####################################################################### ## File: lm32.IP ## ## Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Alireza Monemi ## ## This file is part of ProNoC 1.9.1 ## ## WARNING: THIS IS AN AUTO-GENERATED FILE. CHANGES TO IT ## MAY CAUSE UNEXPECTED BEHAIVOR. ################################################################################ $ipgen = bless( { 'version' => 5, 'gui_status' => { 'timeout' => 0, 'status' => 'ideal' }, 'ports_order' => [ 'clk_i', 'rst_i', 'en_i', 'interrupt', 'I_DAT_I', 'I_ACK_I', 'I_ERR_I', 'I_RTY_I', 'I_DAT_O', 'I_ADR_O', 'I_CYC_O', 'I_SEL_O', 'I_STB_O', 'I_WE_O', 'I_CTI_O', 'I_BTE_O', 'D_DAT_I', 'D_ACK_I', 'D_ERR_I', 'D_RTY_I', 'D_DAT_O', 'D_ADR_O', 'D_CYC_O', 'D_SEL_O', 'D_STB_O', 'D_WE_O', 'D_CTI_O', 'D_BTE_O' ], 'ip_name' => 'lm32', 'description' => 'The LatticeMico32 is a 32-bit Harvard, RISC architecture "soft" microprocessor, available for free with an open IP core licensing agreement. for more information vist: http://www.latticesemi.com/en/Products/DesignSoftwareAndIP/IntellectualProperty/IPCore/IPCores02/LatticeMico32.aspx', 'plugs' => { 'enable' => { 'type' => 'num', 'enable' => {}, 'value' => 1, '0' => { 'name' => 'enable' } }, 'clk' => { 'clk' => {}, 'value' => 1, '0' => { 'name' => 'clk' }, 'type' => 'num' }, 'wb_master' => { '1' => { 'name' => 'dwb' }, '0' => { 'name' => 'iwb' }, 'value' => 2, 'type' => 'num', 'wb_master' => {} }, 'reset' => { 'value' => 1, '1' => { 'name' => 'reset_1' }, '0' => { 'name' => 'reset' }, 'reset' => {}, 'type' => 'num' } }, 'ports' => { 'D_CYC_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_port' => 'cyc_o', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]' }, 'I_WE_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'range' => '', 'intfc_port' => 'we_o' }, 'I_DAT_O' => { 'intfc_port' => 'dat_o', 'range' => '(32-1):0', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'type' => 'output' }, 'rst_i' => { 'type' => 'input', 'intfc_port' => 'reset_i', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]' }, 'D_ERR_I' => { 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'intfc_port' => 'err_i', 'type' => 'input' }, 'D_CTI_O' => { 'intfc_port' => 'cti_o', 'range' => '(3-1):0', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'type' => 'output' }, 'en_i' => { 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'enable_i', 'type' => 'input' }, 'I_ERR_I' => { 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'err_i', 'type' => 'input' }, 'clk_i' => { 'type' => 'input', 'intfc_port' => 'clk_i', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]' }, 'I_ACK_I' => { 'intfc_port' => 'ack_i', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'type' => 'input' }, 'I_ADR_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_port' => 'adr_o', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'range' => '(32-1):0' }, 'D_ADR_O' => { 'intfc_port' => 'adr_o', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'range' => '(32-1):0', 'type' => 'output' }, 'D_STB_O' => { 'intfc_port' => 'stb_o', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'type' => 'output' }, 'I_RTY_I' => { 'intfc_port' => 'rty_i', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'type' => 'input' }, 'interrupt' => { 'type' => 'input', 'intfc_port' => 'int_i', 'intfc_name' => 'socket:interrupt_peripheral[array]', 'range' => '(32-1):0' }, 'D_BTE_O' => { 'range' => '(2-1):0', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'intfc_port' => 'bte_o', 'type' => 'output' }, 'D_RTY_I' => { 'intfc_port' => 'rty_i', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'type' => 'input' }, 'I_CTI_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_port' => 'cti_o', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'range' => '(3-1):0' }, 'D_WE_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_port' => 'we_o', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'range' => '' }, 'I_CYC_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_port' => 'cyc_o', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]' }, 'D_DAT_I' => { 'type' => 'input', 'intfc_port' => 'dat_i', 'range' => '(32-1):0', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]' }, 'I_SEL_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_port' => 'sel_o', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'range' => '(4-1):0' }, 'I_BTE_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'range' => '(2-1):0', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'bte_o' }, 'I_STB_O' => { 'intfc_port' => 'stb_o', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'type' => 'output' }, 'D_ACK_I' => { 'intfc_port' => 'ack_i', 'range' => '', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'type' => 'input' }, 'D_SEL_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_port' => 'sel_o', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'range' => '(4-1):0' }, 'D_DAT_O' => { 'type' => 'output', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[1]', 'range' => '(32-1):0', 'intfc_port' => 'dat_o' }, 'I_DAT_I' => { 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]', 'range' => '(32-1):0', 'intfc_port' => 'dat_i', 'type' => 'input' } }, 'hdl_files' => [ '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/er1.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/JTAGB.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/jtag_lm32.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_adder.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_addsub.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_cpu.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_dcache.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_debug.