#!/usr/bin/perl -w package ProNOC; use Getopt::Std; # perl verify.pl [model-name] p min max step use File::Copy::Recursive qw(dircopy); use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use Data::Dumper; use File::Find::Rule; #add home dir in perl 5.6 use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use constant::boolean; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast'; # declare the perl command line flags/options we want to allow my %options=(); getopts("hp:u:l:s:m:d:", \%options); # test for the existence of the options on the command line. # in a normal program you'd do more than just print these. # other things found on the command line print "Other things found on the command line:\n" if $ARGV[0]; foreach (@ARGV) { print "$_\n"; } if (defined $options{h} ) { print " Usage: perl verify.pl [options] -h show this help -p : Enter the number of parallel simulations or compilations. The default value is 4. -u : Enter the maximum injection ratio in %. Default is 80 -l : Enter the minimum injection ratio in %. Default is 5 -s : Enter the injection step increase ratio in %. Default value is 25. -d : The dir name where the simulation models configuration files are located in. The default dir is \"models\" -m : Enter the simulation model name in simulation dir. If the simulation model name is not provided, it runs the simulation for all existing models. "; exit; } my $paralel_run= 4; #defne minimum , maximum and increasing step of injection ratio my ($MIN,$MAX,$STEP)= (5,80,25); my $model_dir="models"; my @models; $paralel_run=$options{p} if defined $options{p}; $MAX = $options{u} if defined $options{u}; $MIN = $options{l} if defined $options{l}; $STEP = $options{s} if defined $options{s}; $model_dir = $options{d} if defined $options{d}; if (defined $options{m}){ @models = split(",",$options{m}); } __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw{ models }); my $app = __PACKAGE__->new(); my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__); require "$dirname/src/src.pl"; my @inputs =($paralel_run,$MIN,$MAX,$STEP,$model_dir); print "Maximum number of parallel simulation is $paralel_run.\n The injection ratio is set as MIN=$MIN,MAX=$MAX,STEP=$STEP.\n"; print "\t The simulation models are taken from $model_dir\n"; if (defined $options{m}){ foreach my $p (@models ){ print "\t\t$p\n";} } my @log_report_match =("Error","Warning" ); save_file ("$dirname/report","Verification Results:\n"); recompile_synful(); copy_src_files(); gen_models(\@models,\@inputs); compile_models($app,\@inputs,\@models); check_compilation($app,\@log_report_match,\@inputs,\@models); run_all_models($app,\@inputs,\@models); print "done!\n"

Error running this command: diff -w -U 5 "" "/tmp/vfmvkg"

diff: : No such file or directory