Issue List
printf function run not correct #1
Open andylgh opened this issue almost 13 years ago
andylgh commented almost 13 years ago

when I use the following test program?I find "printf("c=%d\n",c);" can run correct and printf "c=3",but "printf("Hello world!\n");" not printf the result "hello world":

char a,b; char c; a = 1; b = 2; c = a+b; printf("c=%d\n",c);//this have a problem

printf("Hello world!\n");

when I delete "printf("c=%d\n",c);",printf result is correct and printf the hello word

char a,b; char c; a = 1; b = 2; c = a+b; //printf("c=%d\n",c);//this have a problem printf("Hello world!\n");

SO i think the printf function have some problem?????

andylgh commented over 12 years ago

the author can you spend some time to solve the problem


ultra_embedded commented over 12 years ago

Please attach the program disassembly (output of mips-elf-objdump -S yourprogram.elf).

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