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[/] [pulse_processing_algorithm/] [blk_asy_fifo_1023x16.edn] - Rev 2

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(edif test (edifVersion 2 0 0) (edifLevel 0) (keywordMap (keywordLevel 0))
(status (written (timeStamp 2009 7 6 14 32 38)
   (author "Xilinx, Inc.")
   (program "Xilinx CORE Generator" (version "Xilinx CORE Generator 10.1.03; Cores Update # 3"))))
   (comment "                                                                                
      This file is owned and controlled by Xilinx and must be used              
      solely for design, simulation, implementation and creation of             
      design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use               
      with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited           
      and immediately terminates your license.                                  
      FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                                 
      Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support                  
      appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications are             
      expressly prohibited.                                                     
      (c) Copyright 1995-2007 Xilinx, Inc.                                      
      All rights reserved.                                                      
   (comment "Core parameters: ")
       (comment "c_use_blockmem = 1 ")
       (comment "c_rd_count_width = 10 ")
       (comment "c_has_wr_ack = 0 ")
       (comment "c_has_almost_full = 0 ")
       (comment "c_has_wr_err = 0 ")
       (comment "c_wr_err_low = 0 ")
       (comment "c_wr_ack_low = 0 ")
       (comment "c_data_width = 16 ")
       (comment "c_enable_rlocs = 1 ")
       (comment "c_rd_err_low = 0 ")
       (comment "c_rd_ack_low = 0 ")
       (comment "c_wr_count_width = 10 ")
       (comment "InstanceName = blk_asy_fifo_1023x16 ")
       (comment "c_has_rd_count = 1 ")
       (comment "c_has_almost_empty = 0 ")
       (comment "c_has_rd_ack = 0 ")
       (comment "c_has_wr_count = 1 ")
       (comment "c_fifo_depth = 2047 ")
       (comment "c_has_rd_err = 0 ")
   (external xilinxun (edifLevel 0)
      (technology (numberDefinition))
       (cell VCC (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port P (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell GND (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port G (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell FDCE (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port D (direction INPUT))
                   (port C (direction INPUT))
                   (port CE (direction INPUT))
                   (port CLR (direction INPUT))
                   (port Q (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell FDPE (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port D (direction INPUT))
                   (port C (direction INPUT))
                   (port CE (direction INPUT))
                   (port PRE (direction INPUT))
                   (port Q (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell LUT4 (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port I0 (direction INPUT))
                   (port I1 (direction INPUT))
                   (port I2 (direction INPUT))
                   (port I3 (direction INPUT))
                   (port O (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell MUXCY (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port DI (direction INPUT))
                   (port CI (direction INPUT))
                   (port S (direction INPUT))
                   (port O (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell MUXCY_D (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port DI (direction INPUT))
                   (port CI (direction INPUT))
                   (port S (direction INPUT))
                   (port O (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port LO (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell MUXCY_L (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port DI (direction INPUT))
                   (port CI (direction INPUT))
                   (port S (direction INPUT))
                   (port LO (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell RAMB16_S9_S9 (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port WEA (direction INPUT))
                   (port ENA (direction INPUT))
                   (port SSRA (direction INPUT))
                   (port CLKA (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIA_0_ "DIA<0>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIA_1_ "DIA<1>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIA_2_ "DIA<2>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIA_3_ "DIA<3>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIA_4_ "DIA<4>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIA_5_ "DIA<5>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIA_6_ "DIA<6>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIA_7_ "DIA<7>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DOA_0_ "DOA<0>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOA_1_ "DOA<1>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOA_2_ "DOA<2>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOA_3_ "DOA<3>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOA_4_ "DOA<4>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOA_5_ "DOA<5>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOA_6_ "DOA<6>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOA_7_ "DOA<7>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_0_ "ADDRA<0>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_1_ "ADDRA<1>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_2_ "ADDRA<2>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_3_ "ADDRA<3>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_4_ "ADDRA<4>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_5_ "ADDRA<5>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_6_ "ADDRA<6>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_7_ "ADDRA<7>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_8_ "ADDRA<8>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_9_ "ADDRA<9>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRA_10_ "ADDRA<10>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIPA_0_ "DIPA<0>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DOPA_0_ "DOPA<0>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port WEB (direction INPUT))
                   (port ENB (direction INPUT))
                   (port SSRB (direction INPUT))
                   (port CLKB (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIB_0_ "DIB<0>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIB_1_ "DIB<1>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIB_2_ "DIB<2>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIB_3_ "DIB<3>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIB_4_ "DIB<4>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIB_5_ "DIB<5>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIB_6_ "DIB<6>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIB_7_ "DIB<7>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DOB_0_ "DOB<0>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOB_1_ "DOB<1>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOB_2_ "DOB<2>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOB_3_ "DOB<3>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOB_4_ "DOB<4>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOB_5_ "DOB<5>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOB_6_ "DOB<6>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename DOB_7_ "DOB<7>") (direction OUTPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_0_ "ADDRB<0>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_1_ "ADDRB<1>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_2_ "ADDRB<2>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_3_ "ADDRB<3>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_4_ "ADDRB<4>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_5_ "ADDRB<5>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_6_ "ADDRB<6>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_7_ "ADDRB<7>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_8_ "ADDRB<8>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_9_ "ADDRB<9>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename ADDRB_10_ "ADDRB<10>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DIPB_0_ "DIPB<0>") (direction INPUT))
                   (port (rename DOPB_0_ "DOPB<0>") (direction OUTPUT))
       (cell XORCY (cellType GENERIC)
           (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
                   (port LI (direction INPUT))
                   (port CI (direction INPUT))
                   (port O (direction OUTPUT))
(library test_lib (edifLevel 0) (technology (numberDefinition (scale 1 (E 1 -12) (unit Time))))
(cell blk_asy_fifo_1023x16
 (cellType GENERIC) (view view_1 (viewType NETLIST)
   (port ( array ( rename din "din<15:0>") 16 ) (direction INPUT))
   (port ( rename wr_en "wr_en") (direction INPUT))
   (port ( rename wr_clk "wr_clk") (direction INPUT))
   (port ( rename rd_en "rd_en") (direction INPUT))
   (port ( rename rd_clk "rd_clk") (direction INPUT))
   (port ( rename ainit "ainit") (direction INPUT))
   (port ( array ( rename dout "dout<15:0>") 16 ) (direction OUTPUT))
   (port ( rename full "full") (direction OUTPUT))
   (port ( rename empty "empty") (direction OUTPUT))
   (port ( array ( rename wr_count "wr_count<9:0>") 10 ) (direction OUTPUT))
   (port ( array ( rename rd_count "rd_count<9:0>") 10 ) (direction OUTPUT))
   (instance VCC (viewRef view_1 (cellRef VCC  (libraryRef xilinxun))))
   (instance GND (viewRef view_1 (cellRef GND  (libraryRef xilinxun))))
   (instance B7
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef RAMB16_S9_S9 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property INIT_00 (string "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"))
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      (property WRITE_MODE_A (string "NO_CHANGE"))
      (property INIT_A (string "000"))
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      (property WRITE_MODE_B (string "NO_CHANGE"))
      (property INIT_B (string "000"))
      (property SRVAL_B (string "000"))
   (instance B11
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef RAMB16_S9_S9 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
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      (property WRITE_MODE_A (string "NO_CHANGE"))
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      (property WRITE_MODE_B (string "NO_CHANGE"))
      (property INIT_B (string "000"))
      (property SRVAL_B (string "000"))
   (instance BU20
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y6"))
      (property INIT (string "2222"))
   (instance BU26
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y6"))
      (property INIT (string "2222"))
   (instance BU33
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
      (property INIT (string "5555"))
   (instance BU34
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU35
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU37
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU39
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU40
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU41
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU43
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU45
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU46
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU47
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU49
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU51
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU52
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU53
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU55
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU57
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU58
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU59
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU61
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU63
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU64
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU65
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU67
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU69
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU70
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU71
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU73
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU75
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU76
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU77
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU79
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU81
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU82
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU83
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU85
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU87
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU88
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU89
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU91
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU93
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y5"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU94
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y5"))
   (instance BU96
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y5"))
   (instance BU104
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y0"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU105
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y0"))
   (instance BU111
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y0"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU112
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y0"))
   (instance BU118
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y1"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU119
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y1"))
   (instance BU125
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y1"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU126
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y1"))
   (instance BU132
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y2"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU133
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y2"))
   (instance BU139
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y2"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU140
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y2"))
   (instance BU146
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y3"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU147
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y3"))
   (instance BU153
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y3"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU154
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y3"))
   (instance BU160
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y4"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU161
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y4"))
   (instance BU167
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y4"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU168
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y4"))
   (instance BU174
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y5"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU175
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y5"))
   (instance BU179
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
      (property INIT (string "fffe"))
   (instance BU180
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY_L (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
   (instance BU181
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
   (instance BU182
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
      (property INIT (string "ffff"))
   (instance BU183
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY_L (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
   (instance BU184
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
   (instance BU185
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU186
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
   (instance BU187
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
   (instance BU188
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU189
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
   (instance BU190
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
   (instance BU191
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU192
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
   (instance BU193
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
   (instance BU194
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU195
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
   (instance BU196
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
   (instance BU197
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU198
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
   (instance BU199
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
   (instance BU200
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU201
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
   (instance BU202
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
   (instance BU203
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU204
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
   (instance BU205
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
   (instance BU206
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU207
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
   (instance BU208
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
   (instance BU209
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU210
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
   (instance BU211
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
   (instance BU212
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU213
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
   (instance BU214
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
   (instance BU215
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU216
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY_D (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
   (instance BU218
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
      (property INIT (string "ffff"))
   (instance BU219
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
   (instance BU220
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
   (instance BU225
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y0"))
   (instance BU227
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y0"))
   (instance BU229
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y1"))
   (instance BU231
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y1"))
   (instance BU233
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y2"))
   (instance BU235
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y2"))
   (instance BU237
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y3"))
   (instance BU239
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y3"))
   (instance BU241
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y4"))
   (instance BU243
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y4"))
   (instance BU245
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y5"))
   (instance BU249
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y0"))
   (instance BU251
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y0"))
   (instance BU253
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y1"))
   (instance BU255
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y1"))
   (instance BU257
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y2"))
   (instance BU259
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y2"))
   (instance BU261
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y3"))
   (instance BU263
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y3"))
   (instance BU265
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y4"))
   (instance BU267
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y4"))
   (instance BU269
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y5"))
   (instance BU281
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y4"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU287
