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--  This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY
--  Copyright (C) 2003, Gaisler Research
--  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
-- Entity: 	greth
-- File:	greth.vhd
-- Author:	Marko Isomaki 
-- Description:	Ethernet Media Access Controller with Ethernet Debug
--              Communication Link
library ieee;
library grlib;
library gaisler; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use grlib.stdlib.all;
use grlib.amba.all;
use grlib.devices.all;
library techmap;
use techmap.gencomp.all;
use gaisler.ethernet_mac.all;
use gaisler.misc.all;
library eth;
use eth.ethcomp.all;
entity greth is
    hindex         : integer := 0;
    pindex         : integer := 0;
    paddr          : integer := 0;
    pmask          : integer := 16#FFF#;
    pirq           : integer := 0;
    memtech        : integer := 0;
    ifg_gap        : integer := 24; 
    attempt_limit  : integer := 16;
    backoff_limit  : integer := 10;
    slot_time      : integer := 128;
    mdcscaler      : integer range 0 to 255 := 25; 
    enable_mdio    : integer range 0 to 1 := 0;
    fifosize       : integer range 4 to 512 := 8;
    nsync          : integer range 1 to 2 := 2;
    edcl           : integer range 0 to 2 := 0;
    edclbufsz      : integer range 1 to 64 := 1;
    macaddrh       : integer := 16#00005E#;
    macaddrl       : integer := 16#000000#;
    ipaddrh        : integer := 16#c0a8#;
    ipaddrl        : integer := 16#0035#;
    phyrstadr      : integer range 0 to 32 := 0;
    rmii           : integer range 0 to 1  := 0;
    oepol	   : integer range 0 to 1  := 0; 
    scanen	   : integer range 0 to 1  := 0;
    ft             : integer range 0 to 1 := 0);
    rst            : in  std_ulogic;
    clk            : in  std_ulogic;
    ahbmi          : in  ahb_mst_in_type;
    ahbmo          : out ahb_mst_out_type;
    apbi           : in  apb_slv_in_type;
    apbo           : out apb_slv_out_type;
    ethi           : in  eth_in_type;
    etho           : out eth_out_type
end entity;
architecture rtl of greth is
  function getfifosize(edcl, fifosize, ebufsize : in integer) return integer is
    if (edcl /= 0) and (ebufsize > fifosize) then
      return ebufsize;
      return fifosize;
    end if;
  end function;
  constant fabits          : integer := log2(fifosize);
  type szvct is array (0 to 6) of integer;
  constant ebuf       : szvct   := (64, 128, 128, 256, 256, 256, 256);
  constant eabits     : integer := log2(edclbufsz) + 8;
  constant bufsize    : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) :=
                       conv_std_logic_vector(log2(edclbufsz), 3);
  constant ebufsize   : integer := ebuf(log2(edclbufsz));
  constant txfifosize : integer := getfifosize(edcl, fifosize, ebufsize);
  constant txfabits   : integer := log2(txfifosize);
  constant REVISION : amba_version_type := 0;
  constant pconfig : apb_config_type := (
    0 => ahb_device_reg ( VENDOR_GAISLER, GAISLER_ETHMAC, 0, REVISION, pirq),
    1 => apb_iobar(paddr, pmask));
  constant hconfig : ahb_config_type := (
    0 => ahb_device_reg ( VENDOR_GAISLER, GAISLER_ETHMAC, 0, revision, 0),
    others => zero32);
  signal irq          : std_ulogic;
  --rx ahb fifo
  signal rxrenable    : std_ulogic;
  signal rxraddress   : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
  signal rxwrite      : std_ulogic;
  signal rxwdata      : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal rxwaddress   : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
  signal rxrdata      : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);    
  --tx ahb fifo
  signal txrenable    : std_ulogic;
  signal txraddress   : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
  signal txwrite      : std_ulogic;
  signal txwdata      : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal txwaddress   : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
  signal txrdata      : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  --edcl buf     
  signal erenable     : std_ulogic;
  signal eraddress    : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal ewritem      : std_ulogic;
  signal ewritel      : std_ulogic;
  signal ewaddressm   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal ewaddressl   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal ewdata       : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal erdata       : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal lmdio_oe     : std_ulogic;
  ethc0: grethc 
    generic map(
      ifg_gap        => ifg_gap,
      attempt_limit  => attempt_limit,
      backoff_limit  => backoff_limit,
      mdcscaler      => mdcscaler,
      enable_mdio    => enable_mdio,
      fifosize       => fifosize,
      nsync          => nsync,
      edcl           => edcl,
      edclbufsz      => edclbufsz,
      macaddrh       => macaddrh,
      macaddrl       => macaddrl,
      ipaddrh        => ipaddrh,
      ipaddrl        => ipaddrl,
