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-- Copyright (C) 1991-2007 Altera Corporation
-- Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
-- and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic 
-- functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
-- (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
-- associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
-- to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License 
-- Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License 
-- Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, 
-- without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of 
-- programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
-- Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the 
-- applicable agreement for further details.
-- Quartus II 7.1 Build 156 04/30/2007
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
package cycloneiii_atom_pack is
function str_to_bin (lut_mask : string ) return std_logic_vector;
function product(list : std_logic_vector) return std_logic ;
function alt_conv_integer(arg : in std_logic_vector) return integer;
-- default generic values
    CONSTANT DefWireDelay        : VitalDelayType01      := (0 ns, 0 ns);
    CONSTANT DefPropDelay01      : VitalDelayType01      := (0 ns, 0 ns);
    CONSTANT DefPropDelay01Z     : VitalDelayType01Z     := (OTHERS => 0 ns);
    CONSTANT DefSetupHoldCnst    : TIME := 0 ns;
    CONSTANT DefPulseWdthCnst    : TIME := 0 ns;
-- default control options
--    CONSTANT DefGlitchMode       : VitalGlitchKindType   := OnEvent;
-- change default delay type to Transport : for spr 68748
    CONSTANT DefGlitchMode       : VitalGlitchKindType   := VitalTransport;
    CONSTANT DefGlitchMsgOn      : BOOLEAN       := FALSE;
    CONSTANT DefGlitchXOn        : BOOLEAN       := FALSE;
    CONSTANT DefMsgOnChecks      : BOOLEAN       := TRUE;
    CONSTANT DefXOnChecks        : BOOLEAN       := TRUE;
-- output strength mapping
                                                --  UX01ZWHL-
    CONSTANT PullUp      : VitalOutputMapType    := "UX01HX01X";
    CONSTANT NoPullUpZ   : VitalOutputMapType    := "UX01ZX01X";
    CONSTANT PullDown    : VitalOutputMapType    := "UX01LX01X";
-- primitive result strength mapping
    CONSTANT wiredOR     : VitalResultMapType    := ( 'U', 'X', 'L', '1' );
    CONSTANT wiredAND    : VitalResultMapType    := ( 'U', 'X', '0', 'H' );
    CONSTANT L : VitalTableSymbolType := '0';
    CONSTANT H : VitalTableSymbolType := '1';
    CONSTANT x : VitalTableSymbolType := '-';
    CONSTANT S : VitalTableSymbolType := 'S';
    CONSTANT R : VitalTableSymbolType := '/';
    CONSTANT U : VitalTableSymbolType := 'X';
    CONSTANT V : VitalTableSymbolType := 'B'; -- valid clock signal (non-rising)
-- Declare array types for CAM_SLICE
    TYPE cycloneiii_mem_data IS ARRAY (0 to 31) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
function int2str( value : integer ) return string;
function map_x_to_0 (value : std_logic) return std_logic;
function SelectDelay (CONSTANT Paths: IN  VitalPathArray01Type) return TIME;
end cycloneiii_atom_pack;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package body cycloneiii_atom_pack is
type masklength is array (4 downto 1) of std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
function str_to_bin (lut_mask : string) return std_logic_vector is
variable slice : masklength := (OTHERS => "0000");
variable mask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    for i in 1 to lut_mask'length loop
        case lut_mask(i) is
            when '0' => slice(i) := "0000";
            when '1' => slice(i) := "0001";
            when '2' => slice(i) := "0010";
            when '3' => slice(i) := "0011";
            when '4' => slice(i) := "0100";
            when '5' => slice(i) := "0101";
            when '6' => slice(i) := "0110";
            when '7' => slice(i) := "0111";
            when '8' => slice(i) := "1000";
            when '9' => slice(i) := "1001";
            when 'a' => slice(i) := "1010";
            when 'A' => slice(i) := "1010";
            when 'b' => slice(i) := "1011";
            when 'B' => slice(i) := "1011";
            when 'c' => slice(i) := "1100";
            when 'C' => slice(i) := "1100";
            when 'd' => slice(i) := "1101";
            when 'D' => slice(i) := "1101";
            when 'e' => slice(i) := "1110";
            when 'E' => slice(i) := "1110";
            when others => slice(i) := "1111";
        end case;
    end loop;
    mask := (slice(1) & slice(2) & slice(3) & slice(4));
    return (mask);
end str_to_bin;
function product (list: std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
    for i in 0 to 31 loop
        if list(i) = '0' then
            return ('0');
        end if;
    end loop;
    return ('1');
end product;
function alt_conv_integer(arg : in std_logic_vector) return integer is
variable result : integer;
    result := 0;
    for i in arg'range loop
        if arg(i) = '1' then
            result := result + 2**i;
        end if;
    end loop;
    return result;
end alt_conv_integer;
function int2str( value : integer ) return string is
variable ivalue,index : integer;
variable digit : integer;
variable line_no: string(8 downto 1) := "        ";
    ivalue := value;
    index := 1;
    if (ivalue = 0) then
        line_no := "       0";
    end if;
    while (ivalue > 0) loop
        digit := ivalue MOD 10;
        ivalue := ivalue/10;
        case digit is
            when 0 =>
                    line_no(index) := '0';
            when 1 =>
                    line_no(index) := '1';
            when 2 =>
                    line_no(index) := '2';
            when 3 =>
                    line_no(index) := '3';
            when 4 =>
                    line_no(index) := '4';
            when 5 =>
                    line_no(index) := '5';
            when 6 =>
                    line_no(index) := '6';
            when 7 =>
                    line_no(index) := '7';
            when 8 =>
                    line_no(index) := '8';
            when 9 =>
                    line_no(index) := '9';
            when others =>
                    ASSERT FALSE
                    REPORT "Illegal number!"
                    SEVERITY ERROR;
        end case;
        index := index + 1;
    end loop;
    return line_no;
function map_x_to_0 (value : std_logic) return std_logic is
    if (Is_X (value) = TRUE) then
        return '0';
        return value;
    end if;
function SelectDelay (CONSTANT Paths : IN  VitalPathArray01Type) return TIME IS
variable Temp  : TIME;
variable TransitionTime  : TIME := TIME'HIGH;
variable PathDelay : TIME := TIME'HIGH;
    for i IN Paths'RANGE loop
        next when not Paths(i).PathCondition;
        next when Paths(i).InputChangeTime > TransitionTime;
        Temp := Paths(i).PathDelay(tr01);
        if Paths(i).InputChangeTime < TransitionTime then
            PathDelay := Temp;
            if Temp < PathDelay then
                PathDelay := Temp;
            end if;
        end if;
        TransitionTime := Paths(i).InputChangeTime;
    end loop;
    return PathDelay;
end cycloneiii_atom_pack;
Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Package cycloneiii_pllpack is
    procedure find_simple_integer_fraction( numerator   : in integer;
                                            denominator : in integer;
                                            max_denom   : in integer;
                                            fraction_num : out integer; 
                                            fraction_div : out integer);
    procedure find_m_and_n_4_manual_phase ( inclock_period : in integer;
                                            vco_phase_shift_step : in integer;
                                            clk0_mult: in integer; clk1_mult: in integer;
                                            clk2_mult: in integer; clk3_mult: in integer;
                                            clk4_mult: in integer; clk5_mult: in integer;
                                            clk6_mult: in integer; clk7_mult: in integer;
                                            clk8_mult: in integer; clk9_mult: in integer;
                                            clk0_div : in integer; clk1_div : in integer;
                                            clk2_div : in integer; clk3_div : in integer;
                                            clk4_div : in integer; clk5_div : in integer;
                                            clk6_div : in integer; clk7_div : in integer;
                                            clk8_div : in integer; clk9_div : in integer;
                                            m : out integer;
                                            n : out integer );
    function gcd (X: integer; Y: integer) return integer;
    function count_digit (X: integer) return integer;
    function scale_num (X: integer; Y: integer) return integer;
    function lcm (A1: integer; A2: integer; A3: integer; A4: integer;
                A5: integer; A6: integer; A7: integer;
                A8: integer; A9: integer; A10: integer; P: integer) return integer;
    function output_counter_value (clk_divide: integer; clk_mult : integer ;
            M: integer; N: integer ) return integer;
    function counter_mode (duty_cycle: integer; output_counter_value: integer) return string;
    function counter_high (output_counter_value: integer := 1; duty_cycle: integer)
                        return integer;
    function counter_low (output_counter_value: integer; duty_cycle: integer)
                        return integer;
    function mintimedelay (t1: integer; t2: integer; t3: integer; t4: integer;
                        t5: integer; t6: integer; t7: integer; t8: integer;
                        t9: integer; t10: integer) return integer;
    function maxnegabs (t1: integer; t2: integer; t3: integer; t4: integer;
                        t5: integer; t6: integer; t7: integer; t8: integer;
                        t9: integer; t10: integer) return integer;
    function counter_time_delay ( clk_time_delay: integer;
                        m_time_delay: integer; n_time_delay: integer)
                        return integer;
    function get_phase_degree (phase_shift: integer; clk_period: integer) return integer;
    function counter_initial (tap_phase: integer; m: integer; n: integer)
                        return integer;
    function counter_ph (tap_phase: integer; m : integer; n: integer) return integer;
    function ph_adjust (tap_phase: integer; ph_base : integer) return integer;
    function translate_string (mode : string) return string;
    function str2int (s : string) return integer;
    function dqs_str2int (s : string) return integer;
end cycloneiii_pllpack;
package body cycloneiii_pllpack is
-- finds the closest integer fraction of a given pair of numerator and denominator. 
procedure find_simple_integer_fraction( numerator   : in integer;
                                        denominator : in integer;
                                        max_denom   : in integer;
                                        fraction_num : out integer; 
                                        fraction_div : out integer) is
    constant MAX_ITER : integer := 20; 
    type INT_ARRAY is array ((MAX_ITER-1) downto 0) of integer;
    variable quotient_array : INT_ARRAY;
    variable int_loop_iter : integer;
    variable int_quot  : integer;
    variable m_value   : integer;
    variable d_value   : integer;
    variable old_m_value : integer;
    variable swap  : integer;
    variable loop_iter : integer;
    variable num   : integer;
    variable den   : integer;
    variable i_max_iter : integer;
    loop_iter := 0;
    if (numerator = 0) then
        num := 1;
        num := numerator;
    end if;
    if (denominator = 0) then
        den := 1;
        den := denominator;
    end if;
    i_max_iter := max_iter;
    while (loop_iter < i_max_iter) loop
        int_quot := num / den;
        quotient_array(loop_iter) := int_quot;
        num := num - (den*int_quot);
        loop_iter := loop_iter+1;
        if ((num = 0) or (max_denom /= -1) or (loop_iter = i_max_iter)) then
            -- calculate the numerator and denominator if there is a restriction on the
            -- max denom value or if the loop is ending
            m_value := 0;
            d_value := 1;
            -- get the rounded value at this stage for the remaining fraction
            if (den /= 0) then
                m_value := (2*num/den);
            end if;
            -- calculate the fraction numerator and denominator at this stage
            for int_loop_iter in (loop_iter-1) downto 0 loop
                if (m_value = 0) then
                    m_value := quotient_array(int_loop_iter);
                    d_value := 1;
                    old_m_value := m_value;
                    m_value := (quotient_array(int_loop_iter)*m_value) + d_value;
                    d_value := old_m_value;
                end if;
            end loop;
            -- if the denominator is less than the maximum denom_value or if there is no restriction save it
            if ((d_value <= max_denom) or (max_denom = -1)) then
                if ((m_value = 0) or (d_value = 0)) then
                    fraction_num := numerator;
                    fraction_div := denominator;
                    fraction_num := m_value;
                    fraction_div := d_value;
                end if;
            end if;
            -- end the loop if the denomitor has overflown or the numerator is zero (no remainder during this round)
            if (((d_value > max_denom) and (max_denom /= -1)) or (num = 0)) then
                i_max_iter := loop_iter;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- swap the numerator and denominator for the next round
        swap := den;
        den := num;
        num := swap;
    end loop;
end find_simple_integer_fraction;
-- find the M and N values for Manual phase based on the following 5 criterias:
-- 1. The PFD frequency (i.e. Fin / N) must be in the range 5 MHz to 720 MHz
-- 2. The VCO frequency (i.e. Fin * M / N) must be in the range 300 MHz to 1300 MHz
-- 3. M is less than 512
-- 4. N is less than 512
-- 5. It's the smallest M/N which satisfies all the above constraints, and is within 2ps
--    of the desired vco-phase-shift-step
procedure find_m_and_n_4_manual_phase ( inclock_period : in integer;
                                        vco_phase_shift_step : in integer;
                                        clk0_mult: in integer; clk1_mult: in integer;
                                        clk2_mult: in integer; clk3_mult: in integer;
                                        clk4_mult: in integer; clk5_mult: in integer;
                                        clk6_mult: in integer; clk7_mult: in integer;
                                        clk8_mult: in integer; clk9_mult: in integer;
                                        clk0_div : in integer; clk1_div : in integer;
                                        clk2_div : in integer; clk3_div : in integer;
                                        clk4_div : in integer; clk5_div : in integer;
                                        clk6_div : in integer; clk7_div : in integer;
                                        clk8_div : in integer; clk9_div : in integer;
                                        m : out integer;
                                        n : out integer ) is
        constant MAX_M : integer := 511;
        constant MAX_N : integer := 511;
        constant MAX_PFD : integer := 720;
        constant MIN_PFD : integer := 5;
        constant MAX_VCO : integer := 1300;
        constant MIN_VCO : integer := 300;
        variable vco_period : integer;
        variable pfd_freq : integer;
        variable vco_freq : integer;
        variable vco_ps_step_value : integer;
        variable i_m : integer;
        variable i_n : integer;
        variable i_pre_m : integer;
        variable i_pre_n : integer;
        variable i_max_iter : integer;
        variable loop_iter : integer;
    loop_iter  := 0;
    i_max_iter := MAX_N;
    vco_period := vco_phase_shift_step * 8;
    while (loop_iter < i_max_iter) loop
        loop_iter := loop_iter+1;
        i_pre_m := i_m;
        i_pre_n := i_n;
        find_simple_integer_fraction(inclock_period, vco_period,
                    loop_iter, i_m, i_n);
        if (((clk0_div * i_m) rem (clk0_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk1_div * i_m) rem (clk1_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk2_div * i_m) rem (clk2_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk3_div * i_m) rem (clk3_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk4_div * i_m) rem (clk4_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk5_div * i_m) rem (clk5_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk6_div * i_m) rem (clk6_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk7_div * i_m) rem (clk7_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk8_div * i_m) rem (clk8_mult * i_n) /= 0) or
            ((clk9_div * i_m) rem (clk9_mult * i_n) /= 0) )
            if (loop_iter = 1)
                n := 1;
                m := lcm  (clk0_mult, clk1_mult, clk2_mult, clk3_mult,
                        clk4_mult, clk5_mult, clk6_mult,
                        clk7_mult, clk8_mult, clk9_mult, inclock_period);
                m := i_pre_m;
                n := i_pre_n;
            end if;
            i_max_iter := loop_iter;
            m := i_m;
            n := i_n;
        end if;
        pfd_freq := 1000000 / (inclock_period * i_n);
        vco_freq := (1000000 * i_m) / (inclock_period * i_n);
        vco_ps_step_value := (inclock_period * i_n) / (8 * i_m);
        if ( (i_m < max_m) and (i_n < max_n) and (pfd_freq >= min_pfd) and (pfd_freq <= max_pfd) and
            (vco_freq >= min_vco) and (vco_freq <= max_vco) and 
            (abs(vco_ps_step_value - vco_phase_shift_step) <= 2) )
            i_max_iter := loop_iter;
        end if;
    end loop;
end find_m_and_n_4_manual_phase;
-- find the greatest common denominator of X and Y
function gcd (X: integer; Y: integer) return integer is
variable L, S, R, G : integer := 1;
    if (X < Y) then -- find which is smaller.
        S := X;
        L := Y;
        S := Y;
        L := X;
    end if;
    R := S;
    while ( R > 1) loop
        S := L;
        L := R;
        R := S rem L;   -- divide bigger number by smaller.
                        -- remainder becomes smaller number.
    end loop;
    if (R = 0) then  -- if evenly divisible then L is gcd else it is 1.
        G := L;
        G := R;
    end if;
    return G;
end gcd;
-- count the number of digits in the given integer
function count_digit (X: integer)
        return integer is
variable count, result: integer := 0;
    result := X;
    while (result /= 0) loop
        result := (result / 10);
        count := count + 1;
    end loop;
    return count;
end count_digit;
-- reduce the given huge number to Y significant digits
function scale_num (X: integer; Y: integer)
        return integer is
variable count : integer := 0; 
variable lc, fac_ten, result: integer := 1;
    count := count_digit(X);
    for lc in 1 to (count-Y) loop
        fac_ten := fac_ten * 10;
    end loop;
    result := (X / fac_ten);
    return result;
end scale_num;
-- find the least common multiple of A1 to A10
function lcm (A1: integer; A2: integer; A3: integer; A4: integer;
            A5: integer; A6: integer; A7: integer;
            A8: integer; A9: integer; A10: integer; P: integer)
        return integer is
variable M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 , M6, M7, M8, M9, R: integer := 1;
    M1 := (A1 * A2)/gcd(A1, A2);
    M2 := (M1 * A3)/gcd(M1, A3);
    M3 := (M2 * A4)/gcd(M2, A4);
    M4 := (M3 * A5)/gcd(M3, A5);
    M5 := (M4 * A6)/gcd(M4, A6);
    M6 := (M5 * A7)/gcd(M5, A7);
    M7 := (M6 * A8)/gcd(M6, A8);
    M8 := (M7 * A9)/gcd(M7, A9);
    M9 := (M8 * A10)/gcd(M8, A10);
    if (M9 < 3) then
        R := 10;
    elsif ((M9 <= 10) and (M9 >= 3)) then
        R := 4 * M9;
    elsif (M9 > 1000) then
        R := scale_num(M9,3);
        R := M9 ;
    end if;
    return R;
end lcm;
-- find the factor of division of the output clock frequency compared to the VCO
function output_counter_value (clk_divide: integer; clk_mult: integer ;
                                M: integer; N: integer ) return integer is
variable R: integer := 1;
    R := (clk_divide * M)/(clk_mult * N);
    return R;
end output_counter_value;
-- find the mode of each PLL counter - bypass, even or odd
function counter_mode (duty_cycle: integer; output_counter_value: integer)
        return string is
variable R: string (1 to 6) := "      ";
variable counter_value: integer := 1;
    counter_value := (2*duty_cycle*output_counter_value)/100;
    if output_counter_value = 1 then
        R := "bypass";
    elsif (counter_value REM 2) = 0 then
        R := "  even";
        R := "   odd";
    end if;
    return R;
end counter_mode;
-- find the number of VCO clock cycles to hold the output clock high
function counter_high (output_counter_value: integer := 1; duty_cycle: integer)
        return integer is
variable R: integer := 1;
variable half_cycle_high : integer := 1;
    half_cycle_high := (duty_cycle * output_counter_value *2)/100 ;
    if (half_cycle_high REM 2 = 0) then
        R := half_cycle_high/2 ;
        R := (half_cycle_high/2) + 1;
    end if;
    return R;
-- find the number of VCO clock cycles to hold the output clock low
function counter_low (output_counter_value: integer; duty_cycle: integer)
        return integer is
variable R, R1: integer := 1;
variable half_cycle_high : integer := 1;
    half_cycle_high := (duty_cycle * output_counter_value*2)/100 ;
    if (half_cycle_high REM 2 = 0) then
        R1 := half_cycle_high/2 ;
        R1 := (half_cycle_high/2) + 1;
    end if;
    R := output_counter_value - R1;
    return R;
-- find the smallest time delay amongst t1 to t10
function mintimedelay (t1: integer; t2: integer; t3: integer; t4: integer;
                        t5: integer; t6: integer; t7: integer; t8: integer;
                        t9: integer; t10: integer) return integer is
variable m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9 : integer := 0;
    if (t1 < t2) then m1 := t1; else m1 := t2; end if;
    if (m1 < t3) then m2 := m1; else m2 := t3; end if;
    if (m2 < t4) then m3 := m2; else m3 := t4; end if;
    if (m3 < t5) then m4 := m3; else m4 := t5; end if;
    if (m4 < t6) then m5 := m4; else m5 := t6; end if;
    if (m5 < t7) then m6 := m5; else m6 := t7; end if;
    if (m6 < t8) then m7 := m6; else m7 := t8; end if;
    if (m7 < t9) then m8 := m7; else m8 := t9; end if;
    if (m8 < t10) then m9 := m8; else m9 := t10; end if;
    if (m9 > 0) then return m9; else return 0; end if;
-- find the numerically largest negative number, and return its absolute value
function maxnegabs (t1: integer; t2: integer; t3: integer; t4: integer;
                    t5: integer; t6: integer; t7: integer; t8: integer;
                    t9: integer; t10: integer) return integer is
variable m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9 : integer := 0;
    if (t1 < t2) then m1 := t1; else m1 := t2; end if;
    if (m1 < t3) then m2 := m1; else m2 := t3; end if;
    if (m2 < t4) then m3 := m2; else m3 := t4; end if;
    if (m3 < t5) then m4 := m3; else m4 := t5; end if;
    if (m4 < t6) then m5 := m4; else m5 := t6; end if;
    if (m5 < t7) then m6 := m5; else m6 := t7; end if;
    if (m6 < t8) then m7 := m6; else m7 := t8; end if;
    if (m7 < t9) then m8 := m7; else m8 := t9; end if;
    if (m8 < t10) then m9 := m8; else m9 := t10; end if;
    if (m9 < 0) then return (0 - m9); else return 0; end if;
-- adjust the phase (tap_phase) with the largest negative number (ph_base)
function ph_adjust (tap_phase: integer; ph_base : integer) return integer is
    return (tap_phase + ph_base);
-- find the time delay for each PLL counter
function counter_time_delay (clk_time_delay: integer;
                            m_time_delay: integer; n_time_delay: integer)
        return integer is
variable R: integer := 0;
    R := clk_time_delay + m_time_delay - n_time_delay;
    return R;
-- calculate the given phase shift (in ps) in terms of degrees
function get_phase_degree (phase_shift: integer; clk_period: integer)
        return integer is
variable result: integer := 0;
    result := ( phase_shift * 360 ) / clk_period;
    -- to round up the calculation result
    if (result > 0) then
        result := result + 1;
    elsif (result < 0) then
        result := result - 1;
        result := 0;
    end if;
    return result;
-- find the number of VCO clock cycles to wait initially before the first rising
-- edge of the output clock
function counter_initial (tap_phase: integer; m: integer; n: integer)
        return integer is
variable R: integer;
variable R1: real;
    R1 := (real(abs(tap_phase)) * real(m))/(360.0 * real(n)) + 0.5;
    -- Note NCSim VHDL had problem in rounding up for 0.5 - 0.99. 
    -- This checking will ensure that the rounding up is done.
    if (R1 >= 0.5) and (R1 <= 1.0) then
        R1 := 1.0;
    end if;
    R := integer(R1);
    return R;
-- find which VCO phase tap (0 to 7) to align the rising edge of the output clock to
function counter_ph (tap_phase: integer; m: integer; n: integer) return integer is
variable R: integer := 0;
    -- 0.5 is added for proper rounding of the tap_phase.