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y4"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU293
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y3"))
      (property INIT (string "6996"))
   (instance BU299
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y3"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU305
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y2"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU311
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y2"))
      (property INIT (string "6996"))
   (instance BU323
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y1"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU329
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y1"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU335
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y0"))
      (property INIT (string "6996"))
   (instance BU347
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y0"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU317
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y5"))
      (property INIT (string "6996"))
   (instance BU341
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y5"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU351
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y0"))
   (instance BU353
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y0"))
   (instance BU355
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y1"))
   (instance BU357
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y1"))
   (instance BU359
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y2"))
   (instance BU361
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y2"))
   (instance BU363
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y3"))
   (instance BU365
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y3"))
   (instance BU367
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y4"))
   (instance BU369
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y4"))
   (instance BU371
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y5"))
   (instance BU376
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU377
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
   (instance BU379
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU380
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
   (instance BU381
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
   (instance BU383
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
   (instance BU385
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU386
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
   (instance BU387
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
   (instance BU389
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
   (instance BU391
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU392
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
   (instance BU393
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
   (instance BU395
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
   (instance BU397
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU398
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
   (instance BU399
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
   (instance BU401
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
   (instance BU403
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU404
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
   (instance BU405
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
   (instance BU407
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
   (instance BU409
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU410
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
   (instance BU411
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
   (instance BU413
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
   (instance BU415
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU416
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
   (instance BU417
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
   (instance BU419
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
   (instance BU421
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU422
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
   (instance BU423
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
   (instance BU425
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
   (instance BU427
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU428
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
   (instance BU429
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
   (instance BU431
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
   (instance BU433
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y5"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU434
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y5"))
   (instance BU435
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y5"))
   (instance BU437
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y5"))
   (instance BU439
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/rd_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y5"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU447
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y6"))
      (property INIT (string "2222"))
   (instance BU453
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y6"))
      (property INIT (string "2222"))
   (instance BU460
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
      (property INIT (string "5555"))
   (instance BU461
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU462
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU464
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU466
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU467
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU468
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU470
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y0"))
   (instance BU472
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU473
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU474
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU476
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU478
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU479
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU480
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU482
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y1"))
   (instance BU484
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU485
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU486
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU488
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU490
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU491
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU492
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU494
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y2"))
   (instance BU496
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU497
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU498
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU500
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU502
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU503
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU504
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU506
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y3"))
   (instance BU508
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU509
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU510
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU512
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU514
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU515
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU516
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU518
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y4"))
   (instance BU520
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y5"))
      (property INIT (string "aaaa"))
   (instance BU521
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y5"))
   (instance BU523
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x0y5"))
   (instance BU531
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y0"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU532
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y0"))
   (instance BU538
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y0"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU539
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y0"))
   (instance BU545
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y1"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU546
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y1"))
   (instance BU552
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y1"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU553
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y1"))
   (instance BU559
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y2"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU560
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y2"))
   (instance BU566
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y2"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU567
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y2"))
   (instance BU573
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y3"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU574
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y3"))
   (instance BU580
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y3"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU581
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y3"))
   (instance BU587
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y4"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU588
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y4"))
   (instance BU594
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y4"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU595
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y4"))
   (instance BU601
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y5"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU602
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x1y5"))
   (instance BU607
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y0"))
   (instance BU609
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y0"))
   (instance BU611
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y1"))
   (instance BU613
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y1"))
   (instance BU615
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y2"))
   (instance BU617
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y2"))
   (instance BU619
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y3"))
   (instance BU621
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y3"))
   (instance BU623
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y4"))
   (instance BU625
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y4"))
   (instance BU627
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x3y5"))
   (instance BU630
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
      (property INIT (string "fffe"))
   (instance BU631
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY_L (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
   (instance BU632
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
   (instance BU633
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
      (property INIT (string "ffff"))
   (instance BU634
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY_L (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
   (instance BU635
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y0"))
   (instance BU636
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU637
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
   (instance BU638
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
   (instance BU639
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU640
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
   (instance BU641
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y1"))
   (instance BU642
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU643
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
   (instance BU644
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
   (instance BU645
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU646
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
   (instance BU647
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y2"))
   (instance BU648
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU649
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
   (instance BU650
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
   (instance BU651
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU652
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
   (instance BU653
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y3"))
   (instance BU654
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU655
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
   (instance BU656
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
   (instance BU657
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU658
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
   (instance BU659
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y4"))
   (instance BU660
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU661
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
   (instance BU662
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
   (instance BU663
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU664
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
   (instance BU665
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y5"))
   (instance BU666
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
      (property INIT (string "99a5"))
   (instance BU667
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY_D (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
   (instance BU669
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
      (property INIT (string "ffff"))
   (instance BU670
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
   (instance BU671
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x2y6"))
   (instance BU676
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y0"))
   (instance BU678
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y0"))
   (instance BU680
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y1"))
   (instance BU682
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y1"))
   (instance BU684
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y2"))
   (instance BU686
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y2"))
   (instance BU688
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y3"))
   (instance BU690
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y3"))
   (instance BU692
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y4"))
   (instance BU694
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y4"))
   (instance BU696
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x4y5"))
   (instance BU700
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y0"))
   (instance BU702
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y0"))
   (instance BU704
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y1"))
   (instance BU706
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y1"))
   (instance BU708
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y2"))
   (instance BU710
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y2"))
   (instance BU712
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y3"))
   (instance BU714
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y3"))
   (instance BU716
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y4"))
   (instance BU718
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y4"))
   (instance BU720
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x5y5"))
   (instance BU732
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU738
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU744
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
      (property INIT (string "6996"))
   (instance BU750
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU756
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU762
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
      (property INIT (string "6996"))
   (instance BU774
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
      (property INIT (string "6666"))
   (instance BU780
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU786
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
      (property INIT (string "6996"))
   (instance BU798
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU768
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y5"))
      (property INIT (string "6996"))
   (instance BU792
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y5"))
      (property INIT (string "9696"))
   (instance BU802
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
   (instance BU804
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y0"))
   (instance BU806
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
   (instance BU808
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y1"))
   (instance BU810
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
   (instance BU812
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y2"))
   (instance BU814
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
   (instance BU816
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y3"))
   (instance BU818
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
   (instance BU820
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y4"))
   (instance BU822
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDPE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x6y5"))
   (instance BU828
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y0"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU829
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y0"))
   (instance BU831
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y0"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU832
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y0"))
   (instance BU833
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y0"))
   (instance BU835
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y0"))
   (instance BU837
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y1"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU838
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y1"))
   (instance BU839
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y1"))
   (instance BU841
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y1"))
   (instance BU843
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y1"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU844
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y1"))
   (instance BU845
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y1"))
   (instance BU847
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y1"))
   (instance BU849
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y2"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU850
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y2"))
   (instance BU851
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y2"))
   (instance BU853
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y2"))
   (instance BU855
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y2"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU856
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y2"))
   (instance BU857
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y2"))
   (instance BU859
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y2"))
   (instance BU861
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y3"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU862
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y3"))
   (instance BU863
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y3"))
   (instance BU865
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y3"))
   (instance BU867
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y3"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU868
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y3"))
   (instance BU869
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y3"))
   (instance BU871
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y3"))
   (instance BU873
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y4"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU874
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y4"))
   (instance BU875
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y4"))
