
Radix-4 Reciprocal Square Root, Division and Square Root IP Core

Project maintainers


Name: fpu64_rx4rsqrt
Created: Apr 8, 2022
Updated: Apr 25, 2022
SVN Updated: Apr 11, 2022
SVN: Browse
Latest version: download (might take a bit to start...)
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Bugs: 1 reported / 0 solved
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Other project properties

Category:Arithmetic core
Development status:Stable
Additional info:
WishBone compliant: No
WishBone version: n/a
License: Others

Radix – 4 Reciprocal Square Root IP Core

The floating point unit (fpu64_rx4rsqrt) is processing unit which allows arithmetic operations on floating point numbers. The fpu64_rx4rsqrt complies fully with the IEEE 754 Standard 1.


  1. supports operations:

    * Reciprocal square root (RSQRT)
    * Square-root (SQRT)
    * Reciprocal (RECP)
    * Divide (DIV)
  2. Data type and formats :

    * Single precision
    * Double precision
    * Demoralized number
    * Zero value 
    * Infinity
    * Not a Number (Nan's)
  3. Floating-point exceptions:

    * Signaling Nan's
    * Infinity / Infinity
    * Zero / Zero
    * Infinity x Zero
    * Invalid Square Root
    * Zero Divide Exception
    * Overflow Exception
    * Underflow Exception
  4. Rounding modes are supported:

    * Round to nearest even
    * Round to zero
    * Round up
    * Round down

Number of clock cycles for each operation in formats double precision and single precision

	* RSQRT 27 13
	* SQRT  29 14
	* RSCP  30 15
	* DIV   30 15

The project is implemented in the Verilog language and has been tested on more than 4 million (2**22) test vectors for each operation.