    R := (integer(real(tap_phase * m / n)+ 0.5) REM 360)/45;
    return R;
-- convert given string to length 6 by padding with spaces
function translate_string (mode : string) return string is
variable new_mode : string (1 to 6) := "      ";
    if (mode = "bypass") then
        new_mode := "bypass";
    elsif (mode = "even") then
        new_mode := "  even";
    elsif (mode = "odd") then
        new_mode := "   odd";
    end if;
    return new_mode;
function str2int (s : string) return integer is
variable len : integer := s'length;
variable newdigit : integer := 0;
variable sign : integer := 1;
variable digit : integer := 0;
    for i in 1 to len loop
        case s(i) is
            when '-' =>
                if i = 1 then
                    sign := -1;
                    ASSERT FALSE
                    REPORT "Illegal Character "&  s(i) & "i n string parameter! "
                    SEVERITY ERROR;
                end if;
            when '0' =>
                digit := 0;
            when '1' =>
                digit := 1;
            when '2' =>
                digit := 2;
            when '3' =>
                digit := 3;
            when '4' =>
                digit := 4;
            when '5' =>
                digit := 5;
            when '6' =>
                digit := 6;
            when '7' =>
                digit := 7;
            when '8' =>
                digit := 8;
            when '9' =>
                digit := 9;
            when others =>
                ASSERT FALSE
                REPORT "Illegal Character "&  s(i) & "in string parameter! "
                SEVERITY ERROR;
        end case;
        newdigit := newdigit * 10 + digit;
    end loop;
    return (sign*newdigit);
function dqs_str2int (s : string) return integer is
variable len : integer := s'length;
variable newdigit : integer := 0;
variable sign : integer := 1;
variable digit : integer := 0;
variable err : boolean := false;
    for i in 1 to len loop
        case s(i) is
            when '-' =>
                if i = 1 then
                    sign := -1;
                    ASSERT FALSE
                    REPORT "Illegal Character "&  s(i) & " in string parameter! "
                    SEVERITY ERROR;
                    err := true;
                end if;
            when '0' =>
                digit := 0;
            when '1' =>
                digit := 1;
            when '2' =>
                digit := 2;
            when '3' =>
                digit := 3;
            when '4' =>
                digit := 4;
            when '5' =>
                digit := 5;
            when '6' =>
                digit := 6;
            when '7' =>
                digit := 7;
            when '8' =>
                digit := 8;
            when '9' =>
                digit := 9;
            when others =>
                -- set error flag
                err := true;
        end case;
        if (err) then
            err := false;
            newdigit := newdigit * 10 + digit;
        end if;
    end loop;
    return (sign*newdigit);
end cycloneiii_pllpack;
--  DFFE Model
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneiii_dffe is
        TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
        XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
        MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
        MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
        XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
        InstancePath: STRING := "*";
        tpd_PRN_Q_negedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_CLRN_Q_negedge             :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_CLK_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_ENA_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_negedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge  :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge     :   VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        thold_D_CLK_noedge_negedge     :   VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge   :   VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        tipd_D                         :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_CLRN                      :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_PRN                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_CLK                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_ENA                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
        Q                              :  out   STD_LOGIC := '0';
        D                              :  in    STD_LOGIC;
        CLRN                           :  in    STD_LOGIC;
        PRN                            :  in    STD_LOGIC;
        CLK                            :  in    STD_LOGIC;
        ENA                            :  in    STD_LOGIC);
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_dffe : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_dffe;
-- architecture body --
architecture behave of cycloneiii_dffe is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of behave : architecture is TRUE;
    signal D_ipd  : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    signal CLRN_ipd       : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    signal PRN_ipd        : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    signal CLK_ipd        : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    signal ENA_ipd        : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (D_ipd, D, tipd_D);
        VitalWireDelay (CLRN_ipd, CLRN, tipd_CLRN);
        VitalWireDelay (PRN_ipd, PRN, tipd_PRN);
        VitalWireDelay (CLK_ipd, CLK, tipd_CLK);
        VitalWireDelay (ENA_ipd, ENA, tipd_ENA);
    end block;
    VITALBehavior : process (D_ipd, CLRN_ipd, PRN_ipd, CLK_ipd, ENA_ipd)
    -- timing check results
    VARIABLE Tviol_D_CLK : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
    VARIABLE Tviol_ENA_CLK       : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
    VARIABLE TimingData_D_CLK : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    VARIABLE TimingData_ENA_CLK : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    -- functionality results
    VARIABLE Violation : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
    VARIABLE PrevData_Q : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 7);
    VARIABLE D_delayed : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    VARIABLE CLK_delayed : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    VARIABLE ENA_delayed : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    VARIABLE Results : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to 1) := (others => '0');
    -- output glitch detection variables
    VARIABLE Q_VitalGlitchData   : VitalGlitchDataType;
    CONSTANT dffe_Q_tab : VitalStateTableType := (
        ( L,  L,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  L ),
        ( L,  H,  L,  H,  H,  x,  x,  H,  x,  H ),
        ( L,  H,  L,  H,  x,  L,  x,  H,  x,  H ),
        ( L,  H,  L,  x,  H,  H,  x,  H,  x,  H ),
        ( L,  H,  H,  x,  x,  x,  H,  x,  x,  S ),
        ( L,  H,  x,  x,  x,  x,  L,  x,  x,  H ),
        ( L,  H,  x,  x,  x,  x,  H,  L,  x,  S ),
        ( L,  x,  L,  L,  L,  x,  H,  H,  x,  L ),
        ( L,  x,  L,  L,  x,  L,  H,  H,  x,  L ),
        ( L,  x,  L,  x,  L,  H,  H,  H,  x,  L ),
        ( L,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x,  S ));
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_D_CLK,
                TimingData      => TimingData_D_CLK,
                TestSignal      => D_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => CLK_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01(( (NOT PRN_ipd) ) OR ( (NOT CLRN_ipd) ) OR ( (NOT ENA_ipd) )) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/DFFE",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ENA_CLK,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ENA_CLK,
                TestSignal      => ENA_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => CLK_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01(( (NOT PRN_ipd) ) OR ( (NOT CLRN_ipd) ) ) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/DFFE",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        --  Functionality Section
        Violation := Tviol_D_CLK or Tviol_ENA_CLK;
        StateTable => dffe_Q_tab,
        DataIn => (
                Violation, CLRN_ipd, CLK_delayed, Results(1), D_delayed, ENA_delayed, PRN_ipd, CLK_ipd),
        Result => Results,
        NumStates => 1,
        PreviousDataIn => PrevData_Q);
        D_delayed := D_ipd;
        CLK_delayed := CLK_ipd;
        ENA_delayed := ENA_ipd;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => Q,
        OutSignalName => "Q",
        OutTemp => Results(1),
        Paths => (  0 => (PRN_ipd'last_event, tpd_PRN_Q_negedge, TRUE),
                    1 => (CLRN_ipd'last_event, tpd_CLRN_Q_negedge, TRUE),
                    2 => (CLK_ipd'last_event, tpd_CLK_Q_posedge, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => Q_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn        => MsgOn );
    end process;
end behave;
--  cycloneiii_mux21 Model
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneiii_mux21 is
        TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
        MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
        XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
        InstancePath: STRING := "*";
        tpd_A_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_B_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tpd_S_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_A                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_B                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_S                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
    port (
        A : in std_logic := '0';
        B : in std_logic := '0';
        S : in std_logic := '0';
        MO : out std_logic);
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_mux21 : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_mux21;
architecture AltVITAL of cycloneiii_mux21 is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of AltVITAL : architecture is TRUE;
    signal A_ipd, B_ipd, S_ipd  : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (A_ipd, A, tipd_A);
        VitalWireDelay (B_ipd, B, tipd_B);
        VitalWireDelay (S_ipd, S, tipd_S);
    end block;
    VITALBehavior : process (A_ipd, B_ipd, S_ipd)
    -- output glitch detection variables
    VARIABLE MO_GlitchData       : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable tmp_MO : std_logic;
        --  Functionality Section
        if (S_ipd = '1') then
            tmp_MO := B_ipd;
            tmp_MO := A_ipd;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => MO,
        OutSignalName => "MO",
        OutTemp => tmp_MO,
        Paths => (  0 => (A_ipd'last_event, tpd_A_MO, TRUE),
                    1 => (B_ipd'last_event, tpd_B_MO, TRUE),
                    2 => (S_ipd'last_event, tpd_S_MO, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => MO_GlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn        => MsgOn );
    end process;
end AltVITAL;
--  cycloneiii_mux41 Model
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneiii_mux41 is
            TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
            MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
            XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
            InstancePath: STRING := "*";
            tpd_IN0_MO : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tpd_IN1_MO : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tpd_IN2_MO : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tpd_IN3_MO : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tpd_S_MO : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
            tipd_IN0 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_IN1 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_IN2 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_IN3 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_S : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01)
    port (
            IN0 : in std_logic := '0';
            IN1 : in std_logic := '0';
            IN2 : in std_logic := '0';
            IN3 : in std_logic := '0';
            S : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
            MO : out std_logic
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_mux41 : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_mux41;
architecture AltVITAL of cycloneiii_mux41 is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of AltVITAL : architecture is TRUE;
    signal IN0_ipd, IN1_ipd, IN2_ipd, IN3_ipd  : std_logic;
    signal S_ipd : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (IN0_ipd, IN0, tipd_IN0);
        VitalWireDelay (IN1_ipd, IN1, tipd_IN1);
        VitalWireDelay (IN2_ipd, IN2, tipd_IN2);
        VitalWireDelay (IN3_ipd, IN3, tipd_IN3);
        VitalWireDelay (S_ipd(0), S(0), tipd_S(0));
        VitalWireDelay (S_ipd(1), S(1), tipd_S(1));
    end block;
    VITALBehavior : process (IN0_ipd, IN1_ipd, IN2_ipd, IN3_ipd, S_ipd(0), S_ipd(1))
    -- output glitch detection variables
    VARIABLE MO_GlitchData       : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable tmp_MO : std_logic;
        --  Functionality Section
        if ((S_ipd(1) = '1') AND (S_ipd(0) = '1')) then
            tmp_MO := IN3_ipd;
        elsif ((S_ipd(1) = '1') AND (S_ipd(0) = '0')) then
            tmp_MO := IN2_ipd;
        elsif ((S_ipd(1) = '0') AND (S_ipd(0) = '1')) then
            tmp_MO := IN1_ipd;
            tmp_MO := IN0_ipd;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
                        OutSignal => MO,
                        OutSignalName => "MO",
                        OutTemp => tmp_MO,
                        Paths => (  0 => (IN0_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN0_MO, TRUE),
                                    1 => (IN1_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN1_MO, TRUE),
                                    2 => (IN2_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN2_MO, TRUE),
                                    3 => (IN3_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN3_MO, TRUE),
                                    4 => (S_ipd(0)'last_event, tpd_S_MO(0), TRUE),
                                    5 => (S_ipd(1)'last_event, tpd_S_MO(1), TRUE)),
                        GlitchData => MO_GlitchData,
                        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
                        XOn  => XOn,
                        MsgOn => MsgOn );
    end process;
end AltVITAL;
--  cycloneiii_and1 Model
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
-- entity declaration --
entity cycloneiii_and1 is
        TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
        MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
        XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
        InstancePath: STRING := "*";
        tpd_IN1_Y                      :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_IN1                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
        Y                              :  out   STD_LOGIC;
        IN1                            :  in    STD_LOGIC);
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_and1 : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_and1;
-- architecture body --
architecture AltVITAL of cycloneiii_and1 is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of AltVITAL : architecture is TRUE;
    SIGNAL IN1_ipd    : STD_ULOGIC := 'U';
    WireDelay : block
    VitalWireDelay (IN1_ipd, IN1, tipd_IN1);
    end block;
    VITALBehavior : process (IN1_ipd)
    -- functionality results
    VARIABLE Results : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 to 1) := (others => 'X');
    ALIAS Y_zd : STD_ULOGIC is Results(1);
    -- output glitch detection variables
    VARIABLE Y_GlitchData    : VitalGlitchDataType;
        --  Functionality Section
        Y_zd := TO_X01(IN1_ipd);
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => Y,
            OutSignalName => "Y",
            OutTemp => Y_zd,
            Paths => (0 => (IN1_ipd'last_event, tpd_IN1_Y, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => Y_GlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn        => MsgOn );
    end process;
end AltVITAL;
-- Entity Name :  cycloneiii_lcell_comb
-- Description :  Cyclone II LCELL_COMB VHDL simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity cycloneiii_lcell_comb is
    generic (
             lut_mask : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '1');
             sum_lutc_input : string := "datac";
              dont_touch : string := "off";
             lpm_type : string := "cycloneiii_lcell_comb";
             TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
             MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath: STRING := "*";
             tpd_dataa_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datac_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datad_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_cin_combout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datac_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datad_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_cin_cout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_dataa : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datab : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datac : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_datad : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_cin : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
          dataa : in std_logic := '1';
          datab : in std_logic := '1';
          datac : in std_logic := '1';
          datad : in std_logic := '1';
          cin : in std_logic := '0';
          combout : out std_logic;
          cout : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_lcell_comb : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_lcell_comb;
architecture vital_lcell_comb of cycloneiii_lcell_comb is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of vital_lcell_comb : architecture is TRUE;
    signal dataa_ipd : std_logic;
    signal datab_ipd : std_logic;
    signal datac_ipd : std_logic;
    signal datad_ipd : std_logic;
    signal cin_ipd : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (dataa_ipd, dataa, tipd_dataa);
        VitalWireDelay (datab_ipd, datab, tipd_datab);
        VitalWireDelay (datac_ipd, datac, tipd_datac);
        VitalWireDelay (datad_ipd, datad, tipd_datad);
        VitalWireDelay (cin_ipd, cin, tipd_cin);
    end block;
VITALtiming : process(dataa_ipd, datab_ipd, datac_ipd, datad_ipd,
variable combout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
variable cout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
-- output variables
variable combout_tmp : std_logic;
variable cout_tmp : std_logic;
    -- lut_mask_var := lut_mask;
    --  Timing Check Section
    if (sum_lutc_input = "datac") then
        -- combout 
        combout_tmp := VitalMUX(data => lut_mask,
                                dselect => (datad_ipd,
    elsif (sum_lutc_input = "cin") then
        -- combout 
        combout_tmp := VitalMUX(data => lut_mask,
                                dselect => (datad_ipd,
    end if;
    -- cout 
    cout_tmp := VitalMUX(data => lut_mask,
                         dselect => ('0',
    --  Path Delay Section
    VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => combout,
        OutSignalName => "COMBOUT",
        OutTemp => combout_tmp,
        Paths => (0 => (dataa_ipd'last_event, tpd_dataa_combout, TRUE),
                  1 => (datab_ipd'last_event, tpd_datab_combout, TRUE),
                  2 => (datac_ipd'last_event, tpd_datac_combout, TRUE),
                  3 => (datad_ipd'last_event, tpd_datad_combout, TRUE),
                  4 => (cin_ipd'last_event, tpd_cin_combout, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => combout_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn => MsgOn );
    VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal => cout,
        OutSignalName => "COUT",
        OutTemp => cout_tmp,
        Paths => (0 => (dataa_ipd'last_event, tpd_dataa_cout, TRUE),
                  1 => (datab_ipd'last_event, tpd_datab_cout, TRUE),
                  2 => (datac_ipd'last_event, tpd_datac_cout, TRUE),
                  3 => (datad_ipd'last_event, tpd_datad_cout, TRUE),
                  4 => (cin_ipd'last_event, tpd_cin_cout, TRUE)),
        GlitchData => cout_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn  => XOn,
        MsgOn => MsgOn );
end process;
end vital_lcell_comb;	
-- Entity Name :  cycloneiii_routing_wire
-- Description :  Cyclone III Routing Wire VHDL simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_routing_wire is
    generic (
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             tpd_datain_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datainglitch_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_datain : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    PORT (
          datain : in std_logic;
          dataout : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_routing_wire : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_routing_wire;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneiii_routing_wire is
attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of behave : architecture is TRUE;
signal datain_ipd : std_logic;
signal datainglitch_inert : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (datain_ipd, datain, tipd_datain);
    end block;
    VITAL: process(datain_ipd, datainglitch_inert)
    variable datain_inert_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable dataout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => datainglitch_inert,
            OutSignalName => "datainglitch_inert",
            OutTemp => datain_ipd,
            Paths => (1 => (datain_ipd'last_event, tpd_datainglitch_dataout, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => datain_inert_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => VitalInertial,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => dataout,
            OutSignalName => "dataout",
            OutTemp => datainglitch_inert,
            Paths => (1 => (datain_ipd'last_event, tpd_datain_dataout, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => dataout_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name : cycloneiii_mn_cntr
-- Description : Timing simulation model for the M and N counter. This is a
--               common model for the input counter and the loop feedback
--               counter of the Cyclone III PLL.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_mn_cntr is
    PORT(  clk           : IN std_logic;
            reset         : IN std_logic := '0';
            cout          : OUT std_logic;
            initial_value : IN integer := 1;
            modulus       : IN integer := 1;
            time_delay    : IN integer := 0
END cycloneiii_mn_cntr;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneiii_mn_cntr is
    process (clk, reset)
    variable count : integer := 1;
    variable first_rising_edge : boolean := true;
    variable tmp_cout : std_logic;
        if (reset = '1') then
            count := 1;
            tmp_cout := '0';
            first_rising_edge := true;
        elsif (clk'event) then
            if (clk = '1' and first_rising_edge) then
                first_rising_edge := false;
                tmp_cout := clk;
            elsif (not first_rising_edge) then
                if (count < modulus) then
                    count := count + 1;
                    count := 1;
                    tmp_cout := not tmp_cout;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        cout <= transport tmp_cout after time_delay * 1 ps;
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name : cycloneiii_scale_cntr
-- Description : Timing simulation model for the output scale-down counters.
--               This is a common model for the C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5
--               output counters of the Cyclone III PLL.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_scale_cntr is
    PORT(   clk            : IN std_logic;
            reset          : IN std_logic := '0';
            initial        : IN integer := 1;
            high           : IN integer := 1;
            low            : IN integer := 1;
            mode           : IN string := "bypass";
            ph_tap         : IN integer := 0;
            cout           : OUT std_logic
END cycloneiii_scale_cntr;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneiii_scale_cntr is
    process (clk, reset)
    variable tmp_cout : std_logic := '0';
    variable count : integer := 1;
    variable output_shift_count : integer := 1;
    variable first_rising_edge : boolean := false;
        if (reset = '1') then
            count := 1;
            output_shift_count := 1;
            tmp_cout := '0';
            first_rising_edge := false;
        elsif (clk'event) then
            if (mode = "   off") then
                tmp_cout := '0';
            elsif (mode = "bypass") then
                tmp_cout := clk;
                first_rising_edge := true;
            elsif (not first_rising_edge) then
                if (clk = '1') then
                    if (output_shift_count = initial) then
                        tmp_cout := clk;
                        first_rising_edge := true;
                        output_shift_count := output_shift_count + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
            elsif (output_shift_count < initial) then
                if (clk = '1') then
                    output_shift_count := output_shift_count + 1;
                end if;
                count := count + 1;
                if (mode = "  even" and (count = (high*2) + 1)) then
                    tmp_cout := '0';
                elsif (mode = "   odd" and (count = high*2)) then
                    tmp_cout := '0';
                elsif (count = (high + low)*2 + 1) then
                    tmp_cout := '1';
                    count := 1;  -- reset count
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        cout <= transport tmp_cout;
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name : cycloneiii_pll_reg
-- Description : Simulation model for a simple DFF.
--               This is required for the generation of the bit slip-signals.
--               No timing, powers upto 0.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_pll_reg is
    PORT(   clk : in std_logic;
            ena : in std_logic := '1';
            d : in std_logic;
            clrn : in std_logic := '1';
            prn : in std_logic := '1';
            q : out std_logic
end cycloneiii_pll_reg;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneiii_pll_reg is
    process (clk, prn, clrn)
    variable q_reg : std_logic := '0';
        if (prn = '0') then
            q_reg := '1';
        elsif (clrn = '0') then
            q_reg := '0';
        elsif (clk'event and clk = '1' and (ena = '1')) then
            q_reg := D;
        end if;
        Q <= q_reg;
    end process;
end behave;
-- Entity Name : cycloneiii_pll
-- Description : Timing simulation model for the Cyclone III PLL.
--               In the functional mode, it is also the model for the altpll
--               megafunction.
-- Limitations : Does not support Spread Spectrum and Bandwidth.
-- Outputs     : Up to 10 output clocks, each defined by its own set of
--               parameters. Locked output (active high) indicates when the
--               PLL locks. clkbad and activeclock are used for
--               clock switchover to indicate which input clock has gone
--               bad, when the clock switchover initiates and which input
--               clock is being used as the reference, respectively.
--               scandataout is the data output of the serial scan chain.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_pllpack.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_mn_cntr;
USE work.cycloneiii_scale_cntr;
USE work.cycloneiii_dffe;
USE work.cycloneiii_pll_reg;
-- New Features : The list below outlines key new features in CYCLONEIII:
--                1. Dynamic Phase Reconfiguration
--                2. Dynamic PLL Reconfiguration (different protocol)
--                3. More output counters
ENTITY cycloneiii_pll is
        operation_mode              : string := "normal";
        pll_type                    : string := "auto";  -- AUTO/FAST/ENHANCED/LEFT_RIGHT/TOP_BOTTOM
        compensate_clock            : string := "clock0";
        inclk0_input_frequency      : integer := 0;
        inclk1_input_frequency      : integer := 0;
        self_reset_on_loss_lock     : string  := "off";
        switch_over_type            : string  := "auto";
        switch_over_counter         : integer := 1;
        enable_switch_over_counter  : string := "off";
        bandwidth                    : integer := 0;
        bandwidth_type               : string  := "auto";
        use_dc_coupling              : string  := "false";
        lock_c                      : integer := 4;
        sim_gate_lock_device_behavior : string := "off";
        lock_high                   : integer := 0;
        lock_low                    : integer := 0;
        lock_window_ui              : string := "0.05";
        lock_window                 : time := 5 ps;
        test_bypass_lock_detect     : string := "off";
        clk0_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk0_multiply_by            : integer := 0;
        clk0_divide_by              : integer := 0;
        clk0_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk0_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk1_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk1_multiply_by            : integer := 0;
        clk1_divide_by              : integer := 0;
        clk1_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk1_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk2_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk2_multiply_by            : integer := 0;
        clk2_divide_by              : integer := 0;
        clk2_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk2_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk3_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk3_multiply_by            : integer := 0;
        clk3_divide_by              : integer := 0;
        clk3_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk3_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        clk4_output_frequency       : integer := 0;
        clk4_multiply_by            : integer := 0;
        clk4_divide_by              : integer := 0;
        clk4_phase_shift            : string := "0";
        clk4_duty_cycle             : integer := 50;
        pfd_min                     : integer := 0;
        pfd_max                     : integer := 0;
        vco_min                     : integer := 0;
        vco_max                     : integer := 0;
        vco_center                  : integer := 0;
        m_initial                   : integer := 1;
        m                           : integer := 0;
        n                           : integer := 1;
        c0_high                     : integer := 1;
        c0_low                      : integer := 1;
        c0_initial                  : integer := 1; 
        c0_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c0_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c1_high                     : integer := 1;
        c1_low                      : integer := 1;
        c1_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c1_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c1_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c2_high                     : integer := 1;
        c2_low                      : integer := 1;
        c2_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c2_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c2_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c3_high                     : integer := 1;
        c3_low                      : integer := 1;
        c3_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c3_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c3_ph                       : integer := 0;
        c4_high                     : integer := 1;
        c4_low                      : integer := 1;
        c4_initial                  : integer := 1;
        c4_mode                     : string := "bypass";
        c4_ph                       : integer := 0;
        m_ph                        : integer := 0;
        clk0_counter                : string := "unused";
        clk1_counter                : string := "unused";
        clk2_counter                : string := "unused";
        clk3_counter                : string := "unused";
        clk4_counter                : string := "unused";
        c1_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        c2_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        c3_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        c4_use_casc_in              : string := "off";
        m_test_source               : integer := -1;
        c0_test_source              : integer := -1;
        c1_test_source              : integer := -1;
        c2_test_source              : integer := -1;
        c3_test_source              : integer := -1;
        c4_test_source              : integer := -1;
        vco_multiply_by             : integer := 0;
        vco_divide_by               : integer := 0;
        vco_post_scale              : integer := 1;
        vco_frequency_control       : string  := "auto";
        vco_phase_shift_step        : integer := 0;
        charge_pump_current         : integer := 10;
        loop_filter_r               : string := "1.0";
        loop_filter_c               : integer := 0;
        pll_compensation_delay      : integer := 0;
        simulation_type             : string := "functional";
        lpm_type                    : string := "cycloneiii_pll";
        clk0_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk1_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk2_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk3_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk4_use_even_counter_mode  : string := "off";
        clk0_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk1_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk2_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk3_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
        clk4_use_even_counter_value : string := "off";
-- Test only
        init_block_reset_a_count    : integer := 1;
        init_block_reset_b_count    : integer := 1;
        charge_pump_current_bits : integer := 0;
        lock_window_ui_bits : integer := 0;
        loop_filter_c_bits : integer := 0;
        loop_filter_r_bits : integer := 0;
        test_counter_c0_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_counter_c1_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_counter_c2_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_counter_c3_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_counter_c4_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_counter_c5_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_counter_m_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_counter_n_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_feedback_comp_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_input_comp_delay_chain_bits : integer := 0;
        test_volt_reg_output_mode_bits : integer := 0;
        test_volt_reg_output_voltage_bits : integer := 0;
        test_volt_reg_test_mode : string := "false";
        vco_range_detector_high_bits : integer := 0;
        vco_range_detector_low_bits : integer := 0;
-- Simulation only generics
        family_name                 : string  := "Cyclone III";
        -- VITAL generics
        XOn                         : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
        MsgOn                       : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
        MsgOnChecks                 : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
        XOnChecks                   : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
        TimingChecksOn              : Boolean := true;
        InstancePath                : STRING := "*";
        tipd_inclk                  : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
        tipd_ena                    : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_pfdena                 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
        tipd_areset                 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tipd_fbin                   : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tipd_scanclk                : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tipd_scanclkena             : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tipd_scandata               : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tipd_configupdate           : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tipd_clkswitch              : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tipd_phaseupdown            : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tipd_phasecounterselect     : VitalDelayArrayType01(2 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
       tipd_phasestep              : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
       tsetup_scandata_scanclk_noedge_negedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
       thold_scandata_scanclk_noedge_negedge  : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
       tsetup_scanclkena_scanclk_noedge_negedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
       thold_scanclkena_scanclk_noedge_negedge  : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
        use_vco_bypass              : string := "false"
        inclk                       : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        fbin                         : in std_logic := '0';
        fbout                        : out std_logic;
        clkswitch                   : in std_logic := '0';
        areset                      : in std_logic := '0';
        pfdena                      : in std_logic := '1';
        scandata                    : in std_logic := '0';
        scanclk                     : in std_logic := '0';
        scanclkena                  : in std_logic := '0';
        configupdate                : in std_logic := '0';
        clk                         : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
        phasecounterselect          : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
        phaseupdown                 : in std_logic := '0';
        phasestep                   : in std_logic := '0';
        clkbad                      : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
        activeclock                 : out std_logic;
        locked                      : out std_logic;
        scandataout                 : out std_logic;
        scandone                    : out std_logic;
        phasedone                   : out std_logic;
        vcooverrange                : out std_logic;
        vcounderrange               : out std_logic
END cycloneiii_pll;
ARCHITECTURE vital_pll of cycloneiii_pll is
TYPE int_array is ARRAY(NATURAL RANGE <>) of integer;
TYPE str_array is ARRAY(NATURAL RANGE <>) of string(1 to 6);
TYPE str_array1 is ARRAY(NATURAL RANGE <>) of string(1 to 9);
TYPE std_logic_array is ARRAY(NATURAL RANGE <>) of std_logic;
-- internal advanced parameter signals
signal   i_vco_min      : integer;
signal   i_vco_max      : integer;
signal   i_vco_center   : integer;
signal   i_pfd_min      : integer;
signal   i_pfd_max      : integer;
 signal   c_ph_val       : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 0);
 signal   c_ph_val_tmp   : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 0);
 signal   c_high_val     : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
 signal   c_low_val      : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
 signal   c_initial_val  : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
 signal   c_mode_val     : str_array(0 to 4);
-- old values
 signal   c_high_val_old : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
 signal   c_low_val_old  : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
 signal   c_ph_val_old   : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 0);
 signal   c_mode_val_old : str_array(0 to 4);
-- hold registers
 signal   c_high_val_hold : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
 signal   c_low_val_hold  : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
 signal   c_ph_val_hold   : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 0);
 signal   c_mode_val_hold : str_array(0 to 4);
-- temp registers
 signal   sig_c_ph_val_tmp   : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 0);
 signal   c_ph_val_orig  : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 0);
signal   real_lock_high : integer := 0;
signal   i_clk4_counter         : integer := 4;
signal   i_clk3_counter         : integer := 3;
signal   i_clk2_counter         : integer := 2;
signal   i_clk1_counter         : integer := 1;
signal   i_clk0_counter         : integer := 0;
signal   i_charge_pump_current  : integer;
signal   i_loop_filter_r        : integer;
-- end internal advanced parameter signals
CONSTANT SCAN_CHAIN : integer := 144;
CONSTANT GPP_SCAN_CHAIN : integer := 234;
CONSTANT FAST_SCAN_CHAIN : integer := 180;
 CONSTANT cntrs : str_array(4 downto 0) := ("    C4", "    C3", "    C2", "    C1", "    C0");
CONSTANT ss_cntrs : str_array(0 to 3) := ("     M", "    M2", "     N", "    N2");
CONSTANT loop_filter_c_arr : int_array(0 to 3) := (0,0,0,0);
CONSTANT fpll_loop_filter_c_arr : int_array(0 to 3) := (0,0,0,0);
CONSTANT charge_pump_curr_arr : int_array(0 to 15) := (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
CONSTANT num_phase_taps : integer := 8;
-- signals
signal vcc : std_logic := '1';
signal fbclk       : std_logic;
signal refclk      : std_logic;
signal vco_over    : std_logic := '0';
signal vco_under   : std_logic := '1';
signal pll_locked : boolean := false;
 signal c_clk : std_logic_array(0 to 4);
signal vco_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
-- signals to assign values to counter params
signal m_val : integer := 1;
signal n_val : integer := 1;
signal m_ph_val : integer := 0;
signal m_ph_initial : integer := 0;
signal m_ph_val_tmp  : integer := 0;
signal m_initial_val : integer := m_initial;
signal m_mode_val : string(1 to 6) := "      ";
signal n_mode_val : string(1 to 6) := "      ";
signal lfc_val : integer := 0;
signal cp_curr_val : integer := 0;
signal lfr_val : string(1 to 2) := "  ";
signal cp_curr_old_bit_setting : std_logic_vector(14 to 16) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal cp_curr_val_bit_setting : std_logic_vector(14 to 16) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal lfr_old_bit_setting : std_logic_vector(3 to 7) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal lfr_val_bit_setting : std_logic_vector(3 to 7) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal lfc_old_bit_setting : std_logic_vector(1 to 2) := (OTHERS => '0'); 
signal lfc_val_bit_setting : std_logic_vector(1 to 2) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal pll_reconfig_display_full_setting : boolean := FALSE; -- display full setting, change to true
-- old values
signal m_val_old : integer := 1;
signal n_val_old : integer := 1;
signal m_mode_val_old : string(1 to 6) := "      ";
signal n_mode_val_old : string(1 to 6) := "      ";
signal m_ph_val_old : integer := 0;
signal lfc_old : integer := 0;
signal cp_curr_old : integer := 0;
signal lfr_old : string(1 to 2) := "  ";
 signal num_output_cntrs : integer := 5;
signal scanclk_period : time := 1 ps;
 signal scan_data : std_logic_vector(0 to 143) := (OTHERS => '0');
 signal clk_pfd : std_logic_vector(0 to 4);
signal clk0_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk1_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk2_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk3_tmp : std_logic;
signal clk4_tmp : std_logic;
signal update_conf_latches : std_logic := '0';
signal update_conf_latches_reg : std_logic := '0';
signal clkin : std_logic := '0';
signal gate_locked : std_logic := '0';
signal pfd_locked : std_logic := '0';
signal lock : std_logic := '0';
signal about_to_lock : boolean := false;
signal reconfig_err : boolean := false;
signal inclk_c0 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c1 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c2 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c3 : std_logic;
signal inclk_c4 : std_logic;
signal inclk_m : std_logic;
signal devpor : std_logic;
signal devclrn : std_logic;
signal inclk0_ipd : std_logic;
signal inclk1_ipd : std_logic;
signal pfdena_ipd : std_logic;
signal areset_ipd : std_logic;
signal fbin_ipd : std_logic;
signal scanclk_ipd : std_logic;
signal scanclkena_ipd, scanclkena_reg : std_logic;
signal scandata_ipd : std_logic;
signal clkswitch_ipd : std_logic;
 signal phasecounterselect_ipd : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal phaseupdown_ipd : std_logic;
signal phasestep_ipd : std_logic;
signal configupdate_ipd : std_logic;
-- registered signals
signal sig_offset : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_refclk_time : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_fbclk_period : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_vco_period_was_phase_adjusted : boolean := false;
signal sig_phase_adjust_was_scheduled : boolean := false;
signal sig_stop_vco : std_logic := '0';
signal sig_m_times_vco_period : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_new_m_times_vco_period : time := 0 ps;
signal sig_got_refclk_posedge : boolean := false;
signal sig_got_fbclk_posedge : boolean := false;
signal sig_got_second_refclk : boolean := false;
signal m_delay : integer := 0;
signal n_delay : integer := 0;
signal inclk1_tmp : std_logic := '0';
signal reset_low : std_logic := '0';
-- Phase Reconfig
    SIGNAL phasecounterselect_reg   :  std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL phaseupdown_reg          :  std_logic := '0';
SIGNAL phasestep_reg            :  std_logic := '0';
SIGNAL phasestep_high_count     :  integer := 0;
SIGNAL update_phase             :  std_logic := '0';
signal scandataout_tmp : std_logic := '0';
signal scandata_in : std_logic := '0';
signal scandata_out : std_logic := '0';
signal scandone_tmp : std_logic := '1';
signal initiate_reconfig : std_logic := '0';
signal sig_refclk_period : time := (inclk0_input_frequency * 1 ps) * n;
signal schedule_vco : std_logic := '0';
signal areset_ena_sig : std_logic := '0';
signal pll_in_test_mode : boolean := false;
 signal inclk_c_from_vco : std_logic_array(0 to 4);
signal inclk_m_from_vco : std_logic;
COMPONENT cycloneiii_mn_cntr
    PORT (
        clk           : IN std_logic;
        reset         : IN std_logic := '0';
        cout          : OUT std_logic;
        initial_value : IN integer := 1;
        modulus       : IN integer := 1;
        time_delay    : IN integer := 0
COMPONENT cycloneiii_scale_cntr
    PORT (
        clk            : IN std_logic;
        reset          : IN std_logic := '0';
        cout           : OUT std_logic;
        initial        : IN integer := 1;
        high           : IN integer := 1;
        low            : IN integer := 1;
        mode           : IN string := "bypass";
        ph_tap         : IN integer := 0
COMPONENT cycloneiii_dffe
      TimingChecksOn: Boolean := true;
      InstancePath: STRING := "*";
      XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
      MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
      MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
      XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
      tpd_PRN_Q_negedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_CLRN_Q_negedge             :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_CLK_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tpd_ENA_Q_posedge              :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_posedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tsetup_D_CLK_noedge_negedge    :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tsetup_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge  :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_D_CLK_noedge_posedge     :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_D_CLK_noedge_negedge     :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      thold_ENA_CLK_noedge_posedge   :  VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
      tipd_D                         :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_CLRN                      :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_PRN                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_CLK                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
      tipd_ENA                       :  VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01);
        Q                              :  out   STD_LOGIC := '0';
        D                              :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        CLRN                           :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        PRN                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        CLK                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '0';
        ENA                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1');
COMPONENT cycloneiii_pll_reg
        Q                              :  out   STD_LOGIC := '0';
        D                              :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        CLRN                           :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        PRN                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1';
        CLK                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '0';
        ENA                            :  in    STD_LOGIC := '1');
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (inclk0_ipd, inclk(0), tipd_inclk(0));
        VitalWireDelay (inclk1_ipd, inclk(1), tipd_inclk(1));
        VitalWireDelay (areset_ipd, areset, tipd_areset);
        VitalWireDelay (pfdena_ipd, pfdena, tipd_pfdena);
        VitalWireDelay (scanclk_ipd, scanclk, tipd_scanclk);
        VitalWireDelay (scanclkena_ipd, scanclkena, tipd_scanclkena);
        VitalWireDelay (scandata_ipd, scandata, tipd_scandata);
        VitalWireDelay (configupdate_ipd, configupdate, tipd_configupdate);
        VitalWireDelay (clkswitch_ipd, clkswitch, tipd_clkswitch);
        VitalWireDelay (phaseupdown_ipd, phaseupdown, tipd_phaseupdown);
        VitalWireDelay (phasestep_ipd, phasestep, tipd_phasestep);
        VitalWireDelay (phasecounterselect_ipd(0), phasecounterselect(0), tipd_phasecounterselect(0));
        VitalWireDelay (phasecounterselect_ipd(1), phasecounterselect(1), tipd_phasecounterselect(1));
        VitalWireDelay (phasecounterselect_ipd(2), phasecounterselect(2), tipd_phasecounterselect(2));
    end block;
inclk_m <=  fbclk when m_test_source = 0 else
            refclk when m_test_source = 1 else
    areset_ena_sig <= areset_ipd or sig_stop_vco;
    pll_in_test_mode <= true when   (m_test_source /= -1 or c0_test_source /= -1 or
                                    c1_test_source /= -1 or c2_test_source /= -1 or
                                    c3_test_source /= -1 or c4_test_source /= -1)
                                    else false;
    real_lock_high <= lock_high WHEN (sim_gate_lock_device_behavior = "on") ELSE 0;   
    m1 : cycloneiii_mn_cntr
        port map (  clk           => inclk_m,
                    reset         => areset_ena_sig,
                    cout          => fbclk,
                    initial_value => m_initial_val,
                    modulus       => m_val,
                    time_delay    => m_delay
    -- add delta delay to inclk1 to ensure inclk0 and inclk1 are processed
    -- in different simulation deltas.
