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-- Copyright (C) 1991-2010 Altera Corporation
-- Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
-- and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic 
-- functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
-- (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
-- associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
-- to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License 
-- Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License 
-- Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, 
-- without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of 
-- programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
-- Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the 
-- applicable agreement for further details.
-- Quartus II 9.1 Build 350 10/07/2009
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
package cycloneii_atom_pack is
function str_to_bin (lut_mask : string ) return std_logic_vector;
function product(list : std_logic_vector) return std_logic ;
function alt_conv_integer(arg : in std_logic_vector) return integer;
-- default generic values
    CONSTANT DefWireDelay        : VitalDelayType01      := (0 ns, 0 ns);
    CONSTANT DefPropDelay01      : VitalDelayType01      := (0 ns, 0 ns);
    CONSTANT DefPropDelay01Z     : VitalDelayType01Z     := (OTHERS => 0 ns);
    CONSTANT DefSetupHoldCnst    : TIME := 0 ns;
    CONSTANT DefPulseWdthCnst    : TIME := 0 ns;
-- default control options
--    CONSTANT DefGlitchMode       : VitalGlitchKindType   := OnEvent;
-- change default delay type to Transport : for spr 68748
    CONSTANT DefGlitchMode       : VitalGlitchKindType   := VitalTransport;
    CONSTANT DefGlitchMsgOn      : BOOLEAN       := FALSE;
    CONSTANT DefGlitchXOn        : BOOLEAN       := FALSE;
    CONSTANT DefMsgOnChecks      : BOOLEAN       := TRUE;
    CONSTANT DefXOnChecks        : BOOLEAN       := TRUE;
-- output strength mapping
                                                --  UX01ZWHL-
    CONSTANT PullUp      : VitalOutputMapType    := "UX01HX01X";
    CONSTANT NoPullUpZ   : VitalOutputMapType    := "UX01ZX01X";
    CONSTANT PullDown    : VitalOutputMapType    := "UX01LX01X";
-- primitive result strength mapping
    CONSTANT wiredOR     : VitalResultMapType    := ( 'U', 'X', 'L', '1' );
    CONSTANT wiredAND    : VitalResultMapType    := ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'H' );
    CONSTANT L : VitalTableSymbolType := '0';
    CONSTANT H : VitalTableSymbolType := '1';
    CONSTANT x : VitalTableSymbolType := '-';
    CONSTANT S : VitalTableSymbolType := 'S';
    CONSTANT R : VitalTableSymbolType := '/';
    CONSTANT U : VitalTableSymbolType := 'X';
    CONSTANT V : VitalTableSymbolType := 'B'; -- valid clock signal (non-rising)
-- Declare array types for CAM_SLICE
    TYPE cycloneii_mem_data IS ARRAY (0 to 31) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
function int2str( value : integer ) return string;
function map_x_to_0 (value : std_logic) return std_logic;
function SelectDelay (CONSTANT Paths: IN  VitalPathArray01Type) return TIME;
function int2bit (arg : boolean) return std_logic;
function int2bit (arg : integer) return std_logic;
function bin2int (s : std_logic_vector) return integer;
function bin2int (s : std_logic) return integer;
function int2bin (arg : integer; size : integer) return std_logic_vector;
function int2bin (arg : boolean; size : integer) return std_logic_vector;
function calc_sum_len( widtha : integer; widthb : integer) return integer;
end cycloneii_atom_pack;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package body cycloneii_atom_pack is
type masklength is array (4 downto 1) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
function str_to_bin (lut_mask : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable slice : masklength := (OTHERS => "0000");
variable mask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    for i in 1 to lut_mask'length loop
        case lut_mask(i) is
            when '0' => slice(i) := "0000";
            when '1' => slice(i) := "0001";
            when '2' => slice(i) := "0010";
            when '3' => slice(i) := "0011";
            when '4' => slice(i) := "0100";
            when '5' => slice(i) := "0101";
            when '6' => slice(i) := "0110";
            when '7' => slice(i) := "0111";
            when '8' => slice(i) := "1000";
            when '9' => slice(i) := "1001";
            when 'a' => slice(i) := "1010";
            when 'A' => slice(i) := "1010";
            when 'b' => slice(i) := "1011";
            when 'B' => slice(i) := "1011";
            when 'c' => slice(i) := "1100";
            when 'C' => slice(i) := "1100";
            when 'd' => slice(i) := "1101";
            when 'D' => slice(i) := "1101";
            when 'e' => slice(i) := "1110";
            when 'E' => slice(i) := "1110";
            when others => slice(i) := "1111";
        end case;
    end loop;
    mask := (slice(1) & slice(2) & slice(3) & slice(4));
    return (mask);
end str_to_bin;
function product (list: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
    for i in 0 to 31 loop
        if list(i) = '0' then
            return ('0');
        end if;
    end loop;
    return ('1');
end product;
function alt_conv_integer(arg : in std_logic_vector) return integer is
variable result : integer;
    result := 0;
    for i in arg'range loop
        if arg(i) = '1' then
            result := result + 2**i;
        end if;
    end loop;
    return result;
end alt_conv_integer;
function int2str( value : integer ) return string is
variable ivalue,index : integer;
variable digit : integer;
variable line_no: string(8 downto 1) := "        ";
    ivalue := value;
    index := 1;
    if (ivalue = 0) then
        line_no := "       0";
    end if;
    while (ivalue > 0) loop
        digit := ivalue MOD 10;
        ivalue := ivalue/10;
        case digit is
            when 0 =>
                    line_no(index) := '0';
            when 1 =>
                    line_no(index) := '1';
            when 2 =>
                    line_no(index) := '2';
            when 3 =>
                    line_no(index) := '3';
            when 4 =>
                    line_no(index) := '4';
            when 5 =>
                    line_no(index) := '5';
            when 6 =>
                    line_no(index) := '6';
            when 7 =>
                    line_no(index) := '7';
            when 8 =>
                    line_no(index) := '8';
            when 9 =>
                    line_no(index) := '9';
            when others =>
                    ASSERT FALSE
                    REPORT "Illegal number!"
                    SEVERITY ERROR;
        end case;
        index := index + 1;
    end loop;
    return line_no;
function map_x_to_0 (value : std_logic) return std_logic is
    if (Is_X (value) = TRUE) then
        return '0';
        return value;
    end if;
function SelectDelay (CONSTANT Paths : IN  VitalPathArray01Type) return TIME IS
variable Temp  : TIME;
variable TransitionTime  : TIME := TIME'HIGH;
variable PathDelay : TIME := TIME'HIGH;
    for i IN Paths'RANGE loop
        next when not Paths(i).PathCondition;
        next when Paths(i).InputChangeTime > TransitionTime;
        Temp := Paths(i).PathDelay(tr01);
        if Paths(i).InputChangeTime < TransitionTime then
            PathDelay := Temp;
            if Temp < PathDelay then
                PathDelay := Temp;
            end if;
        end if;
        TransitionTime := Paths(i).InputChangeTime;
    end loop;
    return PathDelay;
function int2bit (arg : integer) return std_logic is
    variable int_val : integer := arg;
    variable result : std_logic;
            if (int_val  = 0) then
                result := '0';
                result := '1';
            end if;
        return result;
end int2bit;
function int2bit (arg : boolean) return std_logic is
    variable int_val : boolean := arg;
    variable result : std_logic;
            if (int_val ) then
                result := '1';
                result := '0';
            end if;
        return result;
end int2bit;
function bin2int (s : std_logic_vector) return integer is
      constant temp      : std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low DOWNTO 0) := s;      
      variable result      : integer := 0;
      for i in temp'range loop
         if (temp(i) = '1') then
            result := result + (2**i);
         end if;
      end loop;
   end bin2int;
function bin2int (s : std_logic) return integer is
      constant temp      : std_logic := s;      
      variable result      : integer := 0;
         if (temp = '1') then
            result := 1;
                result := 0;
         end if;
        end bin2int;
        function int2bin (arg : integer; size : integer) return std_logic_vector is
    variable int_val : integer := arg;
    variable result : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
        for i in 0 to result'left loop
            if ((int_val mod 2) = 0) then
                result(i) := '0';
                result(i) := '1';
            end if;
            int_val := int_val/2;
        end loop;
        return result;
    end int2bin;
function int2bin (arg : boolean; size : integer) return std_logic_vector is
    variable result : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
                        result := (OTHERS => '1');
                        result := (OTHERS => '0');
                end if;
        return result;
    end int2bin;
function calc_sum_len( widtha : integer; widthb : integer) return integer is
variable result: integer;
        if(widtha >= widthb) then
                result := widtha + 1;
                result := widthb + 1;
        end if;
        return result;
end calc_sum_len;
end cycloneii_atom_pack;
Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Package cycloneii_pllpack is
    procedure find_simple_integer_fraction( numerator   : in integer;
                                            denominator : in integer;
                                            max_denom   : in integer;
                                            fraction_num : out integer; 
                                            fraction_div : out integer);
    procedure find_m_and_n_4_manual_phase ( inclock_period : in integer;
                                            vco_phase_shift_step : in integer;
                                            clk0_mult: in integer; clk1_mult: in integer;
                                            clk2_mult: in integer; clk3_mult: in integer;
                                            clk4_mult: in integer; clk5_mult: in integer;
                                            clk6_mult: in integer; clk7_mult: in integer;
                                            clk8_mult: in integer; clk9_mult: in integer;
                                            clk0_div : in integer; clk1_div : in integer;
                                            clk2_div : in integer; clk3_div : in integer;
                                            clk4_div : in integer; clk5_div : in integer;
                                            clk6_div : in integer; clk7_div : in integer;
                                            clk8_div : in integer; clk9_div : in integer;
                                            clk0_used : in string; clk1_used : in string;
                                            clk2_used : in string; clk3_used : in string;
                                            clk4_used : in string; clk5_used : in string;
                                            clk6_used : in string; clk7_used : in string;
                                            clk8_used : in string; clk9_used : in string;
                                            m : out integer;
                                            n : out integer );
    function gcd (X: integer; Y: integer) return integer;
    function count_digit (X: integer) return integer;
    function scale_num (X: integer; Y: integer) return integer;
    function lcm (A1: integer; A2: integer; A3: integer; A4: integer;
                A5: integer; A6: integer; A7: integer;
                A8: integer; A9: integer; A10: integer; P: integer) return integer;
    function output_counter_value (clk_divide: integer; clk_mult : integer ;
            M: integer; N: integer ) return integer;
    function counter_mode (duty_cycle: integer; output_counter_value: integer) return string;
    function counter_high (output_counter_value: integer := 1; duty_cycle: integer)
                        return integer;
    function counter_low (output_counter_value: integer; duty_cycle: integer)
                        return integer;
    function mintimedelay (t1: integer; t2: integer; t3: integer; t4: integer;
                        t5: integer; t6: integer; t7: integer; t8: integer;
                        t9: integer; t10: integer) return integer;
    function maxnegabs (t1: integer; t2: integer; t3: integer; t4: integer;
                        t5: integer; t6: integer; t7: integer; t8: integer;
                        t9: integer; t10: integer) return integer;
    function counter_time_delay ( clk_time_delay: integer;
                        m_time_delay: integer; n_time_delay: integer)
                        return integer;
    function get_phase_degree (phase_shift: integer; clk_period: integer) return integer;
    function counter_initial (tap_phase: integer; m: integer; n: integer)
                        return integer;
    function counter_ph (tap_phase: integer; m : integer; n: integer) return integer;
    function ph_adjust (tap_phase: integer; ph_base : integer) return integer;
    function translate_string (mode : string) return string;
    function str2int (s : string) return integer;
    function dqs_str2int (s : string) return integer;
end cycloneii_pllpack;
package body cycloneii_pllpack is
-- finds the closest integer fraction of a given pair of numerator and denominator. 
procedure find_simple_integer_fraction( numerator   : in integer;
                                        denominator : in integer;
                                        max_denom   : in integer;
                                        fraction_num : out integer; 
                                        fraction_div : out integer) is
    constant MAX_ITER : integer := 20; 
    type INT_ARRAY is array ((MAX_ITER-1) downto 0) of integer;
    variable quotient_array : INT_ARRAY;
    variable int_loop_iter : integer;
    variable int_quot  : integer;
    variable m_value   : integer;
    variable d_value   : integer;
    variable old_m_value : integer;
    variable swap  : integer;
    variable loop_iter : integer;
    variable num   : integer;
    variable den   : integer;
    variable i_max_iter : integer;
    loop_iter := 0;
    if (numerator = 0) then
        num := 1;
        num := numerator;
    end if;
    if (denominator = 0) then
        den := 1;
        den := denominator;
    end if;
    i_max_iter := max_iter;
    while (loop_iter < i_max_iter) loop
        int_quot := num / den;
        quotient_array(loop_iter) := int_quot;
        num := num - (den*int_quot);
        loop_iter := loop_iter+1;
        if ((num = 0) or (max_denom /= -1) or (loop_iter = i_max_iter)) then
            -- calculate the numerator and denominator if there is a restriction on the
            -- max denom value or if the loop is ending
            m_value := 0;
            d_value := 1;
            -- get the rounded value at this stage for the remaining fraction
            if (den /= 0) then
                m_value := (2*num/den);
            end if;
            -- calculate the fraction numerator and denominator at this stage
            for int_loop_iter in (loop_iter-1) downto 0 loop
                if (m_value = 0) then
                    m_value := quotient_array(int_loop_iter);
                    d_value := 1;
                    old_m_value := m_value;
                    m_value := (quotient_array(int_loop_iter)*m_value) + d_value;
                    d_value := old_m_value;
                end if;
            end loop;
            -- if the denominator is less than the maximum denom_value or if there is no restriction save it
            if ((d_value <= max_denom) or (max_denom = -1)) then
                if ((m_value = 0) or (d_value = 0)) then
                    fraction_num := numerator;
                    fraction_div := denominator;
                    fraction_num := m_value;
                    fraction_div := d_value;
                end if;
            end if;
            -- end the loop if the denomitor has overflown or the numerator is zero (no remainder during this round)
            if (((d_value > max_denom) and (max_denom /= -1)) or (num = 0)) then
                i_max_iter := loop_iter;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- swap the numerator and denominator for the next round
        swap := den;
        den := num;
        num := swap;
    end loop;
end find_simple_integer_fraction;
-- find the M and N values for Manual phase based on the following 5 criterias:
-- 1. The PFD frequency (i.e. Fin / N) must be in the range 5 MHz to 720 MHz
-- 2. The VCO frequency (i.e. Fin * M / N) must be in the range 300 MHz to 1300 MHz
-- 3. M is less than 512
-- 4. N is less than 512
-- 5. It's the smallest M/N which satisfies all the above constraints, and is within 2ps
--    of the desired vco-phase-shift-step
procedure find_m_and_n_4_manual_phase ( inclock_period : in integer;
                                        vco_phase_shift_step : in integer;
                                        clk0_mult: in integer; clk1_mult: in integer;
                                        clk2_mult: in integer; clk3_mult: in integer;
                                        clk4_mult: in integer; clk5_mult: in integer;
                                        clk6_mult: in integer; clk7_mult: in integer;
                                        clk8_mult: in integer; clk9_mult: in integer;
                                        clk0_div : in integer; clk1_div : in integer;
                                        clk2_div : in integer; clk3_div : in integer;
                                        clk4_div : in integer; clk5_div : in integer;
                                        clk6_div : in integer; clk7_div : in integer;
                                        clk8_div : in integer; clk9_div : in integer;
                                        clk0_used : in string; clk1_used : in string;
                                        clk2_used : in string; clk3_used : in string;
                                        clk4_used : in string; clk5_used : in string;
                                        clk6_used : in string; clk7_used : in string;
                                        clk8_used : in string; clk9_used : in string;
                                        m : out integer;
                                        n : out integer ) is
        constant MAX_M : integer := 511;
        constant MAX_N : integer := 511;
        constant MAX_PFD : integer := 720;
        constant MIN_PFD : integer := 5;
        constant MAX_VCO : integer := 1600; -- max vco frequency. (in mHz)
        constant MIN_VCO : integer := 300;  -- min vco frequency. (in mHz)
        constant MAX_OFFSET : real := 0.004;
        variable vco_period : integer;
        variable pfd_freq : integer;
        variable vco_freq : integer;
        variable vco_ps_step_value : integer;
        variable i_m : integer;
        variable i_n : integer;
        variable i_pre_m : integer;
        variable i_pre_n : integer;
        variable closest_vco_step_value : integer;
        variable i_max_iter : integer;
        variable loop_iter : integer;
        variable clk0_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk1_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk2_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk3_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk4_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk5_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk6_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk7_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk8_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk9_div_factor_real : real;
        variable clk0_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk1_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk2_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk3_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk4_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk5_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk6_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk7_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk8_div_factor_int : integer;
        variable clk9_div_factor_int : integer;
    vco_period := vco_phase_shift_step * 8;
    i_pre_m := 0;
    i_pre_n := 0;
    closest_vco_step_value := 0;
    LOOP_1 :   for i_n_out in 1 to MAX_N loop
        for i_m_out in 1 to MAX_M loop
            clk0_div_factor_real := real(clk0_div * i_m_out) / real(clk0_mult * i_n_out);
            clk1_div_factor_real := real(clk1_div * i_m_out) / real(clk1_mult * i_n_out);
            clk2_div_factor_real := real(clk2_div * i_m_out) / real(clk2_mult * i_n_out);
            clk3_div_factor_real := real(clk3_div * i_m_out) / real(clk3_mult * i_n_out);
            clk4_div_factor_real := real(clk4_div * i_m_out) / real(clk4_mult * i_n_out);
            clk5_div_factor_real := real(clk5_div * i_m_out) / real(clk5_mult * i_n_out);
            clk6_div_factor_real := real(clk6_div * i_m_out) / real(clk6_mult * i_n_out);
            clk7_div_factor_real := real(clk7_div * i_m_out) / real(clk7_mult * i_n_out);
            clk8_div_factor_real := real(clk8_div * i_m_out) / real(clk8_mult * i_n_out);
            clk9_div_factor_real := real(clk9_div * i_m_out) / real(clk9_mult * i_n_out);
            clk0_div_factor_int := integer(clk0_div_factor_real);
            clk1_div_factor_int := integer(clk1_div_factor_real);
            clk2_div_factor_int := integer(clk2_div_factor_real);
            clk3_div_factor_int := integer(clk3_div_factor_real);
            clk4_div_factor_int := integer(clk4_div_factor_real);
            clk5_div_factor_int := integer(clk5_div_factor_real);
            clk6_div_factor_int := integer(clk6_div_factor_real);
            clk7_div_factor_int := integer(clk7_div_factor_real);
            clk8_div_factor_int := integer(clk8_div_factor_real);
            clk9_div_factor_int := integer(clk9_div_factor_real);
            if (((abs(clk0_div_factor_real - real(clk0_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk0_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk1_div_factor_real - real(clk1_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk1_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk2_div_factor_real - real(clk2_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk2_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk3_div_factor_real - real(clk3_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk3_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk4_div_factor_real - real(clk4_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk4_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk5_div_factor_real - real(clk5_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk5_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk6_div_factor_real - real(clk6_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk6_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk7_div_factor_real - real(clk7_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk7_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk8_div_factor_real - real(clk8_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk8_used = "unused")) and
                ((abs(clk9_div_factor_real - real(clk9_div_factor_int)) < MAX_OFFSET) or (clk9_used = "unused")) )
                if ((i_m_out /= 0) and (i_n_out /= 0))
                    pfd_freq := 1000000 / (inclock_period * i_n_out);
                    vco_freq := (1000000 * i_m_out) / (inclock_period * i_n_out);
                    vco_ps_step_value := (inclock_period * i_n_out) / (8 * i_m_out);
                    if ( (i_m_out < max_m) and (i_n_out < max_n) and (pfd_freq >= min_pfd) and (pfd_freq <= max_pfd) and
                        (vco_freq >= min_vco) and (vco_freq <= max_vco) )
                        if (abs(vco_ps_step_value - vco_phase_shift_step) <= 2)
                            i_pre_m := i_m_out;
                            i_pre_n := i_n_out;
                            exit LOOP_1;
                            if ((closest_vco_step_value = 0) or (abs(vco_ps_step_value - vco_phase_shift_step) < abs(closest_vco_step_value - vco_phase_shift_step)))
                                i_pre_m := i_m_out;
                                i_pre_n := i_n_out;
                                closest_vco_step_value := vco_ps_step_value;
                            end if;
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
        end loop;
    end loop;
    if ((i_pre_m /= 0) and (i_pre_n /= 0))
        find_simple_integer_fraction(i_pre_m, i_pre_n,
                    MAX_N, m, n);
        n := 1;
        m := lcm  (clk0_mult, clk1_mult, clk2_mult, clk3_mult,
                clk4_mult, clk5_mult, clk6_mult,
                clk7_mult, clk8_mult, clk9_mult, inclock_period);
    end if;
end find_m_and_n_4_manual_phase;
-- find the greatest common denominator of X and Y
function gcd (X: integer; Y: integer) return integer is
variable L, S, R, G : integer := 1;
    if (X < Y) then -- find which is smaller.
        S := X;
        L := Y;
        S := Y;
        L := X;
    end if;
    R := S;
    while ( R > 1) loop
        S := L;
        L := R;
        R := S rem L;   -- divide bigger number by smaller.
                        -- remainder becomes smaller number.
    end loop;
    if (R = 0) then  -- if evenly divisible then L is gcd else it is 1.
        G := L;
        G := R;
    end if;
    return G;
end gcd;
-- count the number of digits in the given integer
function count_digit (X: integer)
        return integer is
variable count, result: integer := 0;
    result := X;
    while (result /= 0) loop
        result := (result / 10);
        count := count + 1;
    end loop;
    return count;
end count_digit;
-- reduce the given huge number to Y significant digits
function scale_num (X: integer; Y: integer)
        return integer is
variable count : integer := 0; 
variable lc, fac_ten, result: integer := 1;
    count := count_digit(X);
    for lc in 1 to (count-Y) loop
        fac_ten := fac_ten * 10;
    end loop;
    result := (X / fac_ten);
    return result;
end scale_num;
-- find the least common multiple of A1 to A10
function lcm (A1: integer; A2: integer; A3: integer; A4: integer;
            A5: integer; A6: integer; A7: integer;
            A8: integer; A9: integer; A10: integer; P: integer)
        return integer is
variable M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 , M6, M7, M8, M9, R: integer := 1;
    M1 := (A1 * A2)/gcd(A1, A2);
    M2 := (M1 * A3)/gcd(M1, A3);
    M3 := (M2 * A4)/gcd(M2, A4);
    M4 := (M3 * A5)/gcd(M3, A5);
    M5 := (M4 * A6)/gcd(M4, A6);
    M6 := (M5 * A7)/gcd(M5, A7);
    M7 := (M6 * A8)/gcd(M6, A8);
    M8 := (M7 * A9)/gcd(M7, A9);
    M9 := (M8 * A10)/gcd(M8, A10);
    if (M9 < 3) then
        R := 10;
    elsif (M9 = 3) then
        R := 9;
    elsif ((M9 <= 10) and (M9 > 3)) then
        R := 4 * M9;
    elsif (M9 > 1000) then
        R := scale_num(M9,3);
        R := M9 ;
    end if;
    return R;
end lcm;
-- find the factor of division of the output clock frequency compared to the VCO
function output_counter_value (clk_divide: integer; clk_mult: integer ;
                                M: integer; N: integer ) return integer is
variable r_real : real := 1.0;
variable r: integer := 1;
    r_real := real(clk_divide * M)/ real(clk_mult * N);
    r := integer(r_real);
    return R;
end output_counter_value;
-- find the mode of each PLL counter - bypass, even or odd
function counter_mode (duty_cycle: integer; output_counter_value: integer)
        return string is
variable R: string (1 to 6) := "      ";
variable counter_value: integer := 1;
    counter_value := (2*duty_cycle*output_counter_value)/100;
    if output_counter_value = 1 then
        R := "bypass";
    elsif (counter_value REM 2) = 0 then
        R := "  even";
        R := "   odd";
    end if;
    return R;
end counter_mode;
-- find the number of VCO clock cycles to hold the output clock high
function counter_high (output_counter_value: integer := 1; duty_cycle: integer)
        return integer is
variable R: integer := 1;
variable half_cycle_high : integer := 1;
    half_cycle_high := (duty_cycle * output_counter_value *2)/100 ;
    if (half_cycle_high REM 2 = 0) then
        R := half_cycle_high/2 ;
        R := (half_cycle_high/2) + 1;
    end if;
    return R;
-- find the number of VCO clock cycles to hold the output clock low
function counter_low (output_counter_value: integer; duty_cycle: integer)
        return integer is
variable R, R1: integer := 1;
variable half_cycle_high : integer := 1;
    half_cycle_high := (duty_cycle * output_counter_value*2)/100 ;
    if (half_cycle_high REM 2 = 0) then
        R1 := half_cycle_high/2 ;
        R1 := (half_cycle_high/2) + 1;
    end if;
    R := output_counter_value - R1;
    if (R = 0) then
        R := 1;
    end if;
    return R;
-- find the smallest time delay amongst t1 to t10
function mintimedelay (t1: integer; t2: integer; t3: integer; t4: integer;
                        t5: integer; t6: integer; t7: integer; t8: integer;
                        t9: integer; t10: integer) return integer is
variable m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9 : integer := 0;
    if (t1 < t2) then m1 := t1; else m1 := t2; end if;
    if (m1 < t3) then m2 := m1; else m2 := t3; end if;
    if (m2 < t4) then m3 := m2; else m3 := t4; end if;
    if (m3 < t5) then m4 := m3; else m4 := t5; end if;
    if (m4 < t6) then m5 := m4; else m5 := t6; end if;
    if (m5 < t7) then m6 := m5; else m6 := t7; end if;
    if (m6 < t8) then m7 := m6; else m7 := t8; end if;
    if (m7 < t9) then m8 := m7; else m8 := t9; end if;
    if (m8 < t10) then m9 := m8; else m9 := t10; end if;
    if (m9 > 0) then return m9; else return 0; end if;
-- find the numerically largest negative number, and return its absolute value
function maxnegabs (t1: integer; t2: integer; t3: integer; t4: integer;
                    t5: integer; t6: integer; t7: integer; t8: integer;
                    t9: integer; t10: integer) return integer is
variable m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9 : integer := 0;
    if (t1 < t2) then m1 := t1; else m1 := t2; end if;
    if (m1 < t3) then m2 := m1; else m2 := t3; end if;
    if (m2 < t4) then m3 := m2; else m3 := t4; end if;
    if (m3 < t5) then m4 := m3; else m4 := t5; end if;
    if (m4 < t6) then m5 := m4; else m5 := t6; end if;
    if (m5 < t7) then m6 := m5; else m6 := t7; end if;
    if (m6 < t8) then m7 := m6; else m7 := t8; end if;
    if (m7 < t9) then m8 := m7; else m8 := t9; end if;
    if (m8 < t10) then m9 := m8; else m9 := t10; end if;
    if (m9 < 0) then return (0 - m9); else return 0; end if;
-- adjust the phase (tap_phase) with the largest negative number (ph_base)
function ph_adjust (tap_phase: integer; ph_base : integer) return integer is
    return (tap_phase + ph_base);
-- find the time delay for each PLL counter
function counter_time_delay (clk_time_delay: integer;
                            m_time_delay: integer; n_time_delay: integer)
        return integer is
variable R: integer := 0;
    R := clk_time_delay + m_time_delay - n_time_delay;
    return R;
-- calculate the given phase shift (in ps) in terms of degrees
function get_phase_degree (phase_shift: integer; clk_period: integer)
        return integer is
variable result: integer := 0;
    result := ( phase_shift * 360 ) / clk_period;
    -- to round up the calculation result
    if (result > 0) then
        result := result + 1;
    elsif (result < 0) then
        result := result - 1;
        result := 0;
    end if;
    return result;
-- find the number of VCO clock cycles to wait initially before the first rising
-- edge of the output clock
function counter_initial (tap_phase: integer; m: integer; n: integer)
        return integer is
variable R: integer;
variable R1: real;
    R1 := (real(abs(tap_phase)) * real(m))/(360.0 * real(n)) + 0.6;
    -- Note NCSim VHDL had problem in rounding up for 0.5 - 0.99. 
    -- This checking will ensure that the rounding up is done.
    if (R1 >= 0.5) and (R1 <= 1.0) then
        R1 := 1.0;
    end if;
    R := integer(R1);
    return R;
-- find which VCO phase tap (0 to 7) to align the rising edge of the output clock to
function counter_ph (tap_phase: integer; m: integer; n: integer) return integer is
variable R: integer := 0;
    -- 0.5 is added for proper rounding of the tap_phase.
