I have downloaded reference design b17_test_environment to test your project. But It needs two more files that are not available in the design. These are rs232rx and rs232tx. I coulnd't find these modules. So I couldn't implement it with Xilinx ISE 6.2i tool. Do you know where I can obtain these modules ?
Thanks for taking an interest in the binary_to_bcd project. The modules "rs232rx" and "rs232tx" which you are looking for are, in fact, contained within the file "serial.v" Several different modules are contained in that one file, all of which are related to the serial interface. I realize that this is a deprecated practice, but in my early days of HDL coding, this is how I did it, and I never re-arranged the modules to separate them into unique files. Hopefully you will be able to implement the system in the Xilinx tool. If it is absolutely necessary, you can cut the "serial.v" file into separate files.
Good luck!
John Clayton Project maintainer
Objects that you are looking for are usually in front of your eyes. :)
Thanks a lot John.
rs232rx and rs232tx are both contained in the source file "serial.v" which IS present in the b17_test_environment .zip file. It seems I had decided to "package" these two modules together into a single file. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused... Since there is really no issue, I'm closing this bugtracker item.