    inclk1_tmp <= inclk1_ipd;
    process (inclk0_ipd, inclk1_tmp, clkswitch_ipd)
    variable input_value : std_logic := '0';
    variable current_clock : integer := 0;
    variable clk0_count, clk1_count : integer := 0;
    variable clk0_is_bad, clk1_is_bad : std_logic := '0';
    variable primary_clk_is_bad : boolean := false;
    variable current_clk_is_bad : boolean := false;
    variable got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch : boolean := false;
    variable switch_over_count : integer := 0;
    variable active_clock : std_logic := '0';
    variable external_switch : boolean := false;
        if (now = 0 ps) then
            if (switch_over_type = "manual" and clkswitch_ipd = '1') then
                current_clock := 1;
                active_clock := '1';
            end if;
        end if;
        if (clkswitch_ipd'event and clkswitch_ipd = '1' and switch_over_type = "auto") then
            external_switch := true;
        elsif (switch_over_type = "manual") then
            if (clkswitch_ipd'event and clkswitch_ipd = '1') then
                if (current_clock = 0) then
                current_clock := 1;
                active_clock := '1';
                clkin <= transport inclk1_tmp;
                elsif (current_clock = 1) then
                current_clock := 0;
                active_clock := '0';
                clkin <= transport inclk0_ipd;
            end if;
        end if;
        end if;
        -- save the current inclk event value
        if (inclk0_ipd'event) then
            input_value := inclk0_ipd;
        elsif (inclk1_tmp'event) then
            input_value := inclk1_tmp;
        end if;
        -- check if either input clk is bad
        if (inclk0_ipd'event and inclk0_ipd = '1') then
            clk0_count := clk0_count + 1;
            clk0_is_bad := '0';
            clk1_count := 0;
            if (clk0_count > 2) then
                -- no event on other clk for 2 cycles
                clk1_is_bad := '1';
                if (current_clock = 1) then
                    current_clk_is_bad := true;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (inclk1_tmp'event and inclk1_tmp = '1') then
            clk1_count := clk1_count + 1;
            clk1_is_bad := '0';
            clk0_count := 0;
            if (clk1_count > 2) then
                -- no event on other clk for 2 cycles
                clk0_is_bad := '1';
                if (current_clock = 0) then
                    current_clk_is_bad := true;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- check if the bad clk is the primary clock
        if (clk0_is_bad = '1') then
            primary_clk_is_bad := true;
            primary_clk_is_bad := false;
        end if;
        -- actual switching
        if (inclk0_ipd'event and current_clock = 0) then
            if (external_switch) then
                if (not got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch) then
                    if (inclk0_ipd = '0') then
                        got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch := true;
                    end if;
                    clkin <= transport inclk0_ipd;
                end if;
                clkin <= transport inclk0_ipd;
            end if;
        elsif (inclk1_tmp'event and current_clock = 1) then
            if (external_switch) then
                if (not got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch) then
                    if (inclk1_tmp = '0') then
                        got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch := true;
                    end if;
                    clkin <= transport inclk1_tmp;
                end if;
                clkin <= transport inclk1_tmp;
            end if;
            if (input_value = '1' and enable_switch_over_counter = "on" and primary_clk_is_bad) then
                switch_over_count := switch_over_count + 1;
            end if;
            if (input_value = '0') then
                if (external_switch and (got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch or current_clk_is_bad)) or (primary_clk_is_bad and clkswitch_ipd /= '1' and (enable_switch_over_counter = "off" or switch_over_count = switch_over_counter)) then
                    got_curr_clk_falling_edge_after_clkswitch := false;
                    if (current_clock = 0) then
                        current_clock := 1;
                        current_clock := 0;
                    end if;
                    active_clock := not active_clock;
                    switch_over_count := 0;
                    external_switch := false;
                    current_clk_is_bad := false;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        -- schedule outputs
        clkbad(0) <= clk0_is_bad;
        clkbad(1) <= clk1_is_bad;
        activeclock <= active_clock;
    end process;
    n1 : cycloneiii_mn_cntr
        port map (
                clk           => clkin,
                reset         => areset_ipd,
                cout          => refclk,
                initial_value => n_val,
                modulus       => n_val);
inclk_c0 <= refclk when c0_test_source = 1 else
            fbclk   when c0_test_source = 0 else
    c0 : cycloneiii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c0,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(0),
                initial        => c_initial_val(0),
                high           => c_high_val(0),
                low            => c_low_val(0),
                mode           => c_mode_val(0),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(0));
    inclk_c1 <= refclk when c1_test_source = 1 else
                fbclk  when c1_test_source = 0 else
                c_clk(0) when c1_use_casc_in = "on" else
    c1 : cycloneiii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c1,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(1),
                initial        => c_initial_val(1),
                high           => c_high_val(1),
                low            => c_low_val(1),
                mode           => c_mode_val(1),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(1));
inclk_c2 <= refclk when c2_test_source = 1 else
            fbclk  when c2_test_source = 0 else
            c_clk(1) when c2_use_casc_in = "on" else
    c2 : cycloneiii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c2,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(2),
                initial        => c_initial_val(2),
                high           => c_high_val(2),
                low            => c_low_val(2),
                mode           => c_mode_val(2),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(2));
    inclk_c3 <= refclk when c3_test_source = 1 else
                fbclk  when c3_test_source = 0 else
                c_clk(2) when c3_use_casc_in = "on" else
    c3 : cycloneiii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c3,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(3),
                initial        => c_initial_val(3),
                high           => c_high_val(3),
                low            => c_low_val(3),
                mode           => c_mode_val(3),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(3));
    inclk_c4 <= refclk when c4_test_source = 1 else
                fbclk  when c4_test_source = 0 else
                c_clk(3) when (c4_use_casc_in = "on") else
    c4 : cycloneiii_scale_cntr
        port map (
                clk            => inclk_c4,
                reset          => areset_ena_sig,
                cout           => c_clk(4),
                initial        => c_initial_val(4),
                high           => c_high_val(4),
                low            => c_low_val(4),
                mode           => c_mode_val(4),
                ph_tap         => c_ph_val(4));
    process(inclk_c0, inclk_c1, areset_ipd, sig_stop_vco)
    variable c0_got_first_rising_edge : boolean := false;
    variable c0_count : integer := 2;
    variable c0_initial_count : integer := 1;
    variable c0_tmp, c1_tmp : std_logic := '0';
    variable c1_got_first_rising_edge : boolean := false;
    variable c1_count : integer := 2;
    variable c1_initial_count : integer := 1;
        if (areset_ipd = '1' or sig_stop_vco = '1') then
            c0_count := 2;
            c1_count := 2;
            c0_initial_count := 1;
            c1_initial_count := 1;
            c0_got_first_rising_edge := false;
            c1_got_first_rising_edge := false;
            if (not c0_got_first_rising_edge) then
                if (inclk_c0'event and inclk_c0 = '1') then
                    if (c0_initial_count = c_initial_val(0)) then
                        c0_got_first_rising_edge := true;
                        c0_initial_count := c0_initial_count + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
            elsif (inclk_c0'event) then
                c0_count := c0_count + 1;
                if (c0_count = (c_high_val(0) + c_low_val(0)) * 2) then
                    c0_count := 1;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (inclk_c0'event and inclk_c0 = '0') then
                if (c0_count = 1) then
                    c0_tmp := '1';
                    c0_got_first_rising_edge := false;
                    c0_tmp := '0';
                end if;
            end if;
            if (not c1_got_first_rising_edge) then
                if (inclk_c1'event and inclk_c1 = '1') then
                    if (c1_initial_count = c_initial_val(1)) then
                        c1_got_first_rising_edge := true;
                        c1_initial_count := c1_initial_count + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
            elsif (inclk_c1'event) then
                c1_count := c1_count + 1;
                if (c1_count = (c_high_val(1) + c_low_val(1)) * 2) then
                    c1_count := 1;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (inclk_c1'event and inclk_c1 = '0') then
                if (c1_count = 1) then
                    c1_tmp := '1';
                    c1_got_first_rising_edge := false;
                    c1_tmp := '0';
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
    locked <=   pfd_locked WHEN (test_bypass_lock_detect = "on") ELSE
    process (scandone_tmp)
    variable buf : line;
        if (scandone_tmp'event and scandone_tmp = '1') then
            if (reconfig_err = false) then
                ASSERT false REPORT "PLL Reprogramming completed with the following values (Values in parantheses indicate values before reprogramming) :" severity note;
                write (buf, string'("    N modulus = "));
                write (buf, n_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, n_val_old);
                write (buf, string'(" )"));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    M modulus = "));
                write (buf, m_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, m_val_old);
                write (buf, string'(" )"));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    M ph_tap = "));
                write (buf, m_ph_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, m_ph_val_old);
                write (buf, string'(" )"));
                writeline (output, buf);
                for i in 0 to (num_output_cntrs-1) loop
                    write (buf, cntrs(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" :   high = "));
                    write (buf, c_high_val(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" ("));
                    write (buf, c_high_val_old(i));
                    write (buf, string'(") "));
                    write (buf, string'(" ,   low = "));
                    write (buf, c_low_val(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" ("));
                    write (buf, c_low_val_old(i));
                    write (buf, string'(") "));
                    write (buf, string'(" ,   mode = "));
                    write (buf, c_mode_val(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" ("));
                    write (buf, c_mode_val_old(i));
                    write (buf, string'(") "));
                    write (buf, string'(" ,   phase tap = "));
                    write (buf, c_ph_val(i));
                    write (buf, string'(" ("));
                    write (buf, c_ph_val_old(i));
                    write (buf, string'(") "));
                    writeline(output, buf);
                end loop;
                IF (pll_reconfig_display_full_setting) THEN
                write (buf, string'("    Charge Pump Current (uA) = "));
                write (buf, cp_curr_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, cp_curr_old);
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    Loop Filter Capacitor (pF) = "));
                write (buf, lfc_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, lfc_old);
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    Loop Filter Resistor (Kohm) = "));
                write (buf, lfr_val);
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, lfr_old);
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    Charge Pump Current  (bit setting) = "));
                write (buf, alt_conv_integer(cp_curr_val_bit_setting));
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, alt_conv_integer(cp_curr_old_bit_setting));
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    Loop Filter Capacitor (bit setting)  = "));
                write (buf, alt_conv_integer(lfc_val_bit_setting));
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, alt_conv_integer(lfc_old_bit_setting));
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
                write (buf, string'("    Loop Filter Resistor (bit setting)  = "));
                write (buf, alt_conv_integer(lfr_val_bit_setting));
                write (buf, string'(" ( "));
                write (buf, alt_conv_integer(lfr_old_bit_setting));
                write (buf, string'(" ) "));
                writeline (output, buf);
                END IF;
                cp_curr_old_bit_setting <= cp_curr_val_bit_setting;
                lfc_old_bit_setting <= lfc_val_bit_setting;
                lfr_old_bit_setting <= lfr_val_bit_setting;
            else ASSERT false REPORT "Errors were encountered during PLL reprogramming. Please refer to error/warning messages above." severity warning;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
    update_conf_latches <= configupdate_ipd;
 process (scandone_tmp,areset_ipd,update_conf_latches, c_clk(0), c_clk(1), c_clk(2), c_clk(3), c_clk(4), vco_out, fbclk, scanclk_ipd)
    variable init : boolean := true;
    variable low, high : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    variable low_fast, high_fast : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    variable mode : string(1 to 6) := "bypass";
    variable is_error : boolean := false;
    variable m_tmp, n_tmp : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
    variable lfr_val_tmp : string(1 to 2) := "  ";
    variable c_high_val_tmp,c_hval : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
    variable c_low_val_tmp,c_lval  : int_array(0 to 4) := (OTHERS => 1);
    variable c_mode_val_tmp : str_array(0 to 4);
    variable m_val_tmp      : integer := 0;
    variable c0_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c1_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c2_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c3_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    variable c4_rising_edge_transfer_done : boolean := false;
    -- variables for scaling of multiply_by and divide_by values
    variable i_clk0_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk0_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk1_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk1_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk2_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk2_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk3_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk3_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk4_mult_by    : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk4_div_by     : integer := 1;
    variable max_d_value       : integer := 1;
    variable new_multiplier    : integer := 1;
    -- internal variables for storing the phase shift number.(used in lvds mode only)
    variable i_clk0_phase_shift : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk1_phase_shift : integer := 1;
    variable i_clk2_phase_shift : integer := 1;
    -- user to advanced variables
    variable   max_neg_abs    : integer := 0;
    variable   i_m_initial    : integer;
    variable   i_m            : integer := 1;
    variable   i_n            : integer := 1;
    variable   i_c_high       : int_array(0 to 4);
    variable   i_c_low       : int_array(0 to 4);
    variable   i_c_initial       : int_array(0 to 4);
    variable   i_c_ph       : int_array(0 to 4);
    variable   i_c_mode       : str_array(0 to 4);
    variable   i_m_ph         : integer;
    variable   output_count   : integer;
    variable   new_divisor    : integer;
    variable clk0_cntr : string(1 to 6) := "    c0";
    variable clk1_cntr : string(1 to 6) := "    c1";
    variable clk2_cntr : string(1 to 6) := "    c2";
    variable clk3_cntr : string(1 to 6) := "    c3";
    variable clk4_cntr : string(1 to 6) := "    c4";
    variable fbk_cntr : string(1 to 2);
    variable fbk_cntr_index : integer;
    variable start_bit : integer;
    variable quiet_time : time := 0 ps;
    variable slowest_clk_old : time := 0 ps;
    variable slowest_clk_new : time := 0 ps;
    variable i : integer := 0;
    variable j : integer := 0;
    variable scanread_active_edge : time := 0 ps;
    variable got_first_scanclk : boolean := false;
    variable scanclk_last_rising_edge : time := 0 ps;
    variable current_scan_data : std_logic_vector(0 to 143) := (OTHERS => '0');
    variable index : integer := 0;
    variable Tviol_scandata_scanclk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_scandata_scanclk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable Tviol_scanclkena_scanclk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_scanclkena_scanclk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable scan_chain_length : integer := GPP_SCAN_CHAIN;
    variable tmp_rem : integer := 0;
    variable scanclk_cycles : integer := 0;
    variable lfc_tmp : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    variable lfr_tmp : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
    variable lfr_int : integer := 0;
    variable n_hi,n_lo,m_hi,m_lo : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    variable buf : line;
    variable buf_scan_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO 1) := (OTHERS => '0');
    variable buf_scan_data_2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 TO 2) := (OTHERS => '0');
    function slowest_clk (
            C0 : integer; C0_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C1 : integer; C1_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C2 : integer; C2_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C3 : integer; C3_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C4 : integer; C4_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C5 : integer; C5_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C6 : integer; C6_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C7 : integer; C7_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C8 : integer; C8_mode : string(1 to 6);
            C9 : integer; C9_mode : string(1 to 6);
            refclk : time; m_mod : integer) return time is
    variable max_modulus : integer := 1;
    variable q_period : time := 0 ps;
    variable refclk_int : integer := 0;
        if (C0_mode /= "bypass" and C0_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C0;
        end if;
        if (C1 > max_modulus and C1_mode /= "bypass" and C1_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C1;
        end if;
        if (C2 > max_modulus and C2_mode /= "bypass" and C2_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C2;
        end if;
        if (C3 > max_modulus and C3_mode /= "bypass" and C3_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C3;
        end if;
        if (C4 > max_modulus and C4_mode /= "bypass" and C4_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C4;
        end if;
        if (C5 > max_modulus and C5_mode /= "bypass" and C5_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C5;
        end if;
        if (C6 > max_modulus and C6_mode /= "bypass" and C6_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C6;
        end if;
        if (C7 > max_modulus and C7_mode /= "bypass" and C7_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C7;
        end if;
        if (C8 > max_modulus and C8_mode /= "bypass" and C8_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C8;
        end if;
        if (C9 > max_modulus and C9_mode /= "bypass" and C9_mode /= "   off") then
            max_modulus := C9;
        end if;
        refclk_int := refclk / 1 ps;
        if (m_mod /= 0) then
            q_period := (refclk_int * max_modulus / m_mod) * 1 ps;
        end if;
        return (2*q_period);
    end slowest_clk;
    function int2bin (arg : integer; size : integer) return std_logic_vector is
    variable int_val : integer := arg;
    variable result : std_logic_vector(size-1 downto 0);
        for i in 0 to result'left loop
            if ((int_val mod 2) = 0) then
                result(i) := '0';
                result(i) := '1';
            end if;
            int_val := int_val/2;
        end loop;
        return result;
    end int2bin;
    function extract_cntr_string (arg:string) return string is
    variable str : string(1 to 6) := "    c0";
        if (arg = "c0") then
            str := "    c0";
        elsif (arg = "c1") then
            str := "    c1";
        elsif (arg = "c2") then
            str := "    c2";
        elsif (arg = "c3") then
            str := "    c3";
        elsif (arg = "c4") then
            str := "    c4";
        elsif (arg = "c5") then
            str := "    c5";
        elsif (arg = "c6") then
            str := "    c6";
        elsif (arg = "c7") then
            str := "    c7";
        elsif (arg = "c8") then
            str := "    c8";
        elsif (arg = "c9") then
            str := "    c9";
        else str := "    c0";
        end if;
        return str;
    end extract_cntr_string;
    function extract_cntr_index (arg:string) return integer is
    variable index : integer := 0;
        if (arg(6) = '0') then
            index := 0;
        elsif (arg(6) = '1') then
            index := 1;
        elsif (arg(6) = '2') then
            index := 2;
        elsif (arg(6) = '3') then
            index := 3;
        elsif (arg(6) = '4') then
            index := 4;
        elsif (arg(6) = '5') then
            index := 5;
        elsif (arg(6) = '6') then
            index := 6;
        elsif (arg(6) = '7') then
            index := 7;
        elsif (arg(6) = '8') then
            index := 8;
        else index := 9;
        end if;
        return index;
    end extract_cntr_index;
        IF (areset_ipd'EVENT AND areset_ipd = '1') then
            c_ph_val <= i_c_ph;
        END IF;
        if (init) then
            if (m = 0) then
                clk4_cntr  := "    c4";
                clk3_cntr  := "    c3";
                clk2_cntr  := "    c2";
                clk1_cntr  := "    c1";
                clk0_cntr  := "    c0";
                clk4_cntr  := extract_cntr_string(clk4_counter);
                clk3_cntr  := extract_cntr_string(clk3_counter);
                clk2_cntr  := extract_cntr_string(clk2_counter);
                clk1_cntr  := extract_cntr_string(clk1_counter);
                clk0_cntr  := extract_cntr_string(clk0_counter);
            end if;
            i_clk0_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk0_cntr);
            i_clk1_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk1_cntr);
            i_clk2_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk2_cntr);
            i_clk3_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk3_cntr);
            i_clk4_counter <= extract_cntr_index(clk4_cntr);
            if (m = 0) then  -- convert user parameters to advanced
                -- set the limit of the divide_by value that can be returned by
                -- the following function.
                max_d_value := 500;
                -- scale down the multiply_by and divide_by values provided by the design
                -- before attempting to use them in the calculations below
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk0_multiply_by, clk0_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk0_mult_by, i_clk0_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk1_multiply_by, clk1_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk1_mult_by, i_clk1_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk2_multiply_by, clk2_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk2_mult_by, i_clk2_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk3_multiply_by, clk3_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk3_mult_by, i_clk3_div_by);
                find_simple_integer_fraction(clk4_multiply_by, clk4_divide_by,
                                max_d_value, i_clk4_mult_by, i_clk4_div_by);
                if (vco_frequency_control = "manual_phase") then
                    find_m_and_n_4_manual_phase(inclk0_input_frequency, vco_phase_shift_step,
                                i_clk0_mult_by, i_clk1_mult_by,
                                i_clk2_mult_by, i_clk3_mult_by,
                                i_clk0_div_by, i_clk1_div_by,
                                i_clk2_div_by, i_clk3_div_by,
                        i_m, i_n);
                elsif (((pll_type = "fast") or (pll_type = "lvds") OR (pll_type = "left_right")) and ((vco_multiply_by /= 0) and (vco_divide_by /= 0))) then
                    i_n := vco_divide_by;
                    i_m := vco_multiply_by;
                    i_n := 1;
                    if (((pll_type = "fast") or (pll_type = "left_right")) and (compensate_clock = "lvdsclk")) then
                        i_m := i_clk0_mult_by;
                        i_m := lcm (i_clk0_mult_by, i_clk1_mult_by,
                                i_clk2_mult_by, i_clk3_mult_by,
                    end if;
                end if;
                if (pll_type = "flvds") then
                    -- Need to readjust phase shift values when the clock multiply value has been readjusted.
                    new_multiplier := clk0_multiply_by / i_clk0_mult_by;
                    i_clk0_phase_shift := str2int(clk0_phase_shift) * new_multiplier;
                    i_clk1_phase_shift := str2int(clk1_phase_shift) * new_multiplier;
                    i_clk2_phase_shift := str2int(clk2_phase_shift) * new_multiplier;
                    i_clk0_phase_shift := str2int(clk0_phase_shift);
                    i_clk1_phase_shift := str2int(clk1_phase_shift);
                    i_clk2_phase_shift := str2int(clk2_phase_shift);
                end if;
                max_neg_abs := maxnegabs(i_clk0_phase_shift, 
                i_m_ph  := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(max_neg_abs,inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n); 
                i_c_ph(0) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk0_phase_shift,max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(1) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk1_phase_shift,max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(2) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk2_phase_shift,max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(3) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk3_phase_shift),max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_ph(4) := counter_ph(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk4_phase_shift),max_neg_abs),inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_high(0) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk0_div_by,
                                i_clk0_mult_by, i_m, i_n), clk0_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(1) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk1_div_by,
                                i_clk1_mult_by, i_m, i_n), clk1_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(2) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk2_div_by,
                                i_clk2_mult_by, i_m, i_n), clk2_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(3) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk3_div_by,
                                i_clk3_mult_by, i_m, i_n), clk3_duty_cycle);
                i_c_high(4) := counter_high(output_counter_value(i_clk4_div_by,
                                i_clk4_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk4_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(0)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk0_div_by,
                                i_clk0_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk0_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(1)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk1_div_by,
                                i_clk1_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk1_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(2)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk2_div_by,
                                i_clk2_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk2_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(3)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk3_div_by,
                                i_clk3_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk3_duty_cycle);
                i_c_low(4)  := counter_low(output_counter_value(i_clk4_div_by,
                                i_clk4_mult_by,  i_m, i_n), clk4_duty_cycle);
                i_m_initial  := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(max_neg_abs, inclk0_input_frequency), i_m,i_n);
                i_c_initial(0) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk0_phase_shift, max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(1) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk1_phase_shift, max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(2) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(i_clk2_phase_shift, max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(3) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk3_phase_shift), max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_initial(4) := counter_initial(get_phase_degree(ph_adjust(str2int(clk4_phase_shift), max_neg_abs), inclk0_input_frequency), i_m, i_n);
                i_c_mode(0) := counter_mode(clk0_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk0_div_by, i_clk0_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(1) := counter_mode(clk1_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk1_div_by, i_clk1_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(2) := counter_mode(clk2_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk2_div_by, i_clk2_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(3) := counter_mode(clk3_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk3_div_by, i_clk3_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
                i_c_mode(4) := counter_mode(clk4_duty_cycle, output_counter_value(i_clk4_div_by, i_clk4_mult_by,  i_m, i_n));
            else -- m /= 0
                i_n             := n;
                i_m             := m;
                i_m_initial     := m_initial;
                i_m_ph          := m_ph;
                i_c_ph(0)         := c0_ph;
                i_c_ph(1)         := c1_ph;
                i_c_ph(2)         := c2_ph;
                i_c_ph(3)         := c3_ph;
                i_c_ph(4)         := c4_ph;
                i_c_high(0)       := c0_high;
                i_c_high(1)       := c1_high;
                i_c_high(2)       := c2_high;
                i_c_high(3)       := c3_high;
                i_c_high(4)       := c4_high;
                i_c_low(0)        := c0_low;
                i_c_low(1)        := c1_low;
                i_c_low(2)        := c2_low;
                i_c_low(3)        := c3_low;
                i_c_low(4)        := c4_low;
                i_c_initial(0)    := c0_initial;
                i_c_initial(1)    := c1_initial;
                i_c_initial(2)    := c2_initial;
                i_c_initial(3)    := c3_initial;
                i_c_initial(4)    := c4_initial;
                i_c_mode(0)       := translate_string(c0_mode);
                i_c_mode(1)       := translate_string(c1_mode);
                i_c_mode(2)       := translate_string(c2_mode);
                i_c_mode(3)       := translate_string(c3_mode);
                i_c_mode(4)       := translate_string(c4_mode);
            end if; -- user to advanced conversion.