   (instance BU877
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y4"))
   (instance BU879
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y4"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU880
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y4"))
   (instance BU881
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y4"))
   (instance BU883
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y4"))
   (instance BU885
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y5"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (instance BU886
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef MUXCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y5"))
   (instance BU887
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef XORCY (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y5"))
   (instance BU889
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef FDCE (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y5"))
   (instance BU891
      (viewRef view_1 (cellRef LUT4 (libraryRef xilinxun)))
      (property HU_SET (string "blk_asy_fifo_1023x16/control/wr_blk"))
      (property RLOC (string "x7y5"))
      (property INIT (string "9999"))
   (net N0
      (portRef G (instanceRef GND))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU34))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU35))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU461))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU462))
      (portRef SSRA (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef WEB (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef SSRB (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIB_0_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIB_1_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIB_2_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIB_3_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIB_4_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIB_5_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIB_6_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIB_7_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef DIPB_0_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef SSRA (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef WEB (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef SSRB (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIA_7_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIPA_0_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIB_0_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIB_1_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIB_2_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIB_3_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIB_4_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIB_5_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIB_6_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIB_7_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DIPB_0_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU20))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU20))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU26))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU26))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU33))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU33))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU33))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU39))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU39))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU39))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU45))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU45))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU45))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU51))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU51))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU51))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU57))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU57))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU57))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU63))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU63))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU63))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU69))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU69))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU69))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU75))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU75))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU75))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU81))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU81))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU81))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU87))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU87))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU87))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU93))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU93))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU93))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU104))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU104))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU111))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU111))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU118))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU118))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU125))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU125))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU132))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU132))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU139))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU139))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU146))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU146))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU153))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU153))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU160))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU160))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU167))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU167))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU174))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU174))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU174))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU179))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU179))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU180))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU182))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU182))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU182))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU182))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU183))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU186))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU187))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU187))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU187))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU187))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU189))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU192))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU195))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU198))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU201))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU204))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU207))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU210))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU213))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU216))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU218))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU218))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU218))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU218))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU219))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU281))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU281))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU287))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU299))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU299))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU305))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU323))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU323))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU329))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU347))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU341))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU376))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU376))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU379))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU379))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU385))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU385))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU391))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU391))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU397))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU397))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU403))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU403))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU409))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU409))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU415))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU415))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU421))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU421))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU427))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU427))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU433))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU433))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU439))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU439))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU439))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU447))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU447))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU453))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU453))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU460))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU460))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU460))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU466))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU466))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU466))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU472))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU472))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU472))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU478))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU478))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU478))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU484))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU484))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU484))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU490))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU490))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU490))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU496))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU496))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU496))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU502))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU502))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU502))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU508))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU508))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU508))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU514))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU514))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU514))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU520))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU520))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU520))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU531))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU531))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU538))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU538))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU545))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU545))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU552))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU552))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU559))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU559))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU566))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU566))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU573))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU573))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU580))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU580))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU587))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU587))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU594))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU594))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU601))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU601))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU601))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU630))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU630))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU631))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU633))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU633))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU633))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU633))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU634))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU637))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU638))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU638))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU638))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU638))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU640))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU643))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU646))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU649))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU652))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU655))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU658))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU661))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU664))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU667))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU669))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU669))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU669))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU669))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU670))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU732))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU732))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU738))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU750))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU750))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU756))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU774))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU774))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU780))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU798))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU792))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU828))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU828))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU831))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU831))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU837))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU837))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU843))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU843))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU849))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU849))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU855))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU855))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU861))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU861))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU867))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU867))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU873))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU873))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU879))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU879))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU885))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU885))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU891))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU891))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU891))
   (net N1
      (portRef P (instanceRef VCC))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU377))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU383))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU389))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU395))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU401))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU407))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU413))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU419))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU425))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU431))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU437))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU829))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU835))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU841))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU847))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU853))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU859))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU865))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU871))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU877))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU883))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU889))
      (portRef ENA (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ENA (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU180))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU183))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU186))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU249))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU251))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU253))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU255))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU257))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU259))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU261))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU263))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU265))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU267))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU269))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU351))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU353))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU355))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU357))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU359))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU361))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU363))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU365))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU367))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU369))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU371))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU439))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU631))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU634))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU637))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU700))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU702))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU704))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU706))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU708))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU710))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU712))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU714))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU716))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU718))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU720))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU802))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU804))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU806))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU808))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU810))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU812))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU814))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU816))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU818))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU820))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU822))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU891))
