
Memory mapped LCD Controller (KS0073)

Issue List
comments #1
Open paolo.cusinu opened this issue about 14 years ago
paolo.cusinu commented about 14 years ago

Hi, just as a suggestion you should consider:

  • changing RST -> RSTN or whatever... as a remainder that the rst is active low. this is really abc of electronics...

  • next time you should add a version number so that someone is sure to have the latest version

  • when developing, please add some comments and/or spec... even few words go a long way :)

  • only testbench I found was in the backup directory not in the official one, as stated in the summary page.

  • you should put as constants the commands needed to newline, instead of (lcd1.v):

    lcd_data_int <= "0010100000"; -- lcd_data_int <= go_to_line2;

  • I have not checked the KS0073 spec yet... will do!

  • the figure you stated in the summary page is not found, I guess you left your job at the TU Chemnitz

Anyways, good job and nice description style... and thanks for your time+effort.

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