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-- Author:          Jens Willkomm, Martin Kumm
-- Contact:,
-- License:         LGPL
-- Date:            15.03.2013
-- Compatibility:   Xilinx FPGAs of Virtex 5-7, Spartan 6 and Series 7 architectures
-- Description:
-- Low level implementation of a ternary adder according to U.S. Patent No 7274211 
-- from Xilinx, which uses the same no of slices than a two input adder.
-- The output coresponds to sum_o = x_i + y_i + z_i, where the inputs have a word size of 
-- 'input_word_size' while the output has a word size of input_word_size+2.
-- Flipflops at the outputs can be activated by setting 'use_output_ff' to true.
-- Signed operation is activated by using the 'is_signed' generic.
-- The inputs y_i and z_i can be negated by setting 'subtract_y' or 'subtract_z'
-- to realize sum_o = x_i +/- y_i +/- z_i. The negation requires no extra resources.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity ternary_add_sub_prim is
    input_word_size  : integer := 10;
    subtract_y       : boolean := false;
    subtract_z       : boolean := false;
    use_output_ff    : boolean := true;
    is_signed        : boolean := true
    clk_i   : in  std_logic;
    rst_i   : in  std_logic;
    x_i   : in  std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
    y_i   : in  std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
    z_i   : in  std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
    sum_o : out std_logic_vector((input_word_size + 1) downto 0)
end entity;
architecture behavior of ternary_add_sub_prim is
  -- this function calculates the initial carry bit for the bbus
  function bbus_init
    return std_logic is
    variable result : std_logic;
    result  := '0';
    if subtract_y or subtract_z then
      result  := '1';
    end if;
    return result;
  end function;
  -- this function calculates the initial carry bit for the carry chain
  function cc_init
    return std_logic is
    variable result : std_logic;
    result  := '0';
    if subtract_y and subtract_z then
      result  := '1';
    end if;
    return result;
  end function;
  component slice_setup
  		input_word_size				: integer	:= 4;
  		use_output_ff		: boolean	:= false;
  		is_initial_slice	: boolean	:= true;
  		subtract_y	: boolean	:= false;
  		subtract_z	: boolean	:= false
  		-- signals for a synchronous circuit
  		clock				: in std_logic;
  		clock_enable	: in std_logic;
  		clear				: in std_logic;
  		-- the three addends
  		x_in				: in	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
  		y_in				: in	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
  		z_in				: in	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
  		-- the upper entity is mapping the bbus correctly
  		-- in initial slice bbus(0) ^= sub / ~add
  		bbus_in			: in	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
  		bbus_out			: out	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
  		-- both carrys are for and from the carry chain
  		-- in the initial slice use carry_in <= '0' always
  		-- sub/add is done by the bbus(0) from the initial slice
  		carry_in			: in	std_logic;
  		carry_out		: out	std_logic;
  		-- the sum of the three addends (x_in + y_in + z_in)
  		sum_out			: out	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0)
  end component;  
  -- calculate the needed number of slices
  constant num_slices : integer := ((input_word_size + 1) / 4) + 1;
  -- defines the initial carry values
  -- in the pure addition mode both constants are '0'
  -- if one of the input signal is subtracted the carry_bbus is '1'
  -- if two input signal are subtracted both constants are '1'
  constant carry_bbus : std_logic := bbus_init;
  constant carry_cc   : std_logic := cc_init;
  -- the input addends with sign extention
  signal x      : std_logic_vector((input_word_size + 1) downto 0);
  signal y      : std_logic_vector((input_word_size + 1) downto 0);
  signal z      : std_logic_vector((input_word_size + 1) downto 0);
