
Fixed Point Arithmetic Modules

Issue List
bug & solution #3
Open shairva opened this issue over 6 years ago
shairva commented over 6 years ago

ERROR:HDLCompiler:1401 - "C:...\matrix_multiplication\qmult.v" Line 54: Signal r_result30 in unit qmult(Q=8,N=16) is connected to following multiple drivers:

Error found using Xilinx ISE 14.7.

The problem is that you are assigning a value to ovr in two different always blocks.

My solution:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 11:21:14 08/24/2011 // Design Name: // Module Name: q15_mult // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module qmult #( //Parameterized values parameter Q = 15, parameter N = 32 ) ( input N-1:0 i_multiplicand, input N-1:0 i_multiplier, output N-1:0 o_result, output reg ovr );

 //	The underlying assumption, here, is that both fixed-point values are of the same length (N,Q)
 //		Because of this, the results will be of length N+N = 2N bits....
 //		This also simplifies the hand-back of results, as the binimal point 
 //		will always be in the same location...

reg [2*N-1:0]	r_result;		//	Multiplication by 2 values of N bits requires a 
										//		register that is N+N = 2N deep...
reg [N-1:0]		r_RetVal;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign o_result = r_RetVal; // Only handing back the same number of bits as we received... // with fixed point in same location...


initial begin 

always @(i_multiplicand, i_multiplier)	begin						//	Do the multiply any time the inputs change
	r_result <= i_multiplicand[N-2:0] * i_multiplier[N-2:0];	//	Removing the sign bits from the multiply - that 
																				//		would introduce *big* errors	
	//ovr <= 1'b0;															//	reset overflow flag to zero

	//	This always block will throw a warning, as it uses a & b, but only acts on changes in result...
always @(r_result) begin													//	Any time the result changes, we need to recompute the sign bit,
	r_RetVal[N-1] <= i_multiplicand[N-1] ^ i_multiplier[N-1];	//		which is the XOR of the input sign bits...  (you do the truth table...)
	r_RetVal[N-2:0] <= r_result[N-2+Q:Q];								//	And we also need to push the proper N bits of result up to 
																					//		the calling entity...
	if (r_result[2*N-2:N-1+Q] > 0)										// And finally, we need to check for an overflow
		ovr <= 1'b1;
		else ovr <= 1'b0;


shairva commented over 6 years ago

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