Issue List
Fixing the bug in HeaderRam.v #4
Open khaleghian opened this issue almost 14 years ago
khaleghian commented almost 14 years ago

-- The HeaderRam.v file has error -- this vhdl file fixes the probloem -- the error is in position of assignment of read_addr <= raddr; -- HeaderRam.vhd Khaleghian 8 Nov 2010

library ieee; library work; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.all; entity HeaderRam is port ( d : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); waddr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0); raddr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0); we : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) ); end HeaderRam;

architecture syn of HeaderRam is type ram_type is array (1023 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal RAM : ram_type; signal read_addr: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0); begin q <= RAM(conv_integer(read_addr)) ; process (clk) begin if clk'event and clk = '1' then if we='1' then RAM(conv_integer(waddr)) <= d; end if; read_addr <= raddr; end if; end process; end syn;

mikel262 commented almost 14 years ago

this is not an error...

"read_addr <= raddr;" assignment will execute uncoditionally which is perfectly fine.

In Verilog if(a) b <= c; d <= e;

only b<=c will be conditonally executed (if(a)).

khaleghian commented almost 14 years ago

Dear Krepa, Michal, You are right. Because my simulator can't simulate Vhdl & Verilog files simultaneously, I changed the verilog code to vhdl. I had a mistake in this change. Any way, If someone has problem with a verilog file inside a vhld project can use vhdl version of this file. Thanks a lot for your Jpeg encoder.

mikel262 commented almost 14 years ago


I will include your VHDL in project

Thanks Michal

khaleghian commented almost 14 years ago

So, Please change these: In file:

vcom ../design/jfifgen/HeaderRam.vhd

And In uncomment:

mem load -infile ../design/jfifgen/header.hex -format hex /JPEG_TB/U_JpegEnc/U_JFIFGen/U_Header_RAM


khaleghian commented almost 14 years ago

So, Please change these: In file:

vcom ../design/jfifgen/HeaderRam.vhd

And In uncomment:

mem load -infile ../design/jfifgen/header.hex -format hex /JPEG_TB/U_JpegEnc/U_JFIFGen/U_Header_RAM


khaleghian commented almost 14 years ago

So, Please change these: In file:

vcom ../design/jfifgen/HeaderRam.vhd

And In uncomment:

mem load -infile ../design/jfifgen/header.hex -format hex /JPEG_TB/U_JpegEnc/U_JFIFGen/U_Header_RAM


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