n";
                #print "open $path\n";
                 $self->load_source($path) if(-f $path);
                         $app->load_source($path) if(-f $path);
$tree_view->signal_connect ('row-expanded' => sub {
        $tree_view->signal_connect ('row-expanded' => sub {
        my ($tree_view, $iter, $tree_path) = @_;
                my ($tree_view, $iter, $tree_path) = @_;
        my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
                my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
        my ($dir, $path) = $tree_model->get($iter);
                my ($dir, $path) = $tree_model->get($iter);
        # for each of $iter's children add any subdirectories
                # for each of $iter's children add any subdirectories
        my $child = $tree_model->iter_children ($iter);
        my $child = $tree_model->iter_children ($iter);
        while ($child) {
                my $r;
                while ($child && $r ==1) {
                my ($dir, $path) = $tree_model->get($child, 0, 1);
                my ($dir, $path) = $tree_model->get($child, 0, 1);
                add_to_tree($tree_view,$tree_store, $child, $dir, $path);
                add_to_tree($tree_view,$tree_store, $child, $dir, $path);
                $child = $tree_model->iter_next ($child);
                        $child=treemodel_next_iter($child , $tree_model);
                        $r=$tree_model->iter_is_valid($child) if (defined $child);
my $child = $tree_store->append(undef);
my $child = $tree_store->append(undef);
$tree_store->set($child, 0, $sw, 1, '/');
$tree_store->set($child, 0, $sw, 1, '/');
add_to_tree($tree_view,$tree_store, $child, '/', "$sw/");
add_to_tree($tree_view,$tree_store, $child, '/', "$sw/");
return ($tree_view,$tree_store);
return ($tree_view,$tree_store);
sub build_search_box {
sub build_search_box {
        my $self = shift;
        my $self = shift;
        # Elements of the search box
        # Elements of the search box
        my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE, 0);
        my $hbox = def_hbox(FALSE, 0);
        my $search_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new();
        my $search_entry = gen_entry();
        $search_entry->signal_connect(activate => sub {$self->do_search()});
        $search_entry->signal_connect(activate => sub {$self->do_search()});
        $search_entry->signal_connect(icon_release => sub {$self->do_search()});
        $search_entry->signal_connect(icon_release => sub {$self->do_search()});
        my $search_regexp = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('RegExp');
        my $search_regexp = gen_checkbutton('RegExp');
        $search_regexp->signal_connect(toggled => sub {
        $search_regexp->signal_connect(toggled => sub {
        my $search_case = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Case');
        my $search_case = gen_checkbutton('Case');
        $search_case->signal_connect(toggled => sub {
        $search_case->signal_connect(toggled => sub {
        my $search_icon = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-find');
        my $search_icon = def_image_button($path."icons/browse.png");
        $search_entry->set_icon_from_stock(primary => 'gtk-find');
        $search_entry->set_icon_from_stock(primary => 'gtk-find');
        $hbox->pack_start($search_entry, TRUE, TRUE , 0);
        $hbox->pack_start($search_entry, TRUE, TRUE , 0);
        $hbox->pack_start($search_regexp, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        $hbox->pack_start($search_regexp, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        $hbox->pack_start($search_case, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        $hbox->pack_start($search_case, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
        return $hbox;
        return $hbox;
sub refresh_source {
        my $app = shift;
        my ($filename) = abs_path(@_);
        my $ref =$app->open_list_ref();
        my @open_list;
        @open_list = @{$ref} if(defined $ref);
        #check if the file is opend before activate its notebook win, remove its content
        my $pos=get_scolar_pos ($filename,@open_list);
        my $self;
        if (defined $pos){
                my $notebook = $app->source_view_notebook();
                my $ref = $app->sourceview();
                if(defined $ref){
                        my %srcviews =%{$ref};
                        my $n = $notebook->get_current_page;
                }else {
        else {
sub create_buffer {
        my $self = shift;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $tags = Gtk2::TextTagTable->new();
        add_tag($tags, search => {
        # Guess the programming language of the file
                        background => 'yellow',
        add_tag($tags, goto_line => {
                        'paragraph-background' => 'orange',
        my $buffer = Gtk2::SourceView2::Buffer->new($tags);
