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-- -- PowerPC 405 APU FCM "timestamp" -- record a time (counter value) of User Defined Instruction execution -- -- Marek Peca <mp@duch.cz> 07/2008 -- KRT FEL CVUT http://dce.felk.cvut.cz/ -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.RAMB16; entity timestamp is port ( reset: in std_logic; -- APU i/f: CPMFCMCLK: in std_logic; APUFCMFLUSH: in std_logic; APUFCMDECODED: in std_logic; APUFCMINSTRVALID: in std_logic; APUFCMDECUDIVALID: in std_logic; APUFCMDECUDI: in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); APUFCMWRITEBACKOK: in std_logic; APUFCMRADATA: in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); APUFCMRBDATA: in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); FCMAPUDONE: out std_logic; FCMAPUSLEEPNOTREADY: out std_logic; -- BRAM slave i/f: BRAM_Rst_B: in std_logic; BRAM_Clk_B: in std_logic; BRAM_EN_B: in std_logic; BRAM_WEN_B: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); BRAM_Addr_B: in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); BRAM_Dout_B: in std_logic_vector (63 downto 0); BRAM_Din_B: out std_logic_vector (63 downto 0); -- etc. debug: out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ); end timestamp; architecture timestamp_fcm of timestamp is type state_type is (IDLE, WAIT_OPERAND); -- global signal clock: std_logic; -- FSM signal state, next_state: state_type; signal counter: std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal addr_counter: std_logic_vector (9 downto 0); signal save_udi_code: std_logic; signal udi_code: std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- BRAM signal wea: std_logic; signal dia0, dia1: std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal addra: std_logic_vector (9 downto 0); begin clock <= CPMFCMCLK; dia0 <= counter; dia1 <= APUFCMRADATA; addra <= addr_counter; -- debug(0) <= addr_counter(0); -- debug(1) <= APUFCMDECUDIVALID; -- debug(2) <= APUFCMWRITEBACKOK; -- debug(3) <= wea; debug(0) <= CPMFCMCLK; debug(1) <= APUFCMDECODED; debug(2) <= APUFCMDECUDIVALID; debug(3) <= APUFCMWRITEBACKOK; seq: process begin wait until clock'event and clock = '1'; if reset = '1' then state <= IDLE; counter <= X"00000000"; addr_counter <= "0000000000"; else if save_udi_code = '1' then udi_code <= APUFCMDECUDI; end if; state <= next_state; counter <= counter + 1; if wea = '1' then addr_counter <= addr_counter + 1; end if; end if; end process; comb_apu: process (state, udi_code, APUFCMFLUSH, APUFCMINSTRVALID, APUFCMDECUDIVALID, APUFCMWRITEBACKOK, APUFCMDECUDI) begin save_udi_code <= '0'; wea <= '0'; FCMAPUSLEEPNOTREADY <= '0'; FCMAPUDONE <= '0'; case state is when IDLE => if APUFCMFLUSH = '1' then next_state <= IDLE; elsif (APUFCMINSTRVALID and APUFCMDECODED and APUFCMDECUDIVALID) = '1' then if APUFCMWRITEBACKOK = '1' then -- operands are ready if APUFCMDECUDI = "000" then wea <= '1'; FCMAPUDONE <= '1'; end if; else save_udi_code <= '1'; next_state <= WAIT_OPERAND; end if; end if; when WAIT_OPERAND => FCMAPUSLEEPNOTREADY <= '1'; if APUFCMFLUSH = '1' then next_state <= IDLE; elsif APUFCMWRITEBACKOK = '1' then if udi_code = "000" then wea <= '1'; FCMAPUDONE <= '1'; end if; end if; next_state <= IDLE; end case; end process; -- comb_action: process (action, action_udi_code) -- -- following block causes "gated clock" warning -- -- after FCMAPUDONE removal, everything seems to be OK -- -- what is strange: the same construct above at FCMAPUSLEEPNOTREADY -- -- causes no warning -- begin -- wea <= '0'; -- FCMAPUDONE <= '0'; -- if (action = '1') and (action_udi_code = "111") then -- wea <= '1'; -- FCMAPUDONE <= '1'; -- end if; -- end process; bram0: RAMB16 generic map ( INVERT_CLK_DOA_REG => false, INVERT_CLK_DOB_REG => false, RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", READ_WIDTH_A => 36, READ_WIDTH_B => 36, WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", WRITE_WIDTH_A => 36, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 36 ) port map ( DOA => open, DOB => BRAM_Din_B(31 downto 0), ADDRA(14 downto 5) => addra, ADDRA(4 downto 0) => "00000", ADDRB(14 downto 2) => BRAM_Addr_B(12 downto 0), ADDRB(1 downto 0) => "00", CASCADEINA => '0', CASCADEINB => '0', CLKA => clock, CLKB => BRAM_Clk_B, DIA => dia0, DIB => BRAM_Dout_B(31 downto 0), DIPA => "0000", DIPB => "0000", ENA => '1', ENB => BRAM_EN_B, REGCEA => '1', REGCEB => '1', SSRA => '0', SSRB => BRAM_Rst_B, WEA(0) => wea, WEA(1) => wea, WEA(2) => wea, WEA(3) => wea, WEB => BRAM_WEN_B(3 downto 0) ); bram1: RAMB16 generic map ( INVERT_CLK_DOA_REG => false, INVERT_CLK_DOB_REG => false, RAM_EXTENSION_A => "NONE", RAM_EXTENSION_B => "NONE", READ_WIDTH_A => 36, READ_WIDTH_B => 36, WRITE_MODE_A => "WRITE_FIRST", WRITE_MODE_B => "WRITE_FIRST", WRITE_WIDTH_A => 36, WRITE_WIDTH_B => 36 ) port map ( DOA => open, DOB => BRAM_Din_B(63 downto 32), ADDRA(14 downto 5) => addra, ADDRA(4 downto 0) => "00000", ADDRB(14 downto 2) => BRAM_Addr_B(12 downto 0), ADDRB(1 downto 0) => "00", CASCADEINA => '0', CASCADEINB => '0', CLKA => clock, CLKB => BRAM_Clk_B, DIA => dia1, DIB => BRAM_Dout_B(63 downto 32), DIPA => "0000", DIPB => "0000", ENA => '1', ENB => BRAM_EN_B, REGCEA => '1', REGCEB => '1', SSRA => '0', SSRB => BRAM_Rst_B, WEA(0) => wea, WEA(1) => wea, WEA(2) => wea, WEA(3) => wea, WEB => BRAM_WEN_B(7 downto 4) ); end timestamp_fcm; -- EOF