            m_initial_val <= i_m_initial;
            n_val <= i_n;
            m_val <= i_m;
            if (i_m = 1) then
                m_mode_val <= "bypass";
                m_mode_val <= "      ";
            end if;
            if (i_n = 1) then
                n_mode_val <= "bypass";
                n_mode_val <= "      ";
            end if;
            m_ph_val  <= i_m_ph;
            m_ph_initial <= i_m_ph;
            m_val_tmp := i_m;
            for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (i_c_mode(i) = "bypass") then
                    if (pll_type = "fast" or pll_type = "lvds" OR (pll_type = "left_right")) then
                        i_c_high(i) := 16;
                        i_c_low(i) := 16;
                        i_c_high(i) := 256;
                        i_c_low(i) := 256;
                    end if;
                end if;
                c_ph_val(i)         <= i_c_ph(i);
                c_initial_val(i)    <= i_c_initial(i);
                c_high_val(i)       <= i_c_high(i);
                c_low_val(i)        <= i_c_low(i);
                c_mode_val(i)       <= i_c_mode(i);
                c_high_val_tmp(i)   := i_c_high(i);
                c_hval(i)           := i_c_high(i);
                c_low_val_tmp(i)    := i_c_low(i);
                c_lval(i)           := i_c_low(i);
                c_mode_val_tmp(i)   := i_c_mode(i);
                c_ph_val_orig(i)    <= i_c_ph(i);
                c_high_val_hold(i)  <= i_c_high(i);
                c_low_val_hold(i)   <= i_c_low(i);
                c_mode_val_hold(i)  <= i_c_mode(i);
            end loop;
            scan_chain_length := SCAN_CHAIN;
            num_output_cntrs <= 5;
            init := false;
        elsif (scandone_tmp'EVENT AND scandone_tmp = '1') then
            c0_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c1_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c2_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c3_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            c4_rising_edge_transfer_done := false;
            update_conf_latches_reg <= '0';
        elsif (update_conf_latches'event and update_conf_latches = '1') then
            initiate_reconfig <= '1';
        elsif (areset_ipd'event AND areset_ipd = '1') then
            if (scandone_tmp = '0') then scandone_tmp <= '1' AFTER scanclk_period; end if;
        elsif (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '1') then
            IF (initiate_reconfig = '1') THEN
                initiate_reconfig <= '0';
                ASSERT false REPORT "PLL Reprogramming Initiated" severity note;
                update_conf_latches_reg <= update_conf_latches;
                reconfig_err <= false;
                scandone_tmp <= '0';
                cp_curr_old <= cp_curr_val;    
                lfc_old <= lfc_val;    
                lfr_old <= lfr_val;    
                -- LF unused : bit 0,1
                -- LF Capacitance : bits 2,3 : all values are legal
                buf_scan_data := scan_data(2 TO 3);
                IF ((pll_type = "fast") OR (pll_type = "lvds") OR (pll_type = "left_right")) THEN
                    lfc_val <= fpll_loop_filter_c_arr(alt_conv_integer(buf_scan_data));    
                    lfc_val <= loop_filter_c_arr(alt_conv_integer(buf_scan_data));    
                END IF;
                -- LF Resistance : bits 4-8
                -- valid values - 00000,00100,10000,10100,11000,11011,11100,11110
                IF (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "00000") THEN
                    lfr_val <= "20";
                ELSIF (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "00100") THEN
                    lfr_val <= "16";
                ELSIF (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "10000") THEN
                    lfr_val <= "12";
                ELSIF (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "10100") THEN
                    lfr_val <= "08";
                ELSIF (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "11000") THEN
                    lfr_val <= "06";
                ELSIF (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "11011") THEN
                    lfr_val <= "04";
                ELSIF (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "11100") THEN
                    lfr_val <= "02"; 
                    lfr_val <= "01";
                END IF;
                IF (NOT (((scan_data(4 TO 8) = "00000") OR (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "00100")) OR ((scan_data(4 TO 8) = "10000") OR (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "10100")) OR ((scan_data(4 TO 8) = "11000") OR (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "11011")) OR ((scan_data(4 TO 8) = "11100") OR (scan_data(4 TO 8) = "11110")))) THEN
                    WRITE(buf, string'("Illegal bit settings for Loop Filter Resistance. Legal bit values range from 000000 to 001111, 011000 to 011111, 101000 to 101111 and 111000 to 111111. Reconfiguration may not work."));   
                    reconfig_err <= TRUE;    
                END IF;
                -- CP
                -- Bit 9 : CRBYPASS
                -- Bit 10-14 : unused
                -- Bits 15-17 : all values are legal
                buf_scan_data_2 := scan_data(15 TO 17); 
                cp_curr_val <= charge_pump_curr_arr(alt_conv_integer(buf_scan_data_2));    
                -- save old values for display info.
                cp_curr_val_bit_setting <= scan_data(15 TO 17);
                lfc_val_bit_setting <= scan_data(2 TO 3);
                lfr_val_bit_setting <= scan_data(4 TO 8);
                m_val_old <= m_val;    
                n_val_old <= n_val;    
                m_mode_val_old <= m_mode_val;    
                n_mode_val_old <= n_mode_val;    
                WHILE (i < num_output_cntrs) LOOP
                    c_high_val_old(i) <= c_high_val(i);    
                    c_low_val_old(i) <= c_low_val(i);    
                    c_mode_val_old(i) <= c_mode_val(i);    
                    i := i + 1;
                END LOOP;
                -- M counter
                -- 1. Mode - bypass (bit 18)
                IF (scan_data(18) = '1') THEN
                    m_mode_val <= "bypass";   
                -- 3. Mode - odd/even (bit 27)
                ELSIF (scan_data(27) = '1') THEN
                    m_mode_val <= "   odd";    
                    m_mode_val <= "  even";  
                END IF;
                -- 2. High (bit 19-26)
                m_hi := scan_data(19 TO 26);    
                -- 4. Low (bit 28-35)
                m_lo := scan_data(28 TO 35);    
                -- N counter
                -- 1. Mode - bypass (bit 36)
                IF (scan_data(36) = '1') THEN
                    n_mode_val <= "bypass";    
                -- 3. Mode - odd/even (bit 45)
                ELSIF  (scan_data(45) = '1') THEN
                    n_mode_val <= "   odd";    
                    n_mode_val <= "  even";    
                END IF;
                -- 2. High (bit 37-44)
                n_hi := scan_data(37 TO 44);    
                -- 4. Low (bit 46-53)
                n_lo := scan_data(46 TO 53);    
                -- C counters (start bit 54) bit 1:mode(bypass),bit 2-9:high,bit 10:mode(odd/even),bit 11-18:low
                i := 0;
                WHILE (i < num_output_cntrs) LOOP
                    -- 1. Mode - bypass
                    IF (scan_data(54 + i * 18 + 0) = '1') THEN
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "bypass";    
                    -- 3. Mode - odd/even
                    ELSIF (scan_data(54 + i * 18 + 9) = '1') THEN
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "   odd";    
                        c_mode_val_tmp(i) := "  even";  
                    END IF;
                    -- 2. Hi
                    high := scan_data(54 + i * 18 + 1 TO 54 + i * 18 + 8);
                    c_hval(i) := alt_conv_integer(high);
                    IF (c_hval(i) /= 0) THEN
                        c_high_val_tmp(i) := c_hval(i);
                    END IF;
                    -- 4. Low 
                    low := scan_data(54 + i * 18 + 10 TO 54 + i * 18 + 17);
                    c_lval(i) := alt_conv_integer(low);
                    IF (c_lval(i) /= 0) THEN
                        c_low_val_tmp(i) := c_lval(i);
                    END IF;
                    i := i + 1;
                END LOOP;
        -- Legality Checks
                --  M counter value
                IF ((m_hi /= m_lo) AND (scan_data(18) /= '1')) THEN
                    reconfig_err <= TRUE;    
                    WRITE(buf,string'("Warning : The M counter of the " & family_name & " Fast PLL should be configured for 50%% duty cycle only. In this case the HIGH and LOW moduli programmed will result in a duty cycle other than 50%%, which is illegal. Reconfiguration may not work"));   
                    writeline(output, buf);
                ELSIF (m_hi /= "00000000") THEN
                    m_val_tmp := alt_conv_integer(m_hi) + alt_conv_integer(m_lo);    
                END IF;
                -- N counter value
                IF ((n_hi /= n_lo) AND (scan_data(36) /= '1')) THEN
                    reconfig_err <= TRUE;    
                    WRITE(buf,string'("Warning : The N counter of the " & family_name & " Fast PLL should be configured for 50%% duty cycle only. In this case the HIGH and LOW moduli programmed will result in a duty cycle other than 50%%, which is illegal. Reconfiguration may not work"));   
                    writeline(output, buf);
                ELSIF (n_hi /= "00000000") THEN
                    n_val <= alt_conv_integer(n_hi) + alt_conv_integer(n_lo);    
                END IF;
                -- TODO : Give warnings/errors in the following cases?
                -- 1. Illegal counter values (error)
                -- 2. Change of mode (warning)
                -- 3. Only 50% duty cycle allowed for M counter (odd mode - hi-lo=1,even - hi-lo=0)
             END IF;
        end if;
        if (fbclk'event and fbclk = '1') then
            m_val <= m_val_tmp;
        end if;
        if (update_conf_latches_reg = '1') then
            if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '1') then
                c0_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
                c_high_val(0) <= c_high_val_tmp(0);
                c_mode_val(0) <= c_mode_val_tmp(0);
            end if;
            if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '1') then
                c1_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
                c_high_val(1) <= c_high_val_tmp(1);
                c_mode_val(1) <= c_mode_val_tmp(1);
            end if;
            if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '1') then
                c2_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
                c_high_val(2) <= c_high_val_tmp(2);
                c_mode_val(2) <= c_mode_val_tmp(2);
            end if;
            if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '1') then
                c_high_val(3) <= c_high_val_tmp(3);
                c_mode_val(3) <= c_mode_val_tmp(3);
                c3_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
            end if;
            if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '1') then
                c_high_val(4) <= c_high_val_tmp(4);
                c_mode_val(4) <= c_mode_val_tmp(4);
                c4_rising_edge_transfer_done := true;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '0' and c0_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(0) <= c_low_val_tmp(0);
        end if;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '0' and c1_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(1) <= c_low_val_tmp(1);
        end if;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '0' and c2_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(2) <= c_low_val_tmp(2);
        end if;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '0' and c3_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(3) <= c_low_val_tmp(3);
        end if;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '0' and c4_rising_edge_transfer_done) then
            c_low_val(4) <= c_low_val_tmp(4);
        end if;
        if (update_phase = '1') then
            if (vco_out(0)'event and vco_out(0) = '0') then
                for i in 0 to 4 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = 0) then
                        c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = 0) then
                    m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (vco_out(1)'event and vco_out(1) = '0') then
                for i in 0 to 4 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = 1) then
                        c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = 1) then
                    m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (vco_out(2)'event and vco_out(2) = '0') then
                for i in 0 to 4 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = 2) then
                        c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = 2) then
                    m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (vco_out(3)'event and vco_out(3) = '0') then
                for i in 0 to 4 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = 3) then
                        c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = 3) then
                    m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (vco_out(4)'event and vco_out(4) = '0') then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = 4) then
                        c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = 4) then
                    m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (vco_out(5)'event and vco_out(5) = '0') then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = 5) then
                        c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = 5) then
                    m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (vco_out(6)'event and vco_out(6) = '0') then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = 6) then
                        c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = 6) then
                    m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                end if;
            end if;
            if (vco_out(7)'event and vco_out(7) = '0') then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                    if (c_ph_val(i) = 7) then
                        c_ph_val(i) <= c_ph_val_tmp(i);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if (m_ph_val = 7) then
                    m_ph_val <= m_ph_val_tmp;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (vco_out(0)'event) then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (c_ph_val(i) = 0) then
                    inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_out(0);
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (m_ph_val = 0) then
                inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_out(0);
            end if;
        end if;
        if (vco_out(1)'event) then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (c_ph_val(i) = 1) then
                    inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_out(1);
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (m_ph_val = 1) then
                inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_out(1);
            end if;
        end if;
        if (vco_out(2)'event) then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (c_ph_val(i) = 2) then
                    inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_out(2);
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (m_ph_val = 2) then
                inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_out(2);
            end if;
        end if;
        if (vco_out(3)'event) then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (c_ph_val(i) = 3) then
                    inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_out(3);
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (m_ph_val = 3) then
                inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_out(3);
            end if;
        end if;
        if (vco_out(4)'event) then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (c_ph_val(i) = 4) then
                    inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_out(4);
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (m_ph_val = 4) then
                inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_out(4);
            end if;
        end if;
        if (vco_out(5)'event) then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (c_ph_val(i) = 5) then
                    inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_out(5);
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (m_ph_val = 5) then
                inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_out(5);
            end if;
        end if;
        if (vco_out(6)'event) then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (c_ph_val(i) = 6) then
                    inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_out(6);
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (m_ph_val = 6) then
                inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_out(6);
            end if;
        end if;
        if (vco_out(7)'event) then
               for i in 0 to 4 loop
                if (c_ph_val(i) = 7) then
                    inclk_c_from_vco(i) <= vco_out(7);
                end if;
            end loop;
            if (m_ph_val = 7) then
                inclk_m_from_vco <= vco_out(7);
            end if;
        end if;
     --  Timing Check Section
     if (TimingChecksOn) then
        VitalSetupHoldCheck (
             Violation       => Tviol_scandata_scanclk,
             TimingData      => TimingData_scandata_scanclk,
             TestSignal      => scandata_ipd,
             TestSignalName  => "scandata",
             RefSignal       => scanclk_ipd,
             RefSignalName   => "scanclk",
             SetupHigh       => tsetup_scandata_scanclk_noedge_negedge,
             SetupLow        => tsetup_scandata_scanclk_noedge_negedge,
             HoldHigh        => thold_scandata_scanclk_noedge_negedge,
             HoldLow         => thold_scandata_scanclk_noedge_negedge,
                   CheckEnabled    => TRUE,
             RefTransition   => '\',
             HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/cycloneiii_pll",
             XOn             => XOnChecks,
             MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        VitalSetupHoldCheck (
             Violation       => Tviol_scanclkena_scanclk,
             TimingData      => TimingData_scanclkena_scanclk,
             TestSignal      => scanclkena_ipd,
             TestSignalName  => "scanclkena",
             RefSignal       => scanclk_ipd,
             RefSignalName   => "scanclk",
             SetupHigh       => tsetup_scanclkena_scanclk_noedge_negedge,
             SetupLow        => tsetup_scanclkena_scanclk_noedge_negedge,
             HoldHigh        => thold_scanclkena_scanclk_noedge_negedge,
             HoldLow         => thold_scanclkena_scanclk_noedge_negedge,
                   CheckEnabled    => TRUE,
             RefTransition   => '\',
             HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/cycloneiii_pll",
             XOn             => XOnChecks,
             MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
     end if;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event AND scanclk_ipd = '0' AND now > 0 ps) then
            scanclkena_reg <= scanclkena_ipd;
            if (scanclkena_reg = '1') then
                scandata_in <= scandata_ipd;
                scandata_out <= scandataout_tmp;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (scanclk_ipd'event and scanclk_ipd = '1' and now > 0 ps) then
            if (got_first_scanclk) then
                scanclk_period <= now - scanclk_last_rising_edge;
                got_first_scanclk := true;
            end if;
            if (scanclkena_reg = '1') then
            for j in scan_chain_length - 1 downto 1 loop
                scan_data(j) <= scan_data(j-1);
            end loop;
            scan_data(0) <= scandata_in;
            end if;
            scanclk_last_rising_edge := now;
        end if;
    end process;
-- PLL Phase Reconfiguration
PROCESS(scanclk_ipd, areset_ipd,phasestep_ipd)
    VARIABLE i : INTEGER := 0;
    VARIABLE c_ph : INTEGER := 0;
    VARIABLE m_ph : INTEGER := 0;
    VARIABLE select_counter :  INTEGER := 0;
    IF (NOW = 0 ps) THEN
        m_ph_val_tmp <= m_ph_initial;
    END IF;
    -- Latch phase enable (same as phasestep) on neg edge of scan clock
    IF (scanclk_ipd'EVENT AND scanclk_ipd = '0') THEN
        phasestep_reg <= phasestep_ipd;
    END IF;  
    IF (phasestep_ipd'EVENT and phasestep_ipd = '1') THEN
        IF (update_phase = '0') THEN 
            phasestep_high_count <= 0; -- phase adjustments must be 1 cycle apart
                                       -- if not, next phasestep cycle is skipped
        END IF;
    END IF;     
    -- revert counter phase tap values to POF programmed values
    -- if PLL is reset
    IF (areset_ipd'EVENT AND areset_ipd = '1') then
            c_ph_val_tmp <= c_ph_val_orig;
            m_ph_val_tmp <= m_ph_initial;
    END IF;
    IF (scanclk_ipd'EVENT AND scanclk_ipd = '1') THEN
    IF (phasestep_reg = '1') THEN
       IF (phasestep_high_count = 1) THEN
          phasecounterselect_reg <= phasecounterselect_ipd;
          phaseupdown_reg <= phaseupdown_ipd;
          -- start reconfiguration
           IF (phasecounterselect_ipd < "111")  THEN -- no counters selected
             IF (phasecounterselect_ipd = "000") THEN
                            WHILE (i < num_output_cntrs) LOOP
                                c_ph := c_ph_val(i);
                                IF (phaseupdown_ipd = '1') THEN
                                    c_ph := (c_ph + 1) mod num_phase_taps;
                                ELSIF (c_ph = 0) THEN
                                    c_ph := num_phase_taps - 1;
                                    c_ph := (c_ph - 1) mod num_phase_taps;
                                END IF;
                                c_ph_val_tmp(i) <= c_ph;
                                i := i + 1;
                            END LOOP;
             ELSIF (phasecounterselect_ipd = "001") THEN
                             m_ph := m_ph_val;
                             IF (phaseupdown_ipd = '1') THEN
                                 m_ph := (m_ph + 1) mod num_phase_taps;
                             ELSIF (m_ph = 0) THEN
                                 m_ph := num_phase_taps - 1;
                                 m_ph := (m_ph - 1) mod num_phase_taps;
                             END IF;
                             m_ph_val_tmp <= m_ph;
                             select_counter := alt_conv_integer(phasecounterselect_ipd) - 2;
                             c_ph := c_ph_val(select_counter);
                             IF (phaseupdown_ipd = '1') THEN
                                 c_ph := (c_ph + 1) mod num_phase_taps;
                             ELSIF (c_ph = 0) THEN
                                 c_ph := num_phase_taps - 1;
                                 c_ph := (c_ph - 1) mod num_phase_taps;
                             END IF;
                             c_ph_val_tmp(select_counter) <= c_ph;
                        END IF; 
                      update_phase <= '1','0' AFTER (0.5 * scanclk_period);
                  END IF;
              END IF;
              phasestep_high_count <= phasestep_high_count + 1; 
    END IF;
    END IF;
    scandataout_tmp <= scan_data(SCAN_CHAIN - 2);
    process (schedule_vco, areset_ipd, pfdena_ipd, refclk, fbclk)
    variable sched_time : time := 0 ps;
    TYPE time_array is ARRAY (0 to 7) of time;
    variable init : boolean := true;
    variable refclk_period : time;
    variable m_times_vco_period : time;
    variable new_m_times_vco_period : time;
    variable phase_shift : time_array := (OTHERS => 0 ps);
    variable last_phase_shift : time_array := (OTHERS => 0 ps);
    variable l_index : integer := 1;
    variable cycle_to_adjust : integer := 0;
    variable stop_vco : boolean := false;
    variable locked_tmp : std_logic := '0';
    variable pll_is_locked : boolean := false;
    variable cycles_pfd_low : integer := 0;
    variable cycles_pfd_high : integer := 0;
    variable cycles_to_lock : integer := 0;
    variable cycles_to_unlock : integer := 0;
    variable got_first_refclk : boolean := false;
    variable got_second_refclk : boolean := false;
    variable got_first_fbclk : boolean := false;
    variable refclk_time : time := 0 ps;
    variable fbclk_time : time := 0 ps;
    variable first_fbclk_time : time := 0 ps;
    variable fbclk_period : time := 0 ps;
    variable first_schedule : boolean := true;
    variable vco_val : std_logic := '0';
    variable vco_period_was_phase_adjusted : boolean := false;
    variable phase_adjust_was_scheduled : boolean := false;
    variable loop_xplier : integer;
    variable loop_initial : integer := 0;
    variable loop_ph : integer := 0;
    variable loop_time_delay : integer := 0;
    variable initial_delay : time := 0 ps;
    variable vco_per : time;
    variable tmp_rem : integer;
    variable my_rem : integer;
    variable fbk_phase : integer := 0;
    variable pull_back_M : integer := 0;
    variable total_pull_back : integer := 0;
    variable fbk_delay : integer := 0;
    variable offset : time := 0 ps;
    variable tmp_vco_per : integer := 0;
    variable high_time : time;
    variable low_time : time;
    variable got_refclk_posedge : boolean := false;
    variable got_fbclk_posedge : boolean := false;
    variable inclk_out_of_range : boolean := false;
    variable no_warn : boolean := false;
    variable ext_fbk_cntr_modulus : integer := 1;
    variable init_clks : boolean := true;
    variable pll_is_in_reset : boolean := false;
    variable buf : line;
        if (init) then
            -- jump-start the VCO
            -- add 1 ps delay to ensure all signals are updated to initial
            -- values
            schedule_vco <= transport not schedule_vco after 1 ps;
            init := false;
        end if;
        if (schedule_vco'event) then
            if (init_clks) then
                refclk_period := inclk0_input_frequency * n_val * 1 ps;
                m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                new_m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                init_clks := false;
            end if;
            sched_time := 0 ps;
            for i in 0 to 7 loop
                last_phase_shift(i) := phase_shift(i);
            end loop;
            cycle_to_adjust := 0;
            l_index := 1;
            m_times_vco_period := new_m_times_vco_period;
        end if;
        -- areset was asserted
        if (areset_ipd'event and areset_ipd = '1') then
            assert false report family_name & " PLL was reset" severity note;
            -- reset lock parameters
            pll_is_locked := false;
            cycles_to_lock := 0;
            cycles_to_unlock := 0;
        end if;
        if (schedule_vco'event and (areset_ipd = '1' or stop_vco)) then
            if (areset_ipd = '1') then
                pll_is_in_reset := true;
            end if;
            -- drop VCO taps to 0
            for i in 0 to 7 loop
                vco_out(i) <= transport '0' after last_phase_shift(i);
                phase_shift(i) := 0 ps;
                last_phase_shift(i) := 0 ps;
            end loop;
            -- reset lock parameters
            pll_is_locked := false;
            cycles_to_lock := 0;
            cycles_to_unlock := 0;
            got_first_refclk := false;
            got_second_refclk := false;
            refclk_time := 0 ps;
            got_first_fbclk := false;
            fbclk_time := 0 ps;
            first_fbclk_time := 0 ps;
            fbclk_period := 0 ps;
            first_schedule := true;
            vco_val := '0';
            vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
            phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
        elsif ((schedule_vco'event or areset_ipd'event) and areset_ipd = '0'  and (not stop_vco) and now > 0 ps) then
            -- note areset deassert time
            -- note it as refclk_time to prevent false triggering
            -- of stop_vco after areset
            if (areset_ipd'event and areset_ipd = '0' and pll_is_in_reset) then
                refclk_time := now;
                pll_is_in_reset := false;
                locked_tmp := '0';
            end if;
            -- calculate loop_xplier : this will be different from m_val
            -- in external_feedback_mode
            loop_xplier := m_val;
            loop_initial := m_initial_val - 1;
            loop_ph := m_ph_val;
            -- convert initial value to delay
            initial_delay := (loop_initial * m_times_vco_period)/loop_xplier;
            -- convert loop ph_tap to delay
            my_rem := (m_times_vco_period/1 ps) rem loop_xplier;
            tmp_vco_per := (m_times_vco_period/1 ps) / loop_xplier;
            if (my_rem /= 0) then
                tmp_vco_per := tmp_vco_per + 1;
            end if;
            fbk_phase := (loop_ph * tmp_vco_per)/8;
            pull_back_M := initial_delay/1 ps + fbk_phase;
            total_pull_back := pull_back_M;
            if (simulation_type = "timing") then
                total_pull_back := total_pull_back + pll_compensation_delay;
            end if;
            while (total_pull_back > refclk_period/1 ps) loop
                total_pull_back := total_pull_back - refclk_period/1 ps;
            end loop;
            if (total_pull_back > 0) then
                offset := refclk_period - (total_pull_back * 1 ps);
            end if;
            fbk_delay := total_pull_back - fbk_phase;
            if (fbk_delay < 0) then
                offset := offset - (fbk_phase * 1 ps);
                fbk_delay := total_pull_back;
            end if;
            -- assign m_delay
            m_delay <= transport fbk_delay after 1 ps;
            my_rem := (m_times_vco_period/1 ps) rem loop_xplier;
            for i in 1 to loop_xplier loop
                -- adjust cycles
                tmp_vco_per := (m_times_vco_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier;
                if (my_rem /= 0 and l_index <= my_rem) then
                    tmp_rem := (loop_xplier * l_index) rem my_rem;
                    cycle_to_adjust := (loop_xplier * l_index) / my_rem;
                    if (tmp_rem /= 0) then
                        cycle_to_adjust := cycle_to_adjust + 1;
                    end if;
                end if;
                if (cycle_to_adjust = i) then
                    tmp_vco_per := tmp_vco_per + 1;
                    l_index := l_index + 1;
                end if;
                -- calculate high and low periods
                vco_per := tmp_vco_per * 1 ps;
                high_time := (tmp_vco_per/2) * 1 ps;
                if (tmp_vco_per rem 2 /= 0) then
                    high_time := high_time + 1 ps;
                end if;
                low_time := vco_per - high_time;
                -- schedule the rising and falling edges
                for j in 1 to 2 loop
                    vco_val := not vco_val;
                    if (vco_val = '0') then
                        sched_time := sched_time + high_time;
                    elsif (vco_val = '1') then
                        sched_time := sched_time + low_time;
                    end if;
                    -- schedule the phase taps
                    for k in 0 to 7 loop
                        phase_shift(k) := (k * vco_per)/8;
                        if (first_schedule) then
                            vco_out(k) <= transport vco_val after (sched_time + phase_shift(k));
                            vco_out(k) <= transport vco_val after (sched_time + last_phase_shift(k));
                        end if;
                    end loop;
                end loop;
            end loop;
            -- schedule once more
            if (first_schedule) then
                vco_val := not vco_val;
                if (vco_val = '0') then
                    sched_time := sched_time + high_time;
                elsif (vco_val = '1') then
                    sched_time := sched_time + low_time;
                end if;
                -- schedule the phase taps
                for k in 0 to 7 loop
                    phase_shift(k) := (k * vco_per)/8;
                    vco_out(k) <= transport vco_val after (sched_time + phase_shift(k));
                end loop;
                first_schedule := false;
            end if;
            schedule_vco <= transport not schedule_vco after sched_time;
            if (vco_period_was_phase_adjusted) then
                m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                new_m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
                phase_adjust_was_scheduled := true;
                vco_per := m_times_vco_period/loop_xplier;
                for k in 0 to 7 loop
                    phase_shift(k) := (k * vco_per)/8;
                end loop;
            end if;
        end if;
-- Bypass lock detect
if (refclk'event and refclk = '1' and areset_ipd = '0') then
    if (test_bypass_lock_detect = "on") then
        if (pfdena_ipd = '1') then
            cycles_pfd_low := 0;
            if (pfd_locked = '0') then
                if (cycles_pfd_high = lock_high) then
                    assert false report family_name & " PLL locked in test mode on PFD enable assertion.";
                    pfd_locked <= '1';
                end if;
                cycles_pfd_high := cycles_pfd_high + 1;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (pfdena_ipd = '0') then
            cycles_pfd_high := 0;
            if (pfd_locked = '1') then
                if (cycles_pfd_low = lock_low) then
                    assert false report family_name & " PLL lost lock in test mode on PFD enable de-assertion.";
                    pfd_locked <= '0';
                end if;
                cycles_pfd_low := cycles_pfd_low + 1;
            end if;
        end if;
    end if;
        if (refclk'event and refclk = '1' and areset_ipd = '0') then
            got_refclk_posedge := true;
            if (not got_first_refclk) then
                got_first_refclk := true;
                got_second_refclk := true;
                refclk_period := now - refclk_time;
                -- check if incoming freq. will cause VCO range to be
                -- exceeded
                if ( (vco_max /= 0 and vco_min /= 0 and pfdena_ipd = '1') and
                    (((refclk_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier > vco_max) or
                    ((refclk_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier < vco_min)) ) then
                    if (pll_is_locked) then
                        if ((refclk_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier > vco_max) then
                           assert false report "Input clock freq. is over VCO range. " & family_name & " PLL may lose lock" severity warning;
                           vco_over <= '1';
                        end if;
                        if ((refclk_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier < vco_min) then
                           assert false report "Input clock freq. is under VCO range. " & family_name & " PLL may lose lock" severity warning;
                           vco_under <= '1';
                        end if;
                        if (inclk_out_of_range) then
                            pll_is_locked := false;
                            locked_tmp := '0';
                            cycles_to_lock := 0;
                            vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
                            phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
                            assert false report family_name & " PLL lost lock." severity note;