        # Loading a file should not be undoable.
        $buffer->signal_connect('notify::cursor-position' => sub {
        my $content;
        do {
                open my $handle, $filename or die "Can't read file $filename because $!";
                local $/;
                $content = <$handle>;
                close $handle;
        return $buffer;
sub add_tag {
        my $notebook = $app->source_view_notebook();
        my ($tags, $name, $properties) = @_;
        my $tag = Gtk2::TextTag->new($name);
        $tag->set(%{ $properties });
        #$self->window->set_title("$filename - $NAME");
sub detect_language {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($filename) = @_;
        # Guess the programming language of the file
        my $manager = Gtk2::SourceView2::LanguageManager->get_default;
        my $language = $manager->guess_language($filename);
sub load_source {
sub load_source {
        my $self = shift;
        my $app = shift;
        my ($filename) = @_;
        my ($filename) = abs_path(@_);
        my $ref =$app->open_list_ref();
        my @open_list;
        @open_list = @{$ref} if(defined $ref);
        #check if the file is opend before activate its notebook win
        my $pos=get_scolar_pos ($filename,@open_list);
        if (defined $pos){
                my $notebook = $app->source_view_notebook();
        #create a new source view and load the file there
        my $self=new_source_view($app,"$filename");
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        # Guess the programming language of the file
        # Guess the programming language of the file
        # Loading a file should not be undoable.
        # Loading a file should not be undoable.
        my $content;
        my $content;
        do {
        do {
                open my $handle, $filename or die "Can't read file $filename because $!";
                open my $handle, $filename or die "Can't read file $filename because $!";
                local $/;
                local $/;
                $content = <$handle>;
                $content = <$handle>;
                close $handle;
                close $handle;
        $self->window->set_title("$filename - $NAME");
        my $notebook = $app->source_view_notebook();
        #$self->window->set_title("$filename - $NAME");
sub clear_highlighted {
sub clear_highlighted {
        my $self = shift;
        my $self = shift;
        my $highlighted = delete $self->{highlighted} or return;
        my $highlighted = delete $self->{highlighted} or return;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my @iters;
        my @iters;
        foreach my $mark (@{ $highlighted->{marks} }) {
        foreach my $mark (@{ $highlighted->{marks} }) {
                my $iter = $buffer->get_iter_at_mark($mark);
                my $iter = $buffer->get_iter_at_mark($mark);
                push @iters, $iter;
                push @iters, $iter;
        $buffer->remove_tag_by_name($highlighted->{name}, @iters);
        $buffer->remove_tag_by_name($highlighted->{name}, @iters);
sub get_text {
sub get_text {
        my $self = shift;
        my $self = shift;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        return $buffer->get_text($buffer->get_start_iter, $buffer->get_end_iter, FALSE);
        return $buffer->get_text($buffer->get_start_iter, $buffer->get_end_iter, FALSE);
sub do_search {
sub do_search {
        my $self = shift;
        my $self = shift;
        my $criteria = $self->search_entry->get_text;
        my $criteria = $self->search_entry->get_text;
        if ($criteria eq '') {return;}
        if ($criteria eq '') {return;}
        my $case = $self->search_case;
        my $case = $self->search_case;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        # Start the search at the last search result or from the current cursor's
        # Start the search at the last search result or from the current cursor's
        # position. As a fall back we also add the beginning of the document. Once we
        # position. As a fall back we also add the beginning of the document. Once we
        # have the start position we can erase the previous search results.
        # have the start position we can erase the previous search results.
        my @start;
        my @start;
        if (my $highlighted = $self->highlighted) {
        if (my $highlighted = $self->highlighted) {
                # Search from the last match
                # Search from the last match
                push @start, $buffer->get_iter_at_mark($highlighted->{marks}[1]);
                push @start, $buffer->get_iter_at_mark($highlighted->{marks}[1]);
        else {
        else {
                # Search from the cursor
                # Search from the cursor
                push @start, $buffer->get_iter_at_offset(
                push @start, $buffer->get_iter_at_offset(
        push @start, $buffer->get_start_iter;
        push @start, $buffer->get_start_iter;
        my @iters;
        my @iters;
