Issue List
cache miss burst doesn't comply with wishbone spec #7
Closed ocghost opened this issue over 19 years ago
ocghost commented over 19 years ago

In the Wishbone specification one can read that during a burst the wb_sel signal must be kept constant.

One can obtain an error during such bursts if the dcqmem_ci_i signal wents high during the burst. The dcqmem_ci_i is in this case configured to correspond to the most significant bit in the address output from the cpu (dcpu_adr_cpu).

DMMU and IMMU is disabled.

The address from the cpu is erroneous in this case, and is produced in the LSU, where the LSU executes a LSUOP_NOP, and therefore signextends the ex_insn 16-bit immediate field.

If bit ex_insn15 is a one, one can possibly get an error, since then dcqmem_ci_i = dcpu_adr_cpu31 = ex_insn15.

The problem is that we observe a case where dcqmem_ci_i wents high during only one clockcycle during a cache refill burst, and therefore the wb_sel signal goes down for one clockcycle. Which in our case led to sampling old data, because of a too early ack signal.

lampret commented over 19 years ago

I'm working on this.

ehliar commented about 19 years ago

We have seen this as well but didn't really have time to debug it properly. However, in an old version of or1200_dc_top.v we used the following assignment for the dcsb_sel_o:

assign dcsb_sel_o = (dc_en & (dcfsm_burst | (dcfsm_biu_read & !dcfsm_biu_write & !dcdmmu_ci_i))) ? 4'b1111 : dcpu_sel_i;

That is, we made sure that the dcsb_sel_o would always output 4'b1111 while bursting. We are not sure if this is the correct fix for it however but a simple testcase where the bug was present was fixed in this case.

ehliar commented over 18 years ago

My fix is not correct since dcfsm_burst seems to go high for one clock cycle while fetching a region where the cache should be inhibited.

fukuchi commented about 15 years ago

Hi all.

It might be a similar bug. When effectively caching it, and when prefetch-internal-aborted too. I corrected it as follows.and the bus cycle is good. but Is this really correct? Anyone can evalated this problem? changed file or1200_iwb_biu.v or1200_wb_biu.v or1200_dc_fsm.v or1200_dc_top.v or1200_ic_fsm.v or1200_ic_top.v

1.problem in BIU? (or1200_iwb_biu.v or1200_wb_biu.v)

2.problem in Cache FSM? (or1200_dc_fsm.v, or1200_dc_top.v, or1200_ic_fsm.v, or1200_ic_top.v)

fukuchi commented about 15 years ago

1.problem in BIU? (or1200_iwb_biu.v or1200_wb_biu.v)

<pre> ----or1200_iwb_biu.v //Added ~repeated_access_ack `ifdef OR1200_NO_BURSTS //wb_cyc_o <= #1 biu_cyc_i & ~wb_ack_i & ~retry & ~repeated_access | aborted & ~wb_ack_i; wb_cyc_o <= #1 biu_cyc_i & ~wb_ack_i & ~retry & ~repeated_access & ~repeated_access_ack | aborted & ~wb_ack_i; `else //wb_cyc_o <= #1 biu_cyc_i & ~wb_ack_i & ~retry & ~repeated_access | biu_cab_i | aborted & ~wb_ack_i; wb_cyc_o <= #1 biu_cyc_i & ~wb_ack_i & ~retry & ~repeated_access & ~repeated_access_ack | biu_cab_i | aborted & ~wb_ack_i; `endif //wb_stb_o <= #1 (biu_cyc_i & biu_stb_i) & ~wb_ack_i & ~retry & ~repeated_access | aborted & ~wb_ack_i; wb_stb_o <= #1 (biu_cyc_i & biu_stb_i) & ~wb_ack_i & ~retry & ~repeated_access & ~repeated_access_ack | aborted & ~wb_ack_i; //Select aborted // wb_sel_o <= #1 biu_sel_i; wb_sel_o <= #1 (aborted) ? wb_sel_o: biu_sel_i; // wb_cab_o <= #1 biu_cab_i; wb_cab_o <= #1 (aborted) ? wb_cab_o: biu_cab_i; ----or1200_wb_biu.v //Select aborted // wb_sel_o <= #1 biu_sel_i; wb_sel_o <= #1 (aborted) ? wb_sel_o: biu_sel_i; // wb_cab_o <= #1 biu_cab_i; wb_cab_o <= #1 (aborted) ? wb_cab_o: biu_cab_i; </pre>
fukuchi commented about 15 years ago

2.problem in Cache FSM ?(or1200_dc_fsm.v,or1200_dc_top.v,or1200_ic_fsm.v,or1200_ic_top.v)

<pre> ----or1200_dc_fsm.v //assign burst = ..... & !cache_inhibit assign burst = ..... & !cache_inhibit & !dcqmem_ci_i </pre>
fukuchi commented about 15 years ago

can not post....why?..this is test.

fukuchi commented about 15 years ago

2.problem in Cache FSM? (or1200_dc_fsm.v,or1200_dc_top.v,or1200_ic_fsm.v,or1200_ic_top.v)

<pre> ----or1200_dc_fsm.v //assign burst = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOAD) & tagcomp_miss & !cache_inhibit assign burst = (state == `OR1200_DCFSM_CLOAD) & tagcomp_miss & !cache_inhibit & !dcqmem_ci_i ----or1200_dc_top.v //assign dcsb_sel_o = (dc_en & dcfsm_biu_read & !dcfsm_biu_write & !dcqmem_ci_i) ? ___1111 : dcqmem_sel_i; assign dcsb_sel_o = (dc_en & dcfsm_biu_read & !dcfsm_biu_write & dcfsm_burst) ? ___1111 : dcqmem_sel_i; ----or1200_ic_fsm.v //assign burst = (state == `OR1200_ICFSM_CFETCH) & tagcomp_miss & !cache_inhibit assign burst = (state == `OR1200_ICFSM_CFETCH) & tagcomp_miss & !cache_inhibit & !icqmem_ci_i ----or1200_ic_top.v //assign icbiu_sel_o = (ic_en & icfsm_biu_read) ? ___1111 : icqmem_sel_i; assign icbiu_sel_o = (ic_en & icfsm_biu_read & icfsm_burst) ? ___1111 : icqmem_sel_i; </pre>
fukuchi commented about 15 years ago

done :) The cause is quote(4_b1111).

ocadmin commented over 13 years ago

Fixed this in the OpenRISC v3.

ocadmin closed this over 13 years ago

No one