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_decoder.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_functions.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_icache.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_include.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_instruction_unit.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_interrupt.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_jtag.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_load_store_unit.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_logic_op.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_mc_arithmetic.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_monitor.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_multiplier.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_ram.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_shifter.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_simtrace.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32_top.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/spiprog.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/system_conf.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/typea.v', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/typeb.v' ], 'unused' => { 'plug:wb_master[0]' => [ 'tag_o' ], 'plug:wb_master[1]' => [ 'tag_o' ] }, 'module_name' => 'lm32', 'parameters_order' => [ 'INTR_NUM', 'BARREL_SHIFT', 'SIGN_EXTEND', 'BARREL_SHIFT', 'MULTIPLIER_TYPE', 'DIVIDOR_TYPE', 'INSTRUCTION_CACHE', 'ICACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY', 'ICACHE_SETS', 'DATA_CACHE', 'DCACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY', 'DCACHE_SETS' ], 'system_c' => '#include "lm32/lm32_system.c"', 'category' => 'Processor', 'modules' => { 'lm32' => {} }, 'gen_sw_files' => [ '/mpsoc/src_processor/new_lm32/sw/cpu_flags_genfrename_sep_tcpu_flags' ], 'gen_hw_files' => [ '/mpsoc/src_processor/new_lm32/config/lm32_config_gen.vfrename_sep_tlib/lm32_config.v' ], 'sw_files' => [ '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/sw/lm32', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/sw/linker.ld', '/mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/sw/Makefile' ], 'parameters' => { 'INTR_NUM' => { 'redefine_param' => 1, 'type' => 'Fixed', 'global_param' => 'Localparam', 'content' => '', 'default' => '32', 'info' => undef }, 'SIGN_EXTEND' => { 'content' => 'ENABLED,DISABLED', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'type' => 'Combo-box', 'redefine_param' => 1, 'info' => 'Enable sign-extension instructions', 'default' => 'ENABLED' }, 'INSTRUCTION_CACHE' => { 'default' => 'ENABLED', 'info' => 'Enable/Disable Instruction cache', 'redefine_param' => 1, 'type' => 'Combo-box', 'content' => 'ENABLED,DISABLED', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include' }, 'BARREL_SHIFT' => { 'content' => 'MULTI_CYCLE,PIPE_LINE,NONE', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'type' => 'Combo-box', 'redefine_param' => 1, 'info' => 'Shifter You may either enable the piplined or the multi-cycle barrel shifter. The multi-cycle shifter will stall the pipeline until the result is available after 32 cycles. If both options are disabled, only "right shift by one bit" is available.', 'default' => 'PIPE_LINE' }, 'DCACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY' => { 'redefine_param' => 1, 'type' => 'Combo-box', 'content' => '1,2,4,8', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'default' => '1', 'info' => 'Data cache assocativity number ' }, 'DIVIDOR_TYPE' => { 'info' => ' Enable the multi-cycle divider. Stalls the pipe until the result is ready after 32 cycles. If disabled, the divide operation is not supported.', 'default' => 'MULTI_CYCLE', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'content' => 'MULTI_CYCLE,NONE', 'type' => 'Combo-box', 'redefine_param' => 1 }, 'MULTIPLIER_TYPE' => { 'info' => '// Multiplier The multiplier is available either in a multi-cycle version or in a pipelined one. The multi-cycle multiplier stalls the pipe for 32 cycles. If both options are disabled, multiply operations are not supported.', 'default' => 'PIPE_LINE', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'content' => 'MULTI_CYCLE,PIPE_LINE,NONE', 'type' => 'Combo-box', 'redefine_param' => 1 }, 'DATA_CACHE' => { 'redefine_param' => 1, 'type' => 'Combo-box', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'content' => 'ENABLED,DISABLED', 'default' => 'ENABLED', 'info' => 'Enable/Disable the data cache' }, 'DCACHE_SETS' => { 'info' => ' Number of sets', 'default' => '256', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'content' => '128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8119,16384', 'redefine_param' => 1, 'type' => 'Combo-box' }, 'ICACHE_ASSOCIATIVITY' => { 'info' => 'Istruction cache assocativity number ', 'default' => '1', 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'content' => '1,2,4,8', 'redefine_param' => 1, 'type' => 'Combo-box' }, 'ICACHE_SETS' => { 'type' => 'Combo-box', 'redefine_param' => 1, 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include', 'content' => '128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8119,16384', 'default' => '256', 'info' => ' Number of sets' } }, 'system_h' => '#include "lm32/lm32_system.h" static inline void nop (void) { asm volatile ("nop"); }', 'sockets' => { 'interrupt_peripheral' => { 'connection_num' => 'single connection', 'type' => 'param', 'interrupt_peripheral' => {}, '0' => { 'name' => 'interrupt_peripheral' }, 'value' => 'INTR_NUM' } }, 'file_name' => 'mpsoc/src_processor/lm32/verilog/src/lm32.v' }, 'ip_gen' );

Error running this command: diff -w -U 5 "/tmp/CI4UAS" ""

diff: : No such file or directory