   (net N2
      (portRef ADDRA_10_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_10_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU520))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU523))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU594))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU601))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU696))
   (net N3
      (portRef ADDRA_9_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_9_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU515))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU514))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU518))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU587))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU594))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU694))
   (net N4
      (portRef ADDRA_8_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_8_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU509))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU508))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU512))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU580))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU587))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU692))
   (net N5
      (portRef ADDRA_7_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_7_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU503))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU502))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU506))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU573))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU580))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU690))
   (net N6
      (portRef ADDRA_6_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_6_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU497))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU496))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU500))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU566))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU573))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU688))
   (net N7
      (portRef ADDRA_5_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_5_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU491))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU490))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU494))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU559))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU566))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU686))
   (net N8
      (portRef ADDRA_4_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_4_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU485))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU484))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU488))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU552))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU559))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU684))
   (net N9
      (portRef ADDRA_3_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_3_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU479))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU478))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU482))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU545))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU552))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU682))
   (net N10
      (portRef ADDRA_2_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_2_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU473))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU472))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU476))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU538))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU545))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU680))
   (net N11
      (portRef ADDRA_1_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_1_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU467))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU466))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU470))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU531))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU538))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU678))
   (net N12
      (portRef ADDRA_0_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRA_0_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU461))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU460))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU464))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU531))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU676))
   (net N13
      (portRef ADDRB_10_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_10_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU93))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU96))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU167))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU174))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU245))
   (net N14
      (portRef ADDRB_9_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_9_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU88))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU87))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU91))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU160))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU167))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU243))
   (net N15
      (portRef ADDRB_8_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_8_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU82))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU81))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU85))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU153))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU160))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU241))
   (net N16
      (portRef ADDRB_7_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_7_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU76))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU75))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU79))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU146))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU153))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU239))
   (net N17
      (portRef ADDRB_6_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_6_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU70))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU69))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU73))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU139))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU146))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU237))
   (net N18
      (portRef ADDRB_5_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_5_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU64))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU63))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU67))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU132))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU139))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU235))
   (net N19
      (portRef ADDRB_4_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_4_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU58))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU57))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU61))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU125))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU132))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU233))
   (net N20
      (portRef ADDRB_3_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_3_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU52))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU51))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU55))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU118))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU125))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU231))
   (net N21
      (portRef ADDRB_2_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_2_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU46))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU45))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU49))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU111))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU118))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU229))
   (net N22
      (portRef ADDRB_1_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_1_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU40))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU39))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU43))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU104))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU111))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU227))
   (net N23
      (portRef ADDRB_0_ (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ADDRB_0_ (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU34))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU33))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU37))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU104))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU225))
   (net N24
      (portRef ENB (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef ENB (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU26))
   (net N25
      (portRef WEA (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef WEA (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU453))
   (net (rename N28 "wr_count<9>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 0))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU889))
   (net (rename N29 "wr_count<8>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 1))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU883))
   (net (rename N30 "wr_count<7>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 2))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU877))
   (net (rename N31 "wr_count<6>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 3))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU871))
   (net (rename N32 "wr_count<5>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 4))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU865))
   (net (rename N33 "wr_count<4>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 5))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU859))
   (net (rename N34 "wr_count<3>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 6))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU853))
   (net (rename N35 "wr_count<2>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 7))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU847))
   (net (rename N36 "wr_count<1>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 8))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU841))
   (net (rename N37 "wr_count<0>")
      (portRef (member wr_count 9))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU835))
   (net (rename N38 "rd_count<9>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 0))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU437))
   (net (rename N39 "rd_count<8>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 1))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU431))
   (net (rename N40 "rd_count<7>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 2))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU425))
   (net (rename N41 "rd_count<6>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 3))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU419))
   (net (rename N42 "rd_count<5>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 4))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU413))
   (net (rename N43 "rd_count<4>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 5))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU407))
   (net (rename N44 "rd_count<3>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 6))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU401))
   (net (rename N45 "rd_count<2>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 7))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU395))
   (net (rename N46 "rd_count<1>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 8))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU389))
   (net (rename N47 "rd_count<0>")
      (portRef (member rd_count 9))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU383))
   (net (rename N52 "din<15>")
      (portRef (member din 0))
      (portRef DIA_6_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N53 "din<14>")
      (portRef (member din 1))
      (portRef DIA_5_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N54 "din<13>")
      (portRef (member din 2))
      (portRef DIA_4_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N55 "din<12>")
      (portRef (member din 3))
      (portRef DIA_3_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N56 "din<11>")
      (portRef (member din 4))
      (portRef DIA_2_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N57 "din<10>")
      (portRef (member din 5))
      (portRef DIA_1_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N58 "din<9>")
      (portRef (member din 6))
      (portRef DIA_0_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N59 "din<8>")
      (portRef (member din 7))
      (portRef DIPA_0_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N60 "din<7>")
      (portRef (member din 8))
      (portRef DIA_7_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N61 "din<6>")
      (portRef (member din 9))
      (portRef DIA_6_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N62 "din<5>")
      (portRef (member din 10))
      (portRef DIA_5_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N63 "din<4>")
      (portRef (member din 11))
      (portRef DIA_4_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N64 "din<3>")
      (portRef (member din 12))
      (portRef DIA_3_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N65 "din<2>")
      (portRef (member din 13))
      (portRef DIA_2_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N66 "din<1>")
      (portRef (member din 14))
      (portRef DIA_1_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N67 "din<0>")
      (portRef (member din 15))
      (portRef DIA_0_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N68 "wr_en")
      (portRef wr_en)
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU447))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU453))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU630))
   (net (rename N69 "wr_clk")
      (portRef wr_clk)
      (portRef CLKA (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef CLKA (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU181))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU184))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU190))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU193))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU196))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU199))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU202))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU205))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU208))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU211))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU214))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU464))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU470))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU476))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU482))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU488))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU494))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU500))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU506))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU512))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU518))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU523))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU532))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU539))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU546))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU553))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU560))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU567))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU574))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU581))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU588))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU595))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU602))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU671))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU676))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU678))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU680))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU682))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU684))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU686))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU688))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU690))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU692))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU694))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU696))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU700))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU702))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU704))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU706))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU708))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU710))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU712))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU714))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU716))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU718))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU720))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU802))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU804))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU806))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU808))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU810))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU812))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU814))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU816))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU818))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU820))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU822))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU835))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU841))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU847))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU853))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU859))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU865))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU871))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU877))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU883))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU889))
