
Subversion Repositories aes-128_pipelined_encryption

[/] [aes-128_pipelined_encryption/] [tags/] [R0/] [reports/] [Top_PipelinedCipher_map.mrp] - Rev 2

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Release 12.1 Map M.53d (nt64)
Xilinx Mapping Report File for Design 'Top_PipelinedCipher'

Design Information
Command Line   : map -intstyle ise -p xc6vcx240t-ff784-2 -w -ol high -t 1 -xt 0
-register_duplication off -global_opt off -ir off -pr off -lc off -power off -o
Top_PipelinedCipher_map.ncd Top_PipelinedCipher.ngd Top_PipelinedCipher.pcf 
Target Device  : xc6vcx240t
Target Package : ff784
Target Speed   : -2
Mapper Version : virtex6 -- $Revision: 1.52 $
Mapped Date    : Wed Jul 17 15:14:08 2013

Design Summary
Number of errors:      0
Number of warnings:    0
Slice Logic Utilization:
  Number of Slice Registers:                10,769 out of 301,440    3%
    Number used as Flip Flops:              10,769
    Number used as Latches:                      0
    Number used as Latch-thrus:                  0
    Number used as AND/OR logics:                0
  Number of Slice LUTs:                     12,475 out of 150,720    8%
    Number used as logic:                    9,842 out of 150,720    6%
      Number using O6 output only:           9,081
      Number using O5 output only:               0
      Number using O5 and O6:                  761
      Number used as ROM:                        0
    Number used as Memory:                       0 out of  58,400    0%
    Number used exclusively as route-thrus:  2,633
      Number with same-slice register load:  2,633
      Number with same-slice carry load:         0
      Number with other load:                    0

Slice Logic Distribution:
  Number of occupied Slices:                 3,214 out of  37,680    8%
  Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used:       12,527
    Number with an unused Flip Flop:         5,031 out of  12,527   40%
    Number with an unused LUT:                  52 out of  12,527    1%
    Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs:       7,444 out of  12,527   59%
    Number of unique control sets:              82
    Number of slice register sites lost
      to control set restrictions:               7 out of 301,440    1%

  A LUT Flip Flop pair for this architecture represents one LUT paired with
  one Flip Flop within a slice.  A control set is a unique combination of
  clock, reset, set, and enable signals for a registered element.
  The Slice Logic Distribution report is not meaningful if the design is
  over-mapped for a non-slice resource or if Placement fails.
  OVERMAPPING of BRAM resources should be ignored if the design is
  over-mapped for a non-BRAM resource or if placement fails.

IO Utilization:
  Number of bonded IOBs:                       389 out of     400   97%

Specific Feature Utilization:
  Number of RAMB36E1/FIFO36E1s:                  0 out of     416    0%
  Number of RAMB18E1/FIFO18E1s:                  0 out of     832    0%
  Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs:                      2 out of      32    6%
    Number used as BUFGs:                        2
    Number used as BUFGCTRLs:                    0
  Number of ILOGICE1/ISERDESE1s:                 0 out of     720    0%
  Number of OLOGICE1/OSERDESE1s:                 0 out of     720    0%
  Number of BSCANs:                              0 out of       4    0%
  Number of BUFHCEs:                             0 out of     144    0%
  Number of BUFOs:                               0 out of      36    0%
  Number of BUFIODQSs:                           0 out of      72    0%
  Number of BUFRs:                               0 out of      36    0%
  Number of CAPTUREs:                            0 out of       1    0%
  Number of DSP48E1s:                            0 out of     768    0%
  Number of EFUSE_USRs:                          0 out of       1    0%
  Number of GTXE1s:                              0 out of      12    0%
  Number of IBUFDS_GTXE1s:                       0 out of       8    0%
  Number of ICAPs:                               0 out of       2    0%
  Number of IDELAYCTRLs:                         0 out of      18    0%
  Number of IODELAYE1s:                          0 out of     720    0%
  Number of MMCM_ADVs:                           0 out of      12    0%
  Number of PCIE_2_0s:                           0 out of       2    0%
  Number of STARTUPs:                            1 out of       1  100%
  Number of SYSMONs:                             0 out of       1    0%
  Number of TEMAC_SINGLEs:                       0 out of       1    0%

Average Fanout of Non-Clock Nets:                7.45

Peak Memory Usage:  1019 MB
Total REAL time to MAP completion:  3 mins 28 secs 
Total CPU time to MAP completion:   3 mins 19 secs 

Table of Contents
Section 1 - Errors
Section 2 - Warnings
Section 3 - Informational
Section 4 - Removed Logic Summary
Section 5 - Removed Logic
Section 6 - IOB Properties
Section 7 - RPMs
Section 8 - Guide Report
Section 9 - Area Group and Partition Summary
Section 10 - Timing Report
Section 11 - Configuration String Information
Section 12 - Control Set Information
Section 13 - Utilization by Hierarchy

Section 1 - Errors

Section 2 - Warnings
WARNING:Security:42 - Your software subscription period has lapsed. Your current
version of Xilinx tools will continue to function, but you no longer qualify for
Xilinx software updates or new releases.

Section 3 - Informational
INFO:Security:56 - Part 'xc6vcx240t' is not a WebPack part.
INFO:MapLib:562 - No environment variables are currently set.
INFO:LIT:244 - All of the single ended outputs in this design are using slew
   rate limited output drivers. The delay on speed critical single ended outputs
   can be dramatically reduced by designating them as fast outputs.
INFO:Pack:1716 - Initializing temperature to 85.000 Celsius. (default - Range:
   0.000 to 85.000 Celsius)
INFO:Pack:1720 - Initializing voltage to 0.950 Volts. (default - Range: 0.950 to
   1.050 Volts)
INFO:Map:215 - The Interim Design Summary has been generated in the MAP Report
INFO:Pack:1650 - Map created a placed design.

