
* Avalon AES ECB-Core (128, 192, 256 Bit)

Issue List
Missing util_lib #3
Closed hdl_janitor opened this issue over 15 years ago
hdl_janitor commented over 15 years ago

I investigated building this design using Quartus, but ran into an error during synthesis. The file keygenerate.vhd lists use of a package in the util_lib, but I wasn't able to find it within the file set. I attempted to temporarily comment out that use declaration and the next error received related to not having a definition for the sboxM4K. Potentially, that util_lib defines the sboxM4K?

ruschi commented over 15 years ago

Hi finally the bugtracker bug is fixed so I can comment on your problem. 1st) You are absolutely right. There is no util_lib and also no util_pkg. This is some legacy code. Before I generated the opencores project the core depended on my "utility library" where all types like DWORD are defined. After developing keyexpansionV2 I did not use keygenerate anymore, it is the old version only capable of expanding 128 Bit keys but this is done quite fast (11 clockcycles)

As a solution I recommend either not to use keygenerate.vhd in the quartus project or just comment out the inclusion lines

--- library util_lib; --- use util_lib.util_pkg.all;

I will fix that when I have the time. Thanks for the bugtracking!

ruschi was assigned over 15 years ago
ruschi closed this about 15 years ago