                        end if;
                    elsif (not no_warn) then
                        if ((refclk_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier > vco_max) then
                           assert false report "Input clock freq. is over VCO range. " & family_name & " PLL may lose lock" severity warning;
                           vco_over <= '1';
                        end if;
                        if ((refclk_period/1 ps)/loop_xplier < vco_min) then
                           assert false report "Input clock freq. is under VCO range. " & family_name & " PLL may lose lock" severity warning;
                           vco_under <= '1';
                        end if;
                        assert false report " Input clock freq. is not within VCO range : " & family_name & " PLL may not lock. Please use the correct frequency." severity warning;
                        no_warn := true;
                    end if;
                    inclk_out_of_range := true;
                    vco_over  <= '0';
                    vco_under <= '0';
                    inclk_out_of_range := false;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
            if (stop_vco) then
                stop_vco := false;
                schedule_vco <= not schedule_vco;
            end if;
            refclk_time := now;
            got_refclk_posedge := false;
        end if;
-- Update M counter value on feedback clock edge
        if (fbclk'event and fbclk = '1') then
            got_fbclk_posedge := true;
            if (not got_first_fbclk) then
                got_first_fbclk := true;
                fbclk_period := now - fbclk_time;
            end if;
            -- need refclk_period here, so initialized to proper value above
            if ( ( (now - refclk_time > 1.5 * refclk_period) and pfdena_ipd = '1' and pll_is_locked) or ( (now - refclk_time > 5 * refclk_period) and pfdena_ipd = '1') ) then
                stop_vco := true;
                -- reset
                got_first_refclk := false;
                got_first_fbclk := false;
                got_second_refclk := false;
                if (pll_is_locked) then
                    pll_is_locked := false;
                    locked_tmp := '0';
                    assert false report family_name & " PLL lost lock due to loss of input clock" severity note;
                end if;
                cycles_to_lock := 0;
                cycles_to_unlock := 0;
                first_schedule := true;
                vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
                phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
            end if;
            fbclk_time := now;
            got_fbclk_posedge := false;
        end if;
        if ((got_refclk_posedge or got_fbclk_posedge) and got_second_refclk and pfdena_ipd = '1' and (not inclk_out_of_range)) then
            -- now we know actual incoming period
            if ( abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time) <= 5 ps or
                (got_first_fbclk and abs(refclk_period - abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time)) <= 5 ps)) then
                -- considered in phase
                if (cycles_to_lock = real_lock_high) then
                    if (not pll_is_locked) then
                        assert false report family_name & " PLL locked to incoming clock" severity note;
                    end if;
                    pll_is_locked := true;
                    locked_tmp := '1';
                    cycles_to_unlock := 0;
                end if;
                -- increment lock counter only if second part of above
                -- time check is NOT true
                if (not(abs(refclk_period - abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time)) <= lock_window)) then
                    cycles_to_lock := cycles_to_lock + 1;
                end if;
                -- adjust m_times_vco_period
                new_m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                -- if locked, begin unlock
                if (pll_is_locked) then
                    cycles_to_unlock := cycles_to_unlock + 1;
                    if (cycles_to_unlock = lock_low) then
                        pll_is_locked := false;
                        locked_tmp := '0';
                        cycles_to_lock := 0;
                        vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := false;
                        phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
                        assert false report family_name & " PLL lost lock." severity note;
                    end if;
                end if;
                if ( abs(refclk_period - fbclk_period) <= 2 ps ) then
                    -- frequency is still good
                    if (now = fbclk_time and (not phase_adjust_was_scheduled)) then
                        if ( abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time) > refclk_period/2) then
                            new_m_times_vco_period := m_times_vco_period + (refclk_period - abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time));
                            vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := true;
                            new_m_times_vco_period := m_times_vco_period - abs(fbclk_time - refclk_time);
                            vco_period_was_phase_adjusted := true;
                        end if;
                    end if;
                    phase_adjust_was_scheduled := false;
                    new_m_times_vco_period := refclk_period;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        if (pfdena_ipd = '0') then
            if (pll_is_locked) then
                locked_tmp := 'X';
            end if;
            pll_is_locked := false;
            cycles_to_lock := 0;
        end if;
        -- give message only at time of deassertion
        if (pfdena_ipd'event and pfdena_ipd = '0') then
            assert false report "PFDENA deasserted." severity note;
        elsif (pfdena_ipd'event and pfdena_ipd = '1') then
            got_first_refclk := false;
            got_second_refclk := false;
            refclk_time := now;
        end if;
        if (reconfig_err) then
            lock <= '0';
            lock <= locked_tmp;
        end if;
        -- signal to calculate quiet_time
        sig_refclk_period <= refclk_period;
        if (stop_vco = true) then
            sig_stop_vco <= '1';
            sig_stop_vco <= '0';
        end if;
        pll_locked <= pll_is_locked;
    end process;
    clk0_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk0_counter);
    clk_pfd(0) <= clk0_tmp WHEN (pfd_locked = '1') ELSE 'X';
    clk(0)   <= clk_pfd(0) WHEN (test_bypass_lock_detect = "on") ELSE 
                clk0_tmp when (areset_ipd = '1' or pll_in_test_mode) or (pll_locked and (not reconfig_err)) else
    clk1_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk1_counter);
    clk_pfd(1) <= clk1_tmp WHEN (pfd_locked = '1') ELSE 'X';
    clk(1)   <= clk_pfd(1) WHEN (test_bypass_lock_detect = "on") ELSE
                clk1_tmp when (areset_ipd = '1' or pll_in_test_mode) or (pll_locked and (not reconfig_err)) else 'X';
    clk2_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk2_counter);
    clk_pfd(2) <= clk2_tmp WHEN (pfd_locked = '1') ELSE 'X';
    clk(2)   <= clk_pfd(2) WHEN (test_bypass_lock_detect = "on") ELSE
                clk2_tmp when (areset_ipd = '1' or pll_in_test_mode) or (pll_locked and (not reconfig_err)) else 'X';
    clk3_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk3_counter);
    clk_pfd(3) <= clk3_tmp WHEN (pfd_locked = '1') ELSE 'X';
    clk(3)   <= clk_pfd(3) WHEN (test_bypass_lock_detect = "on") ELSE
                clk3_tmp when (areset_ipd = '1' or pll_in_test_mode) or (pll_locked and (not reconfig_err)) else 'X';
    clk4_tmp <= c_clk(i_clk4_counter);
    clk_pfd(4) <= clk4_tmp WHEN (pfd_locked = '1') ELSE 'X';
    clk(4)   <= clk_pfd(4) WHEN (test_bypass_lock_detect = "on") ELSE
                clk4_tmp when (areset_ipd = '1' or pll_in_test_mode) or (pll_locked and (not reconfig_err)) else 'X';
scandataout <= scandata_out;
scandone <= NOT scandone_tmp;
phasedone <= NOT update_phase;
end vital_pll;
-- Entity Name :  cycloneiii_ff
-- Description :  Cyclone III FF VHDL simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
use work.cycloneiii_and1;
entity cycloneiii_ff is
    generic (
             power_up : string := "low";
             x_on_violation : string := "on";
             lpm_type : string := "cycloneiii_ff";
             tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_clrn_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_aload_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_asdata_q: VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_asdata : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_sclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_sload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clrn : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_aload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
             TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;
             MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath: STRING := "*"
    port (
          d : in std_logic := '0';
          clk : in std_logic := '0';
          clrn : in std_logic := '1';
          aload : in std_logic := '0';
          sclr : in std_logic := '0';
          sload : in std_logic := '0';
          ena : in std_logic := '1';
          asdata : in std_logic := '0';
          devclrn : in std_logic := '1';
          devpor : in std_logic := '1';
          q : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_ff : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_ff;
architecture vital_lcell_ff of cycloneiii_ff is
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of vital_lcell_ff : architecture is TRUE;
   signal clk_ipd : std_logic;
   signal d_ipd : std_logic;
   signal d_dly : std_logic;
   signal asdata_ipd : std_logic;
   signal asdata_dly : std_logic;
   signal asdata_dly1 : std_logic;
   signal sclr_ipd : std_logic;
   signal sload_ipd : std_logic;
   signal clrn_ipd : std_logic;
   signal aload_ipd : std_logic;
   signal ena_ipd : std_logic;
component cycloneiii_and1
    generic (XOn                  : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOn                : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             tpd_IN1_Y            : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_IN1             : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port    (Y                    :  out   STD_LOGIC;
             IN1                  :  in    STD_LOGIC
end component;
ddelaybuffer: cycloneiii_and1
                   port map(IN1 => d_ipd,
                            Y => d_dly);
asdatadelaybuffer: cycloneiii_and1
                   port map(IN1 => asdata_ipd,
                            Y => asdata_dly);
asdatadelaybuffer1: cycloneiii_and1
                   port map(IN1 => asdata_dly,
                            Y => asdata_dly1);
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (d_ipd, d, tipd_d);
        VitalWireDelay (asdata_ipd, asdata, tipd_asdata);
        VitalWireDelay (sclr_ipd, sclr, tipd_sclr);
        VitalWireDelay (sload_ipd, sload, tipd_sload);
        VitalWireDelay (clrn_ipd, clrn, tipd_clrn);
        VitalWireDelay (aload_ipd, aload, tipd_aload);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    end block;
    VITALtiming : process (clk_ipd, d_dly, asdata_dly1,
                           sclr_ipd, sload_ipd, clrn_ipd, aload_ipd,
                           ena_ipd, devclrn, devpor)
    variable Tviol_d_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_asdata_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_sclr_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_sload_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable Tviol_ena_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_d_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_asdata_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_sclr_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_sload_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable TimingData_ena_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable q_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable iq : std_logic := '0';
    variable idata: std_logic := '0';
    -- variables for 'X' generation
    variable violation : std_logic := '0';
        if (now = 0 ns) then
            if (power_up = "low") then
                iq := '0';
            elsif (power_up = "high") then
                iq := '1';
            end if;
        end if;
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_d_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_d_clk,
                TestSignal      => d,
                TestSignalName  => "DATAIN",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((NOT clrn_ipd) OR
                                          (sload_ipd) OR
                                          (sclr_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_asdata_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_asdata_clk,
                TestSignal      => asdata_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "ASDATA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((NOT clrn_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT sload_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_sclr_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_sclr_clk,
                TestSignal      => sclr_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "SCLR",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((NOT clrn_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_sload_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_sload_clk,
                TestSignal      => sload_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "SLOAD",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((NOT clrn_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ena_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ena_clk,
                TestSignal      => ena_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((NOT clrn_ipd) OR
                                          (NOT devpor) OR
                                          (NOT devclrn) ) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/LCELL_FF",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        violation := Tviol_d_clk or Tviol_asdata_clk or 
                     Tviol_sclr_clk or Tviol_sload_clk or Tviol_ena_clk;
        if ((devpor = '0') or (devclrn = '0') or (clrn_ipd = '1'))  then
            iq := '0';
        elsif (aload_ipd = '1') then
            iq := asdata_dly1;
        elsif (violation = 'X' and x_on_violation = "on") then
            iq := 'X';
        elsif clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and clk_ipd'last_value = '0' then
            if (ena_ipd = '1') then
                if (sclr_ipd = '1') then
                    iq := '0';
                elsif (sload_ipd = '1') then
                    iq := asdata_dly1;
                    iq := d_dly;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => q,
            OutSignalName => "Q",
            OutTemp => iq,
            Paths => (0 => (clrn_ipd'last_event, tpd_clrn_q_posedge, TRUE),
                      1 => (aload_ipd'last_event, tpd_aload_q_posedge, TRUE),
                      2 => (asdata_ipd'last_event, tpd_asdata_q, TRUE),
                      3 => (clk_ipd'last_event, tpd_clk_q_posedge, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => q_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
end vital_lcell_ff;	
-- Module Name     : cycloneiii_ram_register
-- Description     : Register module for RAM inputs/outputs
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_ram_register IS
    width   : INTEGER := 1;
    preset  : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    tipd_d  : VitalDelayArrayType01(143 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01); 
    tipd_clk        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tipd_ena        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
     tipd_stall      : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tipd_aclr       : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tpw_ena_posedge : VitalDelayType   := DefPulseWdthCnst;
    tpd_clk_q_posedge        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tpd_aclr_q_posedge       : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge    : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge     : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge   : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
     tsetup_stall_clk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType   := DefSetupHoldCnst;
     thold_stall_clk_noedge_posedge   : VitalDelayType   := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    tsetup_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType   := DefSetupHoldCnst;
    thold_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge  : VitalDelayType   := DefSetupHoldCnst
    d       : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
    clk     : IN STD_LOGIC;
    ena     : IN STD_LOGIC;
     stall : IN STD_LOGIC;
    aclr    : IN STD_LOGIC;
    devclrn : IN STD_LOGIC;
    devpor  : IN STD_LOGIC;
    q       : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
    aclrout : OUT STD_LOGIC
END cycloneiii_ram_register;
ARCHITECTURE reg_arch OF cycloneiii_ram_register IS
SIGNAL d_ipd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL clk_ipd  : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL ena_ipd  : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL aclr_ipd : STD_LOGIC;
 SIGNAL stall_ipd : STD_LOGIC;
WireDelay : BLOCK
    loopbits : FOR i in d'RANGE GENERATE
        VitalWireDelay (d_ipd(i), d(i), tipd_d(i));
    VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
    VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
    VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
     VitalWireDelay (stall_ipd, stall, tipd_stall);
-- REMCYCLONEIII PROCESS (d_ipd,ena_ipd,clk_ipd,aclr_ipd,devclrn,devpor)
    PROCESS (d_ipd,ena_ipd,stall_ipd,clk_ipd,aclr_ipd,devclrn,devpor)
VARIABLE Tviol_clk_ena        : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
VARIABLE Tviol_clk_aclr       : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
VARIABLE Tviol_data_clk       : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
VARIABLE TimingData_clk_ena   : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
 VARIABLE TimingData_clk_stall   : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
VARIABLE TimingData_clk_aclr  : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
VARIABLE TimingData_data_clk  : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
VARIABLE Tviol_ena            : STD_ULOGIC := '0';
VARIABLE PeriodData_ena       : VitalPeriodDataType := VitalPeriodDataInit;
VARIABLE q_VitalGlitchDataArray : VitalGlitchDataArrayType(143 downto 0);
VARIABLE CQDelay  : TIME := 0 ns;
VARIABLE q_reg    : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => preset);
    IF (aclr_ipd = '1' OR devclrn = '0' OR devpor = '0') THEN
        q_reg := (OTHERS => preset);
        ELSIF (clk_ipd = '1' AND clk_ipd'EVENT AND ena_ipd = '1' AND stall_ipd = '0') THEN
        q_reg := d_ipd;
    END IF;
    -- Timing checks
    VitalSetupHoldCheck (
        Violation       => Tviol_clk_ena,
        TimingData      => TimingData_clk_ena,
        TestSignal      => ena_ipd,
        TestSignalName  => "ena",
        RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
        RefSignalName   => "clk",
        SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
        SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
        CheckEnabled    => ((aclr_ipd) OR (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',                              
        RefTransition   => '/',
        HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalSetupHoldCheck",
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
   VitalSetupHoldCheck (
       Violation       => Tviol_clk_ena,
       TimingData      => TimingData_clk_stall,
       TestSignal      => stall_ipd,
       TestSignalName  => "stall",
       RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
       RefSignalName   => "clk",
       SetupHigh       => tsetup_stall_clk_noedge_posedge,
       SetupLow        => tsetup_stall_clk_noedge_posedge,
       HoldHigh        => thold_stall_clk_noedge_posedge,
       HoldLow         => thold_stall_clk_noedge_posedge,
       CheckEnabled    => ((aclr_ipd) OR (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',                              
       RefTransition   => '/',
       HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalSetupHoldCheck",
       XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
       MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
    VitalSetupHoldCheck (
        Violation       => Tviol_clk_aclr,
        TimingData      => TimingData_clk_aclr,
        TestSignal      => aclr_ipd,
        TestSignalName  => "aclr",
        RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
        RefSignalName   => "clk",
        SetupHigh       => tsetup_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
        SetupLow        => tsetup_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldHigh        => thold_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldLow         => thold_aclr_clk_noedge_posedge,
        CheckEnabled    => ((aclr_ipd) OR (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
        RefTransition   => '/',
        HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalSetupHoldCheck",
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
    VitalSetupHoldCheck (
        Violation       => Tviol_data_clk,
        TimingData      => TimingData_data_clk,
        TestSignal      => d_ipd,
        TestSignalName  => "data",
        RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
        RefSignalName   => "clk",
        SetupHigh       => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
        SetupLow        => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldHigh        => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
        HoldLow         => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
        CheckEnabled    => ((aclr_ipd) OR (NOT ena_ipd)) /= '1',
        RefTransition   => '/',
        HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalSetupHoldCheck",
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
    VitalPeriodPulseCheck (
        Violation       => Tviol_ena,
        PeriodData      => PeriodData_ena,
        TestSignal      => ena_ipd,
        TestSignalName  => "ena",
        PulseWidthHigh  => tpw_ena_posedge,
        HeaderMsg       => "/RAM Register VitalPeriodPulseCheck",
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks );
    -- Path Delay Selection
    CQDelay := SelectDelay (
                   Paths => (
                       (0 => (clk_ipd'LAST_EVENT,tpd_clk_q_posedge,TRUE),
                        1 => (aclr_ipd'LAST_EVENT,tpd_aclr_q_posedge,TRUE))
    q <= TRANSPORT q_reg AFTER CQDelay; 
aclrout <= aclr_ipd;
END reg_arch;
-- Module Name     : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
-- Description     : Generate pulse to initiate memory read/write operations
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator IS
    tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := (0.5 ns,0.5 ns);
    tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
    tpd_clk_pulse_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    clk,ena : IN STD_LOGIC;
delaywrite : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
    pulse,cycle : OUT STD_LOGIC
ATTRIBUTE VITAL_Level0 OF cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator:ENTITY IS TRUE;
END cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator;
ARCHITECTURE pgen_arch OF cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator IS
SIGNAL clk_ipd,ena_ipd : STD_LOGIC;
WireDelay : BLOCK
    VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
    VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
PROCESS (clk_ipd,state)
    IF (state = '1' AND state'EVENT) THEN
        state <= '0';
    ELSIF (clk_ipd = '1' AND clk_ipd'EVENT AND ena_ipd = '1') THEN
        IF (delaywrite = '1') THEN
            state <= '1' AFTER 1 NS; -- delayed write
        state <= '1';
        END IF;
    END IF;
PathDelay : PROCESS
VARIABLE pulse_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    VitalPathDelay01 (
        OutSignal     => pulse,
        OutSignalName => "pulse",
        OutTemp       => state,
        Paths         => (0 => (clk_ipd'LAST_EVENT,tpd_clk_pulse_posedge,TRUE)),
        GlitchData    => pulse_VitalGlitchData,
        Mode          => DefGlitchMode,
        XOn           => DefXOnChecks,
        MsgOn         => DefMsgOnChecks
cycle <= clk_ipd;
END pgen_arch;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_ram_register;
USE work.cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator;
ENTITY cycloneiii_ram_block IS
        -- -------- GLOBAL PARAMETERS ---------
        operation_mode                 :  STRING := "single_port";    
        mixed_port_feed_through_mode   :  STRING := "dont_care";    
        ram_block_type                 :  STRING := "auto";    
        logical_ram_name               :  STRING := "ram_name";    
        init_file                      :  STRING := "init_file.hex";    
        init_file_layout               :  STRING := "none";    
        data_interleave_width_in_bits  :  INTEGER := 1;    
        data_interleave_offset_in_bits :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_a_logical_ram_depth       :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_logical_ram_width       :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_first_address           :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_last_address            :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_first_bit_number        :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_a_address_clear           :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_data_out_clear          :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_data_in_clock           :  STRING := "clock0";    
        port_a_address_clock           :  STRING := "clock0";    
        port_a_write_enable_clock      :  STRING := "clock0";    
        port_a_read_enable_clock     :  STRING := "clock0";           
        port_a_byte_enable_clock       :  STRING := "clock0";    
        port_a_data_out_clock          :  STRING := "none";    
        port_a_data_width              :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_a_address_width           :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_a_byte_enable_mask_width  :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_b_logical_ram_depth       :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_logical_ram_width       :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_first_address           :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_last_address            :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_first_bit_number        :  INTEGER := 0;    
        port_b_address_clear           :  STRING := "none";    
        port_b_data_out_clear          :  STRING := "none";    
        port_b_data_in_clock           :  STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_address_clock           :  STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_write_enable_clock: STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_read_enable_clock: STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_byte_enable_clock       :  STRING := "clock1";    
        port_b_data_out_clock          :  STRING := "none";    
        port_b_data_width              :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_b_address_width           :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_b_byte_enable_mask_width  :  INTEGER := 1;    
        port_a_read_during_write_mode  :  STRING  := "new_data_no_nbe_read";
        port_b_read_during_write_mode  :  STRING  := "new_data_no_nbe_read";    
        power_up_uninitialized         :  STRING := "false";  
         port_b_byte_size : INTEGER := 0;
         port_a_byte_size : INTEGER := 0;  
        safe_write : STRING := "err_on_2clk";  
        init_file_restructured : STRING := "unused";  
        lpm_type                  : string := "cycloneiii_ram_block";
        lpm_hint                  : string := "true";
        clk0_input_clock_enable  : STRING := "none"; -- ena0,ena2,none
        clk0_core_clock_enable   : STRING := "none"; -- ena0,ena2,none
        clk0_output_clock_enable : STRING := "none"; -- ena0,none
        clk1_input_clock_enable  : STRING := "none"; -- ena1,ena3,none
        clk1_core_clock_enable   : STRING := "none"; -- ena1,ena3,none
        clk1_output_clock_enable : STRING := "none"; -- ena1,none
        mem_init0 : BIT_VECTOR  := X"0";
        mem_init1 : BIT_VECTOR  := X"0";
        mem_init2 : BIT_VECTOR := X"0";
        mem_init3 : BIT_VECTOR := X"0";
        mem_init4 : BIT_VECTOR := X"0";
        connectivity_checking     : string := "off"
    -- -------- PORT DECLARATIONS ---------
    PORT (
        portadatain             : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0)    := (OTHERS => '0');   
        portaaddr               : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');   
        portawe                 : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        portare                 : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        portbdatain             : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0)    := (OTHERS => '0');   
        portbaddr               : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');   
        portbwe                 : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        portbre                 : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        clk0                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        clk1                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        ena0                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        ena1                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        ena2                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        ena3                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        clr0                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        clr1                    : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';   
        portabyteenamasks       : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '1');   
        portbbyteenamasks       : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '1');   
        devclrn                 : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
        devpor                  : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';   
          portaaddrstall : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
          portbaddrstall : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
        portadataout            : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);   
        portbdataout            : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0)
END cycloneiii_ram_block;
ARCHITECTURE block_arch OF cycloneiii_ram_block IS
COMPONENT cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
    PORT (
          clk                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
          ena                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
          delaywrite          : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
          pulse                   : OUT STD_LOGIC;
          cycle                   : OUT STD_LOGIC
COMPONENT cycloneiii_ram_register
        preset                    :  STD_LOGIC := '0';
        width                     :  integer := 1
    PORT    (
        d                       : IN  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
        clk                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        aclr                    : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        devclrn                 : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        devpor                  : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        ena                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
         stall                     : IN  STD_LOGIC;
        q                       : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
        aclrout                 : OUT STD_LOGIC
    IF (condition) THEN c := a; ELSE c := b; END IF;
    RETURN c;
CONSTANT primary   : port_type := TRUE;
CONSTANT secondary : port_type := FALSE;
CONSTANT primary_port_is_a : BOOLEAN := (port_b_data_width <= port_a_data_width);
CONSTANT primary_port_is_b : BOOLEAN := NOT primary_port_is_a;
CONSTANT mode_is_rom : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "rom");
CONSTANT mode_is_sp  : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "single_port");
CONSTANT mode_is_dp  : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "dual_port");
CONSTANT mode_is_bdp : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "bidir_dual_port");
CONSTANT wired_mode : BOOLEAN := (port_a_address_width = port_b_address_width) AND (port_a_address_width = 1)
                                  AND (port_a_data_width /= port_b_data_width);
CONSTANT num_cols : INTEGER := cond(mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp,1,
                                    cond(wired_mode,2,2 ** (ABS(port_b_address_width - port_a_address_width))));
CONSTANT data_width      : INTEGER := cond(primary_port_is_a,port_a_data_width,port_b_data_width);
CONSTANT data_unit_width : INTEGER := cond(mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp OR primary_port_is_b,port_a_data_width,port_b_data_width);
CONSTANT address_unit_width : INTEGER := cond(mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp OR primary_port_is_a,port_a_address_width,port_b_address_width);
CONSTANT address_width      : INTEGER := cond(mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp OR primary_port_is_b,port_a_address_width,port_b_address_width);
CONSTANT byte_size_a : INTEGER := port_a_data_width / port_a_byte_enable_mask_width;
CONSTANT byte_size_b : INTEGER := port_b_data_width / port_b_byte_enable_mask_width;    
CONSTANT out_a_is_reg : BOOLEAN := (port_a_data_out_clock /= "none" AND port_a_data_out_clock /= "UNUSED");
CONSTANT out_b_is_reg : BOOLEAN := (port_b_data_out_clock /= "none" AND port_b_data_out_clock /= "UNUSED");
CONSTANT bytes_a_disabled : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
CONSTANT bytes_b_disabled : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_byte_enable_mask_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
   CONSTANT ram_type : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
CONSTANT bool_to_std_logic : bool_to_std_logic_map := ('1','0');
-- Hardware write modes
CONSTANT dual_clock : BOOLEAN := (operation_mode = "dual_port" OR
                                  operation_mode = "bidir_dual_port") AND
                                 (port_b_address_clock = "clock1");
CONSTANT both_new_data_same_port : BOOLEAN := (
                                        ((port_a_read_during_write_mode = "new_data_no_nbe_read") OR
                                         (port_a_read_during_write_mode = "dont_care")) AND
                                        ((port_b_read_during_write_mode = "new_data_no_nbe_read") OR
                                         (port_b_read_during_write_mode = "dont_care"))
SIGNAL hw_write_mode_a : STRING(3 DOWNTO 1);                                    
SIGNAL hw_write_mode_b : STRING(3 DOWNTO 1);
SIGNAL delay_write_pulse_a : STD_LOGIC ;
SIGNAL delay_write_pulse_b : STD_LOGIC ;
CONSTANT be_mask_write_a  : BOOLEAN := (port_a_read_during_write_mode = "new_data_with_nbe_read");