  -- the bbus that is routed around the slice
  -- this bbus differs from the one in the xilinx paper,
  -- per position the input is bbus(n) and the output is bbus(n + 1)
  -- this is because of the sub/~add, which is bbus(0) and all the other
  -- bbus signals are scrolled one position up
  signal bbus   : std_logic_vector(input_word_size + 2 downto 0);
  -- the carry from every slice to the next one
  -- the last slice gives the carry output for the adder
  -- carry(n) is the carry of the carry chain of slice n
  signal carry  : std_logic_vector((num_slices - 1) downto 0);
  -- checking the parameter input_word_size
  assert (input_word_size > 0) report "an adder with a bit width of "
    & integer'image(input_word_size) & " is not possible." severity failure;
  -- adding two bit sign extention to the input addends
  extention_signed: if is_signed = true generate
    x <= x_i(input_word_size - 1) & x_i(input_word_size - 1) & x_i;
    y <= y_i(input_word_size - 1) & y_i(input_word_size - 1) & y_i;
    z <= z_i(input_word_size - 1) & z_i(input_word_size - 1) & z_i;
  end generate;
  extention_unsigned: if is_signed = false generate
    x <= '0' & '0' & x_i;
    y <= '0' & '0' & y_i;
    z <= '0' & '0' & z_i;
  end generate;
  -- the initial bbus carry signal
  bbus(0) <= carry_bbus;
  -- generating the slice setups
  -- getting all signals into one slice
  single_slice: if num_slices = 1 generate
    slice_i: slice_setup
        generic map(
          input_word_size        => input_word_size + 2,
          use_output_ff    => use_output_ff,
          is_initial_slice  => true,
          subtract_y  => subtract_y,
          subtract_z  => subtract_z
        port map(
          clock       => clk_i,
          clock_enable  => '1',
          clear       => rst_i,
          x_in        => x,
          y_in        => y,
          z_in        => z,
          bbus_in     => bbus(input_word_size + 1 downto 0),
          -- scrolling bbus_out one position up
          bbus_out      => bbus(input_word_size + 2 downto 1),
          carry_in      => carry_cc,
          carry_out   => carry(0),
          sum_out     => sum_o(input_word_size + 1 downto 0)
  end generate;
  -- make more slices to calculate all signals
  multiple_slices: if num_slices > 1 generate
    slices: for i in 0 to (num_slices - 1) generate
      -- generate the first slice
      first_slice: if i = 0 generate
        slice_i: slice_setup
          generic map(
            input_word_size        => 4,
            use_output_ff    => use_output_ff,
            is_initial_slice  => true,
            subtract_y  => subtract_y,
            subtract_z  => subtract_z
          port map(
            clock       => clk_i,
            clock_enable  => '1',
            clear       => rst_i,
            x_in        => x(3 downto 0),
            y_in        => y(3 downto 0),
            z_in        => z(3 downto 0),
            bbus_in     => bbus(3 downto 0),
            -- scrolling bbus_out one position upwards
            bbus_out      => bbus(4 downto 1),
            carry_in      => carry_cc,
            carry_out   => carry(0),
            sum_out     => sum_o(3 downto 0)
      end generate;
      -- generate all full slices
      full_slice: if i > 0 and i < (num_slices - 1) generate
        slice_i: slice_setup
          generic map(
            input_word_size        => 4,
            use_output_ff    => use_output_ff,
            is_initial_slice  => false,
            subtract_y  => subtract_y,
            subtract_z  => subtract_z
          port map(
            clock       => clk_i,
            clock_enable  => '1',
            clear       => rst_i,
            x_in        => x((4 * i) + 3 downto 4 * i),
            y_in        => y((4 * i) + 3 downto 4 * i),
            z_in        => z((4 * i) + 3 downto 4 * i),
            bbus_in     => bbus((4 * i) + 3 downto 4 * i),
            -- scrolling bbus_out one position upwards
            bbus_out      => bbus((4 * i) + 4 downto (4 * i) + 1),