   (net (rename N70 "rd_en")
      (portRef rd_en)
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU20))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU26))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU179))
   (net (rename N71 "rd_clk")
      (portRef rd_clk)
      (portRef CLKB (instanceRef B7))
      (portRef CLKB (instanceRef B11))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU37))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU43))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU49))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU55))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU61))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU67))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU73))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU79))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU85))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU91))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU96))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU105))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU112))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU119))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU126))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU133))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU140))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU147))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU154))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU161))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU168))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU175))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU220))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU225))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU227))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU229))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU231))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU233))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU235))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU237))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU239))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU241))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU243))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU245))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU249))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU251))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU253))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU255))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU257))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU259))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU261))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU263))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU265))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU267))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU269))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU351))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU353))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU355))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU357))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU359))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU361))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU363))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU365))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU367))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU369))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU371))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU383))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU389))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU395))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU401))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU407))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU413))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU419))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU425))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU431))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU437))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU607))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU609))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU611))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU613))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU615))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU617))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU619))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU621))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU623))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU625))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU627))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU632))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU635))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU641))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU644))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU647))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU650))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU653))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU656))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU659))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU662))
      (portRef C (instanceRef BU665))
   (net (rename N72 "ainit")
      (portRef ainit)
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU37))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU43))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU49))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU55))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU61))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU67))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU73))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU79))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU85))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU91))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU96))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU105))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU112))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU119))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU126))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU133))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU140))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU147))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU154))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU161))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU168))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU175))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU181))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU184))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU190))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU193))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU196))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU199))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU202))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU205))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU208))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU211))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU214))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU220))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU225))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU227))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU229))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU231))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU233))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU235))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU237))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU239))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU241))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU243))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU245))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU249))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU251))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU253))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU255))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU257))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU259))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU261))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU263))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU265))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU267))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU269))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU351))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU353))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU355))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU357))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU359))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU361))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU363))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU365))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU367))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU369))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU371))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU383))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU389))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU395))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU401))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU407))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU413))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU419))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU425))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU431))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU437))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU464))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU470))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU476))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU482))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU488))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU494))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU500))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU506))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU512))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU518))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU523))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU532))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU539))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU546))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU553))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU560))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU567))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU574))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU581))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU588))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU595))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU602))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU607))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU609))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU611))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU613))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU615))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU617))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU619))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU621))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU623))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU625))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU627))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU632))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU635))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU641))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU644))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU647))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU650))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU653))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU656))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU659))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU662))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU665))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU671))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU676))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU678))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU680))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU682))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU684))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU686))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU688))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU690))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU692))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU694))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU696))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU700))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU702))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU704))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU706))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU708))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU710))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU712))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU714))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU716))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU718))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU720))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU802))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU804))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU806))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU808))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU810))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU812))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU814))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU816))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU818))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU820))
      (portRef PRE (instanceRef BU822))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU835))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU841))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU847))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU853))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU859))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU865))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU871))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU877))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU883))
      (portRef CLR (instanceRef BU889))
   (net (rename N73 "dout<15>")
      (portRef (member dout 0))
      (portRef DOB_6_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N74 "dout<14>")
      (portRef (member dout 1))
      (portRef DOB_5_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N75 "dout<13>")
      (portRef (member dout 2))
      (portRef DOB_4_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N76 "dout<12>")
      (portRef (member dout 3))
      (portRef DOB_3_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N77 "dout<11>")
      (portRef (member dout 4))
      (portRef DOB_2_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N78 "dout<10>")
      (portRef (member dout 5))
      (portRef DOB_1_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N79 "dout<9>")
      (portRef (member dout 6))
      (portRef DOB_0_ (instanceRef B11))
   (net (rename N80 "dout<8>")
      (portRef (member dout 7))
      (portRef DOPB_0_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N81 "dout<7>")
      (portRef (member dout 8))
      (portRef DOB_7_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N82 "dout<6>")
      (portRef (member dout 9))
      (portRef DOB_6_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N83 "dout<5>")
      (portRef (member dout 10))
      (portRef DOB_5_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N84 "dout<4>")
      (portRef (member dout 11))
      (portRef DOB_4_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N85 "dout<3>")
      (portRef (member dout 12))
      (portRef DOB_3_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N86 "dout<2>")
      (portRef (member dout 13))
      (portRef DOB_2_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N87 "dout<1>")
      (portRef (member dout 14))
      (portRef DOB_1_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N88 "dout<0>")
      (portRef (member dout 15))
      (portRef DOB_0_ (instanceRef B7))
   (net (rename N89 "full")
      (portRef full)
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU447))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU453))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU630))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU636))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU639))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU642))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU645))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU648))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU651))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU654))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU657))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU660))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU663))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU666))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU671))
   (net (rename N90 "empty")
      (portRef empty)
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU20))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU26))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU179))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU185))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU188))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU191))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU194))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU197))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU200))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU203))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU206))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU209))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU212))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU215))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU220))
   (net N1960
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU20))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU37))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU43))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU49))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU55))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU61))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU67))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU73))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU79))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU85))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU91))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU96))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU105))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU112))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU119))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU126))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU133))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU140))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU147))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU154))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU161))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU168))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU175))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU225))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU227))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU229))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU231))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU233))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU235))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU237))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU239))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU241))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU243))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU245))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU607))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU609))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU611))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU613))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU615))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU617))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU619))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU621))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU623))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU625))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU627))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU632))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU635))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU641))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU644))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU647))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU650))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU653))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU656))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU659))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU662))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU665))
