
Manchester to UART converter

Issue List
Is clock_timer big enough? #1
Closed julianday opened this issue about 15 years ago
julianday commented about 15 years ago


I'm new to VHDL, so I could be off track here, but when I see: signal clock_timer : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); followed by: if clock_timer /= 108 then

alarm bells start ringing, because 108 (16#6C#) requires 7 bits, not 6. I can't believe that this is really what is happening, since otherwise the else clause where the real business is happening would never be executed.



kenneth commented over 6 years ago

Thank you for your reporting. That bug already fixed but no update here, sorry.

kenneth commented over 6 years ago

Please change 108(b1101100) to 44 (b101100).

The "clock_timer" just get from mcu's clock and to gen slower clock "timer". the MSB of 108 is not in use.

kenneth closed this over 6 years ago

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