CONSTANT be_mask_write_b  : BOOLEAN := (port_b_read_during_write_mode = "new_data_with_nbe_read");
CONSTANT old_data_write_a : BOOLEAN := (port_a_read_during_write_mode = "old_data");
CONSTANT old_data_write_b : BOOLEAN := (port_b_read_during_write_mode = "old_data");
SIGNAL read_before_write_a : BOOLEAN;
SIGNAL read_before_write_b : BOOLEAN;
-- -------- internal signals ---------
-- clock / clock enable
SIGNAL clk_a_in,clk_b_in : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clk_a_byteena,clk_b_byteena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clk_a_out,clk_b_out : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clkena_a_out,clkena_b_out : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clkena_out_c0, clkena_out_c1 : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL write_cycle_a,write_cycle_b : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clk_a_rena, clk_a_wena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clk_a_core : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clk_b_rena, clk_b_wena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL clk_b_core : STD_LOGIC;
-- asynch clear
TYPE   clear_mode_type IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF BOOLEAN;
TYPE   clear_vec_type  IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL datain_a_clr,datain_b_clr   :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL dataout_a_clr,dataout_b_clr :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL dataout_a_clr_reg, dataout_b_clr_reg : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL dataout_a_clr_reg_in, dataout_b_clr_reg_in : one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL dataout_a_clr_reg_out, dataout_b_clr_reg_out : one_bit_bus_type;
 SIGNAL dataout_a_clr_reg_latch, dataout_b_clr_reg_latch : STD_LOGIC;
 SIGNAL dataout_a_clr_reg_latch_in, dataout_b_clr_reg_latch_in : one_bit_bus_type;
 SIGNAL dataout_a_clr_reg_latch_out, dataout_b_clr_reg_latch_out : one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL addr_a_clr,addr_b_clr       :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL byteena_a_clr,byteena_b_clr :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL we_a_clr,re_a_clr,we_b_clr,re_b_clr : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL datain_a_clr_in,datain_b_clr_in :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL addr_a_clr_in,addr_b_clr_in     :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL byteena_a_clr_in,byteena_b_clr_in  :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL we_a_clr_in,re_a_clr_in,we_b_clr_in,re_b_clr_in : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL mem_invalidate,mem_invalidate_loc,read_latch_invalidate : clear_mode_type;
SIGNAL clear_asserted_during_write :  clear_vec_type;
-- port A registers
SIGNAL we_a_reg                 :  STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL re_a_reg                : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL we_a_reg_in,we_a_reg_out :  one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL re_a_reg_in,re_a_reg_out : one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL addr_a_reg               :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL datain_a_reg             :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL dataout_a_reg            :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL dataout_a                :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL byteena_a_reg            :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_a_byte_enable_mask_width- 1 DOWNTO 0);
-- port B registers
SIGNAL we_b_reg, re_b_reg       : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL re_b_reg_in,re_b_reg_out,we_b_reg_in,we_b_reg_out : one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL addr_b_reg               :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_address_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL datain_b_reg             :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL dataout_b_reg            :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL dataout_b                :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL byteena_b_reg            :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(port_b_byte_enable_mask_width- 1 DOWNTO 0);
-- pulses
TYPE   pulse_vec IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL write_pulse,read_pulse,read_pulse_feedthru : pulse_vec; 
SIGNAL rw_pulse : pulse_vec;
SIGNAL wpgen_a_clk,wpgen_a_clkena,wpgen_b_clk,wpgen_b_clkena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL rpgen_a_clkena,rpgen_b_clkena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL ftpgen_a_clkena,ftpgen_b_clkena : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL rwpgen_a_clkena,rwpgen_b_clkena : STD_LOGIC;
-- registered address
SIGNAL addr_prime_reg,addr_sec_reg :  INTEGER;   
-- input/output
SIGNAL datain_prime_reg,dataout_prime     :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);   
SIGNAL datain_sec_reg,dataout_sec         :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(data_unit_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
--  overlapping location write
SIGNAL dual_write : BOOLEAN; 
--  byte enable mask write
TYPE be_mask_write_vec IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF BOOLEAN;
SIGNAL be_mask_write : be_mask_write_vec; 
-- memory core
SUBTYPE  mem_word_type IS STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
SUBTYPE  mem_col_type  IS STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_unit_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
TYPE     mem_row_type  IS ARRAY (num_cols - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF mem_col_type;
TYPE     mem_type IS ARRAY ((2 ** address_unit_width) - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF mem_row_type;
SIGNAL   mem : mem_type;
SIGNAL   init_mem : BOOLEAN := FALSE;
CONSTANT mem_x : mem_type     := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => (OTHERS => 'X')));
CONSTANT row_x : mem_row_type := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => 'X'));
CONSTANT col_x : mem_col_type := (OTHERS => 'X');
SIGNAL   mem_data : mem_row_type;
SIGNAL   mem_unit_data : mem_col_type;
-- latches
TYPE   read_latch_rec IS RECORD
       prime : mem_row_type;
       sec   : mem_col_type;
SIGNAL read_latch      :  read_latch_rec;
-- (row,column) coordinates
SIGNAL row_sec,col_sec  : INTEGER;
-- byte enable
TYPE   mask_type IS (normal,inverse);
TYPE   mask_prime_type IS ARRAY(mask_type'HIGH DOWNTO mask_type'LOW) OF mem_word_type;
TYPE   mask_sec_type   IS ARRAY(mask_type'HIGH DOWNTO mask_type'LOW) OF mem_col_type;
TYPE   mask_rec IS RECORD
       prime : mask_prime_type;
       sec   : mask_sec_type;
SIGNAL mask_vector : mask_rec;
SIGNAL mask_vector_common : mem_col_type;
FUNCTION get_mask(
    b_ena : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
    mode  : port_type;
    CONSTANT b_ena_width ,byte_size: INTEGER
) RETURN mask_rec IS
VARIABLE mask : mask_rec := (
                                (normal => (OTHERS => '0'),inverse => (OTHERS => 'X')),
                                (normal => (OTHERS => '0'),inverse => (OTHERS => 'X'))
    FOR l in 0 TO b_ena_width - 1  LOOP
        IF (b_ena(l) = '0') THEN 
            IF (mode = primary) THEN
       ((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => 'X');
      *byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => '0');
                mask.sec(normal) ((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => 'X');
                mask.sec(inverse)((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => '0');
            END IF;
        ELSIF (b_ena(l) = 'X' OR b_ena(l) = 'U') THEN 
            IF (mode = primary) THEN
       ((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => 'X');
                mask.sec(normal) ((l+1)*byte_size - 1 DOWNTO l*byte_size) := (OTHERS => 'X');
            END IF;
        END IF;
    RETURN mask;
END get_mask;
-- port active for read/write
SIGNAL active_a_core_in_vec,active_b_core_in_vec,active_a_core_out,active_b_core_out : one_bit_bus_type;
SIGNAL active_a_in,active_b_in   : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL active_write_a :  BOOLEAN;
SIGNAL active_write_b :  BOOLEAN;
SIGNAL active_b_in_c0,active_b_core_in_c0,active_b_in_c1,active_b_core_in_c1 : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL active_a_core_in,active_b_core_in : STD_LOGIC;
SIGNAL active_a_core, active_b_core : BOOLEAN;
SIGNAL wire_vcc : STD_LOGIC := '1';
SIGNAL wire_gnd : STD_LOGIC := '0';
    -- memory initialization
    init_mem <= TRUE;
    -- hardware write modes
    hw_write_mode_a <= "R+W" WHEN ((port_a_read_during_write_mode = "old_data") OR
                                                     (port_a_read_during_write_mode = "new_data_with_nbe_read")) ELSE
                                         " FW"  WHEN (dual_clock OR (
                                                             mixed_port_feed_through_mode = "dont_care" AND 
                                                             )) ELSE
                                         " DW";
    hw_write_mode_b <= "R+W" WHEN ((port_b_read_during_write_mode = "old_data") OR
                                                     (port_b_read_during_write_mode = "new_data_with_nbe_read")) ELSE
                                         " FW"  WHEN (dual_clock OR (
                                                             mixed_port_feed_through_mode = "dont_care" AND 
                                                             )) ELSE
                                         " DW";
    delay_write_pulse_a <= '1' WHEN (hw_write_mode_a /= " FW") ELSE '0';
    delay_write_pulse_b <= '1' WHEN (hw_write_mode_b /= " FW") ELSE '0' ;
    read_before_write_a <= (hw_write_mode_a = "R+W");
    read_before_write_b <= (hw_write_mode_b = "R+W");
    -- -------- core logic ---------------
    clk_a_in      <= clk0;
    clk_a_wena <= '0' WHEN (port_a_write_enable_clock = "none") ELSE clk_a_in;
    clk_a_rena <= '0' WHEN (port_a_read_enable_clock = "none") ELSE clk_a_in;
    clk_a_byteena <= '0'   WHEN (port_a_byte_enable_clock = "none" OR port_a_byte_enable_clock = "UNUSED") ELSE clk_a_in;
    clk_a_out     <= '0'   WHEN (port_a_data_out_clock = "none" OR port_a_data_out_clock = "UNUSED")    ELSE 
                      clk0 WHEN (port_a_data_out_clock = "clock0")  ELSE clk1;
    clk_b_in      <=  clk0 WHEN (port_b_address_clock = "clock0") ELSE clk1;
    clk_b_byteena <=  '0'  WHEN (port_b_byte_enable_clock = "none" OR port_b_byte_enable_clock = "UNUSED") ELSE 
                      clk0 WHEN (port_b_byte_enable_clock = "clock0") ELSE clk1;
    clk_b_wena <= '0'  WHEN (port_b_write_enable_clock = "none") ELSE
                  clk0 WHEN (port_b_write_enable_clock = "clock0") ELSE
    clk_b_rena <= '0'  WHEN (port_b_read_enable_clock = "none") ELSE
                  clk0 WHEN (port_b_read_enable_clock = "clock0") ELSE
    clk_b_out     <=  '0'  WHEN (port_b_data_out_clock = "none" OR port_b_data_out_clock = "UNUSED")    ELSE 
                      clk0 WHEN (port_b_data_out_clock = "clock0")  ELSE clk1;
    addr_a_clr_in <=  '0'  WHEN (port_a_address_clear = "none" OR port_a_address_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE clr0;
    addr_b_clr_in <=  '0'  WHEN (port_b_address_clear = "none" OR port_b_address_clear = "UNUSED") ELSE 
                      clr0 WHEN (port_b_address_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
    datain_a_clr_in <= '0';
    datain_b_clr_in <= '0';
     dataout_a_clr_reg   <= '0' WHEN (port_a_data_out_clear = "none" OR port_a_data_out_clear = "UNUSED")   ELSE 
                            clr0 WHEN (port_a_data_out_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
     dataout_a_clr <= dataout_a_clr_reg WHEN (port_a_data_out_clock = "none" OR port_a_data_out_clock = "UNUSED") ELSE
     dataout_b_clr_reg   <= '0' WHEN (port_b_data_out_clear = "none" OR port_b_data_out_clear = "UNUSED")   ELSE 
                            clr0 WHEN (port_b_data_out_clear = "clear0") ELSE clr1;
     dataout_b_clr <= dataout_b_clr_reg WHEN (port_b_data_out_clock = "none" OR port_b_data_out_clock = "UNUSED") ELSE
    byteena_a_clr_in <= '0';
    byteena_b_clr_in <= '0';
    we_a_clr_in      <= '0';
    re_a_clr_in      <= '0';
    we_b_clr_in    <= '0';
    re_b_clr_in    <= '0';
    active_a_in <= '1'  WHEN (clk0_input_clock_enable = "none") ELSE
                   ena0 WHEN (clk0_input_clock_enable = "ena0") ELSE
    active_a_core_in <= '1'  WHEN (clk0_core_clock_enable = "none") ELSE
                        ena0 WHEN (clk0_core_clock_enable = "ena0") ELSE
    be_mask_write(primary_port_is_a) <= be_mask_write_a;
    be_mask_write(primary_port_is_b) <= be_mask_write_b;
    active_b_in_c0 <= '1'  WHEN (clk0_input_clock_enable = "none") ELSE 
                      ena0 WHEN (clk0_input_clock_enable = "ena0") ELSE
    active_b_in_c1 <= '1'  WHEN (clk1_input_clock_enable = "none") ELSE 
                      ena1 WHEN (clk1_input_clock_enable = "ena1") ELSE
    active_b_in <= active_b_in_c0 WHEN (port_b_address_clock = "clock0")  ELSE active_b_in_c1;
    active_b_core_in_c0 <= '1'  WHEN (clk0_core_clock_enable = "none") ELSE 
                           ena0 WHEN (clk0_core_clock_enable = "ena0") ELSE
    active_b_core_in_c1 <= '1'  WHEN (clk1_core_clock_enable = "none") ELSE 
                           ena1 WHEN (clk1_core_clock_enable = "ena1") ELSE
    active_b_core_in <= active_b_core_in_c0 WHEN (port_b_address_clock = "clock0")  ELSE active_b_core_in_c1;
    active_write_a <= (byteena_a_reg /= bytes_a_disabled);
    active_write_b <= (byteena_b_reg /= bytes_b_disabled);
    -- Store core clock enable value for delayed write
    -- port A core active
    active_a_core_in_vec(0) <= active_a_core_in;
    active_core_port_a : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
        PORT MAP (
            d => active_a_core_in_vec,
            clk => clk_a_in,
            aclr => wire_gnd,
            devclrn => wire_vcc,devpor => wire_vcc,
            ena => wire_vcc,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            q => active_a_core_out
    active_a_core <= (active_a_core_out(0) = '1');
    -- port B core active
    active_b_core_in_vec(0) <= active_b_core_in;
    active_core_port_b : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
        PORT MAP (
            d => active_b_core_in_vec,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => wire_gnd,
            devclrn => wire_vcc,devpor => wire_vcc,
            ena => wire_vcc,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            q => active_b_core_out
    active_b_core <= (active_b_core_out(0) = '1');
    -- ------ A input registers
    -- write enable
    we_a_reg_in(0) <= '0' WHEN mode_is_rom ELSE portawe;
    we_a_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
        PORT MAP (
            d => we_a_reg_in,
            clk => clk_a_wena,
            aclr => we_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => wire_gnd,
             ena => active_a_in,
            q   => we_a_reg_out,
            aclrout => we_a_clr
    we_a_reg <= we_a_reg_out(0);
    -- read enable
    re_a_reg_in(0) <= portare;
    re_a_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
        PORT MAP (
            d => re_a_reg_in,
            clk => clk_a_rena,
            aclr => re_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
         ena => active_a_in,
            q   => re_a_reg_out,
            aclrout => re_a_clr
    re_a_reg <= re_a_reg_out(0);
    -- address
    addr_a_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => port_a_address_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => portaaddr,
            clk => clk_a_in,
            aclr => addr_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => portaaddrstall,
            ena => active_a_in,
            q   => addr_a_reg,
            aclrout => addr_a_clr
    -- data
    datain_a_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => port_a_data_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => portadatain,
            clk => clk_a_in,
            aclr => datain_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_a_in,
            q   => datain_a_reg,
            aclrout => datain_a_clr
    -- byte enable
    byteena_a_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP (
            width  => port_a_byte_enable_mask_width,
            preset => '1'
        PORT MAP (
            d => portabyteenamasks,
            clk => clk_a_byteena,
            aclr => byteena_a_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_a_in,
            q   => byteena_a_reg,
            aclrout => byteena_a_clr
    -- ------ B input registers 
    -- read enable
    re_b_reg_in(0) <= portbre;
    re_b_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP (
            width  => 1
        PORT MAP (
            d => re_b_reg_in,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => re_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
         ena => active_b_in,
            q   => re_b_reg_out,
            aclrout => re_b_clr
    re_b_reg <= re_b_reg_out(0);
    -- write enable
    we_b_reg_in(0) <= portbwe;
    we_b_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP (
            width  => 1
        PORT MAP (
            d => we_b_reg_in,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => we_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
         ena => active_b_in,
            q   => we_b_reg_out,
            aclrout => we_b_clr
    we_b_reg <= we_b_reg_out(0);
    -- address
    addr_b_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width  => port_b_address_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => portbaddr,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => addr_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => portbaddrstall,
            ena => active_b_in,
            q   => addr_b_reg,
            aclrout => addr_b_clr
    -- data
    datain_b_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width  => port_b_data_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => portbdatain,
            clk => clk_b_in,
            aclr => datain_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_b_in,
            q   => datain_b_reg,
            aclrout => datain_b_clr
    -- byte enable
    byteena_b_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP (
            width  => port_b_byte_enable_mask_width,
            preset => '1'
        PORT MAP (
            d => portbbyteenamasks,
            clk => clk_b_byteena,
            aclr => byteena_b_clr_in,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => active_b_in,
            q   => byteena_b_reg,
            aclrout => byteena_b_clr
    datain_prime_reg <= datain_a_reg WHEN primary_port_is_a ELSE datain_b_reg;
    addr_prime_reg   <= alt_conv_integer(addr_a_reg)   WHEN primary_port_is_a ELSE alt_conv_integer(addr_b_reg);
    datain_sec_reg   <= (OTHERS => 'U') WHEN (mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp) ELSE 
                        datain_b_reg    WHEN primary_port_is_a           ELSE datain_a_reg;
    addr_sec_reg     <= alt_conv_integer(addr_b_reg)   WHEN primary_port_is_a ELSE alt_conv_integer(addr_a_reg);
    -- Write pulse generation
    wpgen_a_clk <= clk_a_in;
    wpgen_a_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_a_core AND active_write_a AND (we_a_reg = '1')) ELSE '0';
    wpgen_a : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator 
        PORT MAP (
            clk => wpgen_a_clk,
            ena => wpgen_a_clkena,
   delaywrite => delay_write_pulse_a,
            pulse => write_pulse(primary_port_is_a),
            cycle => write_cycle_a
    wpgen_b_clk <= clk_b_in;
    wpgen_b_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_b_core AND active_write_b AND mode_is_bdp AND (we_b_reg = '1')) ELSE '0';
    wpgen_b : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => wpgen_b_clk,
            ena => wpgen_b_clkena,
   delaywrite => delay_write_pulse_b,
            pulse => write_pulse(primary_port_is_b),
            cycle => write_cycle_b
    -- Read  pulse generation
     rpgen_a_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_a_core AND (re_a_reg = '1') AND (we_a_reg = '0') AND (dataout_a_clr = '0')) ELSE '0';
    rpgen_a : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_a_in,
            ena => rpgen_a_clkena,
            cycle => clk_a_core,
            pulse => read_pulse(primary_port_is_a)
     rpgen_b_clkena <= '1' WHEN ((mode_is_dp OR mode_is_bdp) AND active_b_core AND (re_b_reg = '1') AND (we_b_reg = '0') AND (dataout_b_clr = '0')) ELSE '0'; 
    rpgen_b : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_b_in,
            ena => rpgen_b_clkena,
            cycle => clk_b_core,
            pulse => read_pulse(primary_port_is_b)
    -- Read-during-Write pulse generation
     rwpgen_a_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_a_core AND (re_a_reg = '1') AND (we_a_reg = '1') AND read_before_write_a AND (dataout_a_clr = '0')) ELSE '0';
    rwpgen_a : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_a_in,
            ena => rwpgen_a_clkena,
            pulse => rw_pulse(primary_port_is_a)
     rwpgen_b_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_b_core AND mode_is_bdp AND (re_b_reg = '1') AND (we_b_reg = '1') AND read_before_write_b AND (dataout_b_clr = '0')) ELSE '0';
    rwpgen_b : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_b_in,
            ena => rwpgen_b_clkena,
            pulse => rw_pulse(primary_port_is_b)
    -- Create internal masks for byte enable processing
    mask_create : PROCESS (byteena_a_reg,byteena_b_reg)
    VARIABLE mask : mask_rec;
        IF (byteena_a_reg'EVENT) THEN
            mask := get_mask(byteena_a_reg,primary_port_is_a,port_a_byte_enable_mask_width,byte_size_a);
            IF (primary_port_is_a) THEN
                mask_vector.sec   <= mask.sec;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (byteena_b_reg'EVENT) THEN
            mask := get_mask(byteena_b_reg,primary_port_is_b,port_b_byte_enable_mask_width,byte_size_b);
            IF (primary_port_is_b) THEN
                mask_vector.sec   <= mask.sec;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    END PROCESS mask_create;
    -- (row,col) coordinates
    row_sec <= addr_sec_reg / num_cols;    
    col_sec <= addr_sec_reg mod num_cols;
    mem_rw : PROCESS (init_mem,
                       dataout_a_clr, dataout_b_clr,
    -- mem init
    TYPE rw_type IS ARRAY (port_type'HIGH DOWNTO port_type'LOW) OF BOOLEAN;
    VARIABLE addr_range_init,row,col,index :  INTEGER;
    VARIABLE mem_init_std :  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR((port_a_last_address - port_a_first_address + 1)*port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
    VARIABLE mem_val : mem_type; 
    -- read/write
    VARIABLE mem_data_p : mem_row_type;
    VARIABLE row_prime,col_prime  : INTEGER;
    VARIABLE access_same_location : BOOLEAN;
    VARIABLE read_during_write    : rw_type;
     -- Latch Clear
         IF (dataout_a_clr'EVENT AND dataout_a_clr = '1') THEN
             IF (primary_port_is_a) THEN
        <= (OTHERS => (OTHERS => '0'));
                 dataout_prime <= (OTHERS => '0');
                 read_latch.sec   <= (OTHERS => '0');
                 dataout_sec <= (OTHERS => '0');
             END IF;
         END IF;
         IF (dataout_b_clr'EVENT AND dataout_b_clr = '1') THEN
             IF (primary_port_is_b) THEN
        <= (OTHERS => (OTHERS => '0'));
                 dataout_prime <= (OTHERS => '0');
                 read_latch.sec   <= (OTHERS => '0');
                 dataout_sec <= (OTHERS => '0');
             END IF;
         END IF;
        read_during_write := (FALSE,FALSE);
        -- Memory initialization
        IF (init_mem'EVENT) THEN
            -- Initialize output latches to 0
            IF (primary_port_is_a) THEN
                dataout_prime <= (OTHERS => '0');
                IF (mode_is_dp OR mode_is_bdp) THEN dataout_sec <= (OTHERS => '0'); END IF;
                dataout_sec   <= (OTHERS => '0');
                IF (mode_is_dp OR mode_is_bdp) THEN dataout_prime <= (OTHERS => '0'); END IF;
            END IF;
             IF (power_up_uninitialized = "false" AND (NOT ram_type)) THEN
                 mem_val := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => (OTHERS => '0'))); 
             END IF;
            IF (primary_port_is_a) THEN 
                addr_range_init := port_a_last_address - port_a_first_address + 1;
                addr_range_init := port_b_last_address - port_b_first_address + 1;
            END IF;
            IF (init_file_layout = "port_a" OR init_file_layout = "port_b") THEN
                 mem_init_std := to_stdlogicvector(mem_init4 & mem_init3 & mem_init2 & mem_init1 & mem_init0)((port_a_last_address - port_a_first_address + 1)*port_a_data_width - 1 DOWNTO 0);
                FOR row IN 0 TO addr_range_init - 1 LOOP
                    FOR col IN 0 to num_cols - 1 LOOP
                        index := row * data_width;
                        mem_val(row)(col) := mem_init_std(index + (col+1)*data_unit_width -1 DOWNTO 
                                                          index +  col*data_unit_width);
                    END LOOP;
                END LOOP;
            END IF;
            mem <= mem_val;
        END IF;
        access_same_location := (mode_is_dp OR mode_is_bdp) AND (addr_prime_reg = row_sec);
        -- Read before Write stage 1 : read data from memory
        -- Read before Write stage 2 : send data to output
        IF (rw_pulse(primary)'EVENT) THEN 
            IF (rw_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
       <=  mem(addr_prime_reg);
                IF (be_mask_write(primary)) THEN
                    FOR i IN 0 TO data_width - 1 LOOP
    	                   IF ( = 'X') THEN
    	                       row_prime := i / data_unit_width; col_prime := i mod data_unit_width;
    	                       dataout_prime(i) <=;
    	                   END IF;                       
       	            END LOOP;
   	                FOR i IN 0 TO data_width - 1 LOOP
    	                   row_prime := i / data_unit_width; col_prime := i mod data_unit_width;
    	                   dataout_prime(i) <=;                      
       	            END LOOP;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (rw_pulse(secondary)'EVENT) THEN
            IF (rw_pulse(secondary) = '1') THEN
                read_latch.sec <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec);
                IF (be_mask_write(secondary)) THEN
                    FOR i IN 0 TO data_unit_width - 1 LOOP
    	                   IF (mask_vector.sec(normal)(i) = 'X') THEN
    	                       dataout_sec(i) <= read_latch.sec(i);
    	                   END IF;  
    	               END LOOP;
                    dataout_sec <= read_latch.sec;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        -- Write stage 1 : X to buffer
        -- Write stage 2 : actual data to memory
    	IF (write_pulse(primary)'EVENT) THEN
    	    IF (write_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
    	        mem_data_p := mem(addr_prime_reg);
    	        FOR i IN 0 TO num_cols - 1 LOOP
    	            mem_data_p(i) := mem_data_p(i) XOR 
    	                    + 1)*data_unit_width - 1 DOWNTO i*data_unit_width);
    	        END LOOP;
    	        read_during_write(secondary) := (access_same_location AND read_pulse(secondary)'EVENT AND read_pulse(secondary) = '1');
    	        IF (read_during_write(secondary)) THEN    
    	            read_latch.sec <= mem_data_p(col_sec);
    	            mem_data <= mem_data_p;
    	        END IF;
    	    ELSIF (clear_asserted_during_write(primary) /= '1') THEN
    	        FOR i IN 0 TO data_width - 1 LOOP
    	            IF ( = '0') THEN
    	                mem(addr_prime_reg)(i / data_unit_width)(i mod data_unit_width) <= datain_prime_reg(i);
    	            ELSIF ( = 'X') THEN
    	                mem(addr_prime_reg)(i / data_unit_width)(i mod data_unit_width) <= 'X';
    	            END IF;                       
       	        END LOOP;
    	    END IF;
    	END IF;
    	IF (write_pulse(secondary)'EVENT) THEN
    	    IF (write_pulse(secondary) = '1') THEN
    	        read_during_write(primary) := (access_same_location AND read_pulse(primary)'EVENT AND read_pulse(primary) = '1');
    	        IF (read_during_write(primary)) THEN
    	   <= mem(addr_prime_reg);
    	   <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec) XOR mask_vector.sec(inverse);
    	            mem_unit_data <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec) XOR mask_vector.sec(inverse);
    	        END IF;
    	        IF (access_same_location AND write_pulse(primary)'EVENT AND write_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
    	            mask_vector_common <= 
              + 1)* data_unit_width - 1) DOWNTO col_sec*data_unit_width) AND 
                    dual_write <= TRUE;
    	        END IF;
    	    ELSIF (clear_asserted_during_write(secondary) /= '1') THEN
    	        FOR i IN 0 TO data_unit_width - 1 LOOP
    	            IF (mask_vector.sec(normal)(i) = '0') THEN
    	                mem(row_sec)(col_sec)(i) <= datain_sec_reg(i);
    	            ELSIF (mask_vector.sec(inverse)(i) = 'X') THEN
    	                mem(row_sec)(col_sec)(i) <= 'X';
    	            END IF;                       
       	        END LOOP;
    	    END IF;
    	END IF;
    	-- Simultaneous write
        IF (dual_write AND write_pulse = "00") THEN
           mem(row_sec)(col_sec) <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec) XOR mask_vector_common;
           dual_write <= FALSE;
        END IF;
    	-- Read stage 1 : read data 
    	-- Read stage 2 : send data to output
    	IF ((NOT read_during_write(primary)) AND read_pulse(primary)'EVENT) THEN
    	    IF (read_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
    <= mem(addr_prime_reg);
    	        IF (access_same_location AND write_pulse(secondary) = '1') THEN
    	   <= mem_unit_data;
    	        END IF;    
    	        FOR i IN 0 TO data_width - 1 LOOP
    	            row_prime := i / data_unit_width; col_prime := i mod data_unit_width;
    	            dataout_prime(i) <=;                      
       	        END LOOP;
    	    END IF;
    	END IF;
    	IF ((NOT read_during_write(secondary)) AND read_pulse(secondary)'EVENT) THEN
    	    IF (read_pulse(secondary) = '1') THEN
    	        IF (access_same_location AND write_pulse(primary) = '1') THEN
    	            read_latch.sec <= mem_data(col_sec);
    	            read_latch.sec <= mem(row_sec)(col_sec);
    	        END IF;
    	        dataout_sec <= read_latch.sec;
    	    END IF;
    	END IF;
    	-- Same port feed thru
    	   IF (read_pulse_feedthru(primary)'EVENT AND read_pulse_feedthru(primary) = '0') THEN
        IF (be_mask_write(primary)) THEN
            FOR i IN 0 TO data_width - 1 LOOP
    	           IF ( = '0') THEN
    	               dataout_prime(i) <= datain_prime_reg(i);
    	           END IF;                       
       	    END LOOP;    
            dataout_prime <= datain_prime_reg XOR;
        END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (read_pulse_feedthru(secondary)'EVENT AND read_pulse_feedthru(secondary) = '0') THEN
        IF (be_mask_write(secondary)) THEN
            FOR i IN 0 TO data_unit_width - 1 LOOP
    	           IF (mask_vector.sec(normal)(i) = '0') THEN
    	               dataout_sec(i) <= datain_sec_reg(i);
    	           END IF;                       
       	    END LOOP;    
            dataout_sec <= datain_sec_reg XOR mask_vector.sec(normal);
        END IF;
        END IF;
        -- Async clear
        IF (mem_invalidate'EVENT) THEN
            IF (mem_invalidate(primary) = TRUE OR mem_invalidate(secondary) = TRUE) THEN
                mem <= mem_x;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (mem_invalidate_loc'EVENT) THEN
            IF (mem_invalidate_loc(primary))   THEN mem(addr_prime_reg)   <= row_x;  END IF;
            IF (mem_invalidate_loc(secondary)) THEN mem(row_sec)(col_sec) <= col_x;  END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (read_latch_invalidate'EVENT) THEN
            IF (read_latch_invalidate(primary)) THEN 
       <= row_x; 
            END IF;
            IF (read_latch_invalidate(secondary)) THEN 
                read_latch.sec   <= col_x;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    END PROCESS mem_rw;
    -- Same port feed through
 ftpgen_a_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_a_core AND (NOT mode_is_dp) AND (NOT old_data_write_a) AND (we_a_reg = '1') AND (re_a_reg = '1') AND (dataout_a_clr = '0')) ELSE '0';
    ftpgen_a : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_a_in,
            ena => ftpgen_a_clkena,
            pulse => read_pulse_feedthru(primary_port_is_a)
    ftpgen_b_clkena <= '1' WHEN (active_b_core AND mode_is_bdp AND (NOT old_data_write_b) AND (we_b_reg = '1') AND (re_b_reg = '1') AND (dataout_b_clr = '0')) ELSE '0';
    ftpgen_b : cycloneiii_ram_pulse_generator
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk_b_in,
            ena => ftpgen_b_clkena,
            pulse => read_pulse_feedthru(primary_port_is_b)
    -- Asynch clear events    
    clear_a : PROCESS(addr_a_clr,we_a_clr,datain_a_clr)
        IF (addr_a_clr'EVENT AND addr_a_clr = '1') THEN
            clear_asserted_during_write(primary_port_is_a) <= write_pulse(primary_port_is_a);
            IF (active_write_a AND (write_cycle_a = '1') AND (we_a_reg = '1')) THEN
                mem_invalidate(primary_port_is_a) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
           ELSIF (active_a_core AND re_a_reg = '1' AND dataout_a_clr = '0' AND dataout_a_clr_reg_latch = '0') THEN
                read_latch_invalidate(primary_port_is_a) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF ((we_a_clr'EVENT AND we_a_clr = '1') OR (datain_a_clr'EVENT AND datain_a_clr = '1')) THEN
            clear_asserted_during_write(primary_port_is_a) <= write_pulse(primary_port_is_a);
            IF (active_write_a AND (write_cycle_a = '1') AND (we_a_reg = '1')) THEN
                mem_invalidate_loc(primary_port_is_a) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
                read_latch_invalidate(primary_port_is_a) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    END PROCESS clear_a;
   clear_b : PROCESS(addr_b_clr,we_b_clr,datain_b_clr)
        IF (addr_b_clr'EVENT AND addr_b_clr = '1') THEN
            clear_asserted_during_write(primary_port_is_b) <= write_pulse(primary_port_is_b);
         IF (mode_is_bdp AND active_write_b AND (write_cycle_b = '1') AND (we_b_reg = '1')) THEN   
                mem_invalidate(primary_port_is_b) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
           ELSIF ((mode_is_dp OR mode_is_bdp) AND active_b_core AND re_b_reg = '1' AND dataout_b_clr = '0' AND dataout_b_clr_reg_latch = '0') THEN
                read_latch_invalidate(primary_port_is_b) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        IF ((we_b_clr'EVENT AND we_b_clr = '1') OR (datain_b_clr'EVENT AND datain_b_clr = '1')) THEN
            clear_asserted_during_write(primary_port_is_b) <= write_pulse(primary_port_is_b);
            IF (mode_is_bdp AND active_write_b AND (write_cycle_b = '1') AND (we_b_reg = '1')) THEN
                mem_invalidate_loc(primary_port_is_b) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
                read_latch_invalidate(primary_port_is_b) <= TRUE,FALSE AFTER 0.5 ns;
            END IF;
        END IF;
    END PROCESS clear_b;
     -- Clear mux registers (Latch Clear)
     -- Port A output register clear
     dataout_a_clr_reg_latch_in(0) <= dataout_a_clr;
     aclr_a_mux_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
         GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
         PORT MAP (
            d => dataout_a_clr_reg_latch_in,
            clk => clk_a_core,
            aclr => wire_gnd,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => wire_vcc,
            q   => dataout_a_clr_reg_latch_out