   (net N1962
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU181))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU184))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU190))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU193))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU196))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU199))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU202))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU205))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU208))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU211))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU214))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU447))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU464))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU470))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU476))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU482))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU488))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU494))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU500))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU506))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU512))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU518))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU523))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU532))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU539))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU546))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU553))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU560))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU567))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU574))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU581))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU588))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU595))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU602))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU676))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU678))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU680))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU682))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU684))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU686))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU688))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU690))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU692))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU694))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU696))
   (net N1986
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU245))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU433))
   (net N1987
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU243))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU427))
   (net N1988
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU241))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU421))
   (net N1989
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU239))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU415))
   (net N1990
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU237))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU409))
   (net N1991
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU235))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU403))
   (net N1992
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU233))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU397))
   (net N1993
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU231))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU391))
   (net N1994
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU229))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU385))
   (net N1995
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU227))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU379))
   (net N1996
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU225))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU376))
   (net N1997
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU175))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU215))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU627))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU720))
   (net N1998
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU168))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU212))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU625))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU718))
   (net N1999
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU161))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU209))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU623))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU716))
   (net N2000
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU154))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU206))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU621))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU714))
   (net N2001
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU147))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU203))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU619))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU712))
   (net N2002
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU140))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU200))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU617))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU710))
   (net N2003
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU133))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU197))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU615))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU708))
   (net N2004
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU126))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU194))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU613))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU706))
   (net N2005
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU119))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU191))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU611))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU704))
   (net N2006
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU112))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU188))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU609))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU702))
   (net N2007
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU105))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU185))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU607))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU700))
   (net N2019
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU627))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU665))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU666))
   (net N2020
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU625))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU662))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU663))
   (net N2021
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU623))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU659))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU660))
   (net N2022
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU621))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU656))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU657))
   (net N2023
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU619))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU653))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU654))
   (net N2024
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU617))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU650))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU651))
   (net N2025
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU615))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU647))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU648))
   (net N2026
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU613))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU644))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU645))
   (net N2027
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU611))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU641))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU642))
   (net N2028
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU609))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU635))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU639))
   (net N2029
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU607))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU632))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU636))
   (net N2030
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU665))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU666))
   (net N2031
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU662))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU663))
   (net N2032
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU659))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU660))
   (net N2033
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU656))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU657))
   (net N2034
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU653))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU654))
   (net N2035
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU650))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU651))
   (net N2036
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU647))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU648))
   (net N2037
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU644))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU645))
   (net N2038
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU641))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU642))
   (net N2039
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU635))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU639))
   (net N2040
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU632))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU636))
   (net N2041
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU720))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU732))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU738))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU744))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU822))
   (net N2042
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU718))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU732))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU738))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU744))
   (net N2043
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU716))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU738))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU744))
   (net N2044
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU714))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU744))
   (net N2045
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU712))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU750))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU756))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU762))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU768))
   (net N2046
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU710))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU756))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU762))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU768))
   (net N2047
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU708))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU762))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU768))
   (net N2048
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU706))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU768))
   (net N2049
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU704))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU780))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU786))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU792))
   (net N2050
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU702))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU786))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU792))
   (net N2051
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU700))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU792))
   (net N2052
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU822))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU885))
   (net N2053
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU820))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU879))
   (net N2054
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU818))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU873))
   (net N2055
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU816))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU867))
   (net N2056
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU814))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU861))
   (net N2057
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU812))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU855))
   (net N2058
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU810))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU849))
   (net N2059
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU808))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU843))
   (net N2060
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU806))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU837))
   (net N2061
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU804))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU831))
   (net N2062
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU802))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU828))
   (net N2074
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU696))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU886))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU885))
   (net N2075
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU694))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU880))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU879))
   (net N2076
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU692))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU874))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU873))
   (net N2077
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU690))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU868))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU867))
   (net N2078
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU688))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU862))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU861))
   (net N2079
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU686))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU856))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU855))
   (net N2080
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU684))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU850))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU849))
   (net N2081
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU682))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU844))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU843))
   (net N2082
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU680))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU838))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU837))
   (net N2083
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU678))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU832))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU831))
   (net N2084
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU676))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU829))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU828))
   (net N2085
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU214))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU215))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU269))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU602))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU666))
   (net N2086
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU211))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU212))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU267))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU595))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU663))
   (net N2087
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU208))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU209))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU265))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU588))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU660))
   (net N2088
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU205))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU206))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU263))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU581))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU657))
   (net N2089
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU202))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU203))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU261))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU574))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU654))
   (net N2090
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU199))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU200))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU259))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU567))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU651))
   (net N2091
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU196))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU197))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU257))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU560))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU648))
   (net N2092
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU193))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU194))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU255))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU553))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU645))
   (net N2093
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU190))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU191))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU253))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU546))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU642))
   (net N2094
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU184))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU188))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU251))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU539))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU639))
