
Subversion Repositories rf6809

[/] [rf6809/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [noc/] [keyboard/] [] - Rev 19

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`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// ============================================================================
//        __
//   \\__/ o\    (C) 2005-2022  Robert Finch, Waterloo
//    \  __ /    All rights reserved.
//     \/_//     robfinch<remove>
//       ||
//      PS2kbd.v - PS2 compatible keyboard interface
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published 
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     
// (at your option) any later version.                                      
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           
// GNU General Public License for more details.                             
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        
// along with this program.  If not, see <>.    
//      PS2 compatible keyboard / mouse interface
//              This core provides a raw interface to the a PS2
//      keyboard or mouse. The interface is raw in the sense
//      that it doesn't do any scan code processing, it
//      just supplies it to the system. The core uses a
//      WISHBONE compatible bus interface.
//              Both transmit and recieve are
//      supported. It is possible to build the core without
//      the transmitter to reduce the size of the core; however
//      then it would not be possible to control the leds on
//      the keyboard. (The transmitter is required for a mouse
//      interface).
//              There is a 5us debounce circuit on the incoming
//      clock.
//              The transmitter does not have a watchdog timer, so
//      it may cause the keyboard to stop responding if there
//      was a problem with the transmit. It relys on the system
//      to reset the transmitter after 30ms or so of no
//      reponse. Resetting the transmitter should allow the
//      keyboard to respond again.
//      Note: keyboard clock must be at least three times slower
//      than the clk_i input to work reliably.
//      A typical keyboard clock is <30kHz so this should be ok
//      for most systems.
//      * There must be pullup resistors on the keyboard clock
//      and data lines, and the keyboard clock and data lines
//      are assumed to be open collector.
//              To read the keyboard, wait for bit 7 of the status
//      register to be set, then read the transmit / recieve
//      register. Reading the transmit / recieve register clears
//      the keyboard reciever, and allows the next character to
//      be recieved.
//      Reg
//      0        keyboard transmit/receive register
//      1       status reg.             itk xxxx p
//              i = interrupt status
//              t = transmit complete
//              k = transmit acknowledge receipt (from keyboard)
//              p = parity error
//              A write to the status register clears the transmitter
//              state
//      Webpack 9.1i xc3s1000-4ft256    
//      LUTs / slices / MHz
//       block rams
//      multiplier
// ============================================================================
//      A good source of info:
//      From the keyboard
//      1 start bit
//      8 data bits
//      1 parity bit
//      1 stop bit
//      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      |WISHBONE Datasheet
//      |WISHBONE SoC Architecture Specification, Revision B.3
//      |
//      |Description:                                           Specifications:
//      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      |General Description:                           PS2 keyboard / mouse interface
//      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      |Supported Cycles:                                      SLAVE,READ/WRITE
//      |                                                                       SLAVE,BLOCK READ/WRITE
//      |                                                                       SLAVE,RMW
//      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      |Data port, size:                                       8 bit
//      |Data port, granularity:                        8 bit
//      |Data port, maximum operand size:       8 bit
//      |Data transfer ordering:                        Undefined
//      |Data transfer sequencing:                      Undefined
//      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      |Clock frequency constraints:           none
//      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      |Supported signal list and                      Signal Name             WISHBONE equiv.
//      |cross reference to equivalent          ack_o                   ACK_O
//      |WISHBONE signals                                       adr_i                   ADR_I()
//      |                                                                       clk_i                   CLK_I
//      |                                   cyc_i           CYC_I
//      |                                                                       dat_i(7:0)              DAT_I()
//      |                                                                       dat_o(7:0)              DAT_O()
//      |                                                                       stb_i                   STB_I
//      |                                                                       we_i                    WE_I
//      |
//      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      |Special requirements:
//      +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

`define KBD_TX  1       // include transmitter

`define S_KBDRX_WAIT_CLK                0
`define S_KBDRX_CHK_CLK_LOW             1
`define S_KBDRX_CAPTURE_BIT             2

module PS2kbd(
        // WISHBONE/SoC bus interface 
        input rst_i,
        input clk_i,    // system clock
        input cs_i,
        input cyc_i,
        input stb_i,    // core select (active high)
        output reg ack_o,       // bus transfer acknowledged
        input we_i,     // I/O write taking place (active high)
        input [3:0] adr_i,      // address
        input [11:0] dat_i,     // data in
        output reg [11:0] dat_o,        // data out
        inout tri [11:0] db,
        output irq,     // interrupt request (active high)
        input kclk_i,   // keyboard clock from keyboard
        output kclk_en, // 1 = drive clock low
        input kdat_i,   // keyboard data
        output kdat_en  // 1 = drive data low
parameter pClkFreq = 40000000;
parameter pAckStyle = 1'b0;
parameter p5us = pClkFreq / 200000;             // number of clocks for 5us
parameter p100us = pClkFreq / 10000;    // number of clocks for 100us