    R := integer(real(integer(real(tap_phase * m / n)+ 0.5) REM 360)/45.0) rem 8;
    return R;
-- convert given string to length 6 by padding with spaces
function translate_string (mode : string) return string is
variable new_mode : string (1 to 6) := "      ";
    if (mode = "bypass") then
        new_mode := "bypass";
    elsif (mode = "even") then
        new_mode := "  even";
    elsif (mode = "odd") then
        new_mode := "   odd";
    end if;
    return new_mode;
function str2int (s : string) return integer is
variable len : integer := s'length;
variable newdigit : integer := 0;
variable sign : integer := 1;
variable digit : integer := 0;
    for i in 1 to len loop
        case s(i) is
            when '-' =>
                if i = 1 then
                    sign := -1;
                    ASSERT FALSE
                    REPORT "Illegal Character "&  s(i) & "i n string parameter! "
                    SEVERITY ERROR;
                end if;
            when '0' =>
                digit := 0;
            when '1' =>
                digit := 1;
            when '2' =>
                digit := 2;
            when '3' =>
                digit := 3;
            when '4' =>
                digit := 4;
            when '5' =>
                digit := 5;
            when '6' =>
                digit := 6;
            when '7' =>
                digit := 7;
            when '8' =>
                digit := 8;
            when '9' =>
                digit := 9;
            when others =>
                ASSERT FALSE
                REPORT "Illegal Character "&  s(i) & "in string parameter! "
                SEVERITY ERROR;
        end case;
        newdigit := newdigit * 10 + digit;
    end loop;
    return (sign*newdigit);
function dqs_str2int (s : string) return integer is
variable len : integer := s'length;
variable newdigit : integer := 0;
variable sign : integer := 1;
variable digit : integer := 0;
variable err : boolean := false;
    for i in 1 to len loop
        case s(i) is
            when '-' =>
                if i = 1 then
                    sign := -1;
                    ASSERT FALSE
                    REPORT "Illegal Character "&  s(i) & " in string parameter! "
                    SEVERITY ERROR;
                    err := true;
                end if;
            when '0' =>
                digit := 0;
            when '1' =>
                digit := 1;
            when '2' =>
                digit := 2;
            when '3' =>
                digit := 3;
            when '4' =>
                digit := 4;
            when '5' =>
                digit := 5;
            when '6' =>
                digit := 6;
            when '7' =>
                digit := 7;
            when '8' =>
                digit := 8;
            when '9' =>
                digit := 9;
            when others =>
                -- set error flag
                err := true;
        end case;
        if (err) then
            err := false;
            newdigit := newdigit * 10 + digit;
        end if;
    end loop;
    return (sign*newdigit);
end cycloneii_pllpack;
--  DFFE Model
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneii_dffe is
        TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
        XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
        MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
        MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
        XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
        InstancePath: STRING := "*";
        tpd_PRN_Q_negedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_CLRN_Q_negedge             :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_CLK_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_ENA_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_negedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge  :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge     :   VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        thold_D_CLK_noedge_negedge     :   VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge   :   VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        tipd_D                         :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_CLRN                      :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_PRN                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_CLK                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_ENA                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
        Q                              :  out   STD_LOGIC := '0';
        D                              :  in    STD_LOGIC;
        CLRN                           :  in    STD_LOGIC;
        PRN                            :  in    STD_LOGIC;
        CLK                            :  in    STD_LOGIC;
        ENA                            :  in    STD_LOGIC);
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_dffe : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_dffe;
-- architecture body --
architecture behave of cycloneii_dffe is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of behave : architecture is TRUE;
    signal D_ipd  : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    signal CLRN_ipd       : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    signal PRN_ipd        : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    signal CLK_ipd        : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    signal ENA_ipd        : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (D_ipd, D, tipd_D);
        VitalWireDelay (CLRN_ipd, CLRN, tipd_CLRN);
        VitalWireDelay (PRN_ipd, PRN, tipd_PRN);
        VitalWireDelay (CLK_ipd, CLK, tipd_CLK);
        VitalWireDelay (ENA_ipd, ENA, tipd_ENA);
    end block;
    VITALBehavior : process (D_ipd, CLRN_ipd, PRN_ipd, CLK_ipd, ENA_ipd)
    -- timing check results
    VARIABLE Tviol_D_CLK : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
    VARIABLE Tviol_ENA_CLK       : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
    VARIABLE TimingData_D_CLK : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    VARIABLE TimingData_ENA_CLK : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    -- functionality results
    VARIABLE Violation : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
    VARIABLE PrevData_Q : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 7);
    VARIABLE D_delayed : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    VARIABLE CLK_delayed : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    VARIABLE ENA_delayed : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    VARIABLE Results : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to 1) := (others => '0');
    -- output glitch detection variables
    VARIABLE Q_VitalGlitchData   : VitalGlitchDataType;
    CONSTANT dffe_Q_tab : VitalStateTableType := (
        ( L,  L,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  L ),
        ( L,  H,  L,  H,  H,  x,  x,  H,  x,  H ),
        ( L,  H,  L,  H,  x,  L,  x,  H,  x,  H ),
        ( L,  H,  L,  x,  H,  H,  x,  H,  x,  H ),
        ( L,  H,  H,  x,  x,  x,  H,  x,  x,  S ),
        ( L,  H,  x,  x,  x,  x,  L,  x,  x,  H ),
        ( L,  H,  x,  x,  x,  x,  H,  L,  x,  S ),
        ( L,  x,  L,  L,  L,  x,  H,  H,  x,  L ),
        ( L,  x,  L,  L,  x,  L,  H,  H,  x,  L ),
        ( L,  x,  L,  x,  L,  H,  H,  H,  x,  L ),
        ( L,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  S ));
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_D_CLK,
                TimingData      => TimingData_D_CLK,
                TestSignal      => D_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => CLK_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01(( (NOT PRN_ipd) ) OR ( (NOT CLRN_ipd) ) OR ( (NOT ENA_ipd) )) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/DFFE",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ENA_CLK,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ENA_CLK,
                TestSignal      => ENA_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => CLK_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01(( (NOT PRN_ipd) ) OR ( (NOT CLRN_ipd) ) ) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/DFFE",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        --  Functionality Section
        Violation := Tviol_D_CLK or Tviol_ENA_CLK;
        StateTable => dffe_Q_tab,
        DataIn => (
                Violation, CLRN_ipd, CLK_delayed, Results(1), D_delayed, ENA_delayed, PRN_ipd, CLK_ipd),
        Result => Results,
        NumStates => 1,
        PreviousDataIn => PrevData_Q);
        D_delayed := D_ipd;
        CLK_delayed := CLK_ipd;
        ENA_delayed := ENA_ipd;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => Q,
        OutSignalName => "Q",
        OutTemp => Results(1),
        Paths => (  0 => (PRN_ipd'last_event, tpd_PRN_Q_negedge, TRUE),
                    1 => (CLRN_ipd'last_event, tpd_CLRN_Q_negedge, TRUE),
                    2 => (CLK_ipd'last_event, tpd_CLK_Q_posedge, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => Q_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn        => MsgOn );
    end process;
end behave;
--  cycloneii_mux21 Model
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneii_mux21 is
        TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
        MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
        XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
        InstancePath: STRING := "*";
        tpd_A_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_B_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_S_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_A                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_B                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_S                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
    port (
        A : in std_logic := '0';
        B : in std_logic := '0';
        S : in std_logic := '0';
        MO : out std_logic);
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_mux21 : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_mux21;
architecture AltVITAL of cycloneii_mux21 is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of AltVITAL : architecture is TRUE;
    signal A_ipd, B_ipd, S_ipd  : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (A_ipd, A, tipd_A);
        VitalWireDelay (B_ipd, B, tipd_B);
        VitalWireDelay (S_ipd, S, tipd_S);
    end block;
    VITALBehavior : process (A_ipd, B_ipd, S_ipd)
    -- output glitch detection variables
    VARIABLE MO_GlitchData       : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable tmp_MO : std_logic;
        --  Functionality Section
        if (S_ipd = '1') then
            tmp_MO := B_ipd;
            tmp_MO := A_ipd;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => MO,
        OutSignalName => "MO",
        OutTemp => tmp_MO,
        Paths => (  0 => (A_ipd'last_event, tpd_A_MO, TRUE),
                    1 => (B_ipd'last_event, tpd_B_MO, TRUE),
                    2 => (S_ipd'last_event, tpd_S_MO, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => MO_GlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn        => MsgOn );
    end process;
end AltVITAL;
--  cycloneii_mux41 Model
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneii_mux41 is
            TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
            MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
            XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
            InstancePath: STRING := "*";
            tpd_IN0_MO : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tpd_IN1_MO : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tpd_IN2_MO : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tpd_IN3_MO : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tpd_S_MO : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
            tipd_IN0 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_IN1 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_IN2 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_IN3 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_S : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01)
    port (
            IN0 : in std_logic := '0';
            IN1 : in std_logic := '0';
            IN2 : in std_logic := '0';
            IN3 : in std_logic := '0';
            S : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
            MO : out std_logic
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_mux41 : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_mux41;
architecture AltVITAL of cycloneii_mux41 is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of AltVITAL : architecture is TRUE;
    signal IN0_ipd, IN1_ipd, IN2_ipd, IN3_ipd  : std_logic;
    signal S_ipd : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (IN0_ipd, IN0, tipd_IN0);
        VitalWireDelay (IN1_ipd, IN1, tipd_IN1);
        VitalWireDelay (IN2_ipd, IN2, tipd_IN2);
        VitalWireDelay (IN3_ipd, IN3, tipd_IN3);
        VitalWireDelay (S_ipd(0), S(0), tipd_S(0));
        VitalWireDelay (S_ipd(1), S(1), tipd_S(1));
    end block;
    VITALBehavior : process (IN0_ipd, IN1_ipd, IN2_ipd, IN3_ipd, S_ipd(0), S_ipd(1))
    -- output glitch detection variables
    VARIABLE MO_GlitchData       : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable tmp_MO : std_logic;
        --  Functionality Section
        if ((S_ipd(1) = '1') AND (S_ipd(0) = '1')) then
            tmp_MO := IN3_ipd;
        elsif ((S_ipd(1) = '1') AND (S_ipd(0) = '0')) then
            tmp_MO := IN2_ipd;
        elsif ((S_ipd(1) = '0') AND (S_ipd(0) = '1')) then
            tmp_MO := IN1_ipd;
            tmp_MO := IN0_ipd;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
                        OutSignal => MO,
                        OutSignalName => "MO",
                        OutTemp => tmp_MO,
                        Paths => (  0 => (IN0_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN0_MO, TRUE),
                                    1 => (IN1_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN1_MO, TRUE),
                                    2 => (IN2_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN2_MO, TRUE),
                                    3 => (IN3_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN3_MO, TRUE),
                                    4 => (S_ipd(0)'last_event, tpd_S_MO(0), TRUE),
                                    5 => (S_ipd(1)'last_event, tpd_S_MO(1), TRUE)),
                        GlitchData => MO_GlitchData,
                        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
                        XOn  => XOn,
                        MsgOn => MsgOn );
    end process;
end AltVITAL;
--  cycloneii_and1 Model
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
-- entity declaration --
entity cycloneii_and1 is
        TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
        MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
        XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
        InstancePath: STRING := "*";
        tpd_IN1_Y                      :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_IN1                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
        Y                              :  out   STD_LOGIC;
        IN1                            :  in    STD_LOGIC);
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_and1 : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_and1;
-- architecture body --
architecture AltVITAL of cycloneii_and1 is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of AltVITAL : architecture is TRUE;
    SIGNAL IN1_ipd    : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    WireDelay : block
    VitalWireDelay (IN1_ipd, IN1, tipd_IN1);
    end block;
    VITALBehavior : process (IN1_ipd)
    -- functionality results
    VARIABLE Results : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to 1) := (others => 'X');
    ALIAS Y_zd : STD_ULOGIC is Results(1);
    -- output glitch detection variables
    VARIABLE Y_GlitchData    : VitalGlitchDataType;
        --  Functionality Section
        Y_zd := TO_X01(IN1_ipd);
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => Y,
            OutSignalName => "Y",
            OutTemp => Y_zd,
            Paths => (0 => (IN1_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN1_Y, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => Y_GlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn        => MsgOn );
    end process;
end AltVITAL;
-- Module Name     : cycloneii_ram_register
-- Description     : Register module for RAM inputs/outputs
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_ram_register IS
    width   : INTEGER := 1;
    preset  : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    tipd_d  : VitalDelayArrayType01(143 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01); 
    tipd_clk        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tipd_ena        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tipd_stall      : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tipd_aclr       : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tpw_ena_posedge : VitalDelayType   := DefPulseWdthCnst;
    tpd_clk_q_posedge        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tpd_aclr_q_posedge       : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge    : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge     : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge   : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    tsetup_stall_clk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType   := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_stall_clk_noedge_posedge   : VitalDelayType   := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    tsetup_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType   := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType   := DefSetupHoldCnst
    d       : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
    clk     : IN STD_LOGIC;
    ena     : IN STD_LOGIC;
    stall : IN STD_LOGIC;
    aclr    : IN STD_LOGIC;
    devclrn : IN STD_LOGIC;
    devpor  : IN STD_LOGIC;
    q       : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
    aclrout : OUT STD_LOGIC
END cycloneii_ram_register;
ARCHITECTURE reg_arch OF cycloneii_ram_register IS
SIGNAL d_ipd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL clk_ipd  : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL ena_ipd  : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL aclr_ipd : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL stall_ipd : STD_LOGIC;
WireDelay : BLOCK
    loopbits : FOR i in d'RANGE GENERATE
        VitalWireDelay (d_ipd(i), d(i), tipd_d(i));
    VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
    VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
    VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    VitalWireDelay (stall_ipd, stall, tipd_stall);
   PROCESS (d_ipd,ena_ipd,stall_ipd,clk_ipd,aclr_ipd,devclrn,devpor)
VARIABLE Tviol_clk_ena        : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
VARIABLE Tviol_clk_aclr       : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
VARIABLE Tviol_data_clk       : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
VARIABLE TimingData_clk_ena   : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
VARIABLE TimingData_clk_stall   : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
VARIABLE TimingData_clk_aclr  : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
VARIABLE TimingData_data_clk  : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
VARIABLE Tviol_ena            : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
VARIABLE PeriodData_ena       : VitalPeriodDataType := VitalPeriodDataInit;
VARIABLE q_VitalGlitchDataArray : VitalGlitchDataArrayType(143 downto 0);
VARIABLE CQDelay  : TIME := 0 ns;
VARIABLE q_reg    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => preset);
    IF (aclr_ipd = '1' OR devclrn = '0' OR devpor = '0') THEN
        q_reg := (OTHERS => preset);
       ELSIF (clk_ipd = '1' AND clk_ipd'EVENT AND ena_ipd = '1' AND stall_ipd = '0') THEN
        q_reg := d_ipd;
    END IF;
    -- Timing checks
    VitalSetupHoldCheck (
        Violation       => Tviol_clk_ena,
        TimingData      => TimingData_clk_ena,
        TestSignal      => ena_ipd,
        TestSignalName  => "ena",
        RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
        RefSignalName   => "clk",
        SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
        SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
        CheckEnabled    => ((aclr_ipd) OR (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',                              
        RefTransition   => '/',
        HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalSetupHoldCheck",
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
  VitalSetupHoldCheck (
      Violation       => Tviol_clk_ena,
      TimingData      => TimingData_clk_stall,
      TestSignal      => stall_ipd,
      TestSignalName  => "stall",
      RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
      RefSignalName   => "clk",
      SetupHigh       => tsetup_stall_clk_noedge_posedge,
      SetupLow        => tsetup_stall_clk_noedge_posedge,
      HoldHigh        => thold_stall_clk_noedge_posedge,
      HoldLow         => thold_stall_clk_noedge_posedge,
      CheckEnabled    => ((aclr_ipd) OR (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',                              
      RefTransition   => '/',
      HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalSetupHoldCheck",
      XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
      MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
    VitalSetupHoldCheck (
        Violation       => Tviol_clk_aclr,
        TimingData      => TimingData_clk_aclr,
        TestSignal      => aclr_ipd,
        TestSignalName  => "aclr",
        RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
        RefSignalName   => "clk",
        SetupHigh       => tsetup_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
        SetupLow        => tsetup_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldHigh        => thold_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldLow         => thold_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
        CheckEnabled    => ((aclr_ipd) OR (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
        RefTransition   => '/',
        HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalSetupHoldCheck",
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
    VitalSetupHoldCheck (
        Violation       => Tviol_data_clk,
        TimingData      => TimingData_data_clk,
        TestSignal      => d_ipd,
        TestSignalName  => "data",
        RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
        RefSignalName   => "clk",
        SetupHigh       => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
        SetupLow        => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldHigh        => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldLow         => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
        CheckEnabled    => ((aclr_ipd) OR (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
        RefTransition   => '/',
        HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalSetupHoldCheck",
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
    VitalPeriodPulseCheck (
        Violation       => Tviol_ena,
        PeriodData      => PeriodData_ena,
        TestSignal      => ena_ipd,
        TestSignalName  => "ena",
        PulseWidthHigh  => tpw_ena_posedge,
        HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalPeriodPulseCheck",
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
    -- Path Delay Selection
    CQDelay := SelectDelay (
                   Paths => (
                       (0 => (clk_ipd'LAST_EVENT,tpd_clk_q_posedge,TRUE),
                        1 => (aclr_ipd'LAST_EVENT,tpd_aclr_q_posedge,TRUE))
    q <= TRANSPORT q_reg AFTER CQDelay; 
aclrout <= aclr_ipd;
END reg_arch;
-- Module Name     : cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator
-- Description     : Generate pulse to initiate memory read/write operations
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator IS
    tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := (0.5 ns,0.5 ns);
    tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tpd_clk_pulse_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    clk,ena : IN STD_LOGIC;
    pulse,cycle : OUT STD_LOGIC
ATTRIBUTE VITAL_Level0 OF cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator:ENTITY IS TRUE;
END cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator;
ARCHITECTURE pgen_arch OF cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator IS
SIGNAL clk_ipd,ena_ipd : STD_LOGIC;
WireDelay : BLOCK
    VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
    VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
PROCESS (clk_ipd,state)
    IF (state = '1' AND state'EVENT) THEN
        state <= '0';
    ELSIF (clk_ipd = '1' AND clk_ipd'EVENT AND ena_ipd = '1') THEN
        state <= '1';
    END IF;
PathDelay : PROCESS
VARIABLE pulse_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal     => pulse,
        OutSignalName => "pulse",
        OutTemp       => state,
        Paths         => (0 => (clk_ipd'LAST_EVENT,tpd_clk_pulse_posedge,TRUE)),
        GlitchData    => pulse_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode          => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks
cycle <= clk_ipd;
END pgen_arch;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
USE work.cycloneii_ram_register;
USE work.cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator;
ENTITY cycloneii_ram_block IS
        -- -------- GLOBAL PARAMETERS ---------
        operation_mode                 :  STRING := "single_port";    
        mixed_port_feed_through_mode   :  STRING := "dont_care";    
        ram_block_type                 :  STRING := "auto";    
        logical_ram_name               :  STRING := "ram_name";    
        init_file                      :  STRING := "init_file.hex";    
        init_file_layout               :  STRING := "none";    
        data_interleave_width_in_bits  :  INTEGER := 1;    
        data_interleave_offset_in_bits :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_a_logical_ram_depth       :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_logical_ram_width       :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_first_address           :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_last_address            :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_first_bit_number        :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_data_in_clear           :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_address_clear           :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_write_enable_clear      :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_data_out_clear          :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_byte_enable_clear       :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_data_in_clock           :  STRING := "clock0";    
        port_a_address_clock           :  STRING := "clock0";    
        port_a_write_enable_clock      :  STRING := "clock0";    
        port_a_byte_enable_clock       :  STRING := "clock0";    
        port_a_data_out_clock          :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_data_width              :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_a_address_width           :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_a_byte_enable_mask_width  :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_b_logical_ram_depth       :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_logical_ram_width       :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_first_address           :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_last_address            :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_first_bit_number        :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_data_in_clear           :  STRING := "none";    
        port_b_address_clear           :  STRING := "none";    
        port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clear: STRING := "none";    
        port_b_byte_enable_clear       :  STRING := "none";    
        port_b_data_out_clear          :  STRING := "none";    
        port_b_data_in_clock           :  STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_address_clock           :  STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clock: STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_byte_enable_clock       :  STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_data_out_clock          :  STRING := "none";    
        port_b_data_width              :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_b_address_width           :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_b_byte_enable_mask_width  :  INTEGER := 1;    
        power_up_uninitialized         :  STRING := "false";  
        port_b_disable_ce_on_output_registers : STRING := "off";
        port_b_disable_ce_on_input_registers : STRING := "off";
        port_b_byte_size : INTEGER := 0;
        port_a_disable_ce_on_output_registers : STRING := "off";
        port_a_disable_ce_on_input_registers : STRING := "off";
        port_a_byte_size : INTEGER := 0;  
        safe_write : STRING := "err_on_2clk";  
        init_file_restructured : STRING := "unused";  
        lpm_type                  : string := "cycloneii_ram_block";
        lpm_hint                  : string := "true";
        mem_init0 : BIT_VECTOR  := X"0";
        mem_init1 : BIT_VECTOR  := X"0";
        connectivity_checking     : string := "off"
    -- -------- PORT DECLARATIONS ---------
    PORT (
        portadatain             : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0)    := (OTHERS => '0');   
        portaaddr               : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');   
        portawe                 : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        portbdatain             : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0)    := (OTHERS => '0');   
        portbaddr               : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');   
        portbrewe               : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        clk0                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        clk1                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        ena0                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        ena1                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        clr0                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        clr1                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        portabyteenamasks       : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '1');   
        portbbyteenamasks       : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '1');   
        devclrn                 : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        devpor                  : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
         portaaddrstall : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
         portbaddrstall : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
        portadataout            : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);   
        portbdataout            : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0)
END cycloneii_ram_block;
ARCHITECTURE block_arch OF cycloneii_ram_block IS
COMPONENT cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator
    PORT (
          clk                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
          ena                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
          pulse                   : OUT STD_LOGIC;
          cycle                   : OUT STD_LOGIC
COMPONENT cycloneii_ram_register
        preset                    :  STD_LOGIC := '0';
        width                     :  integer := 1
    PORT    (
        d                       : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
        clk                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        aclr                    : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        devclrn                 : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        devpor                  : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        ena                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        stall                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        q                       : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
        aclrout                 : OUT STD_LOGIC
    IF (condition) THEN c := a; ELSE c := b; END IF;
    RETURN c;
CONSTANT primary   : port_type := TRUE;
CONSTANT secondary : port_type := FALSE;
CONSTANT primary_port_is_a : BOOLEAN := (port_b_data_width <= port_a_data_width);
CONSTANT primary_port_is_b : BOOLEAN := NOT primary_port_is_a;
CONSTANT mode_is_rom : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "rom");
CONSTANT mode_is_sp  : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "single_port");
CONSTANT mode_is_dp  : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "dual_port");
CONSTANT mode_is_bdp : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "bidir_dual_port");
CONSTANT wired_mode : BOOLEAN := (port_a_address_width = port_b_address_width) AND (port_a_address_width = 1)
                                  AND (port_a_data_width /= port_b_data_width);
CONSTANT num_cols : INTEGER := cond(mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp,1,
                                    cond(wired_mode,2,2 ** (ABS(port_b_address_width - port_a_address_width))));
CONSTANT data_width      : INTEGER := cond(primary_port_is_a,port_a_data_width,port_b_data_width);
CONSTANT data_unit_width : INTEGER := cond(mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp OR primary_port_is_b,port_a_data_width,port_b_data_width);
CONSTANT address_unit_width : INTEGER := cond(mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp OR primary_port_is_a,port_a_address_width,port_b_address_width);
CONSTANT address_width      : INTEGER := cond(mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp OR primary_port_is_b,port_a_address_width,port_b_address_width);
CONSTANT byte_size_a : INTEGER := port_a_data_width / port_a_byte_enable_mask_width;
CONSTANT byte_size_b : INTEGER := port_b_data_width / port_b_byte_enable_mask_width;    
CONSTANT out_a_is_reg : BOOLEAN := (port_a_data_out_clock /= "none" AND port_a_data_out_clock /= "UNUSED");
CONSTANT out_b_is_reg : BOOLEAN := (port_b_data_out_clock /= "none" AND port_b_data_out_clock /= "UNUSED");
CONSTANT bytes_a_disabled : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
CONSTANT bytes_b_disabled : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
CONSTANT ram_type : BOOLEAN := (ram_block_type = "M-RAM" OR ram_block_type = "m-ram" OR ram_block_type = "MegaRAM" OR 
                               (ram_block_type = "auto"  AND mixed_port_feed_through_mode = "dont_care" AND port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clock = "clock0"));
CONSTANT bool_to_std_logic : bool_to_std_logic_map := ('1','0');
-- -------- internal signals ---------
-- clock / clock enable
SIGNAL clk_a_in,clk_b_in : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clk_a_byteena,clk_b_byteena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clk_a_out,clk_b_out : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clkena_a_out,clkena_b_out : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL write_cycle_a,write_cycle_b : STD_LOGIC;
-- asynch clear
TYPE   clear_mode_type IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF BOOLEAN;
TYPE   clear_vec_type  IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL datain_a_clr,datain_b_clr   :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL dataout_a_clr,dataout_b_clr :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL addr_a_clr,addr_b_clr       :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL byteena_a_clr,byteena_b_clr :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL we_a_clr,rewe_b_clr         :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL datain_a_clr_in,datain_b_clr_in :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL addr_a_clr_in,addr_b_clr_in     :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL byteena_a_clr_in,byteena_b_clr_in  :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL we_a_clr_in,rewe_b_clr_in          :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL mem_invalidate,mem_invalidate_loc,read_latch_invalidate : clear_mode_type;