   (net N2095
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU181))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU185))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU249))
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU532))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU636))
   (net N2107
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU214))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU215))
   (net N2108
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU211))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU212))
   (net N2109
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU208))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU209))
   (net N2110
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU205))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU206))
   (net N2111
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU202))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU203))
   (net N2112
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU199))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU200))
   (net N2113
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU196))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU197))
   (net N2114
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU193))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU194))
   (net N2115
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU190))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU191))
   (net N2116
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU184))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU188))
   (net N2117
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU181))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU185))
   (net N2118
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU269))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU281))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU287))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU293))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU371))
   (net N2119
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU267))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU281))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU287))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU293))
   (net N2120
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU265))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU287))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU293))
   (net N2121
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU263))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU293))
   (net N2122
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU261))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU299))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU305))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU311))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU317))
   (net N2123
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU259))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU305))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU311))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU317))
   (net N2124
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU257))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU311))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU317))
   (net N2125
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU255))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU317))
   (net N2126
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU253))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU329))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU335))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU341))
   (net N2127
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU251))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU335))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU341))
   (net N2128
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU249))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU341))
   (net N2129
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU371))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU434))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU433))
   (net N2130
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU369))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU428))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU427))
   (net N2131
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU367))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU422))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU421))
   (net N2132
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU365))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU416))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU415))
   (net N2133
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU363))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU410))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU409))
   (net N2134
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU361))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU404))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU403))
   (net N2135
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU359))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU398))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU397))
   (net N2136
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU357))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU392))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU391))
   (net N2137
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU355))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU386))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU385))
   (net N2138
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU353))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU380))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU379))
   (net N2139
      (portRef Q (instanceRef BU351))
      (portRef DI (instanceRef BU377))
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU376))
   (net N2413
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU35))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU37))
   (net N2414
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU41))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU43))
   (net N2415
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU47))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU49))
   (net N2416
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU53))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU55))
   (net N2417
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU59))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU61))
   (net N2418
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU65))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU67))
   (net N2419
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU71))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU73))
   (net N2420
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU77))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU79))
   (net N2421
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU83))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU85))
   (net N2422
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU89))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU91))
   (net N2423
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU94))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU96))
   (net N2424
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU34))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU35))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU33))
   (net N2426
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU34))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU40))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU41))
   (net N2429
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU40))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU41))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU39))
   (net N2431
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU40))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU46))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU47))
   (net N2434
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU46))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU47))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU45))
   (net N2436
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU46))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU52))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU53))
   (net N2439
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU52))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU53))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU51))
   (net N2441
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU52))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU58))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU59))
   (net N2444
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU58))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU59))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU57))
   (net N2446
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU58))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU64))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU65))
   (net N2449
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU64))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU65))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU63))
   (net N2451
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU64))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU70))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU71))
   (net N2454
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU70))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU71))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU69))
   (net N2456
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU70))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU76))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU77))
   (net N2459
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU76))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU77))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU75))
   (net N2461
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU76))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU82))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU83))
   (net N2464
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU82))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU83))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU81))
   (net N2466
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU82))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU88))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU89))
   (net N2469
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU88))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU89))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU87))
   (net N2471
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU88))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU94))
   (net N2474
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU94))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU93))
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      (portRef D (instanceRef BU105))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU104))
   (net N2928
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU112))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU111))
   (net N2968
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU119))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU118))
   (net N3008
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU126))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU125))
   (net N3048
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU133))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU132))
   (net N3088
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU140))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU139))
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      (portRef D (instanceRef BU147))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU146))
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      (portRef D (instanceRef BU154))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU153))
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      (portRef D (instanceRef BU161))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU160))
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      (portRef D (instanceRef BU168))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU167))
   (net N3288
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU175))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU174))
   (net N3314
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU215))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU216))
   (net N3315
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU212))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU213))
   (net N3316
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU209))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU210))
   (net N3317
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU206))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU207))
   (net N3318
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU203))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU204))
   (net N3319
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU200))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU201))
   (net N3320
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU197))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU198))
   (net N3321
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU194))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU195))
   (net N3322
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU191))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU192))
   (net N3323
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU188))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU189))
   (net N3324
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU185))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU186))
   (net N3325
      (portRef LO (instanceRef BU216))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU219))
   (net N3326
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU213))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU216))
   (net N3327
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU210))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU213))
   (net N3328
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU207))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU210))
   (net N3329
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU204))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU207))
   (net N3330
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU201))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU204))
   (net N3331
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU198))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU201))
   (net N3332
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU195))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU198))
   (net N3333
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU192))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU195))
   (net N3334
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU189))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU192))
   (net N3335
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU186))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU189))
   (net N3337
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU179))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU220))
   (net N3338
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU219))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU220))
   (net N3339
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU182))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU183))
   (net N3792
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU323))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU329))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU335))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU347))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU317))
   (net N3793
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU293))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU299))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU305))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU311))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU323))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU329))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU335))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU347))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU365))
   (net N3805
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU347))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU351))
   (net N3806
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU335))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU353))
   (net N3807
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU329))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU355))
   (net N3808
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU323))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU357))
   (net N3809
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU311))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU359))
   (net N3810
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU305))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU361))
   (net N3811
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU299))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU363))
   (net N3813
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU287))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU367))
   (net N3814
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU281))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU369))
   (net N4068
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU347))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU341))
   (net N4929
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU381))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU383))
   (net N4930
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU387))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU389))
   (net N4931
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU393))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU395))
   (net N4932
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU399))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU401))
   (net N4933
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU405))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU407))
   (net N4934
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU411))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU413))
   (net N4935
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU417))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU419))
   (net N4936
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU423))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU425))
   (net N4937
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU429))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU431))
   (net N4938
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU435))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU437))
   (net N4939
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU377))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU376))
   (net N4942
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU377))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU380))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU381))
   (net N4943
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU380))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU381))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU379))
   (net N4946
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU380))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU386))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU387))
   (net N4949
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU386))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU387))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU385))
