
GECKO4 SoC co-design environment

Issue List
Programming GECKO4Main FPGA via usbtmc fails #3
Open ktt1 opened this issue almost 14 years ago
ktt1 commented almost 14 years ago
ktt1 commented almost 14 years ago

The command to program the GECKO4Main userFPGA directly via USB is "FPGA_<bitfile>". This command fails, if an inconsistent bitfile is located in the GECKO4com non-volatile

memory during power-on.

At the moment, this problem can be solved as follows:

  1. Erase the GECKO4com non-volatile memory using the "ERASE" command

  2. Power off the GECKO4 Module

  3. Power on the GECKO4 Module

  4. Run the "FPGA_<bitfile>" command

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