            carry_in      => carry(i - 1),
            carry_out   => carry(i),
            sum_out     => sum_o((4 * i) + 3 downto 4 * i)
      end generate;
      -- generate the last slice
      last_slice: if i = (num_slices - 1) generate
        slice_i: slice_setup
          generic map(
            input_word_size        => (input_word_size + 2) - (i * 4),
            use_output_ff    => use_output_ff,
            is_initial_slice  => false,
            subtract_y  => subtract_y,
            subtract_z  => subtract_z
          port map(
            clock       => clk_i,
            clock_enable  => '1',
            clear       => rst_i,
            x_in        => x(input_word_size + 1 downto 4 * i),
            y_in        => y(input_word_size + 1 downto 4 * i),
            z_in        => z(input_word_size + 1 downto 4 * i),
            bbus_in     => bbus(input_word_size + 1 downto 4 * i),
            -- scrolling bbus_out one position up
            bbus_out      => bbus(input_word_size + 2 downto (4 * i) + 1),
            carry_in      => carry(i - 1),
            carry_out   => carry(i),
            sum_out     => sum_o(input_word_size + 1 downto 4 * i)
      end generate;
    end generate;
  end generate;
end architecture;
--- Definition of the slice_setup component which configures a single slice ---
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;				-- loading xilinx primitives
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;				-- loading std_logic & std_logic_vector
entity slice_setup is
		input_word_size				: integer	:= 4;
		use_output_ff		: boolean	:= false;
		is_initial_slice	: boolean	:= true;
		subtract_y	: boolean	:= false;
		subtract_z	: boolean	:= false
		-- signals for a synchronous circuit
		clock				: in std_logic;
		clock_enable	: in std_logic;
		clear				: in std_logic;
		-- the three addends
		x_in				: in	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
		y_in				: in	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
		z_in				: in	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
		-- the upper entity is mapping the bbus correctly
		-- in initial slice bbus(0) ^= sub / ~add
		bbus_in			: in	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
		bbus_out			: out	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
		-- both carrys are for and from the carry chain
		-- in the initial slice use carry_in <= '0' always
		-- sub/add is done by the bbus(0) from the initial slice
		carry_in			: in	std_logic;
		carry_out		: out	std_logic;
		-- the sum of the three addends (x_in + y_in + z_in)
		sum_out			: out	std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0)
end entity;
architecture behavior of slice_setup is
	-- this function returns the lut initialization
	function get_lut_init
		return bit_vector is
		-- defines several lut configurations
		-- for init calculation see "initializing_primitives.ods"
		constant lut_init_no_sub	: bit_vector(63 downto 0)	:= x"3cc3c33cfcc0fcc0";
		constant lut_init_sub_y		: bit_vector(63 downto 0)	:= x"c33c3cc3cf0ccf0c";
		constant lut_init_sub_z		: bit_vector(63 downto 0)	:= x"c33c3cc3f330f330";
		constant lut_init_sub_yz	: bit_vector(63 downto 0)	:= x"3cc3c33c3f033f03";
		variable curr_lut				  : bit_vector(63 downto 0)	:= lut_init_no_sub;
		curr_lut	:= lut_init_no_sub;
		if subtract_y then
			curr_lut	:= lut_init_sub_y;
		end if;
		if subtract_z then
			curr_lut	:= lut_init_sub_z;
		end if;
		if subtract_y and subtract_z then
			curr_lut	:= lut_init_sub_yz;
		end if;
		return curr_lut;
	end function;
	-- calculate how many bits to fill up with zeros for the carry chain
	constant fillup_width	: integer := 4 - input_word_size;
	-- holds the lut configuration used in this slice
	constant current_lut_init	: bit_vector := get_lut_init;
	-- output o6 of the luts
	signal lut_o6	: std_logic_vector((input_word_size - 1) downto 0);
	-- the signals for and from the carry chain have to be wrapped into signals
	-- with a width of four, to fill them up with zeros and prevent synthesis