SIGNAL clear_asserted_during_write :  clear_vec_type;
-- port A registers
SIGNAL we_a_reg                 :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL we_a_reg_in,we_a_reg_out :  one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL addr_a_reg               :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL datain_a_reg             :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL dataout_a_reg            :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL dataout_a                :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL byteena_a_reg            :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_byte_enable_mask_width- 1 DOWNTO 0);
-- port B registers
SIGNAL rewe_b_reg               :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL rewe_b_reg_in,rewe_b_reg_out :  one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL addr_b_reg               :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL datain_b_reg             :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL dataout_b_reg            :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL dataout_b                :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL byteena_b_reg            :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_byte_enable_mask_width- 1 DOWNTO 0);
-- pulses
TYPE   pulse_vec IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL write_pulse,read_pulse,read_pulse_feedthru : pulse_vec; 
SIGNAL wpgen_a_clk,wpgen_a_clkena,wpgen_b_clk,wpgen_b_clkena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL rpgen_a_clkena,rpgen_b_clkena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL ftpgen_a_clkena,ftpgen_b_clkena : STD_LOGIC;
-- registered address
SIGNAL addr_prime_reg,addr_sec_reg :  INTEGER;   
-- input/output
SIGNAL datain_prime_reg,dataout_prime     :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);   
SIGNAL datain_sec_reg,dataout_sec         :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(data_unit_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
--  overlapping location write
SIGNAL dual_write : BOOLEAN; 
-- memory core
SUBTYPE  mem_word_type IS STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SUBTYPE  mem_col_type  IS STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_unit_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
TYPE     mem_row_type  IS ARRAY (num_cols - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF mem_col_type;
TYPE     mem_type IS ARRAY ((2 ** address_unit_width) - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF mem_row_type;
SIGNAL   mem : mem_type;
SIGNAL   init_mem : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
CONSTANT mem_x : mem_type     := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => (OTHERS => 'X')));
CONSTANT row_x : mem_row_type := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => 'X'));
CONSTANT col_x : mem_col_type := (OTHERS => 'X');
SIGNAL   mem_data : mem_row_type;
SIGNAL   old_mem_data : mem_row_type;
SIGNAL   mem_unit_data : mem_col_type;
-- latches
TYPE   read_latch_rec IS RECORD
       prime : mem_row_type;
       sec   : mem_col_type;
SIGNAL read_latch      :  read_latch_rec;
-- (row,column) coordinates
SIGNAL row_sec,col_sec  : INTEGER;
-- byte enable
TYPE   mask_type IS (normal,inverse);
TYPE   mask_prime_type IS ARRAY(mask_type'HIGH DOWNTO mask_type'LOW) OF mem_word_type;
TYPE   mask_sec_type   IS ARRAY(mask_type'HIGH DOWNTO mask_type'LOW) OF mem_col_type;
TYPE   mask_rec IS RECORD
       prime : mask_prime_type;
       sec   : mask_sec_type;
SIGNAL mask_vector : mask_rec;
SIGNAL mask_vector_common : mem_col_type;
FUNCTION get_mask(
    b_ena : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
    mode  : port_type;
    CONSTANT b_ena_width ,byte_size: INTEGER
) RETURN mask_rec IS
VARIABLE mask : mask_rec := (
                                (normal => (OTHERS => '0'),inverse => (OTHERS => 'X')),
                                (normal => (OTHERS => '0'),inverse => (OTHERS => 'X'))
    FOR l in 0 TO b_ena_width - 1  LOOP
        IF (b_ena(l) = '0') THEN 
            IF (mode = primary) THEN
       ((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => 'X');
      *byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => '0');
                mask.sec(normal) ((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => 'X');
                mask.sec(inverse)((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => '0');
            END IF;
        ELSIF (b_ena(l) = 'X' OR b_ena(l) = 'U') THEN 
            IF (mode = primary) THEN
       ((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => 'X');
                mask.sec(normal) ((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => 'X');
            END IF;
        END IF;
    RETURN mask;
END get_mask;
-- port active for read/write
SIGNAL active_a_in_vec,active_b_in_vec,active_a_out,active_b_out : one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL active_a_in,active_b_in   : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL active_a,active_b : BOOLEAN;
SIGNAL active_write_a :  BOOLEAN;
SIGNAL active_write_b :  BOOLEAN;
SIGNAL wire_vcc : STD_LOGIC := '1';
SIGNAL wire_gnd : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    -- memory initialization
    init_mem <= TRUE;
    -- -------- core logic ---------------
    clk_a_in      <= clk0;
    clk_a_byteena <= '0'   WHEN (port_a_byte_enable_clock = "none" OR port_a_byte_enable_clock = "UNUSED") ELSE clk_a_in;
    clk_a_out     <= '0'   WHEN (port_a_data_out_clock = "none" OR port_a_data_out_clock = "UNUSED")    ELSE 
                      clk0 WHEN (port_a_data_out_clock = "clock0")  ELSE clk1;
    clk_b_in      <=  clk0 WHEN (port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clock = "clock0") ELSE clk1;
    clk_b_byteena <=  '0'  WHEN (port_b_byte_enable_clock = "none" OR port_b_byte_enable_clock = "UNUSED") ELSE 
                      clk0 WHEN (port_b_byte_enable_clock = "clock0") ELSE clk1;
    clk_b_out     <=  '0'  WHEN (port_b_data_out_clock = "none" OR port_b_data_out_clock = "UNUSED")    ELSE 
                      clk0 WHEN (port_b_data_out_clock = "clock0")  ELSE clk1;
    addr_a_clr_in <=  '0'  WHEN (port_a_address_clear = "none" OR port_a_address_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE clr0;
    addr_b_clr_in <=  '0'  WHEN (port_b_address_clear = "none" OR port_b_address_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE 
                      clr0 WHEN (port_b_address_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
    datain_a_clr_in <= '0' WHEN (port_a_data_in_clear = "none" OR port_a_data_in_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE clr0;
    datain_b_clr_in <= '0' WHEN (port_b_data_in_clear = "none" OR port_b_data_in_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE 
                       clr0 WHEN (port_b_data_in_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
    dataout_a_clr   <= '0' WHEN (port_a_data_out_clear = "none" OR port_a_data_out_clear = "UNUSED")   ELSE 
                     clr0 WHEN (port_a_data_out_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
    dataout_b_clr   <= '0' WHEN (port_b_data_out_clear = "none" OR port_b_data_out_clear = "UNUSED")   ELSE 
                     clr0 WHEN (port_b_data_out_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
    byteena_a_clr_in <= '0' WHEN (port_a_byte_enable_clear = "none" OR port_a_byte_enable_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE clr0;
    byteena_b_clr_in <= '0' WHEN (port_b_byte_enable_clear = "none" OR port_b_byte_enable_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE 
                        clr0 WHEN (port_b_byte_enable_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
    we_a_clr_in      <= '0' WHEN (port_a_write_enable_clear = "none" OR port_a_write_enable_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE clr0;
    rewe_b_clr_in    <= '0' WHEN (port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clear = "none" OR port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clear = "UNUSED")   ELSE 
                        clr0 WHEN (port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
        active_a_in <= '1'  WHEN (port_a_disable_ce_on_input_registers = "on") ELSE ena0;
        active_b_in <= '1'  WHEN (port_b_disable_ce_on_input_registers = "on") ELSE 
                       ena0 WHEN (port_b_read_enable_write_enable_clock = "clock0") ELSE ena1;
    -- Store clock enable value for SEAB/MEAB
    -- A port active 
    active_a_in_vec(0) <= active_a_in;
    active_port_a : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
        PORT MAP (
            d => active_a_in_vec,
            clk => clk_a_in,
            aclr => wire_gnd,
            devclrn => wire_vcc,devpor => wire_vcc,
            ena => wire_vcc,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            q => active_a_out
    active_a <= (active_a_out(0) = '1');
    active_write_a <= active_a AND (byteena_a_reg /= bytes_a_disabled);
    -- B port active
    active_b_in_vec(0) <= active_b_in;
    active_port_b : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
        PORT MAP (
            d => active_b_in_vec,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => wire_gnd,
            devclrn => wire_vcc,devpor => wire_vcc,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => wire_vcc,
            q => active_b_out
    active_b <= (active_b_out(0) = '1');
    active_write_b <= active_b AND (byteena_b_reg /= bytes_b_disabled);
    -- ------ A input registers
    -- write enable
    we_a_reg_in(0) <= '0' WHEN mode_is_rom ELSE portawe;
    we_a_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
        PORT MAP (
            d => we_a_reg_in,
            clk => clk_a_in,
            aclr => we_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
             ena => active_a_in,
            q   => we_a_reg_out,
            aclrout => we_a_clr
    we_a_reg <= we_a_reg_out(0);
    -- address
    addr_a_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => port_a_address_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => portaaddr,
            clk => clk_a_in,
            aclr => addr_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => portaaddrstall,
            ena => active_a_in,
            q   => addr_a_reg,
            aclrout => addr_a_clr
    -- data
    datain_a_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => port_a_data_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => portadatain,
            clk => clk_a_in,
            aclr => datain_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_a_in,
            q   => datain_a_reg,
            aclrout => datain_a_clr
    -- byte enable
    byteena_a_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP (
            width  => port_a_byte_enable_mask_width,
            preset => '1'
        PORT MAP (
            d => portabyteenamasks,
            clk => clk_a_byteena,
            aclr => byteena_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_a_in,
            q   => byteena_a_reg,
            aclrout => byteena_a_clr
    -- ------ B input registers 
    -- read/write enable
    rewe_b_reg_in(0) <= portbrewe;
    rewe_b_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP (
            width  => 1,
            preset => bool_to_std_logic(mode_is_dp)
        PORT MAP (
            d => rewe_b_reg_in,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => rewe_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_b_in,
            q   => rewe_b_reg_out,
            aclrout => rewe_b_clr
    rewe_b_reg <= rewe_b_reg_out(0);
    -- address
    addr_b_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width  => port_b_address_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => portbaddr,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => addr_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => portbaddrstall,
            ena => active_b_in,
            q   => addr_b_reg,
            aclrout => addr_b_clr
    -- data
    datain_b_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width  => port_b_data_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => portbdatain,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => datain_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_b_in,
            q   => datain_b_reg,
            aclrout => datain_b_clr
    -- byte enable
    byteena_b_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP (
            width  => port_b_byte_enable_mask_width,
            preset => '1'
        PORT MAP (
            d => portbbyteenamasks,
            clk => clk_b_byteena,
            aclr => byteena_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_b_in,
            q   => byteena_b_reg,
            aclrout => byteena_b_clr
    datain_prime_reg <= datain_a_reg WHEN primary_port_is_a ELSE datain_b_reg;
    addr_prime_reg   <= alt_conv_integer(addr_a_reg)   WHEN primary_port_is_a ELSE alt_conv_integer(addr_b_reg);
    datain_sec_reg   <= (OTHERS => 'U') WHEN (mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp) ELSE 
                        datain_b_reg    WHEN primary_port_is_a           ELSE datain_a_reg;
    addr_sec_reg     <= alt_conv_integer(addr_b_reg)   WHEN primary_port_is_a ELSE alt_conv_integer(addr_a_reg);
    -- Write pulse generation
    wpgen_a_clk <= clk_a_in WHEN ram_type ELSE (NOT clk_a_in);
      wpgen_a_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_write_a AND (we_a_reg = '1')) ELSE '0';
    wpgen_a : cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator 
        PORT MAP (
            clk => wpgen_a_clk,
            ena => wpgen_a_clkena,
            pulse => write_pulse(primary_port_is_a),
            cycle => write_cycle_a
    wpgen_b_clk <= clk_b_in WHEN ram_type ELSE (NOT clk_b_in);
      wpgen_b_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_write_b AND mode_is_bdp AND (rewe_b_reg = '1')) ELSE '0';
    wpgen_b : cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => wpgen_b_clk,
            ena => wpgen_b_clkena,
            pulse => write_pulse(primary_port_is_b),
            cycle => write_cycle_b
    -- Read  pulse generation
    rpgen_a_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_a AND (we_a_reg = '0')) ELSE '0';
    rpgen_a : cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_a_in,
            ena => rpgen_a_clkena,
            pulse => read_pulse(primary_port_is_a)
    rpgen_b_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_b AND mode_is_dp  AND (rewe_b_reg = '1')) OR 
                               (active_b AND mode_is_bdp AND (rewe_b_reg = '0'))
                         ELSE '0';
    rpgen_b : cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_b_in,
            ena => rpgen_b_clkena,
            pulse => read_pulse(primary_port_is_b)
    -- Create internal masks for byte enable processing
    mask_create : PROCESS (byteena_a_reg,byteena_b_reg)
    VARIABLE mask : mask_rec;
        IF (byteena_a_reg'EVENT) THEN
            mask := get_mask(byteena_a_reg,primary_port_is_a,port_a_byte_enable_mask_width,byte_size_a);
            IF (primary_port_is_a) THEN
                mask_vector.sec   <= mask.sec;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (byteena_b_reg'EVENT) THEN
            mask := get_mask(byteena_b_reg,primary_port_is_b,port_b_byte_enable_mask_width,byte_size_b);
            IF (primary_port_is_b) THEN
                mask_vector.sec   <= mask.sec;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    END PROCESS mask_create;
    -- (row,col) coordinates
    row_sec <= addr_sec_reg / num_cols;    
    col_sec <= addr_sec_reg mod num_cols;
    mem_rw : PROCESS (init_mem,
    -- mem init
    TYPE rw_type IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF BOOLEAN;
    VARIABLE addr_range_init,row,col,index :  INTEGER;
    VARIABLE mem_init_std :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR((port_a_last_address - port_a_first_address + 1)*port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
   VARIABLE mem_init  :  bit_vector(mem_init1'length + mem_init0'length - 1 DOWNTO 0);
    VARIABLE mem_val : mem_type; 
    -- read/write
    VARIABLE mem_data_p : mem_row_type;
    VARIABLE old_mem_data_p : mem_row_type;
    VARIABLE row_prime,col_prime  : INTEGER;
    VARIABLE access_same_location : BOOLEAN;
    VARIABLE read_during_write    : rw_type;
        read_during_write := (FALSE,FALSE);
        -- Memory initialization
        IF (init_mem'EVENT) THEN
            -- Initialize output latches to 0
            IF (primary_port_is_a) THEN
                dataout_prime <= (OTHERS => '0');
                IF (mode_is_dp OR mode_is_bdp) THEN dataout_sec <= (OTHERS => '0'); END IF;
                dataout_sec   <= (OTHERS => '0');
                IF (mode_is_dp OR mode_is_bdp) THEN dataout_prime <= (OTHERS => '0'); END IF;
            END IF;
            mem_val := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => (OTHERS => '0')));
            IF (primary_port_is_a) THEN 
                addr_range_init := port_a_last_address - port_a_first_address + 1;
                addr_range_init := port_b_last_address - port_b_first_address + 1;
            END IF;
            IF (init_file_layout = "port_a" OR init_file_layout = "port_b") THEN
                mem_init := mem_init1 & mem_init0;
                mem_init_std := to_stdlogicvector(mem_init) ((port_a_last_address - port_a_first_address + 1)*port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
                FOR row IN 0 TO addr_range_init - 1 LOOP
                    FOR col IN 0 to num_cols - 1 LOOP
                        index := row * data_width;
                        mem_val(row)(col) := mem_init_std(index + (col+1)*data_unit_width -1 DOWNTO 
                                                          index +  col*data_unit_width);
                    END LOOP;
                END LOOP;
            END IF;
            mem <= mem_val;
        END IF;
        access_same_location := (mode_is_dp OR mode_is_bdp) AND (addr_prime_reg = row_sec);
        -- Write stage 1 : X to buffer
        -- Write stage 2 : actual data to memory
    	IF (write_pulse(primary)'EVENT) THEN
    	    IF (write_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
    	        old_mem_data_p := mem(addr_prime_reg);
    	        mem_data_p := mem(addr_prime_reg);
    	        FOR i IN 0 TO num_cols - 1 LOOP
    	            mem_data_p(i) := mem_data_p(i) XOR 
    	                    + 1)*data_unit_width - 1 DOWNTO i*data_unit_width);
    	        END LOOP;
    	        read_during_write(secondary) := (access_same_location AND read_pulse(secondary)'EVENT AND read_pulse(secondary) = '1');
    	        IF (read_during_write(secondary)) THEN    
    	            read_latch.sec <= old_mem_data_p(col_sec);
    	            mem_data <= mem_data_p;
    	        END IF;
    	    ELSIF (clear_asserted_during_write(primary) /= '1') THEN
    	        FOR i IN 0 TO data_width - 1 LOOP
    	            IF ( = '0') THEN
    	                mem(addr_prime_reg)(i / data_unit_width)(i mod data_unit_width) <= datain_prime_reg(i);
    	            ELSIF ( = 'X') THEN
    	                mem(addr_prime_reg)(i / data_unit_width)(i mod data_unit_width) <= 'X';
    	            END IF;                       
       	        END LOOP;
    	    END IF;
    	END IF;
    	IF (write_pulse(secondary)'EVENT) THEN
    	    IF (write_pulse(secondary) = '1') THEN
    	        read_during_write(primary) := (access_same_location AND read_pulse(primary)'EVENT AND read_pulse(primary) = '1');
    	        IF (read_during_write(primary)) THEN
    	   <= mem(addr_prime_reg);
    	   <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec) XOR mask_vector.sec(inverse);
    	            mem_unit_data <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec) XOR mask_vector.sec(inverse);
    	        END IF;
    	        IF (access_same_location AND write_pulse(primary)'EVENT AND write_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
    	            mask_vector_common <= 
              + 1)* data_unit_width - 1) DOWNTO col_sec*data_unit_width) AND 
                    dual_write <= TRUE;
    	        END IF;
    	    ELSIF (clear_asserted_during_write(secondary) /= '1') THEN
    	        FOR i IN 0 TO data_unit_width - 1 LOOP
    	            IF (mask_vector.sec(normal)(i) = '0') THEN
    	                mem(row_sec)(col_sec)(i) <= datain_sec_reg(i);
    	            ELSIF (mask_vector.sec(inverse)(i) = 'X') THEN
    	                mem(row_sec)(col_sec)(i) <= 'X';
    	            END IF;                       
       	        END LOOP;
    	    END IF;
    	END IF;
    	-- Simultaneous write
        IF (dual_write AND write_pulse = "00") THEN
           mem(row_sec)(col_sec) <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec) XOR mask_vector_common;
           dual_write <= FALSE;
        END IF;
    	-- Read stage 1 : read data 
    	-- Read stage 2 : send data to output
    	IF ((NOT read_during_write(primary)) AND read_pulse(primary)'EVENT) THEN
    	    IF (read_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
    <= mem(addr_prime_reg);
    	        IF (access_same_location AND write_pulse(secondary) = '1') THEN
    	   <= mem_unit_data;
    	        END IF;    
    	        FOR i IN 0 TO data_width - 1 LOOP
    	            row_prime := i / data_unit_width; col_prime := i mod data_unit_width;
    	            dataout_prime(i) <=;                      
       	        END LOOP;
    	    END IF;
    	END IF;
    	IF ((NOT read_during_write(secondary)) AND read_pulse(secondary)'EVENT) THEN
    	    IF (read_pulse(secondary) = '1') THEN
    	        IF (access_same_location AND write_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
    	            read_latch.sec <= mem_data(col_sec);
    	            read_latch.sec <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec);
    	        END IF;
    	        dataout_sec <= read_latch.sec;
    	    END IF;
    	END IF;
    	-- Same port feed thru
    	   IF (read_pulse_feedthru(primary)'EVENT AND read_pulse_feedthru(primary) = '0') THEN
            dataout_prime <= datain_prime_reg XOR;
        END IF;
        IF (read_pulse_feedthru(secondary)'EVENT AND read_pulse_feedthru(secondary) = '0') THEN
           dataout_sec <= datain_sec_reg XOR mask_vector.sec(normal);
        END IF;
        -- Async clear
        IF (mem_invalidate'EVENT) THEN
            IF (mem_invalidate(primary) = TRUE OR mem_invalidate(secondary) = TRUE) THEN
                mem <= mem_x;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (mem_invalidate_loc'EVENT) THEN
            IF (mem_invalidate_loc(primary))   THEN mem(addr_prime_reg)   <= row_x;  END IF;
            IF (mem_invalidate_loc(secondary)) THEN mem(row_sec)(col_sec) <= col_x;  END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (read_latch_invalidate'EVENT) THEN
            IF (read_latch_invalidate(primary)) THEN 
       <= row_x; 
            END IF;
            IF (read_latch_invalidate(secondary)) THEN 
                read_latch.sec   <= col_x;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    END PROCESS mem_rw;
    -- Same port feed through
   ftpgen_a_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_a AND (NOT mode_is_dp) AND (we_a_reg = '1')) ELSE '0';            
    ftpgen_a : cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_a_in,
            ena => ftpgen_a_clkena,
            pulse => read_pulse_feedthru(primary_port_is_a)
   ftpgen_b_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_b AND mode_is_bdp AND (rewe_b_reg = '1')) ELSE '0';               
    ftpgen_b : cycloneii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_b_in,
            ena => ftpgen_b_clkena,
            pulse => read_pulse_feedthru(primary_port_is_b)
    -- Asynch clear events    
    clear_a : PROCESS(addr_a_clr,we_a_clr,datain_a_clr)
        IF (addr_a_clr'EVENT AND addr_a_clr = '1') THEN
            clear_asserted_during_write(primary_port_is_a) <= write_pulse(primary_port_is_a);
            IF (active_write_a AND (write_cycle_a = '1') AND (we_a_reg = '1')) THEN
                mem_invalidate(primary_port_is_a) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
           ELSIF (active_a AND we_a_reg = '0') THEN
                read_latch_invalidate(primary_port_is_a) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF ((we_a_clr'EVENT AND we_a_clr = '1') OR (datain_a_clr'EVENT AND datain_a_clr = '1')) THEN
            clear_asserted_during_write(primary_port_is_a) <= write_pulse(primary_port_is_a);
            IF (active_write_a AND (write_cycle_a = '1') AND (we_a_reg = '1')) THEN
                mem_invalidate_loc(primary_port_is_a) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
                read_latch_invalidate(primary_port_is_a) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    END PROCESS clear_a;
   clear_b : PROCESS(addr_b_clr,rewe_b_clr,datain_b_clr)
        IF (addr_b_clr'EVENT AND addr_b_clr = '1') THEN
            clear_asserted_during_write(primary_port_is_b) <= write_pulse(primary_port_is_b);
           IF (mode_is_bdp AND active_write_b AND (write_cycle_b = '1') AND (rewe_b_reg = '1')) THEN
                mem_invalidate(primary_port_is_b) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
           ELSIF (active_b AND ((mode_is_dp AND rewe_b_reg = '1') OR (mode_is_bdp AND rewe_b_reg = '0'))) THEN
                read_latch_invalidate(primary_port_is_b) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
            END IF;
        END IF;
       IF ((rewe_b_clr'EVENT AND rewe_b_clr = '1') OR (datain_b_clr'EVENT AND datain_b_clr = '1')) THEN
            clear_asserted_during_write(primary_port_is_b) <= write_pulse(primary_port_is_b);
           IF (mode_is_bdp AND active_write_b AND (write_cycle_b = '1') AND (rewe_b_reg = '1')) THEN
                mem_invalidate_loc(primary_port_is_b) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
                read_latch_invalidate(primary_port_is_b) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    END PROCESS clear_b;
    -- ------ Output registers
       clkena_a_out <= '1'  WHEN (port_a_disable_ce_on_output_registers = "on") ELSE
                       ena0 WHEN (port_a_data_out_clock = "clock0") ELSE ena1;
      clkena_b_out <= '1'  WHEN (port_b_disable_ce_on_output_registers = "on") ELSE
                       ena0 WHEN (port_b_data_out_clock = "clock0") ELSE ena1;
    dataout_a <= dataout_prime WHEN primary_port_is_a ELSE dataout_sec;
    dataout_b <= (OTHERS => 'U') WHEN (mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp) ELSE 
                 dataout_prime   WHEN primary_port_is_b ELSE dataout_sec;
    dataout_a_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => port_a_data_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => dataout_a,
            clk => clk_a_out,
                     aclr => dataout_a_clr,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => clkena_a_out,
            q => dataout_a_reg
    dataout_b_register : cycloneii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => port_b_data_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => dataout_b,
            clk => clk_b_out,
                     aclr => dataout_b_clr,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => clkena_b_out,
            q => dataout_b_reg
   portadataout <= dataout_a_reg WHEN out_a_is_reg ELSE dataout_a;
   portbdataout <= dataout_b_reg WHEN out_b_is_reg ELSE dataout_b;
END block_arch;
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_jtag
-- Description : CycloneII JTAG VHDL Simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity  cycloneii_jtag is
    generic (
        lpm_type : string := "cycloneii_jtag"
    port (
        tms : in std_logic := '0'; 
        tck : in std_logic := '0'; 
        tdi : in std_logic := '0'; 
        ntrst : in std_logic := '0'; 
        tdoutap : in std_logic := '0'; 
        tdouser : in std_logic := '0'; 
        tdo: out std_logic; 
        tmsutap: out std_logic; 
        tckutap: out std_logic; 
        tdiutap: out std_logic; 
        shiftuser: out std_logic; 
        clkdruser: out std_logic; 
        updateuser: out std_logic; 
        runidleuser: out std_logic; 
        usr1user: out std_logic
end cycloneii_jtag;
architecture architecture_jtag of cycloneii_jtag is
end architecture_jtag;
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_crcblock
-- Description : CycloneII CRCBLOCK VHDL Simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity  cycloneii_crcblock is
    generic  (
        oscillator_divider : integer := 1;
        lpm_type : string := "cycloneii_crcblock"
    port (
        clk : in std_logic := '0'; 
        shiftnld : in std_logic := '0'; 
           ldsrc : in std_logic := '0'; 
        crcerror : out std_logic; 
        regout : out std_logic
end cycloneii_crcblock;
architecture architecture_crcblock of cycloneii_crcblock is
end architecture_crcblock;
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_asmiblock
-- Description : CycloneII ASMIBLOCK VHDL Simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity  cycloneii_asmiblock is
	 generic (
					lpm_type	: string := "cycloneii_asmiblock"
    port (dclkin : in std_logic; 
    		 scein : in std_logic; 
    		 sdoin : in std_logic; 
    		 oe : in std_logic; 
          data0out: out std_logic);
end cycloneii_asmiblock;
architecture architecture_asmiblock of cycloneii_asmiblock is
process(dclkin, scein, sdoin, oe)
end process;
end architecture_asmiblock;  -- end of cycloneii_asmiblock
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_m_cntr
-- Description : Timing simulation model for the M counter. M is the loop 
--               feedback counter of the CycloneII PLL.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_m_cntr is
    PORT(  clk           : IN std_logic;
            reset         : IN std_logic := '0';
            cout          : OUT std_logic;
            initial_value : IN integer := 1;
            modulus       : IN integer := 1;
            time_delay    : IN integer := 0
END cycloneii_m_cntr;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneii_m_cntr is
    process (clk, reset)
    variable count : integer := 1;
    variable first_rising_edge : boolean := true;
    variable tmp_cout : std_logic;
        if (reset = '1') then
            count := 1;
            tmp_cout := '0';
            first_rising_edge := true;
        elsif (clk'event) then
            if (clk = '1' and first_rising_edge) then
                first_rising_edge := false;
                tmp_cout := clk;
            elsif (not first_rising_edge) then
                if (count < modulus) then
                    count := count + 1;
                    count := 1;
                    tmp_cout := not tmp_cout;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        cout <= transport tmp_cout after time_delay * 1 ps;
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_n_cntr
-- Description : Timing simulation model for the N counter. N is the
--               input counter of the CycloneII PLL.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_n_cntr is
    PORT(  clk           : IN std_logic;
            reset         : IN std_logic := '0';
            cout          : OUT std_logic;
            initial_value : IN integer := 1;
            modulus       : IN integer := 1;
            time_delay    : IN integer := 0
END cycloneii_n_cntr;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneii_n_cntr is
    process (clk, reset)
    variable count : integer := 1;
    variable first_rising_edge : boolean := true;
    variable tmp_cout : std_logic;
    variable clk_last_valid_value : std_logic;
        if (reset = '1') then
            count := 1;
            tmp_cout := '0';
            first_rising_edge := true;
        elsif (clk'event) then
            if (clk = 'X') then
                ASSERT FALSE REPORT "Invalid transition to 'X' detected on PLL input clk. This edge will be ignored." severity warning;
            elsif (clk = '1' and first_rising_edge) then
                first_rising_edge := false;
                tmp_cout := clk;
            elsif (not first_rising_edge) then
                if (count < modulus) then
                    count := count + 1;
                    count := 1;
                    tmp_cout := not tmp_cout;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (clk /= 'X') then
            clk_last_valid_value := clk;
        end if;
        cout <= transport tmp_cout after time_delay * 1 ps;
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_scale_cntr
-- Description : Timing simulation model for the output scale-down counters.
--               This is a common model for the C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5
--               output counters of the CycloneII PLL.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_scale_cntr is
    PORT(   clk            : IN std_logic;
            reset          : IN std_logic := '0';
            initial        : IN integer := 1;
            high           : IN integer := 1;
            low            : IN integer := 1;
            mode           : IN string := "bypass";
            ph_tap         : IN integer := 0;
            cout           : OUT std_logic
END cycloneii_scale_cntr;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneii_scale_cntr is
    process (clk, reset)
    variable tmp_cout : std_logic := '0';
    variable count : integer := 1;
    variable output_shift_count : integer := 1;
    variable first_rising_edge : boolean := false;
        if (reset = '1') then
            count := 1;
            output_shift_count := 1;
            tmp_cout := '0';
            first_rising_edge := false;
        elsif (clk'event) then
            if (mode = "   off") then
                tmp_cout := '0';
            elsif (mode = "bypass") then
                tmp_cout := clk;
                first_rising_edge := true;
            elsif (not first_rising_edge) then
                if (clk = '1') then
                    if (output_shift_count = initial) then
                        tmp_cout := clk;
                        first_rising_edge := true;
                        output_shift_count := output_shift_count + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
            elsif (output_shift_count < initial) then
                if (clk = '1') then
                    output_shift_count := output_shift_count + 1;
                end if;
                count := count + 1;
                if (mode = "  even" and (count = (high*2) + 1)) then
                    tmp_cout := '0';
                elsif (mode = "   odd" and (count = high*2)) then
                    tmp_cout := '0';
                elsif (count = (high + low)*2 + 1) then
                    tmp_cout := '1';
                    count := 1;  -- reset count
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        cout <= transport tmp_cout;
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_pll_reg
-- Description : Simulation model for a simple DFF.
--               This is required for the generation of the bit slip-signals.
--               No timing, powers upto 0.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_pll_reg is
    PORT(   clk : in std_logic;
            ena : in std_logic := '1';
            d : in std_logic;
            clrn : in std_logic := '1';
            prn : in std_logic := '1';
            q : out std_logic
end cycloneii_pll_reg;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneii_pll_reg is
    process (clk, prn, clrn)
    variable q_reg : std_logic := '0';
        if (prn = '0') then
            q_reg := '1';
        elsif (clrn = '0') then
            q_reg := '0';
        elsif (clk'event and clk = '1' and (ena = '1')) then
            q_reg := D;
        end if;
        Q <= q_reg;
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_pll
-- Description : Timing simulation model for the CycloneII PLL.
--               In the functional mode, it is also the model for the altpll
--               megafunction.
-- Limitations : Does not support Spread Spectrum and Bandwidth.
-- Outputs     : Up to 6 output clocks, each defined by its own set of
--               parameters. Locked output (active high) indicates when the
--               PLL locks. clkbad, clkloss and activeclock are used for
--               clock switchover to indicate which input clock has gone
--               bad, when the clock switchover initiates and which input
--               clock is being used as the reference, respectively.