     dataout_a_clr_reg_latch <= dataout_a_clr_reg_latch_out(0);
     -- Port B output register clear
     dataout_b_clr_reg_latch_in(0) <= dataout_b_clr;
     aclr_b_mux_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => 1 )
        PORT MAP (
            d => dataout_b_clr_reg_latch_in,
            clk => clk_b_core,
            aclr => wire_gnd,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
            stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => wire_vcc,
            q   => dataout_b_clr_reg_latch_out
     dataout_b_clr_reg_latch <= dataout_b_clr_reg_latch_out(0);
    -- ------ Output registers
    clkena_out_c0 <= '1'  WHEN (clk0_output_clock_enable = "none") ELSE ena0;
    clkena_out_c1 <= '1'  WHEN (clk1_output_clock_enable = "none") ELSE ena1;
    clkena_a_out    <= clkena_out_c0 WHEN (port_a_data_out_clock = "clock0") ELSE clkena_out_c1;
    clkena_b_out    <= clkena_out_c0 WHEN (port_b_data_out_clock = "clock0") ELSE clkena_out_c1;
    dataout_a <= dataout_prime WHEN primary_port_is_a ELSE dataout_sec;
    dataout_b <= (OTHERS => 'U') WHEN (mode_is_rom OR mode_is_sp) ELSE 
                 dataout_prime   WHEN primary_port_is_b ELSE dataout_sec;
    dataout_a_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => port_a_data_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => dataout_a,
            clk => clk_a_out,
                     aclr => dataout_a_clr_reg,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => clkena_a_out,
            q => dataout_a_reg
    dataout_b_register : cycloneiii_ram_register
        GENERIC MAP ( width => port_b_data_width )
        PORT MAP (
            d => dataout_b,
            clk => clk_b_out,
                     aclr => dataout_b_clr_reg,
            devclrn => devclrn,
            devpor => devpor,
             stall => wire_gnd,
            ena => clkena_b_out,
            q => dataout_b_reg
    portadataout <= dataout_a_reg WHEN out_a_is_reg ELSE dataout_a;
    portbdataout <= dataout_b_reg WHEN out_b_is_reg ELSE dataout_b;
END block_arch;
-- Module Name : cycloneiii_mac_data_reg
-- Description : Simulation model for the data input register of 
--               Cyclone II MAC_MULT
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_mac_data_reg IS
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_data : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tsetup_data_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_data_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_clk_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             data_width : integer := 18
    PORT (
          -- INPUT PORTS
          clk : IN std_logic;   
          data : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
          ena : IN std_logic;   
          aclr : IN std_logic;   
          -- OUTPUT PORTS
          dataout : OUT std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0)
END cycloneiii_mac_data_reg;
ARCHITECTURE vital_cycloneiii_mac_data_reg OF cycloneiii_mac_data_reg IS
    SIGNAL data_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL aclr_ipd : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL clk_ipd : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ena_ipd : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
    WireDelay : block
        g1 : for i in data'range generate
            VitalWireDelay (data_ipd(i), data(i), tipd_data(i));
        end generate;
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    end block;
    VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, aclr_ipd, data_ipd)
    variable Tviol_data_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_data_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable Tviol_ena_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_ena_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_data_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_data_clk,
                TestSignal      => data,
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_data_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_data_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_data_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_data_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr) OR
                                          (NOT ena)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/MAC_DATA_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ena_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ena_clk,
                TestSignal      => ena_ipd,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01(aclr)  /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/MAC_DATA_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        if (aclr_ipd = '1') then
            dataout_tmp <= (OTHERS => '0');
        elsif (clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and (ena_ipd = '1')) then
            dataout_tmp <= data_ipd;
        end if;
    end process;
    --  Path Delay Section
    PathDelay : block
        g1 : for i in dataout_tmp'range generate
          VITALtiming :  process (dataout_tmp(i))
              variable dataout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
            VitalPathDelay01 (OutSignal => dataout(i),
                              OutSignalName => "DATAOUT",
                              OutTemp => dataout_tmp(i),
                              Paths => (0 => (clk_ipd'last_event,  tpd_clk_dataout_posedge,  TRUE),
                                        1 => (aclr_ipd'last_event, tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge, TRUE)),
                              GlitchData => dataout_VitalGlitchData,
                              Mode => DefGlitchMode,
                              XOn  => XOn,
                              MsgOn  => MsgOn);                  
          end process;
        end generate;
    end block;
END vital_cycloneiii_mac_data_reg;
-- Module Name : cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg
-- Description : Simulation model for the sign input register of 
--               Cyclone II MAC_MULT
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg IS
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_aclr_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    PORT (
          -- INPUT PORTS
          clk : IN std_logic;   
          d : IN std_logic;   
          ena : IN std_logic;   
          aclr : IN std_logic;   
          -- OUTPUT PORTS
          q : OUT std_logic
END cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg;
ARCHITECTURE cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg OF cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg IS
    signal d_ipd : std_logic;
    signal clk_ipd : std_logic;
    signal aclr_ipd : std_logic;
    signal ena_ipd : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (d_ipd, d, tipd_d);
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    end block;
    VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, aclr_ipd)
    variable Tviol_d_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_d_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable Tviol_ena_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_ena_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable q_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable q_reg : std_logic := '0';
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_d_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_d_clk,
                TestSignal      => d,
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr) OR
                                          (NOT ena)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/SIGN_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ena_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ena_clk,
                TestSignal      => ena,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01(aclr) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/SIGN_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        if (aclr_ipd = '1') then
            q_reg := '0';
        elsif (clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and (ena_ipd = '1')) then
            q_reg := d_ipd;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => q,
            OutSignalName => "Q",
            OutTemp => q_reg,
            Paths => (0 => (clk_ipd'last_event, tpd_clk_q_posedge, TRUE),
                      1 => (aclr_ipd'last_event, tpd_aclr_q_posedge, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => q_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
END cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg;
-- Module Name : cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal
-- Description : Cyclone II MAC_MULT_INTERNAL VHDL simulation model 
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal IS
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_dataa : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0)
                                   := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_datab : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0)
                                   := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_signa : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_signb : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_datab_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_signa_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_signb_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             dataa_width : integer := 18;    
             datab_width : integer := 18
    PORT (
          dataa : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          datab : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          signa : IN std_logic := '1';
          signb : IN std_logic := '1';
          dataout : OUT std_logic_vector((dataa_width+datab_width)-1 DOWNTO 0)
END cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal;
ARCHITECTURE vital_cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal OF cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal IS
    -- Internal variables
    SIGNAL dataa_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL datab_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL signa_ipd : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL signb_ipd : std_logic;   
    --  padding with 1's for input negation
    SIGNAL reg_aclr : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (dataa_width + datab_width downto 0) := (others => '0');
    WireDelay : block
        g1 : for i in dataa'range generate
            VitalWireDelay (dataa_ipd(i), dataa(i), tipd_dataa(i));
        end generate;
        g2 : for i in datab'range generate
            VitalWireDelay (datab_ipd(i), datab(i), tipd_datab(i));
        end generate;
        VitalWireDelay (signa_ipd, signa, tipd_signa);
        VitalWireDelay (signb_ipd, signb, tipd_signb);
    end block;
    VITALtiming : process(dataa_ipd, datab_ipd, signa_ipd, signb_ipd)
        if((signa_ipd = '0') and (signb_ipd = '1')) then
            dataout_tmp <= 
                unsigned(dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0)) * 
                signed(datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0));
        elsif((signa_ipd = '1') and (signb_ipd = '0')) then
            dataout_tmp <= 
                signed(dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0)) * 
                unsigned(datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0));
        elsif((signa_ipd = '1') and (signb_ipd = '1')) then
            dataout_tmp(dataout'range) <= 
                signed(dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0)) * 
                signed(datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0));
        else --((signa_ipd = '0') and (signb_ipd = '0')) then
            dataout_tmp(dataout'range) <=
                unsigned(dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0)) * 
                unsigned(datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0));
        end if;
    end process;
    --  Path Delay Section
    PathDelay : block
        g1 : for i in dataout'range generate
          VITALtiming :  process (dataout_tmp(i))
              variable dataout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
              VitalPathDelay01 (OutSignal => dataout(i),
                                OutSignalName => "dataout",
                                OutTemp => dataout_tmp(i),
                                Paths => (0 => (dataa_ipd'last_event, tpd_dataa_dataout, TRUE),
                                          1 => (datab_ipd'last_event, tpd_datab_dataout, TRUE),
                                          2 => (signa'last_event, tpd_signa_dataout, TRUE),
                                          3 => (signb'last_event, tpd_signb_dataout, TRUE)),
                                GlitchData => dataout_VitalGlitchData,
                                Mode => DefGlitchMode,
                                MsgOn => FALSE,
                                XOn  => TRUE );
          end process;
        end generate;
    end block;
END vital_cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal;
-- Module Name : cycloneiii_mac_mult
-- Description : Cyclone II MAC_MULT VHDL simulation model 
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_mac_data_reg;
USE work.cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg;
USE work.cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal;
ENTITY cycloneiii_mac_mult IS
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             dataa_width : integer := 18;    
             datab_width : integer := 18;
             dataa_clock : string := "none";    
             datab_clock : string := "none";    
             signa_clock : string := "none";    
             signb_clock : string := "none";    
             lpm_hint : string := "true";    
             lpm_type : string := "cycloneiii_mac_mult"
    PORT (
          dataa : IN std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          datab : IN std_logic_vector(datab_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          signa : IN std_logic := '1';
          signb : IN std_logic := '1';
          clk : IN std_logic := '0';
          aclr : IN std_logic := '0';
          ena : IN std_logic := '0';
          dataout : OUT std_logic_vector((dataa_width+datab_width)-1 DOWNTO 0);   
          devclrn : IN std_logic := '1';
          devpor : IN std_logic := '1'
END cycloneiii_mac_mult;
ARCHITECTURE vital_cycloneiii_mac_mult OF cycloneiii_mac_mult IS
    COMPONENT cycloneiii_mac_data_reg
        GENERIC (
                 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
                 MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
                 XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
                 MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
                 XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
                 InstancePath : STRING := "*";
                 tipd_data : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
                 tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tsetup_data_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 thold_data_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tpd_clk_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 data_width : integer := 18
        PORT (
              -- INPUT PORTS
              clk : IN std_logic;   
              data : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
              ena : IN std_logic;   
              aclr : IN std_logic;   
              -- OUTPUT PORTS
              dataout : OUT std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0)
    COMPONENT cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg
        GENERIC (
                 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
                 MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
                 XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
                 MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
                 XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
                 InstancePath : STRING := "*";
                 tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tpd_aclr_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
        PORT (
              -- INPUT PORTS
              clk : IN std_logic;   
              d : IN std_logic;   
              ena : IN std_logic;   
              aclr : IN std_logic;   
              -- OUTPUT PORTS
              q : OUT std_logic
    COMPONENT cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal 
        GENERIC (
                 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
                 MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
                 XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
                 MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
                 XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
                 InstancePath : STRING := "*";
                 tipd_dataa : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0)
                                       := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
                 tipd_datab : VitalDelayArrayType01(17 downto 0)
                                       := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
                 tipd_signa : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_signb : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tpd_dataa_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tpd_datab_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tpd_signa_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tpd_signb_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 dataa_width : integer := 18;    
                 datab_width : integer := 18
        PORT (
              dataa : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
              datab : IN std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
              signa : IN std_logic := '1';
              signb : IN std_logic := '1';
              dataout : OUT std_logic_vector((dataa_width+datab_width)-1 DOWNTO 0)
    -- Internal variables
    SIGNAL dataa_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL datab_ipd : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   
    SIGNAL idataa_reg : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   --  optional register for dataa input
    SIGNAL idatab_reg : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   --  optional register for datab input
    SIGNAL isigna_reg : std_logic;   --  optional register for signa input
    SIGNAL isignb_reg : std_logic;   --  optional register for signb input
    SIGNAL idataa_int : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   --  dataa as seen by the multiplier input
    SIGNAL idatab_int : std_logic_vector(17 DOWNTO 0);   --  datab as seen by the multiplier input
    SIGNAL isigna_int : std_logic;   --  signa as seen by the multiplier input
    SIGNAL isignb_int : std_logic;   --  signb as seen by the multiplier input
    --  padding with 1's for input negation
    SIGNAL reg_aclr : std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (dataa_width + datab_width downto 0) := (others => '0');
    reg_aclr <= (NOT devpor) OR (NOT devclrn) OR (aclr) ;
    -- padding input data to full bus width
    dataa_ipd(dataa_width-1 downto 0) <= dataa;
    datab_ipd(datab_width-1 downto 0) <= datab;
    -- Optional input registers for dataa,b and signa,b
    dataa_reg : cycloneiii_mac_data_reg 
        GENERIC MAP (
            data_width => dataa_width)
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk,
            data => dataa_ipd,
            ena => ena,
            aclr => reg_aclr,
            dataout => idataa_reg);   
    datab_reg : cycloneiii_mac_data_reg 
        GENERIC MAP (
            data_width => datab_width)
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk,
            data => datab_ipd,
            ena => ena,
            aclr => reg_aclr,
            dataout => idatab_reg);   
    signa_reg : cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg 
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk,
            d => signa,
            ena => ena,
            aclr => reg_aclr,
            q => isigna_reg);   
    signb_reg : cycloneiii_mac_sign_reg 
        PORT MAP (
            clk => clk,
            d => signb,
            ena => ena,
            aclr => reg_aclr,
            q => isignb_reg);   
    idataa_int <= dataa_ipd WHEN (dataa_clock = "none") ELSE idataa_reg;
    idatab_int <= datab_ipd WHEN (datab_clock = "none") ELSE idatab_reg;
    isigna_int <= signa WHEN (signa_clock = "none") ELSE isigna_reg;
    isignb_int <= signb WHEN (signb_clock = "none") ELSE isignb_reg;
    mac_multiply : cycloneiii_mac_mult_internal
        GENERIC MAP (
             dataa_width => dataa_width,
             datab_width => datab_width
        PORT MAP (
              dataa => idataa_int, 
              datab => idatab_int,
              signa => isigna_int,
              signb => isignb_int,
              dataout => dataout
END vital_cycloneiii_mac_mult;
-- Module Name : cycloneiii_mac_out
-- Description : Cyclone II MAC_OUT VHDL simulation model 
USE IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
USE IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
USE work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_mac_out IS
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_dataa : VitalDelayArrayType01(35 downto 0)
                                   := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01);
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_aclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_dataa_dataout : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_clk_dataout_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tsetup_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             dataa_width : integer := 1;
             output_clock : string := "none";    
             lpm_hint : string := "true";    
             lpm_type : string := "cycloneiii_mac_out");    
    PORT (
          dataa : IN std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
          clk : IN std_logic := '0';
          aclr : IN std_logic := '0';
          ena : IN std_logic := '1';
          dataout : OUT std_logic_vector(dataa_width-1 DOWNTO 0);   
          devclrn : IN std_logic := '1';
          devpor : IN std_logic := '1'
END cycloneiii_mac_out;
ARCHITECTURE vital_cycloneiii_mac_out OF cycloneiii_mac_out IS
    --  internal variables
    SIGNAL dataa_ipd : std_logic_vector(dataa'range);
    SIGNAL clk_ipd : std_logic;
    SIGNAL aclr_ipd : std_logic;
    SIGNAL ena_ipd : std_logic;
    --  optional register
    SIGNAL use_reg : std_logic;
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp : std_logic_vector(dataout'range) := (OTHERS => '0');
    -- PATH DELAYs
    WireDelay : block
        g1 : for i in dataa'range generate
            VitalWireDelay (dataa_ipd(i), dataa(i), tipd_dataa(i));
            VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, aclr_ipd, dataout_tmp(i))
              variable dataout_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
                VitalPathDelay01 (
                  OutSignal => dataout(i),
                  OutSignalName => "DATAOUT",
                  OutTemp => dataout_tmp(i),
                  Paths => (0 => (clk_ipd'last_event, tpd_clk_dataout_posedge, use_reg = '1'),
                            1 => (aclr_ipd'last_event, tpd_aclr_dataout_posedge, use_reg = '1'),
                            2 => (dataa_ipd(i)'last_event, tpd_dataa_dataout, use_reg = '0')),
                  GlitchData => dataout_VitalGlitchData,
                  Mode => DefGlitchMode,
                  XOn  => XOn,
                  MsgOn  => MsgOn );
              end process;
        end generate;
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
        VitalWireDelay (aclr_ipd, aclr, tipd_aclr);
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
    end block;
    use_reg <= '1' WHEN (output_clock /= "none") ELSE '0';
    VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, aclr_ipd, dataa_ipd)
    variable Tviol_dataa_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_dataa_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable Tviol_ena_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_ena_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_dataa_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_dataa_clk,
                TestSignal      => dataa,
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_dataa_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr) OR (NOT use_reg) OR
                                          (NOT ena)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/MAC_DATA_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_ena_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_ena_clk,
                TestSignal      => ena,
                TestSignalName  => "ENA",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((aclr) OR 
                                          (NOT use_reg)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/MAC_DATA_REG",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        if (use_reg = '0') then
            dataout_tmp <= dataa_ipd;
            if (aclr_ipd = '1') then
                dataout_tmp <= (OTHERS => '0');
            elsif (clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and (ena_ipd = '1')) then
                dataout_tmp <= dataa_ipd;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
END vital_cycloneiii_mac_out;
-- Entity Name :  cycloneiii_io_ibuf
-- Description :  Cyclone III IO Ibuf VHDL simulation model
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_io_ibuf IS
             tipd_i                  : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_ibar               : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_i_o                 : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_ibar_o              : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             XOn                           : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOn                         : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             differential_mode       :  string := "false";
             bus_hold                :  string := "false";
             lpm_type                :  string := "cycloneiii_io_ibuf"
    PORT (
          i                       : IN std_logic := '0';   
          ibar                    : IN std_logic := '0';   
          o                       : OUT std_logic
END cycloneiii_io_ibuf;
ARCHITECTURE arch OF cycloneiii_io_ibuf IS
    SIGNAL i_ipd    : std_logic := '0';   
    SIGNAL ibar_ipd : std_logic := '0';     
    SIGNAL o_tmp    :  std_logic; 
    SIGNAL out_tmp    :  std_logic;
    SIGNAL prev_value : std_logic := '0'; 
    WireDelay : block
            VitalWireDelay (i_ipd, i, tipd_i);          
            VitalWireDelay (ibar_ipd, ibar, tipd_ibar);
        end block;                                                        
    PROCESS(i_ipd, ibar_ipd)
            IF (differential_mode = "false") THEN         
                IF (i_ipd = '1') THEN                         
                    o_tmp <= '1'; 
                    prev_value <= '1';                            
                ELSIF (i_ipd = '0') THEN                                     
                    o_tmp <= '0';                               
                    prev_value <= '0';
                    o_tmp <= i_ipd;
                END IF;
                IF (( i_ipd =  '0' ) and (ibar_ipd = '1')) then       
                        o_tmp <= '0';                             
                ELSIF (( i_ipd =  '1' ) and (ibar_ipd = '0')) then
                    o_tmp <= '1';                             
                ELSIF((( i_ipd =  '1' ) and (ibar_ipd = '1'))  or (( i_ipd =  '0' ) and (ibar_ipd = '0')))then    
                	o_tmp <= 'X';
                    o_tmp <= 'X';                             
                END IF;                                   
            END IF;        
        END PROCESS;
    out_tmp <= prev_value when (bus_hold = "true") else o_tmp;    
             --  Path Delay Section
    PROCESS( out_tmp)
        variable output_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        VitalPathDelay01 (                                                            
                           OutSignal => o,                                                 
                           OutSignalName => "o",                                           
                           OutTemp => out_tmp,                                               
                           Paths => (0 => (i_ipd'last_event, tpd_i_o, TRUE),             
                                     1 => (ibar_ipd'last_event, tpd_ibar_o, TRUE)),   
                           GlitchData => output_VitalGlitchData,                                
                           Mode => DefGlitchMode,                                                
                           XOn  => XOn,                                                          
                           MsgOn  => MsgOn                                            
 END arch;
-- Entity Name :  cycloneiii_io_obuf
-- Description :  Cyclone III IO Obuf VHDL simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_io_obuf IS
             tipd_i                           : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_oe                          : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_i_o                          : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_oe_o                         : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_i_obar                       : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_oe_obar                      : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             XOn                           : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOn                         : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;  
             open_drain_output                :  string := "false";              
             bus_hold                         :  string := "false";              
             lpm_type                         :  string := "cycloneiii_io_obuf"
    PORT (
           i                       : IN std_logic := '0';                                                 
           oe                      : IN std_logic := '1';                                                 
           seriesterminationcontrol    : IN std_logic_vector(15 DOWNTO 0) := (others => '0'); 
           devoe                       : IN std_logic := '1';
           o                       : OUT std_logic;                                                       
           obar                    : OUT std_logic
END cycloneiii_io_obuf;
ARCHITECTURE arch OF cycloneiii_io_obuf IS
    --INTERNAL Signals
    SIGNAL i_ipd                    : std_logic := '0'; 
    SIGNAL oe_ipd                   : std_logic := '0'; 
    SIGNAL out_tmp                  :  std_logic := 'Z';   
    SIGNAL out_tmp_bar              :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL prev_value               :  std_logic := '0';     
    SIGNAL o_tmp                    :  std_logic;    
    SIGNAL obar_tmp                 :  std_logic;  
    SIGNAL o_tmp1                    :  std_logic;    
    SIGNAL obar_tmp1                 :  std_logic;   
WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (i_ipd, i, tipd_i);          
        VitalWireDelay (oe_ipd, oe, tipd_oe);  
    end block;                                                                              
    PROCESS( i_ipd, oe_ipd)
            IF (oe_ipd = '1') THEN                      
                IF (open_drain_output = "true") THEN
                    IF (i_ipd = '0') THEN               
                        out_tmp <= '0';             
                        out_tmp_bar <= '1';         
                        prev_value <= '0';          
                        out_tmp <= 'Z';             
                        out_tmp_bar <= 'Z';         
                    END IF;                         
                    IF (i_ipd = '0') THEN               
                        out_tmp <= '0';             
                        out_tmp_bar <= '1';         
                        prev_value <= '0';          
                        IF (i_ipd = '1') THEN           
                            out_tmp <= '1';         
                            out_tmp_bar <= '0';     
                            prev_value <= '1';      
                            out_tmp <= i_ipd;           
                            out_tmp_bar <= i_ipd;       
                        END IF;                     
                    END IF;                         
                END IF;                             
                IF (oe_ipd = '0') THEN                  
                    out_tmp <= 'Z';                 
                    out_tmp_bar <= 'Z';             
                    out_tmp <= 'X';                 
                    out_tmp_bar <= 'X';             
                END IF;                             
            END IF;                                     
    o_tmp1 <= prev_value WHEN (bus_hold = "true") ELSE out_tmp;
    obar_tmp1 <= NOT prev_value WHEN (bus_hold = "true") ELSE out_tmp_bar; 
    o_tmp <= o_tmp1 WHEN (devoe = '1') ELSE 'Z';
    obar_tmp <= obar_tmp1 WHEN (devoe = '1') ELSE 'Z';
     --  Path Delay Section
    PROCESS( o_tmp,obar_tmp)
        variable o_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
        variable obar_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
            VitalPathDelay01 (                                                                  
                              OutSignal => o,                                                  
                              OutSignalName => "o",                                            
                              OutTemp => o_tmp,                                                
                              Paths => (0 => (i_ipd'last_event, tpd_i_o, TRUE),                
                                        1 => (oe_ipd'last_event, tpd_oe_o, TRUE)),   
                              GlitchData => o_VitalGlitchData,                           
                              Mode => DefGlitchMode,                                           
                              XOn  => XOn,                                                     
                              MsgOn  => MsgOn                                                  
            VitalPathDelay01 (                                                               
                  OutSignal => obar,                                                
                  OutSignalName => "obar",                                          
                  OutTemp => obar_tmp,                                              
                  Paths => (0 => (i_ipd'last_event, tpd_i_obar, TRUE),              
                            1 => (oe_ipd'last_event, tpd_oe_obar, TRUE)),   
                  GlitchData => obar_VitalGlitchData,                         
                  Mode => DefGlitchMode,                                         
                  XOn  => XOn,                                                   
                  MsgOn  => MsgOn                                                
        END PROCESS;                                                                                                                                              
END arch;
-- Entity Name :  cycloneiii_ddio_oe                                            
-- Description :  Cyclone III DDIO_OE VHDL simulation model
LIBRARY altera;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use altera.altera_primitives_components.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_ddio_oe IS
