
10_100_1000 Mbps tri-mode ethernet MAC

Issue List
Compiler complains about a comma just in front of a rount bracket #1
Closed ocghost opened this issue about 18 years ago
ocghost commented about 18 years ago

1.) The core has probably some syntax errors (with Quartus II) e.g.:

-----xxxx snip xxxx------- file MAC-tx.v //MAC_rx_flow , input 15:0 pause_quanta , input pause_quanta_val , ); //** //internal signals //**

Q2V6.0 SP1 reports:

Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at MAC_tx.v(90) near text ")"; expecting an identifier, or "input", or "output", or "inout", or "(*" -----xxxx snip xxxx------- file MAC-tx.v

The comma just before the round bracket is for some Verilog compilers a syntax error (QuartusII ...)


in MAC_rx.v compiler reports:

Error (10001): Verilog HDL or VHDL error at MAC_rx.v(106): object pause_quanta declared in a list of port declarations cannot be redeclared within the module body

Error (10001): Verilog HDL or VHDL error at MAC_rx.v(107): object pause_quanta_val declared in a list of port declarations cannot be redeclared within the module body

----- snip ------ output 15:0 pause_quanta ,
output pause_quanta_val ,
----- snip ------ wire 15:0 pause_quanta ;
wire pause_quanta_val ; ----- snip ------ These signals exist as "output" and "wire" (redeclared...), QuartusII does not like it!

Maybe other compilers are more tolerant?? A fix in that direction would be nice.

KInd regards Frank

pikerw commented about 18 years ago

The Xilinx WebPack 8.2 produces similar errors.

rodlerf commented almost 18 years ago

The fix of 17.11.2006 should cover this problem. Problem report can be closed. Regards Frank.

maverickist closed this about 16 years ago

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