--               scandataout is the data output of the serial scan chain.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
USE work.cycloneii_pllpack.all;
USE work.cycloneii_m_cntr;
USE work.cycloneii_n_cntr;
USE work.cycloneii_scale_cntr;
USE work.cycloneii_dffe;
USE work.cycloneii_pll_reg;
ENTITY cycloneii_pll is
        operation_mode              : string := "normal";
        pll_type                    : string := "auto";  -- EGPP/FAST/AUTO
        compensate_clock            : string := "clk0";
        feedback_source             : string := "clk0";
        qualify_conf_done           : string := "off";
        test_input_comp_delay       : integer := 0;
        test_feedback_comp_delay    : integer := 0;
        inclk0_input_frequency      : integer := 10000;
        inclk1_input_frequency      : integer := 10000;
        gate_lock_signal            : string := "no";
        gate_lock_counter           : integer := 1;
        self_reset_on_gated_loss_lock : string := "off";
        valid_lock_multiplier       : integer := 1;
        invalid_lock_multiplier     : integer := 5;
        sim_gate_lock_device_behavior : string := "off";
        switch_over_type            : string := "manual";
        switch_over_on_lossclk      : string := "off";
        switch_over_on_gated_lock   : string := "off";
        switch_over_counter         : integer := 1;
        enable_switch_over_counter  : string := "on";
        bandwidth                   : integer := 0;
        bandwidth_type              : string := "auto";
        down_spread                 : string := "0.0";
        spread_frequency            : integer := 0;
        clk0_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk0_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
        clk0_divide_by              : integer := 1;
        clk0_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk0_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk1_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk1_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
        clk1_divide_by              : integer := 1;
        clk1_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk1_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk2_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk2_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
        clk2_divide_by              : integer := 1;
        clk2_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk2_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk3_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk3_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
        clk3_divide_by              : integer := 1;
        clk3_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk3_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk4_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk4_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
        clk4_divide_by              : integer := 1;
        clk4_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk4_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk5_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk5_multiply_by            : integer := 1;
        clk5_divide_by              : integer := 1;
        clk5_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk5_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        pfd_min                     : integer := 0;
        pfd_max                     : integer := 0;
        vco_min                     : integer := 0;
        vco_max                     : integer := 0;
        vco_center                  : integer := 0;
        m_initial                   : integer := 1;
        m                           : integer := 0;
        n                           : integer := 1;
        m2                          : integer := 1;
        n2                          : integer := 1;
        ss                          : integer := 0;
        c0_high                     : integer := 1;
        c0_low                      : integer := 1;
        c0_initial                  : integer := 1; 
        c0_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c0_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c1_high                     : integer := 1;
        c1_low                      : integer := 1;
        c1_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c1_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c1_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c2_high                     : integer := 1;
        c2_low                      : integer := 1;
        c2_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c2_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c2_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c3_high                     : integer := 1;
        c3_low                      : integer := 1;
        c3_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c3_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c3_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c4_high                     : integer := 1;
        c4_low                      : integer := 1;
        c4_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c4_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c4_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c5_high                     : integer := 1;
        c5_low                      : integer := 1;
        c5_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c5_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c5_ph                       : integer := 0;
        m_ph                        : integer := 0;
        clk0_counter                : string := "c0";
        clk1_counter                : string := "c1";
        clk2_counter                : string := "c2";
        clk3_counter                : string := "c3";
        clk4_counter                : string := "c4";
        clk5_counter                : string := "c5";
        c1_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        c2_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        c3_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        c4_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        c5_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        m_test_source               : integer := 5;
        c0_test_source              : integer := 5;
        c1_test_source              : integer := 5;
        c2_test_source              : integer := 5;
        c3_test_source              : integer := 5;
        c4_test_source              : integer := 5;
        c5_test_source              : integer := 5;
        -- LVDS mode parameters
        enable0_counter             : string := "c0";
        enable1_counter             : string := "c1";
        sclkout0_phase_shift        : string := "0";
        sclkout1_phase_shift        : string := "0";
        charge_pump_current         : integer := 52;
        loop_filter_r               : string := " 1.000000";
        loop_filter_c               : integer := 16;
        use_vco_bypass              : string := "false";
        use_dc_coupling             : string := "false";
        pll_compensation_delay      : integer := 0;
        simulation_type             : string := "functional";
        lpm_type                    : string := "cycloneii_pll";
        -- Simulation only generics
        family_name                 : string  := "CycloneII";
        clk0_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk1_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk2_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk3_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk4_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk5_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk0_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk1_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk2_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk3_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk4_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk5_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        vco_multiply_by             : integer := 0;
        vco_divide_by               : integer := 0;
        vco_post_scale              : integer := 1;
        -- VITAL generics
        XOn                         : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
        MsgOn                       : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
        MsgOnChecks                 : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
        XOnChecks                   : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
        TimingChecksOn              : Boolean := true;
        InstancePath                : STRING := "*";
        tipd_inclk                  : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
        tipd_ena                    : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_pfdena                 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_areset                 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_clkswitch              : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
        inclk                       : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        ena                         : in std_logic := '1';
        clkswitch                   : in std_logic := '0';
        areset                      : in std_logic := '0';
        pfdena                      : in std_logic := '1';
        testclearlock               : in std_logic := '0';
        sbdin                       : in std_logic := '0';
        clk                         : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
        locked                      : out std_logic;
        testupout                   : out std_logic;
        testdownout                 : out std_logic;
        sbdout                      : out std_logic
END cycloneii_pll;
ARCHITECTURE vital_pll of cycloneii_pll is
TYPE int_array is ARRAY(NATURAL RANGE <>) of integer;
TYPE str_array is ARRAY(NATURAL RANGE <>) of string(1 to 6);
TYPE str_array1 is ARRAY(NATURAL RANGE <>) of string(1 to 9);
TYPE std_logic_array is ARRAY(NATURAL RANGE <>) of std_logic;
-- internal advanced parameter signals
signal   i_vco_min      : integer;
signal   i_vco_max      : integer;
signal   i_vco_center   : integer;
signal   i_pfd_min      : integer;
signal   i_pfd_max      : integer;
signal   c_ph_val       : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 0);
signal   c_high_val     : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   c_low_val      : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   c_initial_val  : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   c_mode_val     : str_array(0 to 5);
-- old values
signal   c_high_val_old : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   c_low_val_old  : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   c_ph_val_old   : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 0);
signal   c_mode_val_old : str_array(0 to 5);
-- hold registers
signal   c_high_val_hold : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   c_low_val_hold  : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   c_ph_val_hold   : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 0);
signal   c_mode_val_hold : str_array(0 to 5);
-- temp registers
signal   sig_c_ph_val_tmp   : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 0);
signal   sig_c_low_val_tmp  : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   sig_c_hi_val_tmp  : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal   c_ph_val_orig  : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 0);
--signal   i_clk5_counter         : string(1 to 2) := "c5";
--signal   i_clk4_counter         : string(1 to 2) := "c4";
--signal   i_clk3_counter         : string(1 to 2) := "c3";
--signal   i_clk2_counter         : string(1 to 2) := "c2";
--signal   i_clk1_counter         : string(1 to 2) := "c1";
--signal   i_clk0_counter         : string(1 to 2) := "c0";
signal   i_clk5_counter         : integer := 5;
signal   i_clk4_counter         : integer := 4;
signal   i_clk3_counter         : integer := 3;
signal   i_clk2_counter         : integer := 2;
signal   i_clk1_counter         : integer := 1;
signal   i_clk0_counter         : integer := 0;
signal   i_charge_pump_current  : integer;
signal   i_loop_filter_r        : integer;
-- end internal advanced parameter signals
CONSTANT GPP_SCAN_CHAIN : integer := 174;
CONSTANT cntrs : str_array(5 downto 0) := ("    C5", "    C4", "    C3", "    C2", "    C1", "    C0");
CONSTANT ss_cntrs : str_array(0 to 3) := ("     M", "    M2", "     N", "    N2");
CONSTANT loop_filter_c_arr : int_array(0 to 3) := (57, 16, 36, 5);
CONSTANT fpll_loop_filter_c_arr : int_array(0 to 3) := (18, 13, 8, 2);
CONSTANT charge_pump_curr_arr : int_array(0 to 15) := (6, 12, 30, 36, 52, 57, 72, 77, 92, 96, 110, 114, 127, 131, 144, 148);
CONSTANT loop_filter_r_arr : str_array1(0 to 39) := (" 1.000000", " 1.500000", " 2.000000", " 2.500000", " 3.000000", " 3.500000", " 4.000000", " 4.500000", " 5.000000", " 5.500000", " 6.000000", " 6.500000", " 7.000000", " 7.500000", " 8.000000", " 8.500000", " 9.000000", " 9.500000", "10.000000", "10.500000", "11.000000", "11.500000", "12.000000", "12.500000", "13.000000", "13.500000", "14.000000", "14.500000", "15.000000", "15.500000", "16.000000", "16.500000", "17.000000", "17.500000", "18.000000", "18.500000", "19.000000", "19.500000", "20.000000", "20.500000");
-- signals
signal vcc : std_logic := '1';
signal fbclk       : std_logic;
signal refclk      : std_logic;
signal c_clk : std_logic_array(0 to 5);
signal vco_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal vco_tap : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal vco_out_last_value : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal vco_tap_last_value : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- signals to assign values to counter params
signal m_val : int_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal n_val : int_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal m_ph_val : integer := 0;
signal m_initial_val : integer := m_initial;
signal m_mode_val : str_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => "      ");
signal n_mode_val : str_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => "      ");
signal lfc_val : integer := 0;
signal cp_curr_val : integer := 0;
signal lfr_val : string(1 to 9) := "         ";
-- old values
signal m_val_old : int_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal n_val_old : int_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => 1);
signal m_mode_val_old : str_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => "      ");
signal n_mode_val_old : str_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => "      ");
signal m_ph_val_old : integer := 0;
signal lfc_old : integer := 0;
signal cp_curr_old : integer := 0;
signal lfr_old : string(1 to 9) := "         ";
signal num_output_cntrs : integer := 6;
signal scan_data : std_logic_vector(173 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal clk0_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk1_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk2_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk3_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk4_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk5_tmp : std_logic;
signal sclkout0_tmp : std_logic;
signal sclkout1_tmp : std_logic;
signal clkin : std_logic := '0';
signal gate_locked : std_logic := '0';
signal lock : std_logic := '0';
signal about_to_lock : boolean := false;
signal reconfig_err : boolean := false;
signal inclk_c0 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c1 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c2 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c3 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c4 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c5 : std_logic;
signal inclk_m : std_logic;
signal devpor : std_logic;
signal devclrn : std_logic;
signal inclk0_ipd : std_logic;
signal inclk1_ipd : std_logic;
signal ena_ipd : std_logic;
signal pfdena_ipd : std_logic;
signal areset_ipd : std_logic;
signal fbin_ipd : std_logic;
signal scanclk_ipd : std_logic;
signal scanread_ipd : std_logic;
signal scanwrite_ipd : std_logic;
signal scandata_ipd : std_logic;
signal clkswitch_ipd : std_logic;
-- registered signals
signal scanread_reg : std_logic := '0';
signal scanwrite_reg : std_logic := '0';
signal scanwrite_enabled : std_logic := '0';
signal gated_scanclk : std_logic := '1';
signal inclk_c0_dly1 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c0_dly2 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c0_dly3 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c0_dly4 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c0_dly5 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c0_dly6 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c1_dly1 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c1_dly2 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c1_dly3 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c1_dly4 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c1_dly5 : std_logic := '0';
signal inclk_c1_dly6 : std_logic := '0';
signal sig_offset : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_refclk_time : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_fbclk_period : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_vco_period_was_phase_adjusted : boolean := false;
signal sig_phase_adjust_was_scheduled : boolean := false;
signal sig_stop_vco : std_logic := '0';
signal sig_m_times_vco_period : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_new_m_times_vco_period : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_got_refclk_posedge : boolean := false;
signal sig_got_fbclk_posedge : boolean := false;
signal sig_got_second_refclk : boolean := false;
signal m_delay : integer := 0;
signal n_delay : integer := 0;
signal inclk1_tmp : std_logic := '0';
signal ext_fbk_cntr_high : integer := 0;
signal ext_fbk_cntr_low : integer := 0;
signal ext_fbk_cntr_ph : integer := 0;
signal ext_fbk_cntr_initial : integer := 1;
signal ext_fbk_cntr     : string(1 to 2) := "c0";
signal ext_fbk_cntr_mode : string(1 to 6) := "bypass";
signal ext_fbk_cntr_index : integer := 0;
signal enable0_tmp : std_logic := '0';
signal enable1_tmp : std_logic := '0';
signal reset_low : std_logic := '0';
signal scandataout_tmp : std_logic := '0';
signal scandone_tmp : std_logic := '0';
signal sig_refclk_period : time := (inclk0_input_frequency * 1 ps) * n;
signal schedule_vco : std_logic := '0';
signal areset_ena_sig : std_logic := '0';
signal pll_in_test_mode : boolean := false;
signal inclk_c_from_vco : std_logic_array(0 to 5);
signal inclk_m_from_vco : std_logic;
signal inclk_sclkout0_from_vco : std_logic;
signal inclk_sclkout1_from_vco : std_logic;
--signal tap0_is_active : boolean := true;
    signal sig_quiet_time : time := 0 ps;
    signal sig_slowest_clk_old : time := 0 ps;
    signal sig_slowest_clk_new : time := 0 ps;
    signal sig_m_val_tmp : int_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => 1);
COMPONENT cycloneii_m_cntr
    PORT (
        clk           : IN std_logic;
        reset         : IN std_logic := '0';
        cout          : OUT std_logic;
        initial_value : IN integer := 1;
        modulus       : IN integer := 1;
        time_delay    : IN integer := 0
COMPONENT cycloneii_n_cntr
    PORT (
        clk           : IN std_logic;
        reset         : IN std_logic := '0';
        cout          : OUT std_logic;
        initial_value : IN integer := 1;
        modulus       : IN integer := 1;
        time_delay    : IN integer := 0
COMPONENT cycloneii_scale_cntr
    PORT (
        clk            : IN std_logic;
        reset          : IN std_logic := '0';
        cout           : OUT std_logic;
        initial        : IN integer := 1;
        high           : IN integer := 1;
        low            : IN integer := 1;
        mode           : IN string := "bypass";
        ph_tap         : IN integer := 0
COMPONENT cycloneii_dffe
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := true;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
      MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
      MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
      XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
      tpd_PRN_Q_negedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_CLRN_Q_negedge             :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_CLK_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_ENA_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_negedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge  :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge     :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_D_CLK_noedge_negedge     :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge   :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tipd_D                         :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_CLRN                      :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_PRN                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_CLK                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_ENA                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
        Q                              :  out   STD_LOGIC := '0';
        D                              :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        CLRN                           :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        PRN                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        CLK                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '0';
        ENA                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1');
COMPONENT cycloneii_pll_reg
        Q                              :  out   STD_LOGIC := '0';
        D                              :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        CLRN                           :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        PRN                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        CLK                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '0';
        ENA                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1');
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (inclk0_ipd, inclk(0), tipd_inclk(0));
        VitalWireDelay (inclk1_ipd, inclk(1), tipd_inclk(1));
        VitalWireDelay (areset_ipd, areset, tipd_areset);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
        VitalWireDelay (pfdena_ipd, pfdena, tipd_pfdena);
        VitalWireDelay (clkswitch_ipd, clkswitch, tipd_clkswitch);
    end block;
        fbin_ipd <= '0';
        scanclk_ipd <= '0';
        scanread_ipd <= '0';
        scandata_ipd <= '0';
        scanwrite_ipd <= '0';
    inclk_m <=  refclk when m_test_source = 1 else
                '0'    when m_test_source = 2 else
                '0'    when m_test_source = 3 else
                clk0_tmp when operation_mode = "external_feedback" and feedback_source = "clk0" else
                clk1_tmp when operation_mode = "external_feedback" and feedback_source = "clk1" else
                clk2_tmp when operation_mode = "external_feedback" and feedback_source = "clk2" else
                clk3_tmp when operation_mode = "external_feedback" and feedback_source = "clk3" else
                clk4_tmp when operation_mode = "external_feedback" and feedback_source = "clk4" else
                clk5_tmp when operation_mode = "external_feedback" and feedback_source = "clk5" else
    ext_fbk_cntr_high <= c_high_val(ext_fbk_cntr_index);
    ext_fbk_cntr_low  <= c_low_val(ext_fbk_cntr_index);
    ext_fbk_cntr_ph   <= c_ph_val(ext_fbk_cntr_index);
    ext_fbk_cntr_initial <= c_initial_val(ext_fbk_cntr_index);
    ext_fbk_cntr_mode <= c_mode_val(ext_fbk_cntr_index);
    areset_ena_sig <= areset_ipd or (not ena_ipd) or sig_stop_vco;
    pll_in_test_mode <= true when   m_test_source = 1 or c0_test_source = 1 or
                                    c0_test_source = 2 or c1_test_source = 1 or
                                    c1_test_source = 2 or c2_test_source = 1 or
                                    c2_test_source = 2 else
    m1 : cycloneii_m_cntr
        port map (  clk           => inclk_m,
                    reset         => areset_ena_sig,
                    cout          => fbclk,
                    initial_value => m_initial_val,
                    modulus       => m_val(0),
                    time_delay    => m_delay
    -- add delta delay to inclk1 to ensure inclk0 and inclk1 are processed
    -- in different simulation deltas.
    inclk1_tmp <= inclk1_ipd;
    process (inclk0_ipd, inclk1_tmp, clkswitch_ipd)
    variable input_value : std_logic := '0';
    variable current_clock : integer := 0;
    variable clk0_count, clk1_count : integer := 0;
    variable clk0_is_bad, clk1_is_bad : std_logic := '0';
    variable primary_clk_is_bad : boolean := false;
    variable current_clk_is_bad : boolean := false;
    variable got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch : boolean := false;
    variable switch_over_count : integer := 0;
    variable active_clock : std_logic := '0';
    variable external_switch : boolean := false;
        if (now = 0 ps) then
            if (switch_over_type = "manual" and clkswitch_ipd = '1') then
                current_clock := 1;
                active_clock := '1';
            end if;
        end if;
        if (clkswitch_ipd'event and clkswitch_ipd = '1' and switch_over_type = "auto") then
            external_switch := true;
        elsif (switch_over_type = "manual") then
            if (clkswitch_ipd'event and clkswitch_ipd = '1') then
                current_clock := 1;
                active_clock := '1';
                clkin <= transport inclk1_tmp;
            elsif (clkswitch_ipd'event and clkswitch_ipd = '0') then
                current_clock := 0;
                active_clock := '0';
                clkin <= transport inclk0_ipd;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- save the current inclk event value
        if (inclk0_ipd'event) then
            input_value := inclk0_ipd;
        elsif (inclk1_tmp'event) then
            input_value := inclk1_tmp;
        end if;
        -- check if either input clk is bad
        if (inclk0_ipd'event and inclk0_ipd = '1') then
            clk0_count := clk0_count + 1;
            clk0_is_bad := '0';
            clk1_count := 0;
            if (clk0_count > 2) then
                -- no event on other clk for 2 cycles
                clk1_is_bad := '1';
                if (current_clock = 1) then
                    current_clk_is_bad := true;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (inclk1_tmp'event and inclk1_tmp = '1') then
            clk1_count := clk1_count + 1;
            clk1_is_bad := '0';
            clk0_count := 0;
            if (clk1_count > 2) then
                -- no event on other clk for 2 cycles
                clk0_is_bad := '1';
                if (current_clock = 0) then
                    current_clk_is_bad := true;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- check if the bad clk is the primary clock
        if (clk0_is_bad = '1') then
            primary_clk_is_bad := true;
            primary_clk_is_bad := false;
        end if;
        -- actual switching
        if (inclk0_ipd'event and current_clock = 0) then
            if (external_switch) then
                if (not got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch) then
                    if (inclk0_ipd = '0') then
                        got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch := true;
                    end if;
                    clkin <= transport inclk0_ipd;
                end if;
                clkin <= transport inclk0_ipd;
            end if;
        elsif (inclk1_tmp'event and current_clock = 1) then
            if (external_switch) then
                if (not got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch) then
                    if (inclk1_tmp = '0') then
                        got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch := true;
                    end if;
                    clkin <= transport inclk1_tmp;
                end if;
                clkin <= transport inclk1_tmp;
            end if;
            if (input_value = '1' and switch_over_on_lossclk = "on"  and enable_switch_over_counter = "on" and primary_clk_is_bad) then
                switch_over_count := switch_over_count + 1;
            end if;
            if (input_value = '0') then
                if (external_switch and (got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch or current_clk_is_bad)) or (switch_over_on_lossclk = "on" and primary_clk_is_bad and clkswitch_ipd /= '1' and (enable_switch_over_counter = "off" or switch_over_count = switch_over_counter)) then
                    got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch := false;
                    if (current_clock = 0) then
                        current_clock := 1;
                        current_clock := 0;
                    end if;
                    active_clock := not active_clock;
                    switch_over_count := 0;
                    external_switch := false;
                    current_clk_is_bad := false;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- schedule outputs
        if (switch_over_on_lossclk = "on" and clkswitch_ipd /= '1') then
            if (primary_clk_is_bad) then
                -- assert clkloss
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
    process (inclk_sclkout0_from_vco)
        sclkout0_tmp <= inclk_sclkout0_from_vco;
    end process;
    process (inclk_sclkout1_from_vco)
        sclkout1_tmp <= inclk_sclkout1_from_vco;
    end process;
    n1 : cycloneii_n_cntr
        port map (
                clk           => clkin,
                reset         => areset_ipd,
                cout          => refclk,
                initial_value => n_val(0),
                modulus       => n_val(0));
    inclk_c0 <= refclk when c0_test_source = 1 else
                fbclk   when c0_test_source = 2 else
                '0'     when c0_test_source = 3 else
    c0 : cycloneii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c0,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(0),
                initial        => c_initial_val(0),
                high           => c_high_val(0),
                low            => c_low_val(0),
                mode           => c_mode_val(0),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(0));
    inclk_c1 <= refclk when c1_test_source = 1 else
                fbclk  when c1_test_source = 2 else
                '0'    when c1_test_source = 3 else
                c_clk(0) when c1_use_casc_in = "on" else
    c1 : cycloneii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c1,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(1),
                initial        => c_initial_val(1),
                high           => c_high_val(1),
                low            => c_low_val(1),
                mode           => c_mode_val(1),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(1));
    inclk_c2 <= refclk when c2_test_source = 1 else
                fbclk  when c2_test_source = 2 else
                '0'    when c2_test_source = 3 else
                c_clk(1) when c2_use_casc_in = "on" else
    c2 : cycloneii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c2,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(2),
                initial        => c_initial_val(2),
                high           => c_high_val(2),
                low            => c_low_val(2),
                mode           => c_mode_val(2),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(2));
    inclk_c3 <= clkin when c3_test_source = 0 else
                c_clk(2) when c3_use_casc_in = "on" else
    c3 : cycloneii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c3,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(3),
                initial        => c_initial_val(3),
                high           => c_high_val(3),
                low            => c_low_val(3),
                mode           => c_mode_val(3),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(3));
    inclk_c4 <= '0' when (pll_type = "fast") else
                clkin when (c4_test_source = 0) else
                c_clk(3) when (c4_use_casc_in = "on") else
    c4 : cycloneii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c4,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(4),
                initial        => c_initial_val(4),
                high           => c_high_val(4),
                low            => c_low_val(4),
                mode           => c_mode_val(4),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(4));
    inclk_c5 <= '0' when (pll_type = "fast") else
                clkin when c5_test_source = 0 else
                c_clk(4) when c5_use_casc_in = "on" else
    c5 : cycloneii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c5,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(5),
                initial        => c_initial_val(5),
                high           => c_high_val(5),
                low            => c_low_val(5),
                mode           => c_mode_val(5),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(5));
    inclk_c0_dly1 <= inclk_c0 when (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds")
                    else '0';
    inclk_c0_dly2 <= inclk_c0_dly1;
    inclk_c0_dly3 <= inclk_c0_dly2;
    inclk_c0_dly4 <= inclk_c0_dly3;
    inclk_c0_dly5 <= inclk_c0_dly4;
    inclk_c0_dly6 <= inclk_c0_dly5;
    inclk_c1_dly1 <= inclk_c1 when (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds")
                    else '0';
    inclk_c1_dly2 <= inclk_c1_dly1;
    inclk_c1_dly3 <= inclk_c1_dly2;
    inclk_c1_dly4 <= inclk_c1_dly3;
    inclk_c1_dly5 <= inclk_c1_dly4;
    inclk_c1_dly6 <= inclk_c1_dly5;
    process(inclk_c0_dly6, inclk_c1_dly6, areset_ipd, ena_ipd, sig_stop_vco)
    variable c0_got_first_rising_edge : boolean := false;
    variable c0_count : integer := 2;
    variable c0_initial_count : integer := 1;
    variable c0_tmp, c1_tmp : std_logic := '0';
    variable c1_got_first_rising_edge : boolean := false;
    variable c1_count : integer := 2;
    variable c1_initial_count : integer := 1;
        if (areset_ipd = '1' or ena_ipd = '0' or sig_stop_vco = '1') then
            c0_count := 2;
            c1_count := 2;
            c0_initial_count := 1;
            c1_initial_count := 1;
            c0_got_first_rising_edge := false;
            c1_got_first_rising_edge := false;
            if (not c0_got_first_rising_edge) then
                if (inclk_c0_dly6'event and inclk_c0_dly6 = '1') then
                    if (c0_initial_count = c_initial_val(0)) then
                        c0_got_first_rising_edge := true;
                        c0_initial_count := c0_initial_count + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
            elsif (inclk_c0_dly6'event) then
                c0_count := c0_count + 1;
                if (c0_count = (c_high_val(0) + c_low_val(0)) * 2) then
                    c0_count := 1;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (inclk_c0_dly6'event and inclk_c0_dly6 = '0') then
                if (c0_count = 1) then
                    c0_tmp := '1';
                    c0_got_first_rising_edge := false;
                    c0_tmp := '0';
                end if;
            end if;
            if (not c1_got_first_rising_edge) then
                if (inclk_c1_dly6'event and inclk_c1_dly6 = '1') then
                    if (c1_initial_count = c_initial_val(1)) then
                        c1_got_first_rising_edge := true;
                        c1_initial_count := c1_initial_count + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
            elsif (inclk_c1_dly6'event) then
                c1_count := c1_count + 1;
                if (c1_count = (c_high_val(1) + c_low_val(1)) * 2) then
                    c1_count := 1;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (inclk_c1_dly6'event and inclk_c1_dly6 = '0') then
                if (c1_count = 1) then
                    c1_tmp := '1';
                    c1_got_first_rising_edge := false;
                    c1_tmp := '0';
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (enable0_counter = "c0") then
            enable0_tmp <= c0_tmp;
        elsif (enable0_counter = "c1") then
            enable0_tmp <= c1_tmp;
            enable0_tmp <= '0';
        end if;
        if (enable1_counter = "c0") then
            enable1_tmp <= c0_tmp;
        elsif (enable1_counter = "c1") then
            enable1_tmp <= c1_tmp;
            enable1_tmp <= '0';
        end if;
    end process;
    glocked_cntr : process(clkin, ena_ipd, areset_ipd)
    variable count : integer := 0;
    variable output : std_logic := '0';
        if (areset_ipd = '1') then
            count := 0;
            output := '0';
        elsif (clkin'event and clkin = '1') then
            if (ena_ipd = '1') then
                count := count + 1;
                if (sim_gate_lock_device_behavior = "on") then
                    if (count = gate_lock_counter) then
                        output := '1';
                    end if;
                elsif (count = GATE_LOCK_CYCLES) then
                    output := '1';
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        gate_locked <= output;
    end process;
    locked <=   gate_locked and lock when gate_lock_signal = "yes" else
    process (scandone_tmp)
    variable buf : line;
        if (scandone_tmp'event and scandone_tmp = '1') then
            if (reconfig_err = false) then
                ASSERT false REPORT family_name & " PLL Reprogramming completed with the following values (Values in parantheses indicate values before reprogramming) :" severity note;
                write (buf, string'("    N modulus = "));
                write (buf, n_val(0));
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, n_val_old(0));
                write (buf, string'(" )"));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    M modulus = "));
                write (buf, m_val(0));
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, m_val_old(0));
                write (buf, string'(" )"));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    M ph_tap = "));
                write (buf, m_ph_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, m_ph_val_old);
                write (buf, string'(" )"));
                writeline (output, buf);
                if (ss > 0) then
                    write (buf, string'("    M2 modulus = "));
                    write (buf, m_val(1));
                    write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                    write (buf, m_val_old(1));
                    write (buf, string'(" )"));
                    writeline (output, buf);
                    write (buf, string'("    N2 modulus = "));
                    write (buf, n_val(1));
                    write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                    write (buf, n_val_old(1));
                    write (buf, string'(" )"));
                    writeline (output, buf);
                end if;
                for i in 0 to (num_output_cntrs-1) loop
                    write (buf, cntrs(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" :   high = "));
                    write (buf, c_high_val(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" ("));
                    write (buf, c_high_val_old(i));
                    write (buf, string'(") "));
                    write (buf, string'(" ,   low = "));
                    write (buf, sig_c_low_val_tmp(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" ("));
                    write (buf, c_low_val_old(i));
                    write (buf, string'(") "));
                    write (buf, string'(" ,   mode = "));
                    write (buf, c_mode_val(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" ("));
                    write (buf, c_mode_val_old(i));
                    write (buf, string'(") "));
                    write (buf, string'(" ,   phase tap = "));
                    write (buf, c_ph_val(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" ("));
                    write (buf, c_ph_val_old(i));
                    write (buf, string'(") "));
                    writeline(output, buf);
                end loop;
                write (buf, string'("    Charge Pump Current (uA) = "));
                write (buf, cp_curr_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, cp_curr_old);
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    Loop Filter Capacitor (pF) = "));
                write (buf, lfc_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, lfc_old);
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    Loop Filter Resistor (Kohm) = "));
                write (buf, lfr_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, lfr_old);
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
            else ASSERT false REPORT "Errors were encountered during PLL reprogramming. Please refer to error/warning messages above." severity warning;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
    process (scanwrite_enabled, c_clk(0), c_clk(1), c_clk(2), c_clk(3), c_clk(4), c_clk(5), vco_tap, fbclk, scanclk_ipd, gated_scanclk)
    variable init : boolean := true;
    variable low, high : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    variable low_fast, high_fast : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    variable mode : string(1 to 6) := "bypass";
    variable is_error : boolean := false;
    variable m_tmp, n_tmp : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
    variable n_fast : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    variable c_high_val_tmp : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
    variable c_low_val_tmp  : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 1);
    variable c_ph_val_tmp   : int_array(0 to 5) := (OTHERS => 0);
    variable c_mode_val_tmp : str_array(0 to 5);
    variable m_ph_val_tmp   : integer := 0;
    variable m_val_tmp      : int_array(0 to 1) := (OTHERS => 1);
    variable c0_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c1_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c2_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c3_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c4_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c5_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    -- variables for scaling of multiply_by and divide_by values
    variable i_clk0_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk0_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk1_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk1_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk2_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk2_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk3_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk3_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk4_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk4_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk5_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk5_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable max_d_value       : integer := 1;
    variable new_multiplier    : integer := 1;
    -- internal variables for storing the phase shift number.(used in lvds mode only)
    variable i_clk0_phase_shift : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk1_phase_shift : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk2_phase_shift : integer := 1;
    -- user to advanced variables
    variable   max_neg_abs    : integer := 0;
    variable   i_m_initial    : integer;
    variable   i_m            : integer := 1;
    variable   i_n            : integer := 1;
    variable   i_m2           : integer;
    variable   i_n2           : integer;
    variable   i_ss           : integer;
    variable   i_c_high       : int_array(0 to 5);
    variable   i_c_low        : int_array(0 to 5);
    variable   i_c_initial    : int_array(0 to 5);
    variable   i_c_ph         : int_array(0 to 5);
    variable   i_c_mode       : str_array(0 to 5);
    variable   i_m_ph         : integer;
    variable   output_count   : integer;
    variable   new_divisor    : integer;
    variable clk0_cntr : string(1 to 2) := "c0";
    variable clk1_cntr : string(1 to 2) := "c1";
    variable clk2_cntr : string(1 to 2) := "c2";
    variable clk3_cntr : string(1 to 2) := "c3";
    variable clk4_cntr : string(1 to 2) := "c4";
    variable clk5_cntr : string(1 to 2) := "c5";
    variable fbk_cntr : string(1 to 2);
    variable fbk_cntr_index : integer;
    variable start_bit : integer;
    variable quiet_time : time := 0 ps;
    variable slowest_clk_old : time := 0 ps;
    variable slowest_clk_new : time := 0 ps;
    variable tmp_scan_data : std_logic_vector(173 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
    variable m_lo, m_hi : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
    variable j : integer := 0;
    variable scanread_active_edge : time := 0 ps;
    variable got_first_scanclk : boolean := false;
    variable got_first_gated_scanclk : boolean := false;
    variable scanclk_last_rising_edge : time := 0 ps;
    variable scanclk_period : time := 0 ps;
    variable current_scan_data : std_logic_vector(173 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
    variable index : integer := 0;
    variable Tviol_scandata_scanclk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_scanread_scanclk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_scanwrite_scanclk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_scandata_scanclk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_scanread_scanclk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_scanwrite_scanclk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable scan_chain_length : integer := GPP_SCAN_CHAIN;
    variable tmp_rem : integer := 0;
    variable scanclk_cycles : integer := 0;
    variable lfc_tmp : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    variable lfr_tmp : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
    variable lfr_int : integer := 0;
    function slowest_clk (
            C0 : integer; C0_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C1 : integer; C1_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C2 : integer; C2_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C3 : integer; C3_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C4 : integer; C4_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C5 : integer; C5_mode : string(1 to 6);
            refclk : time; m_mod : integer) return time is
    variable max_modulus : integer := 1;
    variable q_period : time := 0 ps;
    variable refclk_int : integer := 0;
        if (C0_mode /= "bypass" and C0_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C0;
        end if;
        if (C1 > max_modulus and C1_mode /= "bypass" and C1_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C1;
        end if;
        if (C2 > max_modulus and C2_mode /= "bypass" and C2_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C2;
        end if;
        if (C3 > max_modulus and C3_mode /= "bypass" and C3_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C3;
        end if;
        if (C4 > max_modulus and C4_mode /= "bypass" and C4_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C4;
        end if;
        if (C5 > max_modulus and C5_mode /= "bypass" and C5_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C5;
        end if;
        refclk_int := refclk / 1 ps;
        if (m_mod /= 0) then
            if (refclk_int > (refclk_int * max_modulus / m_mod)) then
                q_period := refclk_int * 1 ps;
                q_period := (refclk_int * max_modulus / m_mod) * 1 ps;
            end if;
        end if;
        return (2*q_period);
    end slowest_clk;
    function int2bin (arg : integer; size : integer) return std_logic_vector is
    variable int_val : integer := arg;
    variable result : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
        for i in 0 to result'left loop
            if ((int_val mod 2) = 0) then
                result(i) := '0';
                result(i) := '1';
            end if;
            int_val := int_val/2;
        end loop;
        return result;
    end int2bin;
    function extract_cntr_index (arg:string) return integer is
    variable index : integer := 0;
        if (arg(2) = '0') then
            index := 0;
        elsif (arg(2) = '1') then
            index := 1;
        elsif (arg(2) = '2') then
            index := 2;
        elsif (arg(2) = '3') then
            index := 3;
        elsif (arg(2) = '4') then
            index := 4;
        else index := 5;
        end if;
        return index;
    end extract_cntr_index;
        if (init) then
            if (m = 0) then
                clk5_cntr  := "c5";
                clk4_cntr  := "c4";
                clk3_cntr  := "c3";
                clk2_cntr  := "c2";
                clk1_cntr  := "c1";
                clk0_cntr  := "c0";
                clk5_cntr  := clk5_counter;
                clk4_cntr  := clk4_counter;
                clk3_cntr  := clk3_counter;
                clk2_cntr  := clk2_counter;
                clk1_cntr  := clk1_counter;
                clk0_cntr  := clk0_counter;
            end if;
            if (operation_mode = "external_feedback") then
                if (feedback_source = "clk0") then
                    fbk_cntr := clk0_cntr;
                elsif (feedback_source = "clk1") then
                    fbk_cntr := clk1_cntr;
                elsif (feedback_source = "clk2") then
                    fbk_cntr := clk2_cntr;
                elsif (feedback_source = "clk3") then
                    fbk_cntr := clk3_cntr;
                elsif (feedback_source = "clk4") then
                    fbk_cntr := clk4_cntr;
                elsif (feedback_source = "clk5") then
                    fbk_cntr := clk5_cntr;
                    fbk_cntr := "c0";
                end if;
                if (fbk_cntr = "c0") then
                    fbk_cntr_index := 0;
                elsif (fbk_cntr = "c1") then
                    fbk_cntr_index := 1;
                elsif (fbk_cntr = "c2") then
                    fbk_cntr_index := 2;
                elsif (fbk_cntr = "c3") then
                    fbk_cntr_index := 3;
                elsif (fbk_cntr = "c4") then
                    fbk_cntr_index := 4;
                elsif (fbk_cntr = "c5") then
                    fbk_cntr_index := 5;
                end if;
                ext_fbk_cntr <= fbk_cntr;
                ext_fbk_cntr_index <= fbk_cntr_index;
            end if;
            i_clk0_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk0_cntr);
            i_clk1_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk1_cntr);
            i_clk2_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk2_cntr);
            i_clk3_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk3_cntr);
            i_clk4_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk4_cntr);
            i_clk5_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk5_cntr);
            if (m = 0) then  -- convert user parameters to advanced
                -- set the limit of the divide_by value that can be returned by
                -- the following function.