	-- warnings when doing this in the port map of the carry chain
	-- input di of the carry chain (have to be four bits width)
	signal cc_di	: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
	-- input s of the carry chain (have to be four bits width)
	signal cc_s		: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
	-- output o of the carry chain (have to be four bits width)
	signal cc_o		: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
	-- output co of the carry chain (have to be four bits width)
	signal cc_co	: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
	-- check the generic parameter
	assert (input_word_size > 0 and input_word_size < 5) report "a slice with a bit width of "
		& integer'image(input_word_size) & " is not possible." severity failure;
	-- prepairing singals for the carry chain
	full_slice_assignment: if input_word_size = 4 generate
		cc_di	<= bbus_in;
		cc_s	<= lut_o6;
	end generate;
	last_slice_assignment: if input_word_size < 4 generate
		cc_di	<= (fillup_width downto 1 => '0') & bbus_in;
		cc_s	<= (fillup_width downto 1 => '0') & lut_o6;
	end generate;
	-- creating the lookup tables
	luts: for i in 0 to (input_word_size - 1) generate
		-- lut6_2 primitive is described in virtex 6 user guide on page 215:
		lut_bit_i: lut6_2
			generic map(
				init	=> current_lut_init
			-- table of names and connections
			-- user guide				us 7,274,211				usage in adder
			-- ----------				------------				--------------
			-- i0							in1							gnd
			-- i1							in2							z(n)
			-- i2							in3							y(n)
			-- i3							in4							x(n)
			-- i4							in5							bbus(n-1)
			-- i5							in6							vdd
			-- o5							o5
			-- o6							o6
			port map(
				i0	=> '0',
				i1	=> z_in(i),
				i2	=> y_in(i),
				i3	=> x_in(i),
				i4	=> bbus_in(i),
				i5	=> '1',
				o5	=> bbus_out(i),
				o6 => lut_o6(i)
	end generate;
	-- creating the carry chain
	-- carry4 primitive is described in virtex 6 user guide on page 108:
	initial_slice: if is_initial_slice = true generate
		init_cc: carry4
			-- table of names and connections
			-- user guide				usage in adder
			-- ----------				--------------
			-- co							msb is carry out, rest is not connected
			-- o							sum
			-- ci							in the initial slice: not connected
			-- cyinit					in the initial slice: add / ~sub
			-- di							bbus(n-1)
			-- s							lut_o6(n)
			port map(
				co			=> cc_co,
				o			=> cc_o,
				cyinit	=> '0',
				ci	=> carry_in,
				di			=> cc_di,
				s			=> cc_s
	end generate;
	further_slice: if is_initial_slice = false generate
		further_cc: carry4
			-- table of names and connections
			-- user guide				usage in adder
			-- ----------				--------------
			-- co							msb is carry out, rest is not connected
			-- o							sum
			-- ci							carry from previous slice
			-- cyinit					in further slices: not connected
			-- di							bbus(n-1)
			-- s							lut_o6(n)
			port map(
				co			=> cc_co,
				o			=> cc_o,
				cyinit	=> '0',
				ci	=> carry_in,
				di			=> cc_di,
				s			=> cc_s
	end generate;
	-- connect the last used output of the carry chain to the slice output
	carry_out	<= cc_co(input_word_size - 1);
	-- creating the flip flops
	sum_register: if use_output_ff = true generate
		ffs: for i in 0 to (input_word_size - 1) generate
			ff_i: fdce
				generic map(
					-- initialize all flip flops with '0'
					init => '0'
				-- table of names and connections
				-- user guide				usage in adder
				-- ----------				--------------
				-- clr						clear
				-- ce							clock_enable, always '1'
				-- d							cc_o
				-- c							clock
				-- q							sum(n)
				port map(
					clr	=> clear,
					ce		=> clock_enable,
					d		=> cc_o(i),
					c		=> clock,
					q		=> sum_out(i)
		end generate;
	end generate;
	-- bypassing the flip flops in case of a asynchronous circuit
	bypass: if use_output_ff = false generate
		sum_out <= cc_o(input_word_size - 1 downto 0);
	end generate;
end architecture;

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