        if ($self->search_regexp) {
        #if ($self->search_regexp) {
                # Gtk2::SourceView2 nor Gtk2::SourceView support regular expressions so we
                # SourceView does not support regular expressions so we
                # have to do the search by hand!
                # have to do the search by hand!
                my $text = $self->get_text;
                my $text = $self->get_text;
                my $regexp = $case ? qr/$criteria/m : qr/$criteria/im;
                my $regexp;
                if ($self->search_regexp){
                        $regexp = $case ? qr/$criteria/m : qr/$criteria/im;
                }else {
                        $regexp = $case ? qr/\Q${criteria}\E/m : qr/\Q${criteria}\E/im;
                foreach my $iter (@start) {
                foreach my $iter (@start) {
                        # Tell Perl where to start the regexp lookup
                        # Tell Perl where to start the regexp lookup
                        pos($text) = $iter->get_offset;
                        pos($text) = $iter->get_offset;
                        if ($text =~ /($regexp)/g) {
                        if ($text =~ /($regexp)/g) {
                                my $word = $1;
                                my $word = $1;
                                my $pos = pos($text);
                                my $pos = pos($text);
                                @iters = (
                                @iters = (
                                        $buffer->get_iter_at_offset($pos - length($word)),
                                        $buffer->get_iter_at_offset($pos - length($word)),
        else {
        else {
                # Use the builtin search mechanism
                # Use the builtin search mechanism
                my $flags = $case ? [ ] : [ 'case-insensitive' ];
                my $flags = $case ? [ ] : [ 'case-insensitive' ];
                foreach my $iter (@start) {
                foreach my $iter (@start) {
                        @iters = Gtk2::SourceView2::Iter->forward_search($iter, $criteria, $flags);
                        #@iters = Gtk3::SourceView::Iter->forward_search($iter, $criteria, $flags);
                        last if @iters;
                        last if @iters;
        $self->show_highlighted(search => @iters) if @iters;
        $self->show_highlighted(search => @iters) if @iters;
sub show_highlighted {
sub show_highlighted {
        my $self = shift;
        my $self = shift;
        my ($tag_name, $start, $end) = @_;
        my ($tag_name, $start, $end) = @_;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        # Highlight the region, remember it and scroll to it
        # Highlight the region, remember it and scroll to it
        my $match_start = $buffer->create_mark('match-start', $start, TRUE);
        my $match_start = $buffer->create_mark('match-start', $start, TRUE);
        my $match_end = $buffer->create_mark('match-end', $end, FALSE);
        my $match_end = $buffer->create_mark('match-end', $end, FALSE);
        $buffer->apply_tag_by_name($tag_name, $start, $end);
        $buffer->apply_tag_by_name($tag_name, $start, $end);
        # We have a callback that listens to when the cursor is placed and we don't
        # We have a callback that listens to when the cursor is placed and we don't
        # want it to undo our work! So let's unhighlight the previous entry.
        # want it to undo our work! So let's unhighlight the previous entry.
        delete $self->{highlighted};
        delete $self->{highlighted};
                0.0, 0.5
                0.0, 0.5
        # Keep a reference to the markers once they have been added to the buffer.
        # Keep a reference to the markers once they have been added to the buffer.
        # Using them before can be catastrophic (segmenation fault).
        # Using them before can be catastrophic (segmenation fault).
                name  => $tag_name,
                name  => $tag_name,
                marks => [$match_start, $match_end],
                marks => [$match_start, $match_end],
sub do_file_new {
sub do_file_new {
        my ($self,$sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs) = @_;
        my ($self,$sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app) = @_;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $dialog = save_file_dialog('New file');
        if(defined  $sw){
                $dialog->set_current_folder ($sw);
                #print "open_in:$sw\n";