reg [13:0] os;  // one shot
wire os_5us_done = os==p5us;
wire os_100us_done = os==p100us;
reg [10:0] q;   // receive register
reg tc;                 // transmit complete indicator
reg [1:0] s_rx; // keyboard receive state
reg [7:0] kq;
reg [15:0] kqc;
// Use majority logic for bit capture
// 4 or more bits high = 1, otherwise 0
wire [2:0] kqs = {2'b0,kq[0]}+
wire kqcne;                     // negative edge on kqc
wire kqcpe;                     // positive edge on kqc
assign irq = ~q[0];
reg kack;                       // keyboard acknowledge bit
`ifdef KBD_TX
reg [16:0] tx_state;    // transmitter states
reg klow;               // force clock line low
reg [10:0] t;   // transmit register
wire rx_inh = ~tc;      // inhibit receive while transmit occuring
reg [3:0] bitcnt;
wire shift_done = bitcnt==0;
reg tx_oe;                      // transmitter output enable / shift enable
wire rx_inh = 0;

wire cs = cyc_i & stb_i & cs_i;
//reg ack,ack1;
//always @(posedge clk_i) begin ack <= cs; ack1 <= ack & cs; end
always_ff @(posedge clk_i)
        ack_o <= cs ? 1'b1 : pAckStyle;// ? (we_i ? 1'b1 : ack) : 1'b0;

wire pe_cs;
edge_det ed1 (.rst(rst_i), .clk(clk_i), .ce(1'b1), .i(cs), .pe(pe_cs), .ne(), .ee() );

// register read path
// Latches data on positive edge of the circuit select, as reading the keyboard
// register triggers a clear of it.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i)
if (cs_i)
        2'd0:   dat_o <= {4'h0,q[8:1]};
        2'd1:   dat_o <= {4'h0,~q[0],tc,~kack,4'b0,~^q[9:1]};
        2'd2:   dat_o <= {4'h0,q[8:1]};
        2'd3:   dat_o <= {4'h0,~q[0],tc,~kack,4'b0,~^q[9:1]};
        dat_o <= 12'h00;

assign db = (cs & ~we_i) ? dat_o : {12{1'bz}};

// Prohibit keyboard device from further transmits until
// this character has been processed.
// Holding the clock line low does this.
//assign kclk = irq ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
`ifdef KBD_TX
// Force clock and data low during transmits
assign kclk_en = klow | irq;
assign kdat_en = tx_oe & ~t[0];// ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign kclk_en = irq;

// stabilize clock and data
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
        kq <= {kq[6:0],kdat_i};
        kqc <= {kqc[14:0],kclk_i};

edge_det ed0 (.rst(rst_i), .clk(clk_i), .ce(1'b1), .i(kqc[10]), .pe(kqcpe), .ne(kqcne), .ee() );

// The debounce one-shot and 100us timer        
always @(posedge clk_i)
        if (rst_i)
                os <= 0;
        else begin
                if ((s_rx==`S_KBDRX_WAIT_CLK && kqcne && ~rx_inh)||
                        (s_rx==`S_KBDRX_CHK_CLK_LOW && rx_inh)
`ifdef KBD_TX
                        os <= 0;
                        os <= os + 1;

// Receive state machine
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
        if (rst_i) begin
                q <= 11'h7FF;
                s_rx <= `S_KBDRX_WAIT_CLK;
        else begin

                // clear rx on write to status reg
                if (cs && we_i && adr_i[1:0]==2'd1 && dat_i[7:0]==8'h00)
                        q <= 11'h7FF;

                // Receive state machine
                case (s_rx)     // synopsys full_case parallel_case
                // negedge on kclk ?
                // then set debounce one-shot
                        if (kqcne && ~rx_inh)
                                s_rx <= `S_KBDRX_CHK_CLK_LOW;

                // wait 5us
                // check if clock low
                        if (rx_inh)
                                s_rx <= `S_KBDRX_WAIT_CLK;
                        else if (os_5us_done) begin
                                // clock low ?
                                if (~kqc[10])
                                        s_rx <= `S_KBDRX_CAPTURE_BIT;
                                        s_rx <= `S_KBDRX_WAIT_CLK;      // no - spurious

                // capture keyboard bit
                // keyboard transmits LSB first
                        q <= {kq[2],q[10:1]};
                        s_rx <= `S_KBDRX_WAIT_CLK;

                        s_rx <= `S_KBDRX_WAIT_CLK;

