Issue List
Or1ksim GDB breakpoints do not work with instruction cache #112
Closed jeremybennett opened this issue over 14 years ago
jeremybennett commented over 14 years ago
<p> The GDB RSP handling of breakpoints does not work if the instruction cache is being used. When the breakpoint is cleared, the original instruction is written to memory. However it is not written through the cache, so a cached l.trap will still remain. </p> <p> Jeremy </p> <p> -- <br /> Tel: +44 (1590) 610184<br /> Cell: +44 (7970) 676050<br /> SkypeID: jeremybennett<br /> Email: <a href=""></a><br /> Web: <a href=""></a> </p>
jeremybennett was assigned over 14 years ago
jeremybennett commented over 14 years ago
<p> This is quite a deep problem in Or1ksim. It will take a while to get fixed. For now, avoid using the instruction cache when using GDB. </p>
jeremybennett commented over 14 years ago
<p> Fixed in SVN top of tree by invalidating the instruction cache when writing the soft breakpoint l.trap and restoring the instruction. </p> <p> Marking closed. </p> <p> Jeremy </p>
jeremybennett closed this over 14 years ago