        # Set no language
        # Showing a blank editor should not be undoable.
        my $response = $dialog->run();
        if ($response eq 'ok') {
                my $file=$dialog->get_filename;
                ($tree_view,$tree_store) =$app->build_tree_view($sw);
sub do_remove{
        my ($self,$sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app) = @_;
        my $fname  = $self->filename;
        my $r = yes_no_dialog ("Are you sure you want to permanently delete $fname file?");
        return if $r eq 'no';
        unlink $fname;
        ($tree_view,$tree_store) =$app->build_tree_view($sw);
        $self->window->set_title("Untitled - $NAME");
sub do_file_open {
sub do_file_open {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($self,$sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app) = @_;
        my ($window, $action, $menu_item) = @_;
        my $dialog = Gtk2::FileSelection->new("Open file...");
        my $dialog = gen_file_dialog("Open file...");
        $dialog->signal_connect(response => sub {
        $dialog->signal_connect(response => sub {
                my ($dialog, $response) = @_;
                my ($dialog, $response) = @_;
                if ($response eq 'ok') {
                if ($response eq 'ok') {
                        my $file = $dialog->get_filename;
                        my $file = $dialog->get_filename;
                        return if -d $file;
                        return if -d $file;
sub do_show_about_dialog {
sub do_show_about_dialog {
        my $self = shift;
        my $dialog = Gtk2::AboutDialog->new();
        $dialog->set_authors("Emmanuel Rodriguez");
        $dialog->set_comments("Gtk2::SourceView2 Demo");
        $dialog->signal_connect(response => sub {
                my ($dialog, $response) = @_;
sub do_ask_goto_line {
sub do_ask_goto_line {
        my $self = shift;
        my $self = shift;
        my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog->new_with_buttons(
        my $dialog=new_dialog_with_buttons($self);
                "Goto to line",
                [ 'modal' ],
                'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
                'gtk-ok'     => 'ok',
        my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new(FALSE, 0);
        my $hbox =def_hbox(FALSE, 0);
                Gtk2::Label->new("Line number: "),
                gen_label_in_left("Line number: "),
                FALSE, FALSE, 0
                FALSE, FALSE, 0
        my $entry = Gtk2::Entry->new();
        my $entry = gen_entry();
        $hbox->pack_start($entry, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
        $hbox->pack_start($entry, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
        # Signal handlers
        # Signal handlers
        $entry->signal_connect(activate => sub {
        $entry->signal_connect(activate => sub {
                if ($entry->get_text =~ /(\d+)/) {
                if ($entry->get_text =~ /(\d+)/) {
        # Run the dialog
        # Run the dialog
        my $response = $dialog->run();
        my $response = $dialog->run();
        return unless $response eq 'ok';
        return unless $response eq 'ok';
        return unless my ($line) = ($entry->get_text =~ /(\d+)/);
        return unless my ($line) = ($entry->get_text =~ /(\d+)/);
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $start = $buffer->get_iter_at_line($line - 1);
        my $start = $buffer->get_iter_at_line($line - 1);
        my $end = $start->copy;
        my $end = $start->copy;
        $self->show_highlighted(goto_line => $start, $end);
        $self->show_highlighted(goto_line => $start, $end);
sub do_quit {
sub do_quit {
        my ($self,$window) = @_;
        my ($self,$window) = @_;
sub do_save_as {
sub do_save_as {
        my ($self,$sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs) = @_;
        my ($self,$sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app) = @_;
        # If no file is associated with the editor then ask the user for a file where
        # If no file is associated with the editor then ask the user for a file where
        # to save the contents of the buffer.
        # to save the contents of the buffer.
        my $dialog = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
        my $dialog = save_file_dialog('Save file');
                "Save file", $self->window, 'save',
                'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
                'gtk-save'   => 'ok',
        if(defined  $sw){
        if(defined  $sw){
                $dialog->set_current_folder ($sw);
                $dialog->set_current_folder ($sw);
                #print "open_in:$sw\n";
                #print "open_in:$sw\n";
        my $response = $dialog->run();
        my $response = $dialog->run();
        if ($response eq 'ok') {
        if ($response eq 'ok') {
                my $file=$dialog->get_filename;
                my $file=$dialog->get_filename;
                my $buffer = $self->buffer;
                open my $handle, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file or die "Can't write to $file: $!";
                print $handle $self->get_text;
                close $handle;
                ($tree_view,$tree_store) =$self->build_tree_view($sw);
                ($tree_view,$tree_store) =$app->build_tree_view($sw);
sub do_save {
sub do_save {
        my $self = shift;
        my $self = shift;
        my $filename = $self->filename;
        my $filename = $self->filename;
