Issue List
USB 1394 adaptor/bridge #2
Closed adamh opened this issue about 22 years ago
adamh commented about 22 years ago

I just purchaced an Apple iPod. It has a very nice high speed 1394 connection. The problem is not all the computers I use (work, various friends, etc.) have a 1394 card. I am unable to install the required card in all of them. In cases like these a 1394 adaptor for USB would be nice.

zhang2000 commented almost 12 years ago

Type your text here

l33tbunni commented almost 12 years ago

Thank you for your interest. I am not progressing work on this opencore, I am merely holding it until someone else decides to step up. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Please note that commercial usb to firewire adapters already exist and are usually under $10. I am closing this bug as USB is not a focus of this project.

l33tbunni closed this almost 12 years ago
gduncan commented almost 10 years ago

Bahnsen, Kris said: "Please note that commercial usb to firewire adapters already exist and are usually under $10."

Where exactly? I've never seen nor heard of such a thing. Searching for such a device has proven fruitless.

l33tbunni commented almost 10 years ago

It depends on what you want to do with it. Inherently, the two protocols are pretty much completely incompatible. However, there are some situations (I don't know exactly what) where a converter will work, and usually, they are pretty cheap. Some quick googling revealed a few adapters that seemed to be functional for mass storage but not for streaming, which is one of the advantages that firewire has over USB.

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