                max_d_value := 500;
                -- scale down the multiply_by and divide_by values provided by the design
                -- before attempting to use them in the calculations below
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk0_multiply_by, clk0_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk0_mult_by, i_clk0_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk1_multiply_by, clk1_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk1_mult_by, i_clk1_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk2_multiply_by, clk2_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk2_mult_by, i_clk2_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk3_multiply_by, clk3_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk3_mult_by, i_clk3_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk4_multiply_by, clk4_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk4_mult_by, i_clk4_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk5_multiply_by, clk5_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk5_mult_by, i_clk5_div_by);
                if (((pll_type = "fast") or (pll_type = "lvds")) and ((vco_multiply_by /= 0) and (vco_divide_by /= 0))) then
                    i_n := vco_divide_by;
                    i_m := vco_multiply_by;
                    i_n := 1;
                    i_m := lcm (i_clk0_mult_by, i_clk1_mult_by,
                                i_clk2_mult_by, i_clk3_mult_by,
                                i_clk4_mult_by, i_clk5_mult_by,
                                1, 1, 1, 1, inclk0_input_frequency);
                end if;
                if (pll_type = "flvds") then
                    -- Need to readjust phase shift values when the clock multiply value has been readjusted.
                    new_multiplier := clk0_multiply_by / i_clk0_mult_by;
                    i_clk0_phase_shift := str2int(clk0_phase_shift) * new_multiplier;
                    i_clk1_phase_shift := str2int(clk1_phase_shift) * new_multiplier;
                    i_clk2_phase_shift := str2int(clk2_phase_shift) * new_multiplier;
                    i_clk0_phase_shift := str2int(clk0_phase_shift);
                    i_clk1_phase_shift := str2int(clk1_phase_shift);
                    i_clk2_phase_shift := str2int(clk2_phase_shift);
                end if;
                max_neg_abs := maxnegabs(i_clk0_phase_shift, 
                                        0, 0, 0, 0);
                i_m_ph  := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(max_neg_abs,inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n); 
                i_c_ph(0) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk0_phase_shift,max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(1) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk1_phase_shift,max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(2) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk2_phase_shift,max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(3) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk3_phase_shift),max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(4) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk4_phase_shift),max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(5) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk5_phase_shift),max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_high(0) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk0_div_by,
                                i_clk0_mult_by, i_m, i_n), clk0_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(1) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk1_div_by,
                                i_clk1_mult_by, i_m, i_n), clk1_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(2) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk2_div_by,
                                i_clk2_mult_by, i_m, i_n), clk2_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(3) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk3_div_by,
                                i_clk3_mult_by, i_m, i_n), clk3_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(4) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk4_div_by,
                                i_clk4_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk4_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(5) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk5_div_by,
                                i_clk5_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk5_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(0)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk0_div_by,
                                i_clk0_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk0_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(1)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk1_div_by,
                                i_clk1_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk1_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(2)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk2_div_by,
                                i_clk2_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk2_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(3)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk3_div_by,
                                i_clk3_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk3_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(4)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk4_div_by,
                                i_clk4_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk4_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(5)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk5_div_by,
                                i_clk5_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk5_duty_cycle);
                i_m_initial  := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(max_neg_abs, inclk0_input_frequency), i_m,i_n);
                i_c_initial(0) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk0_phase_shift, max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(1) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk1_phase_shift, max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(2) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk2_phase_shift, max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(3) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk3_phase_shift), max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(4) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk4_phase_shift), max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(5) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk5_phase_shift), max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_mode(0) := counter_mode(clk0_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk0_div_by, i_clk0_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(1) := counter_mode(clk1_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk1_div_by, i_clk1_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(2) := counter_mode(clk2_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk2_div_by, i_clk2_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(3) := counter_mode(clk3_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk3_div_by, i_clk3_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(4) := counter_mode(clk4_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk4_div_by, i_clk4_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(5) := counter_mode(clk5_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk5_div_by, i_clk5_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                -- in external feedback mode, need to adjust M value to take
                -- into consideration the external feedback counter value
                if(operation_mode = "external_feedback") then
                    -- if there is a negative phase shift, m_initial can
                    -- only be 1
                    if (max_neg_abs > 0) then
                        i_m_initial := 1;
                    end if;
                    -- calculate the feedback counter multiplier
                    if (i_c_mode(fbk_cntr_index) = "bypass") then
                        output_count := 1;
                        output_count := i_c_high(fbk_cntr_index) + i_c_low(fbk_cntr_index);
                    end if;
                    new_divisor := gcd(i_m, output_count);
                    i_m := i_m / new_divisor;
                    i_n := output_count / new_divisor;
                end if;
            else -- m /= 0
                i_n             := n;
                i_m             := m;
                i_m_initial     := m_initial;
                i_m_ph          := m_ph;
                i_c_ph(0)         := c0_ph;
                i_c_ph(1)         := c1_ph;
                i_c_ph(2)         := c2_ph;
                i_c_ph(3)         := c3_ph;
                i_c_ph(4)         := c4_ph;
                i_c_ph(5)         := c5_ph;
                i_c_high(0)       := c0_high;
                i_c_high(1)       := c1_high;
                i_c_high(2)       := c2_high;
                i_c_high(3)       := c3_high;
                i_c_high(4)       := c4_high;
                i_c_high(5)       := c5_high;
                i_c_low(0)        := c0_low;
                i_c_low(1)        := c1_low;
                i_c_low(2)        := c2_low;
                i_c_low(3)        := c3_low;
                i_c_low(4)        := c4_low;
                i_c_low(5)        := c5_low;
                i_c_initial(0)    := c0_initial;
                i_c_initial(1)    := c1_initial;
                i_c_initial(2)    := c2_initial;
                i_c_initial(3)    := c3_initial;
                i_c_initial(4)    := c4_initial;
                i_c_initial(5)    := c5_initial;
                i_c_mode(0)       := translate_string(c0_mode);
                i_c_mode(1)       := translate_string(c1_mode);
                i_c_mode(2)       := translate_string(c2_mode);
                i_c_mode(3)       := translate_string(c3_mode);
                i_c_mode(4)       := translate_string(c4_mode);
                i_c_mode(5)       := translate_string(c5_mode);
            end if; -- user to advanced conversion.
            m_initial_val <= i_m_initial;
            n_val(0) <= i_n;
            m_val(0) <= i_m;
            m_val(1) <= m2;
            n_val(1) <= n2;
            if (i_m = 1) then
                m_mode_val(0) <= "bypass";
                m_mode_val(0) <= "      ";
            end if;
            if (m2 = 1) then
                m_mode_val(1) <= "bypass";
            end if;
            if (i_n = 1) then
                n_mode_val(0) <= "bypass";
            end if;
            if (n2 = 1) then
                n_mode_val(1) <= "bypass";
            end if;
            m_ph_val  <= i_m_ph;
            m_ph_val_tmp := i_m_ph;
            m_val_tmp := m_val;
            for i in 0 to 5 loop
                if (i_c_mode(i) = "bypass") then
                    if (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds") then
                        i_c_high(i) := 16;
                        i_c_low(i) := 16;
                        i_c_high(i) := 256;
                        i_c_low(i) := 256;
                    end if;
                end if;
                c_ph_val(i)         <= i_c_ph(i);
                c_initial_val(i)    <= i_c_initial(i);
                c_high_val(i)       <= i_c_high(i);
                c_low_val(i)        <= i_c_low(i);
                c_mode_val(i)       <= i_c_mode(i);
                c_high_val_tmp(i)   := i_c_high(i);
                c_low_val_tmp(i)    := i_c_low(i);
                c_mode_val_tmp(i)   := i_c_mode(i);
                c_ph_val_tmp(i)     := i_c_ph(i);
                c_ph_val_orig(i)    <= i_c_ph(i);
                c_high_val_hold(i)  <= i_c_high(i);
                c_low_val_hold(i)   <= i_c_low(i);
                c_mode_val_hold(i)  <= i_c_mode(i);
            end loop;
            lfc_val <= loop_filter_c;
            lfr_val <= loop_filter_r;
            cp_curr_val <= charge_pump_current;
            if (pll_type = "fast") then
                scan_chain_length := FAST_SCAN_CHAIN;
            end if;
            -- initialize the scan_chain contents
            -- CP/LF bits
            scan_data(11 downto 0) <= "000000000000";
            for i in 0 to 3 loop
                if (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds") then
                    if (fpll_loop_filter_c_arr(i) = loop_filter_c) then
                        scan_data(11 downto 10) <= int2bin(i, 2);
                    end if;
                    if (loop_filter_c_arr(i) = loop_filter_c) then
                        scan_data(11 downto 10) <= int2bin(i, 2);
                    end if;
                end if;
            end loop;
            for i in 0 to 15 loop
                if (charge_pump_curr_arr(i) = charge_pump_current) then
                    scan_data(3 downto 0) <= int2bin(i, 4);
                end if;
            end loop;
            for i in 0 to 39 loop
                if (loop_filter_r_arr(i) = loop_filter_r) then
                    if (i >= 16 and i <= 23) then
                        scan_data(9 downto 4) <= int2bin((i+8), 6);
                    elsif (i >= 24 and i <= 31) then
                        scan_data(9 downto 4) <= int2bin((i+16), 6);
                    elsif (i >= 32) then
                        scan_data(9 downto 4) <= int2bin((i+24), 6);
                        scan_data(9 downto 4) <= int2bin(i, 6);
                    end if;
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds") then
                scan_data(21 downto 12) <= "0000000000"; -- M, C3-C0 ph
                -- C0-C3 high
                scan_data(25 downto 22) <= int2bin(i_c_high(0), 4);
                scan_data(35 downto 32) <= int2bin(i_c_high(1), 4);
                scan_data(45 downto 42) <= int2bin(i_c_high(2), 4);
                scan_data(55 downto 52) <= int2bin(i_c_high(3), 4);
                -- C0-C3 low
                scan_data(30 downto 27) <= int2bin(i_c_low(0), 4);
                scan_data(40 downto 37) <= int2bin(i_c_low(1), 4);
                scan_data(50 downto 47) <= int2bin(i_c_low(2), 4);
                scan_data(60 downto 57) <= int2bin(i_c_low(3), 4);
                -- C0-C3 mode
                for i in 0 to 3 loop
                    if (i_c_mode(i) = "   off" or i_c_mode(i) = "bypass") then
                        scan_data(26 + (10*i)) <= '1';
                        if (i_c_mode(i) = "   off") then
                            scan_data(31 + (10*i)) <= '1';
                            scan_data(31 + (10*i)) <= '0';
                        end if;
                        scan_data(26 + (10*i)) <= '0';
                        if (i_c_mode(i) = "   odd") then
                            scan_data(31 + (10*i)) <= '1';
                            scan_data(31 + (10*i)) <= '0';
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                -- M
                if (i_m = 1) then
                    scan_data(66) <= '1';
                    scan_data(71) <= '0';
                    scan_data(65 downto 62) <= "0000";
                    scan_data(70 downto 67) <= "0000";
                    scan_data(66) <= '0';       -- set BYPASS bit to 0
                    scan_data(70 downto 67) <= int2bin(i_m/2, 4);   -- set M low
                    if (i_m rem 2 = 0) then
                        -- M is an even no. : set M high = low,
                        -- set odd/even bit to 0
                        scan_data(65 downto 62) <= int2bin(i_m/2, 4);
                        scan_data(71) <= '0';
                    else       -- M is odd : M high = low + 1
                        scan_data(65 downto 62) <= int2bin((i_m/2) + 1, 4);
                        scan_data(71) <= '1';
                    end if;
                end if;
                -- N
                scan_data(73 downto 72) <= int2bin(i_n, 2);
                if (i_n = 1) then
                    scan_data(74) <= '1';
                    scan_data(73 downto 72) <= "00";
                end if;
            else          -- PLL type is auto or enhanced
                scan_data(25 downto 12) <= "00000000000000"; -- M, C5-C0 ph
                -- C0-C5 high
                scan_data(123 downto 116) <= int2bin(i_c_high(0), 8);
                scan_data(105 downto 98) <= int2bin(i_c_high(1), 8);
                scan_data(87 downto 80) <= int2bin(i_c_high(2), 8);
                scan_data(69 downto 62) <= int2bin(i_c_high(3), 8);
                scan_data(51 downto 44) <= int2bin(i_c_high(4), 8);
                scan_data(33 downto 26) <= int2bin(i_c_high(5), 8);
                -- C0-C5 low
                scan_data(132 downto 125) <= int2bin(i_c_low(0), 8);
                scan_data(114 downto 107) <= int2bin(i_c_low(1), 8);
                scan_data(96 downto 89) <= int2bin(i_c_low(2), 8);
                scan_data(78 downto 71) <= int2bin(i_c_low(3), 8);
                scan_data(60 downto 53) <= int2bin(i_c_low(4), 8);
                scan_data(42 downto 35) <= int2bin(i_c_low(5), 8);
                -- C0-C5 mode
                for i in 0 to 5 loop
                    if (i_c_mode(i) = "   off" or i_c_mode(i) = "bypass") then
                        scan_data(124 - (18*i)) <= '1';
                        if (i_c_mode(i) = "   off") then
                            scan_data(133 - (18*i)) <= '1';
                            scan_data(133 - (18*i)) <= '0';
                        end if;
                        scan_data(124 - (18*i)) <= '0';
                        if (i_c_mode(i) = "   odd") then
                            scan_data(133 - (18*i)) <= '1';
                            scan_data(133 - (18*i)) <= '0';
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                -- M/M2
                scan_data(142 downto 134) <= int2bin(i_m, 9);
                scan_data(143) <= '0';
                scan_data(152 downto 144) <= int2bin(m2, 9);
                scan_data(153) <= '0';
                if (i_m = 1) then
                    scan_data(143) <= '1';
                    scan_data(142 downto 134) <= "000000000";
                end if;
                if (m2 = 1) then
                    scan_data(153) <= '1';
                    scan_data(152 downto 144) <= "000000000";
                end if;
                -- N/N2
                scan_data(162 downto 154) <= int2bin(i_n, 9);
                scan_data(172 downto 164) <= int2bin(n2, 9);
                if (i_n = 1) then
                    scan_data(163) <= '1';
                    scan_data(162 downto 154) <= "000000000";
                end if;
                if (n2 = 1) then
                    scan_data(173) <= '1';
                    scan_data(172 downto 164) <= "000000000";
                end if;
            end if;
            if (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds") then
                num_output_cntrs <= 4;
                num_output_cntrs <= 6;
            end if;
            init := false;
        elsif (scanwrite_enabled'event and scanwrite_enabled = '0') then
            -- falling edge : deassert scandone
            scandone_tmp <= transport '0' after (1.5 * scanclk_period);
            c0_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c1_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c2_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c3_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c4_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c5_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
        elsif (scanwrite_enabled'event and scanwrite_enabled = '1') then
            ASSERT false REPORT "PLL Reprogramming Initiated" severity note;
            reconfig_err <= false;
            -- make temporary copy of scan_data for processing
            tmp_scan_data := scan_data;
            -- save old values
            lfc_old <= lfc_val;
            lfr_old <= lfr_val;
            cp_curr_old <= cp_curr_val;
            -- CP
            -- Bits 0-3 : all values are legal
            cp_curr_val <= charge_pump_curr_arr(alt_conv_integer(scan_data(3 downto 0)));
            -- LF Resistance : bits 4-9
            -- values from 010000 - 010111, 100000 - 100111,
            --             110000 - 110111 are illegal
            lfr_tmp := tmp_scan_data(9 downto 4);
            lfr_int := alt_conv_integer(lfr_tmp);
            if (((lfr_int >= 16) and (lfr_int <= 23)) or
                ((lfr_int >= 32) and (lfr_int <= 39)) or
                ((lfr_int >= 48) and (lfr_int <= 55))) then
                reconfig_err <= true;
                ASSERT false REPORT "Illegal bit settings for Loop Filter Resistance. Legal bit values range from 000000-001111, 011000-011111, 101000-101111 and 111000-111111. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                if (lfr_int >= 56) then
                    lfr_int := lfr_int - 24;
                elsif ((lfr_int >= 40) and (lfr_int <= 47)) then
                    lfr_int := lfr_int - 16;
                elsif ((lfr_int >= 24) and (lfr_int <= 31)) then
                    lfr_int := lfr_int - 8;
                end if;
                lfr_val <= loop_filter_r_arr(lfr_int);
            end if;
            -- LF Capacitance : bits 10,11 : all values are legal
            lfc_tmp := scan_data(11 downto 10);
            if (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds") then
                lfc_val <= fpll_loop_filter_c_arr(alt_conv_integer(lfc_tmp));
                lfc_val <= loop_filter_c_arr(alt_conv_integer(lfc_tmp));
            end if;
            -- cntrs c0-c5
            -- save old values for display info.