Section 4 - Removed Logic Summary

Section 5 - Removed Logic

Section 6 - IOB Properties

| IOB Name                           | Type             | Direction | IO Standard          | Diff  | Drive    | Slew | Reg (s)      | Resistor | IOB      |
|                                    |                  |           |                      | Term  | Strength | Rate |              |          | Delay    |
| cipher_key<0>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<1>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<2>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<3>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<4>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<5>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<6>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<7>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<8>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<9>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<10>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<11>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<12>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<13>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<14>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<15>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<16>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<17>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<18>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<19>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<20>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<21>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<22>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<23>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<24>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<25>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<26>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<27>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<28>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<29>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<30>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<31>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<32>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<33>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<34>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<35>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<36>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<37>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<38>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<39>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<40>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<41>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<42>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<43>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<44>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<45>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<46>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<47>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<48>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<49>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<50>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<51>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<52>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<53>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<54>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<55>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<56>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<57>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<58>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<59>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<60>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<61>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<62>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<63>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<64>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<65>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<66>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<67>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<68>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<69>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<70>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<71>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<72>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<73>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<74>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<75>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<76>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<77>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<78>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<79>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<80>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<81>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<82>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<83>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<84>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<85>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<86>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<87>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<88>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<89>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<90>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<91>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<92>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<93>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<94>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<95>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<96>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<97>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<98>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<99>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<100>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<101>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<102>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<103>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<104>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<105>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<106>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<107>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<108>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<109>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<110>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<111>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<112>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<113>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<114>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<115>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<116>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<117>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<118>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<119>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<120>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<121>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<122>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<123>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<124>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<125>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<126>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_key<127>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<0>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<1>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<2>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<3>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<4>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<5>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<6>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<7>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<8>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<9>                     | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<10>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<11>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<12>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<13>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<14>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<15>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<16>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<17>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<18>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<19>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<20>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<21>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<22>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<23>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<24>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<25>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<26>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<27>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<28>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<29>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<30>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<31>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<32>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<33>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<34>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<35>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<36>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<37>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<38>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<39>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<40>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<41>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<42>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<43>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<44>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<45>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<46>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<47>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<48>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<49>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<50>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<51>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<52>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<53>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<54>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<55>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<56>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<57>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<58>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<59>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<60>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<61>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<62>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<63>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<64>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<65>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<66>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<67>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<68>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<69>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<70>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<71>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<72>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<73>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<74>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<75>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<76>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<77>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<78>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<79>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<80>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<81>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<82>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<83>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<84>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<85>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<86>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<87>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<88>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<89>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<90>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<91>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<92>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<93>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<94>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<95>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<96>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<97>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<98>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<99>                    | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<100>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<101>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<102>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<103>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<104>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<105>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<106>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<107>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<108>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<109>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<110>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<111>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<112>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<113>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<114>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<115>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<116>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<117>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<118>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<119>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<120>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<121>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<122>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<123>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<124>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<125>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<126>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipher_text<127>                   | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |
| cipherkey_valid_in                 | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| clk                                | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| data_valid_in                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<0>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<1>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<2>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<3>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<4>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<5>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<6>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<7>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<8>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<9>                      | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<10>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<11>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<12>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<13>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<14>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<15>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<16>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<17>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<18>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<19>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<20>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<21>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<22>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<23>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<24>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<25>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<26>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<27>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<28>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<29>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<30>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<31>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<32>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<33>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<34>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<35>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<36>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<37>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<38>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<39>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<40>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<41>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<42>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<43>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<44>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<45>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<46>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<47>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<48>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<49>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<50>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<51>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<52>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<53>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<54>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<55>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<56>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<57>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<58>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<59>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<60>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<61>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<62>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<63>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<64>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<65>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<66>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<67>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<68>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<69>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<70>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<71>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<72>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<73>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<74>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<75>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<76>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<77>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<78>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<79>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<80>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<81>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<82>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<83>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<84>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<85>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<86>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<87>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<88>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<89>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<90>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<91>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<92>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<93>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<94>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<95>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<96>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<97>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<98>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<99>                     | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<100>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<101>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<102>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<103>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<104>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<105>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<106>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<107>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<108>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<109>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<110>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<111>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<112>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<113>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<114>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<115>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<116>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<117>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<118>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<119>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<120>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<121>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<122>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<123>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<124>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<125>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<126>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| plain_text<127>                    | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| reset                              | IOB              | INPUT     | LVCMOS25             |       |          |      |              |          |          |
| valid_out                          | IOB              | OUTPUT    | LVCMOS25             |       | 12       | SLOW |              |          |          |

Section 7 - RPMs

Section 8 - Guide Report
Guide not run on this design.

Section 9 - Area Group and Partition Summary

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


Area Group Information

  No area groups were found in this design.


Section 10 - Timing Report
A logic-level (pre-route) timing report can be generated by using Xilinx static
timing analysis tools, Timing Analyzer (GUI) or TRCE (command line), with the
mapped NCD and PCF files. Please note that this timing report will be generated
using estimated delay information. For accurate numbers, please generate a
timing report with the post Place and Route NCD file.

For more information about the Timing Analyzer, consult the Xilinx Timing
Analyzer Reference Manual; for more information about TRCE, consult the Xilinx
Command Line Tools User Guide "TRACE" chapter.

Section 11 - Configuration String Details
Use the "-detail" map option to print out Configuration Strings

Section 12 - Control Set Information
Use the "-detail" map option to print out Control Set Information.

Section 13 - Utilization by Hierarchy
Use the "-detail" map option to print out the Utilization by Hierarchy section.

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