the svn co doesn't give a complete project
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When you click on "Download" you'll get a file called "graphicsaccelerator_latest.tar.gz , extract it .. In the Trunk Folder, you'll Find a file called "LineFPGA.xise" .. This file is a Xilinx ISE WebPack Project .. It contains all the project files .. If you don't use Xilinx .. you'll Just find the VHDL code in the following files :
VGA_Top.vhd -> Top Level Module
The main job is done here : FrameBuffer2.vhd -> For Storing the image Synchronizer.vhd -> For interfacing the Screen Bresenhamer.vhd -> For Drawing the Line
Other add-ons: Debouncer.vhd -> Debounce the button clicks Pointer.vhd -> Deals with the pointer that decides the points where a line will be drawn FreqDiv.vhd -> Divides Clk Frequency