   (net N4952
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU386))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU392))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU393))
   (net N4955
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU392))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU393))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU391))
   (net N4958
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU392))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU398))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU399))
   (net N4961
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU398))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU399))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU397))
   (net N4964
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU398))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU404))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU405))
   (net N4967
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU404))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU405))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU403))
   (net N4970
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU404))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU410))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU411))
   (net N4973
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU410))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU411))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU409))
   (net N4976
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU410))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU416))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU417))
   (net N4979
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU416))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU417))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU415))
   (net N4982
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU416))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU422))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU423))
   (net N4985
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU422))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU423))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU421))
   (net N4988
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU422))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU428))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU429))
   (net N4991
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU428))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU429))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU427))
   (net N4994
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU428))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU434))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU435))
   (net N4997
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU434))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU435))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU433))
   (net N5292
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU462))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU464))
   (net N5293
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU468))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU470))
   (net N5294
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU474))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU476))
   (net N5295
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU480))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU482))
   (net N5296
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU486))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU488))
   (net N5297
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU492))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU494))
   (net N5298
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU498))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU500))
   (net N5299
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU504))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU506))
   (net N5300
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU510))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU512))
   (net N5301
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU516))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU518))
   (net N5302
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU521))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU523))
   (net N5303
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU461))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU462))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU460))
   (net N5305
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU461))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU467))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU468))
   (net N5308
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU467))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU468))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU466))
   (net N5310
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU467))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU473))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU474))
   (net N5313
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU473))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU474))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU472))
   (net N5315
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU473))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU479))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU480))
   (net N5318
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU479))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU480))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU478))
   (net N5320
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU479))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU485))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU486))
   (net N5323
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU485))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU486))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU484))
   (net N5325
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU485))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU491))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU492))
   (net N5328
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU491))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU492))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU490))
   (net N5330
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU491))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU497))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU498))
   (net N5333
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU497))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU498))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU496))
   (net N5335
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU497))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU503))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU504))
   (net N5338
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU503))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU504))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU502))
   (net N5340
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU503))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU509))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU510))
   (net N5343
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU509))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU510))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU508))
   (net N5345
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU509))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU515))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU516))
   (net N5348
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU515))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU516))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU514))
   (net N5350
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU515))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU521))
   (net N5353
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU521))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU520))
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      (portRef D (instanceRef BU532))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU531))
   (net N5807
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU539))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU538))
   (net N5847
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU546))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU545))
   (net N5887
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU553))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU552))
   (net N5927
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU560))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU559))
   (net N5967
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU567))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU566))
   (net N6007
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU574))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU573))
   (net N6047
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU581))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU580))
   (net N6087
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU588))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU587))
   (net N6127
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU595))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU594))
   (net N6167
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU602))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU601))
   (net N6342
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU666))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU667))
   (net N6343
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU663))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU664))
   (net N6344
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU660))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU661))
   (net N6345
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU657))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU658))
   (net N6346
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU654))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU655))
   (net N6347
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU651))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU652))
   (net N6348
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU648))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU649))
   (net N6349
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU645))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU646))
   (net N6350
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU642))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU643))
   (net N6351
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU639))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU640))
   (net N6352
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU636))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU637))
   (net N6353
      (portRef LO (instanceRef BU667))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU670))
   (net N6354
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU664))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU667))
   (net N6355
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU661))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU664))
   (net N6356
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU658))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU661))
   (net N6357
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU655))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU658))
   (net N6358
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU652))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU655))
   (net N6359
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU649))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU652))
   (net N6360
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU646))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU649))
   (net N6361
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU643))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU646))
   (net N6362
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU640))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU643))
   (net N6363
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU637))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU640))
   (net N6365
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU630))
      (portRef CE (instanceRef BU671))
   (net N6366
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU670))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU671))
   (net N6367
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU633))
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU634))
   (net N6820
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU774))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU780))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU786))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU798))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU768))
   (net N6821
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU744))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU750))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU756))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU762))
      (portRef I1 (instanceRef BU774))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU780))
      (portRef I3 (instanceRef BU786))
      (portRef I2 (instanceRef BU798))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU816))
   (net N6833
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU798))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU802))
   (net N6834
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU786))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU804))
   (net N6835
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU780))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU806))
   (net N6836
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU774))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU808))
   (net N6837
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU762))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU810))
   (net N6838
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU756))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU812))
   (net N6839
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU750))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU814))
   (net N6841
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU738))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU818))
   (net N6842
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU732))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU820))
   (net N7096
      (portRef I0 (instanceRef BU798))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU792))
   (net N7957
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU833))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU835))
   (net N7958
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU839))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU841))
   (net N7959
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU845))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU847))
   (net N7960
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU851))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU853))
   (net N7961
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU857))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU859))
   (net N7962
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU863))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU865))
   (net N7963
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU869))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU871))
   (net N7964
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU875))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU877))
   (net N7965
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU881))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU883))
   (net N7966
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU887))
      (portRef D (instanceRef BU889))
   (net N7967
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU829))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU828))
   (net N7970
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU829))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU832))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU833))
   (net N7971
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU832))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU833))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU831))
   (net N7974
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU832))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU838))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU839))
   (net N7977
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU838))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU839))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU837))
   (net N7980
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU838))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU844))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU845))
   (net N7983
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU844))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU845))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU843))
   (net N7986
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU844))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU850))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU851))
   (net N7989
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU850))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU851))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU849))
   (net N7992
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU850))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU856))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU857))
   (net N7995
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU856))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU857))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU855))
   (net N7998
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU856))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU862))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU863))
   (net N8001
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU862))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU863))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU861))
   (net N8004
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU862))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU868))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU869))
   (net N8007
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU868))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU869))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU867))
   (net N8010
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU868))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU874))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU875))
   (net N8013
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU874))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU875))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU873))
   (net N8016
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU874))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU880))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU881))
   (net N8019
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU880))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU881))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU879))
   (net N8022
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU880))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU886))
      (portRef CI (instanceRef BU887))
   (net N8025
      (portRef S (instanceRef BU886))
      (portRef LI (instanceRef BU887))
      (portRef O (instanceRef BU885))
(design blk_asy_fifo_1023x16 (cellRef blk_asy_fifo_1023x16 (libraryRef test_lib))
  (property X_CORE_INFO (string "async_fifo_v5_1, Xilinx CORE Generator 10.1.03_ip3"))
  (property PART (string "xc3s50-pq208-5") (owner "Xilinx"))

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