        # If there's no file then do a save as...
        # If there's no file then do a save as...
        if (! $filename) {
        if (! $filename) {
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        open my $handle, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename or die "Can't write to $filename: $!";
        open my $handle, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename or die "Can't write to $filename: $!";
        print $handle $self->get_text;
        print $handle $self->get_text;
        close $handle;
        close $handle;
        if (! $buffer->get_language) {
        if (! $buffer->get_language) {
sub set_source_label_modified{
        my ($self,$is_modified)=@_;
        my $buffer = $self->buffer;
        my $label=$self->label();
    my $fname = $self->filename;
    my ($name,$p,$suffix) = fileparse("$fname",qr"\..[^.]*$");
    if ($is_modified ==TRUE){
        $label->set_markup("<span  foreground= 'black' ><b>*${name}${suffix}</b></span>");
        $label->set_markup("<span  foreground= 'black' >${name}${suffix}</span>");
sub build_menu {
sub build_menu {
        my ($self,$sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs) = @_;
        my ($self,$sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app) = @_;
 my @menu_items = (
  [ "/_File",            undef,        undef,          0, "<Branch>" ],
  [ "/File/_New",       "<control>N", sub { $self->do_file_new($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app); },  0,  undef ],
  [ "/File/_Open",      "<control>O", sub { $self->do_file_open($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app) },  0, undef  ],
  [ "/File/_Save",      "<control>S", sub { $self->do_save($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app)      },  0, undef  ],
  [ "/File/_SaveAs",    "<control><shift>S", sub { $self->do_save_as($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app)} , 0, undef],
  [ "/File/_Delete",    "<control>D", sub { $self->do_remove($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app)} , 0, undef],
  [ "/File/_Quit",              "<control>Q", sub { $self->do_quit($window) },  0, undef  ],
  [ "/_Search",           undef,        undef,          0, "<Branch>" ],
  [ "/Search/_Goto a Line",  "<control>L",      sub { $self->do_ask_goto_line($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app)},  0, undef  ],
  [ "/_Help",           undef,          undef,          0,       "<Branch>" ],
  [ "/_Help/_About",    "F1",           sub { $self->do_show_about_dialog($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs,$app) } ,      0,       undef ],
        my $entries = [
                # name, stock id, label
                [ "FileMenu",  undef, "_File" ],
                [ "SearchMenu",  undef, "_Search" ],
                [ "HelpMenu",  undef, "_Help" ],
                # name, stock id, label, accelerator, tooltip, method
                        "Create a new file",
                        sub { $self->do_file_new($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs) }
                        "Open a file",
                        sub { $self->do_file_open(@_) }
                        "Save current file",
                        sub { $self->do_save(@_) }
                        "Save _As...",
                        "Save to a file",
                        sub { $self->do_save_as($sw,$window,$tree_view,$tree_store,$scwin_dirs) }
                        sub { $self->do_quit($window) }
                        sub { $self->do_show_about_dialog(@_) }
                        "Goto to _Line",
                        "Go to line",
                        sub { $self->do_ask_goto_line(@_) }
        my $actions = Gtk2::ActionGroup->new("Actions");
        $actions->add_actions($entries, undef);
        my $ui = Gtk2::UIManager->new();
        $ui->insert_action_group($actions, 0);
        <menubar name='MenuBar'>
                <menu action='FileMenu'>
                        <menuitem action='New'/>
                        <menuitem action='Open'/>
                        <menuitem action='Save'/>
                        <menuitem action='SaveAs'/>
                        <menuitem action='Quit'/>
                <menu action='SearchMenu'>
                        <menuitem action='GotoLine'/>
                <menu action='HelpMenu'>
                        <menuitem action='About'/>
        return $ui->get_widget('/MenuBar');
        return gen_MenuBar($window,@menu_items);
sub add_to_tree {
sub add_to_tree {
 my ($tree_view,$tree_store, $parent, $dir, $path) = @_;
 my ($tree_view,$tree_store, $parent, $dir, $path) = @_;
my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
# If $parent already has children, then remove them first
# If $parent already has children, then remove them first
 my $child = $tree_model->iter_children ($parent);
 my $child = $tree_model->iter_children ($parent);
 while ($child) {
 while ($child) {
  $tree_store->remove ($child);
  $tree_store->remove ($child);
  $child = $tree_model->iter_children ($parent);
  $child = $tree_model->iter_children ($parent);
# Add children from directory listing
# Add children from directory listing
 opendir(DIRHANDLE, $path) || return ; #die "Cannot open directory:$path $!\n";
 opendir(DIRHANDLE, $path) || return ; #die "Cannot open directory:$path $!\n";
 foreach my $subdir (sort readdir(DIRHANDLE)) {
 foreach my $subdir (sort readdir(DIRHANDLE)) {
  if ($subdir ne '.' and $subdir ne '..'
  if ($subdir ne '.' and $subdir ne '..'