`ifdef KBD_TX

// Transmit state machine
// a shift register / ring counter is used
reg adv_tx_state;                       // advance transmitter state
reg start_tx;                           // start the transmitter
reg clear_tx;                           // clear the transmit state
always_ff @(posedge clk_i)
        if (rst_i)
                tx_state <= 0;
        else begin
                if (clear_tx)
                        tx_state <= 0;
                else if (start_tx)
                        tx_state[0] <= 1;
                else if (adv_tx_state) begin
                        tx_state[6:0] <= {tx_state[5:0],1'b0};
                        tx_state[7] <= (tx_state[8] && !shift_done) || tx_state[6];
                        tx_state[8] <= tx_state[7];
                        tx_state[9] <= tx_state[8] && shift_done;
                        tx_state[16:10] <= tx_state[15:9];

// detect when to advance the transmit state
        case (1'b1)             // synopsys parallel_case
        tx_state[0]:    adv_tx_state <= 1;
        tx_state[1]:    adv_tx_state <= os_100us_done;
        tx_state[2]:    adv_tx_state <= 1;
        tx_state[3]:    adv_tx_state <= os_5us_done;
        tx_state[4]:    adv_tx_state <= 1;
        tx_state[5]:    adv_tx_state <= kqcne;
        tx_state[6]:    adv_tx_state <= os_5us_done;
        tx_state[7]:    adv_tx_state <= kqcpe;
        tx_state[8]:    adv_tx_state <= os_5us_done;
        tx_state[9]:    adv_tx_state <= kqcpe;
        tx_state[10]:   adv_tx_state <= os_5us_done;
        tx_state[11]:   adv_tx_state <= kqcne;
        tx_state[12]:   adv_tx_state <= os_5us_done;
        tx_state[13]:   adv_tx_state <= 1;
        tx_state[14]:   adv_tx_state <= kqcpe;
        tx_state[15]:   adv_tx_state <= os_5us_done;
        default:                adv_tx_state <= 0;

wire load_tx = cs && we_i && adr_i[1:0]==2'b0;
wire shift_tx = (tx_state[7] & kqcpe)|tx_state[4];

// It can take up to 20ms for the keyboard to accept data
// from the host.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
        if (rst_i) begin
                klow <= 0;
                tc <= 1;
                start_tx <= 0;
                tx_oe <= 0;
        else begin

                clear_tx <= 0;
                start_tx <= 0;

                // write to keyboard register triggers whole thing
                if (load_tx) begin
                        start_tx <= 1;
                        tc <= 0;
                // write to status register clears transmit state
                else if (cs && we_i && adr_i[1:0]==2'd1 && dat_i[7:0]==8'hFF) begin
                        tc <= 1;
                        tx_oe <= 0;
                        klow <= 1'b0;
                        clear_tx <= 1;
                else begin

                        case (1'b1)     // synopsys parallel_case

                        tx_state[0]:    klow <= 1'b1;   // First step: pull the clock low
                        tx_state[1]:    ;                               // wait 100 us (hold clock low)
                        tx_state[2]:    tx_oe <= 1;             // bring data low / enable shift
                        tx_state[3]:    ;       // wait 5us
                        // at this point the clock should go high
                        // and shift out the start bit
                        tx_state[4]:    klow <= 0;              // release clock line
                        tx_state[5]:    ;                               // wait for clock to go low
                        tx_state[6]:    ;                               // wait 5us
                        // state7, 8 shift the data out
                        tx_state[7]:    ;                               // wait for clock to go high
                        tx_state[8]:    ;                               // wait 5us, go back to state 7
                        tx_state[9]:    tx_oe <= 0;             // wait for clock to go high // disable transmit output / shift
                        tx_state[10]:   ;                               // wait 5us
                        tx_state[11]:   ;                               // wait for clock to go low
                        tx_state[12]:   ;                               // wait 5us
                        tx_state[13]:   kack <= kq[1];  // capture the ack_o bit from the keyboard
                        tx_state[14]:   ;                               // wait for clock to go high
                        tx_state[15]:   ;                               // wait 5us
                                        tc <= 1;                // transmit is now complete
                                        clear_tx <= 1;

                        default:        ;


// transmitter shift register
always_ff @(posedge clk_i)
        if (rst_i)
                t <= 11'd0;
        else begin
                if (load_tx)
                        t <= {~(^dat_i[7:0]),dat_i[7:0],2'b0};
                else if (shift_tx)
                        t <= {1'b1,t[10:1]};

// transmitter bit counter
always_ff @(posedge clk_i)
        if (rst_i)
                bitcnt <= 4'd0;
        else begin
                if (load_tx)
                        bitcnt <= 4'd11;
                else if (shift_tx)
                        bitcnt <= bitcnt - 4'd1;



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