            m_val_old <= m_val;
            n_val_old <= n_val;
            m_mode_val_old <= m_mode_val;
            n_mode_val_old <= n_mode_val;
            m_ph_val_old <= m_ph_val;
            c_high_val_old <= c_high_val;
            c_low_val_old <= c_low_val;
            c_ph_val_old <= c_ph_val;
            c_mode_val_old <= c_mode_val;
            -- first the M counter phase : bit order same for fast and GPP
            if (scan_data(12) = '0') then
                -- do nothing
            elsif (scan_data(12) = '1' and scan_data(13) = '1') then
                m_ph_val_tmp := m_ph_val_tmp + 1;
                if (m_ph_val_tmp > 7) then
                    m_ph_val_tmp := 0;
                end if;
            elsif (scan_data(12) = '1' and scan_data(13) = '0') then
                m_ph_val_tmp := m_ph_val_tmp - 1;
                if (m_ph_val_tmp < 0) then
                    m_ph_val_tmp := 7;
                end if;
                reconfig_err <= true;
                ASSERT false REPORT "Illegal values for M counter phase tap. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
            end if;
            -- read the fast PLL bits
            if (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds") then
                -- C3-C0 phase bits
                for i in 3 downto 0 loop
                    start_bit := 14 + ((3-i)*2);
                    if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit) = '0') then
                        -- do nothing
                    elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit) = '1') then
                        if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 1) = '1') then
                            c_ph_val_tmp(i) := c_ph_val_tmp(i) + 1;
                            if (c_ph_val_tmp(i) > 7) then
                                c_ph_val_tmp(i) := 0;
                            end if;
                        elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 1) = '0') then
                            c_ph_val_tmp(i) := c_ph_val_tmp(i) - 1;
                            if (c_ph_val_tmp(i) < 0) then
                                c_ph_val_tmp(i) := 7;
                            end if;
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                -- C0-C3 counter moduli
                for i in 0 to 3 loop
                    start_bit := 22 + (i*10);
                    if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 4) = '1') then
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "bypass";
                        if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 9) = '1') then
                            c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "   off";
                            ASSERT false REPORT "The specified bit settings will turn OFF the " &cntrs(i)& "counter. It cannot be turned on unless the part is re-initialized." severity warning;
                        end if;
                    elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 9) = '1') then
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "   odd";
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "  even";
                    end if;
                    high_fast := tmp_scan_data(start_bit+3 downto start_bit);
                    low_fast := tmp_scan_data(start_bit+8 downto start_bit+5);
                    if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+3 downto start_bit) = "0000") then
                        c_high_val_tmp(i) := 16;
                        c_high_val_tmp(i) := alt_conv_integer(high_fast);
                    end if;
                    if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+8 downto start_bit+5) = "0000") then
                        c_low_val_tmp(i) := 16;
                        c_low_val_tmp(i) := alt_conv_integer(low_fast);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                sig_c_ph_val_tmp <= c_ph_val_tmp;
                sig_c_low_val_tmp <= c_low_val_tmp;
                sig_c_hi_val_tmp <= c_high_val_tmp;
                -- M
                -- some temporary storage
                if (tmp_scan_data(65 downto 62) = "0000") then
                    m_hi := "10000";
                    m_hi := "0" & tmp_scan_data(65 downto 62);
                end if;
                if (tmp_scan_data(70 downto 67) = "0000") then
                    m_lo := "10000";
                    m_lo := "0" & tmp_scan_data(70 downto 67);
                end if;
                m_val_tmp(0) := alt_conv_integer(m_hi) + alt_conv_integer(m_lo);
                if (tmp_scan_data(66) = '1') then
                    if (tmp_scan_data(71) = '1') then
                        -- this will turn off the M counter : error
                        reconfig_err <= true;
                        is_error := true;
                        ASSERT false REPORT "The specified bit settings will turn OFF the M counter. This is illegal. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                    else -- M counter is being bypassed
                        if (m_mode_val(0) /= "bypass") then
                            -- mode is switched : give warning
                            ASSERT false REPORT "M counter switched from enabled to BYPASS mode. PLL may lose lock." severity warning;
                        end if;
                        m_val_tmp(0) := 1;
                        m_mode_val(0) <= "bypass";
                    end if;
                    if (m_mode_val(0) = "bypass") then
                        -- mode is switched : give warning
                        ASSERT false REPORT "M counter switched BYPASS mode to enabled. PLL may lose lock." severity warning;
                    end if;
                    m_mode_val(0) <= "      ";
                    if (tmp_scan_data(71) = '1') then
                        -- odd : check for duty cycle, if not 50% -- error
                        if (alt_conv_integer(m_hi) - alt_conv_integer(m_lo) /= 1) then
                            reconfig_err <= true;
                            ASSERT FALSE REPORT "The M counter of the " & family_name & " FAST PLL can be configured for 50% duty cycle only. In this case, the HIGH and LOW moduli programmed will result in a duty cycle other than 50%, which is illegal. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                        end if;
                    else -- even
                        if (alt_conv_integer(m_hi) /= alt_conv_integer(m_lo)) then
                            reconfig_err <= true;
                            ASSERT FALSE REPORT "The M counter of the " & family_name & " FAST PLL can be configured for 50% duty cycle only. In this case, the HIGH and LOW moduli programmed will result in a duty cycle other than 50%, which is illegal. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end if;
                -- N
                is_error := false;
                n_fast := tmp_scan_data(73 downto 72);
                n_val(0) <= alt_conv_integer(n_fast);
                if (tmp_scan_data(74) /= '1') then
                    if (alt_conv_integer(n_fast) = 1) then
                        is_error := true;
                        reconfig_err <= true;
                        -- cntr value is illegal : give warning
                        ASSERT false REPORT "Illegal 1 value for N counter. Instead the counter should be BYPASSED. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                    elsif (alt_conv_integer(n_fast) = 0) then
                        n_val(0) <= 4;
                        ASSERT FALSE REPORT "N Modulus = " &int2str(4)& " " severity note;
                    end if;
                    if (not is_error) then
                        if (n_mode_val(0) = "bypass") then
                            ASSERT false REPORT "N Counter switched from BYPASS mode to enabled (N modulus = " &int2str(alt_conv_integer(n_fast))& "). PLL may lose lock." severity warning;
                            ASSERT FALSE REPORT "N modulus = " &int2str(alt_conv_integer(n_fast))& " "severity note;
                        end if;
                        n_mode_val(0) <= "      ";
                    end if;
                elsif (tmp_scan_data(74) = '1') then
                    if (tmp_scan_data(72) /= '0') then
                        is_error := true;
                        reconfig_err <= true;
                        ASSERT false report "Illegal value for N counter in BYPASS mode. The LSB of the counter should be set to 0 in order to operate the counter in BYPASS mode. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                        if (n_mode_val(0) /= "bypass") then
                            ASSERT false REPORT "N Counter switched from enabled to BYPASS mode. PLL may lose lock." severity warning;
                        end if;
                        n_val(0) <= 1;
                        n_mode_val(0) <= "bypass";
                    end if;
                end if;
            else   -- GENERAL PURPOSE PLL
                for i in 0 to 5 loop
                    start_bit := 116 - (i*18);
                    if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 8) = '1') then
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "bypass";
                        if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 17) = '1') then
                            c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "   off";
                            ASSERT false REPORT "The specified bit settings will turn OFF the " &cntrs(i)& "counter. It cannot be turned on unless the part is re-initialized." severity warning;
                        end if;
                    elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 17) = '1') then
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "   odd";
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "  even";
                    end if;
                    high := tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 7 downto start_bit);
                    low := tmp_scan_data(start_bit+16 downto start_bit+9);
                    if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+7 downto start_bit) = "00000000") then
                        c_high_val_tmp(i) := 256;
                        c_high_val_tmp(i) := alt_conv_integer(high);
                    end if;
                    if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+16 downto start_bit+9) = "00000000") then
                        c_low_val_tmp(i) := 256;
                        c_low_val_tmp(i) := alt_conv_integer(low);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                -- the phase taps
                for i in 0 to 5 loop
                    start_bit := 14 + (i*2);
                    if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit) = '0') then
                        -- do nothing
                    elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit) = '1') then
                        if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 1) = '1') then
                            c_ph_val_tmp(i) := c_ph_val_tmp(i) + 1;
                            if (c_ph_val_tmp(i) > 7) then
                                c_ph_val_tmp(i) := 0;
                            end if;
                        elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit + 1) = '0') then
                            c_ph_val_tmp(i) := c_ph_val_tmp(i) - 1;
                            if (c_ph_val_tmp(i) < 0) then
                                c_ph_val_tmp(i) := 7;
                            end if;
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                sig_c_ph_val_tmp <= c_ph_val_tmp;
                sig_c_low_val_tmp <= c_low_val_tmp;
                sig_c_hi_val_tmp <= c_high_val_tmp;
                -- cntrs M/M2
                for i in 0 to 1 loop
                    start_bit := 134 + (i*10);
                    if ( i = 0 or (i = 1 and ss > 0) ) then
                        is_error := false;
                        m_tmp := tmp_scan_data(start_bit+8 downto start_bit);
                        m_val_tmp(i) := alt_conv_integer(m_tmp);
                        if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+9) /= '1') then
                            if (alt_conv_integer(m_tmp) = 1) then
                                is_error := true;
                                reconfig_err <= true;
                                -- cntr value is illegal : give warning
                                ASSERT false REPORT "Illegal 1 value for " &ss_cntrs(i)& "counter. Instead " &ss_cntrs(i)& "should be BYPASSED. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                            elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+8 downto start_bit) = "000000000") then
                                m_val_tmp(i) := 512;
                            end if;
                            if (not is_error) then
                                if (m_mode_val(i) = "bypass") then
                                    -- Mode is switched : give warning
                                    ASSERT false REPORT "M Counter switched from BYPASS mode to enabled (M modulus = " &int2str(alt_conv_integer(m_tmp))& "). PLL may lose lock." severity warning;
                                end if;
                                m_mode_val(i) <= "      ";
                            end if;
                        elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+9) = '1') then
                            if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit) /= '0') then
                                is_error := true;
                                reconfig_err <= true;
                                ASSERT false report "Illegal value for counter " &ss_cntrs(i)& "in BYPASS mode. The LSB of the counter should be set to 0 in order to operate the counter in BYPASS mode. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                                if (m_mode_val(i) /= "bypass") then
                                    -- Mode is switched : give warning
                                    ASSERT false REPORT "M Counter switched from enabled to BYPASS mode. PLL may lose lock." severity warning;
                                end if;
                                m_val_tmp(i) := 1;
                                m_mode_val(i) <= "bypass";
                            end if;
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (ss > 0) then
                    if (m_mode_val(0) /= m_mode_val(1)) then
                        reconfig_err <= true;
                        is_error := true;
                        ASSERT false REPORT "Incompatible modes for M/M2 counters. Either both should be BYPASSED or both NON-BYPASSED. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                    end if;
                end if;
                sig_m_val_tmp <= m_val_tmp;
                -- cntrs N/N2
                for i in 0 to 1 loop
                    start_bit := 154 + i*10;
                    if ( i = 0 or (i = 1 and ss > 0) ) then
                        is_error := false;
                        n_tmp := tmp_scan_data(start_bit+8 downto start_bit);
                        n_val(i) <= alt_conv_integer(n_tmp);
                        if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+9) /= '1') then
                            if (alt_conv_integer(n_tmp) = 1) then
                                is_error := true;
                                reconfig_err <= true;
                                -- cntr value is illegal : give warning
                                ASSERT false REPORT "Illegal 1 value for " &ss_cntrs(2+i)& "counter. Instead " &ss_cntrs(2+i)& "should be BYPASSED. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                            elsif (alt_conv_integer(n_tmp) = 0) then
                                n_val(i) <= 512;
                            end if;
                            if (not is_error) then
                                if (n_mode_val(i) = "bypass") then
                                    ASSERT false REPORT "N Counter switched from BYPASS mode to enabled (N modulus = " &int2str(alt_conv_integer(n_tmp))& "). PLL may lose lock." severity warning;
                                end if;
                                n_mode_val(i) <= "      ";
                            end if;
                        elsif (tmp_scan_data(start_bit+9) = '1') then
                            if (tmp_scan_data(start_bit) /= '0') then
                                is_error := true;
                                reconfig_err <= true;
                                ASSERT false report "Illegal value for counter " &ss_cntrs(2+i)& "in BYPASS mode. The LSB of the counter should be set to 0 in order to operate the counter in BYPASS mode. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                                if (n_mode_val(i) /= "bypass") then
                                    ASSERT false REPORT "N Counter switched from enabled to BYPASS mode. PLL may lose lock." severity warning;
                                end if;
                                n_val(i) <= 1;
                                n_mode_val(i) <= "bypass";
                            end if;
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (ss > 0) then
                    if (n_mode_val(0) /= n_mode_val(1)) then
                        reconfig_err <= true;
                        is_error := true;
                        ASSERT false REPORT "Incompatible modes for N/N2 counters. Either both should be BYPASSED or both NON-BYPASSED. Reconfiguration may not work." severity warning;
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
            slowest_clk_old := slowest_clk(c_high_val(0)+c_low_val(0), c_mode_val(0),
                                    c_high_val(1)+c_low_val(1), c_mode_val(1),
                                    c_high_val(2)+c_low_val(2), c_mode_val(2),
                                    c_high_val(3)+c_low_val(3), c_mode_val(3),
                                    c_high_val(4)+c_low_val(4), c_mode_val(4),
                                    c_high_val(5)+c_low_val(5), c_mode_val(5),
                                    sig_refclk_period, m_val(0));
            slowest_clk_new := slowest_clk(c_high_val_tmp(0)+c_low_val_tmp(0), c_mode_val_tmp(0),
                                    c_high_val_tmp(1)+c_low_val_tmp(1), c_mode_val_tmp(1),
                                    c_high_val_tmp(2)+c_low_val_tmp(2), c_mode_val_tmp(2),
                                    c_high_val_tmp(3)+c_low_val_tmp(3), c_mode_val_tmp(3),
                                    c_high_val_tmp(4)+c_low_val_tmp(4), c_mode_val_tmp(4),
                                    c_high_val_tmp(5)+c_low_val_tmp(5), c_mode_val_tmp(5),
                                    sig_refclk_period, m_val_tmp(0));
            if (slowest_clk_new > slowest_clk_old) then
                quiet_time := slowest_clk_new;
                quiet_time := slowest_clk_old;
            end if;
            sig_quiet_time <= quiet_time;
            sig_slowest_clk_old <= slowest_clk_old;
            sig_slowest_clk_new <= slowest_clk_new;
            tmp_rem := (quiet_time/1 ps) rem (scanclk_period/ 1 ps);
            scanclk_cycles := (quiet_time/1 ps) / (scanclk_period/1 ps);
            if (tmp_rem /= 0) then
                scanclk_cycles := scanclk_cycles + 1;
            end if;
            scandone_tmp <= transport '1' after ((scanclk_cycles+1)*scanclk_period - (scanclk_period/2));
        end if;
        if (scanwrite_enabled = '1') then
            if (fbclk'event and fbclk = '1') then
                m_val <= m_val_tmp;
            end if;
            if (c_clk(0)'event and c_clk(0) = '1') then
                c_high_val(0) <= c_high_val_tmp(0);
                c_mode_val(0) <= c_mode_val_tmp(0);
                c0_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
            end if;
            if (c_clk(1)'event and c_clk(1) = '1') then
                c_high_val(1) <= c_high_val_tmp(1);
                c_mode_val(1) <= c_mode_val_tmp(1);
                c1_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
            end if;
            if (c_clk(2)'event and c_clk(2) = '1') then
                c_high_val(2) <= c_high_val_tmp(2);
                c_mode_val(2) <= c_mode_val_tmp(2);
                c2_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
            end if;
            if (c_clk(3)'event and c_clk(3) = '1') then
                c_high_val(3) <= c_high_val_tmp(3);
                c_mode_val(3) <= c_mode_val_tmp(3);
                c3_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
            end if;
            if (c_clk(4)'event and c_clk(4) = '1') then
                c_high_val(4) <= c_high_val_tmp(4);
                c_mode_val(4) <= c_mode_val_tmp(4);
                c4_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
            end if;
            if (c_clk(5)'event and c_clk(5) = '1') then
                c_high_val(5) <= c_high_val_tmp(5);
                c_mode_val(5) <= c_mode_val_tmp(5);
                c5_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (c_clk(0)'event and c_clk(0) = '0' and c0_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(0) <= c_low_val_tmp(0);
        end if;
        if (c_clk(1)'event and c_clk(1) = '0' and c1_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(1) <= c_low_val_tmp(1);
        end if;
        if (c_clk(2)'event and c_clk(2) = '0' and c2_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(2) <= c_low_val_tmp(2);
        end if;
        if (c_clk(3)'event and c_clk(3) = '0' and c3_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(3) <= c_low_val_tmp(3);
        end if;
        if (c_clk(4)'event and c_clk(4) = '0' and c4_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(4) <= c_low_val_tmp(4);
        end if;
        if (c_clk(5)'event and c_clk(5) = '0' and c5_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(5) <= c_low_val_tmp(5);
        end if;
        if (scanwrite_enabled = '1') then
            for x in 0 to 7 loop
                if (vco_tap(x) /= vco_tap_last_value(x) and vco_tap(x) = '0') then
                    -- TAP X has event
                    for i in 0 to 5 loop
                        if (c_ph_val(i) = x) then
                            c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                        end if;
                    end loop;
                    if (m_ph_val = x) then
                        m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                    end if;
                end if;
            end loop;
        end if;
        -- revert counter phase tap values to POF programmed values
        -- if PLL is reset
        if (areset_ipd = '1') then
            c_ph_val <= i_c_ph;
            c_ph_val_tmp := i_c_ph;
            m_ph_val <= i_m_ph;
            m_ph_val_tmp := i_m_ph;
        end if;
        for x in 0 to 7 loop
            if (vco_tap(x) /= vco_tap_last_value(x)) then
                -- TAP X has event
                for i in 0 to 5 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = x) then
                        inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_tap(x);
                        if (i = 0 and enable0_counter = "c0") then
                            inclk_sclkout0_from_vco <= vco_tap(x);
                        end if;
                        if (i = 0 and enable1_counter = "c0") then
                            inclk_sclkout1_from_vco <= vco_tap(x);
                        end if;
                        if (i = 1 and enable0_counter = "c1") then
                            inclk_sclkout0_from_vco <= vco_tap(x);
                        end if;
                        if (i = 1 and enable1_counter = "c1") then
                            inclk_sclkout1_from_vco <= vco_tap(x);
                        end if;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = x) then
                    inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_tap(x);
                end if;
                vco_tap_last_value(x) <= vco_tap(x);
            end if;
        end loop;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '0') then
            -- enable scanwrite on falling edge
            scanwrite_enabled <= scanwrite_reg;
        end if;
        if (scanread_reg = '1') then
            gated_scanclk <= transport scanclk_ipd and scanread_reg;
            gated_scanclk <= transport '1';
        end if;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '1') then
            -- register scanread and scanwrite
            scanread_reg <= scanread_ipd;
            scanwrite_reg <= scanwrite_ipd;
            if (got_first_scanclk) then
                scanclk_period := now - scanclk_last_rising_edge;
                got_first_scanclk := true;
            end if;
            -- reset got_first_scanclk on falling edge of scanread_reg
            if (scanread_ipd = '0' and scanread_reg = '1') then
                got_first_scanclk := false;
                got_first_gated_scanclk := false;
            end if;
            scanclk_last_rising_edge := now;
        end if;
        if (gated_scanclk'event and gated_scanclk = '1' and now > 0 ps) then
            if (not got_first_gated_scanclk) then
                got_first_gated_scanclk := true;
            end if;
            for j in scan_chain_length - 1 downto 1 loop
                scan_data(j) <= scan_data(j-1);
            end loop;
            scan_data(0) <= scandata_ipd;
        end if;
    end process;
    scandataout_tmp <= scan_data(FAST_SCAN_CHAIN-1) when (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds") else scan_data(GPP_SCAN_CHAIN-1);
    SCHEDULE : process (schedule_vco, areset_ipd, ena_ipd, pfdena_ipd, refclk, fbclk, vco_out)
    variable sched_time : time := 0 ps;
    TYPE time_array is ARRAY (0 to 7) of time;
    variable init : boolean := true;
    variable refclk_period : time;
    variable m_times_vco_period : time;
    variable new_m_times_vco_period : time;
    variable phase_shift : time_array := (OTHERS => 0 ps);
    variable last_phase_shift : time_array := (OTHERS => 0 ps);
    variable l_index : integer := 1;
    variable cycle_to_adjust : integer := 0;
    variable stop_vco : boolean := false;
    variable locked_tmp : std_logic := '0';
    variable pll_is_locked : boolean := false;
    variable pll_about_to_lock : boolean := false;
    variable cycles_to_lock : integer := 0;
    variable cycles_to_unlock : integer := 0;
    variable got_first_refclk : boolean := false;
    variable got_second_refclk : boolean := false;
    variable got_first_fbclk : boolean := false;
    variable refclk_time : time := 0 ps;
    variable fbclk_time : time := 0 ps;
    variable first_fbclk_time : time := 0 ps;
    variable fbclk_period : time := 0 ps;
    variable first_schedule : boolean := true;
    variable vco_val : std_logic := '0';
    variable vco_period_was_phase_adjusted : boolean := false;
    variable phase_adjust_was_scheduled : boolean := false;
    variable loop_xplier : integer;
    variable loop_initial : integer := 0;
    variable loop_ph : integer := 0;
    variable loop_time_delay : integer := 0;
    variable initial_delay : time := 0 ps;
    variable vco_per : time;
    variable tmp_rem : integer;
    variable my_rem : integer;
    variable fbk_phase : integer := 0;
    variable pull_back_M : integer := 0;
    variable total_pull_back : integer := 0;
    variable fbk_delay : integer := 0;
    variable offset : time := 0 ps;
    variable tmp_vco_per : integer := 0;
    variable high_time : time;
    variable low_time : time;
    variable got_refclk_posedge : boolean := false;
    variable got_fbclk_posedge : boolean := false;
    variable inclk_out_of_range : boolean := false;
    variable no_warn : boolean := false;
    variable ext_fbk_cntr_modulus : integer := 1;
    variable init_clks : boolean := true;
    variable pll_is_in_reset : boolean := false;
    variable pll_is_disabled : boolean := false;
    variable next_vco_sched_time : time  := 0 ps;
    variable tap0_is_active : boolean := true;
        if (init) then
            -- jump-start the VCO
            -- add 1 ps delay to ensure all signals are updated to initial
            -- values
            schedule_vco <= transport not schedule_vco after 1 ps;
            init := false;
        end if;
        if (schedule_vco'event) then
            if (init_clks) then
                refclk_period := inclk0_input_frequency * n_val(0) * 1 ps;
                m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                new_m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                init_clks := false;
            end if;
            sched_time := 0 ps;
            for i in 0 to 7 loop
                last_phase_shift(i) := phase_shift(i);
            end loop;
            cycle_to_adjust := 0;
            l_index := 1;
            m_times_vco_period := new_m_times_vco_period;
        end if;
        -- areset was asserted
        if (areset_ipd'event and areset_ipd = '1') then
            assert false report family_name & " PLL was reset" severity note;
            -- reset lock parameters
            locked_tmp := '0';
            pll_is_locked := false;
            pll_about_to_lock := false;
            cycles_to_lock := 0;
            cycles_to_unlock := 0;
            pll_is_in_reset := true;
            tap0_is_active := false;
            for x in 0 to 7 loop
                vco_tap(x) <= '0';
            end loop;
        end if;
        -- note areset deassert time
        -- note it as refclk_time to prevent false triggering
        -- of stop_vco after areset
        if (areset_ipd'event and areset_ipd = '0' and pll_is_in_reset) then
            refclk_time := now;
            pll_is_in_reset := false;
            if (ena_ipd = '1' and not stop_vco and next_vco_sched_time <= now) then
                schedule_vco <= not schedule_vco;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- ena was deasserted
        if (ena_ipd'event and ena_ipd = '0') then
            assert false report family_name & " PLL was disabled" severity note;
            pll_is_disabled := true;
            tap0_is_active := false;
            for x in 0 to 7 loop
                vco_tap(x) <= '0';
            end loop;
        end if;
        if (ena_ipd'event and ena_ipd = '1') then
            assert false report family_name & " PLL is enabled" severity note;
            pll_is_disabled := false;
            if (areset_ipd /= '1' and not stop_vco and next_vco_sched_time < now) then
                schedule_vco <= not schedule_vco;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- illegal value on areset_ipd
        if (areset_ipd'event and areset_ipd = 'X') then
            assert false report "Illegal value 'X' detected on ARESET input" severity warning;
        end if;
        if (areset_ipd = '1' or ena_ipd = '0' or stop_vco) then
            -- reset lock parameters
            locked_tmp := '0';
            pll_is_locked := false;
            pll_about_to_lock := false;
            cycles_to_lock := 0;
            cycles_to_unlock := 0;
            got_first_refclk := false;
            got_second_refclk := false;
            refclk_time := 0 ps;
            got_first_fbclk := false;
            fbclk_time := 0 ps;
            first_fbclk_time := 0 ps;
            fbclk_period := 0 ps;
--            first_schedule := true;
--            vco_val := '0';
            vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
            phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
            -- reset all counter phase taps to POF programmed values
        end if;
        if (schedule_vco'event and areset_ipd /= '1' and ena_ipd /= '0' and (not stop_vco) and now > 0 ps) then
            -- calculate loop_xplier : this will be different from m_val
            -- in external_feedback_mode
            loop_xplier := m_val(0);
            loop_initial := m_initial_val - 1;
            loop_ph := m_ph_val;
            if (operation_mode = "external_feedback") then
                if (ext_fbk_cntr_mode = "bypass") then
                    ext_fbk_cntr_modulus := 1;
                    ext_fbk_cntr_modulus := ext_fbk_cntr_high + ext_fbk_cntr_low;
                end if;
                loop_xplier := m_val(0) * (ext_fbk_cntr_modulus);
                loop_ph := ext_fbk_cntr_ph;
                loop_initial := ext_fbk_cntr_initial - 1 + ((m_initial_val - 1) * ext_fbk_cntr_modulus);
            end if;
            -- convert initial value to delay
            initial_delay := (loop_initial * m_times_vco_period)/loop_xplier;
            -- convert loop ph_tap to delay
            my_rem := (m_times_vco_period/1 ps) rem loop_xplier;
            tmp_vco_per := (m_times_vco_period/1 ps) / loop_xplier;
            if (my_rem /= 0) then
                tmp_vco_per := tmp_vco_per + 1;
            end if;
            fbk_phase := (loop_ph * tmp_vco_per)/8;
            if (operation_mode = "external_feedback") then
                pull_back_M :=  (m_initial_val - 1) * ext_fbk_cntr_modulus * ((refclk_period/loop_xplier)/1 ps);
                while (pull_back_M > refclk_period/1 ps) loop
                    pull_back_M := pull_back_M - refclk_period/ 1 ps;
                end loop;
                pull_back_M := initial_delay/1 ps + fbk_phase;
            end if;
            total_pull_back := pull_back_M;
            if (simulation_type = "timing") then
                total_pull_back := total_pull_back + pll_compensation_delay;
            end if;
            while (total_pull_back > refclk_period/1 ps) loop
                total_pull_back := total_pull_back - refclk_period/1 ps;
            end loop;
            if (total_pull_back > 0) then
                offset := refclk_period - (total_pull_back * 1 ps);
            end if;
            if (operation_mode = "external_feedback") then
                fbk_delay := pull_back_M;
                if (simulation_type = "timing") then
                    fbk_delay := fbk_delay + pll_compensation_delay;
                end if;
                fbk_delay := total_pull_back - fbk_phase;
                if (fbk_delay < 0) then
                    offset := offset - (fbk_phase * 1 ps);
                    fbk_delay := total_pull_back;
                end if;
            end if;
            -- assign m_delay
            m_delay <= transport fbk_delay after 1 ps;
            my_rem := (m_times_vco_period/1 ps) rem loop_xplier;
            for i in 1 to loop_xplier loop
                -- adjust cycles
                tmp_vco_per := (m_times_vco_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier;
                if (my_rem /= 0 and l_index <= my_rem) then
                    tmp_rem := (loop_xplier * l_index) rem my_rem;
                    cycle_to_adjust := (loop_xplier * l_index) / my_rem;
                    if (tmp_rem /= 0) then
                        cycle_to_adjust := cycle_to_adjust + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
                if (cycle_to_adjust = i) then
                    tmp_vco_per := tmp_vco_per + 1;
                    l_index := l_index + 1;
                end if;
                -- calculate high and low periods
                vco_per := tmp_vco_per * 1 ps;
                high_time := (tmp_vco_per/2) * 1 ps;
                if (tmp_vco_per rem 2 /= 0) then
                    high_time := high_time + 1 ps;
                end if;
                low_time := vco_per - high_time;
                -- schedule the rising and falling edges
                for j in 1 to 2 loop
                    vco_val := not vco_val;
                    if (vco_val = '0') then
                        sched_time := sched_time + high_time;
                    elsif (vco_val = '1') then
                        sched_time := sched_time + low_time;
                    end if;
                    -- schedule tap0
                    vco_out(0) <= transport vco_val after sched_time;
                end loop;
            end loop;
            -- schedule once more
            if (first_schedule) then
                vco_val := not vco_val;
                if (vco_val = '0') then
                    sched_time := sched_time + high_time;
                elsif (vco_val = '1') then
                    sched_time := sched_time + low_time;
                end if;
                -- schedule tap 0
                vco_out(0) <= transport vco_val after sched_time;
                first_schedule := false;
            end if;
            schedule_vco <= transport not schedule_vco after sched_time;
            next_vco_sched_time := now + sched_time;
            if (vco_period_was_phase_adjusted) then
                m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                new_m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
                phase_adjust_was_scheduled := true;
                vco_per := m_times_vco_period/loop_xplier;
                for k in 0 to 7 loop
                    phase_shift(k) := (k * vco_per)/8;
                end loop;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- now schedule the other taps with the appropriate phase-shift
        if (vco_out(0)'event) then
            for k in 1 to 7 loop
                phase_shift(k) := (k * vco_per)/8;
                vco_out(k) <= transport vco_out(0) after phase_shift(k);
            end loop;
        end if;
        if (refclk'event and refclk = '1' and areset_ipd = '0') then
            got_refclk_posedge := true;
            if (not got_first_refclk) then
                got_first_refclk := true;
                got_second_refclk := true;
                refclk_period := now - refclk_time;
                -- check if incoming freq. will cause VCO range to be
                -- exceeded
                if ( (vco_max /= 0 and vco_min /= 0 and pfdena_ipd = '1') and
                    (((refclk_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier > vco_max) or
                    ((refclk_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier < vco_min)) ) then
                    if (pll_is_locked) then
                        assert false report " Input clock freq. is not within VCO range : " & family_name & " PLL may lose lock" severity warning;
                        if (inclk_out_of_range) then
                            pll_is_locked := false;
                            locked_tmp := '0';
                            pll_about_to_lock := false;
                            cycles_to_lock := 0;
                            vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
                            phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
                            assert false report family_name & " PLL lost lock." severity note;
                        end if;
                    elsif (not no_warn) then
                        assert false report " Input clock freq. is not within VCO range : " & family_name & " PLL may not lock. Please use the correct frequency." severity warning;
                        no_warn := true;
                    end if;
                    inclk_out_of_range := true;
                    inclk_out_of_range := false;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (stop_vco) then
                stop_vco := false;
                schedule_vco <= not schedule_vco;
            end if;
            refclk_time := now;
            got_refclk_posedge := false;
        end if;
        if (fbclk'event and fbclk = '1') then
            got_fbclk_posedge := true;
            if (not got_first_fbclk) then
                got_first_fbclk := true;
                fbclk_period := now - fbclk_time;
            end if;
            -- need refclk_period here, so initialized to proper value above
            if ( ( (now - refclk_time > 1.5 * refclk_period) and pfdena_ipd = '1' and pll_is_locked) or ( (now - refclk_time > 5 * refclk_period) and pfdena_ipd = '1') ) then
                stop_vco := true;
                -- reset
                got_first_refclk := false;
                got_first_fbclk := false;
                got_second_refclk := false;
                if (pll_is_locked) then
                    pll_is_locked := false;
                    locked_tmp := '0';
                    assert false report family_name & " PLL lost lock due to loss of input clock" severity note;
                end if;
                pll_about_to_lock := false;
                cycles_to_lock := 0;
                cycles_to_unlock := 0;
                first_schedule := true;
                vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
                phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
                tap0_is_active := false;
                for x in 0 to 7 loop
                    vco_tap(x) <= '0';
                end loop;
            end if;
            fbclk_time := now;
            got_fbclk_posedge := false;
        end if;
        if ((got_refclk_posedge or got_fbclk_posedge) and got_second_refclk and pfdena_ipd = '1' and (not inclk_out_of_range)) then
            -- now we know actual incoming period
            if ( abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time) <= 5 ps or