            tipd_oe                            : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_clk                           : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_ena                           : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_areset                        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_sreset                        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            XOn                                : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;           
            MsgOn                              : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;         
            power_up              :  string := "low";    
            async_mode            :  string := "none";    
            sync_mode             :  string := "none";
            lpm_type              :  string := "cycloneiii_ddio_oe"
    PORT (
          oe                      : IN std_logic := '1';   
          clk                     : IN std_logic := '0';   
          ena                     : IN std_logic := '1';   
          areset                  : IN std_logic := '0';   
          sreset                  : IN std_logic := '0';   
          dataout                 : OUT std_logic;         
          dfflo                   : OUT std_logic;         
          dffhi                   : OUT std_logic;         
          devclrn                 : IN std_logic := '1';               
          devpor                  : IN std_logic := '1'
END cycloneiii_ddio_oe;
ARCHITECTURE arch OF cycloneiii_ddio_oe IS
component cycloneiii_mux21
            TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;                                      
            MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;                                     
            XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;                                         
            InstancePath: STRING := "*";                                          
            tpd_A_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tpd_B_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tpd_S_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tipd_A                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tipd_B                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tipd_S                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
          A : in std_logic := '0';
          B : in std_logic := '0';
          S : in std_logic := '0';
          MO : out std_logic
end component;
component dffeas
    generic (
             power_up : string := "DONT_CARE";                                     
             is_wysiwyg : string := "false";                                       
             x_on_violation : string := "on";                                      
             lpm_type : string := "DFFEAS";                                        
             tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;     
             tsetup_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;  
             tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst; 
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;   
             thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;      
             thold_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst; 
             thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;   
             thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;  
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;    
             tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;               
             tpd_clrn_q_negedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;  
             tpd_prn_q_negedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;               
             tpd_aload_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;             
             tpd_asdata_q: VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                     
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                        
             tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                          
             tipd_asdata : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                     
             tipd_sclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                       
             tipd_sload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                      
             tipd_clrn : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                       
             tipd_prn : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                        
             tipd_aload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                      
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                        
             TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;                                      
             MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;                                     
             XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;                                         
             MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;                               
             XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;                                   
             InstancePath: STRING := "*" 
    port (
           d : in std_logic := '0';      
           clk : in std_logic := '0';    
           ena : in std_logic := '1';    
           clrn : in std_logic := '1';   
           prn : in std_logic := '1';    
           aload : in std_logic := '0';  
           asdata : in std_logic := '1'; 
           sclr : in std_logic := '0';   
           sload : in std_logic := '0';  
           devclrn : in std_logic := '1';
           devpor : in std_logic := '1'; 
           q : out std_logic 
end component;
    --Internal Signals
    SIGNAL oe_ipd               : std_logic := '0';           
    SIGNAL clk_ipd                  : std_logic := '0';                      
    SIGNAL ena_ipd                  : std_logic := '0';           
    SIGNAL areset_ipd               : std_logic := '0';           
    SIGNAL sreset_ipd               : std_logic := '0';           
    SIGNAL ddioreg_aclr             :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ddioreg_prn              :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ddioreg_adatasdata       :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ddioreg_sclr             :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ddioreg_sload            :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dfflo_tmp                :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dffhi_tmp                :  std_logic;  
    signal nclk                     :  std_logic;
    signal dataout_tmp              :  std_logic; 
   WireDelay : block                                             
           VitalWireDelay (oe_ipd, oe, tipd_oe);     
           VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);                         
           VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);              
           VitalWireDelay (areset_ipd, areset, tipd_areset);     
           VitalWireDelay (sreset_ipd, sreset, tipd_sreset);     
       end block;
   nclk <= NOT clk_ipd;
            WAIT UNTIL areset_ipd'EVENT OR sreset_ipd'EVENT;                                               
                IF (async_mode = "clear") THEN                                                             
                    ddioreg_aclr <= NOT areset_ipd;                                                        
                    ddioreg_prn <= '1';                                                                  
                ELSIF (async_mode = "preset") THEN                                                        
                    ddioreg_aclr <= '1';                                           
                    ddioreg_prn <= NOT areset_ipd;                                 
                    ddioreg_aclr <= '1';                                               
                    ddioreg_prn <= '1';                                                
                END IF;   
                IF (sync_mode = "clear") THEN                                  
                    ddioreg_adatasdata <= '0';                                 
                    ddioreg_sclr <= sreset_ipd;                                                    
                    ddioreg_sload <= '0';                                                          
                ELSIF (sync_mode = "preset") THEN                                                 
                    ddioreg_adatasdata <= '1';                                                 
                    ddioreg_sclr <= '0';                                                       
                    ddioreg_sload <= sreset_ipd;                                                              
                    ddioreg_adatasdata <= '0';                                                 
                    ddioreg_sclr <= '0';                                                       
                    ddioreg_sload <= '0';                                                                                                                                               
                END IF;                                                                            
    END PROCESS;                                                             
       ddioreg_hi : dffeas 
        GENERIC MAP (
                     power_up => power_up
        PORT MAP (
                  d => oe_ipd,                     
                  clk => clk_ipd,                  
                  clrn => ddioreg_aclr,        
                  prn => ddioreg_prn,      
                  sclr => ddioreg_sclr,        
                  sload => ddioreg_sload,      
                  asdata => ddioreg_adatasdata,
                  ena => ena_ipd,              
                  q => dffhi_tmp,              
                  devpor => devpor,            
                  devclrn => devclrn           
    --DDIO Low Register
    ddioreg_lo : dffeas 
        GENERIC MAP (
                     power_up => power_up
        PORT MAP (
                  d => dffhi_tmp,              
                  clk => nclk,             
                  clrn => ddioreg_aclr,        
                  prn => ddioreg_prn,      
                  sclr => ddioreg_sclr,        
                  sload => ddioreg_sload,      
                  asdata => ddioreg_adatasdata,
                  ena => ena_ipd,              
                  q => dfflo_tmp,              
                  devpor => devpor,            
                  devclrn => devclrn           
    --registered output 
    or_gate : cycloneiii_mux21
        port map (
                   A => dffhi_tmp,
                   B => dfflo_tmp,
                   S => dfflo_tmp,
                   MO => dataout  
    dfflo <= dfflo_tmp ;
    dffhi <= dffhi_tmp ;
END arch;
-- Entity Name :  cycloneiii_ddio_out
-- Description :  Cyclone III DDIO_OUT VHDL simulation model
LIBRARY altera;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use altera.altera_primitives_components.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_ddio_out IS
            tipd_datainlo                      : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_datainhi                      : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_clk                           : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_ena                           : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_areset                        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            tipd_sreset                        : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
            XOn                                : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;           
            MsgOn                              : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;         
            power_up                           :  string := "low";          
            async_mode                         :  string := "none";       
            sync_mode                          :  string := "none";
            lpm_type                           :  string := "cycloneiii_ddio_out"
    PORT (
          datainlo                : IN std_logic := '0';   
          datainhi                : IN std_logic := '0';   
          clk                     : IN std_logic := '0';   
          ena                     : IN std_logic := '1';   
          areset                  : IN std_logic := '0';   
          sreset                  : IN std_logic := '0';   
          dataout                 : OUT std_logic;         
          dfflo                   : OUT std_logic;         
          dffhi                   : OUT std_logic ;         
          devclrn                 : IN std_logic := '1';   
          devpor                  : IN std_logic := '1'   
END cycloneiii_ddio_out;
ARCHITECTURE arch OF cycloneiii_ddio_out IS
component cycloneiii_mux21
            TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;                                      
            MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;                                     
            XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;                                         
            InstancePath: STRING := "*";                                          
            tpd_A_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tpd_B_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tpd_S_MO                      :   VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tipd_A                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tipd_B                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01; 
            tipd_S                       :    VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
          A : in std_logic := '0';
          B : in std_logic := '0';
          S : in std_logic := '0';
          MO : out std_logic
end component;
component dffeas
    generic (
             power_up : string := "DONT_CARE";                                     
             is_wysiwyg : string := "false";                                       
             x_on_violation : string := "on";                                      
             lpm_type : string := "DFFEAS";                                        
             tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;     
             tsetup_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tsetup_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;  
             tsetup_sload_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst; 
             tsetup_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;   
             thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;      
             thold_asdata_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst; 
             thold_sclr_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;   
             thold_sload_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;  
             thold_ena_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;    
             tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;               
             tpd_clrn_q_negedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tpd_prn_q_negedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;              
             tpd_aload_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;             
             tpd_asdata_q: VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                     
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                        
             tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                          
             tipd_asdata : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                     
             tipd_sclr : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                       
             tipd_sload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                      
             tipd_clrn : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                       
             tipd_prn : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                        
             tipd_aload : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                      
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;                        
             TimingChecksOn: Boolean := True;                                      
             MsgOn: Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;                                     
             XOn: Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;                                         
             MsgOnChecks: Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;                               
             XOnChecks: Boolean := DefXOnChecks;                                   
             InstancePath: STRING := "*" 
    port (
          d : in std_logic := '0';      
          clk : in std_logic := '0';    
          ena : in std_logic := '1';    
          clrn : in std_logic := '1';   
          prn : in std_logic := '1';    
          aload : in std_logic := '0';  
          asdata : in std_logic := '1'; 
          sclr : in std_logic := '0';   
          sload : in std_logic := '0';  
          devclrn : in std_logic := '1';
          devpor : in std_logic := '1'; 
          q : out std_logic
end component;
    --Internal Signals
    SIGNAL datainlo_ipd             : std_logic := '0';  
    SIGNAL datainhi_ipd             : std_logic := '0';             
    SIGNAL clk_ipd                  : std_logic := '0';         
    SIGNAL ena_ipd                  : std_logic := '0';         
    SIGNAL areset_ipd               : std_logic := '0';         
    SIGNAL sreset_ipd               : std_logic := '0';         
    SIGNAL ddioreg_aclr             :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ddioreg_prn              :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ddioreg_adatasdata       :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ddioreg_sclr             :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL ddioreg_sload            :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dfflo_tmp                :  std_logic;   
    SIGNAL dffhi_tmp                :  std_logic;  
    SIGNAL dataout_tmp              :  std_logic; 
    Signal mux_sel                  :  std_logic;
    Signal mux_lo                   :  std_logic;
   Signal sel_mux_lo_in             :  std_logic;
   Signal sel_mux_select            :  std_logic;
   signal clk1                      :  std_logic;
WireDelay : block                                            
        VitalWireDelay (datainlo_ipd, datainlo, tipd_datainlo);  
        VitalWireDelay (datainhi_ipd, datainhi, tipd_datainhi);             
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);             
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);             
        VitalWireDelay (areset_ipd, areset, tipd_areset);    
        VitalWireDelay (sreset_ipd, sreset, tipd_sreset);    
    end block;                                               
            WAIT UNTIL areset_ipd'EVENT OR sreset_ipd'EVENT;                                               
                IF (async_mode = "clear") THEN                                                             
                    ddioreg_aclr <= NOT areset_ipd;                                                        
                    ddioreg_prn <= '1';                                                                  
                ELSIF (async_mode = "preset") THEN                                                        
                    ddioreg_aclr <= '1';                                           
                    ddioreg_prn <= NOT areset_ipd;                                 
                    ddioreg_aclr <= '1';                                               
                    ddioreg_prn <= '1';                                                
                END IF;   
                IF (sync_mode = "clear") THEN                                  
                    ddioreg_adatasdata <= '0';                                 
                    ddioreg_sclr <= sreset_ipd;                                                    
                    ddioreg_sload <= '0';                                                          
                ELSIF (sync_mode = "preset") THEN                                                 
                    ddioreg_adatasdata <= '1';                                                 
                    ddioreg_sclr <= '0';                                                       
                    ddioreg_sload <= sreset_ipd;                                                              
                    ddioreg_adatasdata <= '0';                                                 
                    ddioreg_sclr <= '0';                                                       
                    ddioreg_sload <= '0';                                                                                                                                               
                END IF;                                                                            
    END PROCESS;                    
            clk1 <= clk_ipd;
    end process;
    --DDIO OE Register  
    ddioreg_hi : dffeas 
        GENERIC MAP (
                     power_up => power_up
        PORT MAP (
                  d => datainhi,               
                  clk => clk_ipd,                  
                  clrn => ddioreg_aclr,        
                  prn => ddioreg_prn,      
                  sclr => ddioreg_sclr,        
                  sload => ddioreg_sload,      
                  asdata => ddioreg_adatasdata,
                  ena => ena_ipd,                  
                  q => dffhi_tmp,              
                  devpor => devpor,            
                  devclrn => devclrn           
    --DDIO Low Register
    ddioreg_lo : dffeas 
        GENERIC MAP (
                      power_up => power_up
        PORT MAP (
                  d => datainlo,               
                  clk => clk_ipd,                  
                  clrn => ddioreg_aclr,        
                  prn => ddioreg_prn,      
                  sclr => ddioreg_sclr,        
                  sload => ddioreg_sload,      
                  asdata => ddioreg_adatasdata,
                  ena => ena_ipd,                  
                  q => dfflo_tmp,               
                  devpor => devpor,            
                  devclrn => devclrn           
  mux_sel <= clk1;                      
  mux_lo <= dfflo_tmp;
  sel_mux_lo_in <= dfflo_tmp;       
  sel_mux_select <= mux_sel;        
  sel_mux : cycloneiii_mux21
        port map (
                   A => sel_mux_lo_in,
                   B => dffhi_tmp,
                   S => sel_mux_select,
                   MO => dataout  
    dfflo <= dfflo_tmp;
    dffhi <= dffhi_tmp;
END arch;
-- Module Name     : cycloneiii_io_pad
-- Description     : Simulation model for cycloneiii IO pad
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_io_pad IS
        lpm_type                       :  string := "cycloneiii_io_pad");    
    PORT (
        --INPUT PORTS
        padin                   : IN std_logic := '0';   -- Input Pad
        --OUTPUT PORTS
        padout                  : OUT std_logic);   -- Output Pad
END cycloneiii_io_pad;
ARCHITECTURE arch OF cycloneiii_io_pad IS
    padout <= padin;    
END arch;
-- Entity Name : cycloneiii_ena_reg
-- Description : Simulation model for a simple DFF.
--               This is used for the gated clock generation
--               Powers upto 1.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
ENTITY cycloneiii_ena_reg is
    generic (
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
             tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
             tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    PORT (
          clk : in std_logic;
          ena : in std_logic := '1';
          d : in std_logic;
          clrn : in std_logic := '1';
          prn : in std_logic := '1';
          q : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_ena_reg : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_ena_reg;
ARCHITECTURE behave of cycloneiii_ena_reg is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of behave : architecture is TRUE;
    signal d_ipd : std_logic;
    signal clk_ipd : std_logic;
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (d_ipd, d, tipd_d);
        VitalWireDelay (clk_ipd, clk, tipd_clk);
    end block;
    VITALtiming :  process (clk_ipd, prn, clrn)
    variable Tviol_d_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
    variable TimingData_d_clk : VitalTimingDataType := VitalTimingDataInit;
    variable q_VitalGlitchData : VitalGlitchDataType;
    variable q_reg : std_logic := '1';
        --  Timing Check Section
        if (TimingChecksOn) then
            VitalSetupHoldCheck (
                Violation       => Tviol_d_clk,
                TimingData      => TimingData_d_clk,
                TestSignal      => d,
                TestSignalName  => "D",
                RefSignal       => clk_ipd,
                RefSignalName   => "CLK",
                SetupHigh       => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                SetupLow        => tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldHigh        => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                HoldLow         => thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge,
                CheckEnabled    => TO_X01((clrn) OR
                                          (NOT ena)) /= '1',
                RefTransition   => '/',
                HeaderMsg       => InstancePath & "/cycloneiii_ena_reg",
                XOn             => XOnChecks,
                MsgOn           => MsgOnChecks );
        end if;
        if (prn = '0') then
            q_reg := '1';
        elsif (clrn = '0') then
            q_reg := '0';
        elsif (clk_ipd'event and clk_ipd = '1' and (ena = '1')) then
            q_reg := d_ipd;
        end if;
        --  Path Delay Section
        VitalPathDelay01 (
            OutSignal => q,
            OutSignalName => "Q",
            OutTemp => q_reg,
            Paths => (0 => (clk_ipd'last_event, tpd_clk_q_posedge, TRUE)),
            GlitchData => q_VitalGlitchData,
            Mode => DefGlitchMode,
            XOn  => XOn,
            MsgOn  => MsgOn );
    end process;
end behave;
--              VHDL Simulation Model for Cyclone III CLKCTRL Atom
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Timing.all;
use IEEE.VITAL_Primitives.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
use work.cycloneiii_ena_reg;
entity cycloneiii_clkctrl is
    generic (
             clock_type : STRING := "Auto";
             lpm_type : STRING := "cycloneiii_clkctrl";
             ena_register_mode : STRING := "Falling Edge";
             TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
             MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
             XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
             MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
             XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
             InstancePath : STRING := "*";
             tipd_inclk : VitalDelayArrayType01(3 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01); 
             tipd_clkselect : VitalDelayArrayType01(1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => DefPropDelay01); 
             tipd_ena : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
    port (
          inclk : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
          clkselect : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
          ena : in std_logic := '1';
          devclrn : in std_logic := '1';
          devpor : in std_logic := '1';
          outclk : out std_logic
   attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of cycloneiii_clkctrl : entity is TRUE;
end cycloneiii_clkctrl;
architecture vital_clkctrl of cycloneiii_clkctrl is
    attribute VITAL_LEVEL0 of vital_clkctrl : architecture is TRUE;
    component cycloneiii_ena_reg
        generic (
                 TimingChecksOn : Boolean := True;
                 MsgOn : Boolean := DefGlitchMsgOn;
                 XOn : Boolean := DefGlitchXOn;
                 MsgOnChecks : Boolean := DefMsgOnChecks;
                 XOnChecks : Boolean := DefXOnChecks;
                 InstancePath : STRING := "*";
                 tsetup_d_clk_noedge_posedge : VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 thold_d_clk_noedge_posedge	: VitalDelayType := DefSetupHoldCnst;
                 tpd_clk_q_posedge : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_d : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01;
                 tipd_clk : VitalDelayType01 := DefPropDelay01
        PORT (
              clk : in std_logic;
              ena : in std_logic := '1';
              d : in std_logic;
              clrn : in std_logic := '1';
              prn : in std_logic := '1';
              q : out std_logic
    end component;
    signal inclk_ipd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    signal clkselect_ipd : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    signal ena_ipd : std_logic;
    signal clkmux_out : std_logic;
    signal clkmux_out_inv : std_logic;
    signal cereg_clr : std_logic;
    signal cereg1_out : std_logic;
    signal cereg2_out : std_logic;
    signal ena_out : std_logic;
    signal vcc : std_logic := '1';
    WireDelay : block
        VitalWireDelay (ena_ipd, ena, tipd_ena);
        VitalWireDelay (inclk_ipd(0), inclk(0), tipd_inclk(0));
        VitalWireDelay (inclk_ipd(1), inclk(1), tipd_inclk(1));
        VitalWireDelay (inclk_ipd(2), inclk(2), tipd_inclk(2));
        VitalWireDelay (inclk_ipd(3), inclk(3), tipd_inclk(3));
        VitalWireDelay (clkselect_ipd(0), clkselect(0), tipd_clkselect(0));
        VitalWireDelay (clkselect_ipd(1), clkselect(1), tipd_clkselect(1));
    end block;
    process(inclk_ipd, clkselect_ipd)
    variable tmp : std_logic;
        if (clkselect_ipd = "11") then
            tmp := inclk_ipd(3);
        elsif (clkselect_ipd = "10") then
            tmp := inclk_ipd(2);
        elsif (clkselect_ipd = "01") then
            tmp := inclk_ipd(1);
            tmp := inclk_ipd(0);
        end if;
        clkmux_out <= tmp;
        clkmux_out_inv <= NOT tmp;
    end process;
    extena0_reg : cycloneiii_ena_reg
                  port map (
                            clk => clkmux_out_inv,
                            ena => vcc,
                            d => ena_ipd, 
                            clrn => vcc,
                            prn => devpor,
                            q => cereg1_out 
    extena1_reg : cycloneiii_ena_reg
                  port map (
                            clk => clkmux_out_inv,
                            ena => vcc,
                            d => cereg1_out, 
                            clrn => vcc,
                            prn => devpor,
                            q => cereg2_out 
    ena_out <= cereg1_out WHEN (ena_register_mode = "falling edge") ELSE
               ena_ipd WHEN (ena_register_mode = "none") ELSE cereg2_out;
    outclk <= ena_out AND clkmux_out;
end vital_clkctrl;	
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity  cycloneiii_rublock is
		sim_init_config : string := "factory";
		sim_init_watchdog_value	: integer := 0;
		sim_init_status : integer := 0;
		lpm_type : string := "cycloneiii_rublock"
		clk	        : in std_logic; 
		shiftnld	: in std_logic; 
		captnupdt	: in std_logic; 
		regin		: in std_logic; 
		rsttimer	: in std_logic; 
		rconfig		: in std_logic; 
		regout		: out std_logic
end cycloneiii_rublock;
architecture architecture_rublock of cycloneiii_rublock is
end architecture_rublock;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity  cycloneiii_apfcontroller is
		lpm_type: string := "cycloneiii_apfcontroller"
		usermode   : out std_logic; 
		nceout		: out std_logic
end cycloneiii_apfcontroller;
architecture architecture_apfcontroller of cycloneiii_apfcontroller is
end architecture_apfcontroller;
-- Module Name : cycloneiii_termination
-- Description : Cyclone III Termination Atom VHDL simulation model 
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
ENTITY cycloneiii_termination IS
         pullup_control_to_core:  string := "false";    
         power_down            :  string := "true";    
         test_mode             :  string := "false";    
         left_shift_termination_code :  string := "false";    
         pullup_adder          :  integer := 0;    
         pulldown_adder        :  integer := 0;    
         clock_divide_by       :  integer := 32;    --  1, 4, 32
         runtime_control       :  string := "false";    
         shift_vref_rup        :  string := "true";    
         shift_vref_rdn        :  string := "true";    
         shifted_vref_control  :  string := "true";    
         lpm_type              :  string := "cycloneiii_termination");
    PORT (
        rup                     : IN std_logic := '0';   
        rdn                     : IN std_logic := '0';   
        terminationclock        : IN std_logic := '0';   
        terminationclear        : IN std_logic := '0';  
        devpor                  : IN std_logic := '1';   
        devclrn                 : IN std_logic := '1';   
        comparatorprobe         : OUT std_logic;   
        terminationcontrolprobe : OUT std_logic;   
        calibrationdone         : OUT std_logic;   
        terminationcontrol      : OUT std_logic_vector(15 DOWNTO 0));   
END cycloneiii_termination;
ARCHITECTURE cycloneiii_termination_arch OF cycloneiii_termination IS
    SIGNAL rup_compout          : std_logic := '0';
    SIGNAL rdn_compout          : std_logic := '1';
    calibrationdone <= '1';      -- power-up calibration status
    comparatorprobe <= rup_compout WHEN (pullup_control_to_core = "true") ELSE rdn_compout;
    rup_compout	<= rup;
    rdn_compout	<= not rdn;
END cycloneiii_termination_arch;
-- Entity Name : cycloneiii_jtag
-- Description : Cyclone III JTAG VHDL Simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity  cycloneiii_jtag is
    generic (
        lpm_type : string := "cycloneiii_jtag"
    port (
        tms : in std_logic; 
        tck : in std_logic; 
        tdi : in std_logic; 
        tdoutap : in std_logic; 
        tdouser : in std_logic; 
        tdo: out std_logic; 
        tmsutap: out std_logic; 
        tckutap: out std_logic; 
        tdiutap: out std_logic; 
        shiftuser: out std_logic; 
        clkdruser: out std_logic; 
        updateuser: out std_logic; 
        runidleuser: out std_logic; 
        usr1user: out std_logic
end cycloneiii_jtag;
architecture architecture_jtag of cycloneiii_jtag is
end architecture_jtag;
-- Entity Name : cycloneiii_crcblock
-- Description : Cyclone III CRCBLOCK VHDL Simulation model
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity  cycloneiii_crcblock is
    generic  (
        oscillator_divider : integer := 1;
        lpm_type : string := "cycloneiii_crcblock"
    port (
        clk : in std_logic; 
        shiftnld : in std_logic; 
        ldsrc : in std_logic; 
        crcerror : out std_logic; 
        regout : out std_logic
end cycloneiii_crcblock;
architecture architecture_crcblock of cycloneiii_crcblock is
end architecture_crcblock;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.cycloneiii_atom_pack.all;
entity  cycloneiii_oscillator is
		lpm_type: string := "cycloneiii_oscillator"
		oscena	        : in std_logic; 
		clkout		: out std_logic
end cycloneiii_oscillator;
architecture architecture_oscillator of cycloneiii_oscillator is
end architecture_oscillator;

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