
ao68000 - Wishbone 68000 core

Issue List
Bus error during instruction fetch #5
Open atmhw opened this issue over 12 years ago
atmhw commented over 12 years ago

It seems to me ao68000 macro does not perform correct procedure in response to bus error event durung instruction fetch (for example when execution jump to unmapped memory region....). I expect stack pointer push and jump to exception vector but instead I see a retry access to the same location e a subsequent halt of core (double excetpion..)

alfik commented over 12 years ago

Thank you for your post.

I agree that there might be a bug in that part of code, because these kind of bus transactions were not tested.

I will have a look at this problem (and try to fix it) in a few months, when I have some time to spare.

Cheers, Aleksander Osman.

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