                                   # and -d $path.$subdir and -r $path.$subdir
                                   # and -d $path.$subdir and -r $path.$subdir
) {
) {
   my $child = $tree_store->append($parent);
   my $child = $tree_store->append($parent);
   $tree_store->set($child, 0, $subdir, 1, "$path$subdir/");
   $tree_store->set($child, 0, $subdir, 1, "$path$subdir/");
# Directory expanded. Populate subdirectories in readiness.
# Directory expanded. Populate subdirectories in readiness.
sub populate_tree {
sub populate_treeo {
# $iter has been expanded
# $iter has been expanded
 my ($tree_view,$tree_store, $iter, $tree_path) = @_;
 my ($tree_view,$tree_store, $iter, $tree_path) = @_;
 my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
 my $tree_model = $tree_view->get_model();
 my ($dir, $path) = $tree_model->get($iter);
 my ($dir, $path) = $tree_model->get($iter);
# for each of $iter's children add any subdirectories
# for each of $iter's children add any subdirectories
 my $child = $tree_model->iter_children ($iter);
 my $child = $tree_model->iter_children ($iter);
 while ($child) {
 while ($child) {
  my ($dir, $path) = $tree_model->get($child, 0, 1);
  my ($dir, $path) = $tree_model->get($child, 0, 1);
  add_to_tree($tree_view,$tree_store, $child, $dir, $path);
  add_to_tree($tree_view,$tree_store, $child, $dir, $path);
  $child = $tree_model->iter_next ($child);
  $child = $tree_model->iter_next ($child);
sub run_make_file {
sub run_make_file {
        my ($dir,$outtext, $args)=@_;
        my ($dir,$outtext, $args)=@_;
        my $cmd =       (defined $args) ? "cd \"$dir/\" \n  make $args" :  "cd \"$dir/\" \n  make ";
        my $cmd =       (defined $args) ? "cd \"$dir/\" \n  make $args" :  "cd \"$dir/\" \n  make ";
        my $error=0;
        my $error=0;
        my ($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout( $cmd);
        my ($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout( $cmd);
        #($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout( $cmd);
        #($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout( $cmd);
                        $stderr=~ s/[‘,’]//g;
                        $stderr=~ s/[‘,’]//g;
                add_colored_info(\$outtext,"Compilation failed.\n",'red');
                add_colored_info($outtext,"Compilation failed.\n",'red');
                print " failed!\n";
                return 0;
                return 0;
                if($stderr){ #probebly had warning
                if($stderr){ #probebly had warning
                        $stderr=~ s/[‘,’]//g;
                        $stderr=~ s/[‘,’]//g;
                add_colored_info(\$outtext,"Compilation finished successfully.\n",'blue');
                add_colored_info($outtext,"Compilation finished successfully.\n",'blue');
                print " successful!\n";
                return 1;
                return 1;
        #add_info(\$outtext,"**********Quartus compilation is done successfully in $target_dir!*************\n") if($error==0);
        #add_info($outtext,"**********Quartus compilation is done successfully in $target_dir!*************\n") if($error==0);
sub handle_key {
    my ($widget, $event, $self) = @_;
    my $key = get_pressed_key ($event);
    my $buffer = $widget->get_buffer();
    if ( ($key eq 'f') && control_pressed( $event ) ) {
        my ($start, $end) = $buffer->get_selection_bounds;
        if (defined $start && defined $end){
                my $string = $buffer->get_text ($start, $end, 0);
                #print "CTRL+F copy $string to serach box\n";
    return FALSE; # FALSE -> means propagate key further
sub control_pressed {
    my ( $event ) = @_;
    return $event->state & 'control-mask';

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