                (got_first_fbclk and abs(refclk_period - abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time)) <= 5 ps)) then
                -- considered in phase
                if (cycles_to_lock = valid_lock_multiplier - 1) then
                    pll_about_to_lock := true;
                end if;
                if (cycles_to_lock = valid_lock_multiplier) then
                    if (not pll_is_locked) then
                        assert false report family_name & " PLL locked to incoming clock" severity note;
                    end if;
                    pll_is_locked := true;
                    locked_tmp := '1';
                    cycles_to_unlock := 0;
                end if;
                -- increment lock counter only if second part of above
                -- time check is NOT true
                if (not(abs(refclk_period - abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time)) <= 5 ps)) then
                    cycles_to_lock := cycles_to_lock + 1;
                end if;
                -- adjust m_times_vco_period
                new_m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                -- if locked, begin unlock
                if (pll_is_locked) then
                    cycles_to_unlock := cycles_to_unlock + 1;
                    if (cycles_to_unlock = invalid_lock_multiplier) then
                        pll_is_locked := false;
                        locked_tmp := '0';
                        pll_about_to_lock := false;
                        cycles_to_lock := 0;
                        vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
                        phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
                        assert false report family_name & " PLL lost lock." severity note;
                    end if;
                end if;
                if ( abs(refclk_period - fbclk_period) <= 2 ps ) then
                    -- frequency is still good
                    if (now = fbclk_time and (not phase_adjust_was_scheduled)) then
                        if ( abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time) > refclk_period/2) then
                            if ( abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time) > 1.5 * refclk_period) then
                                -- input clock may have stopped : do nothing
                            new_m_times_vco_period := m_times_vco_period + (refclk_period - abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time));
                            vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := true;
                            end if;
                            new_m_times_vco_period := m_times_vco_period - abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time);
                            vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := true;
                        end if;
                    end if;
                    phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
                    new_m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- check which vco_tap has event
        for x in 0 to 7 loop
            if (vco_out(x) /= vco_out_last_value(x)) then
                -- TAP X has event
                if (x = 0 and areset_ipd = '0' and ena_ipd = '1' and sig_stop_vco = '0') then
                    if (vco_out(0) = '1') then
                        tap0_is_active := true;
                    end if;
                    if (tap0_is_active) then
                        vco_tap(0) <= vco_out(0);
                    end if;
                elsif (tap0_is_active) then
                        vco_tap(x) <= vco_out(x);
                end if;
                if (sig_stop_vco = '1') then
                    vco_tap(x) <= '0';
                end if;
                vco_out_last_value(x) <= vco_out(x);
            end if;
        end loop;
        if (pfdena_ipd = '0') then
            if (pll_is_locked) then
                locked_tmp := 'X';
            end if;
            pll_is_locked := false;
            cycles_to_lock := 0;
        end if;
        -- give message only at time of deassertion
        if (pfdena_ipd'event and pfdena_ipd = '0') then
            assert false report "PFDENA deasserted." severity note;
        elsif (pfdena_ipd'event and pfdena_ipd = '1') then
            got_first_refclk := false;
            got_second_refclk := false;
            refclk_time := now;
        end if;
        if (reconfig_err) then
            lock <= '0';
            lock <= locked_tmp;
        end if;
        about_to_lock <= pll_about_to_lock after 1 ps;
        -- signal to calculate quiet_time
        sig_refclk_period <= refclk_period;
        if (stop_vco = true) then
            sig_stop_vco <= '1';
            sig_stop_vco <= '0';
        end if;
    end process SCHEDULE;
    clk0_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk0_counter);
    clk(0)   <= clk0_tmp when (areset_ipd = '1' or ena_ipd = '0' or pll_in_test_mode) or (about_to_lock and (not reconfig_err)) else
    clk1_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk1_counter);
    clk(1)   <= clk1_tmp when (areset_ipd = '1' or ena_ipd = '0' or pll_in_test_mode) or (about_to_lock and (not reconfig_err)) else
    clk2_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk2_counter);
    clk(2)   <= clk2_tmp when (areset_ipd = '1' or ena_ipd = '0' or pll_in_test_mode) or (about_to_lock and (not reconfig_err)) else
    clk3_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk3_counter);
    clk4_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk4_counter);
    clk5_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk5_counter);
end vital_pll;
-- Entity Name :  cycloneii_routing_wire
-- Description :  CycloneII Routing Wire VHDL simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_routing_wire is
    generic (
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             tpd_datain_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datainglitch_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_datain : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    PORT (
          datain : in std_logic;
          dataout : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_routing_wire : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_routing_wire;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneii_routing_wire is
attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of behave : architecture is TRUE;
signal datain_ipd : std_logic;
signal datainglitch_inert : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (datain_ipd, datain, tipd_datain);
    end block;
    VITAL: process(datain_ipd, datainglitch_inert)
    variable datain_inert_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable dataout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => datainglitch_inert,
            OutSignalName => "datainglitch_inert",
            OutTemp => datain_ipd,
            Paths => (1 => (datain_ipd'last_event, tpd_datainglitch_dataout, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => datain_inert_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => VitalInertial,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => dataout,
            OutSignalName => "dataout",
            OutTemp => datainglitch_inert,
            Paths => (1 => (datain_ipd'last_event, tpd_datain_dataout, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => dataout_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name :  cycloneii_lcell_ff
-- Description :  Cyclone II LCELL_FF VHDL simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
use work.cycloneii_and1;
entity cycloneii_lcell_ff is
    generic (
             x_on_violation : string := "on";
             lpm_type : string := "cycloneii_lcell_ff";
             tsetup_datain_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_datain_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_sdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_clk_regout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_aclr_regout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_sdata_regout: VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_datain : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_sdata : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_sclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_sload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
             MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath: STRING := "*"
    port (
          datain : in std_logic := '0';
          clk : in std_logic := '0';
          aclr : in std_logic := '0';
          sclr : in std_logic := '0';
          sload : in std_logic := '0';
          ena : in std_logic := '1';
          sdata : in std_logic := '0';
          devclrn : in std_logic := '1';
          devpor : in std_logic := '1';
          regout : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_lcell_ff : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_lcell_ff;
architecture vital_lcell_ff of cycloneii_lcell_ff is
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of vital_lcell_ff : architecture is TRUE;
   signal clk_ipd : std_logic;
   signal datain_ipd : std_logic;
   signal datain_dly : std_logic;
   signal sdata_ipd : std_logic;
   signal sdata_dly : std_logic;
   signal sdata_dly1 : std_logic;
   signal sclr_ipd : std_logic;
   signal sload_ipd : std_logic;
   signal aclr_ipd : std_logic;
   signal ena_ipd : std_logic;
component cycloneii_and1
    generic (XOn                  : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOn                : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             tpd_IN1_Y            : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_IN1             : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port    (Y                    :  out   STD_LOGIC;
             IN1                  :  in    STD_LOGIC
end component;
dataindelaybuffer: cycloneii_and1
                   port map(IN1 => datain_ipd,
                            Y => datain_dly);
sdatadelaybuffer: cycloneii_and1
                   port map(IN1 => sdata_ipd,
                            Y => sdata_dly);
sdatadelaybuffer1: cycloneii_and1
                   port map(IN1 => sdata_dly,
                            Y => sdata_dly1);
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (datain_ipd, datain, tipd_datain);
        VitalWireDelay (sdata_ipd, sdata, tipd_sdata);
        VitalWireDelay (sclr_ipd, sclr, tipd_sclr);
        VitalWireDelay (sload_ipd, sload, tipd_sload);
        VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    end block;
    VITALtiming : process (clk_ipd, datain_dly, sdata_dly1,
                           sclr_ipd, sload_ipd, aclr_ipd, 
                           ena_ipd, devclrn, devpor)
    variable Tviol_datain_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_sdata_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_sclr_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_sload_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_ena_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_datain_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_sdata_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_sclr_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_sload_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_ena_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable regout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable iregout : std_logic := '0';
    variable idata: std_logic := '0';
    -- variables for 'X' generation
    variable violation : std_logic := '0';
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_datain_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_datain_clk,
                TestSignal      => datain,
                TestSignalName  => "DATAIN",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_datain_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_datain_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_datain_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_datain_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr_ipd) OR
                                          (sload_ipd) OR
                                          (sclr_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_sdata_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_sdata_clk,
                TestSignal      => sdata_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "SDATA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_sdata_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_sdata_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_sdata_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_sdata_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT sload_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_sclr_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_sclr_clk,
                TestSignal      => sclr_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "SCLR",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_sload_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_sload_clk,
                TestSignal      => sload_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "SLOAD",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ena_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ena_clk,
                TestSignal      => ena_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) ) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        violation := Tviol_datain_clk or Tviol_sdata_clk or 
                     Tviol_sclr_clk or Tviol_sload_clk or Tviol_ena_clk;
        if ((devpor = '0') or (devclrn = '0') or (aclr_ipd = '1'))  then
            iregout := '0';
        elsif (violation = 'X' and x_on_violation = "on") then
            iregout := 'X';
        elsif clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and clk_ipd'last_value = '0' then
            if (ena_ipd = '1') then
                if (sclr_ipd = '1') then
                    iregout := '0';
                elsif (sload_ipd = '1') then
                    iregout := sdata_dly1;
                    iregout := datain_dly;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => regout,
            OutSignalName => "REGOUT",
            OutTemp => iregout,
            Paths => (0 => (aclr_ipd'last_event, tpd_aclr_regout_posedge, TRUE),
                      1 => (sdata_ipd'last_event, tpd_sdata_regout, TRUE),
                      2 => (clk_ipd'last_event, tpd_clk_regout_posedge, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => regout_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
end vital_lcell_ff;	
-- Entity Name :  cycloneii_lcell_comb
-- Description :  Cyclone II LCELL_COMB VHDL simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneii_lcell_comb is
    generic (
             lut_mask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '1');
             sum_lutc_input : string := "datac";
             lpm_type : string := "cycloneii_lcell_comb";
             TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
             MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath: STRING := "*";
             tpd_dataa_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datac_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datad_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_cin_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datac_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datad_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_cin_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_dataa : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datab : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datac : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datad : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_cin : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
          dataa : in std_logic := '1';
          datab : in std_logic := '1';
          datac : in std_logic := '1';
          datad : in std_logic := '1';
          cin : in std_logic := '0';
          combout : out std_logic;
          cout : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_lcell_comb : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_lcell_comb;
architecture vital_lcell_comb of cycloneii_lcell_comb is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of vital_lcell_comb : architecture is TRUE;
    signal dataa_ipd : std_logic;
    signal datab_ipd : std_logic;
    signal datac_ipd : std_logic;
    signal datad_ipd : std_logic;
    signal cin_ipd : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (dataa_ipd, dataa, tipd_dataa);
        VitalWireDelay (datab_ipd, datab, tipd_datab);
        VitalWireDelay (datac_ipd, datac, tipd_datac);
        VitalWireDelay (datad_ipd, datad, tipd_datad);
        VitalWireDelay (cin_ipd, cin, tipd_cin);
    end block;
VITALtiming : process(dataa_ipd, datab_ipd, datac_ipd, datad_ipd,
variable combout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
variable cout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
-- output variables
variable combout_tmp : std_logic;
variable cout_tmp : std_logic;
    -- lut_mask_var := lut_mask;
    --  Timing Check Section
    if (sum_lutc_input = "datac") then
        -- combout 
        combout_tmp := VitalMUX(data => lut_mask,
                                dselect => (datad_ipd,
    elsif (sum_lutc_input = "cin") then
        -- combout 
        combout_tmp := VitalMUX(data => lut_mask,
                                dselect => (datad_ipd,
    end if;
    -- cout 
    cout_tmp := VitalMUX(data => lut_mask,
                         dselect => ('0',
    --  Path Delay Section
    VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => combout,
        OutSignalName => "COMBOUT",
        OutTemp => combout_tmp,
        Paths => (0 => (dataa_ipd'last_event, tpd_dataa_combout, TRUE),
                  1 => (datab_ipd'last_event, tpd_datab_combout, TRUE),
                  2 => (datac_ipd'last_event, tpd_datac_combout, TRUE),
                  3 => (datad_ipd'last_event, tpd_datad_combout, TRUE),
                  4 => (cin_ipd'last_event, tpd_cin_combout, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => combout_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn => MsgOn );
    VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => cout,
        OutSignalName => "COUT",
        OutTemp => cout_tmp,
        Paths => (0 => (dataa_ipd'last_event, tpd_dataa_cout, TRUE),
                  1 => (datab_ipd'last_event, tpd_datab_cout, TRUE),
                  2 => (datac_ipd'last_event, tpd_datac_cout, TRUE),
                  3 => (datad_ipd'last_event, tpd_datad_cout, TRUE),
                  4 => (cin_ipd'last_event, tpd_cin_cout, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => cout_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn => MsgOn );
end process;
end vital_lcell_comb;	
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneii_asynch_io is
		operation_mode  : STRING := "input";
		open_drain_output : STRING := "false";
		bus_hold : STRING := "false";
		use_differential_input : STRING := "false";
		XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
		MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
		tpd_padio_differentialout    : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tpd_differentialin_combout   : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tpd_datain_padio        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tpd_oe_padio_posedge       : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tpd_oe_padio_negedge       : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tpd_padio_combout   : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tpd_regin_regout   : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tipd_differentialin : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tipd_datain         : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tipd_oe             : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
		tipd_padio          : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
		datain  : in  STD_LOGIC := '0';
		oe      : in  STD_LOGIC := '1';
		regin  : in STD_LOGIC;
		differentialin  : in STD_LOGIC;
		differentialout : out STD_LOGIC;
		padio   : inout STD_LOGIC;
		combout : out STD_LOGIC;
		regout : out STD_LOGIC);
	attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_asynch_io : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_asynch_io;
architecture behave of cycloneii_asynch_io is
attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of behave : architecture is TRUE;
signal datain_ipd, oe_ipd, padio_ipd: std_logic;
signal differentialin_ipd: std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (datain_ipd, datain, tipd_datain);
        VitalWireDelay (differentialin_ipd, differentialin, tipd_differentialin);
        VitalWireDelay (oe_ipd, oe, tipd_oe);
        VitalWireDelay (padio_ipd, padio, tipd_padio);
    end block;
    VITAL: process(padio_ipd, datain_ipd, oe_ipd, regin, differentialin_ipd)
        variable combout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
		variable padio_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        variable regout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        variable tmp_combout, tmp_padio : std_logic;
        variable prev_value : std_logic := 'H';
		variable differentialout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        variable tmp_combout_differentialin_or_pad : std_logic;
        variable differentialout_tmp : std_logic;
        if (bus_hold = "true" ) then
                if ( operation_mode = "input") then
                        if ( padio_ipd = 'Z') then
                                tmp_combout := to_x01z(prev_value);
                                if ( padio_ipd = '1') then
                                        prev_value := 'H';
                                elsif ( padio_ipd = '0') then
                                        prev_value := 'L';
                                        prev_value := 'W';
                                end if;
                                tmp_combout := to_x01z(padio_ipd);
                        end if;
                        tmp_padio := 'Z';
                elsif ( operation_mode = "output" or operation_mode = "bidir") then
                        if ( oe_ipd = '1') then
                                if ( open_drain_output = "true" ) then
                                        if (datain_ipd = '0') then
                                                tmp_padio := '0';
                                                prev_value := 'L';
                                        elsif (datain_ipd = 'X') then
                                                tmp_padio := 'X';
                                                prev_value := 'W';
                                        else   -- 'Z'
                                                -- need to update prev_value
                                                if (padio_ipd = '1') then
                                                        prev_value := 'H';
                                                elsif (padio_ipd = '0') then
                                                        prev_value := 'L';
                                                elsif (padio_ipd = 'X') then
                                                        prev_value := 'W';
                                                end if;
                                                tmp_padio := prev_value;
                                        end if;
                                        tmp_padio := datain_ipd;
                                        if ( datain_ipd = '1') then
                                                prev_value := 'H';
                                        elsif (datain_ipd = '0' ) then
                                                prev_value := 'L';
                                        elsif ( datain_ipd = 'X') then
                                                prev_value := 'W';
                                                prev_value := datain_ipd;
                                        end if;
                                end if; -- end open_drain_output
                        elsif ( oe_ipd = '0' ) then
                                -- need to update prev_value
                                if (padio_ipd = '1') then
                                        prev_value := 'H';
                                elsif (padio_ipd = '0') then
                                        prev_value := 'L';
                                elsif (padio_ipd = 'X') then
                                        prev_value := 'W';
                                end if;
                                tmp_padio := prev_value;
                                tmp_padio := 'X';
                                prev_value := 'W';
                        end if; -- end oe_in
                        if ( operation_mode = "bidir") then
                                tmp_combout := to_x01z(padio_ipd);
                                tmp_combout := 'Z';
                        end if;
                end if;
                if ( now <= 1 ps AND prev_value = 'W' ) then     --hack for autotest to pass
                        prev_value := 'L';
                end if;
        else    -- bus_hold is false
                if ( operation_mode = "input") then
                        tmp_combout := padio_ipd;
                        tmp_padio := 'Z';
                elsif (operation_mode = "output" or operation_mode = "bidir" ) then
                        if ( operation_mode  = "bidir") then
                                tmp_combout := padio_ipd;
                                tmp_combout := 'Z';
                        end if;
                        if ( oe_ipd = '1') then
                                if ( open_drain_output = "true" ) then
                                        if (datain_ipd = '0') then
                                                tmp_padio := '0';
                                        elsif (datain_ipd = 'X') then
                                                tmp_padio := 'X';
                                                tmp_padio := 'Z';
                                        end if;
                                        tmp_padio := datain_ipd;
                                end if;
                        elsif ( oe_ipd = '0' ) then
                                tmp_padio := 'Z';
                                tmp_padio := 'X';
                        end if;
                end if;
        end if; -- end bus_hold
        if (use_differential_input = "true") then
            tmp_combout_differentialin_or_pad := differentialin_ipd;
            tmp_combout_differentialin_or_pad := tmp_combout;
        end if;
        if (operation_mode = "input" or operation_mode = "bidir") then
            differentialout_tmp := padio_ipd;
            differentialout_tmp := 'X';
        end if;
    --  Path Delay Section
    VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => combout,
        OutSignalName => "combout",
        OutTemp => tmp_combout_differentialin_or_pad,
        Paths => (1 => (padio_ipd'last_event, tpd_padio_combout, use_differential_input = "false"),
                  2 => (differentialin_ipd'last_event, tpd_differentialin_combout, use_differential_input = "true")),
        GlitchData => combout_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn  => MsgOn );
        VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => padio,
        OutSignalName => "padio",
        OutTemp => tmp_padio,
        Paths => (1 => (datain_ipd'last_event, tpd_datain_padio, TRUE),
                  2 => (oe_ipd'last_event, tpd_oe_padio_posedge, oe_ipd = '1'),
                  3 => (oe_ipd'last_event, tpd_oe_padio_negedge, oe_ipd = '0')),
        GlitchData => padio_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => regout,
        OutSignalName => "regout",
        OutTemp => regin,
        Paths => (1 => (regin'last_event, tpd_regin_regout, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => regout_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn  => MsgOn );
        VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => differentialout,
        OutSignalName => "differentialout",
        OutTemp => differentialout_tmp,
        Paths => (1 => (padio_ipd'last_event, tpd_padio_differentialout, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => differentialout_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
end behave;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
use work.cycloneii_asynch_io;
use work.cycloneii_dffe;
use work.cycloneii_mux21;
entity  cycloneii_io is
    generic (
		operation_mode : string := "input";
		open_drain_output : string := "false";
		bus_hold : string := "false";
		output_register_mode : string := "none";
		output_async_reset : string := "none";
		output_sync_reset : string := "none";
		output_power_up : string := "low";
		tie_off_output_clock_enable : string := "false";
		oe_register_mode : string := "none";
		oe_async_reset : string := "none";
		oe_sync_reset : string := "none";
		oe_power_up : string := "low";
		tie_off_oe_clock_enable : string := "false";
		input_register_mode : string := "none";
		input_async_reset : string := "none";
		input_sync_reset : string := "none";
		use_differential_input  : string := "false";
		lpm_type : string    := "cycloneii_io";
		input_power_up : string := "low");
	port (
		datain          : in std_logic := '0';
		oe              : in std_logic := '1';
		outclk          : in std_logic := '0';
		outclkena       : in std_logic := '1';
		inclk           : in std_logic := '0';
		inclkena        : in std_logic := '1';
		areset          : in std_logic := '0';
		sreset          : in std_logic := '0';
		devclrn         : in std_logic := '1';
		devpor          : in std_logic := '1';
		devoe           : in std_logic := '1';
		linkin          : in std_logic := '0';
		differentialin  : in std_logic := '0';
		differentialout : out std_logic;
		linkout         : out std_logic;
		combout         : out std_logic;
		regout          : out std_logic;
		padio           : inout std_logic
end cycloneii_io;
architecture structure of cycloneii_io is
component cycloneii_asynch_io 
		operation_mode : string := "input";
		open_drain_output : string := "false";
		use_differential_input : STRING := "false";
		bus_hold : string := "false");
		datain : in  STD_LOGIC := '0';
		oe	   : in  STD_LOGIC := '0';
		regin  : in std_logic;
		differentialin  : in STD_LOGIC;
		differentialout : out STD_LOGIC;
		padio  : inout STD_LOGIC;
		combout: out STD_LOGIC;
		regout : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
component cycloneii_dffe
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := true;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
      MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
      MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
      XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
      tpd_PRN_Q_negedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_CLRN_Q_negedge             :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_CLK_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_ENA_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_negedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge  :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge     :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_D_CLK_noedge_negedge     :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge   :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tipd_D                         :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_CLRN                      :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_PRN                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_CLK                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_ENA                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
      Q                              :  out   STD_LOGIC := '0';
      D                              :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
      CLRN                           :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
      PRN                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
      CLK                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '0';
      ENA                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1');
end component;
component cycloneii_mux21
	port (
		A : in std_logic := '0';
        B : in std_logic := '0';
        S : in std_logic := '0';
        MO : out std_logic);
end component;
	signal	is_bidir_or_output : std_logic;
	signal	out_reg_clk_ena, oe_reg_clk_ena : std_logic;
	signal	tmp_oe_reg_out, tmp_input_reg_out, tmp_output_reg_out : std_logic;
	signal	inreg_sreset_is_used, outreg_sreset_is_used, oereg_sreset_is_used : std_logic;
	signal	inreg_sreset, outreg_sreset, oereg_sreset : std_logic;
	signal	in_reg_aclr, in_reg_apreset : std_logic;
	signal	oe_reg_aclr, oe_reg_apreset, oe_reg_sel : std_logic;
	signal	out_reg_aclr, out_reg_apreset, out_reg_sel : std_logic;
	signal	input_reg_pu_low, output_reg_pu_low, oe_reg_pu_low : std_logic;
	signal	inreg_D, outreg_D, oereg_D : std_logic;
	signal	tmp_datain, tmp_oe : std_logic;
	signal	iareset, isreset : std_logic;
	signal	inreg_mux_sel, outreg_mux_sel, oereg_mux_sel : std_logic;
	signal	input_dffe_aclr, input_dffe_apreset, output_dffe_aclr, output_dffe_apreset : std_logic;
	signal	oe_dffe_aclr, oe_dffe_apreset : std_logic;
    signal  pad_or_differentialin : std_logic;
is_bidir_or_output <= '1' WHEN (operation_mode = "bidir" OR operation_mode = "output") ELSE '0';
input_reg_pu_low <=  '0' WHEN input_power_up = "low" ELSE '1';
output_reg_pu_low <= '0' WHEN output_power_up = "low" ELSE '1';
oe_reg_pu_low <= '0' WHEN oe_power_up = "low" ELSE '1';
out_reg_sel <= '1' WHEN output_register_mode = "register" ELSE '0';
oe_reg_sel <= '1' WHEN oe_register_mode = "register" ELSE '0';
iareset <= (NOT areset) WHEN ( areset = '1' OR areset = '0') ELSE '1';
isreset <= sreset WHEN ( areset = '1' OR areset = '0') ELSE '0';
-- output registere signals
out_reg_aclr <= iareset WHEN output_async_reset = "clear" ELSE '1';
out_reg_apreset <= iareset WHEN output_async_reset = "preset" ELSE '1';
outreg_sreset_is_used <= '0' WHEN output_sync_reset = "none" ELSE '1';
outreg_sreset <= '0' WHEN output_sync_reset = "clear" ELSE '1';
-- oe register signals
oe_reg_aclr <= iareset WHEN oe_async_reset = "clear" ELSE '1';
oe_reg_apreset <= iareset WHEN oe_async_reset = "preset" ELSE '1';
oereg_sreset_is_used <= '0' WHEN oe_sync_reset = "none" ELSE '1';
oereg_sreset <= '0' WHEN oe_sync_reset = "clear" ELSE '1';
-- input register signals
in_reg_aclr <= iareset WHEN input_async_reset = "clear" ELSE '1';
in_reg_apreset <= iareset WHEN input_async_reset = "preset" ELSE '1';
inreg_sreset_is_used <= '0' WHEN input_sync_reset = "none" ELSE '1';
inreg_sreset <= '0' WHEN input_sync_reset = "clear" ELSE '1';
-- oe and output register clock enable signals
out_reg_clk_ena <= '1' WHEN tie_off_output_clock_enable = "true" ELSE outclkena;
oe_reg_clk_ena <= '1' WHEN tie_off_oe_clock_enable = "true" ELSE outclkena;
-- input register
inreg_mux_sel <= isreset AND inreg_sreset_is_used;
input_dffe_aclr  <= in_reg_aclr AND devclrn AND (input_reg_pu_low OR devpor);
input_dffe_apreset <= in_reg_apreset AND ( (NOT input_reg_pu_low) OR devpor);
-- differentialin 
pad_or_differentialin <= differentialin WHEN use_differential_input = "true" ELSE padio;
inreg_D_mux : cycloneii_mux21
	port map ( A => pad_or_differentialin,
			   B => inreg_sreset,
			   S => inreg_mux_sel,
			   MO=> inreg_D);
input_reg : cycloneii_dffe
	port map (D => inreg_D,
              CLRN => input_dffe_aclr,
              PRN => input_dffe_apreset,
              CLK => inclk,
              ENA => inclkena,
              Q => tmp_input_reg_out);
-- output register
outreg_mux_sel <= isreset AND outreg_sreset_is_used;
output_dffe_aclr <= out_reg_aclr AND devclrn AND (output_reg_pu_low OR devpor);
output_dffe_apreset <= out_reg_apreset AND ( (NOT output_reg_pu_low) OR devpor);
outreg_D_mux : cycloneii_mux21
	port map ( A => datain,
			   B => outreg_sreset,
			   S => outreg_mux_sel,
			   MO=> outreg_D);
output_reg : cycloneii_dffe
	port map (D => outreg_D,
              CLRN => output_dffe_aclr,
              PRN => output_dffe_apreset,
              CLK => outclk,
              ENA => out_reg_clk_ena,
              Q => tmp_output_reg_out);
-- oe register
oereg_mux_sel <= isreset AND oereg_sreset_is_used;
oe_dffe_aclr <= oe_reg_aclr AND devclrn AND (oe_reg_pu_low OR devpor);
oe_dffe_apreset <= oe_reg_apreset AND ( (NOT oe_reg_pu_low) OR devpor);
oereg_D_mux : cycloneii_mux21
	port map ( A => oe,
			   B => oereg_sreset,
			   S => oereg_mux_sel,
			   MO=> oereg_D);
oe_reg : cycloneii_dffe
	port map (D => oereg_D,
              CLRN => oe_dffe_aclr,
              PRN => oe_dffe_apreset,
              CLK => outclk,
              ENA => oe_reg_clk_ena,
              Q => tmp_oe_reg_out);
-- asynchrous block
tmp_oe <= tmp_oe_reg_out WHEN oe_reg_sel = '1' ELSE oe;
tmp_datain <= tmp_output_reg_out WHEN (is_bidir_or_output = '1' AND out_reg_sel = '1') ELSE datain;
asynch_inst : cycloneii_asynch_io
	generic map (OPERATION_MODE => operation_mode, 
				 OPEN_DRAIN_OUTPUT => open_drain_output,
				 USE_DIFFERENTIAL_INPUT => use_differential_input,
				 BUS_HOLD => bus_hold)
	port map (datain => tmp_datain,
              oe => tmp_oe,
              regin => tmp_input_reg_out,
              differentialin => differentialin, 
              differentialout => differentialout, 
              padio => padio,
              combout => combout,
              regout => regout);
end structure;
--          VHDL Simulation Model for Cyclone II CLK DELAY CTRL Atom
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneii_clk_delay_ctrl is
    generic (
             behavioral_sim_delay : integer := 0;
             delay_chain          : STRING := "54";
             delay_chain_mode     : STRING := "static";
             uses_calibration     : STRING := "false";
             use_new_style_dq_detection : STRING := "false";
             tan_delay_under_delay_ctrl_signal :    STRING := "unused";
             delay_ctrl_sim_delay_15_0  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
             delay_ctrl_sim_delay_31_16 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
             delay_ctrl_sim_delay_47_32 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
             delay_ctrl_sim_delay_63_48 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
             lpm_type : STRING    := "cycloneii_clk_delay_ctrl";
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tpd_clk_clkout                : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_disablecalibration_clkout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_pllcalibrateclkdelayedin_clkout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clk                      : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_delayctrlin              : VitalDelayArrayType01(5 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_disablecalibration       : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_pllcalibrateclkdelayedin : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
             clk                : in std_logic := '0'; 
             delayctrlin        : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000";
             disablecalibration : in std_logic := '1';
             pllcalibrateclkdelayedin: in std_logic := '0';
             devclrn     : in std_logic := '1';
             devpor      : in std_logic := '1';
             clkout      : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_clk_delay_ctrl : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_clk_delay_ctrl;
architecture vital_clk_delay_ctrl of cycloneii_clk_delay_ctrl is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of vital_clk_delay_ctrl : architecture is TRUE;
type cycloneii_clkdlyctrl_int_vec is array (natural range <>) of integer;
    signal clk_ipd                      : std_logic; 
    signal delayctrlin_ipd              : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
    signal disablecalibration_ipd       : std_logic;
    signal pllcalibrateclkdelayedin_ipd : std_logic := '0';
    signal dqs_dynamic_dly_si : integer := 0;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(0), delayctrlin(0), tipd_delayctrlin(0));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(1), delayctrlin(1), tipd_delayctrlin(1));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(2), delayctrlin(2), tipd_delayctrlin(2));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(3), delayctrlin(3), tipd_delayctrlin(3));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(4), delayctrlin(4), tipd_delayctrlin(4));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(5), delayctrlin(5), tipd_delayctrlin(5));
        VitalWireDelay (disablecalibration_ipd, disablecalibration, tipd_disablecalibration);
        VitalWireDelay (pllcalibrateclkdelayedin_ipd, pllcalibrateclkdelayedin, tipd_pllcalibrateclkdelayedin);