      phyrstadr      => phyrstadr,
      rmii           => rmii,
      oepol	     => oepol,
      scanen	     => scanen)
    port map(
      rst            => rst,
      clk            => clk,
      --ahb mst in
      hgrant         => ahbmi.hgrant(hindex),
      hready         => ahbmi.hready,
      hresp          => ahbmi.hresp,
      hrdata         => ahbmi.hrdata,
      --ahb mst out
      hbusreq        => ahbmo.hbusreq,
      hlock          => ahbmo.hlock,
      htrans         => ahbmo.htrans,
      haddr          => ahbmo.haddr,
      hwrite         => ahbmo.hwrite,
      hsize          => ahbmo.hsize,
      hburst         => ahbmo.hburst,
      hprot          => ahbmo.hprot,
      hwdata         => ahbmo.hwdata,
      --apb slv in 
      psel	     => apbi.psel(pindex),
      penable	     => apbi.penable,
      paddr	     => apbi.paddr,
      pwrite	     => apbi.pwrite,
      pwdata	     => apbi.pwdata,
      --apb slv out
      prdata	     => apbo.prdata,
      irq            => irq,
      --rx ahb fifo
      rxrenable      => rxrenable,
      rxraddress     => rxraddress,
      rxwrite        => rxwrite,
      rxwdata        => rxwdata,
      rxwaddress     => rxwaddress,
      rxrdata        => rxrdata,
      --tx ahb fifo  
      txrenable      => txrenable,
      txraddress     => txraddress,
      txwrite        => txwrite,
      txwdata        => txwdata,
      txwaddress     => txwaddress,
      txrdata        => txrdata,
      --edcl buf     
      erenable       => erenable,
      eraddress      => eraddress,
      ewritem        => ewritem,
      ewritel        => ewritel,
      ewaddressm     => ewaddressm,
      ewaddressl     => ewaddressl,
      ewdata         => ewdata,
      erdata         => erdata,
      --ethernet input signals
      rmii_clk       => ethi.rmii_clk,
      tx_clk         => ethi.tx_clk,
      rx_clk         => ethi.rx_clk,
      rxd            => ethi.rxd(3 downto 0),   
      rx_dv          => ethi.rx_dv,
      rx_er          => ethi.rx_er,
      rx_col         => ethi.rx_col,
      rx_crs         => ethi.rx_crs,
      mdio_i         => ethi.mdio_i,
      phyrstaddr     => ethi.phyrstaddr,
      --ethernet output signals
      reset          => etho.reset,
      txd            => etho.txd(3 downto 0),
      tx_en          => etho.tx_en,
      tx_er          => etho.tx_er,
      mdc            => etho.mdc,
      mdio_o         => etho.mdio_o,
      mdio_oe        => lmdio_oe,
      testrst        => ahbmi.testrst,
      testen         => ahbmi.testen,
      edcladdr       => ethi.edcladdr);
  etho.mdio_oe <= ahbmi.testoen when (scanen = 1) and (ahbmi.testen = '1')
	else lmdio_oe;
  irqdrv : process(irq)
    apbo.pirq       <= (others => '0');
    apbo.pirq(pirq) <= irq;
  end process;
  ahbmo.hconfig <= hconfig;
  ahbmo.hindex  <= hindex;
  ahbmo.hirq    <= (others => '0');
  apbo.pconfig  <= pconfig;
  apbo.pindex   <= pindex;
-- FIFOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  nft : if ft = 0 generate
    tx_fifo0 : syncram_2p generic map(tech => memtech, abits => txfabits,
      dbits => 32, sepclk => 0)
      port map(clk, txrenable, txraddress(txfabits-1 downto 0), txrdata, clk,
      txwrite, txwaddress(txfabits-1 downto 0), txwdata);
    rx_fifo0 : syncram_2p generic map(tech => memtech, abits => fabits,
      dbits => 32, sepclk => 0)
      port map(clk, rxrenable, rxraddress(fabits-1 downto 0), rxrdata, clk,
      rxwrite, rxwaddress(fabits-1 downto 0), rxwdata);
  end generate; 
  ft1 : if ft = 1 generate
    tx_fifo0 : syncram_2pft generic map(tech => memtech, abits => txfabits,
      dbits => 32, sepclk => 0, ft => 1)
      port map(clk, txrenable, txraddress(txfabits-1 downto 0), txrdata, clk,
      txwrite, txwaddress(txfabits-1 downto 0), txwdata);
    rx_fifo0 : syncram_2pft generic map(tech => memtech, abits => fabits,
      dbits => 32, sepclk => 0, ft => 1)
      port map(clk, rxrenable, rxraddress(fabits-1 downto 0), rxrdata, clk,
      rxwrite, rxwaddress(fabits-1 downto 0), rxwdata);
  end generate;
-- EDCL buffer ram ------------------------------------------------------------
  edclram : if (edcl /= 0) generate
    r0 : syncram_2p generic map (memtech, eabits, 16) port map(
      clk, erenable, eraddress(eabits-1 downto 0), erdata(31 downto 16), clk,
      ewritem, ewaddressm(eabits-1 downto 0), ewdata(31 downto 16)); 
    r1 : syncram_2p generic map (memtech, eabits, 16) port map(
      clk, erenable, eraddress(eabits-1 downto 0), erdata(15 downto 0), clk,
      ewritel, ewaddressl(eabits-1 downto 0), ewdata(15 downto 0)); 
  end generate;
-- pragma translate_off
  bootmsg : report_version 
  generic map (
    "greth" & tost(hindex) & ": 10/100 Mbit Ethernet MAC rev " & tost(REVISION)
    & tost(hindex) & ", EDCL " & tost(edcl) & ", buffer " & 
		tost(edclbufsz) & " kbyte " & tost(txfifosize) & " txfifo," &
    " irq " & tost(pirq)
-- pragma translate_on
end architecture;

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