Issue List
Missing Library #18
Closed cbeguet opened this issue about 15 years ago
cbeguet commented about 15 years ago

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; is missing in i2c_master_top.vhd, therefore unsigned type is not recognized.

vtjnash commented about 13 years ago

should be "use ieee.numeric_std.all;". it's also wrong in i2c_master_byte_ctrl, breaking some compilers/simulators (Xilinx)

rherveille commented about 13 years ago

Not really a bug, just outdated coding style. Instead of 'unsigned' nowadays std_logic_vector is used anyways.

rherveille closed this about 13 years ago
efindav commented about 13 years ago

better use ieee.numeric_std instead of ieee.std_logi_arith. The former grants coherent simulation/implementation behaviour among different vendors

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