    end block;
    --  generate dynamic delay table and dynamic delay       
        variable init : boolean := true;
		variable i : natural := 0;
        variable w_index_l : integer := 0;
        variable sim_dly_all : std_logic_vector(2047 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
        variable dly_table : cycloneii_clkdlyctrl_int_vec(63 downto 0) := (OTHERS => 0);
        variable dly_index : integer := 0;
        if (init) then
            sim_dly_all := delay_ctrl_sim_delay_63_48 & delay_ctrl_sim_delay_47_32 & delay_ctrl_sim_delay_31_16 & delay_ctrl_sim_delay_15_0;
            while ( i < 64 ) loop
                w_index_l := 32*i;
                dly_table(i) := conv_integer(sim_dly_all((w_index_l + 31) downto w_index_l)); 
                i := i + 1;
            end loop;
            init := false;
        end if;
        dly_index := conv_integer(delayctrlin_ipd);
        if (dly_index >= 0 and dly_index < 64) then
            dqs_dynamic_dly_si <= dly_table(dly_index);
        end if;
    end process;
    VITAL: process(clk_ipd, pllcalibrateclkdelayedin_ipd, disablecalibration_ipd)
        variable clkout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        variable clkout_delay : VitalDelayType01 := (0 ps, 0 ps);
        variable use_calib_clk : std_logic := '0';
        variable clkout_tmp : std_logic := '0';          
        if ((uses_calibration = "true") and (disablecalibration_ipd = '0')) then
            use_calib_clk := '1';
            clkout_tmp := pllcalibrateclkdelayedin_ipd;
            clkout_delay := tpd_pllcalibrateclkdelayedin_clkout;
            use_calib_clk := '0';
            clkout_tmp := clk_ipd;
            if (delay_chain_mode = "static") then
                clkout_delay := tpd_clk_clkout; -- contains behavioral_sim_delay in timing sim
                for i in clkout_delay'range loop
                    clkout_delay(i) := clkout_delay(i) + (behavioral_sim_delay * 1 ps);
                end loop;
            elsif (delay_chain_mode = "dynamic") then
                clkout_delay := (0 ps, 0 ps);
                for i in clkout_delay'range loop
                    clkout_delay(i) := clkout_delay(i) + (dqs_dynamic_dly_si * 1 ps);
                end loop;
            end if;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => clkout,
            OutSignalName => "clkout",
            OutTemp => clkout_tmp,
            Paths => (0 => (pllcalibrateclkdelayedin_ipd'last_event, clkout_delay, use_calib_clk = '1'),
                      1 => (clk_ipd'last_event, clkout_delay, use_calib_clk = '0')),
            GlitchData => clkout_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
end vital_clk_delay_ctrl;	
--    VHDL Simulation Model for Cyclone II CLK DELAY Calibration CTRL Atom
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneii_clk_delay_cal_ctrl is
    generic (
             delay_ctrl_sim_delay_15_0  : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
             delay_ctrl_sim_delay_31_16 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
             delay_ctrl_sim_delay_47_32 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
             delay_ctrl_sim_delay_63_48 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
             lpm_type : STRING    := "cycloneii_clk_delay_cal_ctrl";
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tpd_plldataclk_calibratedata                     : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_disablecalibration_calibratedata             : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_pllcalibrateclk_pllcalibrateclkdelayedout    : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_disablecalibration_pllcalibrateclkdelayedout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_plldataclk             : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_pllcalibrateclk        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_delayctrlin            : VitalDelayArrayType01(5 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_disablecalibration     : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
             plldataclk                  : in std_logic := '0'; 
             pllcalibrateclk             : in std_logic := '0';
             disablecalibration          : in std_logic := '1';
             delayctrlin                 : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000";
             devclrn                     : in std_logic := '1';
             devpor                      : in std_logic := '1';
             calibratedata               : out std_logic;
             pllcalibrateclkdelayedout   : out std_logic
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_clk_delay_cal_ctrl : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_clk_delay_cal_ctrl;
architecture vital_clk_delay_cal_ctrl of cycloneii_clk_delay_cal_ctrl is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of vital_clk_delay_cal_ctrl : architecture is TRUE;
type cycloneii_clkdlycal_int_vec is array (natural range <>) of integer;
    signal plldataclk_ipd               : std_logic := '0';
    signal pllcalibrateclk_ipd          : std_logic := '0'; 
    signal delayctrlin_ipd              : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000";
    signal disablecalibration_ipd       : std_logic := '0';
    signal cal_clk_prev					: std_logic := 'X';        
    signal cal_data_prev				: std_logic := 'X';
    signal by2_areset					: std_logic := '0';
    signal cal_clk_by2_s                : std_logic := '0';
    signal cal_data_by2_s               : std_logic := '0';       
    signal dqs_dynamic_dly_si           : integer := 0;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (plldataclk_ipd, plldataclk, tipd_plldataclk);
        VitalWireDelay (pllcalibrateclk_ipd, pllcalibrateclk, tipd_pllcalibrateclk);
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(0), delayctrlin(0), tipd_delayctrlin(0));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(1), delayctrlin(1), tipd_delayctrlin(1));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(2), delayctrlin(2), tipd_delayctrlin(2));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(3), delayctrlin(3), tipd_delayctrlin(3));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(4), delayctrlin(4), tipd_delayctrlin(4));
        VitalWireDelay (delayctrlin_ipd(5), delayctrlin(5), tipd_delayctrlin(5));
        VitalWireDelay (disablecalibration_ipd, disablecalibration, tipd_disablecalibration);
    end block;
    --  generate dynamic delay table and dynamic delay       
        variable init : boolean := true;
		variable i : natural := 0;
        variable w_index_l : integer := 0;
        variable sim_dly_all : std_logic_vector(2047 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
        variable dly_table : cycloneii_clkdlycal_int_vec(63 downto 0) := (OTHERS => 0);
        variable dly_index : integer := 0;
        if (init) then
            i := 0;
            sim_dly_all := delay_ctrl_sim_delay_63_48 & delay_ctrl_sim_delay_47_32 & delay_ctrl_sim_delay_31_16 & delay_ctrl_sim_delay_15_0;
            while ( i < 64 ) loop
                w_index_l := 32*i;
                dly_table(i) := conv_integer(sim_dly_all((w_index_l + 31) downto w_index_l)); 
                i := i + 1;
            end loop;
            init := false;
        end if;
        dly_index := conv_integer(delayctrlin_ipd);
        if (dly_index >= 0 and dly_index < 64) then
            dqs_dynamic_dly_si <= dly_table(dly_index);
        end if;
    end process;
    -- internal clocks
    by2_areset <= disablecalibration_ipd or (NOT devclrn) or (NOT devpor);
    process(pllcalibrateclk_ipd, by2_areset)
        if (by2_areset = '1' and by2_areset'event) then
            cal_clk_prev <= 'X';
            cal_clk_by2_s <= '0';
        elsif (by2_areset /= '1' and pllcalibrateclk_ipd'event) then
            cal_clk_prev <= pllcalibrateclk_ipd;
            if (pllcalibrateclk_ipd = '1' and cal_clk_prev /= 'X') then
                cal_clk_by2_s <=  not cal_clk_by2_s;
            end if;
        end if;        
    end process;
    process(plldataclk_ipd, by2_areset)
        if (by2_areset = '1' and by2_areset'event) then
            cal_data_by2_s <= '0';
            cal_data_prev <= 'X';
        elsif (by2_areset /= '1' and plldataclk_ipd'event) then
            cal_data_prev <= plldataclk_ipd;        
            if (plldataclk_ipd = '1' and cal_data_prev /= 'X') then
                cal_data_by2_s <=  not cal_data_by2_s;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
    -- timing and delay
    VITAL: process(plldataclk_ipd, pllcalibrateclk_ipd, by2_areset, cal_data_by2_s, cal_clk_by2_s)
        variable calibratedata_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        variable pllcalibrateclkdelayedout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        variable calclkout_delay : VitalDelayType01 := (0 ps, 0 ps);
        calclkout_delay := (0 ps, 0 ps); -- included in delay chain
        for i in calclkout_delay'range loop
            calclkout_delay(i) := calclkout_delay(i) + (dqs_dynamic_dly_si * 1 ps);
        end loop;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal     => calibratedata,
            OutSignalName => "calibratedata",
            OutTemp       => cal_data_by2_s,
            Paths => (0 => (by2_areset'last_event, tpd_disablecalibration_calibratedata, (by2_areset = '1')),
                      1 => (plldataclk_ipd'last_event, tpd_plldataclk_calibratedata, (by2_areset = '0'))),
            GlitchData    => calibratedata_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode          => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn           => XOn,
            MsgOn         => MsgOn );
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal     => pllcalibrateclkdelayedout,
            OutSignalName => "pllcalibrateclkdelayedout",
            OutTemp       => cal_clk_by2_s,
            Paths => (0 => (by2_areset'last_event, calclkout_delay, (by2_areset = '1')),
                      1 => (pllcalibrateclk_ipd'last_event, calclkout_delay, (by2_areset = '0'))),
            GlitchData    => pllcalibrateclkdelayedout_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode          => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn           => XOn,
            MsgOn         => MsgOn );
    end process;
end vital_clk_delay_cal_ctrl;	
-- Module Name : cycloneii_mac_data_reg
-- Description : Simulation model for the data input register of 
--               Cyclone II MAC_MULT
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_mac_data_reg IS
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_data : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      		 tsetup_data_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefSetupHoldCnst);
      		 thold_data_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefSetupHoldCnst);
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      		 thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tpd_clk_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             data_width : integer := 18
    PORT (
          -- INPUT PORTS
          clk : IN std_logic;   
          data : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
          ena : IN std_logic;   
          aclr : IN std_logic;   
          -- OUTPUT PORTS
          dataout : OUT std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0)
END cycloneii_mac_data_reg;
ARCHITECTURE vital_cycloneii_mac_data_reg OF cycloneii_mac_data_reg IS
    SIGNAL data_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL aclr_ipd : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL clk_ipd : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ena_ipd : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
    WireDelay : block
        g1 : for i in data'range generate
            VitalWireDelay (data_ipd(i), data(i), tipd_data(i));
        end generate;
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    end block;
    process (clk_ipd, aclr_ipd, data_ipd)
    if (aclr_ipd = '1') then
            dataout_tmp <= (OTHERS => '0');
        elsif (clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and (ena_ipd = '1')) then
            dataout_tmp <= data_ipd;
        end if;
    end process;
    sh: block
		g0 : for i in data'range generate
    	process (data_ipd(i),clk_ipd,ena_ipd)
    variable Tviol_data_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_data_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable Tviol_ena_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_ena_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_data_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_data_clk,
                TestSignal      => data_ipd(i),
                TestSignalName  => "DATA(i)",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_data_clk_noedge_posedge(i),
                SetupLow        => tsetup_data_clk_noedge_posedge(i),
                HoldHigh        => thold_data_clk_noedge_posedge(i),
                HoldLow         => thold_data_clk_noedge_posedge(i),
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr) OR
                                          (NOT ena)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/MAC_DATA_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ena_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ena_clk,
                TestSignal      => ena_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01(aclr)  /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/MAC_DATA_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
    end generate g0;
    end block;
    --  Path Delay Section
    PathDelay : block
        g1 : for i in dataout_tmp'range generate
          VITALtiming :  process (dataout_tmp(i))
              variable dataout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
            VitalPathDelay01 (OutSignal => dataout(i),
                              OutSignalName => "DATAOUT",
                              OutTemp => dataout_tmp(i),
                              Paths => (0 => (clk_ipd'last_event,  tpd_clk_dataout_posedge(i),  TRUE),
                                        1 => (aclr_ipd'last_event, tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge(i), TRUE)),
                              GlitchData => dataout_VitalGlitchData,
                              Mode => DefGlitchMode,
                              XOn  => XOn,
                              MsgOn  => MsgOn);                  
          end process;
        end generate;
    end block;
END vital_cycloneii_mac_data_reg;
-- Module Name : cycloneii_mac_sign_reg
-- Description : Simulation model for the sign input register of 
--               Cyclone II MAC_MULT
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_mac_sign_reg IS
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_aclr_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    PORT (
          -- INPUT PORTS
          clk : IN std_logic;   
          d : IN std_logic;   
          ena : IN std_logic;   
          aclr : IN std_logic;   
          -- OUTPUT PORTS
          q : OUT std_logic
END cycloneii_mac_sign_reg;
ARCHITECTURE cycloneii_mac_sign_reg OF cycloneii_mac_sign_reg IS
    signal d_ipd : std_logic;
    signal clk_ipd : std_logic;
    signal aclr_ipd : std_logic;
    signal ena_ipd : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (d_ipd, d, tipd_d);
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    end block;
    VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, aclr_ipd)
    variable Tviol_d_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_d_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable Tviol_ena_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_ena_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable q_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable q_reg : std_logic := '0';
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_d_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_d_clk,
                TestSignal      => d,
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr) OR
                                          (NOT ena)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/SIGN_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ena_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ena_clk,
                TestSignal      => ena,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01(aclr) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/SIGN_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        if (aclr_ipd = '1') then
            q_reg := '0';
        elsif (clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and (ena_ipd = '1')) then
            q_reg := d_ipd;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => q,
            OutSignalName => "Q",
            OutTemp => q_reg,
            Paths => (0 => (clk_ipd'last_event, tpd_clk_q_posedge, TRUE),
                      1 => (aclr_ipd'last_event, tpd_aclr_q_posedge, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => q_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
END cycloneii_mac_sign_reg;
-- Module Name : cycloneii_mac_mult_internal
-- Description : Cyclone II MAC_MULT_INTERNAL VHDL simulation model 
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_mac_mult_internal IS
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_dataa : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0)
                                   := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_datab : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0)
                                   := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_signa : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_signb : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_dataout : VitalDelayArrayType01(18*36 -1 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             tpd_datab_dataout : VitalDelayArrayType01(18*36 -1 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             tpd_signa_dataout : VitalDelayArrayType01(35 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             tpd_signb_dataout : VitalDelayArrayType01(35 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             dataa_width : integer := 18;    
             datab_width : integer := 18
    PORT (
          dataa : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          datab : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          signa : IN std_logic := '1';
          signb : IN std_logic := '1';
          dataout : OUT std_logic_vector((dataa_width+datab_width)-1 DOWNTO 0)
END cycloneii_mac_mult_internal;
ARCHITECTURE vital_cycloneii_mac_mult_internal OF cycloneii_mac_mult_internal IS
    -- Internal variables
    SIGNAL dataa_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL datab_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL signa_ipd : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL signb_ipd : std_logic;   
    --  padding with 1's for input negation
    SIGNAL reg_aclr : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (dataa_width + datab_width downto 0) := (others => '0');
    WireDelay : block
        g1 : for i in dataa'range generate
            VitalWireDelay (dataa_ipd(i), dataa(i), tipd_dataa(i));
        end generate;
        g2 : for i in datab'range generate
            VitalWireDelay (datab_ipd(i), datab(i), tipd_datab(i));
        end generate;
        VitalWireDelay (signa_ipd, signa, tipd_signa);
        VitalWireDelay (signb_ipd, signb, tipd_signb);
    end block;
    VITALtiming : process(dataa_ipd, datab_ipd, signa_ipd, signb_ipd)
        if((signa_ipd = '0') and (signb_ipd = '1')) then
            dataout_tmp <= 
                unsigned(dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0)) * 
                signed(datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0));
        elsif((signa_ipd = '1') and (signb_ipd = '0')) then
            dataout_tmp <= 
                signed(dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0)) * 
                unsigned(datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0));
        elsif((signa_ipd = '1') and (signb_ipd = '1')) then
            dataout_tmp(dataout'range) <= 
                signed(dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0)) * 
                signed(datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0));
        else --((signa_ipd = '0') and (signb_ipd = '0')) then
            dataout_tmp(dataout'range) <=
                unsigned(dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0)) * 
                unsigned(datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0));
        end if;
    end process;
    --  Path Delay Section
    PathDelay : block
        g1 : for i in dataout'range generate
          VITALtiming :  process (dataout_tmp(i))
              variable dataout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
              VitalPathDelay01 (OutSignal => dataout(i),
                                OutSignalName => "dataout",
                                OutTemp => dataout_tmp(i),
                                Paths => (0 => (dataa_ipd'last_event, tpd_dataa_dataout(i), TRUE),
                                          1 => (datab_ipd'last_event, tpd_datab_dataout(i), TRUE),
                                          2 => (signa'last_event, tpd_signa_dataout(i), TRUE),
                                          3 => (signb'last_event, tpd_signb_dataout(i), TRUE)),
                                GlitchData => dataout_VitalGlitchData,
                                Mode => DefGlitchMode,
                                MsgOn => FALSE,
                                XOn  => TRUE );
          end process;
        end generate;
    end block;
END vital_cycloneii_mac_mult_internal;
-- Module Name : cycloneii_mac_mult
-- Description : Cyclone II MAC_MULT VHDL simulation model 
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
USE work.cycloneii_mac_data_reg;
USE work.cycloneii_mac_sign_reg;
USE work.cycloneii_mac_mult_internal;
ENTITY cycloneii_mac_mult IS
             dataa_width : integer := 18;    
             datab_width : integer := 18;
             dataa_clock : string := "none";    
             datab_clock : string := "none";    
             signa_clock : string := "none";    
             signb_clock : string := "none";    
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             lpm_hint : string := "true";    
             lpm_type : string := "cycloneii_mac_mult"
    PORT (
          dataa : IN std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          datab : IN std_logic_vector(datab_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          signa : IN std_logic := '1';
          signb : IN std_logic := '1';
          clk : IN std_logic := '0';
          aclr : IN std_logic := '0';
          ena : IN std_logic := '0';
          dataout : OUT std_logic_vector((dataa_width+datab_width)-1 DOWNTO 0);   
          devclrn : IN std_logic := '1';
          devpor : IN std_logic := '1'
END cycloneii_mac_mult;
ARCHITECTURE vital_cycloneii_mac_mult OF cycloneii_mac_mult IS
    COMPONENT cycloneii_mac_data_reg
        GENERIC (
                 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
                 MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
                 XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
                 MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
                 XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
                 InstancePath : STRING := "*";
                 tipd_data : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
                 tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      		 tsetup_data_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefSetupHoldCnst);
      		 thold_data_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefSetupHoldCnst);
                 tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      		 thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tpd_clk_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
                 data_width : integer := 18
        PORT (
              -- INPUT PORTS
              clk : IN std_logic;   
              data : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
              ena : IN std_logic;   
              aclr : IN std_logic;   
              -- OUTPUT PORTS
              dataout : OUT std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0)
    COMPONENT cycloneii_mac_sign_reg
        GENERIC (
                 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
                 MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
                 XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
                 MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
                 XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
                 InstancePath : STRING := "*";
                 tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tpd_aclr_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
        PORT (
              -- INPUT PORTS
              clk : IN std_logic;   
              d : IN std_logic;   
              ena : IN std_logic;   
              aclr : IN std_logic;   
              -- OUTPUT PORTS
              q : OUT std_logic
    COMPONENT cycloneii_mac_mult_internal 
        GENERIC (
                 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
                 MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
                 XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
                 MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
                 XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
                 InstancePath : STRING := "*";
                 tipd_dataa : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0)
                                       := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
                 tipd_datab : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0)
                                       := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
                 tipd_signa : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_signb : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             	tpd_dataa_dataout : VitalDelayArrayType01(18*36 -1 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             	tpd_datab_dataout : VitalDelayArrayType01(18*36 -1 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             	tpd_signa_dataout : VitalDelayArrayType01(35 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             	tpd_signb_dataout : VitalDelayArrayType01(35 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
                 dataa_width : integer := 18;    
                 datab_width : integer := 18
        PORT (
              dataa : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
              datab : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
              signa : IN std_logic := '1';
              signb : IN std_logic := '1';
              dataout : OUT std_logic_vector((dataa_width+datab_width)-1 DOWNTO 0)
    -- Internal variables
    SIGNAL dataa_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL datab_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL idataa_reg : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   --  optional register for dataa input
    SIGNAL idatab_reg : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   --  optional register for datab input
    SIGNAL isigna_reg : std_logic;   --  optional register for signa input
    SIGNAL isignb_reg : std_logic;   --  optional register for signb input
    SIGNAL idataa_int : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   --  dataa as seen by the multiplier input
    SIGNAL idatab_int : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   --  datab as seen by the multiplier input
    SIGNAL isigna_int : std_logic;   --  signa as seen by the multiplier input
    SIGNAL isignb_int : std_logic;   --  signb as seen by the multiplier input
    --  padding with 1's for input negation
    SIGNAL reg_aclr : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (dataa_width + datab_width downto 0) := (others => '0');
    reg_aclr <= (NOT devpor) OR (NOT devclrn) OR (aclr) ;
    -- padding input data to full bus width
    dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0) <= dataa;
    datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0) <= datab;
    -- Optional input registers for dataa,b and signa,b
    dataa_reg : cycloneii_mac_data_reg 
        GENERIC MAP (
            data_width => dataa_width)
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk,
            data => dataa_ipd,
            ena => ena,
            aclr => reg_aclr,
            dataout => idataa_reg);   
    datab_reg : cycloneii_mac_data_reg 
        GENERIC MAP (
            data_width => datab_width)
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk,
            data => datab_ipd,
            ena => ena,
            aclr => reg_aclr,
            dataout => idatab_reg);   
    signa_reg : cycloneii_mac_sign_reg 
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk,
            d => signa,
            ena => ena,
            aclr => reg_aclr,
            q => isigna_reg);   
    signb_reg : cycloneii_mac_sign_reg 
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk,
            d => signb,
            ena => ena,
            aclr => reg_aclr,
            q => isignb_reg);   
    idataa_int <= dataa_ipd WHEN (dataa_clock = "none") ELSE idataa_reg;
    idatab_int <= datab_ipd WHEN (datab_clock = "none") ELSE idatab_reg;
    isigna_int <= signa WHEN (signa_clock = "none") ELSE isigna_reg;
    isignb_int <= signb WHEN (signb_clock = "none") ELSE isignb_reg;
    mac_multiply : cycloneii_mac_mult_internal
        GENERIC MAP (
             dataa_width => dataa_width,
             datab_width => datab_width
        PORT MAP (
              dataa => idataa_int, 
              datab => idatab_int,
              signa => isigna_int,
              signb => isignb_int,
              dataout => dataout
END vital_cycloneii_mac_mult;
-- Module Name : cycloneii_mac_out
-- Description : Cyclone II MAC_OUT VHDL simulation model 
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_mac_out IS
             dataa_width : integer := 1;
             output_clock : string := "none";    
			 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_dataa : VitalDelayArrayType01(35 downto 0)
                                   := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_dataout :VitalDelayArrayType01(36*36 -1 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType01(35 downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             tpd_clk_dataout_posedge :VitalDelayArrayType01(35  downto 0) :=(others => DefPropDelay01);
             tsetup_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayArrayType(35 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefSetupHoldCnst);
             thold_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge :  VitalDelayArrayType(35 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefSetupHoldCnst);
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             lpm_hint : string := "true";    
             lpm_type : string := "cycloneii_mac_out");    
    PORT (
          dataa : IN std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          clk : IN std_logic := '0';
          aclr : IN std_logic := '0';
          ena : IN std_logic := '1';
          dataout : OUT std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0);   
          devclrn : IN std_logic := '1';
          devpor : IN std_logic := '1'
END cycloneii_mac_out;
ARCHITECTURE vital_cycloneii_mac_out OF cycloneii_mac_out IS
    --  internal variables
    SIGNAL dataa_ipd : std_logic_vector(dataa'range);
    SIGNAL clk_ipd : std_logic;
    SIGNAL aclr_ipd : std_logic;
    SIGNAL ena_ipd : std_logic;
    --  optional register
    SIGNAL use_reg : std_logic;
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp : std_logic_vector(dataout'range) := (OTHERS => '0');
    -- PATH DELAYs
    WireDelay : block
        g1 : for i in dataa'range generate
            VitalWireDelay (dataa_ipd(i), dataa(i), tipd_dataa(i));
            VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, aclr_ipd, dataout_tmp(i))
              variable dataout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
                VitalPathDelay01 (
                  OutSignal => dataout(i),
                  OutSignalName => "DATAOUT",
                  OutTemp => dataout_tmp(i),
                  Paths => (0 => (clk_ipd'last_event, tpd_clk_dataout_posedge(i), use_reg = '1'),
                            1 => (aclr_ipd'last_event, tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge(i), use_reg = '1'),
                            2 => (dataa_ipd(i)'last_event, tpd_dataa_dataout(i), use_reg = '0')),
                  GlitchData => dataout_VitalGlitchData,
                  Mode => DefGlitchMode,
                  XOn  => XOn,
                  MsgOn  => MsgOn );
              end process;
        end generate;
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    end block;
    use_reg <= '1' WHEN (output_clock /= "none") ELSE '0';
    sh: block
	g0 : for i in dataa'range generate
    VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, ena_ipd, dataa_ipd(i))
    variable Tviol_dataa_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_dataa_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable Tviol_ena_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_ena_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_dataa_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_dataa_clk,
                TestSignal      => dataa(i),
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge(i),
                SetupLow        => tsetup_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge(i),
                HoldHigh        => thold_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge(i),
                HoldLow         => thold_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge(i),
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr) OR (NOT use_reg) OR
                                          (NOT ena)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/MAC_DATA_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ena_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ena_clk,
                TestSignal      => ena,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr) OR 
                                          (NOT use_reg)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/MAC_DATA_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        END PROCESS;
    end generate g0;
    end block;
    process (clk_ipd, aclr_ipd,ena_ipd, dataa_ipd)
            if (use_reg = '0') then
            dataout_tmp <= dataa_ipd;
            if (aclr_ipd = '1') then
                dataout_tmp <= (OTHERS => '0');
            elsif (clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and (ena_ipd = '1')) then
                dataout_tmp <= dataa_ipd;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
END vital_cycloneii_mac_out;
-- Entity Name : cycloneii_ena_reg
-- Description : Simulation model for a simple DFF.
--               This is used for the gated clock generation
--               Powers upto 1.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneii_ena_reg is
    generic (
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    PORT (
          clk : in std_logic;
          ena : in std_logic := '1';
          d : in std_logic;
          clrn : in std_logic := '1';
          prn : in std_logic := '1';
          q : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_ena_reg : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_ena_reg;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneii_ena_reg is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of behave : architecture is TRUE;
    signal d_ipd : std_logic;
    signal clk_ipd : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (d_ipd, d, tipd_d);
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
    end block;
    VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, prn, clrn)
    variable Tviol_d_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_d_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable q_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable q_reg : std_logic := '1';
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_d_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_d_clk,
                TestSignal      => d,
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((clrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/cycloneii_ena_reg",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        if (prn = '0') then
            q_reg := '1';
        elsif (clrn = '0') then
            q_reg := '0';
        elsif (clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and clk_ipd'last_value = '0' and (ena = '1')) then
            q_reg := d_ipd;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => q,
            OutSignalName => "Q",
            OutTemp => q_reg,
            Paths => (0 => (clk_ipd'last_event, tpd_clk_q_posedge, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => q_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
end behave;
--              VHDL Simulation Model for Cyclone II CLKCTRL Atom
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneii_atom_pack.all;
use work.cycloneii_ena_reg;
entity cycloneii_clkctrl is
    generic (
             clock_type : STRING := "Auto";
             lpm_type : STRING := "cycloneii_clkctrl";
             ena_register_mode : STRING := "Falling Edge";
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_inclk : VitalDelayArrayType01(3 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01); 
             tipd_clkselect : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01); 
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
          inclk : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
          clkselect : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
          ena : in std_logic := '1';
          devclrn : in std_logic := '1';
          devpor : in std_logic := '1';
          outclk : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneii_clkctrl : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneii_clkctrl;
architecture vital_clkctrl of cycloneii_clkctrl is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of vital_clkctrl : architecture is TRUE;
    component cycloneii_ena_reg
        generic (
                 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
                 MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
                 XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
                 MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
                 XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
                 InstancePath : STRING := "*";
                 tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
        PORT (
              clk : in std_logic;
              ena : in std_logic := '1';
              d : in std_logic;
              clrn : in std_logic := '1';
              prn : in std_logic := '1';
              q : out std_logic
    end component;
    signal inclk_ipd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    signal clkselect_ipd : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal ena_ipd : std_logic;
    signal clkmux_out : std_logic;
    signal clkmux_out_inv : std_logic;
    signal cereg_clr : std_logic;
    signal cereg_out : std_logic;
    signal ena_out : std_logic;
    signal vcc : std_logic := '1';
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
        VitalWireDelay (inclk_ipd(0), inclk(0), tipd_inclk(0));
        VitalWireDelay (inclk_ipd(1), inclk(1), tipd_inclk(1));
        VitalWireDelay (inclk_ipd(2), inclk(2), tipd_inclk(2));
        VitalWireDelay (inclk_ipd(3), inclk(3), tipd_inclk(3));
        VitalWireDelay (clkselect_ipd(0), clkselect(0), tipd_clkselect(0));
        VitalWireDelay (clkselect_ipd(1), clkselect(1), tipd_clkselect(1));
    end block;
    process(inclk_ipd, clkselect_ipd)
    variable tmp : std_logic;
        if (clkselect_ipd = "11") then
            tmp := inclk_ipd(3);
        elsif (clkselect_ipd = "10") then
            tmp := inclk_ipd(2);
        elsif (clkselect_ipd = "01") then
            tmp := inclk_ipd(1);
            tmp := inclk_ipd(0);
        end if;
        clkmux_out <= tmp;
        clkmux_out_inv <= NOT tmp;
    end process;
    extena0_reg : cycloneii_ena_reg
                  port map (
                            clk => clkmux_out_inv,
                            ena => vcc,
                            d => ena_ipd, 
                            clrn => vcc,
                            prn => devpor,
                            q => cereg_out 
    ena_out <= cereg_out WHEN (ena_register_mode = "falling edge") ELSE ena_ipd;
    outclk <= ena_out AND clkmux_out;
end vital_clkctrl;	

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